AMC GRAM PASSENGER TRAVEL INFORMATION 735th Air Mobility Squadron Joint Base (Under " Pea rl Harbor-H icka m Passenger Term i nal, Hawa ii http://www. 15wi mil/units/735thams/ Hickam Featured Links" select AM C Possenger Terminal-Trovel InJormotion Open 04001-22001 Daily (808) 449-6833 Passenger Service Center qJ!&d{ER (j4ot*Grts (808) 448-1s03 Passenger Service FAX Email: [email protected] AMC Travel lnfo: Facebook: I DSN: (315) 449-6833 DSN: (315) 448-1503 E TE + p* E \loha and welcome to the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Passenger Terminal, the Department of Defense's premier air passenger facility in :he Pacific. Air Mobility Command (AMC) wants your travel to be as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. The following information is rrovidedtoassistyouduringyourstay. lfyouhavequestionsorconcernsduringyourjourney,pleasecontactapassengerservice 'epresentative for assistance. We look forward to serving you now and in the future. Mahalo! Maria A. Moore-Mclendon, Lt Col, USAF Commander, 735th Air Mobility Squadron \lo-Smoking Policy: Smokinq and the use of smokeless tobocco products is prohibited on all DoD oircraft, Yon-ApparentDisabilities: Possengerswithnon-opporentdisabilitiesshouldodvisePossengerServiceAgentotcheck-in. Civilian Hotel Listine Hotel costs ronge from 555 to 5300 . Costs ore subject to availobility ond seosonal rotes. (808) 260-1200 Best Western Plaza Hotel: Hickam Billeting (Royal Alaka'i) 5 min Militarv Lodsins Listins 421-6113 (808) 440-2290 (808) 259-8080 (808) 839-2336 Ohana Airport Hotel: (808) Navy Lodging (Arizona Hall) 5 min Doubletree Alana Hotel Waikiki: 15 mrn Hilton Hawaiian Village: 15 min Ocean Resort Hotel Waikiki: Fort Shafter Lodging 15 min (808) 955-0555 Outrigger Hotels Military Hotline: L5 min Hale Koa Hotel (808) 254-2806 Sheraton Waikiki Hotels Hotline: 15 min Kaneohe Bay Lodging (808) 696-41s8 Waianae Army Recreation Center For additional militory Iodging informotion, pleose visit This does not constitute endorsement by Air Mobility Commond or the United Stotes Air Force Navy Lodging (Ford lsland) Bellows AFS Cottage/Cabin Rental Ground Transportation 233-3333 (808) 423-3344 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Pearl Harbor-Bldg 1786 (808) (1ooo- (808) 921-6888 (800) 32s-3s3s (0604National Note: :omnerciol toxi ond bus are neithet connected with nor endorsed by the DoD. 'chortey's"istheontytqxiauthorizedonodhumilitaryinstallations."TheBus"doerto, Hours: 0800-1800 7 days a week (8081 422-41,65 Hours: M-F 0900-1800, Sat 0900-1300, Sun-Closed (808) 834-5536 Honolulu Airport Airport Airport Airport Rent-A-car Rent-A-Car Dollar Rent-A-Car Rent-A-Car Honolulu Honolulu Honolulu ThriftyRent-A-Car Honolulu Airport Avis 848-5555 ius stop is in Jront oJ the terminol; Departs every 40 minutes on weekdoys )700)andeveryhourontheweekends/Holidoys(0642-0L10). (808) 949-4321 (808) 922-3861 from SIS - iqO. (808) lus stop is in front of the terminal; Departs 15 past the hour, Daily 1110). Last bus departs Hickam at 201s. 'The Bus" Service: 1 way at 52.50 (808)941-727s Civilian Car Rental Agencies Taxi Fares ore Service: NEX Shuttle Bus: Complimentary 'CHARLEY'S" Taxi (808) 835-3636 (808) 836-0661 Budget (808) 835-1700 (866) 434-2226 (808) 834-6350 (808) 833-2277 tllow boggoge (only smoll hond carried items). For additional Tronsportation Listings, pleose contoct the Possenger Service Center Jor sepdrdte listings. This does not constitute endorsement by Air Mobility Commond or the United States Air Force Quick Reference Telephone Numbers \merican Red Cross \m. Red Cross (After Hours) (808) 449-0166 Officer's Club (808) 448-4608 (871) 272-7337 Tradewinds Enlisted Club (808) 449-1168 \ir Force Family Services (808) 449-0300 Dining Hall (808) 449-1666 lase Exchange (BX) (808) 423-1304 Post Office (808) 422-643s ]ase Locator (808r' 448-2626 Pearl Harbor Travel lase Operator (808) 449-7110 Cl TRAVEL lhaplain Services (8O8) -aw Enforcement Desk (8O8) 474-67s4 USO - Hickam AFB Passenger Terminal (808) 448-9966 /isitor Center Main Gate (8081 448-2237 USO - Honolulu (808) 836-33s1 {avy Quarter Deck Pearl Harbor (8O8) 473-1222 Aloha Airport Delivery Vledical Clinic Hickam (808) 448-6120 (Temp Boggoge Storage) www.aloh aairportdel /et Clinic Hickam (808) 449-6481 449-r7s4 (8081 422-9444 After-Hours Emergency Support Sam Choy's Grill Restaurant IAP (866) s76-463s (8081 422-3OO2 (808) 372-s411 Note: This does not constitute endorsement by Air Mobility Commqnd or the United Stotes Air Force \MC FORM 76 lnformation Current as of 26 January 201-5 (r(t(t(t(r(r(rN)N)NN)NN)N)N)NN(O@-{O)('S(rN)r 9,91Sr:"N.'9I90 )' I !n I (' oN.'9 b i h; ;:,i g g s 6 E _i *3: g F 3 e+ p g qd {Esss q = &-=1 + a = r 6 1d=1? = 1 n gr ;b' ? o fl 6 ; :t - E ilo o r 6 \': 6 R + ? ro'to2 2 0= A - + A 3: 9 5 s'dl- :q E + b' B + If.EE X P 11o.g = = = =T 3 ---:o!'€oo! 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