Ayoub R. Aldalou. et al. / Journal of Science / Vol 4 / Issue 3 / 2014 / 162-169. e ISSN 2277 - 3290 Print ISSN 2277 - 3282 Journal of Science Chemistry www.journalofscience.net IMPACT OF GIVING SILDENAFIL (VIAGRA) / TRAMADOL (TRAMAL) COMBINATION ON THE BLOOD OF DOMESTIC RABBITS Ayoub R. Aldalou*1, Ismail Abdel-Aziz2, Osama Shahwan3 1* Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Al-Aqsa University, Gaza –Palestine. 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Islamic University of Gaza – Palestine. 3 Al Manar Lab – Khanyounis, Gaza Strip – Palestine. ABSTRACT Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) is indicated for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, while Tramadol HCl (Tramal) is given in premature ejaculation performance in men. In Gaza Strip it is widely used to take these two drugs "in combination" for the previous purposes. The present work was conducted to assess the hematological and biochemical toxicity profiles of sildenafil & tramadol on domestic rabbits. Sixteen rabbits were randomly divided into two groups, the first one (10 rabbits) was given 1ml saline intramuscularly and kept as a control. The second group (6 rabbits) received 25 doses of sildenafil at a dose of 1.40 mg / kg b.wt. orally once/day and tramadol at a dose of 4 mg / kg b.wt. i. m. once/day for 25 days. It was found that administration of sildenafil and tramadol at these doses increased serum cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, urea and uric acid values. Activities of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were also increased following sildenafil & tramadol treatment to rabbits for 25 days. Moreover there was a significant decrease in serum total protein, albumin and globulin levels. Concerning hematological parameters, the more obvious changes were observed in the increment of white blood cells (WBCs), MCV and MCH and MCHC values. The decrease in hematocrit, hemoglobin (Hb), red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets (PLT) counts in response to the administration of the two drugs. Keywords: Tramadol, Sildenafil, Rabbits, Blood indices. INTRODUCTION Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) is the first oral pharmacological agent used to treat erectile dysfunction in men [1].It is a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase5 (PDE-5), an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of a potent smooth muscle relaxing agent cGMP. Sildenfil has been shown to enhance nitric oxide (NO)-driven cGMP accumulation in the corpus cavernosum of rabbits without affecting cAMP formation. In the absence of NO drive, sildenafil had no functional effect on the human and rabbit isolated corpus cavernosum but potentiated the relaxant effects of NO on these tissues [2]. Also, it has been shown that sildenafil causes mild to moderate decreases in systolic and diastolic pressure because of the inhibition of PDE-5 in smooth muscles in the vascular bed [3]. Because this drug has a vasodilatory effect, it was hypothesized that such an action may induce a preconditioning-like cardioprotective effect via opening of mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K (KATP) channels. Similar acute and delayed cardioprotective effects were observed when sildenafil was administered orally in rabbits. Systemic hemodynamics also decreased after oral administration of the drug. However, these changes were mild and occurred slowly [4]. Sildenafil had no effect per se onplatelet aggregationinduced by a range of aggregatory agents, but consistent with inhibition of PDE5, sildenafil potentiated the antiaggregatory and Corresponding Author:-Ayoub R. Aldalou Email:[email protected] 162 Ayoub R. Aldalou. et al. / Journal of Science / Vol 4 / Issue 3 / 2014 / 162-169. disaggregatory actions of SNP both in vitro and ex vivo. The consequences of this antiplatelet action have been investigated. There was a trend to increased bleeding time in rat (60% increase not statistically significant, after 0.3 mg/kg i.v.) and bleeding time prolongation was seen in rabbits (129% increase for a dose of 1 mg/kg i.v.) [5]. These doses are equivalent to 18.5-25 and 61.7- 83.6 times, respectively, the effective dose on corpus cavernosum pressure in anaesthetised dogs. Several studies have been conducted to study the haemodynamic activity of sildenafil in different animal species (rabbit, dog, rat, cat). These studies have demonstrated that sildenafil has vasodilator properties which can, at higher doses, be associated with reductions in blood pressure and accompanied by an indirect increase in heart rate. These pharmacological properties are consistent with facial flushing and headache reported as adverse events in clinical studies[3]. However, these data did not show consistent or dose-related systemic haemodynamic effects of sildenafil at plasma concentrations up to 25-fold higher than those active on the corpus cavernosum. Repeated dose toxicity of sildenafil after oral administration was studied in mice (up to 3 months), rat (up to 6 months) and dog (up to 12 months). In repeated dose studies in rat and dog, doses were limited by isolated deaths at 200 mg/kg in rats and by gastric intolerance in dogs at 80 mg/kg. There was no evidence of long term toxicity to the retina [6]. The main effects in rat were adaptive liver changes (associated with thyroid follicular hypertrophy). In dog, heart rate was moderately increased in all studies, with no consistent changes in blood pressure. In chronic dog studies, 50 mg/kg was associated with Idiopathic Juvenile Arteritis, a syndrome thought to be an expression of latent disease precipitated by stress, rather than a direct toxic effect of the compound. No adverse effect levels in the rat and dog were 60 mg/kg and 15 mg/kg given respectively. Toxicity to reproduction was studied in rats and rabbits. Overall, sildenafil had no adverse effects on fertility and has no teratogenic potential [4]. Yildizet al., 2011, found that administration of low dose sildenafil led to significantly increase in the levels of RBC GSH, plasma paraoxonase, nitric oxide (NO) and blood lymphocyte counts, but to decreases in the levels of MDA in plasma and RBC, blood mean corpuscular volume and eosinophil counts. Treatment with high dose sildenafil caused a significantly increase in PON1, vitamin E and βcarotene in plasma, levels of GSH in RBC and blood lymphocyte counts. On the other hand, their results showed that high dose sildenafil significantly decreased plasma RBC and MDA levels.Since sildenafil was shown to potentiate the hypotensive effects of nitrates, it was found that its co-administration with nitric oxide donors (such as amyl nitrite) or nitrates in any form is therefore contra-indicated [6]. Several special patient groups (severe hepatic impairment, hypotension (blood pressure <90/50 mmHg), recent history of stroke or myocardial infarction and known hereditary degenerative retinal disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa) and those for whom sexual activity is inadvisable (e.g. patients with severe cardiovascular disorders such as unstable angina or severe cardiac failure) have been contra-indicated. The proposed starting dose of 25 mg sildenafil should be considered for those with severe renal impairment, hepatic impairment and those taking concomitant CYP3A4 inhibitors including HIV protease inhibitors, since sildenafil clearance is reduced in these populations. Co-administration of sildenafil and ritonavir is not advised, but if considered necessary, a maximum sildenafil dose of 25 mg once every 48 hours should not be exceeded. In order to minimise the potential for developing postural hypotension, patients should be stable on alpha-blocker therapy prior to initiating sildenafil treatment. In addition, initiation of sildenafil at a dose of 25 mg should be considered [6-7]. Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic agent with activity at μ-opioid, adrenergic and 5hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors. Its analgesic effect is a result of its dual mechanism of action, that is, as a reuptake inhibitor of norepinephrine and serotonin and agonist of the μ-opioid receptor [8]. Tramadol has been in clinical use for the relief of mild to moderate pain in human and veterinary medicine [9]. Tramadol is also used perioperatively in veterinary anesthesia as it significantly reduces the requirements of volatile anesthetics and opioid agents [10-11]. Although tramadol has relatively effective analgesic effects, a higher tramadol infusion rate was needed to reduce sevoflurane requirements in dogs [10]. Furthermore, recent results showed that tramadol exhibits different metabolic rates between species: tramadol is metabolized quickly to inactive metabolites in goats, horses and dogs [12], in contrast with cats and camels [13]. Tramadol has a dose- dependent analgesic efficacy that lies between that of codeine and morphine, with a parenteral potency comparable to that of pethidine, i.e. about 10- 20 % of the standard morphine [14]. Tramadol is also thought to have some NMDAtype antagonist effects, which has given it a potential application in neuropathic pain states [15]. Increasing serotonin and norepinephrine may also reduce inflammatory cytokines which are released by the brain in response to stress. The inflammatory cytokines would have slowed down recovery from a workout or illness impairing one's immune system and healing, thus tramadol may have an anti-inflammatory effect [16]. Tamadol carries all possible risks known from other opiates [17-18]. Side effects include dizziness, headache, somnolence, nausea, constipation, sweating, pruritus, and central nervous system stimulation [19-20]. Tramadol causes respiratory depression, although usually weaker than that seen with other opiates and opioids [21]. 163 Ayoub R. Aldalou. et al. / Journal of Science / Vol 4 / Issue 3 / 2014 / 162-169. The proposed study is interested to investigate the hematological and biochemical effects of sildenafil and tramadol combination in domestic rabbits. The hematological and biochemical toxicity profiles of tramadol during therapeutic use were studied by Elyazji et al., in which they found that changes of the blood indices were very clear during long term therapy specially in large doses. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental animals and dosing The used adult rabbits in the present study were weighting 1000-1500g. They were purchased from local markets. Rabbits were left in the animals house for 1 week before experimentation to adapt to laboratory condition. They were kept in plastic cages with wire mesh covers and maintained under the following conditions: temperature (20ºC– 21ºC), relative humidity (40% - 60%) and a light /dark cycle of 14 and 10 hours. The cages were freshly spread by wood saw to absorb urine of animals. Rabbits were given free access to commercial balanced diet and watered libitum all over the experimental period. Animals were divide into two groups, as follows : the first group was comprised 10 rabbits and given 1 ml saline orally and kept as a control. The second group (6 rabbits) received 25 doses of sildenafil at a dose of 1.40 mg / kg b.wt. orally once/day and tramadol at a dose of 4 mg / kg b.wt. i. m. once/day for 25 days. All chemicals used were of analytical grade and were procured from Sigma Chemical Company Germany. Sildenafil and tramadol tablets were purchased from Gaza local pharmacies. Blood sampling and processing Control and treated rabbits were decapitated at the end of 25 days respectively. Blood was collected in dry centrifuge tubes. Sera were separated and kept at 20ºC until analysis. However, determinations of enzyme activities were carried out on fresh serum samples, On the other hand, about 2 mL of blood samples were collected in a tube containing dipotasium ethylene diamine tetra acetate (EDTA) for the hematological tests. Measurement of biochemical blood indices Serum glucose, triglycerides and total cholesterol were determined using the method described by Trinder (1969). Serum urea measurement was based on the cleavage of urea with urease ( Berthelot's reaction) according to Faweett and Scott (1960), serum uric acid was determined following the method described by Fossati et al., 1982. Serum creatinine was measured without protein precipitation according to Bartels et al., 1972 , serum total protein was determined according to Biuret reaction ass designed by Armstrong and Carr, 1964. The kits were purchased from Biotech laboratories, UK. Serum albumin was determined using RANDOX reagent kits, following their instruction manual according to the method of Doumas et al., 1971. The concentrations of globulins (g/dL) were equal to total protein – albumin. The activities of serum AST and ALT were determined according to the method of Gloiser and Mager, 1972. The measurement of serum ALP and bilirubin activity was based on the method of Bessey et al., 1946 and Perry and his colleagues 1983. Hematological parameters Determination of hematological parameters was carried out using an 18 automated parameter hematology analyzer. ABX Micros 60 from Horiba ABX. France. Data analysis Data were computer analyzed using SPSS version 13.0 for windows (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences lnc. Chicago, Illinois, USA). Means were compared by independent-samples test followed by Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT), p<0.05 were considered as significant. Percentage change was also calculated. RESULTS Table1 was shown serum glucose and lipid profile mean values of rabbits affected by the combination of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day). The data revealed that administration of this combination doses for 25 days significantly increase serum glucose level by 20.01% compared to the control level. Cholesterol and triglycerides were increased in a highly significant values by the treatment of these two drugs to be 14.97% and 44.04% respectively. Data in Table (2) showed that administration of the combination of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) for 25 days increased urea in a non- significant value by 8.44%. Uric acid and creatinine concentration were highly significantly increased (p< 0.01) by 50.61% and 18.58% at 25 doses respectively. Table (3) summarized the results after administration of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) for 25 days. The combination was increase the levels of ALP, ALT and AST at 5.80%, 3.08% and 1.78% respectively compared to control level. However, it was found that giving the combination at 25 doses was highly significant decreased (p< 0.01) serum albumin concentration by -17.06 % , while serum total protein and globulin concentrations were decreased nonsignificantly by -9.89 % and -3.19 % at the same doses compared to control level . The data in (table 4) represent blood indices in rabbits after administration of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) for 25 days. The more obvious changes resulted from the administration of the combination were a highly significant increase in WBC count, MCV and MCH by 19.21% , 48.92% and 53.32% respectively at 25 doses respectively. 164 Ayoub R. Aldalou. et al. / Journal of Science / Vol 4 / Issue 3 / 2014 / 162-169. Table 1.Effect of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) administration on glucose and lipid profile of rabbits Experimental period Parameters Controln=10 Treated(25 doses)n=6 108.37±0.30 Glucose (mg/dl) 90.32±0.37 20.01 % change P <0.01 P value 230.16± 0.42 Cholesterol (mg/dl) 200.20±0.39 14.97 % change P < 0.01 P value 152.19±0.36 Triglycerides (mg/dl) 105.66±0.60 44.04 % change P < 0.01 P value All values were expressed as mean ± S.E; P<0.05 significant; P<0.01 highly significant. Table 2. Effect of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) administration on urea uric acid and creatinine of rabbits Experimental period Treated(25 doses)n=6 35.96 ± 0.30 Urea (mg/dl) 33.16±0.69 8.44 % change P > 0.05 P value 6.19± 0.18 Uric acid (mg/dl) 4.11±0.19 50.61 % change P < 0.01 P value 1.15±0.04 Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.97±0.03 18.56 % change P < 0.01 P value All values were expressed as mean ± S.E; P<0.05 significant; P<0.01 highly significant parameters Controln=10 Table 3. Effect of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) administration on enzymes activities and protein profile of rabbits Experimental period parameters Control n=10 ALP (U/L) 48.10±0.27 % change P value ALT (U/L) 34.10±0.24 % change P value AST (U/L) 28.70±0.25 % change P value Total Protein 7.89±0.28 % change P value Albumin 3.81±0.13 % change P value Globulin 4.08±0.10 % change P value All values were expressed as mean ± S.E; P<0.05 significant; P<0.01 highly significant Treated (25 doses) n=6 50.89± 0.13 5.80 P > 0.05 35.15± 0.20 3.08 P > 0.05 29.21±0.22 1.78 P > 0.05 7.11±0.16 -9.89 P > 0.05 3.16±0.14 -17.06 P < 0.01 3.95±0.11 -3.19 P > 0.05 165 Ayoub R. Aldalou. et al. / Journal of Science / Vol 4 / Issue 3 / 2014 / 162-169. Data also reveal that there were a highly significant decreases in RBC count, hematocrit and platelets by - 44.64% , -17.55% and -45.62% respectively. It was found that there was a significant decrease in hemoglobin by -15.13% and a non-significant increase of MCHC value by 2.94% at 25 doses compared to control levels. Table 4. Effect of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) administration on total blood counts of rabbits Experimental period parameters Control n=10 7.55±0.20 WBC count (x103cell/ul) % change P value 5.60±0.19 RBC count (x106 cell/ul) % change P value 11.90±0.16 Hb (g/dl) % change P value 37.60±0.22 Hematocrit (%) % change P value 67.15±0.18 MCV (fi) % change P value 21.25±0.17 MCH (pg) % change P value 31.65±0.13 MCHC (g/dl) % change P value 388.0±26.69 Platelets(x103 cell/ul) % change P value All values were expressed as mean±S.E; P<0.05 significant; P<0.01 highly significan DISCUSSION Sildenafil citrate (Viagra) is currently one of the approved oral drug for treatment of erectile dysfunction ,while Tramadol HCl (Tramal) is given in premature ejaculation performance in men. In Gaza Strip it is widely used to take these two drugs "in combination" for the previous purposes. However, little is known about the beneficial or side effects of these two drugs when administered together. We report here our observation about changing in hematological and biochemical toxicity profiles of sildenafil & tramadol on domestic rabbits. In comparison with the respective control rabbits, there was a general increase in serum glucose levels in rabbits in response to administration of sildenafil (1.40 mg/kg/day) and tramadol (4 mg/kg day) for 25 days. It wasfound that sildenafil/tramadol may indirectly, increases the glycogen content of the hepatocytes and impaires ATP synthesis by the mitochondria . Sildenafil has been shown Treated (25 doses) n=6 9.00±0.22 19.21 P <0.01 3.10±0.18 -44.64 P <0.01 10.10±0.19 -15.13 P <0.05 31.0±0.17 -17.55 P <0.01 100.05±0.16 48.92 P <0.01 32.58±0.15 53.32 P <0.01 32.58±0.14 2.94 P >0.05 211.0±30.31 -45.62 P <0.01 to enhance nitric oxide (NO)-driven cGMP accumulation in the corpus cavernosum of rabbits without affecting cAMP formation. Nitric oxide increases glucose uptake through a mechanism that is distinct from the insulin and contraction pathways. Cholesterol and triglycerides were increased in a highly significant values in response to treatment by sildenafil/tramadol administration drugs; take place in the liver due to imbalance between the normal rabbits of lipid synthesis, utilization and secretion. The possible explanation of these observed increment may be reside on the action of sildenafil/tramadol combination on lipid metabolism or lipid peroxidation. It is well known that the central role of liver and kidney in drug metabolism predisposes them to toxic injury. Every drug has been associated with hepatotoxicity almost certainly due to the pivotal role of the liver in drug metabolism. Hepatic metabolism is, first and foremost, a mechanism that converts drugs and other compounds into products that are more easily excreted and that usually 166 Ayoub R. Aldalou. et al. / Journal of Science / Vol 4 / Issue 3 / 2014 / 162-169. have a lower pharmacologic activity than the portent compound [22]. A metabolite may have higher activity and/or greater toxicity than the original drug. Metabolites of the drugs that are excreted from kidneys may also cause cellular damage leading to kidney dysfunction [23]. Urea is the principal end product of protein catabolism an accelerated amino acid deamination for gluconeogenesis is probably an acceptable postulate to interpret the elevated level of urea. The increment in blood urea, might be also due to the destruction of RBCs during the treatment. The presence of some toxic compounds might increase blood urea and decrease plasma protein [24]. on the other hand the elevation of blood urea might suggest that animals experienced hemoconcentration due to mild dehydration. Moreover, the serum uric acid levels exhibited an increment in the treated rabbits for the experimental duration. This may be due to high degradation of purines or an increase of uric acid level by in ability of its excretion by urinary system [25]. Nevertheless arise in blood damaging of function nephrons and impaired renal function. On the other hand, current results indicated a significant increase in creatinine levels in rabbits received sildenafil/tramadol after 25 days treatment.These are in accordance with Atici et al. (2005) who reported an increase in BUN and creatinine levels in rats receiving morphine for a month [23]. In this study it was found that serum transaminases (AST&ALT) and ALP exhibited a non-significant increase in sildenafil/tramadol treated rabbits compared to the control. The liver enzymes are normally found in circulation in small amounts because of hepatic growth and repair. As a liver specific enzyme ALT only significantly elevated in hepatobiliary disease. Increase in AST level, however can occur in connection with damages of heart or skeletal muscle as well as of liver parenchyma. The liver and kidney are responsible for tramadol and sildenfil metabolism and excretion. It may cause hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity during its metabolism. Consequently, elevated ALT and AST activities observed in the current study in response to sildenafil/tramadol administration could be a common sign of impaired liver function.On the other hand, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) belongs to a group of enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphomonoesters at alkaline pH. ALP present in cell surface in most human tissues. The highest concentrations are found in the intestine, liver bone, spleen and kidney. The specific location of the enzyme with both sinusoidal and bile canalicular membranes accounts for the more predominant elevations in certain disorders as observed in the present study with tramadol administration.Impaired secretion of hepatic ALP of liver cell origin. Acute cell necrosis liberate ALP in the circulation and serum enzyme level is elevated. However, the activities of these enzymes were reduced after the recovery period. Results of the current investigation were in agreement with the findings given by Senay et al., (2003) who reported that the levels of ALT, AST, LDH and Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine were significantly higher in morphine grouped compared to the control group. The non-significant decreased on levels of total protein and globulin after sildenafil/tramadol treated rabbits could be attributed to an increase in amino acids deamination. This decrease in serum total protein may be due to lowered synthesis of albumen and globulin in the liver in response to drugs intake. It was reported that albumin levels are decreased in liver disease [26-28]. The decrease in these blood proteins of the rabbit may be due to usage of different amino acids in the production of antibodies in response to sildenafil/tramadol administration. The present study showed a highly significant increase of WBCs count, MCV, MCH and MCHC. This significant increase in WBCs count indicated the activation of defense mechanism and immune system of rabbit. This induction of white blood cells is a positive response for survival due to cell mediated immune response of animals. Leukocytosis was manifested by lymphocytosis, which was the main features of the differential leukocytic count. The red blood cells(RBCs) count showed also a highly significant decrease in response to sildenafil/tramadol administration. This finding may be explained on the basis of inhibitory effect of tramadol on histogenesis. The decreased in RBC count and hemoglobin (Hb) lowered the oxygen supply to different tissues thus resulting in low energy production. Decrease in Hb contained MCH can be explained due to decreased size of RBC or impaired biosynthesis of heme in bone marrow. These result s confirm the reported decrease in RBC count and Hb content after treatment with tramadol. 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