REGISTRATION FORM Send to: Blind Ambition Run 120 Cook Dr. Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Deadline: May 8, 2015 Tee shirts not guaranteed after that date Blind runner ___________________________________________________ Name Printed Legibly Check applicable sight level B1 Other Male Female Age ___________ Tee Shirt Size ______________ Address ________________________________________________________ Street ________________________________ ____________ _________ City State Zip ______________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone E-mail Guide runner ___________________________________________________ Name Printed Legibly Male Female Age ___________ Tee Shirt Size _______________ Address ________________________________________________________ Street ________________________________ ____________ _________ City State Zip ______________________________________________ _________________________________________ Phone E-mail This team will: Run the course Walk the course Registration fee: The team has the option of paying a registration fee of $25 or seeking sponsors for a total equal to or greater than the $25 registration fee. Any profit realized will be distributed to Aurora of CNY and for local Lions Club Community Services. WSE encourage runners to seek sponsors at the $20 level. Rules: 1. All visitors and runners must comply with the park rules. 2. Route will not be closed to the public. Guide runners must ensure the blind runner is aware of bicyclists or roller blade users on the course. 3. Each team shall consist of one blind or blind folded runner and one sighted runner tethered together. 4. Tethers shall be no longer than 30”. 5. Footwear is strictly at the discretion of the runner. 6. All guide runners to be sighted humans. Guide dogs are welcome at the event but not permitted to run the race course. 7. Each team must be tethered together. 8. Tethers shall be of a design by the team. 9. Other than B1 certified runners, “blind” runners are to be blindfolded. 10. A sighted runner can act as the blind runner through use of a blindfold. 11. Teams will be provided a blindfold by the race promoter. No other blindfolds are permitted. B1 runners must provide certification to waive blind fold. 12. Blind runner must cross the finish line ahead of the guide runner. 13. No pushing or pulling permitted. 14. Guide runners must be on foot – skates, skateboards, bicycles, unicycles or other form of wheeled devices are not permitted. 15. Verbal instructions between blind runner and their own guide runner is permitted and encouraged. 16. Distance between team members should not exceed 19”. 17. Blind runner will be the timed team member wearing the race bib. 18. Any blind or guide runner or participant in any of the events under the age of 18 on the date of the event must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. 19. Event cancellation: The event will be run rain or shine. However, in the occasion of lightning immediately prior to or at the start time, the run will be delayed until 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder. Park staff shall determine if delay has been too long and will determine if the run is to be cancelled due to the delay. I have read the rules above and understand that I am running in this event solely at my own risk. I grant permission for the Baldwinsville and Phoenix Lions Clubs to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of this event for legitimate purposes. Blind runner _____________________________________ __________________,2015 Signature Date _____________________________________ __________________,2015 Guide Runner ___________________________________ __________________, 2015 Parent’s Signature if Runner is under the age of 18 Signature Date Date ____________________________________ __________________,2015 Parent’s Signature if Guide Runner is under the age of 18 Date Do Not Write Below This Line Date Received ____________, 2015 Bib number _______________________ RUNNER’S SPONSOR LIST May 31, 2015 Blind Ambition Team Run Please collect all sponsor donations before the event. Please make checks payable to “Baldwinsville Lions Club” Runner __________________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Address ______________________________________________________ Amount $______ ______________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Address ______________________________________________________ Amount $______ ______________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Address ______________________________________________________ Amount $______ ______________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Address ______________________________________________________ Amount $______ ______________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name _________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s Address _______________________________________________________ Amount $______ _______________________________________________________ Sheet total $_____________
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