1 Mar 15 - Our Lady Queen of Peace

Our Lady Queen of Peace
SUNDAY - March 1
(M/M Davy Tolentino)
LUCY HUMPERT† (Margie Frazier)
(Mary Ann Sokora)
11:00 am - PRO POPULO
MONDAY - March 2
8:00am - ROLAND SIGLER, SR.†
(by M/M John Horn)
Special Intention for BONNIE KOCHER
(M/M John Kapraun)
Special Intention for Kim Corbin
(Deacon & Mrs. Jim Bindel)
TUESDAY - March 3
8:00 am - Liturgy of the Hours
10:00am - ND Mass/church
(Deacon & Mrs. Jim Bindel)
(M/M Ed Vokes)
THURSDAY - March 5
8:00am – MEN PHAM†; DAO VU† (Diep Tran)
ROYCE HUMPERT† (Margie Frazier)
FRIDAY - March 6
8:00 am - JOE and LUCY FIDELIE†
(The Fidelie Families)
FLOYD HUMPERT† (Margie Frazier)
MARK PRICE† (The Fidelie Families)
SATURDAY - March 7
6:00 pm - ROGER GAGNE’† (Margie Frazier)
Special Intention in
Honor of The Blessed Mother
SUNDAY - March 8
8:30 am - MARY VU† (Diep Tran)
Special Intention for
The Souls in Purgatory (Vicky Ho)
11:00 am - PRO POPULO
February 22: ................................................. $ $7,351.00
Special Collection:................................................ $348.00
Rice Bowl: ............................................................. $15.00
Black & Indian Mission: ............................................ $5.00
Church in Central & Eastern Europe: ..................... $200.00
Faith Direct
February 4: .................................................... $18,895.38
February 15:..................................................... 12,016.40
Black & Indian Mission: ........................................ $475.00
Church in Central & Eastern Europe: ..................... $475.00
www.faithdirect.net (church code: TX420)
Thank you for all the generous gifts that you provide for our
parish. Please consider using our secure electronic giving
program Faith Direct. Faith Direct will automatically process any
offertory or second collection donations of your choosing. It is
the most convenient way to make sure that the parish receives
your gift regularly. No more checks to write or envelopes to
worry about. You can sign up online at www.faithdirect.net using
our church code: TX420, or by mailing a paper enrollment form
available in the parish office.
Second Sunday of Lent
Those for Whom We Pray
Parishioners, Family & Friends
Ernie Adams, Doug Allison, Nicholas Allison, Vic and Angie Allison, Dennis Anderson, Melissa Anderson, Ricky
Arnold, Wanda Baltine, Elizabeth “Beth” Bater, Joan Baumann, Jo Bearden, Al Belgrado, Dick Belgrado, Tommy &
Sheryl Berend, Jackie Bergenheier, Jeanette Bilbay, Helen Bills, Pat Blake, Anna Bogart, Cyndi Boone, Francisco
Borja, Rocky Bray, George Brosche, Ivy Cadotte, Debra Ceballos*, Marge Conklin, Joan Cook, Jeff Conrady, Ruth
Copeland, Kim Corbin, Mike Crumpton, Joe Cuba, Thomas Daniels, Fr. Chris Davis, Johnnie & Nellie Deal, Kathy
DeJesso*, Jenny Dixon, Faye Dominy, John & Lilian Dove, Mark Dreher, Eleanor Edwards, Terry Farris, Carol
Faustina, Jathan Fields, Johnnie Fields, Jerry Fletcher, James & Marian Geary, Thomas Genewick, Mary George,
Lola Clyde Greaves, Keith & Bettie Green*, Ray, Donnie & James Grube, Courtney Shook Gysell, Mike Herrian, Jean
Hoing, Dorothy Hughes, Don & Jean Isbell, Nelda Jansen, Eve Johnson, Jeremy Johnson, Mike Jozwiak, Jonathan
Kegley, Travis Keith, Karen Kent*, John Kinsella, Bonnie Kocher, Anita Kortbawi, Marion Lauer, Marife Lee, Fred
Lentz, LaDonna Lewis*, Art Litteken, Shirley Litteken, Gloria Lucio, Brian Lucore*, Abel Mahesh, Cindy Majewski,
Eloise Majewski, Rusty Maley, Ryan Maley, Owen & Pat Mansfield, Marilyn Marak, Clara Mathe, Madelyn Matus,
Kristi Melsteade, Mike &Virginia Michonski, Carolyn Morath, Tina Morian, Dorothy “Dot” Myers, Dr. Sam Nilasena,
Fr. James O’Toole, Geneva Pennartz, Joe Petz, Joe Petz, Jr., Nina Peysen, Michael Pitpit, Karen Poirot, Betty Pond,
Rowdy Ramans, Aubrey Reaves, Eddie Richardson, Cathy Roberts, Elia Rojas, Lori Ross, Jaycob Rowland, Janna
Scarebrough, Nelda Schreiber, Adam Segal, Charles Simons, Bette Skurkey, Jeff Smith, Linda Snyder, June Sphon,
Kathy Spyra, Patricia Ste. Marie, Danny Steed, Audrey Stephens, Stacey Stowe, Mary Lou Sweeney, Sister Devota
Sweeney, Johanna Sweeney, Yvonne Talbot, Ida Toth, Don Thomas, Monica Vu, Dorothy Ward, Renea Ward, Josie
Wheeler, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Wolf, David Lloyd Wright, Sr., Diane Wright, Signe Yelland, Adam York, Dan York, &
Lucy York. * New this week
Because of space limitations, names will be taken of the prayer list after 3 months. Please call the church office if you
would like the name returned to the list. Thank you for your understanding.
Listed below are the Priests of our Diocese for whom we are asked to pray for daily.
3/2 - Rev. Gerard Mary Anyanwu
3/5 - Rev. Richard Baranski, OFM
3/3 - Rev. Luis Gerardo Arraiza, OFM Cap. 3/6 - Rev. Mel Bessellieu
3/4 - Rev. José Gildardo Alvarez Abonce, CORC
3/7 - Rev. Ronald Boudreaux, SJ
3/8 - Very Rev. Balaji Boyalla, SAC
Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them.
Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Pray for Fort Worth Seminarians 2014-2015
In your daily prayers, please include the following seminarians on your list of people to pray for. Thank you
for your support and generosity.
3/2 - Viktor Valencia
3/3- Anthony Vecchio
3/4 - Jason Allan
3/5 - Justin Conover
3/6 - Jonathan Demma
3/7 - Ricky Diaz
3/8 - Tyler Dubek
INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER (for the month of March)
Universal: That those involved in scientific research may serve the well-being of the whole human
Evangelization: That the unique contribution of women to the life of the Church may be recognized
SUNDAY - March 1
Women’s CRHP/church & NDES
9:45am - R.E. Classes (ND High School)
Discovery (ND High School Gym)
5:30pm - Confirmation Class/PH
MONDAY - March 2
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
6:30pm - Rent/NDE Café
TUESDAY - March 3
Intercessory Prayer Group after Liturgy of the
1:00pm - ND Liturgical Singing/church
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
9:00am - Bible Study (A. Martinez)/CR
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
4:00pm - Adoration of the Most Blessed
Sacrament (until 6pm)/church
5:30pm - Pray the Rosary/church
7:00pm - Verso L’alto/PH
Women’s CRHP/NDE café
EMHC Training/church
THURSDAY - March 5
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
7:00pm - R.C.I.A./ NDE café
FRIDAY - March 6
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
5:00pm - KoC 1473 Fish Fry/PH
7:00pm - Stations of the Cross/church
SATURDAY - March 7
Men’s CRHP/church & NDES
SUNDAY - March 8
Men’s CRHP/church & NDES
9:45am - R.E. Classes (ND High School)
Discovery (ND High School Gym)
5:30pm - Confirmation Class/PH
(SJR-St. Joseph Room; HFC-Holy Family Chapel; PH-Parish Hall; NDE Cafe-Notre Dame Elementary
Cafeteria; NDHS - NDHigh School; CR-Conference Room; WR-Workroom; BR-Brides Room; MR-Music Room)
March 1, 2015
Parish Activities
We are just a few months from completion of our Family Life Center and close to reaching our goal. Please
continue to pray for the safety and success for this wonderful project that will help to grow the needs of our
parish family. If you have not made a pledge, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a commitment.
We hope that everyone will participate in this endeavor to build a space that help to increase the needs of
our parish and community.
To increase or extend your pledge, please use the blue Pledge Increase-Extension cards located in the
Narthex. Thank you to those who have given additional above their pledged amount. If you are pledging for
the first time, please use the white Pledge cards also located in the Narthex.
PLEDGE UPDATE as of: February 9, 2015
GOAL: $3,000,000
AMOUNT PLEDGED: $2,869,321.68 (Includes $825,000 received in Grants)
AMOUNT COLLECTED: $2,558,136.45
# of Families Pledged: 469 (includes additional pledges)
All E-Giving will be done through ‘Faith Direct’ our online giving program. Online enrollment forms are
available in the Narthex. Or go directly to www.faithdirect.net to enroll. For the Capital Campaign online
enrollment, use Church Code: TX508. To afford the greatest tax benefits for our parish, Campaign gifts are
processed through the Diocese of Ft. Worth Advancement Corporation.
Lent Prayer
Unto you, I cry, my God!
“Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all fall
asleep, but we will all be changed, in an instant,
in the blink of an eye, at the last trumpet. For
the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
—1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Dear God,
I don’t know what lies ahead for me,
but I trust that your love will be with me
now and until the end of time.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect
them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in
our time of need. We ask this in the name of Jesus.
Points to Ponder during Lent
• What would I like transformed in my life by
• As I look over my life, what are some areas
where God has already transformed me? Give
thanks for those transformations and for those
yet to come.
• What is one sacrificial action I can perform this
Family Activity: Stations of the Cross
Did you know you can create our own Stations of
the Cross? While many Stations in churches are
elaborate and ornate, all that is required is to have
14 crosses, preferably wooden, located so that you
can a step or two between each one. As a family
activity, create 14 crosses from small twigs or
branches and place them in line in your backyard or
living room. Walk together as a family, remembering
the events of the Passion. At each cross, bow or
kneel and say, “Because of your Holy Cross, you
have redeemed the world.”
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent at 7pm in the church
Prayer Shawl Ministry
First and Third Tuesday in the Parish Hall (9:3011:30am)
First and Third Thursday at JoAnn’s place (7-9pm)
Change of Address or Other Information
Please email: [email protected] or call the church
office if you are moving away, changing parishes or
if any of your contact information has changed. This
will help to keep our records current.
Men in Christ
Men of the Parish: Do you have a desire to grow
as a Christian man? Come join the MEN in CHRIST
as we pray, explore Scripture together and support
one another in our Christian walk. Meet us in the
Conference Room each Saturday (except 2nd
Saturday of the month) at 7:30am. Call Jack at
A Charismatic Prayer Meeting
Sunday afternoons at 4:00
Youth Ministry chapel at Sacred Heart Church
(upstairs in the Pastoral Annex)
call Jack at 696-0741 or Manuel at 322-5958
Daily Readings
Mon. - Dn 9:4b-10 * Lk 6:36-38
Tues. - Is 1:10, 16-20 8 Mt 23:1-12
Wed. - Jer 18:18-20 8 Mt 20:17-28
Thurs. - Jer 17:5-10 * Lk 16:19-31
Fri. - Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a *
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Sat. - Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 * Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Third Sunday of Lent - Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3,
7-8, 12-17 * 1 Cor 1:22-25 *
Jn 2:13-25
Year of Consecrated Life
Pope Francis proclaimed 2015 a Year of Consecrated
Life, which began on the First Sunday of Advent,
and will continue until February 2, 2016, the World
Day of Consecrated life. Let us continue to pray
for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and
Consecrated Life that more young men and women
will have the courage to follow a call from God to
serve in the Church.
The life of prayer and contemplation founded on
the Eucharistic mystery is also at the heart of
the vocation of consecrated people who have
chosen the path of the sequel Christi, to give
themselves to the Lord with an undivided heart
in an every more intimate relationship with him.
By their unconditional attachment to Christ and
to his Church, they have the special mission to
reminding everyone of the universal vocation
to holiness…Consecrated men and women
proclaim that God alone can give fullness to
human existence.
—Pope Benedict XVI, 2006 Address to Canadian
Let us pray for religious sisters, brothers,
priests, nuns, and others who have chosen to
consecrate their lives to
God in this special way;
Let us celebrate the faith, hope, and charity that
their lives give witness to; Let us invite others
to consider this
joyful form of discipleship. Amen.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
OLQP Men’s Club
Next meeting: Monday - March 2, 2015
ALL Men of our Parish ages 18 and older are
members and are highly encouraged to attend
monthly meetings.
(First Monday of the month @ 7pm in the Parish
Hall). NO Membership Fees.
Call Mike Carlton, President for more info: 6969162
Hunger and Food Insecurity is a Serious Fact.
The Need is dire and year round. Please be
generous with your donation of food.
January Food Donations: 471 pounds
Current Needs: Soup (10 ¾ oz. size), Crackers,
Oatmeal, Canned Vegetables, Dried Beans (small
bags), Jelly, Peanut Butter, Pasta (dry), Rice (small
bags), Canned Spaghetti Sauce, Mac & Cheese,
Toiletries: Body Soap, Laundry Detergent,
Deodorant & toothpaste.
Paper Products: Toilet Tissue, Paper Towels,
Eyeglasses: prescription or reading glass that
you don’t need. These items go fast. Place items in
the basket located in the Narthex. Every bit helps
families with real needs in Wichita County and
Safe Environment Sessions for 2015
All sessions will be held in the Church office
conference room at 4040 York St.
Contact the parish office at 940-696-1253 for more
information or to sign-up.
Wednesday; April 8 @ 7pm - Initial
Saturday; April 11 @ 9am- Update
Sacred Heart church (940-723-5288)
Thursday; March 12 @ 6:30pm - Update
Saturday; March 14 @ 9am - Initial
Ten Reason to Make Your Offertory Gift
Through Faith Direct
1. No more checks to write or envelopes to find
2. 52 Weeks of predictable income for your parish
3. Greater security than cash or checks
4. No cost for you to participate
5. Online control of your offertory giving - including
special collections
6. Reduction of envelope and postage expense for
7. Less work for our parish office staff to post
contribution records
8. Offertory cards enable you to witness your gift
of treasure
9. Earn credit card points for your offertory gifts
10. 180 OLQP Families do!
Join the parishioners who use Faith Direct for their
parish giving. Visit www.faithdirect.net, our parish
code is TX420, or call 866.507.8757 (toll-free) for
more information.
Second Sunday of Lent
Parish Announcements
Notre Dame Catholic School will be hosting a
JClub Catholic Book Fair. This program provides a
selection of Catholic resources from Pauline Books &
Media, the publishing house of the Daughters of St.
Paul. The book fair will be set up in the elementary
library during the week of March 2 - 6 guests are
invited to visit during the hours of 11:00AM - 12:30
PM, Monday through Friday. On Wednesday, March
4 it will stay open after school from 3PM to 4PM.
Books and media are for grades K-8. These items
make wonderful gifts for Easter, First Communion or
birthdays. For additional information or to arrange a
different time to look at the books, please call Mrs.
Prosser at 696-1011. Give a gift of faith and love.
Notre Dame Catholic School is seeking
candidates to help staff its extended-day after
school care program. Applicants must be 18+.
Compensation and work schedule to be determined
upon hiring. To apply, please call the school front
office at 940-692-6041.
Looking for Substitute Teachers - please contact Pat
Smith, [email protected]
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Ask how you can help!
Be a part of our outreach to the community in our
efforts to End Poverty in our Diocese.
Purple Care Hope Bags are available in the Narthex
with a suggested “grocery list”. Bring filled bags to
the Narthex or to the church office.
Contact: Susan Cronin (940) 716-9669
Signs of the Season - Mount of Transfiguration
The traditional location for the Mount of
Transfiguration is Mount Tabor, about 11 miles west
of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Tabor rises about 1,800
feet above the level plain below. It was identified
as the site of the Transfiguration as early as the
third century by the theologian Origen. The Church
of the Transfiguration, a Franciscan church built on
the ruins of a centuries-old Byzantine church, now
stands at the summit of Mount Tabor.
OLQP Catholic Church, Wichita Falls, Tx
Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend
Women: Feb. 28 and Mar. 1
Men: Mar. 7 and 8
Christ Renews His Parish is designed to lead us to that friendship and to afford us the opportunity to grow
in it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit the Good News of Jesus is proclaimed and lived, transforming
individuals, communities and their structures, liberating them from sin through word and sacrament and by
service for justice and peace, and initiating or deepening a commitment to Jesus and active membership in
our Parish Community. Come and Experience this awesome invitation from your Lord!
Pick up a registration form in the Narthex, call the church office or sign up online: www.olqpwf.org
March 1, 2015
For more information
Call Greg Brown
[email protected]
For more information Call Greg Brown 696-1253 or
[email protected]
Registration forms and calendar available online
at www.olqpwf.org (Please note that a Form A for
14/15 must be completed for this school year if not
yet completed through our summer activities since
June of 2014. Form A will be kept on file until it
expires in May of 2015 so that you only have to fill
it out once per year per child. Form B must be filled
out additionally for each event youth participate in
thought the year.)
(Middle School Ministry)
Please Note: On March 1 & 7 classes will be at
the Notre Dame high school gym
Verso L’alto
(High School Ministry)
Confirmation sessions 5:30p-7p in the Parish Hall
*please note the change of a date from the original
email Greg for a updated complete schedule
(C)-Candidates attend, (P)-Parent(s) attend
Feb. 22 (C)
Mar. 1 (C/P)
March 8 (C)
March 29 (C)
New OLQP Catholic Youth t-shirts available in
the office! Suggested Donation: $15 per t-shirt
(21-35 single and married)
Please contact Greg Brown at 940 247 1721
** We are in need of 5 more adults to serve Verso
L’alto as Faith Coaches (small group leaders).
For more information please see www.olqpwf.org/
how-to-help or contact Greg
Keep up with what’s going on at www.olqpwf.
“The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists,
it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it
ceases to exist.”
— Saint Gregory the Great
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
1516 Beverly Drive (723-4971)
The St. Vincent dePaul Thrift Store is looking for
some volunteers. Requirement: willingness to
volunteer an hour or two per week! The store is
located at 1516 Beverly Drive, 2 blocks north of
the Loop 11 / Seymour Hwy. intersection. The store
hours are MTW - 10 - 3 and Sat., 10 - 2. Stop by
then store on one of these days and you will see
BIG smiles when you offer your services. Thank
you!Like us on Facebook: Wichita Falls St. Vincent
De Paul Thrift Store.
Adult Formation
The Rite of Christian Initiation
R.C.I.A Inquirer Classes meet on Thursdays at 7pm
in the NDES Cafeteria
All are Welcome (even if you are already Catholic)
to the Inquiry Sessions to learn more about the
Catholic Faith. Call Deacon Jim at 696-1253 if you
are interested.
Feb. 26 - The Transfiguration
Mar. 5 - The Samaritan Woman - Prayer
Mar. 12 - The Man Born Blind
Mar. 19 - Lazarus
Mar. 26 - Preparation for the Easter Sacraments
Divorced and Re-married?
If you are divorced and remarried outside of the
Catholic Church without a Decree of Invalidity, or
if you are married outside of the Catholic Church,
you may not partake of the Sacraments, including
the reception of Holy Communion. Until it is shown
otherwise through the ministry of the Tribunal,
no person is free to enter into another marriage
without the appearance or occasion of serious sin.
A divorce alone would not affect, or hinder in any
way, your participation in the Catholic Church. A
divorced Catholic is free to receive the sacraments.
However, if you are divorced and have remarried,
or if you are divorced and in a new relationship, or
if you are living with someone without a Decree of
Invalidity (and your former spouse is still living) you
may not partake of the sacraments, including the
reception of Holy Communion).
Consider seeking a Decree of Invalidity which will
enable you to return to a full participation in the
sacramental life of the Church. For more information
contact Deacon Larry Bills at the Church office at
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Today’s gospel tells of the Transfiguration of
Christ; make the time to renew and transform
your relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend is Apr. 10-12, 2015. Dates
fill fast. To apply, visit our website at: http://www.
dfwme.org/apply. For more information e-mail
[email protected] or call 469-444-0904. Para mas
informacion de Encuentro Matrimonial en Espanol,
escriba a [email protected] o visite http://www.
Rachel Ministries
“The retreat has been a life-changing and spiritual
awakening for me.
I feel that any woman who has had an abortion
should come to the Retreat to experience healing
and forgiveness.” - Testimony after a Rachel’s
Vineyard Retreat
Next Retreat April 10. There is hope! We can help.
Rachel Ministries 817-923-4757
Next Retreat April 10
Natural Family Planning Classes
Did you know that… many couples using Natural
Family Planning feel that it makes their marriage
The Couple to Couple League is offering NFP
classes at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Wichita
Falls, Texas. This is a 3-part class, and the next
class series will take place on Sundays from
1:30- 4:30pm in the Berend Room. If you would
like to sign up for this class or any other upcoming
classes, please go to www.ccli.org and fill out the
online registration form. If you have any questions,
you may contact Lauren Morath at (940)544-2515
[email protected].
Kid’s Corner
Sister Ginny says….
Sister Ginny says…
God’s Word tells
us many things
That lets us know God’s will.
Mostly, like the Ten Commandments
That tells us not to kill.
One day Jesus wasn’t peaceful.
Like a lion he got really mad.
You can wonder why he did such things.
But don’t question or be sad.
The Commandments say not to hurt or lie or cheat.
They say always to honor God’s name.
The commandments want us to love the Lord
And treat others just the same.
God knows that his commands are good.
He knows that his words are true.
God knows that those who follow him,
Will show goodness in all they do.
And when we keep the Commandments
We’ll have light and peace inside
And know that the one we follow
Will be forever by our side.
The people he was angry with
Did not go to the temple to pray.
Instead they went to make money
By buying and selling things every minute of the
They were disrespectful of God’s holy house.
They forgot to honor his name.
So Jesus made a whip and drove them out.
To cleanse their lives is why he came.
He said he was making a sign for them
A sign for all to see
That if he was destroyed and no longer lived
He would rise up on day three.
Remember that Jesus died for us and in three days
rose again.
Put your faith in him.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Second Sunday of Lent
Growing in Faith
Dear Padre!
Why cover the crucifix during Lent?
Why do some parishes cover the crucifix during Lent? This seems like an odd
time to do this. Shouldn’t we be focusing on Christ’s death?
Lent is a penitential season, and some parishes choose to have their
liturgical environment reflect the austerity and simplicity that exemplify that
penitential nature by removing flowers and floral arrangements, covering
statues and, in some parishes, even covering the body on the crucifix.
Doing so can enhance our own forty-day experience of journeying in the
desert, much as our Lord did at the outset of his ministry when he spent forty
days and forty nights in the desert being tempted by Satan.
During the three-day celebration of the Triduum (from the evening of Holy
Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday)—especially during the Easter Vigil
Mass on Holy Saturday, when the lights come on as the Gloria is sung—the
previously darkened church is revealed in its fully decorated splendor.
The difference is dramatic and striking when compared to the scarcely
adorned church we’ve seen during Lent.
We can most definitely see and sense the change from a season of
repentance to one of celebration as we celebrate our Lord’s resurrection—
and our own salvation and redemption from sin.
[email protected]
Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 / Rom 8:31b-34 / Mk 9:2-10
The apostle Paul was absolutely certain the love of God would find us no
matter what happened and that if we had any role model and ancestor in
faith, it was Abraham.
The stories are familiar. Abraham left his ancestral home to find a land
promised him by a God who had only recently revealed himself. Abraham
believed a child would come to him and Sarah, though both were old. Finally,
he showed he would give everything in obedience to God when he was
asked to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac.
This last story is troublesome to us. Would God require human sacrifice?
We can understand this as a story of faith in two ways. The traditional
interpretation is that God requires everything from us and wants nothing to
come between us and our love of God. God’s “test” of Abraham is a test of
obedience. Will we give our “all?”
The second way of seeing the story begins with our understanding that
many of the surrounding nations practiced child sacrifice. It may not have
been a surprise when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, since his
neighbors were doing it too. But at the critical moment, when the angel calls
out to tell Abraham to stop, he does. The Lord wants a different relationship
with his people.
Abraham’s faith is shown as much in his obedience to the second order
as to the first. God doesn’t want us to be just like everyone else. Rather, God
wants us as his own people, following the path he carves for us—even if it
means going against the tide.
[email protected]
A Lenten Day of Recollection for all Women
Presenter: Deacon Roland Benoit
Sponsored by: Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #309
Pope Benedict has called us to focus on ‘re-proposing’ the Gospel to those
who have experienced a crisis of faith. The New Evangelization offers hope.
Celebrating this hope is the topic for a Lenten Day of Recollection scheduled for
all Catholic women, Saturday March 14, 2015. The day will begin at 9:00 a.m.
in the parlor at Sacred Heart Parish Hall, 1504 9th Street, Wichita Falls, TX.
and will end around 2:00. This retreat is open to all women. Lunch will be in
the Parish Hall. If it is convenient, please bring a dish to share at the luncheon.
Repent and Believe
He was Transformed before them (Mark 9:2-10)
Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him up the mountain where he was
transfigured before them. When the experience was over, Jesus told them not to
say anything about what they saw until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
So they kept silent, but the three of them couldn’t help but talk to themselves
about what rising from the dead could mean.
As Catholics in a modern world, we can still empathize with the disciples’
confusion. Like them, we don’t have any scientific understanding of what
occurred to Jesus and we discuss what resurrection will really mean for us.
The Transfiguration is a powerful reminder that death is not the end of
life. If death meant complete annihilation, then Elijah and Moses would not
have appeared with Jesus. In this way, the Transfiguration foreshadows the
Resurrection. Although the apostles didn’t understand what was happening at
the time, later, when the Son of Man had risen from the dead, they were able to
understand what the Transfiguration meant.
During this second week of Lent, we are asked to think about how we can
be transformed through the power of the risen Lord, and we are reminded that
one day, we, too, will be resurrected.
The Last Four Things
St. Alphonsus Liguori recommended that we contemplate the “last four
things” especially during Lent. These are: death, judgment, heaven and hell.
While talking about these with children can be difficult, parents can use the
season of Lent as a way to gently introduce the topics. Once aspect to emphasize
is that heaven, as Pope St. John Paul II said, is not “an abstraction nor a physical
place in the clouds, but a living, personal relationship with the Holy Trinity.”
Heaven, then, is living an eternity in the presence of and in relationship with our
loving God. Likewise, the Church teachers that hell is not so much a physical
place, but the choice to turn away from God and the deep pain of separation
from our Lord (see Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1033).
From Scripture: Mark 1:12-15, Triumph in the desert
Led by the Holy Spirit after his baptism, Jesus spent forty days fasting in
the desert preparing for his ministry. Many of God’s chose spent periods of
preparation and cleansing before undertaking important work in his service.
Moses spent forty days fasting with God on Mt. Zion at the giving of the Law
(Exodus 34:28). The Israelites scouted the Promise Land for forty (Numbers
13:25) and wandering in the wilderness for forty years before entering it
(Numbers 14:34).
In the desert, Jesus was tempted by Satan. Temptations surround us as part
of our fallen world. Satan constantly works to tear us away from God. Jesus was
not immune from his efforts but triumphed over Satan fully.
The best way for us to resist Satan and the presence of evil is to stay in
a state of grace. We do this by going to Confession frequently, receiving the
Eucharist at least every week, and praying as often during the day as we can.
When we keep ourselves in God’s presence, Satan and his temptations won’t
have a chance.
Catechism Connection
“Christ’s Passion is the will of the Father: the Son acts as God’s servant;
the cloud indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit. ‘The whole Trinity appeared:
the Father in the voice; the Son in the man; the Spirit in shining cloud.” —
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 555
March 1, 2015
Counseling Services
Working in partnership with Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen of Peace, Catholic
Charities Fort Worth provides counseling services at Sacred Heart Monday
through Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm to assist individuals and families:
-Through the challenges of raising a child
-Resolving marital conflict
-Coping with depression, anxiety, and the stresses of daily life
Let us help you find hope and healing.
Contact the Clinical Counseling program with Catholic Charities at 940-7169669 or speak to your parish office for more details.
The St. Joseph Health Care Trust assists individuals who are medically
uninsured/underinsured and who meet eligibility criterion. This includes
assistance with prescriptions, dental services, physician visits, and other
services. For more information please call Stella at (940) 552-0347. (This
program is administered through Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth.)
Immigration Consultations in Wichita Falls
This opportunity allows you to have an immigration consultation with
an immigration attorney or a Board of Immigration Appeals accredited
representative without traveling outside of Wichita Falls. Our professionals will
serve you via video from our main office in Fort Worth. You will be speaking
privately and confidentially with an authorized person qualified to evaluate your
situation and give immigration legal advice.
Location: Sacred Heart Catholic Church (1504 Tenth Street, Wichita Falls)
Open by appointment: Thursdays and Saturdays
Schedule an appointment: 817.289.2801
Cost of the consultation: $30
Bulletin News: (Please note NEW deadline) Bulletin items must be submitted by NOON
on the Friday prior to the following Weekend (or the Thursday before if Friday is a holiday/
holy day). Items MUST have proper approval for publication.