AGENDA WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2015 6:30 PM — CLOSED SESSION 7:00 PM — OPEN SESSION WOONSOCKET MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMLET BUILDING - 60 FLORENCE DRIVE WOONSOCKET, RI 02895 The School Committee may vote on all items listed on this agenda. Call to Order Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The School Committee may seek to convene in closed session for the purpose of discussing the non-renewal of certain teaching contracts, in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5(a)(1). GOOD AND WELFARE — Public — Citizens Elementary Students RECOGNITIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS — Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February II, 2015 Open/Closed Minutes CONSENT AGENDA 1. Personnel Actions Certified Appointments/Non-Certified Appointments - Non-Renewals/Terminations 2. Purchases/Transfers 3. Field Trip/Conference Requests 4. Home Schooling Requests END OF CONSENT AGENDA COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. None NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion/Vote to appoint the Chief Technology Officer to the Woonsocket Education Department — P. McGee 2. Update on FY15 Financials — P. McGee 3. Discussion/Approval on the Woonsocket Education Department's FY16 Budget — P. McGee, B. Peryea CONFERENCES/DISCUSSIONS — Worker's Compensation — P. McGee, J. Wolfgang, TRUST Representatives — Science NECAP Scores — P. McGee, L. Filomeno SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOOD AND WELFARE S. Seale J. Rivera G. Lacouture D. Burke S. Pawlina For additional information or to request interpreter services, or other special services for the hearing impaired (ie, readers/captioners, etc), please contact Office of Superintendent three days prior to the meeting at (401) 767-4608; or by the Tuesday prior to the meeting, or call 1-800-745-5555 (TTY), 1-800. 745-6575 (Voice). This agenda will be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any changes to this agenda will be posted on the Woonsocket Education Department website at www.woonsocketschools.coin, McFee Administration Building, Woonsocket Middle School, WACTC, City Hall, and Harris Library and will be electronically filed with the Secretary of State at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, or disability. Posted on February 23, 2015. MINUTES WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 OPEN SESSION Woonsocket Middle School @ Hamlet 60 Florence Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m. in Open Session by Acting Chairman Jose Rivera. Absent George Lacouture, Chairman Roll Call: Absent Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Susan Pawlina Present Jose Rivera Present Donald Burke Motion made to convene in Closed Session to discuss Personnel Matters of an employee in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 42Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2"d: S. Pawlina APPROVED 46-5(a)(1) at 6:03 p.m.: J. Rivera The individual was advised in writin of her ri ht to convene in o en session and has elected not to exercise that ri ht. Meeting called to order by Acting Chairman Jose Rivera at 7:35 p.m. to reconvene in Open Session. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Absent George Lacouture, Chairman Roll Call: Absent Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Susan Pawlina Present Jose Rivera Present Donald Burke Motion to uphold the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent with regard to the personnel matter discussed in closed APPROVED 2"d: D. Burke Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes session: J. Rivera ) Motion to seal the minutes of the closed session: J. Rivera 2"d : D. Burke Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes APPROVED PUBLIC GOOD & WELFARE: Woonsocket High School — len Maiello, WHS Theater and Dance Teacher. The students will perform to a rap/poem that was done by performer Prince EA; he is an anthropologist who talks about the world and the direction it is going in and gives suggestions on how we can fix it. Every Wednesday at the WHS they wear Change the World t-shirts. Each month they have a different mission; for the month of December they had a can drive and donated those items to the soup kitchen; for the month of January they are selling handprints for $2.00 and making a collage in the cafeteria and will donate that money to a charity; each month going forward they will come up with something different. The performance is an interpretation of Prince EA rap. Their goal is to go to different schools with the presentation that the students are working on to send their message out. The WHS (the whole school) has been challenged and is involved in creating an uptown funk video; they are hoping to make it to the Today Show and the Ellen Show contest. Lastly, on May 16 th is their 6th Annual Benefit Concert which involves all the students, alumni, faculty and community members; all of the proceeds will be given to a specific person. RECOGNITIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee — 1 would like to extend my sincere thank you and gratitude to Mr. Peter Fontaine, his staff and the City's administration for all their hard work and long hours with snow removal; without their perseverance, we would have never been able to open school in a timely manner after the recent Blizzard of 2015. The Global Citizenship Project at WHS/WACTC will be traveling to Rwanda again this year; they will be visiting schools that are severely under-resourced; they will be bringing supplies to help those children in need; therefore, they are asking for donations; all donations must be received by Wednesday, February 11 th; your support is greatly appreciated. Please bring donations to the front office of the WACTC at 400 Aylsworth Ave. or contact Jason Marzini at 401-767-4674 or via email at [email protected] ; they are looking to receive donations of the following items: Mechanical pencils, markers, mechanical crayola crayons, coloring books, alphabet stencils, chalk & board erasers, lesson plan books for teachers and workbooks for students, learning games, and toys (blocks, puzzles, etc). Thank you to the ESL teachers at WMS and the teams with whom they work for helping out with ACCESS testing at Woonsocket High School; the ESL teachers from WMS went to WHS to help out with testing close to 100 students in 4 separate tests, while their teammates covered for them at WMS; cross-grade cooperation and collaboration at its best! Savoie School is getting physical during the winter months; their Monday and Thursday Dance Days for students is completely full and led by volunteers; basketball takes place on Tuesday and Fridays sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club and their young choir practices on Wednesdays; also on Wednesdays, they have a Zumba class for staff. Keeping the mind healthy helps when you keep the body healthy; a special thank you to staff members, WSC Minutes Open Session February 11, 2015 Linda Becker, Tracey Paskanik, Sarah Kesselman, Karen Lanctot, and Daniel George for volunteering their time to make this possible; ank you to Maryl3eth L'esperance for spearheading Pennies for Patients. Savoie School has brought in over $1500 for this good cause. istrict Kindergarten Registration will take place on Saturday, February 28th from 9 to 12 at WMS — Hamlet Building; registration orms can be found on our website; in order to register we will need a copy of birth certificate, proof of Woonsocket residence - utility bills and/or lease, mortgage statement (no handwritten rent receipts or cell phone bills will be accepted), immunization records, proof of lead screening and physical exam with height, weight, blood pressure and vision exam. We encourage families bring completed registration forms with them on registration day in order to save them some time. Lastly, we have also gone out to our community partners and done on site registrations. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • January 14, 2015 Open Minutes; January 21, 2015 Open/Closed Minutes - Motion to approve: J. Rivera APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2nd: S. Pawlina CONSENT AGENDA: P. McGee would like to withdraw one name from the Personnel Appointments because the teacher who applied for the Title I position has removed her name for that position. Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes APPROVED 2": D. Burke Motion to amend the personnel recommendations: J. Rivera CONSENT AGENDA: Motion to approve the consent agenda in its entirety: J. Rivera APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 YES 2nd: D. Burke COMMUNICATIONS: None. SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. Motion to remove out of order Agenda Item #1 under New Business: J. Rivera APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2nd: D. Burke NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discussion/Vote on the Asset Management Plan/Procedure for Graphing Calculators —P. McGee, L. Filomeno L. Filomeno said the SC received a copy of the Asset Management Plan which she and B. Peryea came up with to ascertain the safety of the calculators. J. Rivera asked who in enforcing this plan. L. Filomeno stated overseeing this would be the Department's Chair for Mathematics and ultimately the principals. D. Burke asked if this management plan has been used before. L. Filomeno stated something similar has been used before for other equipment that the schools have. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2": S. Pawlina Motion to approve: J. Rivera UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Discussion/Vote on the WB Mason Purchase Order — Graphing Calculators — G. Lacouture, P. McGee J. Rivera said G. Lacouture asked if you could look into getting different prices. L. Filomeno stated they did; they found two but one is less sturdy and the other is more confusing to use; there is concern with the amount of wear and tear that these calculators get that they won't last and we will need to replace them in approximately two years at which time the prices will go up. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2"4: D. Burke Motion to approve: J. Rivera /■1101•■/00■1 NEW BUSINESS: 2. Discussion/Vote on the revisions to the job description for the Chief Technology Officer and to post for said position — P. McGee P. McGee stated the School Committee (SC) received a copy of the revised job description for the Chief Technology Officer which was previously the Chief Information Officer; the basic change is that this person's responsibility will be solely with the school department and not the City of Woonsocket; therefore, any reference of reporting to the Mayor or the City for any instances of technology will not be found in this job description. S. Pawlina asked if this revision was approved by the Budget Commission (BC). P. McGee stated the BC is waiting for the SC approval; he believes that once they receive this they will do an email vote; as soon as this is fully approved we will advertise this job description. P. McGee will invite one or two of the SC Subcommittee members to be on the interview team. Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes APPROVED 2": S. Pawlina Motion to approve: 3. Rivera 2 WSC Minutes Open Session February 11, 2015 3. Discussion/Approval to Appoint the Special Education Program Administrator for WHS — P. McGee 2nd: D. Burke Motion to approve: J. Rivera McGee stated that it is a great pleasure to recommend the appointment of Mr. Kevin Plunkett as the Special Education Program Administrator for the WHS; he read the letter of recommendation. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 4. Discussion/Vote on the WSC Subcommittees — G. Lacouture 2": D. Burke Motion to approve: J. Rivera J. Rivera said G. Lacouture built the WSC Subcommittees list, listed who will serve on those subcommittees and emailed said list to the whole SC for their review. There will be five Subcommittees which are Curriculum/Assessment with D. Burke and G. Lacouture; Health/Wellness/Community Relations with D. Burke and S. Seale; Finance/Facilities with G. Lacouture and S. Pawlina; Technology with J. Rivera and S. Seale; and Legislative with S. Pawlina and J. Rivera. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 5. Discussion/Vote to appoint WSC Members to Subcommittees — G. Lacouture APPROVED See above motion and vote. 6. Discussion/Vote on Bid #15-18: Roland Versa UV LEF-12 Bench Top UV Flatbed —B. Peryea 2"d: J. Rivera Motion to approve: S. Pawlina B. Peryea said this is a flatbed printer for the WACTC Graphics Department; this prints 3-13 objects which will be used for projects. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 7. Update and Discussion on Class Size Overage — P. McGee, B. Peryea, C. Lerner P, McGee stated the SC received an updated overage analysis. B. Peryea said the totals from last pay period dropped significantly because the payroll clerk was not in for the last payroll so a lot of the overages were not processed. We come in a little over $9,000 for the last pay period which was just processed; however, this last pay period only included the last seven days; if we multiply with the factor of 10 days (full pay period) it would be a little over $13,000. The first two pay periods which are $15.7K and $1.6.6K represents full pay periods; therefore, we are seeing a slight decrease but thinks there is still room to improve. On the consent agenda this evening )the SC did approve some additional SLPs and outside tutors to come in which should cut in to the overage cost; in addition, the SC recently hired someone for the WMS resource overages so we should see some reduction for next pay period as well. We should start to see this drop but by the end of the year we are still going to be over the $160,000 budget; we are looking at approximately $230,000 for this budget. No vote, discussion only. CONFERENCES/DISCUSSIONS — Worker's Compensation — P. McGee, J. Wolfgang, TRUST Representatives Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2": S. Pawlina Motion to table: J. Rivera — Science NECAP Scores— P. McGee, L. Filomeno Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes 2"d: D. Burke Motion to table: J. Rivera APPROVED APPROVED SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee said to date we held two kindergarten registrations which have been successful; roughly 80 students have registered; we will reschedule the dates for registrations that were cancelled due to the weather; there is a district kindergarten registration on February 28 th and this information has gone out to the community. Update on District Strategic Plan — they have a draft of the vision/mission statement and core values; at the last PAC meeting L. Filomeno presented the draft for their input; once they finalize said draft they will present to the SC. They anticipate having the District Strategic Plan completed by the end of this school year. Another project that they have started with S. Rapport and her colleague J. Cooper is to look at the WED district policies; the policy book is old and outdated; at the March 11 1h SC meeting there will be a proposal brought to the SC to review, revise, and update policies; we will also work with the SC subcommittee members on this project. The District's Strategic Plan and the policies are the foundations of an effective and efficient school department. Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes APPROVED 2": D. Burke Motion to receive and place on file: J. Rivera SCHOOL BOARD GOOD & WELFARE: S. SEALE: Absent. J. RIVERA: We are all officially part of Subcommittees now so if anyone would like more information or to let us know about I something our emails are online. He read an article and had a conversation with S. Pawlina regarding graduation rates; recommends that people read this article but don't let this be the only source of information to obtain how these numbers came about; if you would like to 3 WSC Minutes Open Session February 11, 2015 ( know more please reach out to the administration or to sC. To administration and especially principals, if there are any policies that you eel should be reyised or need to be created in order to address the needs of your school please reach out to S. Pawlina or himself ecause they are part of this subcommittee; they will bring this information forward to the administration; the perfect scenario was the uniform policy where they had principals and administrators who were stating this policy is not working. uniform D. BURKE: Thanked everyone who has welcomed him to the SC; he has enjoyed the (almost) two months he has been here. He was excited to read in the newspaper that four of our 3 rd grade reading teachers at Harris Elementary were awarded a $1000 grant from the RI Foundation that they applied for; kudos to them. News like this has to be seen and heard; if any of the teachers and/or students have good news about what they are doing or would like to share information to the public, please email him at [email protected] and he would be happy to publicize this. About the graduation rates, as a school department we need to take measures to increase the graduation rate; we should start this conversation and he would like to help. There was another article in the paper, and this is for the high school seniors, that Dunkin Donuts is offering scholarships; you can apply at . G. LACOUTURE: Absent. S. PAWLINA: She -would like P. McGee and J. Wolfgang to put together a timeline so they can move forward and hire a superintendent. She would like us to be very proactive with this; she would like to go back to the way a superintendent should be hired which is through community, teacher and parent input; the way it should be done is the way we are going to go forward and do it, We have to compete with charter schools so in order to put our best foot forward and compete at a high level we have to get high level employees in the right positions; we will start by hiring a superintendent and a chief technology officer. She wants these positions filled and those committees set up. Motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.: J. Rivera 2": D. Burke (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) Respectfully submitted, ki (1 I :6111, L • ' 1:.-, A )-(1 - gu, - - ...-J , laig._ , '1(11:n erl WJC Recordlitig Secretary 4 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 2/25/2015 IIIM. NAME ADDRESS P'A'T AID 04sTiff* LY ACT9 CERTIFIED POSITIONS Alexander, Nettie Providence, RI 02906 Doucette, Tasha Pascoag, RI 02859 McCutcheon, Peter Smithfield, RI 02917 Meagher, Nicole Norton, MA 02766 1.0 Title II Grant TBD by BC Teaching Partners/District thru end of school year New $150.00 Grant 2/25/2015 per day 1.0 Title II Grant Teaching Partners/District TBD by BC thru end of school year New $150.00 per day Grant 1.0 Grade 8 Math WMS TBD by BC Deceased New Master's Step 4 Local 2/25/2015 1.0 Title II Grant Teaching Partners TBD by BC thru end of school year New Local 2/25/2015 • $150.00 per day Y 2/2512015 NON-CERTIFIED POSITIONS Laird, Kimberly Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 TA-PCA Grade 1 Pothier TBD by BC position contingent on BC approval New Local N $30.00/hour 1 hour prep Grant Y $30.001hour Grant Step 1 2/25/2015 HOURLY, STIPEND and EXTRA-CURRICULAR POSITIONS Aghia, Rania Woonsocket, RI 02895 Barnes, Andy Cranston, RI 02910 Page 1 TBD by BC After School Secondary ESL Literacy Prog./WMS thru end of school year Case Manager Homeless WHS TBD by BC New New 2/25/2015 2/25/2015 thru end of school year 2/20/2015 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 2/25/2015 NAME ADDRESS Cambra, Leonard Providence, RI 02908 PO& 10 SC tio OSITION Title II Facillitator for PD World Language/WHS PATE POS. STATUS EMP. STATUS . 8t1+- COMM. ,DATE , ANt etitiN FUNDING SY 6. TBD by BC thru end of school year New 535.00/hour Grant Y 2/25/2015 Y 2/25/2015 Campopiano, Toni Marie Johnston, RI 02919 Title I After School Academic Program-WMS TBD by BC thru end of school year New $30.00/hour Grant Cohen, Sara Cumberland, RI 02861 Title I After School Academic Program-WMS TBD by BC thru end of school year New $30.00/hour Grant 2/25/2015 Hughes, Leonona Greenville, RI 02895 Title II Facillitator for PD Career and Technical/WHS TBD by BC thru end of school year New 535.00/hour Grant 2/25/2015 Title I Homeless Psychosocial TBD by BC Support/ WHS thru end of school year New $35.00/hour Grant Kisseberth, Diane Cumberland, RI 02864 Y 2/25/2015 Leone, Carolyn Johnston, RI 02919 Title II Facillitator for PD Unified Arts! WHS TBD by BC thru end of school year New $35.00/hour Grant Lopez, Ileana Valentin Providence, RI 02906 Title I Building Level Parent Liason! Globe Park TBD by BC thru end of school year New 830.00/hour Grant Y 2/25/2015 Marshall, Amy Cumberland, RI 02864 Title I Building Level Parent Liason/ Governor Pothier TBD by BC thru end of school year New $30.00/hour Grant Y 2125/2015 McCarthy, Deana Pascoag, RI 02859 Title I After School Academic Program-WMS TBD by BC thru end of school year New $30.00/hour Grant 2/25/2015 New $35.00/hour Grant 2/25/2015 Metivier, Paulette North Smithfield, RI 02896 Page 2 Title II Facillitator for PD Science/WMS TBD by BC 2/25/2015 thru end of school year 2/20/2015 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 2/25/2015 NAME ADDRESS Metivier, Paulette North Smithfield, RI 02896 Murphy, Paul Cumberland,RI 02864 Perron, Emily Coventry, RI 02816 DEGREE 0/RAti-E RK YR. SCHOOL POSITION NO. After School Secondary ESL Literacy Prog./WMS 1.0 Head Baseball Coach WHS Title II Facillitor for PD Math! WMS TBD by BC thru end of school year TBD by BC New Resign New , FUNDING j,bcfit6Rton ONLY . EAND $30.00/hour Grant Y 2/25/2015 8.35% of Bachelor's Max Local Y 2/25/2015 TBD by BC thru end of school year New $35.001hour Grant 2125/2015 Renigaldo, Jennifer North Providence, Ri 02924 Title II Facillitor for PD Social Studies/WMS TBD by BC thru end of school year New $35.00/hour Grant 2/25/2015 Thifeault, Kimberlee Dunn Providence, RI 02906 Title II Facillitator for PD ELA/WMS TBD by BC thru end of school year New $35.00/hour Grant 2/25/2015 NON-RENEWAL 1 TERMINATIONS I DISMISSALS 1.0 Spec. SC Globe Park end of school year 2/25/2015 Bourget, Jonathan Woonsocket RI 02895 1.0 Social Studies WMS end of school year 2/25/2015 Finlay, Tara Woonsocket, Ri 02895 1.0 Grade 7 English WMS end of school year 2/25/2015 George, Daniel Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 Music Savoie end of school year 2/25/2015 Godbout, Tiffany Cranston, RI 02920 1.0 Phys. Ed Elementary end of school year 2/25/2015 Bianco, Joline Providence, RI 02904 Page 3 2/20/2015 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 2/25/2015 :FTE *g,S.4E-"ObRESS SOS STATUS DEGREE STIRATE, REM :cSCif;-COMM:. FUNDING SY DA, AND, POSIPOIOO EFF DATE 1.0 Grade 2 Pothier end of school year 2/25/2015 Kenny, Brian Cranston, RI 02921 1.0 Graphic Design & Print WCATC end of school year 2/25/2015 Piekos, Alan Woonsocket, Ri 02895 1.0 Information Game Design end of school year WACTC 2/25/2015 Quazzi, Ahadul Milford, Ma. 01757 1.0 Chemistry WHS end of school year 2/25/2015 1.0 Title I Reading Harris end of school year 2/25/2015 1.0 LEA District end of school year 2/25/2015 Still, Amy Kingston, RI 02892 1.0 Special Ed Globe Park end of school year 2/25/2015 Storti, Christina Johnston, RI 02919 1.0 Special Ed. WHS end'of school year 2/25/2015 Goff, Jennifer Warwick, RI 02889 Schatz, Nicole Audete Providence, RI 02911 Schmiedeknecht, Kristin Cranston, RI 02921 Page 4 2/20/2015 FYI PERSONNEL CHANGES 2/25/15 RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS Hunt, Edward Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 Interim Head Baseball CoachIWHS 217/15 Resignation Hunt, Edward Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 Assist. Baseball CoachIWHS 2/7115 Resignation from LOA Stewart, Robert Barrington, RI 02806 1.0 Head Coach Cross Country/ WHS 2/10/15 Resignation Stewart, Robert Barrington,RI 02806 1.0 Assist. Coach Outdoor Track/WHS 2/10/15 Resignation Turner, Nicole Cumberland, RI 02864 1.0 Grade 2 Bernon Heights 2127115 Resignation TRANSFERS LEAVES OF ABSENCE Page 1 Woonsocket School Committee 2-25-15 CITY OF WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 767-4600 (401) 767-4647 Relay Rhode Island 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Patrick McGee, Ed.D. Interim Superintendent Website: WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Patrick J. McGee, Ed.D., Interim Superintendent0 SUBJECT: Recommendation of Chief Technology Officer DATE: February 25, 2015 It is with great pleasure that I recommend the appointment of Mr. Alan Graham as Chief Technology Officer for the Woonsocket Education Department. Mr. Graham's extensive work experience includes Information Technology Director for Dimitra, Director of Technology & Operations for the Ashland Public Schools, Director of Technology for the Framingham Public Schools, and most recently Executive Director of Operations for the Saugus Public Schools. As Director of Technology, Mr. Graham has provided district strategic technology vision and has managed tactical solutions, designed and managed the implementation of infrastructure upgrades including wireless, security upgrades, server virtualization, switch upgrades as well as delivered inclusive technologies such as Chromebooks, iPad/iTouch, and Interactive Projectors. In addition, he has managed data management integration and was responsible for technology budgeting. Mr. Graham brings to the Chief Technology Officer position a skill set to help empower and lead positive district change, implement technology programs that accelerate children success, and provide the Woonsocket Education Department with a vision for instructional technology. Mr. Graham received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Sciencia from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1979. It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Mr. Alan Graham to join our exceptional team of administrators in Woonsocket as Chief Technology Officer. Salary: $102,000.00. Term: 12 month employee Contract: Per School Committee Thank you. Woonsocket Education Department ANNOUNCEMENT OF VACANCY Posting Date: Posting Number: C # NC #13-09 TA # Deadline Date: NOON, Signature: Director of Human Resources & Compliance Send applications to the Human Resource Office at 108 High Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895 TITLE: Chief Technology Officer SALARY: Commensurate with Experience NATURE OF WORK: Under limited supervision, performs professional, supervisory, and management duties and is responsible for the overall leadership and supervision of technology in the Woonsocket Education Department. Areas of supervision include instructional technology, data use and analysis, computer applications and hardware, network and technical support, data systems, data reporting, eRate, and web services. The Chief Technology Officer is responsible for the development, implementation, operations, monitoring, and evaluation of the technology programs for the school system. This individual provides leadership in identifying hardware and software purchases, implementing new technology and data systems, ensuring consistency within the school system instructional technology plan and state technology guidelines. The employee coordinates technology staff development. The employee works collaboratively with the other members of the school system central office staff and school building staff to use technology and include technology as an integral part of Woonsocket Education Department. SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: • • • Provide leadership in the identification, assessment and management of technology needs for the Woonsocket Education Department to the Superintendent and other stakeholders. Direct, coordinate, supervise, facilitate, or perform all tasks and elements needed to effect comprehensive integration of appropriate technology into every facet of operations. Contribute to the infusion of educational technology into classrooms, libraries/media centers, and district offices by providing highly motivating, professional leadership in all areas of technology planning and resource management. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Provide leadership in all aspects of technology for the school system. 2. Responsible for the leadership and supervision of the technology staff including technicians, database manager, network administrator, and Instructional Technology Specialists. 3. Leads district initiatives, collaborating across departments and functional areas that support adoption and implementation of technology in all aspects of school business, including those that improve teaching and learning and promote 21st century skills. 4. Develops and coordinates a broad range of technology-based resources, maximizing the availability and utilization of these resources. 5. Provides leadership, advice and recommendations to the Superintendent, Principals, Directors, Teachers, and the School Committee on technology issues and consult with appropriate administrative personnel in devising, developing and implementing long-term and short-term technology goals. 6. Assists, compiles and composes applications and documentation for various grants for the Woonsocket Education Department. 7. Applies for and administers E-Rate applications, forms and awards for the Universal Services Fund ERate program. 8. Develops and executes a comprehensive and cost-effective program of preventive maintenance and repair services for technology devices. 9. Advises and approves all technology purchases. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WOMEN & MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY 10. Coordinates all aspects of design, implementation, professional development and information processing of the student information automation system and data warehousing services. 11. Oversees district technology staff development. 12. Develops policies for the use of technology throughout the district. 13. Coordinates all State, Local, Federal and Department of Education data reports including, October enrollment, discipline, December enrollment, and State-wide student identifications. 14. Provides school departMent staff with information on the availability of existing and emerging technologies in support of data use in the district. 15. Evaluates technology systems and applications and providing recommendations for hardware and software in response to the organization's needs. 16. Manages technical aspects of the district's telephone system and cellular phone networks throughout the district. 17. Oversees web development and web services. 18. Devises, develops, implements and maintains systems of internal controls, emergency and backup procedures, proper licensing, system upgrades, and disaster recovery plans to insure integrity of information, security of databases, and internal network access control. 19. Works effectively with vendors and other external partners. 20. Leads staff to determine and implement best technological practices that enhance teaching and learning. 21. Prepares and administers budgets for technology program; evaluates expenditures to ensure proper allocation of funds and adherence to organizational accounting requirements, and coordinates with other departments or agencies to ensure maximum services and resources. 22. Chairs the Technology Committee for the Woonsocket Education Department, providing short- and long-range planning for all technology initiatives and budgeting requirements. 23. Performs other related work as required by the Superintendent. ESSENTIAL. JOB FUNCTIONS: 1. Must be physically able to operate a variety of equipment including computers, copiers, etc. Must be physically able to operate a motor vehicle. Must be able to exert up to 10 pounds of force occasionally; and/or a negligible amount of force constantly to lift, carry, push, pull, or otherwise move objects, 2. Requires the ability to compare and/or judge the readily observable, functional, structural or composite characteristics of data, people, or things. 3. Requires the ability to speak and/or signal people to convey or exchange information. Includes giving instructions, assignments or directions to subordinates or assistants. 4. Requires the ability to read a variety of correspondence, reports, forms, articles, proposals, contracts, etc. Requires the ability to prepare correspondence, reports, forms, evaluations, policies, etc. using prescribed formats. 5. Requires the ability to apply principles of logical or scientific thinking to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions: to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematical or diagrammatic form. 6. Requires the ability to record and deliver information, to explain procedures, to follow oral and written instructions. Must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently in a variety of technical or professional languages including medical, legal, and counseling terminology. 7. Requires the ability to utilize mathematical formulas; to add and subtract; multiply and divide; utilize decimals and percentages. 8. Requires the ability to deal with people beyond giving and receiving instructions. Must be adaptable to performing under stress and when confronted with emergency situations. 9. Analyzing, evaluating and developing complex systems and procedures. 10. Conducting technological systems analysis and feasibility studies. 11. Training staff in the use of technology. 12. Preparing clear and concise reports, documentation, and other written materials. 13. Exercising sound independent judgment within general policy and procedural guidelines. 14. Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with all Woonsocket Education Department employees. 15. Performing financial analyses of technology needs and budget for such projects. EXPERIENCE: At least 10 years' experience in le-12 education with demonstrated professional experience in a technology leadership role. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY WOMEN & MINORITIES r' EDUCATION: Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in related fields. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Demonstrated ability to draft clear and concise correspondence. Ability to compose and/or present written or oral reports as needed. Ability to communicate effectively with all levels within the organization including administration, staff and peers. REPORTS TO: Superintendent of Schools DISCLAIMER The preceding job description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work performed by employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required of employees to perform. Revised: 1-23.15 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WOMEN & MINORITIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY Relay Rhode Island 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servi.cio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) CITY OF WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-4348 ephone (401) 767-4617 401) 767-4647 ( Brad Pcryea Director of Finance and Administration WOONSOCKET EDUCATION • DEPARTMENT Website: MEMORANDUM TO: Woonsocket Budget Commission FROM: Brad Peryea, Director of Finance and Administration SUBJECT: Woonsocket Chief Technology Officer DATE: February 24, 2015 The purpose of this memo is to demonstrate the impact on the local budget for the hiring-of Alan Graham to the Woonsocket Education Department as Chief Technology Officer. The salary and benefits are pro-rated. In future years, the budget will be adjusted to actual salary. Details of this appointment are below: Budgeted Description Graham Salary FY15 Balance 102,000 42,500 (59,500) FICA Medicare 6,324 2,635 (3,689) 1,479 616 (863) Health Ins 15,837 5,279 (10,558) Dental Ins 991 330 (661) 60 20 (40) 11,240 4,684 (6,557) 137,931 56,064 (81,867) Salary Life Retirement Total Expenditures Restricted Fund Capital Reserve FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 General Fund Other Funds (81,867) 0 0 0 0 Revenues Restricted Fund Capital Reserve Restricted Fund General Fund Other Funds FY 2015 0 FY 2016 0 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 0 0 0 -,'RODE ISLAND IreTERLocAL RISK TheTrust MANAGSMET.7T TRUST Workers' Compensation Loss Ratio Report Claims Data as of September 30, 2014 Policy Year Meclicar0r4... . Indemmty Claims Claims. 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 $4,013.36 $23,712.53 $17,523.74 $9,713.16 $16,895.39 $9,351.27 $20,339.55 2010-2014 $77,196.09 $25,000.00 $302,122.79 $353,266.88 $551,354.54 $130,731.85 $173,356.15 $582,717.65 $1,510,832.21 otal..tjaiens . $29,013.36 $325,835.32 $370,790.62 $561,067.70 $147,627.24 $182,707.42 $603,057.20 $1,588,028.30 . . otal Premium $374,899 $350,043 $350,966 $330,204 $312,135 intent r:-Pure Loss Ratio $326,507 $364,971 $1,669,855 Prior Qtr Loss Ratio 31% 93% 106% 170% 47% 0% 71% 115% 175% 47% 56% 56% 165% 94% 165% 95% Notes: 2014-2015 is renewal premium (Loss Ratio is adjusted to reflect 3 months of premium to correspond with 3 months of claims experience) 2013-2014 is renewal premium. 2012-2013 through 2008-2009 is audited premium. Pure Loss Ratio is solely based on the claims and premium info provided. Reinsurance, IBNR and other expenses are not included. 2010-2014 (5 Year Loss Ratio) \\TRUST-FP-01\cornpany\Public\toss Prevention Reports\Woonsocket Schools\Woonsocket Schools Reports as of 9-30-14 $ 165,623.92 $ 10/01/95 12/01/97 12/02/97 12/08/97 DL Sp. Ed Teacher $ 292,354.34 08/25/03 02/13/09 02/25/09 04/24/09 CB Teacher $ 280,892.34 $ 134,423.71 5 11/28/05 12/07/12 01/31/13 CB Teacher $ 84,334.71 $ 190,676.29 $ 02/28/96 03/06/12 03/07/12 CB Teacher Assistant $ 148,403.24 $ 76,631 09 $ 10/12/94 08/03/11 08/31/11 RG Teacher Aide $ $ 45,283.25 $ 04/14/12 96,277.26 11/16/09 01/14/14 04/21/14 RG Secretary $ 62,935.30 $ 52,089.40 $ 08/04/08 07/30/13 08/13/13 CB Custodian $ 60,041.94 $ 32,498.93 $ Physical Altercation With Student, Injured 457,680.00 Lower Back & Right Knee Bumped Into A Table And Twisted Right 415,100.00 Foot Clmt Was Walking With A Student When Another Student Went Under Her Feet, She Fell. Inj. L Knee, Right Arm, Hands, 275,000.00 Low Back Pain Working With Student. On Tranpoline, Ee Fell Off Injuring Her Back, Left Hip And 225,000.00 Bruise On Her Lower Leg Stepping Off Bus, Felt A Pop In Left Leg 140,000.00 And Knee Clrnt Was Carring A Box When She Tripped And Fell, Injuring Her Right Elbow. Pain 115,000.00 Shooting From Shoulder To Elbow. Clmt Was Lifing A Desk And Hurt Her Left 92,500.00 Shoulder, Neck, And Arm. Clmt Was Scratched And Knocked Down By A Student. Scratched Chest, Pain R. 03/15/10 11/07/12 11/08/12 RG Substitute Teacher $ 48,484.34 $ 41,515.66 $ 03/23/95 02/06/14 ❑2/19/14 CB Custodian $ 42,118.11 $ 32,883.31 $ 09/19/11 01/07/14 09/04/14 CB Teacher Assistant $ 6,324.25 68,675.75 $ 02/07/94 03/28/13 03/29/13 CB Custodian 5 28,564.55 $ 41,457.45 $ 02/07/94 11/04/14 11/05/14 CB Custodian $ 8,757.36 5 41,242.64 $ 09/21/00 09/18/14 09/19/14 CB Lunch Assistant $ 18,333.36 $ 16,666.64 $ Wrist, Right Lower Back, Upper Neck And 90,000.00 Shoulders Cimt Slipped On ice On Hill While Walking With Sand Bucket & Hand Truck. Inj. Low 75,000.00 Back, Right Shoulder. 75,000.00 Unknown Cimt Banged His Right Knee On The Corner 70,000.00 Of The Plow On His Truck. Clmt Lifted Rug Shampooer And Injured 50,000.00 His Right Knee And Right Shoulder. Clmt Slipped On Water On The Floor And 35,000.00 Fell, Shattering Her Elbow Clmt Went To Stand Up After Working With A Student At His Desk And Her Left 08/27/97 06/25/98 06/12/14 03/10/14 10/08/14 03/11/14 11/17/14 03/18/14 RG RG Paraprofessional Custodian S $ 13, 817 . 94 14,476.56 1 of 1 $ $ 14,182.06 8,523.44 S 28,000.00 Kn ee Locked. 5 Clmt Was Using A Floor Machine. Slipped And Fell, Injuring His Left Knee. 23,000.00 Swollen/Painful. 08/25/14 ' i' - 09/11/14 11/07/14 11/17/14 RG Pe/Health $ 5,950.00 $ 15,050.00 $ 10/07/99 11/06/14 11/07/14 11/17/14 CB Teacher Assistant $ 1,012.1$ $ 11,487.85' 5 10/23/14 12/08/14 12/09/14 12/11/14 CB Teachers Assistant $ 1,293.58 $ 11,206.42 5 09/11/14 12/09/14 12/11/14 CB Social Worker 12,500.00 $ $ 08/25/03 11/10/14 CS Director Of SpeGial Ed 08/25/14 12/05/14 CS Teacher Assistant 5 08/28/00 12/09/14 CS Teacher $ 01/04/06 05/20/14 CP Teacher Assistant $ 08/22/99 11/26/14 LB Principal 05/30/14 06/16/14 2,049.57 2,060.31 1 of 1 Cimt Was Escorting Pre School Students To Class When She Slipped Aand Fell, Injuring 12,500.00 Her Left Leg And Knee 12,500.00 Student Punched Clmt In Her Head. Trying To "Diffuse A Crisis Situation", A Young Student Punched Clmt And She Fell 12,500.00 To The Floor, lnj. Side And Back. $ 3,500.00 $ 5 1,450.43 $ Clmt Felt Throbbing In Upper Arm, Over Right Shoulder. When She Arrived Home 3,500.00 She Found A Live Tick in Her Arm. Student Grabbed Clmt Hair, Hit Her In 3,500.00 Head, Causing Cervical Strain $ 3,500.00 $ Clmt Slipped On ice When Getting Out Of 3,500.00 His Car Upon Arrival At School. $ 939.69 $ $ 3,000.00 5 j - Clmt Was Demonstrating How To Jog 21,000.00 When He Injured His Knee. Clmt Bumped Heads With A Student, Has 3,000.00 Lump On Side Of Head Near Left Eye. Struck Head On Car While Delivering 3,000.00 Packages Woonsocket Eductafion Dept. Science NECAP Results 2014 Elementary Schools =MI 111•1=1■11111■11111111111=1111111=11111111M11111 41 40 Bernon 11=111111 41 19 Norommommilommir 2012 22 437 Woonsocket Educhon Department Science NECAP Results 2014 2012 State 2013 State 2014 State 27 30 23 2 45 43 48 2012 WMS 2013 WMS 2014 WMS 10 6 6 43 44 42 3,4 Woonsocket Middle School. 1 Mean 28 27 29 834 834 833 47 50 52 828 828 827 Woonsocket High School Woonsocket Educitio'n D6partment Science NECAP Results 2014 School 2 3,4 Mean 1 2012 State 2013 State 2014 State 29 29 28 45 45 45 23 25 25 1135 1135 1135 2012 WHS 2013 WHS 2014 WHS 13 14 15 56 50 57 31 35 28 1132 1132 1133
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