# 188 PUBLISHED MONTHLY March 1st 2015 COMPONENT MANUFACTURING dverti$er #08188 A SERVING THE STRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS INDUSTRY Inside: Question Q ti off th the h Day: Layman’s Lumber Guide New Equipment JobLine Hiring Zone: Available Jobs Available Candidates page 3 page 17 page 29 page 29 Safety First Topics in English/Spanish: page 32 Business Directory: page 33 Page 2 www.mitek-us.com/planxreview Component Manufacturing Advertiser March 1st, 2015 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Published Monthly Editor/Publisher Thomas McAnally [email protected] Advertising Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #3 Question of the Day By: Stan Sias Not everyone is the enemy. Thomas McAnally Distributed FREE via e-mail subscription or on line at www.componentadvertiser.com Download FREE and subscribe by e-mail at www.componentadvertiser.com News of interest can be submitted to: [email protected] We offer one forum for many sources. Deadline is the 25th of each month. Industry Articles are the property of their creator unless otherwise noted Disclaimer: We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or material that we deem not in the interest of the industry or the Advertiser. The Advertiser is provided “As Is” including typographical errors, omissions, and mistakes both intentional and unintentional. Believe it at your own risk Copyright 2008-2009-2010 -2011-20122013-2014-2015 Component Advertiser 1723 Colonial Drive Green Cove Springs, FL. 32043 NO REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM THE COMPONENT ADVERTISER eMagazine Reading options You have two options with our new eMagazine, 1 or 2 page display. For smaller screens, tablets and phones, we will now offer a 1 page link in our weekly notice. If you open this in two page, you can easily change to one page by clicking on the control Icon above. Archive Copies Available On Line www.componentadvertiser.com Why does it seem that our industry association is an island, far away from any other groups promoting the use of wood framing in today’s markets? Stan Sias - National Manager Plated Truss Industry at Simpson Strong-Tie This is a great question, but it probably leads to more questions than it does answers. On the association front, we are told that we (the component manufacturing industry) are the center of the universe. For some, that may make you feel good. For me it raises questions. First question: Really? Perhaps we need to think a bit smaller and see if as a first step we could muster the gravitational force to attract some of our wood promoting brethren to join with us…or us with them…on more of an atomic level. Not atomic as in The Bomb, but atomic as in the smallest distinct unit of matter. As we know, atoms are the foundation of chemistry. They are the basis for everything in the Universe. All matter is composed of atoms and atoms form compounds that help the biological world survive. Let’s all try and remember back to our primary school days for just a minute (I know, this is going to hurt your head.) As any of you that know me clearly know, I am not a nuclear chemists or physicists. What I do know is that matter matters! Forming compounds that work together or getting other particles to work together really does matter. We as an organization cannot survive being an island or the negative neutron constantly repelling. There are many groups and individuals that we should gravitate to, and work alongside with, to fulfil our stated mission. Science is based on the atom because it is the smallest distinct unit of matter. Success as a trade association depends on working closely together with other trade associations, industry groups and partners. Individually, and as companies, we can and do work with our local HBAs, contractor groups, building and fire officials and the specifying community. It is true that our long term interest and goals are not always perfectly 100% aligned. That does not mean that they should be the repelled. Basic chemistry tells us that a bond between atoms can form if it is energetically more favorable for the atoms to stick together than staying apart. Relationships with our trade partners are always more favorable than the alternative. If we have the energy and desire, and the basic building block of common ground on common issues, we have the ability to attract and build durable matter. That matter will survive the environmental noise or occasional misalignment of goals and will help to build a deeper (sub-atomic) understanding of the relationship as a whole. Just as we don’t throw out the baby with the bath water, we should not turn our collective back on our trade partners just because we don’t get our way 100% of the time. Maybe we really don’t know what we don’t know after all. Maybe they are right sometimes and we’re both right the rest. Let’s not dwell on the negative energy but thrive on the positive. We can learn from one another by questioning one another and truly listening to those answers. When we bristle at the very thought of a question being asked, when we look for the negative in every situation or inquiry, we are heading down a very dark and lonely path. Member PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #4 SAWS Todd Drummond Consulting, LLC. Give Your Shop Employees and Your Company a Raise Website: www.todd-drummond.com - Phone: (USA) 603-763-8857 Email: [email protected] Copyrights © November 2014 Imagine giving your shop employees a raise and actually making more net profit for your company. It is possible to do this in any truss shop by simply implementing an effective productivity incentive program. In this newsletter, I am going to explain how to do just that. In addition to profit gains, effective productivity incentive programs have numerous benefits: • Greater productivity output means more sales per day. • More satisfied long-term employees means less employee turnover, which in turn means fewer mistakes by unskilled workers. • Better utilization of existing assets will reduce pressure to invest in more equipment to meet current demands. What defines an effective program and why do so many fail? Effective productivity incentive programs are defined by three key aspects. First, individual employee’s efforts are properly rewarded. If he/she is one of 2 to 4 people in a small group (build table or a saw), that one person has a much bigger impact on the small group than being one in a group of 30, where efforts are easily hidden. When everyone is grouped into one large pool, individual employees realize that there is very little difference in impact between 100% and 70% effort. Second, their individual small group’s productivity can be properly measured with clear realistic goals that can be achieved on a daily basis. In other words, if the type of order changes from a simple large lumber, high quantity, and with only one setup (Pole barn trusses) versus orders with multiple setups and 2x4 chords (complex hip roof), they are still able to achieve the daily incentive payout. Last, but certainly not the least, is the program has to be worthwhile for the employees. A good rule of thumb is an extra 2 to 3 dollars for every hour they achieve the incentive goals. If you are missing any one of these three key aspects in your productivity incentive program, you are wasting your time and money. Okay, some of you are really excited about paying or receiving the 2 to 3 dollars more every hour for meeting productivity gains. Every industrial engineer is taught that when there is a dollar saved beyond the common output levels, the cost of labor savings should be split 50/50. That means for every 2 dollars in savings, 1 goes to the employees and 1 goes to the company. Please remember that the 2-dollar labor savings would not have been achieved if the employees did not go beyond the standard output levels. You get more productivity, less labor cost, and more profit margin dollars for every order that they achieved the greater output. When properly implemented, the standard gain is about a 42% increase in output. (Source: Case studies from industrial engineering consultants Mitch Fein and Fred Myers published in Motion and Time Study for Lean Manufacturing 2001.) So how does one implement such a productivity incentive program that was previously defined? Well, first start tracking the individual build and saw groups. You must actually measure how many production units that each small team achieves in their daily shift. You will need to do this by handwritten tracking or invest in software that can count the individual trusses coming off the build tables. You need to know how many individual trusses that were actually completed by the team (for example, 7 of a run of 12 were completed in actual time versus expected time). It is imperative to record at this detailed level. Either record the information by handwritten paperwork (timecards) or by implementing truss shop labor-tracking software that automatically counts each truss at each build table, tracks each employee’s time, and compares everything to the expected time units. Such as software program would be well worth the investment. After establishing the capability of tracking in detail the expected versus the actual time units, consider multiple payout options. First, decide if it is best for your group to evenly divide the payout among the individuals in each group based only on their logged time or weighted against the individual employee’s hourly pay rate and their logged time, so the higher wage earners would receive a greater share. Second, the payout is based on the labor cost savings or the estimated units versus actual units multiplied by a dollar amount. I recommend setting up a well-defined spreadsheet to calculate the results from the handwritten paperwork, or you could simply click a button on the software that is able to quickly calculate these results. Don’t forget about all the support personnel in the productivity incentive program. The best way to reward their efforts is to give them a percentage of the incentive payout of the groups they are supporting. Some examples would be the truss stackers not slowing the build teams, the lumber pickers providing the proper lumber at the rate the saws can produce, and the forklift driver moving material for everyone. Everyone benefits from a properly implemented productivity incentive program. The employee makes more money and has greater satisfaction, while the company benefits from the lower cost of production and can process more sales. PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM MiTek Combi Set Web Saw •Four Blades Cut Lengths from 2' to 16' •Waste & Incline Conveyor •Extra Set of Blades •220/440 Volt - 3 Phase $13,000 FOB MO. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2006 Spida Automated Truss Saw Automated Stop & Automated Saw Rotation as directed by Truss Software. 5.5 HP Motor with 18” Blade. Angles from 10 Degrees to 170 Degrees. Length of Cut: 24”. Depth of Cut: 6”. Touch Screen Computer with Enclosure & Stand. 20’ Outfeed Table with Automated Stop. 10’ Infeed Roller Conveyor with Pneumatic Clamp. $25,000 FOB TN Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2000 Spida Saw w/2010 GEN 4 Upgrade • Automated Stop & Automated Saw Rotation as directed by Truss Software • Generation 4 Upgrade in 2010 • 5.5 HP Motor with 18” Blade • Angles from 10 Degrees to 170 Degrees • Length of Cut: 24” • Depth of Cut: 6” • To u c h S c r e e n C o m p u t e r w i t h Enclosure & Stand • 20’ Outfeed Table with Automated Stop • •10’ Infeed Roller Conveyor $22,000 FOB CO Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er ANUFACTURING SAWS 2007 Mitek Cyber A/T Component Saw •Fully Automated 5 Blade Component Saw •1-32”, 2-20” and 2-16” Blades cut 4x2 and 2x4 through 2x12 up to 20’ in length •Extra Set of Blades •Touch Screen Computer (has latest updates) •Matthews Ink Jet Printer •Outfeed Skatewheel Conveyor •Waste Conveyor (under saw, new belt) •Incline Waste Conveyor (adjacent to saw, looks rough) $129,000 FOB WA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2004 TCT 1100 Linear Saw Series 1100 linear saw features 3 HP, 3 phase saw motor with 20" carbide tip blade, 3 axis motion control system utilizing magnet servo motors. Cuts chords and webs from 2x4, 2x6 material. Saw is left feed and includes a pc with touch screen, Matthews Jet-A-Mark DOD 2002A inkjet printer, with 20' in-feed and 10' Outfeed OEM supplied conveyor. 230V, 3 Ph, 20 Amp service. Price: $49,900 :: FOB ONT Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Holtec Transcut Portable Crosscut Saw •20 HP Kohler Gasoline Engine •Cutting Capacity: 48" x 48" •Chain Oiler •Guide Bar with Chain Tensioner •Kickback Safety Bar •Squaring Frame $5,250 NOW $4,750 FOB NV Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE SAWS Adverti$er SAWS 2005 Monet Desauw B500 XEL Component Saw 2003 Omni Miser Saw 2005 Monet Desauw B500 XEL component •Automated Wood Processing System saw features semi-automatic user interface •Lengths to 16’ with backup mechanical indicators and •Ink Jet Print System A (One Face) includes grouped functions such as •Incline Live Deck automatic blade alignment for chords or •Bunk Feeder webs and automatic centerline adjustment •(5) 2x4 Magazines of nominal board size. Includes over travel •Installation & Training is available at protection, pneumatic blade brakes on additional cost all 5 blades, safety fencing, 600v to 480v $67,500 FOB MN transformer, shaker pan scrap system, Wasserman & Associates manuals, and all available hardware and 800-382-0329 spare parts. 18" minimum cut, 20' max. www.wasserman-associates.com Does not include incline scrap conveyor. 480 volt, 3 phase. Price: $71,990 $59,900 :: FOB ON Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2006 Alpine PF90 AutoMark System •Wall Panel Plate Cutting & Marking Saw •Touch Screen Interface •Automated Length Stop & Ink Jet Printer as directed by Design Software Output •Cuts & Marks Both Top & Bottom Plates Simultaneously •24’ Infeed and 16’ Outfeed Table •10 HP Motor with 20” Blade •240 Volt / 3 Phase $29,500 FOB FL Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2005 Onmi Miser RT Roof truss only. Features A-print one face side, auto-deck material feed, spare 16” blade. Price new was $175,000. $78,990 FOB CA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com R P ed r u ice ct io n OMPONENT March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #5 2005 (12/05) Wyrks Tool / Omega Double End Web Cutter 2005 (12/05) Wyrks Tool / Omega Double End Web Cutter / Model 12-05-J-260038 / Cuts 2x4, 4x2 & 2x3 Rounded End RT&FT Webs / Electric and Hydraulically Powered / 460 Volts 3 Phase / Bought New in 2005 for $70k. The rounded end web system that can replace up to 70% of conventional angle cut webs and they deliver equivalent performance. The system is a field proven manufacturing system that saves hours of cutting and assembly time, which can greatly reduce costs. It consists of the rounded Roof and Floor webs. Rounded webs are a fully tested alternative to conventional truss webs. Design procedures for both lumber design and plate connections are in full compliance with ANSI/TPI 1-2002 “National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction” NOW $4,800 FOB: GA Salter Associates 770-434-1006 www.salter.com READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM SAWS 2003 MiTek Cyber A/T Component Saw Fully automated five-blade component saw with Dell PC upgrade. Cutting performed by 2-16" x 7 HP, 2-20" x 7 HP, 1-32" x 13 HP. Touch screen monitor in enclosure for fully automated or manual part input. All powered movements, cuts 2x4 thru 2x12 plus 4x2 lumber. Lengths cut from 14" @ 90/90 deg. (11" in manual mode) to 20 feet. Minimum 4-angle cut 22" (17" in manual mode). Includes OEM belt scrap conveyor and (5) spare blades. 3 Ph, 220v/240vac, 60 htz, 175 Amp, 100 psi air required. Price: $89,990 :: FOB ONT Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2000 Monet DeSauw B500 XE Component Saw 2000 Monet Desauw B500 XE component saw features semi-automatic user interface with backup mechanical indicators. This saw comes complete with a 12' x 16' 4-arm CMF live in-feed deck. The B500 XE features grouped functions such as automatic blade alignment for chords or webs and automatic centerline adjustment of nominal board size. Other saw features include over travel protection, pneumatic blade brakes on all 5 blades, safety fencing, shaker pan scrap system, scrap incline, manual skate-wheel infeed stands, and spare set of blades. 18" minimum cut, 20' max. 480 volt, 3 phase. Price: $38,990 $34,900 :: FOB IN Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com COMPONENT MANUFACTURING dverti$er A SERVING THE STRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS, ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS AND MILLWORK INDUSTRY FAX: 800-524-4982 CONNECTORS CONNECTORS INTEGRATED COMPONENT Systems Look to Simpson Strong-Tie for your system solutions. Our growing product line is a direct result of listening to the needs of our customers and staying true to our core strengths of exceptional customer service, product innovation and testing, and manufacturing to the highest quality standards. © 2015 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc. SBC14 LATERAL Systems FASTENING Systems Let us help you with your next job. Contact your local rep at ((800) 999-5099and | www.strongtie.com 800) 999-5099 visit our website strongtie.com. M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #8 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er SAWS 800-382-0329 2006 Razer v4 Linear Saw Features hydraulic 5,000 rpm saw motor, full axis of motion to complete straight, single/ compound bevel, and rip (bevel rip capable) with 14” blade. Handles material up to 16’ in length, 14” in width, and up to 4” depth in either imperial (US) or metric dimensions (shortest cut piece is 3” delivered to front of the saw). Windows OS with color touchscreen interface allows an operator to cut up to 200+ parts per hour, 2nd generation v4 saw with 5-sensor re-referencing feature for enhanced accuracy. Includes OEM supplied in-feed and out-feed conveyor. Well maintained including new C-Axis motor July ’14. 480v, 3Ph power, requires 100 psi air supply. $89,880 FOB IL. NOW $89,880. See video here: http://goo.gl/Hxns5A Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2005 Alpine AutoMill SC Automated Component Saw •Servo controlled for fast set-ups, accuracy and system dianostics JobLine.com, inc. The 800-289-JOBS •23 Axes of Automation •Ink Jet Printer •1-20” Blade, 3-18” Blades and 1-32” Blade set-up in 2 to 15 seconds •Incline Waste Conveyor •Excludes Live Deck and Outfeed Skate Conveyor $120,000 NOW $110,000 FOB AB Direct Link: http://goo.gl/xaXNAw www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM Time To Hire? We’re here when you need help! visit: www.thejobline.com email: [email protected] or call Thomas McAnally for Personalized Service STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL! FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #9 800-382-0329 2007 Alpine ALS 276P Linear Saw Linear fed saw Model #276P, Cuts all truss parts from up to 20 ft. lumber in widths 2x3 through 2x12, cuts bevels from 90 to 25 degrees, 60”+ scarf cuts, optimizes material, production rates +2000 pcs. Per 8 hr. shift. Includes extended 23 ft. in-feed, powered live-deck conveyor, delivered to system 20 ft. feed rail and 20 ft. idle out-feed conveyor, Ink jet printer, and belt scrap conveyor. All servo controlled functions, 7.5 hp motor with 20" carbide tipped blade, 230V 3ph. This saw is being sold due to over capacity of cutting equipment. This saw can be field upgraded to Windows 7 platform, latest OEM software, and revised OEM movement parts to make this a state-of-the-art linear saw at budget pricing. Price: $94,890 :: FOB BC PENDING www.woodtrusssystems.com | 765-751-9990 SEMMLER SYSTEMS INC. ONE STOP SHOP COLUMN FABRICATING EQUIPMENT 2006 Omni Miser Saw BIG RED III *Total system inline equipment - mobile nailing bridge, joint gusset press, planer, conveyer, bunk banding station/floor track * Contains 10,000 nails, fabricates 140 columns without reloading x Fabricates 3 ply, 4 ply,2x6 and 2x8 columns up to 32’0” * Special equipment inline design requires only one operator * Column engineering and desip manual available * Finger Jointer & stacker equipment options Semmler Systems Inc. 605’787-4765 cell 605-391-9373 www.semmlerinc.com Email: [email protected] PHONE: 800-289-5627 • • • • • • • • • Automated Wood Processing System Model RTWF (Roof Truss & Wall Frame Components) 5 HP Motor with 16" Blade Cuts 2x3, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10 & 2x12 up to 16' in length Crooked Lumber Sensor Print System D (Both Faces & One Edge) Auto Deck (Live Deck) Available Septemeber 1, 2014 Installation & Training is available at additional cost. $115,000 FOB WA NOW $109,000 www.wasserman-associates.com READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #10 HELPS CUT LUMBER EVEN FASTER THAN IT HELPS CUT COSTS. Compatible with any linear-feed saw, the WoodRunner™ automated lumber retrieval system increases production by 30%, while reducing labor by half. WoodRunner sets the pace of the operator, and ensures accurate lumber selection every time. Visit www.apexmw.com or call 507-322-3700 to learn more today. WE DI DN’T J UST WEATH E R TH E STOR M. 800-382-0329 W e helped PART TH E CLOU DS. Matching you with the right wood component equipment. New or used. Through thick or thin. 2005 TCT Model 1150 Linear Saw www.WoodRunnerSystems.com www.WoodTrussSystems.com 765-751-9990 • • • • • • Cut 2x4 and 2x6 Lumber from 3” to 20’ Tops, Bottoms, Webs, Sliders, Wedges and Scissor Bottoms 230 Volt / 3 Phase 5 HP Motor with 24” Blade Ink Jet Printer Scrap Conveyor Recently upgraded with new computer, software, lumber clamps & sensors $47,600 FOB NE www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE SAWS SAWS Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #11 ts r pa Wood Truss Systems inc. w sa o MANUFACTURERS’ REPRESENTATIVES ly n 2008 Alpine X4 Linear Saw •Touch Screen Control Panel •5 Axes of Automation •15 HP Motor with 22” Blade •Ink Jet Printer •Auto Feeder (Live Deck) •Outfeed Conveyor •230 Volt / 3 Phase $49,900 FOB AB NOW $39,900 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Late 2007 Alpine X4 Linear Saw Only Touch Screen Control Panel. 5 Axes of Automation. 15 HP Motor with 22” Blade •Ink Jet Printer. EXCLUDES Auto Feeder (Live Deck). EXCLUDES 2 Outfeed Conveyors for Sorting. EXCLUDES Incline Waste Conveyor. Installed January 2008, Out of Service March 2010. $19,500 FOB IA. NOW $6,500 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2012 Monet DeRobo Linear Saw N EW ! 800-382-0329 NEW! Miter Saw with NEW Mango Plate Marker 12" Sliding Miter Saw, Automated 20' Length Stop & Plate Positioner as directed by Design Software Output, 17" Touch Screen Computer, MangoTech Wall Panel Cutting & Marking Software, 30' of Roller Conveyor with Stands, 12 Month Phone & Virtual Tech Support, 2 Day Onsite Training & Installation. Excludes: Dust Collector & Saw Stand. $27,500 www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 DeRobo linear saw by Monet organizes "fill" boards to increase optimization of each board, can produce unlimited scarf cuts, cuts 1 or 2 boards at a time and cuts webs, chords, wedges, rafters and openstair stringers. Works with all major connector plate manufacturer's software. Features include 22 inch blade, touch-screen display, right-to-left feed direction, lumber push and pull grippers for more accuracy, ink marking on edge (1.5” Dimension) on the in-feed side, standard OEM in-feed and out feed decks, small piece delivery to the front of the saw for easy access, includes waste conveyor and incline. 440 volt, 3 phase power. $108,890 $98,980 NOW $89,890 FOB AB 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #12 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er www.todd-drummond.com www.todd-drummond.com [email protected] [email protected] (603) (603) 763-8857 763-8857 Imports MiTek®, Simpson® or Alpine® Truss Files Quick - Simple - Drop Dead Easy to Use! 9 New Feature! - Automated incentive reports per each employee! 9 Track each truss as they are coming off all build tables automatically! ¡ SoŌware UI display Copyrights © 2015 Protected by Todd Drummond LLC. Photo, spring or air pressure sensors to send signals to application as each truss is completed. 9 Live dashboard displays current employees, trusses and other information that is logged into the cells. ¡ Each build tables' crew time efficiencies and current activities are displayed for all to see. ¡ Actual percentage efficiencies of last completed are displayed continuously. 9 No pre-scheduling of orders or employees prior to processing. 9 Any type of assembly tables can be used such as wood, steel gantry or other types. 9 Truss PDF drawings automatically displayed! - The screenshot UI shown above can be displayed above the build tables using large monitors or projectors with large screens. Minimum System requirements: Microsoft Windows 7® , Microsoft SQL 2012 Express® and also some additional hardware such as photo sensors and a communication network hub. PHONE: 800-289-5627 MiTek is a registered trademarks of the MiTek Corporation. Simpson is registered trade mark of the Simpson Strong-Tie Corporation. Alpine is a registered trademark of the Illinois Tool Works Corporation. Microsoft XP and Microsoft SQL are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #13 has acquired of Dyersville, Iowa The undersigned acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Lumber SpecialƟes, LTD Mergers & AcquisiƟons Advisory Debts Advisory & Placement Strategic Advisory For the Building Industry www.anchorpeabody.com Anchor Peabody congratulates the family owners of Lumber SpecialƟes for a job well done. Phone: 646.405.5669 PHONE: 800-289-5627 [email protected] READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE JobLine.com, inc. The Adverti$er TRUSS EQUIPMENT March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #14 TRUSS EQUIPMENT 800-289-JOBS Rand 24" Finish Roller Press Rand finish roller press with 14'-6" throat x 24" diameter rolls, forward/reverse functions, (2) 5 HP motors, safety bars, 80 RIV chains and drive enclosures. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $13,890 :: FOB NV Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Time To Hire? We’re here when you need help! visit: www.thejobline.com email: [email protected] or call Thomas McAnally for Personalized Service STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL! 2003 103' MiTek RoofGlider Gantry System MiTek Model 82700-601 14' X 103' sideeject, trackless system. Includes (13) 6'-4" X 14' slotted, 3/4" steel-top tables with ejectors, 2003 MiTek RoofGlider gantry head Model 82700-601 with riding platform, 2003 MiTek finish roller Model 68300, dual 9' park stations, (31) MiTek powered/ idle outfeed conveyors with (40) stands. System includes conveyor control panel, power supply line, festooned cable, and masts. Complete with all available system hardware (5 Bridge Plates, 5 ejector covers). 460v, 3ph. Price: $145,900 :: FOB ONT Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 1992 Clark Industries 14' Tri-Axis Press with Kick-Leg Table Model 4000 Gantry Press (14’) with Joystick Control, Ride Platform & Floor Track. 20 HP Hydraulic Pump Motor. 16” x 19” Pressing Platen. Kicklegs & End Stands for 12’ x 50’ Table. Combination Steel/Wood & Plastic Top with Jig Bars $28,000 FOB MI Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Sanford Finish Roller Press with Idler Conveyors Sanford final roller press, 18" diameter x 12 foot throat, includes 5 HP motor, safety bars, (14) idler conveyors 11 foot long. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. $4,890 $4,190 :: FOB KS Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com www.mitek-usa.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING TRUSS EQUIPMENT Design your own custom roof truss gantry! Don’t see the system that is just right for you? With many our listings, we can split the system up to create the perfect fit for your space or budget limitations. Need a 46’ RoofGlider, with 50’ of conveyor, and no final roller. or an 80’ Klaisler line with a final roller and a stacker; we can do that! Call or e-mail us with your specific request and put us to work building your custom solution. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE TRUSS EQUIPMENT Refurbished 1997 CMF Tracked Gantry System 1997 side eject CMF tracked gantry system with 14’ by 93 ft. working length. Tables and finish roller press were refurbished in 2007. System features (13) plastic topped tables with slotted-steel bottom chords, (1) 24” CMF diameter gantry head, (1) CMF 24" finish roller press, (4) idler rollers, and all available receivers. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. $43,890 :: FOB WA. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Adverti$er TRUSS EQUIPMENT TRUSS EQUIPMENT 2004 MiTek 103' RoofGlider Gantry System MiTek Model 82700-601-460v 14' X 103' side-eject, trackless gantry system manufactured in December of 2004. Includes (13) 6'-4" X 14' slotted, 3/4" steel-top tables with ejectors, 2004 MiTek RoofGlider gantry head with riding platform, 2003 MiTek finish roller Model 68300, dual 9' park stations, (32) MiTek powered/idle outfeed conveyors with (46) stands, (11) motors, and control panel. power supply line with cable and masts. System includes all available system hardware (bridge plates (10), ejector covers (8), and limited pucks). 460v, 3ph. Price: $154,900 :: FOB ONT Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Robbins Tracked Gantry Equipment Robbins track gantry equipment including (1) one roller gantry head with 24" diameter roll, (158) feet of rail with base plate, (3) slotted steel tables 5'-3" x 14' and (8) solid steel tables, 5' x 14'. Solid steel tables have drilled and tapped holes at 6" o/c spacing. Enough tables for 75' of working length. 480 volt, 3 phase. Price: $37,490 :: FOB PA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2007 Klaisler Tracked Gantry Head Klaisler Gantry with riding platform, 24" diameter roll, variable frequency drive and Sumitomo twin drives, Very low hours. 230/460v, 3 Ph. Price: $18,990 :: FOB SC NOW $16,500 Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com New Square 1 Floor Truss Finish Press New 2014 Square 1 floor truss finish roller press, four-foot* wide x 3 1/2” tall throat. Use of this process speeds assembly and transports finish truss away from the production area, adds quality and peace of mind for your finished floor trusses. The unique “uni-body” construction creates a ridged machine that does a final press of the connector plates for complete embedment into lumber, saving wear on your floor assembly machine. 14” diameter rolls, 7 1/2 HP motor, 80# chain, 114 FPM speed, emergency shut-off bars, chain and sprocket guards, integrated brake. Available options include: *other roller widths, Heavy-Duty upgrade, gear motor drive, and soft start controls at an additional charge. 208, 240, 480 volt electrical. $15,750 FOB IN. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 MiTek TK-8 Klincher 60' C-Clamp Systems MiTek TK-8, 20 ton C-clamp style press with 60’ working length floor-mounted jig filtering. Each system includes: support beam, manual trolley, counter balance arm with hydraulic reservoir. Three systems available. Price is per 60’ system. $6,900 each. FOB CA. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Klaisler Receiver Arms (27) Klaisler Receiver Arms Date of Manufacture: 2005 & 2006 Excellent Condition Reduced - $550 @ any quantity FOB GA Salter Associates 770-434-1006 www.salter.com March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #15 CMF 14' x 55' Roller Gantry System •Commercial Machinery Fabricators “Stealth” 14’ Gantry Roller (Track Mounted) •7 Steel Top Tables with Unstrut Jigging •5 Tables have Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor (may need some repair) •105’ of Steel Rail •20 Bridge Plates •Excludes Roof Truss Jig Hardware $29,500 FOB ND Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Hydro-Air Mark-10 Mono-Press •Press Tonnage: 37.5 Tons •Platen Size: 10” x 18” •Lumber Size: 2x4 to 2x10 •Includes: Hydraulic Power Unit, Counterbalance Arm, Trolley & C-Clamp Press •Excludes: Overhead I-Beam, Electric Feed Rail & Pedestals (all available at additional cost) •480 Volt / 3 Phase $8,000 FOB AZ. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Mitek 40' Floor Truss Machine Build floor truss depths up to 24”, lengths up to 40’. Track Mounted Roller Gantry 2005 Omni Miser RT with Ride Platform. 230/460 Volt - 3 Phase Roof truss only. Features A-print one face - 10 HP Motor. Overhead Plate Rack. Dual side, auto-deck material feed, spare 16” Safety Bars. Air Cylinder Clamping. Stored blade. Price new was $175,000. outside for 2 years. $21,900 Now $20,900 $69-950 FOB CA NOW $19,900. FOB GA Wood Truss Systems Wasserman & Associates 765-751-9990 800-382-0329 www.woodtrusssystems.com www.wasserman-associates.com READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Does Your Truss Plant Have Thousands of Dollars in Off-Line Obsolete and Unused Equipment and Parts! Sell It! in the Advertiser Call Today and Make Some Extra Cash! 800-289-5627 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE TRUSS EQUIPMENT 1999 CMF Peak-Up Stacker CMF peak-up stacker system features (2) 4-arm stacker capable of working as separate 40' Stacker stations or in tandem to stack up to 80' truss. Includes electrical control panels,and two manual end-stops. Price: $19,990 :: FOB IN NEW ITEM! Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2002 MiTek End-Eject RailRider 42 foot working length, 55 foot overall length, includes MiTek RailRider EE gantry head with 24” dia. roll and pendant control. One inclined parking ramp for the head, end stop jigging, table surface modified for single truss set-up. System includes 2012 USIFAB Final Roller and FloorTruss stacking system purchased new at $28,000. Floor Truss Machine is rated for 208-230/460 volt, 3 phase electrical service, stacker and FRP for 575-600v. Electrical s/o chord, masts and support cable are included. Price: $69,790 :: FOB QC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Alpine RAM Tracked Gantry Equipment Alpine RAM gantry, 140’ working length consisting of (22) soft-top (3/4” T&G plastic) tables. Includes (1) 1999 24” diameter Alpine gantry roller and (1) 1985 18" diameter Alpine gantry roller. Complete with rail/base-plate, end stops and any available jigging hardware. This equipment can be split into lesser quantities, two missing lift-outs, currently operational. 220 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $71,990 $61,990 :: FOB PA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #16 Adverti$er TRUSS EQUIPMENT Table Guided Gantry System by Square 1 Manufacturing New, table-guided (NO rail) gantry system by Square 1 Manufacturing, side-eject or end-eject options, with continuous production tables built to length. Available in steel, plastic or combination table top options. Can be fabricated to received automated jigging. New 24" diameter gantry heads feature raised operator platform, heavy-duty steel roll with 4" shaft, baffles and heavy-duty spherical bearings, dual 7.5 HP braking gear motors for a total of 15 HP, easy adjusting bogie wheel assemblies, safety bars, Wampfler "finger safe", undertable-mounted electrical supply and optional soft start drive. Square 1 Manufacturing can provide the combination of powered transfer rolls, sloping ejectors, receivers, idler conveyors and powered conveyors required to meet your configuration needs. 440 volt, 3 phase. Price: $(Based on required configuration) :: FOB IN. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT 2007 Wall Panel Cutting & Assembly Package •Panels Plus 12’ x 24’ Framing Table with Tool Dollies & Multi-Tool Panel Bridge •Includes Nail Guns mounted to the Tool Dollies & Panel Bridge •Apollo Saw with Auto Angulation & 22’ Mango Plate Marker. Panels Plus SubComponent Layup Tables. Panels Plus Handle Bar Router Frame (Needs New Router Motor). Panels Plus Wall Panel Lift. 100’ of Skatewheel Conveyor with Stands. Semmler Sub-Component Jig. Safety Speed Cut Panel Saw. Add $11,000 for 36’ x 40’ LodeRail 1 Ton Self-Supporting Crane System. $59,000 FOB MT. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT Panels Plus Wall Panel Framer Wall panel assembly equipment for wood or steel wall panels, floor-panels, and related framing components. The base framing table allows you to assemble from 7-12 foot wall heights, at industry standard 16 foot lengths, at a working height of 29 to 32 inches. Design includes controls at each end of table, squaring stops and pneumatic clamping for consistent wall panel quality. Frames 2x4 or 2 x 6 walls, with color-coded, steel stud locators at 16 and 24 inches O.C. spacing. Includes pop-up skate wheels for easy transfer of completed wall frame. Framing table can be configured to receive wall framing light bars, other options include custom buildable wall heights, lengths and auto-indexing of optional 2 or 3 tool carriages. Additionally from Panels Plus are sheathing tables with features that include foot pedal control at squaring end of table, with squaring stops, roller conveyors at both sides, single pendant controls for bridge, tool spacing at 6 inch centers with 3 inch bridge shift for offset nailing. Tool bridges can accommodate from 2 x 4 to 2 x 8 walls, with seam tilt being standard equipment Panels Plus Tool Bridges are available with single beam or dual beam design for two different tool mounts on one bridge. Squaring stations, sub-component tables, conveyors and panel lifts are also available. Price includes factory installation and training. 50 CFM at 120 psi air. 120 or 230 volt, 1 phase electrical. From $40,200 base price FOB MN. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Rand Final Roller Press Rand finish roller press with 14' throat x 18" diameter rolls, forward/reverse functions, (2) 5 HP motors, safety bars, 80 RIV chains and drive enclosures. 220 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $8,900 :: FOB WA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com y COMPONENT MANUFACTURING dverti$er A SERVING THE STRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS, ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS AND MILLWORK INDUSTRY FAX: 800-524-4982 Published by Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite Week #09 Friday February 27, 2015 [HOTWASH (noun): The after-action discussions and evaluations intended to guide and improve future decisions.] Fear Choking Spending Early March Looking Stronger HISTORICAL Od Man Winter is clinging on like this is CURRENT That fear also has a grip on the lumber his last stand...and it is for 2015. Despite the newscasts market...specifically lumber inventories. Lumber buyers dramatizations, nationally, this has been a very mild are aware of builder apprehension, consequently not winter. In fact, warmer than normal in the western half building spring stock piles. All agree that March and April of the county. That said, there is a devil in the details. will be solid, however May and beyond are less than a •The last two weeks have choked down jobsites. toss up. This long term skepticism is influencing near •Slumping wages, •softening housing stats for the mild term inventory management. Dealer, truss and treater weathered January, •lowest new home shopper traffic in inventories have stabilized and will begin to decline a year, •the Fed's acknowledgement and warning of a beginning next week. Now for the warm fuzzy. semi-solid economic recovery, •••and most Producers are stepping up with price incentives and importantly... personal safety...fear of nutbags at the buyers will take advantage of these discounts as the sun mall, movie theater, school, church, restaurants, and the shines brighter and longer. The lumber market should car behind. Fear is resulting in cautious and delayed improve during this first week of March. spending, particularly big ticket items...houses. Looking Forward...ml Lumber Market Forecast (The red line forecasts when the lumber market was expected to change direction or accelerate.) (The blue line is what actually happened.) Lumber Composite Price Composite 2x4's #2 SYP-E, SPF-W, Dry Hem Fir, Green Doug Fir. (Blue). There have been 393 Forecasted Reversals or Accelerations since January 1999 with 340 turns within 1 week. 87% Historical Accuracy. Lbr Composite FDP 2013-'16 Forecast Lbr Composite 2013-'15 420 395 370 345 320 295 270 245 220 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 Most Recent Issues Are Posted Friday Evenings At Lumber Market HOTWASH http://goo.gl/hTnWLZ Bi-weekly and Monthly Forecasts Are Available by Subscription Sample issues may be viewed at www.laymansguide.org LUMBER MARKET HOTWASH is a product of Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite... Matt Layman, Publisher 145 N. Main St., Cramerton, NC 28032 Phone or Text: 336-516-6684 Fax: 888-811-6917 Email: [email protected] Reprint AND distribution of this document is encouraged. www.laymansguide.org TWITTER.com/Laymansguide Join Matt Layman on LinkedIn 1 5 9 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #18 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er Published by Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite Week #09 Friday February 27, 2015 Page 2 North American Softwood Framing Lumber Price Guide Specified prices are determined by their relationship to the 16'' length of each dimension. Random length prices are averages of reasonable 8-6' or 8-20' tallies. Additional premiums or discounts to these prices may be offered depending on availability and tally requested. NOT AN OFFER TO BUY OR SELL (SYP) SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE SYP-East KD 19% 2x4#2 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 KD 19% 2x4#1 2x6#1 2x8#1 2x10#1 2x12#1 SYP-Central KD 19% 2x4#2 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 KD 19% 2x4#1 2x6#1 2x8#1 2x10#1 2x12#1 SYP-West KD 19% 2x4#2 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 KD 19% 2x4#1 2x6#1 2x8#1 2x10#1 2x12#1 (SPF-W) WESTERN CANADIAN SPRUCE-PINE-FIR R/L 410 345 330 345 420 R/L 450 380 360 375 460 Mill prices in No.FL, GA, 8' 10' 12' 390 390 390 280 360 340 305 335 345 315 355 355 355 350 425 8' 10' 12' 410 405 415 335 370 365 335 370 370 345 370 375 425 365 445 SC, NC 14' 430 355 320 360 360 14' 445 370 355 370 395 & So.VA 16' 18' 410 405 345 345 330 320 345 340 420 440 16' 18' 450 530 380 375 360 360 375 380 460 495 20' 435 345 340 345 615 20' 540 510 430 510 765 R/L 405 340 335 330 435 R/L 465 370 355 385 450 Mill prices in AL, MS 8' 10' 12' 375 380 380 270 335 330 290 310 330 290 315 330 365 370 455 8' 10' 12' 430 425 440 305 355 360 345 335 350 325 360 380 405 375 460 14' 415 350 320 335 415 14' 455 360 360 345 415 16' 405 340 335 330 435 16' 465 370 355 385 450 20' 460 345 355 360 570 20' 515 445 380 485 625 Mill prices in LA, AR, TX, OK R/L 8' 10' 12' 410 365 375 395 355 275 350 365 340 305 310 325 320 285 310 325 440 370 385 460 R/L 8' 10' 12' 440 385 390 410 370 310 370 385 355 340 345 345 355 300 335 355 455 405 400 470 14' 410 360 355 315 435 14' 430 370 365 340 430 16' 410 355 340 320 440 16' 440 370 355 355 455 (OSB) ORIENTED STRAND BOARD FOB MILL 7/16" 23/32" T&G South South North East West Central West SE 175 320 SW 195 345 NC 195 330 MW 185 315 PHONE: 800-289-5627 Mid East West Canada Canada EC 175 280 WC 165 325 18' 405 335 355 320 420 18' 520 375 365 395 430 18' 385 335 350 300 395 18' 465 350 375 325 405 20' 465 365 355 325 540 20' 495 405 380 425 550 FOB British Columbia KD 19% R/L 8' 2x4#2 310 275 2x6#2 320 285 2x8#2 315 290 2x10#2 340 285 2x12#2 460 280 10' 280 345 310 315 295 12' 280 330 335 375 485 14' 305 295 290 335 430 16' 355 340 325 335 515 18' 320 325 315 365 525 20' 315 330 335 320 515 (SPF-E) EASTERN CANADIAN SPRUCE-PINE-FIR Delivered Boston (8'-16' R/L tallies) KD 19% R/L 8' 10' 12' 2x4#2 405 385 360 385 2x6#2 425 450 445 420 2x8#2 435 410 440 450 2x10#2 470 450 460 470 14' 390 375 425 480 16' 460 450 435 470 (HF) WESTERN COASTAL HEM FIR FOB Mill Western U.S. KD 19% R/L 8' 2x4#2 330 280 2x6#2 330 270 2x8#2 320 305 2x10#2 330 280 2x12#2 355 285 10' 310 325 310 285 305 12' 315 315 305 330 355 14' 325 325 310 330 345 16' 375 365 345 355 395 18' 330 345 315 330 365 20' 330 345 315 330 365 14' 310 300 270 355 350 16' 370 370 325 405 420 18' 330 340 300 375 380 20' 335 350 340 380 445 (GDF) GREEN DOUGLAS FIR FOB Portland, OR Green R/L 2x4#2 325 2x6#2 320 2x8#2 290 2x10#2 370 2x12#2 375 8' 280 265 260 260 300 10' 300 300 255 300 330 12' 310 300 260 345 375 (GDF) GREEN DOUGLAS FIR LONG LENGTHS FOB Portland, OR Green 2x6#2 2x8#2 2x10#2 2x12#2 22' 380 415 455 480 24' 375 420 435 465 26' 505 440 440 485 28 510 475 445 510 LUMBER MARKET HOTWASH is a product of Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite... Matt Layman, Publisher 145 N. Main St., Cramerton, NC 28032 Phone or Text: 336-516-6684 Email: [email protected] www.laymansguide.org Join Matt Layman on LinkedIn READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #19 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er Published by Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite Week #09 Friday February 27, 2015 Page 3 North American Softwood Component Lumber Price Guide Specified prices are determined by their relationship to the 16'' length of each dimension. Random length prices are averages of reasonable 8-6' or 8-20' tallies. Additional premiums or discounts to these prices may be offered depending on availability and tally requested. NOT AN OFFER TO BUY OR SELL SYP MSR 2x4 2400f 2x4 2100f 2x6 2400f 2x6 2100f 2x8 2400f 2x8 1950f 2x10 2250f 2x10 1950f 2x12 2250f 2x12 1950f SYP Visual 2x4 SelStr 2x4 #1Dns 2x4 #2Dns 2x6 SelStr 2x6 #1Dns 2x8 SelStr 2x10 SelStr R/L 520 506 451 435 448 425 441 410 517 494 R/L 508 491 437 421 405 406 413 8' 465 460 340 345 365 365 365 335 440 435 8' 445 425 400 375 355 375 375 10' 475 470 415 395 445 415 400 365 415 415 10' 455 445 395 410 395 410 400 12' 490 480 420 410 440 410 430 400 520 500 12' 465 455 405 405 390 410 405 14' 525 505 460 420 470 445 395 370 500 480 14' 510 490 435 410 395 395 400 16' 530 520 470 470 435 410 465 430 550 510 16' 520 500 440 420 405 400 405 18' 605 575 500 475 495 480 495 460 525 490 18' 610 590 520 415 400 400 410 20' 600 570 570 545 500 480 585 560 720 685 20' 620 600 530 550 535 470 540 MSR R/L Chicago Niagara Minne Detroit SYP vs SPF SYP SPF SYP SPF SYP SPF SYP SPF 2x4 2400F 550 445 565 455 555 435 560 440 2x4 2100F 536 435 551 445 541 425 546 430 2x4 1650F 420 430 410 415 2x4 #1 SYP 500 515 505 510 2x6 2400F 481 495 496 505 486 485 491 490 2x6 2100F 465 480 480 490 470 470 475 475 2x6 1650F 430 440 420 425 * 2x6 SPF is 2100F. All SPF prices reflect Western Canada origins and include 3-4 18 & 20's on each car. MSR SPF KD19% R/L Western Mill BC Atl Chi 2x4-2100f 380 455 435 2x6-2100f 425 500 480 MSR SPF KD19% R/L Eastern Mill Niagara Atl Chi 2x4 2100f 415 435 405 2x6 2100f 455 475 495 New Edition of Layman’s Lumber Guide HOTWASH visit: http://goo.gl/hTnWLZ LUMBER MARKET HOTWASH is a product of Layman's Lumber Guide Forecasting Suite... Matt Layman, Publisher 145 N. Main St., Cramerton, NC 28032 Phone or Text: 336-516-6684 Fax: 888-811-6917 Email: [email protected] Reprint AND distribution of this document is encouraged. www.laymansguide.org TWITTER.com/Laymansguide Join Matt Layman on LinkedIn PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Wood Truss Systems inc. Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #20 2008/09 IBS Wall Panel System MANUFACTURERS’ REPRESENTATIVES Interior or exterior wall panel production tables 6’-4” through 12’-3” wall height capacity to 20’ maximum panel length. Includes 20’ Sub-Component lay-out tables with optional Auto Stops, and skatewheel lift-outs, and short conveyor to (1) 20’ long IBS framing table with tool dollies, and dual 20’ Light Bars, (1) 20’ long squaring/sheathing table with Auto Router bridge and rough-opening stitcher tool, (1) 20’ long squaring/sheathing station with single-tool Auto-Bridge featuring beam tilt, joy-stick control, and optional dual stitcher tools. (4) four sets of powered IBS chain-drag conveyors, (1) IBS four-tool subcomponent nailer with conveyor, (1) 24” diameter Lauderdale Super Chop, 10 HP, up-cut saw with 20’ Tiger-Stop and roller conveyor, with Miter Saw Pan. Plant Net (w/o fiber optic cable & card), (6 ) IBS Plant Net terminal enclosures with stands, Saw Trax Panel Saw Model 2064, Safety Speed Cut with stand and wheels, two panel lift, support frame, and hoist assemblies. 230/460 volt, 3 phase and 120VAC electrical. 120 PSI air. $249,600 NOW 120,890 FOB BC 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT Wright Panel Lift and Hoist Assembly (Bridge Crane Assembly) Wright lift and hoist assembly . Includes (2) 1.5 HP trolley motors, (4) 500 lb. capacity hoists, capacity (1) ton. Was used for transferring wall panels to 12 feet in height. Distance between the hoists is 13'-6" x 8'-0", the travel distance is 50 feet and the vertical travel distance is 15 feet. See video for demonstration. 220 volt, 3 phase electrical. Price: $9,990 :: FOB WA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #21 WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT 2003 IBS Wall Panel Line Features IBS 12' x 16' framing table with tool-dollies, stud-locaters, IBS light bar and auto-stops. Price includes a 12' x 16' squaring/sheathing table. Combined an IBS Plant Net system with one (1) terminal and stand, accumulation roller conveyors, and all available hardware. Price: $37,750 :: FOB IL Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Are You Waiting for a Sign? IBS Framing Table & Squaring Table NEW PortaFramer 16' x 7'-9" to 10'-6" Trailer Mounted Wall Framer 2" Ball Coupler. Safety Chains with Hooks. 2,000 Lb Jack with Wheel. Wheel Fenders. 12" White Spoke Wheels. Primed & Painted White. Galvanized Platform Stands. Galvanized Rollers & Cross Members. Stainless Steel Guide Pins on 16" Centers. Stainless Steel Air Cylinders. Stainless Steel Push-In Air Line Fittings. Water Separator & Regulator with Gauge. $15,000 FOB MO. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 FRAMING TABLE Wall Panel Lengths up to 16’ Powered Height Adjustment (3’-11”’ to 12’-3” wall heights) Tool Dollies Light Bars Stud Locators at 16” & 24” O.C. Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor Auto Stops Excludes Plant Net Computer & Enclosure SQUARING TABLE Wall Panel Lengths up to 16’ Powered Height Adjustment (3’-11” to 12’3” wall heights) Manual Squaring Stops Excludes Plant Net Computer & Enclosure $29,500 Available February 2015 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Carlson 9' x 16' Wall Panel Line •Framing Table with Stud Locators, Skatewheel Conveyor & Pneumatic Plate Clamping •Squaring Table with Router Bridge •Sheathing Table with 16 Tool Panel Bridge •Excludes Bostitch Nail Guns on Panel Bridge •Triad CN-4 Sub-Component Nailer $14,900 FOB PA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 NEWS FLASH! We stole a Sneak Peek at the NEW Single Tool Sheathing Station VIDEO: http://goo.gl/rzOQ10 Don’t tell Panels Plus! READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM www.panplus.com FAX: 800-524-4982 Toll Free 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com WizardPDS® drop-in Channels™ Old technology turned state-of-the-art with WizardPDS® drop-in Channels™ Your table + our technology = Zero Set up time and NO manual jigging. Retro fit now - own it in 6 months! Toll Free 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Used Truss & Wall Panel Equipment in Tennessee SO $7,500 Alpine Kick-Leg Floor Truss Machine LD Alpine 14' x 100' Roller Gantry System with Exiting Conveyor, Finish Roller & Outside Conveyor $ 40,000 Basic Automation Framing Table & Squaring Table with Panel Bridge $ 12,500 SO $148,000 Klaisler 14' x 50' End Eject Roller Gantry System with Wizard Automated Jigging LD Haulin 36'-50' Stretch Roll-Off Trailer $13,000 $8,000 Klaisler RolSplicer NOW $7,200 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT 2009 Panels Plus 12' x 16' Squaring Table with Panel Bridge •Wall Lengths to 16’ •Foot Pedal Powered Height Adjustment (8’ to 12’ Wall Heights) •Powered Panel Bridge with Auto Return •Panel Bridge Tool Spacing on 6” Centers with 3” Bridge Shift •Panel Bridge Stitchers for Fastening Top & Bottom Plates •Panel Bridge Tilt at Sheathing Seams •Excludes Nail/Staple Guns $49,900 FOB MN Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Wright Panel Lift and Hoist Assembly Wright lift and hoist assembly . Includes (2) 1.5 HP trolley motors, (4) 500 lb. capacity hoists, capacity (1) ton. Was used for transferring wall panels to 12 feet in height. Distance between the hoists is 13'-6" x 8'-0", the travel distance is 50 feet and the vertical travel distance is 15 feet. See video for demonstration. 220 volt, 3 phase electrical. $9,900 FOB WA. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT Carlson Sub-Component Nailer Infeed/Outfeed Roller Conveyor. 3 Mounted Senco Nail Guns & 1 Loose Senco Nail Gun. $4,000 FOB MO. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2007 Hain 12' x 20' Framing Table Wall Lengths up to 20’. Powered Height Adjustment (8’ to 12’ wall heights). Single Gun Tool Dollies. Includes 2 Bostitch F21PL Nail Guns (21 Degree, Plastic Collated). Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor. Ball Screw Telescoping System (Repeatable to .015”). Retractable Plate Clamps. Movable Single Rail Sill Support. Movable Double Rail Header Support. 110 Volt / 1 Phase. Lightly Used (Dirty and Minor Surface Rust from Long Term Storage) $19,500 FOB NE OPTIONS Add $1,250 for Used IBS Handle Bar Router Add $3,500 for IBS Component Tables with Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor Add $360 for 1 Pair of 10’ Skatwheel Conveyor Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Adverti$er WALL PANEL EQUIPMENT Viking Framing Station Viking 38’ framing station with walk through design includes H.D. stud locators (16” & 24” centers), skate wheel ejectors, Powered tool carriages with three (3) tools per side, Auto-Plate Stops, and dual operator controls. Once staged the framing sequence is event driven, including 2x4 or 2x6 material size System allows assemblers to work from both the top and bottom chord for increased productivity. Builds walls from 4' to 12’-0” high. System support, and installation available from the OEM. 480 volt, 20 Amp, 3 phase electrical. 15 CFM air at 100 PSI. Price: $43,990 :: FOB OH Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 TRUCKS & TRAILERS 2007 Precision Equipment 36' Gooseneck Roll-Off Trailer •Self Contained Hydraulic Lift •Rollers at 24” O.C. •Manual Pin Locks on Rollers •Roller Load Control •Load Straps & Winches •Electric Brakes (50% remaining) •Tires (30% remaining) $14,900 FOB NY Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #24 TRUCKS & TRAILERS 1994 36' OK Gooseneck Mfg. Trailer 1994 Oklahoma Gooseneck Manufacturing, 36' tandem axle gooseneck trailer with electric drum brakes, indicator lights, and 13/32 to 13/64 tread depth, integrated, manual "landing-gear". 20,000 lbs. load rating.Price: $4,890 :: FOB TX Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2006 A Nu Prospect 53' Step Deck Roll Off Trailer Price: $42,890 :: FOB WI NEW ITEM! Condition: Good 53' step deck trailer with GVWR of 77,000 lbs. Top deck height is 64", bottom deck height is 40". Unique "convertable" desigh allows for wall panel / building supplies / roof trusses to ship on one trailer or for long roof-trusses when hydraulic deck is lifted. Features split, locking rollers, right-side outrigger rollers for wide loads, hydraulic lift neck, LED lighting, straps to D-rings, and anti-lock brakes. Tires are good 70+ tread Trailer is currently in use, well maintained, and has current DOT inspection. $42,890 NOW 39,890 :: FOB WI. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com www.mitek-usa.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #25 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er Toll Free 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com $59,000 FOB MO Monet DeSauw Framing Table with Panel Bridge FRAMING TABLE Lengths to 16' (additional length available in 4' increments) Powered Height Adjustment (8' to 12' wall heights) Pop-up Skatewheel Conveyor Fixed Squaring Stops Excludes Tool Dollies PANEL BRIDGE Programmable Fastener Patterns with PLC Touch Pad Entry Bridge Auto Return Bridge Tilt at Sheathing Seams Laser Pointer OPTIONS Add $950 for Stud Locators at 16" & 24" O.C. Add $1,750 for Handle Bar Router Add $1,250 for Wall Panel Lift (Excluding Hoist) Add $1,500 for 1 Pair of 15' Skatewheel Conveyor with Stands Add $3,750 for Sub-Component Layup Tables Includes Installation Support in the United States & Canada PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er TRUCKS & TRAILERS March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #26 MISC. New Website Offers Mobile Friendly Interface! The website includes a product explorer which will allow you to search for specific equipment from the over 150 new & used products available. The listings will be comprehensive with great detail, many photos and an occasional video. Our goal is to provide the best resource in the industry for making profitable equipment selections for your company. Load Lifter T-40 Yard Carrier •The T-40 Modular Yard Carrier can easily move a modular building off your production line to your staging area in minutes •50,000 Lb Capacity •70' Main Rail Length (78'-6" Overall Length) •20" Vertical Lift •18 HP Gas Engine Power Unit for All Hydraulics •Rear Lift: Six 5 x 20 Cylinders •Pintle Hitch Coupler •Running Gear: Six 20,000 Lb Heavy Duty Agricultural Spindles & Hubs FOB NE:: $19,500. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com Invicta DGI-40 16" Single Surface Planer (Used) •15 3/4” x 8 1/2” Capacity •25 & 46 FPM Feed Speeds •5,000 RPM Cutterhead Speed •7 1/2 HP Motor •230 Volt / 3 Phase •Powered Raise & Lower of Table $4,000 FOB WA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com www.wasserman-associates.com JobLine.com the 800-289-JOBS 2015 Precision Equipment Roll-Off Trailers 40', 48' and 53' Fixed Lengths. 36' to 51', 42' to 60', 46' to 64', 50' to 70' and 53' to 80' Expandable Lengths. 102" Wide. Air Lift ICC Bumper. Self Contained Hydraulic Power Unit. Spring Loaded Composite Fenders. Dual Rear Rollers. New Low Pro Tires. Air Operated Roller Pin Lock System. Air Operated Load Control System. Sliding Air Ride Suspension. Strobe Lighting. Mesh Between All Rollers. Patented Load Lifts. LED Lighting System. Extenda-Rail. 4" x 35' Load Straps. Patented Strap Locks. Strap Winches. Dove Tail on Rear of Trailer. Hydraulic King Pin Plate. Removable Headache Rack. 7 Way Receptacle on Rear of Trailer. Split Rollers. Sliding Winch System. Aluminum Tool Box. Trailer is Sandblasted & Primed with PPG Polyurethane Paint Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Time To Hire? We’re here when you need help! www.thejobline.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 2000 Prentice Telestik-33 Material Handler 32’-10” Boom. 4,000 Lb Payload. Excludes Truck. $10,000 FOB GA. NOW $8,000 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM Pacific Automation Infeed Deck Pacific Automation 5-arm indeed deck, 15’ x 22’ footprint, features 5 HP gear motor, heavy-duty chains, tubular steel construction, sealed bearings, and foot pedal controls. 26" high, weight 7,000 lbs. 440 volt, 3 phase electrical. $4,900 :: FOB WA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Refurbished 2005 Hain 20Ft. Measuring System 2005 Hain power head 1/4 HP electrical unit with new steel rails, pusher and stops, 20 foot long from OEM, measures lengths in feet, inches and fractions of an inch. The Hain MEA is a consistent way to measure your product, can adapt to any saw, allows left or right hand operation. OEM can custom build the unit to length up to 20 feet. 110 volt electrical. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING MISC. IBS Sub-Component Nailer •Clamps lumber up to 15” wide x 13” high •All clamping positions are adjustable •Can nail headers from both sides •End stop assures pieces are flush •120 Volt / 1 Phase •Includes Infeed/Outfeed Roller Conveyor (not seen in photos) •Includes Bostitch Nail Guns with Extended Magazines $5,900 FOB AB Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE MISC. 2008 AeroGo Load Beams Air Caster Load Beams (for moving modular home sections). Two Aero-Caster Load Modules connected by an Adjustable Telescopic Tube. Lightly Used (Once or Twice). Capacity: 7 Ton Each. 36 Load Beams Available. $50,000 for all or $1,700 each. FOB AL. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2007 Univeyor Automated Linear Conveyor System Just-in-time delivery of cut material packages via automated linear conveyor, delivering banded packages to four-stations over a 103' production area. Features a Signode HB 4300, semiautomatic plastic strapping station with foot control to strap truss packages which are delivered to an operator selected station via Univeyor conveyor system consisting of medium duty chain driven live rollers at a rate of 40' per minute. Weight of cut material package can be up to 800# and up to 20' long. Includes (1) 40' continuous strand chain driven conveyor, (1) 18' continuous strand chain driven conveyor, (1) 22' continuous strand chain driven conveyor, (1) 19' continuous strand chain driven conveyor, (4) right angle transfers, (4) skate wheel tracks, (2) 48" non-powered gates, and all available safety equipment, light towers, controls, e-stops, and motors. System includes top-loading, gravity-fed trays for pre-picked connector plate delivery to lumber package stations . Allen-Bradley controls, 575v, 3 phase power. Includes all shop drawings and layouts, system is installed and under power for inspection by prospective buyer. (System was over $140,000 new in '07). Adverti$er MISC. 2009 EnDiSys / Graco Foam Insulation System EnDiSys Model 3004240B. Skid Mounted Graco Reactor H-25 Hydraulic, Heated, Plural Component Proportioner. Maximum Flow Rate: 22 Lb/Min. Maximum Fluid Working Pressure: 2,000 PSI. Reactor Portable Dispense System (Manual Contol). 230 Volt / 3 Phase. Two 100 Gallon Heated Tanks. Drum Agitators (Both Sides). Feed Pumps. Recirculation System for Hose and Reactor. 150’ Heated Hose with 10’ Whip. Out of Service (Stored Inside). $19,500 FOB NE Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com Metriguard Finger Jointing Testing Equipment •Metriguard Model 330 Press. •Humboldt Model H-30140 Laboratory Oven (115 Volt). •Pressure Pump & Vessel. •Lightly Used. •Excludes Associated Machinery Material Cart. $6,500 FOB NE Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Palatek 25 HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor with Atlas Copco Air Dryer -Palatek Model 25D4 Air Compressor -25 HP Motor (230/460 Volt-3 Phase) -95 CFM at 125 PSI -13,111 Hours on Air Compressor -2007 Atlas Copco Model FX Refrigerated $88,990 NOW $79,990:: FOB BC Air Dryer (115 Volt-1 Phase) -Air Storage Tank 765-751-9990 $6,000 FOB KS. www.woodtrusssystems.com Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #27 MISC. 2008 OMGA Finger Jointing Line Price: $29,900 NOW $24,900:: FOB CO Model FJL100M, refurbished by Monet in 2010. This complete system includes OMGA JL 100M finger joint cutting head, shaper unit, OMGA PR 100/3.2 hydraulic press, OMGA INK F-100 glue station, and TITEN finish planer of unknown age, used for producing finger joint stud material from cut off scrap material. 480v, 3Ph power. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com 2010 Monet DeSauw Wood Finger Jointing Line Cut-Off/Shaper Unit with 5 HP Saw to Cut-Off Angles & 25 HP Cutter Head to Fingerjoint Ends. Delta 2 Bag Dust Collector. Glue Station with Apquip Glue Applicator & 6 Gallon Glue Pot. Hydraulic Finger Joint Press with Cut-Off Blades (2x4 and 2x6 Lumber). 480 Volt / 3 Phase. Save $$ on Disposal Fees, Earn Profit on Waste Material & Produce Straight Lumber. $58,900 NOW $52,500 FOB IL Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wassermanassociates.com Hain 20' Powered Measuring System •Adapts to Any Saw •Left or Right Hand Operation •Feet & Inches System (Stops at 12” Centers) or Inches System (Stops at 10” Centers) •Motor: 1/4 HP Linear Actuator (110 Volt) •Stop Rail: 2 x 4 x 1/4” Aluminum Extrusion •Stops: Jig Bored Steel •Stop Blocks: Machine Billet Aluminum •Optional Lengths from 5’ to 60’ •Optional Gang Stop •Add $770.00 per 10’ Section of Heavt Duty Roller Conveyor with Stands Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING MISC. Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE MISC. Adverti$er Door & Stair March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #28 Door & Stair Wood Truss Systems inc. MANUFACTURERS’ REPRESENTATIVES New SL Laser Projection System New, laser projection system from SL Laser. Projects roof truss, floor truss and wall panel design images accurately onto building surface, for faster setup and fabrication times. Each laser head provides 21' projection length (@15 foot ceiling heights). Includes system computer, cables, mounting hardware for attachment to customer's structure, factory installation, training and choice of green or red laser. Works with each connector plate manufacturer's design software. Modular nature of the laser heads allows for easy, future expansion of system length. 120 volt, 1 phase. FOB NC Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Ruvo 2200 Stair Saw Ruvo model 2200 machine capable of box stringers only and cuts two stringers at a time. The saw comes with a year warranty; 90/08 remanufacture including new cylinders, valves, tubing, fittings and electrical. Spindle motors are either new or rebuilt. The machine has been recalibrated, all known problems fixed, motor bench tested, machine cycled and video of cutting stringer can be supplied. Installation by the OEM is available at an additional charge. Wired for 230 volt, 3 phase and 30 amp electrical service. $22,677 FOB FL | AS NEW 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com New Square 1 Rolsplicer New 2014 Square 1 Rolsplicer splices 2"x3", 2"x4" and 2"x6" lumber with a 3-4 second cycle time. Presses the lumber together prior to imbedding plates. Features two, recessed, simultaneous-activation buttons, guarded motor and sprockets, external lubrication points, 3 HP motor and a footprint of 59" long x 42" wide. Optional 20' infeed and 10' outfeed conveyor available. 240 or 480 volt electrical. $15,500. FOB IN Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com Cross Manufacturing Lumber Splicer Custom manufactured 7.5 HP hydraulic lumber splicer with maximum plate size of 10" x 11". Dual hand controls and reservoir.. 208/240/460 volt, 3 phase power. $4,890 :: FOB TN. Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 www.woodtrusssystems.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 Door & Stair Norfield Magnum Door & Jamb Machine •Door Sizing/Beveling •Lock & Latch Drilling •Hinge Butt Routing in the Door & Jamb •Faceplate Routing up to 1 1/8” x 2 3/4” •Air Predrill & Air Screwdriver •Width: Doors to 4-0, Jambs to 10 1/2” •Height: Doors to 8-0, Jambs to 8-0 •Thickness: Doors to 1 3/4”, Jambs to 1 1/8” •Butt Sizes to 5” x 5” •Butt Spacing: Infinitely Variable •Lock Backsets from 2 3/8” to 5” •230 Volt / 3 Phase $8,000 FOB WA Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2003 Triad Smart Stair Router System CNC (computer numeric controls), menudriven machine cuts 2x10 & 2x12 standard stair profiles w/touch screen controls. Two HD routers cut top or bottom stringer only, or both stringers simultaneously. Smart Stair Router accommodates standard stair profiles, no riser profiles, split stringers & open stringers with hardwood or softwood settings; cuts top or bottom stringers or both simultaneously. Features (2) HD 2 HP belt driven routers w/1/2" capacity collets, (2) stepper linear actuators for cutting profiles, (1) servo/stepper drive wheel for indexing, 628 lb. vertical clamp, 352 lb. horizontal clamp, industrial computer, and 4-axis motion controller. System includes 2260 Wedge & Glue Block Cutter to mix stacks of 1x and 2x materials in the same hopper. Cuts (2) wedges out of 1x material and (1) wedge out of 2x material w/walkaway hands-free operation. Capable of cutting glue blocks; bag-style dust-vacuum system included. Includes Triad stair assembly clamp for easy jigging of staircase assemblies. Accomodates up to 16 risers with a maximum width of 50". Price: $52,750 $47,750 :: FOB PA Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 BAM CNC Stair Router Saw Reman 03/08. Builders Automation Machinery [BAM] model CNC/MFSR stair router. Contemporary, box & open stairs, the only machine available that also cuts the top and bottom landings. Programmable with a large library already in the machine for most all box and open stringers. Remanufactured includes new wiring, rebuilt spindle motors, new drives & is equipped with two variable frequency drive, 5 horsepower, 3 phase motors. One year warranty. Setup is free of labor charges we do charge airfare and per diem for setup and training. Portable 4 bag, 3 phase vacuum switched on at the machine controls is available for $1,568. Installation by the OEM available at an additional charge. 230 volt, 3 phase, 60 amp electrical requirements and 120 p.s.i. and 35 CFM air requirements. Price: $56,667 :: FOB FL Wood Truss Systems 765-751-9990 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM Norfield Vertical Door Loader -2,800 Lb Capacity -48" Stack Height -480 Volt / 3 Phase Location: TX Price: $7,900.00 Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com 2002 Builders Automation Template Stair Router •Model RUWO 2000 MFSR •Cut Box and Open Stringers •Manual Setup with Auto Feed and Cut •One or Two Stringers per Cycle •10’ Infeed and 10’ Outfeed Roller Conveyor with Stands •2 Bag Dust Collector •(2) Lift Tables for Staircase Assembly •240 Volt / 3 Phase Price: $25,600 FOB NE. Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com Norfield Pro Door Machine with Door Cut-Off Saw Norfield Pro Door & Jamb Machine Width: Doors to 3-0, Jambs to 10 1/2” Height: Doors to 7-0, Jambs to 7-0 Thickness: Doors to 1 3/4”, Jambs to 1 1/8” Butt Sizes to 4” x 4” Butt Spacing: Infinitely Variable Lock Backsets from 2 3/8” to 5” 230 Volt/3 Phase/ 50 Amp and 230 Volt/1 Phase/20 Amps Norfield Model 3600 Door Cut-Off Saw Maximum Door Width: 4-0 Maximum Door Length: 9-0 Maximum Door Thickness: 2 1/4” Saw Blades: 2 at 8” 230 Volt/1 Phase/20 Amp/5.5 HP $6,900 FOB IN Wasserman & Associates 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE new equipment showcase Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #29 job opportunities available Senior Multifamily Truss Estimator Location: Texas Priority: Immediate Search ID: J10578 Primary duties include estimating, job Senior Truss Designer books, bid creation and working closely with Truss/Panel/I-Joist/EWP Sales, Customers, Architects, Engineers, Location: Arizona and Code Officials as well as Design, Priority: Immediate Search Production and internal departments. Must ID: J10685 have excellent communications skills Truss I am looking for a high energy Senior design skills are a strong plus. JobLine Designer. Someone who understands all Senior Designer certification is preferred. aspects of truss, panel, I-Joist, and EWP Skills required include MiTek software, design. Commercial experience is a plus! (Sapphire preferred) will consider equal Experience required: 5+ years in component brand experience, math skills, and blueprint design plus JobLine skills evaluation above reading. Components include: floor trusses, 90. Primary duties include design/layout, roof trusses, and framing components. reviewing other's work, optimization, Markets must include multi family. Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com 800-382-0329 and cutting. Secondary duties include customer service and interaction with other departments. Must be willing to be proactive in supporting production, sales and administration. Technical skills required include MiTek software, AutoCAD, will consider equal brand experience, producing production documents, math skills, and blueprint reading. Components include: floor trusses, roof trusses, framing components, I-joists, EWP, hardware. Benefits, company culture, and advancement opportunities are what makes this employer attractive. It's warm in Arizona! Compensation: This is a job for the top 5% of Multifamily Truss and Panel Designers. Salary from $50-75k+++ base salary plus bonus (15k+-) depending upon experience and performance. Top level is mid $80's including bonus and even more for the highest earners. I know this employer and they are well known for paying what is promised and taking care of their employees. The Design Manager's bonus is based on how much bonus their Designers make. Relocation will be paid within reason. Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com Monet DeSauw FWA 500 Floor Web Cutter •Push Button Powered Blade Angulations •Single Push Button Setting for 2 Blades per Side •Electronic Digital Readouts •Backup Mechanical Indicators •Cuts 4 Angle Webs, Cantilever Webs (2 piece webs) & Square Blocks •Magazine Lumber Feed for 3x2, 4x2 and 6x2 Lumber •12 1/2” to 48 1/2” Length Capacity (7” Minimum on Square Blocks) •60 Pieces per Minute •(4) Internal 16” Blades & (1) External 16” Cut-Off Blade •Pneumatic Blade Brake on External Blade •Dust Hoods •Vibrating Waste Conveyor (under saw) •Add $3,600 for 12’ Incline Waste Conveyor (adjacent to saw) •Add $1,700 for Extra Set of Blades •Single Sided Setup is available at Additional Cost •480 Volt / 3 Phase $48,000 FOB MO www.wasserman-associates.com PHONE: 800-289-5627 Truss Designer Location: Midwest Priority: Immediate Search ID: J10680 In-Office Truss Designer needed for this Midwest company. Stability and friendly environment are the key draws that this employer offers. JobLine Intermediate or better skills evaluation and MiTek Sapphire experience is preferred. Multifamily, lumber takeoff, framing package experience is a major plus! Salary: $40's-50's (or more DOE) plus benefits, 401k, vacation, health insurance programs available. Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM Compensation: Base from $20-28hr + OT, averaging 45 hrs, depending upon experience and ability. Benefits include: Medical, Dental, Vision, 401K and/or other retirement programs, and detailed benefits plan - see Company Profile. Relocation is acceptable with reasonable expenses paid and open to negotiation. Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com Truss Designer Location: Colorado Priority: Immediate Search ID: J10617 MiTek Sapphire and AutoCAD software experience preferred. JobLine certified Senior Designer rating strongly preferred. Employment history must demonstrate progressive advancement, stability, and strong skills in multi family design. No job hoppers. We have specific instructions on what type of candidate they will accept, and we will be closely screening candidates for this opportunity. Priority is multifamily and commercial experience. Compensation: $20-29hr. plus OT, 45 hrs+. Full benefits program. Relocation assistance is negotiable. Thomas McAnally Personal Recruiter 800-289-5627 x1 www.thejobline.com Wall Panel Production Manager Location: GA ID: J11690 This is not Modular, but is similar. Here is an opportunity to run your own shop, day shift, with 10+- employees producing wall panels. Virtek Laser Saw experience is a plus. Open panel, Thermoply or Gyp sheathing based on specifications. 1+ year backlog with stable customer base making this a long term opportunity. Currently working 45-50+ hours a week, most Saturdays. Wall panel experience is preferred but will consider truss or modular experience. Compensation: $17-20 hr. plus OT, benefits, vacation, retirement program. This can be a $40’s to $60k opportunity for the right candidate. FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING JobLine.com, inc. The 800-289-JOBS Time To Hire? We’re here when you need help! visit: www.thejobline.com email: [email protected] or call Thomas McAnally for Personalized Service STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL! General/Plant/Production Truss Manufacturing Manager Relocation: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, USA - South, USA - Southwest, USA - Western, Utah, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana Overview: My objective is to improve a Truss, and or Wall Plant, in the area of production strategies, efficient, safety, quality and all areas of plant and operations management, with my 21 years experience as a Truss Plant owner Manager of a $12- million dollar annual sales, 2 shift truss/wall plant and 30 years wall panel experience. To become lead or assist a team of employees to do profitable product and gain or continue a great name recognition for the company that employee's me. Past Duties: Operate and maintain all actions required to grow, profit, insure safety, State laws & regulations for a roof truss, wall panel & lumber company with $12million in yearly sales, 125 employees with 2 shifts. Creating and implementing safety, maintenance, labor, delivery and quality product with a substantial profit, monitoring all financial & production statements insuring all areas of Plant Operation were in top performance. Txt: C12215 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Truss Plant Manager Truss Production Manager Relocation: USA - Northwest, USA Southwest Manage plant up to 25 persons. Overseeing production of roof and floor trusses. Keeping track of inventory. Training, Hiring and employee's Setting pay scale for employee's. Costing trusses and working with design and owners scheduling production. Maintenance PHONE: 800-289-5627 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er Hiring Zone - Available Candidates on all equipment includes setting up new Plate Institute). Including inspections, for equipment, fixing all mechanical issues verification of product to national standards. with saw and gantry table. Safety and OSHA Estimate, Design, optimize, layout and Training and setting Truss plants guidelines when necessary consult with production for safety. Tracking all production with a and shipping on orders for wood roof profit-loss spreadsheet. Keeping 100 Board trusses, floor systems, and accompanying ft per man hour production quota. Doing beams and hardware. Software: BC Framer, Outside Sales in spare Time. FASTBeam, I-Joist, MiTek, Simpson, TJ Txt: C12236 to 406-210-1226 Beam, Microsoft Office. or call 800-289-5627 x1 Txt: C12286 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Senior Designer/Estimator/Coordinator Truss/Pane/EWP/I-Joist/Remote Plant/Location Manager Relocation: USA - ALL States, USA - ALL Floor & Roof Truss/Wall Panel States Relocation: USA - ALL States Overview: Overview: Designed floor and roof truss orders Started in production, working as a builder, for residential, commercial, and large sawyer, and forklift operator for 16 years. multi-family projects. Sent, received and As a working shop supervisor he trained processed my own field repairs and sealed 10-20 production workers over 2 years. As drawings. Took on a large independent production manager, he trained, evaluated living center project that needed multiple and suppervised 25 to 35 production field repairs as it was designed incorrectly employees. Responsible for reporting of from a designer who retired. I went into lumber inventories and purchasing of plates the project knowing nothing about it. I put and hangers. Maintained production levels together a team which included myself, the to meet customer's needs. Increased roof salesman, and shop foreman to talk with and floor production and lowered labor rates engineer of record and job supervisor to through hand-on training and leadership insure proper field repairs would be made. for 7 years. For the last 5 years he has been I optimized many roof and floor trusses for responsible for production operations of myself, the shop, and the design staff which entire plant. Accountable to owner for the included 8 other truss plants. On average I productivity and profitabilityof the plant. was able to save the company 5-10% on In charge of all day-to-day operations each job. After a year of being at this facility of production, inventory management, I took on the only estimator position. I was worker supervision and OSHA regulatory estimating 95% of the projects coming in compliances. Hired, trained, evaluated whether it be roof, floor, wall panels, TJI, and managed a work force of 40 people, or stairs and sending out the quotes in a including 2 supervisors At one time had 3 timely fashion all while still designing shifts. Led company to 28.4 million BFT of multiple jobs, handling my own hanger production at 94.1 BFT per man hour. orders, coordinating shipping to help out the dispatcher, and meeting with walk in Compensation: $70-80K customers. Txt: C11504 to 406-210-1226 Txt: C12135 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Design Coordinator/Supervisor Truss/Modular Production Manager/Designer/EstimaRelocation: Michigan tor - Truss/EWP/Beams/I-Joist Relocation: Virginia Overview: Overview: ENGINEERING DESIGN As Designer: Problem solving with C O O R D I N ATO R : Q u a l i f i e d a n d incomplete or questionable plans. coordinated truss design requests for Verification of roof and floor systems manufactured & modular homes. Supported including beam adequacy as specified by sales staff and field personnel with technical architects or engineers. Liaison between specifications and information. Served as company suppliers and customers to local an authority on building code questions area codes compliance inspectors and plans and requirements throughout the United examiners. Development, manipulation, and States. Monitored and scheduled all jobs to modification od estimating subroutines in ensure they were done on time. Collaborated computer software to ensure profitability with the plants in order to improve the of work. Maintenance of all default and relationship between the Engineering variable software was kept up to date from Department and plants. Co-authored a codes standpoint. Hardware order and the Engineering Department’s Standard inventory control. Taking and verifying Operating Procedures. Developed and issued field dimensions. Verification of contract best practice documents for plant personnel. necessities and criteria for commercial Participated in the continuous improvement applications in private, state, and federal committee implementing lean concepts and areas. This includes contract negotiations, best practices to improve department and addenda, plans changes, and documents company process efficiencies. for proper design, manufacture, and Txt: C11860 to 406-210-1226 delivery of products. Company quality or call 800-289-5627 x1 control representative to TPI (Truss- READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #30 Designer/Remote Designer - Truss Relocation: Georgia Design and engineer roof and floor truss systems for residential, commercial and multifamily applications using Alpine AutoCAD design software. Communicate with builders, architects, and engineers to obtain initial truss design and follow up to ensure proper delivery and instillation and repairs if needed. Responsible for design, engineering, repairs, installation guides, job quotes and pricing takeoffs for some of the company's largest customers. Inspection of truss installation, placement and loading conditions at specific job sites in order to ensure customer satisfaction. Txt: C12154 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Outside Sales/Technical - Truss Relocation: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, USA Western, Utah, Wyoming, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas. 35 years construction experience, 25 in truss sales. Sells Trusses wholesale. Sells Trusses to Builders and Owner Builders and service the account through Design, Pricing, Production, Delivery, Installation, and problem solving. Also service National accounts which involves solving all the in-field problems. Dealing directly with the project Supervisor on missing trusses, damaged, missing plates, trusses don't plane, don't work, design errors, bad deliveries, dealing also with the building inspectors, and project engineers. Compensation: Mid $30's base plus commission. Txt: C10234 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Design Manager/Senior Designer - LGS Relocation: New Jersey, New York Overview: As GM: Restructured, organized and currently managing the truss department for the company. Estimating and overseeing all truss estimates valued between $20,000 - $2,000,000. Designing and supervising truss designs for all running projects. Managing projects including supply only and installations. Inventory control including ordering and maintaining approx. $200,000 stock material. Coordinating with Engineers and Architects on design/builds, loading and calculations. Sales coordination through proposal follow-up's, customer design meetings and jobsite tours. As Estimator/Senor Designer: Estimating and design of truss projects. Project management. Coordination of third party engineering, subcontractor installations and material ordering. Always learning and looking for more efficient and economical business practices. Helped restructure the department to become accountable and more profitable. Txt: C12165 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING Production/Design/Location Manager Truss/EWP/Package Relocation: California Design and manage all truss operations. purchase all lumber and plates. Arrange payment and shipping. Troubleshoot every aspect including machinery. Implemented our OSHA safety plan and requirements. Print invoices and remove material from active inventory using peach tree software. Set up new customer accounts and validate credit references. Design wood and steel joists and headers. Assist customer project problems for the best economical and practical solution. Prior: Truss design and supervise. Purchase building material. Arrange billing and shipping from start to finish. From the small detached garage to the large apartment complex, I have done them all... Txt: C12276 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Outside Sales/Management - Truss Relocation: Houston Texas Manage the daily function of my sales team, to insure the my team has the tools and the resources they need to reach goals set by the company and their individual goals as well. I have 3 outside sales personnel and 2 inside. Make routine trips to help the team close certain jobs. Work closely with our estimating department to make sure all quotes are handled in a timely manner and with the production team on delivery schedules. Txt: C12256 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Designer/Estimator - Remote Location: Iowa or Remote Inside sales & estimating, blueprint reading, customer relations & service, product support, product & job management, problem solving, load transfer, mechanical & technical math, research & design, multitasking, detailing, technical writing, data entry, supply and material management. Software: MiTek, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office. Products: Roof & Floor Trusses, EWP, I-Joists, Beams. Prior WTCA III, Associates in CAD. Txt: C12253 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 Designer/Design Manager Truss/Panel/I-Joist/Stairs/EWP Relocation: Ohio 18 years Design experience with 3 as a Senior Designer. Primary duties: design, layout, and optimization. Secondary duties: checking others work and repairs. Software used: Robbins, Keymark, and AutoCAD. Component experience includes floor trusses, roof trusses, wall panels, I-Joists, and hardware. Market experience includes tract, single family, single family custom, multi-family, and agriculture. My volume was varied depending on projects. ID: C11856 PHONE: 800-289-5627 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #31 Hiring Zone - Available Candidates Remote Truss Designer - Multifamily Senior Designer - Truss/Panel/Packages Relocation: Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Relocation: California or Remote Design The .com, inc. Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, As Truss Design Dept. Manager for Washington DC designers at multiple locations. Primary Overview: Well rounded candidate duties; Reporting to the plant manager, on who worked from a design job through top of managing a department of 13 to 15 supervision, to location management. people, which includes the administration Candidate is very technical, MiTek Sapphire duties for the department as well as training experience. Looking for an opportunity to newer designers, hiring, releasing, internal work remotely. policies and customer interaction in the Txt: C12044 to 406-210-1226 beginning and throughout to the end of the or call 800-289-5627 x1 project. Customer consultant and problem solver. Consultant to architects, engineers Truss Designer - Remote Designer - Truss. Primary duties: design, and local, state and federal jurisdictions. layout, optimization, and cutting/production documents. Secondary duties: checking As Senior Designer: Truss design and others work, scheduling, repairs, customer bidding for primarily commercial projects, service, inside sales, field measurements, layouts, manifests, delivery lists, shop s o f t w a r e m a i n t e n a n c e , n e t w o r k drawings, extensive customer contact, administration, training, and filling in for and field relations along with inventory. We’re here when you need help! the design manager as needed. Software Extensively worked with DSA for schools. visit: www.thejobline.com used: MiTek, TJ Expert, and AutoCAD. Formatted and wrote many of the programs email: [email protected] Component experience includes floor and forms that were used in the bidding and trusses, roof trusses, wall panels, I-Joists, design stages. Utilized the Uniform Building or call Thomas McAnally EWP, hardware, and lumber. Market Code in design practices. Extensive use of for Personalized Service experience includes tract, single family, AutoCad, MiTek, and many of the Microsoft STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL! single family custom, multi-family, light software programs. Candidates seeking jobs: Txt: C12255 to 406-210-1226 commercial, and agriculture. My volume or call 800-289-5627 x1 was varied depending on projects, but I sold theJobLine.com, Inc. around 100k per month. Relocation: USA - ALL States The JobLine specializes in Txt: C12344 to 406-210-1226 recruiting and placing professionals or call 800-289-5627 x1 Truss Plant/Location/General Manager in the LBM, Engineered Wood Production/Design/Location Manager - Truss and Components Plant Manager with Truss/EWP/Package over 15 years of experience in the truss Products, Truss, Wall Panel, and industry who is looking to apply knowledge Modular industries. Design and manage all truss operations. gained while continuing to develop and A s t h e C a n d i d a t e ’s purchase all lumber and plates. Arrange grow within the management sector. intermediary, our process is unique, payment and shipping. Troubleshoot every aspect including machinery. Implemented As Plant Manager: Create programs to doesn’t require a resume, and only our OSHA safety plan and requirements. motivate employees to achieve peak presents a you to an employer if Print invoices and remove material from productivity. Hire, train, discipline and active inventory using peach tree software. terminate employees. Order lumber and all you approve. To be considered, Set up new customer accounts and validate production materiel. Coordinate weekly every candidate must create and credit references. Design wood and steel production, sales and safety meetings. maintain a JobLine Candidate joists and headers. Assist customer project Research cost on purchasing new equipment. Profile. It’s easy and on line. Just problems for the best economical and Attended monthly city council meetings to practical solution. ensure codes were followed. Oversee click on the New Candidate tab development of truss fabrication facility. at the top of the page. Take your Prior: Truss design and supervise. Purchase Ensure compliance with Cal OSHA and time and be thorough. It’s a tool building material. Arrange billing and Dot. Oversee shipping and optimize freight for your future! You can create, shipping from start to finish. From the costs. Responsible for training leads and small detached garage to the large apartment supervisors on company policy’s. Program save, and update at any time. You can also specify your job, complex, I have done them all... and operate computerized equipment. JobLine 800-289-JOBS Time To Hire? Relocation: CA ID: C12276 ATTENTION EMPLOYERS We have over 1,000 registered Industry Professionals. All Job Searches are not public! We can search behind the scenes to find the right candidate for your opportunity. See what I can do for you! Thomas McAnally 800-289-5627 x1 [email protected] Proficient with Microsoft Programs, Excel, Word, Outlook, ERP software Team growth and development through effective feedback and ongoing mentorship Excellent communication skills Experience working with: Metal, Polymer Blends, Components, Finished Product Assembly, Clean Room, etc. Tenacious, Professional, Detail-Oriented, Strong Sense of Urgency Lean Manufacturing Certified, Kaizen Trained, Fork lift Certified Relocation: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas, USA - ALL States Txt: C10500 to 406-210-1226 or call 800-289-5627 x1 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM location, and compensation goals. Our Recruiters are personally committed to helping you find opportunities that fit your goals. To register as a New Candidate, visit www.thejobline.com and click on the New Candidates tab. FAX: 800-524-4982 M M ACCdverti$er dverti$er OMPONENT OMPONENT ANUFACTURING ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #32 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Safety First! Safety Meeting Topics From State Fund CA. Accident Investigation Adverti$er Investigación de accidentes Los accidentes son eventos no planificados e inesperados que causan lesiones, daños a la propiedad y/o pérdidas económicas en el lugar de trabajo. Los incidentes o “casi accidentes” no causan pérdidas, pero tienen el potencial de hacerlo. Accidents are unplanned and unexpected events that cause injury, Idealmente, los programas de seguridad están dirigidos a prevenir property damage, and/or financial loss in the workplace. Incidents or accidentes e incidentes, pero si uno ocurre, tenga listo un procedimiento “near misses” don’t result in loss, but have the potential to do so. de investigación de accidentes y capacite a sus empleados en su implementación. Investigue TODOS los accidentes y lesiones; la Ideally, safety programs focus on preventing accidents and incidents, gravedad determina el alcance de la investigación. Si se conduce but if one occurs, have an accident investigation procedure ready and train correctamente, la investigación del accidente le ayuda a identificar your employees how to use it. Investigate ALL accidents and injuries; problemas, solucionarlos, mejorar sus programas de seguridad y prevenir the severity determines the extent of the investigation. Handled properly, futuros accidentes. accident investigation helps you look at problems, solve them, improve your safety programs, and prevent future accidents. Accident investigation should prevent recurrence. Adhering strictly to fact finding in a neutral, non-confrontational manner identifies the true attitudes, behaviors, and other factors that led to the problem. Analyzing facts and asking a neutral “why” question helps find the root cause of the accident. For example, if employee error caused the accident, dig further to determine why the employee made the error. La investigación del accidente debe prevenir que éste se repita. La adherencia estricta al hallazgo de los hechos de una manera neutra y sin enfrentamiento identifica las actitudes, los comportamientos y otros factores reales que condujeron al problema. El análisis de los hechos y hacer las preguntas en un “por qué” neutro ayuda a encontrar la raíz del accidente. Por ejemplo, si el accidente fue causado por error de un empleado, averigüe más a fondo para determinar por qué el empleado cometió el error. La investigación del accidente no debe usarse para culpar, castigar o exonerar a trabajadores y Accident investigation should not be gerentes; en ese ambiente no saldrá a la luz la used to blame, punish or exonerate workers verdad. Si investiga un accidente simplemente and managers; true facts will not emerge para completar el papeleo y cumplir con in this environment. If you investigate an los requerimientos del seguro, erosionará la accident just to complete paperwork and confi anza en el sistema y no alcanzará su objetivo de prevención y satisfy insurance requirements, you will erode confidence in the system reducción de pérdidas. and you won’t achieve your goal of prevention and loss reduction. La mejor persona para conducir la investigación es un supervisor A supervisor in the affected area is the best person to conduct an en el área afectada, porque es el más familiarizado con las herramientas, investigation because they are most familiar with the tools, equipment, los equipos y las personas afectadas. También puede que se necesiten and people involved. Experts in equipment, outside agencies, and other expertos en equipos, agencias externas y otros recursos técnicos. technical resources may also be needed. Start your investigation by securing the scene, placing equipment out of service if necessary, and taking photos. Interview victims and witnesses. Collect evidence and records and document your observations. Find the contributing factors to determine the accident’s root cause. Document the recommended corrective actions, the people assigned to complete them, and a due date for completion. Comience su investigación resguardando la escena, retirando de servicio equipos y, si fuera necesario, tomando fotos. Entreviste a las víctimas y a los testigos. Reúna pruebas y registros y documente sus observaciones. Encuentre los factores contribuyentes para determinar la causa que dio origen al accidente. Documente las acciones correctivas, las personas asignadas para completar las mismas y la fecha límite para terminarlas. Safety First articles are good to use in your Monthly Safety Meeting. Post them in the plant and add them to your compliance folder for insurance compliance. The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards. PHONE: 800-289-5627 READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM FAX: 800-524-4982 M ACdverti$er OMPONENT ANUFACTURING March 1st, 2015 #08188 PAGE #33 Don’t Forget! YOU SAW IT IN THE Adverti$er Business & Professional Services Listings COMPONENT MANUFACTURING dverti$er A SERVING THE STRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS, ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS AND MILLWORK INDUSTRY Truss Design | Wall Panel Design | Whole House Materials exclusively for MiTek 20/20 customers www.componentrunner.com A full year subscription is only C$225 314.374.7400 [email protected] Access Madison’s freshly-updated database of Canadian lumber producers conveniently through your internet browser. As always: with extensive, detailed listings of all Canadian sawmills and remanufactures, panel, pulp and paper mills, and wholesalers Used Equipment Wanted! Floor Truss Machines Floor Truss Web Saw Be up-to-the minute on the full spectrum of company information, including: species handled, product mix, rough and surfaced sizes, production volumes, kiln capacity, number of employees, grading agency mill number, and much more ALS or Miser Linear Saws Cyber AT, Servo Omni or AutoMill Trackless Roller Gantry Systems Lumber (Chord) Splicers Triad “Diamond Quad” Framing Tables Viking Fastrac Portable Sheathing Bridge Triad Metal Framing Equipment 48’-70’ Stretch Roll-Off Trailers Gooseneck Roll-Off Trailers Apollo Saws with Truss Automation Pacific Automation Auto-10 Truss Press Planx or Wizard Jigging Systems SL Laser or Virtek Laser Projection Systems Field Repair Press Stationary Bunk Cutter Mark-8 Truss Press Pacific Automation Ultra-Press 16 SIGN UP TODAY Each listing in our database has been completely revamped! Don’t go without this vital information at your fingertips. Madison’s Lumber Reporter | [email protected] | 604 319-2266 Before You Buy Equipment! 765-751-9990 Save tens of thousands of dollars by first getting a complete assessment of all your current and future needs with a lean manufacturing consultation. Ö Unbiased, pro versus con assessment of all manufacturing equipment Ö No referral fees or commissions from the plate or equipment vendors Ö Onsite consulting services for the wood truss and wall panel industry Toll Free: 800-382-0329 www.wasserman-associates.com COMPONENT MANUFACTURING dverti$er A SERVING THE STRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS, ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS AND MILLWORK INDUSTRY Our Advertising Rates will Blow You Away! NORMAL NET PROFIT GAINS ARE 3 TO 6 POINTS! 9 75+ 75+ Clients - See Web Site for Testimonials 9 10+ 10+ Years Consultant Services All Areas Covered - 50% Shop / 50% Office 9 25+ 25+ Years in Truss Industry Todd Drummond Consulting, LLC www.toddwww.todd-drummond.com todd@[email protected] Phone 603603-763763-8857 PHONE: 800-289-5627 Thomas McAnally - Publisher 800-289-5627 x1 CALL NOW! READ/SUBSCRIBE ONLINE AT WWW.COMPONENTADVERTISER.COM [email protected] www.componentadvertiser.com FAX: 800-524-4982 www.mii.com/MiTekAssurance Page 34 Component Manufacturing Advertiser www.MiTek-us.comMarch 1st, 2015
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