turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 1 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Turkey & the Ottoman Empire 2015 CONTENTS We are delighted to present our new 2014/2015 publications on Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. As a world leader in Turkey & Ottoman Studies, we seek to represent the richness of the empire’s history along with the most topical debates. Covering the history, politics and cultures of the region from ancient times through the Byzantine and Ottoman eras to the Republic and the present day, the list comprises academic monographs, which showcase the latest scholarly research, along with general books for the interested reader, such as travel writing classics and illustrated cookery titles. Our 2014-15 programme includes A Short History of the Byzanine Empire, new to the popular I.B.Tauris Short Histores series (p.3); The Hejaz Railway and the Ottoman Empire, the first book in English on the subject (p.6); a new paperback edition of Mehmet Sinan Birdal’s acclaimed The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottomans (p.8); and an important new work on honour killings and the law in contemporary Turkey (p.16). ‘In the last generation, there has been a transformation in Ottoman Studies – I.B.Tauris has been a major agent in presenting the new research to the world.’ – Peter Clark, Asian Affairs, November 2011 To view the full range of our publishing on the Ottoman Empire go to: www.ibtauris.com/ottomans 2 ancient and Byzantine turkey 3-4 ottoman turkey 4-12 modern turkey 13-18 travel19-20 cookery 20 Sign up now for New Book Alerts to be kept up to date on each month’s new Turkey titles Go to: www.ibtauris.com/newbookalerts turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 ANCIENT AND BYZANTINE TURKEY The Sacred Architecture of Byzantium a short history of The Byzantine Empire Art, Liturgy and Symbolism in Early Christian Churches Dionysios Stathakopoulos Nicholas N. Patricios NEW King’s College, University of London NEW University of Miami The churches of the Byzantine era were built to represent heaven on earth: architecture, art and liturgy were intertwined in them to a degree that has never been replicated elsewhere. Nicholas N. Patricios here offers a comprehensive survey, from the age of Constantine to the fall of Constantinople, of the nexus between buildings, worship and art. His identification of seven distinct Byzantine church types, based on a close analysis of 370 church building plans, will have considerable appeal to Byzantinists. Beyond categorising and describing the churches themselves, which are richly illustrated with photographs, plans and diagrams, the author interprets the sacred liturgy that took place within these holy buildings. Focusing on buildings in twenty-two different locations, this sumptuous book is an essential guide to individual features and the wider significance of Byzantine art and architecture. 384 Pages 246 x 189mm Illustrated April 2014 9781780762913 Hardback £45.00 Library of Classical Studies The Byzantine Empire was one of the most impressive imperial adventures in history. Dionysios Stathakopoulos here tells a compelling story of military conquest, alliance and reversal, including the terrifying secret weapon of ‘Greek fire’. His new short history is above all a narrative of individuals: of powerful rulers like Justinian I, who recovered Italy from the Vandals and oversaw construction of Hagia Sofia (completed in 537); of his notorious queen Theodora, a courtesan who rose improbably to the highest office of imperial first lady; of the charismatic but cuckolded general Belisarius; and of the religious leaders Arius and Athanasius, whose conflicting ideas about Christ and doctrine shook the Empire to its core. 192 Pages 216 x 134mm April 2014 9781780761930 Hardback £56.00 9781780761947 Paperback £12.99 e ebook available e ebook available Diplomacy in the Early Islamic World The Seljuks of Anatolia NEW Court and Society in the Medieval Middle East NEW A Tenth-century Treatise on Arab-Byzantine Relations A.C.S. Peacock and Sara Nur Yıldız (Eds) Maria Vaiou University of St Andrews Sabanci University, Istanbul Arab messengers played a vital role in the medieval Islamic world and its diplomatic relations with foreign powers. An innovative treatise from the 10th Century (Rusul al-Muluk, Messengers of Kings) is perhaps the most important account of the diplomacy of the period, and it is here translated into English for the first time. Rusul al-Muluk draws on examples from the Qur’an and other sources which extend from the period of al- jahiliyya to the time of the ‘Abbasid caliph al-Mu‘tasim (218-227/833-842). In the only medieval Arabic work which exists on the conduct of messengers and their qualifications, the author Ibn al-Farra rejects jihadist policies in favour of quiet diplomacy and a pragmatic outlook of constructive realpolitik. ‘Dr Vaiou succinctly characterizes the text’s nature and purpose...The text will be of very great interest to historians of Islam, both cultural and political historians, and also to Byzantinists and medievalists in general.’ – Dr Jonathan Shepherd, Oxford University 288 Pages 216 x 134mm October 2014 9781845116521 Hardback £68.00 Library of Middle East History,Vol. 17 e ebook available Under Seljuk rule (c. 1081-1308) the formerly Christian Byzantine territories of Anatolia were transformed by the development of Muslim culture, society and politics, and it was then – well before the arrival of the Ottomans – that a Turkish population became firmly established in these lands. But these developments are little understood, and the Seljuk dynasty remains little studied. Yet the Seljuks of Anatolia were one of the most influential dynasties of the thirteenth-century Middle East, controlling some of the major trade routes of the period, playing a crucial role in linking East and West of the medieval world. This volume examines Seljuk culture and history by looking at developments both at court and in society at large, and sheds new light on Seljuk political culture and dynastic ideology, the engagement of politics with religion, and Christian-Muslim interaction. ‘This impressive scholarly volume opens up several new lines of research into the turbulent and little-known history of Seljuk Anatolia.’ – Professor Charles Melville, University of Cambridge 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2012 9781848858879 Hardback £58.00 Library of Middle East History,Vol. 38 e ebook available 3 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Children of Achilles Lost Capital of Byzantium The Greeks in Asia Minor since the Days of Troy The History of Mistra and the Peloponnese John Freely Steven Runciman, New Foreword by John Freely 288 Pages 234 x 156mm Illustrated 2009 9781845119416 Hardback £22.50 152 Pages 216 x 134mm 2009 9781845118952 Paperback £9.99 Storm on Horseback the Rhetoric of Power in Late Antiquity The Seljuk Warriors of Turkey John Freely Religion and Politics in Byzantium, Europe and the Early Islamic World 240 Pages 234 x 156mm 2008 9781845117030 Hardback £19.99 Elizabeth DePalma Digeser, University of California, Santa Barbara, Robert M. Frakes, Clarion University & Justin Stephens, Metropolitan State Kingdoms of Ruin College of Denver 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848854093 Hardback £68.50 Library of Classical Studies,Vol. 2 The Art and Architectural Splendours of Ancient Turkey Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch, Foreword by John Freely 256 Pages 270 x 228mm 2010 9781845117993 Hardback £31.50 154 colour photographs ottoman empire Sharia and the making of the Modern Egyptian Arming the Sultan NEW German Arms Trade and Diplomacy in the Ottoman Empire Before World War I Islamic Law and Custom in the Courts of Ottoman Cairo Reem A. Meshal Naci Yorulmaz NEW University of Washington Louisiana State University In this new study, the author examines sijills, the official documents of the Ottoman Islamic courts, to understand how sharia law, society, and the early-modern economy of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Ottoman Cairo related to the practice of custom in determining rulings. In the sixteenth century, a new legal and cultural orthodoxy fostered the development of an early-modern Islam that broke new ground, giving rise to a new concept of the citizen and his role. Contrary to the prevailing scholarly view, this work adopts the position that local custom began to diminish and decline as a source of authority. These issues resonate today, several centuries later, in the continuing discussions of individual rights in relation to Islamic law. 304 Pages 234 x 156mm April 2014 9789774166174 Hardback £49.50 e ebook available 4 At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Ottoman armaments trade was entirely self-sufficient. But by the end of the century, it was almost entirely under German control. How did Germany under Chancellor Bismarck manage to conquer what had until then been an extremely competitive military market? Focusing on the reign of Sultan Abdülhamid between 1876 and 1909, Naci Yorulmaz’s book explores the determining factors that influenced the development of the Ottoman armaments market. While acknowledging the importance of political and economic factors, Arming the Sultan concentrates on the personal relationships which shaped the development of the arms trade, including the bonds between arms-makers and the government, between German politicians and Ottoman grandees, and even the private relationships between Kaiser Wilhelm I, Otto von Bismarck and the Sultan. 256 Pages 216 x 134mm August 2014 9781780766331 Hardback £58.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 43 e ebook available turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Travel and Artisans in the Ottoman Empire The Ottomans and the Mamluks Imperial Diplomacy and Warfare in the Islamic World Economic Migration and Commerce in the Early Modern Period Suraiya Faroqhi Cihan Yüksel Muslu NEW University of Texas NEW Istanbul Bilgi University It has often been assumed that the subjects of the Ottoman sultans were unable to travel beyond their localities – since peasants needed the permission of their local administrators before they could legally leave their villages. According to this view, only soldiers and members of the governing elite would have been free to travel. However Suraiya Faroqhi’s extensive archival research shows that this was not the case. Pious men from all walks of life went on pilgrimage to Mecca, slaves escaped from their masters and craftspeople travelled in order to look for work. Faroqhi shows that even those craftsmen who did not travel extensively had some level of mobility and that the Ottoman sultans and viziers, who spent so much effort in attempting to control the movements of their subjects, could do so only within often very narrow limits. Challenging existing historiography and providing an important new perspective, this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of Ottoman history. Beginning on the eve of Oceanic exploration, and the first European forays into the Indian Ocean and the Middle East, The Ottomans and the Mamluks traces the growth of the Ottoman Empire from a tiny Anatolian principality to a world power, and the relative decline of the Mamluks – historic defenders of Mecca and Medina and the rulers of Egypt and Syria. Cihan Yüksel Muslu traces the intertwined stories of these two dominant Sunni Muslim empires of the early modern world, setting out to question the view that Muslim rulers were historically concerned above all with the idea of Jihad against non-Muslim entities. Through analysis of the diplomatic and military engagements around the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean, Muslu traces the interactions of these Islamic super-powers and their attitudes towards the wider world. 320 Pages 234 x 156mm january 2014 9781780764818 Hardback £62.00 e ebook available 256 Pages 216 x 134mm july 2014 9781780761497 Hardback £68.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 36 e ebook available Cities of the Mediterranean Empire and Holy War in the Mediterranean From the Ottomans to the Present Day The Galley and Maritime Conflict between the Habsburgs and Ottomans Phillip Williams Both at Bogaziçi University, Istanbul NEW In the century after 1530, the Catholic Monarchy of the Habsburgs and the Muslim Sultans of the Ottoman Empire fought a maritime war of ambiguous achievements. Lasting peace was as unlikely as final triumph and major campaigns seemed destined to lead nowhere, in part because the salient feature of this war was a form of piracy practiced by the North African Barbary corsairs. It was also a war of unequal means, since the Habsburgs had too few good warships and the Ottomans too many bad ones. Phillip Williams here provides a detailed examination of the nature of what came to be seen as a Holy War between Christendom and the Islamic World in the early modern Mediterranean. He considers the cultural and historical outlook of the protagonists, including the Habsburg rulers Charles V and Philip II and the Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, examining the extent to which the dictates of prudence triumphed over ideals of performing ‘the service of God’. 320 Pages 234 x 156mm Illustrated May 2014 9781848859852 Hardback £68.00 International Library of Historical Studies,Vol. 79 e ebook available Biray Kolluoglu and Meltem Toksöz (Eds) NEW IN PAPERBACK The Eastern Mediterranean is one of the world’s most vibrant and vital commercial centres and for centuries the region’s cities and ports have been at the heart of East-West trade. Taking a full and comprehensive look at the region as a whole rather than isolating individual cities or distinct cultures, Cities of the Mediterranean offers a fresh and original portrait of the entire region, from the 16th century to the present. In this ambitious inter-disciplinary study, the authors examine the relationships between the Eastern Mediterranean port cities and their hinterlands as well as inland and provincial cities from many different perspectives – political, economic, international and ecological – without prioritising either Ottoman Anatolia, or the Ottoman Balkans, or the Arab provinces in order to think of the Eastern Mediterranean world as a coherent whole. 256 Pages 216 x 134mm August 2014 9781780767697 Paperback £25.00 e ebook available 5 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire The Hejaz Railway and the Ottoman Empire NEW A History of the Fraternity and its Influence in Syria and the Levant Modernity, Industrialisation and Ottoman Decline Murat Özyüksel NEW Dorothe Sommer Istanbul University Railway expansion was symbolic of modernisation in the late nineteenth century, and Britain, Germany and France built railways at enormous speed and reaped great commercial benefits. In the Middle East, railways were no less important and the Ottoman Empire’s Hejaz Railway was the first great industrial project of the twentieth century. A route running from Damascus to Mecca, it was longer than the line from Berlin to Baghdad and was designed to function as the artery of the Arab world – linking Constantinople to Arabia. Built by German engineers, and instituted by Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the railway was financially crippling for the Ottoman state and its eventual stoppage 250 miles short of Mecca (the railway ended in Medina) was symbolic of the Ottoman Empire’s crumbling economic and diplomatic fortunes. This is the first book in English on the subject. 256 Pages 216 x 134mm October 2014 9781780763644 hardback £62.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 39 Palestine and the Decline of the Ottoman Empire Modernisation and the Path to Palestinian Statehood NEW Kansas State University During the final decades of Ottoman rule, Palestine was administratively divided into two states, Jerusalem and Beirut. As the Ottoman Empire began to recede, the education systems, taxation and bureaucracy which were left behind formed the foundation of administration in the Palestinian authority today. The reign of Sultan Abdülmecid I saw great changes in Palestine, in line with the Tanzimat reform programme. At the heart of these radical shifts in thought and infrastructure were the new administrative centres established by the Ottomans during this period of re-organisation. Drawing extensively on official Ottoman records, Farid Al-Salim charts the transformation of one such centre, Tulkarm, from a small village in central Palestine to a seat of administrative reform in order to provide a new account of the forces behind the formation of modern Palestine. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm December 2014 9781780764566 Hardback £62.00 Library of Ottoman Studies e ebook available 6 The network of freemasons and Masonic lodges in the Middle East is an opaque and mysterious one, and is all too often seen – within the area – as a vanguard for Western purposes of regional domination. But here, Dorothe Sommer explains how freemasonry in Greater Syria at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century actually developed a life of its own, promoting local and regional identities. Indeed, the lodges attracted more participants – such as the Trad Family, the Jurji Yanni Yaziji Family, Hassan Bayhum, Alexander Barroudi and Khaireddeen Abdulwahab – than any other society or fraternity. Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire analyses the social and cultural structures of the Masonic network of lodges and their interconnections at a pivotal juncture in the history of the Ottoman Empire. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm October 2014 9781780763132 Hardback £62.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 37 e ebook available e ebook available Farid Al-Salim University of Sheffield Rituals of Hospitality NEW Ornamented Trays of the 19th Century in Greece and Turkey Flavia Nessi and Myrto Hatzaki (Eds) Foreword by Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Laureate (Literature) The functions of daily life in the 19th century Ottoman Empire – and in the newly established Kingdom of Greece – placed great emphasis on elaborate rituals of hospitality. Central to these were the serving of coffee and syrupy ‘spoon’ sweets along with intricate rituals enacted over the presentation and sharing of meals. In this context, a fashion developed for the creation and display of elaborate ornamented trays painted with topographical scenes and figures from Istanbul and across the empire. These paintings – often exquisitely executed by unknown artists – present a remarkably fresh and candid picture of life in late Ottoman Turkey and Greece. They are becoming increasingly prized and sought after by collectors and museums worldwide and this work will be a valuable benchmark and reference for all collectors. It brings together and illustrates several hundred of the finest known examples and decodes the iconography, functions and techniques of the various styles and types. What emerges is a kaleidoscope of colours, flavours and meanings that lie beneath the surface of these objects and which elegantly span the space between east and west, oriental and occidental, functional and ornamental. 288 Pages 290 x 246mm April 2014 9789602043271 Hardback £45.00 Colour illustrations throughout Melissa Publishing House turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee Encounters with the Ottoman Miniature Leisure and Lifestyle in the Eighteenth Century NEW Contemporary Readings of an Imperial Art Dana Sajdi (Ed) NEW IN PAPERBACK Boston College Begüm Özden Fırat Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul The dominant form of Ottoman pictorial art until the eighteenth century, miniatures have traditionally been studied as reflecting the socio-historical contexts, aesthetic concerns and artistic tastes of the era within which they were produced. Begüm Özden Firat proposes instead a radical re-reading of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century miniatures in the light of contemporary critical theory, highlighting the viewer’s encounter with the image. Encounters with the Ottoman Miniature employs contemporary concepts such as the gaze, frame/framing, reading and re-reading, drawing on thinkers such as Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes and Gilles Deleuze to establish the vibrant cultural agency of miniature paintings. With analysis that illuminates both the social and political situations in which these miniatures were painted as well as emphasising the miniature’s contemporary relevance, Firat presents an important new re-imagining of this art form. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm April 2015 9781780763910 Hardback £62.00 International Library of Visual Culture,Vol. 11 e ebook available Tulips and coffee are defining cultural products of the Ottoman eighteenth century, along with their related institutions of palace and coffeehouse. These cultural products hold multiple meanings in the history and historiography of the period. They are associated with the daily life of common people and their sociabilities, on the one hand, and with the Ottoman court and imperial legitimacy, on the other. Ottoman Tulips, Ottoman Coffee offers a critical exploration of definitive cultural phenomena of the Ottoman eighteenth century, such as the coffee house, the printing press, imperial architecture and royal pageantry and festivals. Chapters explore subjects ranging from the changing forms of imperial ritual in Ottoman circumcision celebrations, to the history of the construction of the famed palace of Saadabad, to the reputedly failed project of the first Ottoman printing press. In doing so, the book reassesses the history and unravels the historiography of the so-called ‘Tulip Period’. 272 Pages 216 x 134mm June 2014 9781780766553 Paperback £16.99 e ebook available The Architects of Ottoman Constantinople THE Voice of England in the East NEW The Balyan Family and the History of Ottoman Architecture NEW Stratford Canning and Diplomacy with the Ottoman Empire Alyson Wharton Steven Richmond Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey Istanbul Technical University The Balyan family were a dynasty of architects, builders and property owners who acted as the official architects to the Ottoman Sultans throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. Originally Armenian, the family is responsible for some of the most famous Ottoman buildings in existence, many of which are regarded as masterpieces of their period – including the Dolmabahçe Palace (built between 1843 and 1856), parts of the Topkap? Palace, the Ç?ra?an Palace and the Ortaköy Mosque. Forging a unique style based around European contemporary architecture but with distinctive Ottoman flourishes, the family is an integral part of Ottoman history. As Alyson Wharton’s beautifully illustrated book reveals, the Balyan’s own history, of falling in and out of favour with increasingly autocratic Sultans, serves as a record of courtly power in the Ottoman era and is uniquely intertwined with the history of Istanbul itself. 336 Pages 216 x 134mm November 2014 9781780768526 Hardback £62.00 In the age of the Great Powers, with Russia and France at war, and the Ottoman Empire at the height of its influence and majesty, the British diplomat Stratford Canning arrived in Constantinople. The cousin of George Canning, he would be Britain’s representative in the power politics of the Middle East for almost two decades, and was instrumental in the events which led up to the Crimean War and the events surrounding the ‘eastern question’ of the nineteenth century. In The Voice of England in the East, Steven Richmond reconstructs the diplomatic priorities of the period through the private papers and letters of a key British statesman, comparing them with Ottoman accounts written in the Sultan’s court for the first time. The result is a new analytical history of the late Ottoman Empire, British diplomacy in the era of Palmerston and the reality of politics in the ‘great game’ of the nineteenth century. 288 Pages 234 x 156mm Illustrated June 2014 9781780761176 Hardback £62.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 35 e ebook available 7 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 The Islands of the Eastern Mediterranean The Ottoman Empire and the Bosnian Uprising A History of Cross-Cultural Encounters Janissaries, Modernisation and Rebellion in the Nineteenth Century NEW Özlem Çaykent and Luca Zavagno (Eds) NEW The Mediterranean, or ‘Middle Sea’, has long been regarded as the symbolic centre of European civilization. The binding water between Turkey, the Middle East, the trading communities of North Africa, and the European powerhouses Italy, France and Greece, a history of this sea is a new and vital way of understanding the history of the societies which have flourished in the region. This book charts of the story of the water as both connector and border, and analyses the islands’ role in world history. Covering Mehmed II’s efforts to conquer the old Roman Empire, through to the claim of Rhodes and the role of the Aegean Islands in Ottoman international relations, to the British Cyprus and the present-day tensions, this book’s interconnected essays from leading scholars form a tapestry of knowledge. Together, they represent a new frontier in the way in which we look at sea histories. 224 pages 216 x 134mm August 2014 9781780766294 Hardback £56.50 International Library of Ethnicity, Identity & Culture,Vol. 5 e ebook available Fatma Sel Turhan Bosnia enjoyed a special status within the Ottoman Empire. Many of the empire’s ‘janissaries’, an elite military stratum of soldiers and nobleman, hailed from this Balkan region. So when Sultan Mehmet II abolished this warrior class in 1826, and this curtailed the regions access to influence in Constantinople, Bosnia rebelled. Under the leadership of Husein Gradašcevic, the ‘dragon of Bosnia’, the kingdom declared independence and waged war with the Ottoman Empire. For the first time, Fatma Sel Turhan illuminates a period of crucial importance to the Balkan regions. She argues convincingly that the uprising was a response to Ottoman moves towards modernization designed to save the Ottoman Empire from decline, but which eventually led to its demise. She assesses how far the uprising can be considered a nationalist movement, who the rebels were, and how the central authorities dealt with and punished the perpetrators. 336 Pages 216 x 134mm October 2014 9781780761114 Hardback £68.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 34 e ebook available Pilgrims and Sultans The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottomans The Hajj Under the Ottomans Suraiya Faroqhi NEW IN PAPERBACK From Global Imperial Power to Absolutist States Istanbul Bilgi University Mehmet Sinan Birdal Maltepe University, Istanbul NEW IN PAPERBACK The pilgrimage to Mecca – the hajj – is a major aspect of the Islamic religion, yet little has been written about its history or of the conditions under which thousands of pilgrims from far flung regions of the Islamic world travelled to the heart of the Arabian peninsula. This pioneering book concentrates on the pilgrimage in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when Mecca was ruled by the Ottoman sultans. At a time when, for the majority of the faithful, the journey was long, arduous and fraught with danger, the provision of food, water, shelter and protection for pilgrims presented a major challenge to the provincial governors of the vast Ottoman Empire. Drawing on rich documentation left by Ottoman administrators and on the accounts of contemporary pilgrims, Suraiya Faroqhi here sheds new light on the trials and experiences of everyday life for those undertaking the hajj. The Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, especially under their charismatic leaders Charles V and Suleyman I, were major empires of the early-modern period. Both exercised global power as, respectively, leaders of the universal ‘res publica Christiana’ and ‘dar-es Islam’. However, both lost supreme power in the course of the 17th and 18th centuries and began the transformation to absolutist nation states. This account of the important transition to modern notions of statehood is vital for understanding the reform strategies of both empires in administration, taxation, conduct of foreign policy and formation of the modern state. Mehmet Sinan Birdal draws upon original historical sources and the teachings of Habermas and the Frankfurt School for the doctrine of ‘legitimation’ as the theoretical basis for political authority in this original and revisionist work. 256 Pages 216 x 134mm march 2014 9781780767710 Paperback £12.99 224 Pages 216 x 134mm january 2014 9781780767109 Paperback £16.99 9781848856226 Hardback £58.00 e ebook available e ebook available 8 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Jerusalem Ottomania From the Ottomans to the British The Romantics and the Myth of the Islamic Orient Roberto Mazza SOAS 288 Pages 216 x 134mm october 2013 9781780767086 Paperback £17.99 Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism Moldova and Eastern European History Jonathan Eagles 256 Pages 216 x 134mm 2013 9781780763538 Hardback £62.00 International Library of Historical Studies, Vol. 85 the Young Atatürk From Ottoman Soldier to Statesman of Turkey George W. Gawrych Baylor University 288 Pages 228x155mm 2013 9781780763224 Hardback £25.00 Ottoman Imperial Diplomacy A Political, Social and Cultural History Dogan Gurpinar Harvard University 288 Pages 234 x 156mm 2013 9781780761121 Hardback £68.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 33 Petitioning the Sultan Protests and Justice in Late Ottoman Palestine Roderick Cavaliero 272 Pages 228x155mm 2013 9781780764825 Paperback £12.99 The Emergence of Modern Istanbul Transformation and Modernisation of a City Murat Gül University of Economics and Technology, Ankara 256 Pages 234 x 156mm 2012 9781780763743 Paperback £17.99 Empire and Education under the Ottomans Politics, Reform and Resistance from the Tanzimat to the Young Turks Emine Ö. Evered Michigan State University 288 Pages 216 x 134mm May 2012 9781780761091 Hardback £68.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 32 Greece, the Hidden Centuries Turkish Rule from the Fall of Constantinople to Greek Independence David Brewer 320 Pages 228x155mm 2012 9781780762388 Paperback £12.99 The Sultan’s Admiral Barbarossa – Pirate and EmpireBuilder University of Haifa Ernle Bradford New Foreword by John Freely 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2013 9781780764573 Hardback £62.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 42 248 Pages 198 x 126mm 2008 978184511 793 1 Paperback £11.99 Tauris Parke Paperbacks Allies with the Infidel Among the Ottomans The Ottoman and French Alliance in the Sixteenth Century Diaries from Turkey in World War I Yuval Ben-Bassat Christine Isom-Verhaaren Benedictine University, Illinois 288 Pages 216 x 134mm 2013 9781848857285 Hardback £62.00 9781780764979 Paperback £17.99 Ian Lyster (Ed) 208 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2010 9781848855212 Hardback £25.50 9 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Artisans of Empire Late Ottoman Palestine Crafts and Craftspeople Under the Ottomans The Period of Young Turk Rule Suraiya Faroqhi Bilgi University, Istanbul 304 Pages 228 x 155mm Illustrated 2011 9781848859609 Paperback £14.99 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2011 9781848856318 Hardback £62.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 29 Contested Frontiers in the Balkans Ottoman Haifa Ottoman, Habsburg and Communist Rivalries in Eastern Europe Alex Carmel Irina Marin 256 Pages 216 x 134mm 2012 9781780761053 Hardback £58.00 Library of European Studies,Vol. 19 Foreign Investment in the Ottoman Empire International Trade and Relations 1854-1914 V. Necla Geyikdagi Yeditepe University, Istanbul 232 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2011 9781848854611 Hardback £57.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 27 Innovation and Empire in Turkey Sultan Selim III and the Modernisation of the Ottoman Navy Tuncay Zorlu Istanbul Technical University 272 Pages 216 x 134mm 2011 9781848857827 Paperback £27.00 9781845116941 Hardback £59.00 The Young Turk Legacy and Nation Building From the Ottoman Empire to Atatürk’s Turkey Erik J. Zürcher, University of Leiden 368 Pages 234 x 156mm 2010 9781848852716 Hardback £68.50 9781848852723 Paperback £17.99 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 87 10 Yuval Ben-Bassat, University of Haifa, and Eyal Ginio, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem A History of Four Centuries under Turkish Rule 224 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2010 9781848855601 hardback £59.00 Library of Middle East History,Vol. 2 the Ottoman Origins of Modern Iraq Political Reform, Modernization and Development in the Nineteenth Century Middle East Ebubekır Ceylan, Fatih University 320 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2011 9781848854253 Hardback £62.50 Ottoman Painting Reflections of Western Art from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic Wendy M. K. Shaw University of Bern, Switzerland 224 Pages 234 x 156mm Illustrated 2011 9781848852884 Hardback £37.00 Remapping the Ottoman Middle East Modernity, Imperial Bureaucracy and the Islamic State Cem Emrence University of Massachusetts-Amherst 208 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2011 9781848859586 Hardback £56.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 31 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 the Transformation of Ottoman Crete Revolts, Politics and Identity in the Late Nineteenth Century Pinar Senısik Dogus University, Istanbul 352 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2011 9781848855410 Hardback £62.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 26 The Well-Protected Domains Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire 1876-1909 Selim Deringil, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul 276 Pages 216 x 134mm 2011 9781848857865 Paperback £18.99 The Young Ottomans Turkish Critics of the Eastern Question in the Late Nineteenth Century the Crescent and the Eagle Ottoman Rule, Islam and the Albanians, 1874-1913 George Gawrych 272 Pages 216 x 134mm 2006 9781845112875 Hardback £68.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 10 the Earl and His Butler in Constantinople The Secret Diary of an English Servant Among the Ottomans Nigel and Caroline Webb 272 Pages 234 x 156mm 2008 9781845117825 Paperback £15.99 Frontiers of Ottoman Studies, vol 1 Colin Imber and Keiko Kiyotaki (Eds) 304 Pages 234 x 156mm 2004 9781850436317 Hardback £68.50 Nazan Çiçek Ankara University 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848853331 Hardback £62.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 20 the British in the Levant Trade and Perceptions of the Ottoman Empire in the Eighteenth Century Christine Laidlaw 288 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2010 9781848853355 Hardback £62.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 21 Between Two Empires Ahmet Agaoglu and the New Turkey Frontiers of Ottoman Studies, vol 2 Colin Imber, Keiko Kiyotaki & Rhoads Murphey (Eds) 264 Pages 234 x 156mm 2004 9781850436645 Hardback £68.50 the Grand Turk Sultan Mehmet II - Conqueror of Constantinople, Master of an Empire and Lord of Two Seas John Freely 288 Pages 234 x 156mm 2009 9781845117047 Hardback £18.99 A. Holly Shissler 288 Pages 234 x 156mm 2003 9781860648557 Hardback £62.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 2 the Birth of Modern Turkey The Ottoman Military and the March to WWI Guarding the Frontier Ottoman Border Forts and Garrisons in Europe Mark L. Stein 232 Pages 216 x 134mm 2007 9781845113018 hardback £68.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 11 Handan Nezir-Akmese 240 Pages 234 x 156mm 2005 9781850437970 Hardback £62.50 11 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Ottoman and Persian Odysseys Palestine and Egypt under the Ottomans James Morier, Creator of Hajji Baba of Ispahan, and his Brothers Paintings, Books, Photographs, Maps and Manuscripts Henry McKenzie Johnston Hisham Khatib 264 Pages 234 x 156mm 1998 9781860643309 Hardback £44.00 I.B.Tauris in association with the Centre for Lebanese Studies, Oxford 300 Pages 350 x 320mm 2003 9781860648885 Hardback £68.50 150 colour illustrations the Ottoman Empire and the World around it Suraiya Faroqhi 304 Pages 234 x 156mm 2005 9781845111229 Paperback £14.99 the Political Economy of Ottoman Public Debt Insolvency and European Financial Control in the Late Nineteenth Century Murat Birdal 256 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2010 9781848852983 Hardback £59.00 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 18 Ottoman Propaganda and Turkish Identity Rethinking Orientalism Literature in Turkey During World War I Women,Travel and the Ottoman Harem Erol Koroglu Reina Lewis 272 Pages 216 x 134mm 2007 9781845114909 Hardback £68.50 256 Pages 234 x 156mm 2004 9781860647291 Hardback £68.50 9781860647307 Paperback £18.99 Ottoman Reform and Muslim Regeneration Weismann Zachs 288 Pages 234 x 156mm 2005 9781850437574 Hardback £68.50 Subjects of the Sultan Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire Suraiya Faroqhi 368 Pages 234 x 156mm 2005 9781850437604 Paperback £14.99 Ottomans Looking West? The Origins of the Tulip Age and its Development in Modern Turkey Can Erimtan 288 Pages 216 x 134mm 2008 9781845114916 Hardback £62.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 14 Ottomans, Turks and the Balkans Empire Lost, Relations Altered Ebru Boyar 256 Pages 216 x 134mm 2007 9781845113513 Hardback £68.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 12 12 the Sultan’s Yemen 19th-Century Challenges to Ottoman Rule Caesar E. Farah 416 Pages 216 x 134mm 2002 9781860647673 Hardback £68.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 1 Women in the Ottoman Balkans Gender, Culture and History Amila Buturovic and Irvin Cemil Schick (Eds) 384 Pages 234 x 156mm 2007 9781845115050 Hardback £68.50 Library of Ottoman Studies,Vol. 15 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 modern turkey The Yezidis Cyprus in the 1930s The History of a Community, Culture and Religion NEW Birgül Açikyildiz British Colonial Rule and the Roots of the Cyprus Conflict Mardin Artuklu University Alexis Rappas NEW IN PAPERBACK Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris. The minority communities of northern Iraq are under increasingly severe threat from Islamic State jihadists. Among these minorities, the Yezidis have one of the most remarkable legacies in the Middle East.Yet not just their religious and material culture but now their entire existence is in peril as entire populations seek refuge from their violent oppressors. But who are the Yezidis (or ‘Yazidis’)? Predominantly ethnic Kurds, and the target of persecution over many centuries, until now they have succeeded in keeping their ancient religion alive despite the claim that they are ‘devil worshippers.’ This essential guide reveals an intricate system of belief influenced by Zoroastrianism, Sufism and Mithraism. It explores the origins their origins, art and architecture and the often misunderstood connections with the Satan/Sheitan of Christian and Muslim tradition. Extensively illustrated, this pioneering book is a testimonial to one of the region’s most extraordinary and ancient peoples. Why has the unification of Cyprus proved impossible? The existing literature looks to the 1950s, and the formation of EOKA under George Grivas. Here, Alexis Rappas challenges that view, showing that the key to the conflict between the British Empire and Greek Cypriots lies in the history of the 1930s. Cyprus in the 1930s charts the history of the island in this period, and details British attempts to impose a homogeneous ‘Cypriot’ culture onto a diverse and divided population. Community leaders and the hierarchy of the Church, who had functioned as bridges between local interests, were marginalised as Britain attempted to engineer unification through education and social policy. The result was a radicalisation of both Turkish-Cypriot and Greek-Cypriot identity. Based on primary source material from Britain, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey, Rappas analyses British state-building and the role of Cypriot ethnicities in the formation of modern Cyprus. 304 pages 216 x 134mm September 2014 9781784532161 Paperback £14.99 272 Pages 216 x 134mm june 2014 9781780764382 Hardback £62.00 International Library of Twentieth Century History, Vol. 66 e ebook available e ebook available Politics and the Peasantry in PostWar Turkey The Economic Transformation of Turkey NEW NEW Neoliberalism and State Intervention Social History, Culture and Modernization Nilgün Önder Sinan Yildirmaz University of Regina, Canada Istanbul University The coup d’état which took place in Turkey on 12 September 1980 was the third in the history of the Republic, and ushered in a three-year period of military rule. Nilgün Önder investigates the economic transformation of Turkey after this coup, examining both the policies enacted under the military regime and those during the subsequent period of civilian government. Önder argues the key aspect of economic policy was that of neoliberal restructuring, and integral to this was the exclusion of organised labour from the political process. In doing so, she highlights the irony of the era: that at an official level, there was an emphasis upon neoliberal economic values, such as limited state involvement. And yet at the same time, policies were enacted which were aimed at a more interventionist position when it came to industrial relations. It was through new legislation and bureaucratisation of the industrial relations system that the state transformed the Turkish economy, attempting to open it up to foreign investment and trade: in effect creating the foundations of Turkey’s current economic success. Eric Hobsbawm famously called late twentiethcentury Turkey ‘the last stronghold of the peasantry’. Turkey’s unique social, cultural and economic development after World War II kept intact a large social group which had all but disappeared in the rest of Europe by the 1960s. In the first period of Turkish multi-party democracy, this peasantry were re-invented, re-defined and ‘imagined’ by various political factions as Turkey attempted to shed its Ottoman past. Through the translation of ‘village literature’, the agency of this previously unheard voice is revealed, along with its role in the formation of Turkey. A cutting edge reassessment of the role of the Turkish peasantry, this is the first study of its kind, and will become an integral part of the history of the modern Turkish nation. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm April 2015 9781780761138 Hardback £62.00 Int. Lib. of Ethnicity, Identity and Culture,Vol. 2 e ebook available 288 Pages 216 x 134mm April 2015 9781780768830 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey e ebook available 13 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Women and Cultural Citizenship in Turkey The Transformation of Turkey Redefining State and Society from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Era NEW Mass Media and ‘Woman’s Voice’ Television Fatma Müge Göçek Solen Sanli University of Michigan Regis University TV Talk shows, often seen as vulgar and low-brow, can actually be a vehicle through which hitherto undiscussed topics (such as violence against women or political exclusion) are brought into the public sphere. Solen Sanli argues that this is the case in Turkey, where talk shows often invite ordinary women from lower socio-economic classes to speak of their experiences of family life: marriage, divorce, child custody rights and relations with in-laws. Specifically looking at popular women’s talk shows such as these (commonly called ‘Woman’s Voice’ television), Sanli explores how groups with political and cultural power control public discourse and the public sphere in Turkey, and how urban/rural and Islamist/secular oppositions are constructed and evolve. This book offers topical and original insights relevant for a range of disciplines, such as Anthropology, Gender and Communication Studies, as well as those researching cultural and political participation in the Middle East. 288 Pages 216 x 134mm December 2014 9781780763927 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey NEW IN PAPERBACK In 1923, the Modern Turkish Republic rose from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire, proclaiming a new era in the Middle East. However, many of the contemporary issues affecting Turkish state and society today have their roots not only in the history of the republic, but in the historical and political memory of the state’s imperial history. Here Fatma Müge Göçek draws on Turkey’s Ottoman heritage and history to explore current issues of ethnicity and religion alongside Turkey’s international position. This new perspective on history’s influence on contemporary tensions in Turkey will contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding Turkey’s accession to the EU, and offers insight into the social transformations in the transition from Ottoman Empire to Turkish nation-state. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm December 2014 9781780764863 Paperback £25.00 9781848856110 Hardback £62.50 e ebook available Secularism and State Religion in Modern Turkey The Young Turks and the Boycott Movement NEW Law, Policy-Making and the Diyanet NEW Nationalism, Protest and the Working Classes in the Formation of Modern Turkey Emir Kaya Dogan Çetinkaya Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara Istanbul University The Diyanet is the ‘Presidency of Religious Affairs’, the official face of Islam and highest religious authority in Turkey, and is a governmental department established in 1924 after the break-up of the Ottoman Empire. In this book, Emir Kaya offers an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis of this vital institution. Focusing on the role of the Diyanet in society, Kaya explores the balance the institution has to strike between the Islamic traditions of the Turkish population and the officially secular creed of the Turkish state. By examining the various laws that either bolstered or hindered the Diyanet’s budgets and activities, Kaya highlights the institutional mindsets of the Diyanet membership as well as evaluating its successes and failures as a governmental department that has to consistently operate within the context of the religiosity of Turkish society. By situating all of this within the context of the two competing – but often complimentary – concepts of religion and secularism, Kaya offers a book that is important for those researching the role of religion and the state in society in the Middle East and beyond. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm April 2015 9781780766225 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 9 14 The first decade of the twentieth century was the Ottoman Empire’s ‘imperial twilight’. As the Empire fell away, the beginnings of a young and radical Turkish nationalism took root in Anatolia. The summer of 1908 saw the ‘Young Turks’ attempt to revitalise Turkey with a ‘constitutional revolution’ aimed at reducing the power of the Ottoman Sultan, Abdul Hamid II. Drawing on popular support for the defence of the Ottoman Empire’s Balkan territories, the Young Turks promised to build a nation from the people up, rather than from the top down. Here, Doğan Çetinkaya analyses the history of the Boycott Movement, a series of nationwide public meetings and protests which enshrined the Turkish democratic voice. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm february 2014 9781780764726 Hardback £62.00 Library of Ottoman Studies e ebook available turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 The Emergence of Social Democracy in Turkey The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey NEW Urban Poverty, Grassroots Activism and Islamic Fundamentalism NEW The Left and the Transformation of the Republican People’s Party Kayhan Delibas Yunus Emre The RPP (Republican People’s Party) stands as Turkey’s main opposition party – one of two major political blocs, second only to Erdoğan’s ruling AK Party. Also known as the CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi), it was the founding party of Atatürk’s republican regime and has a history of hostility towards leftist parties. Despite this, by the mid-1960s, the RPP had re-orientated itself as left of centre, as the growing influence of the left inside the RPP pushed it in a new direction. This is hailed as the entry point of social democratic politics into Turkey, and is the focus of Yunus Emre’s impressively researched book. He tracks the fluctuations in Turkish politics from the single-party period to the making of a new regime following the 1960 coup, looking at the place of both the RPP and the left in this trajectory, making this essential reading for scholars of Turkish politics and modern history. 336 Pages 216 x 134mm february 2014 9781780764399 Hardback £62.00 e ebook available University of Kent Turkey, officially a secular state, voted in an Islamist party in 2002 and 2007. How far does this reflect the trend which has seen the rise of political Islam across the Middle East? Does this indicate a growing tendency in the direction of Islamisation amongst the Turkish population? If not, what are the underlying reasons behind the electoral triumphs of the Islamist Justice and Development Party (the AKP)? Kayhan Delibas seeks to answer these questions through an in-depth examination of the appeal of this political party, exploring its ideology, the routes and motives which produce party activists and local party organisations. Concluding that the AKP’s success has been built on its criticism of growing inequalities, widespread corruption, unemployment, poverty and lack of basic services, Delibas draws a nuanced portrait of modern Turkish society and the relationship between religion and politics. 288 Pages 216 x 134mm may 2014 9781780765655 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 10 e ebook available Turkey and the Politics of National Identity Democratic Transition in Turkey Social, Economic and Cultural Transformation The Transformation of Civil Society and the Challenges of EU Accession NEW NEW Shane Brennan and Marc Herzog In the first decade of the twenty-first century, Turkey experienced an extraordinary set of transformations. In 2001, in the midst of financial difficulties, the country was under IMF stewardship, yet it has recently emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. And on the international stage, Turkey has managed to enhance its position from being a backseat NATO member and outside candidate for EU membership to being an influential regional power, determining and developing its own individual foreign policy. Shane Brennan and Marc Herzog explore how these and other changes have shaped the way people in Turkey perceive themselves and how the country’s self-image shapes its actions. Through different approaches engaging with politics, economy, society, culture and history, they offer new perspectives on the transformation of national identity in this increasingly influential country in the Middle East. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm june 2014 9781780765396 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 8 e ebook available Hasan Turunc ‘West’ or ‘East’? ‘Modern’ or ‘Traditional’? ‘Global’ or ‘Local’? ‘Secular’ or ‘Islamic’? ‘Turkish’ or ‘Other’? These seemingly polar opposites have all-too-often been lazily used when examining the nature of the modern Turkish state and its society. Here, Hasan Turunc seeks to look at the nuance which lies in between these opposites, analysing the explosion of civil society institutions under the aegis and protection of the EU Copenhagen Political Criteria (which holds out eventual EU accession as the ultimate incentive in the negotiations). He thereby explores how the role of the army in Turkish society has been altered with the commencement of the EU accession process, as the balance is shifted more towards civilian institutions and away from the military. A fresh look at the current issues within Turkey, this book offers a vital and nuanced analysis for those researching modern Turkey and its political issues. 288 Pages 216 x 134mm October 2015 9781780760919 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 3 e ebook available 15 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Political Islam and the Secular State in Turkey Military Intervention and a Crisis Democracy in Turkey Democracy, Reform and the Justice and Development Party NEW The Menderes Era and its Demise Evangelia Axiarlis, Foreword by James Piscatori NEW Mogens Pelt University of Copenhagen Adnan Menderes’ election to power in 1950 signalled a new epoch in the history of modern Turkey. For the first time a democratic government ruled the country, challenging the political monopoly of the Kemalist elites. However, this period was short-lived. In 1960, Turkey’s army staged a coup d’état and Menderes was hanged the following year. Here, Mogens Pelt examines the era of the rule of the Democratic Party and the legacy of the military intervention that brought it to an end. Although the armed forces officially returned power to the civilians in 1961, this intervention allowed the military to become a major player in Turkey’s political process, weakening the role of elected politicians. This unique exploration of the Menderes period sheds new light on the shaping of post-war Turkey and will be vital for those researching the Turkish Republic, and the influence of the military in its destiny. 304 Pages 216 x 134mm June 2014 9781848857780 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 1 How safe is Turkey’s liberal democracy? The rise to power in 2002 of the right-leaning Islamic Justice and Development Party ignited fears in the West that Turkey could no longer be relied upon to provide a buffer against the growth of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East. But the contribution of the JDP (or AKP as it known in Turkey) to civil liberties and basic freedoms, long suppressed by secular and statist Kemalist ideology, has remained unexamined despite more than a decade in government. In this – the first detailed study of the policies and ideology of Prime Minister Erdo?an’s government – Evangelia Axiarlis examines the extent to which the JDP has worked to improve civil life in Turkey and critically addresses whether a government built on Islamic principles can champion political reform. Exploring how Islam and democracy are neither monoliths nor mutually exclusive, this is a timely contribution to the wider understanding of political Islam. 320 Pages 216 x 134mm June 2014 9781780769233 Hardback £68.00 e ebook available e ebook available Muslims in Modern Turkey Turkey Beyond Nationalism Kemalism, Modernism and the Revolt of the Islamic Intellectuals Towards Post-Nationalist Identities Sena Karasipahi Texas A&M University 256 Pages 234 x 156mm february 2014 9781780767703 paperback £17.99 University of Zurich 272 Pages 234 x 156mm 2013 9781780763996 Paperback £25.00 9781845111410 Hardback £68.50 Confronting Honour Killings in Turkey Beyond Turkey’s Borders The Interaction of State and Civil Society Banu Senay Nur Banu Kavakli Birdal Bogaziçi University 288 Pages 216 x 134mm january 2014 9781780765259 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 7 Kurdish Life in Contemporary Turkey Long-Distance Kemalism, State Politics and the Turkish Diaspora Macquarie University, Sydney 336 Pages 216 x 134mm 2012 9781780760872 Hardback £62.00 Int. Lib. of Ethnicity, Identity and Culture,Vol. 3 Citizenship and Identity in Turkey Migration, Gender and Ethnic Identity From Atatürk’s Republic to the Present Day Anna Grabolle Celiker Basak Ince 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2013 9781780760926 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 2 16 Hans-Lukas Kieser (Ed) Bilkent University 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2012 9781780760261 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Women Workers in Turkey Global Industrial Production in Istanbul Saniye Dedeoglu 232 Pages 216 x 134mm 2012 9781780760315 Paperback £25.00 Gender and Society in Turkey The Impact of Neoliberal Policies, Political Islam and EU Accession Saniye Dedeoglu, Warwick University and Adam Yavuz Elveren, Sütçü Imam University, Turkey (Eds) 320 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2012 9781780760278 Hardback £62.00 Library of Modern Turkey,Vol. 4 The Army and the Radical Left in Turkey Military Coups, Socialist Revolution and Kemalism Turkey and the Dilemma of EU Accession When Religion Meets Politics Mirela Bogdani 240 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848854581 Hardback £59.00 9781848854598 Paperback £14.99 Library of European Studies,Vol. 16 The Zaza Kurds of Turkey A Middle Eastern Minority in a Globalised Society Mehmed S. Kaya Lillehammer University College 240 Pages 216 x 134mm 2011 9781845118754 Hardback £59.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 71 Kurds of Modern Turkey Özgür Mutlu Ulus Migration, Neoliberalism and Exclusion in Turkish Society Acibadem University Cenk Saraçoglu 280 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848854840 Hardback £62.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 97 Occidentalism in Turkey Questions of Modernity and National Identity in Turkish Radio Broadcasting Meltem Ahıska Bogaziçi University 288 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781845116538 Hardback £62.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 79 Technology and National Identity in Turkey Mobile Communications and the Evolution of a Post-Ottoman Nation Burce Celik Bahçesehir University, Turkey 224 Pages 216 x 134mm Illustrated 2011 9781848854291 Hardback £59.50 International Library of Cultural Studies,Vol. 15 Turkey and European Security Defence Policy Middle East Technical University 248 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848854680 Hardback £59.00 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 95 Islam and Secularism in Turkey Kemalism, Religion and the Nation State Umut Azak 256 Pages 234 x 156mm Illustrated 2010 9781848852631 Hardback £58.00 International Library of Twentieth Century History,Vol. 27 Living Islam Women, Religion and the Politicization of Culture in Turkey Ayse Saktanber 304 Pages 216 x 134mm 2002 9781860641787 Hardback £62.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 20 Men of Order Compatibility and Security Cultures in a Globalised World Authoritarian Modernization under Atatürk and Reza Shah Çigdem Üstün Touraj Atabaki and Erik J. Zürcher (Eds) Gediz University, Izmir 296 Pages 216 x 134mm 2004 9781860644269 Hardback £62.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies, Vol. 21 288 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848852679 Hardback £62.50 Library of European Studies,Vol. 12 17 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Migrating to America Transnational Social Networks and Regional Identity among Turkish Migrants Lisa DiCarlo 200 Pages 216 x 134mm 2008 9781845116460 Hardback £62.00 International Library of Migration Studies,Vol. 1 Muslims in Modern Turkey Kemalism, Modernism and the Revolt of the Islamic Intellectuals Sena Karasipahi 256 Pages 234 x 156mm 2008 9781845117832 Hardback £59.00 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 72 New Turkish Cinema Belonging, Identity and Memory Asuman Suner 224 Pages 234 x 156mm 2010 9781845119492 Hardback £59.00 9781845119508 Paperback £17.99 Britain and Turkey in the Middle East Politics and Influence in the Early Cold War Era Mustafa Bilgin 336 Pages 216 x 134mm 2007 9781845113506 Hardback £62.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 75 the EU and Turkey A Glittering Prize or a Millstone? Edited by Michael Lake 180 Pages 228x148mm 2005 9781903403617 Paperback £16.99 9781903403754 Hardback £47.50 Fragments of Culture Spatial Conceptions of the Nation Modernizing Geographies in Greece and Turkey Nikiforos Diamandouros, Thalia Dragonas and Çaglar Keyder (Eds) 320 Pages 216 x 134mm 2010 9781848851313 Hardback £62.50 the State and the Subaltern Modernization, Society and the State in Turkey and Iran Touraj Atabaki (Ed) 272 Pages 234 x 156mm 2007 9781845113391 Hardback £68.50 Library of Modern Middle East Studies,Vol. 66 Turkey A Modern History Erik J. Zürcher 432 Pages 216 x 134mm 2005 9781860649585 Paperback £15.99 Turkey, Islamists and Democracy Transition and Globalization in a Muslim State Yildiz Atasoy 240 Pages 234 x 156mm 2005 9781850437581 Hardback £59.00 Turkish Democracy Today Elections, Protest and Stability in an Islamic Society Ali Carkoglu & Ersin Kalaycioglu 256 Pages 234 x 156mm 2006 9781845111854 Hardback £62.50 International Library of Political Studies,Vol. 15 the Unwelcome Neighbour Turkey’s Kurdish Policy The Everyday of Modern Turkey Asa Lundgren Deniz Kandiyoti & Ayse Saktanber (Eds) 168 Pages 234 x 156mm 2006 9781850436829 Hardback £62.50 Culture and Society in Western & Central Asia, Vol. 3 360 Pages 234 x 156mm 2001 9781860644276 Paperback £18.99 Ways to Modernity in Greece and Turkey Encounters with Europe, 1850-1950 Anna Frangoudaki and Caglar Keyder (Eds) 18 272 Pages 234 x 156mm 2007 9781845112899 Hardback £68.50 Library of European Studies,Vol. 1 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 travel Cities, Citadels and Sights of the Near East NEW Francis Bedford’s Nineteenth-Century Photographs of Egypt, the Levant, and Constantinople Sophie Gordon and Badr El Hage In 1862, the Prince of Wales, son of Queen Victoria, embarked on a grand tour of the Middle East. With the party was photographer Francis Bedford. From timeless views of the Pyramids, Baalbek, and Hagia Sophia to Cairo streets and tall ships on the Bosphorus, this is 120 of his most outstanding photographs of ancient lands in royal company. 160 pages 254 x 254mm October 2014 9789774166709 Paperback £24.95 The American University in Cairo Press e ebook available The Lycian Shore A Turkish Odyssey Freya Stark 240 Pages 198 x 126mm Illustrated 2011 9781848853126 Paperback £9.99 Tauris Parke Paperbacks Strolling through Istanbul The Classic Guide to the City Hilary Sumner-Boyd and John Freely Across the Hellespont 512 Pages 198 x 126mm Illustrated 2009 9781848851542 Paperback £12.99 A Literary Guide to Turkey Richard Stoneman Exeter University 264 Pages 198 x 126mm 2010 9781848854222 Paperback £11.99 the Western Shores of Turkey Discovering the Aegean and Mediterranean Coasts John Freely Imperial Istanbul 424 Pages 198 x 126mm Illustrated 2004 9781850436188 Paperback £12.99 A Traveller’s Guide: Includes Iznik, Bursa and Edirne Jane Taylor 352 Pages 198 x 126mm 2007 9781860642494 paperback £12.99 a Byzantine Journey John Ash 352 Pages 198 x 126mm 2006 9781845113070 Paperback £12.99 Tauris Parke Paperbacks Ionia A Quest Freya Stark 376 Pages 198 x 126mm Illustrated 2010 9781848851917 Paperback £11.99 19 turkey & the ottoman empire New and recent Titles 2015 Rome on the Euphrates South from Ephesus The Story of a Frontier Travels through Aegean Turkey Freya Stark Brian Sewell 496 Pages 198 x 126mm May 2012 9781848853140 Paperback £12.99 Tauris Parke Paperbacks 288 Pages 198 x 126mm Illustrated 2012 9781780761206 Paperback £11.99 Tauris Parke Paperbacks cookery Sherbet and Spice The Complete Story of Turkish Sweets and Desserts Mary Isin The stories behind Turkey’s huge variety of sweets and puddings are as fascinating as their multiplicity of flavours. This riveting exploration of their history and role in Turkish culture is a voyage of adventure, taking us from the sultan’s palace to the homes of ordinary people in Turkey’s villages and towns, and beyond to Central Asia, Persia, Arabia, Egypt and the Levant. This is the land of Turkish delight perfumed with rosewater and musk, rose jam, baklava filled with nuts, clotted cream or cheese, milk puddings and helvas, strings of nuts dipped in grape syrup, and model gardens built of sugar carried in wedding processions. The first study of Turkish confectionery ever to be published, Sherbet and Spice offers a rare look at the evolution of sweets from the non-European angle, based on many Turkish sources little known outside Turkey that lend a new dimension to the subject. ‘A fascinating and informative exploration of the role of sweetness in Turkish culture over the centuries.’ – Laura Mason, food historian and author of Sugar-plums and Sherbet 304 Pages 228 x 155mm Illustrated 2012 9781848858985 Hardback £20.00 Tastes of Byzantium Classic Turkish Cooking The Cuisine of a Legendary Empire Ghillie Basan and Jonathan Basan Andrew Dalby 272 Pages 198 x 126mm 2010 9781848851658 Paperback £14.99 20 224 Pages 236 x 236mm 2011 9781848859845 Paperback £18.99 www.ibtauris.com
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