JYortsH Vts,ttW'*, VtpttYnp'aslu, oMKAR Esur{nt t4llilrhtal ?Aiil AST& PACIFIC ACC,R-ED ITATIO I{' F'ORUM Address : Parikrama Marg, Omkareshwar, Dist. Khandwa (M.P.) India. Mo. No. 09604535049 E-mail :[email protected] Web : www.jyotishindia.org 11lit'itif 1 2 iii'iliiffi,lli:.il Proposed Person Name Name Of the Institute/Center Address ( Office ): City/Town State Pin Code Phone: Address(Resi): City/Town State Pin Code Phone: E-mail : Website: 3 4 Pan No. / any other Id Name of the Registered Society/Trust/Firm I Enclose Copy 0f Registration ) Name: Address : City/Town State Pin Code Phone: Name of President/Chairman/Trustee/Propriter of Society/Trust/Firm Name : Profile and Educational details of the individual as stated above Degree/Di UniversiW/lnstitute : : Year of Passin ::t 7 NominatedCo-ordinator/Representive: Name : Address: City/Town State Pin Code Phone: E-mail : Website: B Please provide details of the Study Center as under : Name of Courses Offered Annual Turnover Institute 9 of student No. of Emp in Institute Current Infrastructure details that is available with you for educational purpose. Details of premises ( Attach Relevant Documentary Proof ) : Total area of the Institute Centre f in sq.ft. Total covered area No. of rooms available Power Backu No, of computers available lnternet facilitv available [a) Whether the land & Building a.e owned by the Center, enclosed Tax reciept. [b) If the building is rented, enclose the lease deed. 1-0 Whether the premises is ready for use if yes what it is currently used for: LL If your center is also associated with LZ Programs applied fo Authorization 13 Grade vour any other Institution. (Give Details ) : center: Excellent Satisfactory 14 Location ofthe center: Ia) Remote Area Yes No ib) Easily accessible Yes No Ic) td) Residential Area Yes No CommercialArea Yes No IeJ Within the city Yes No Outskirts of the ci Yes No Nearest Airport Name of the City Distance from Railway Station Name of the City Distance from Name of the City Bus Sto 15 Any other relevant information Competitors or Market trends/ Market potential which you wish to disclose/ share : t6 Latest Stamp Size Photograph , Signature & Seal I President/ Secretory/ Propriet or of Institute ) ln original, with date Sign Name Designation DECLARATION I/we hereby declare that the details provided me/us herein above are true to best of my/our knowledge. Date : Place: I Signature & Thumb ) Note: Filling up the above application form dose not indicate that the applicant has given the authorization to open the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth Study Center, its on the sole discretion of the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth, after the verification if done by the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth officials. Please provide the a. b. following: A copy ofthe Driving License/Voter Id Card/Passport. One set of Visiting Card, Letter Head & Profile of your Institute. DD/CHQ Details: DD No. Drawn on (Bank & Branch) Amount (in figures) Rs. Date (in words ) * Rules and Regulations for attaining affiliation with'|yotish Vishwa Vidhvaneeth, Omkareshwar.' Exiting Institute seeking guidance and affiliation in the field of teaching Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology or Vastu with the brand of Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth, Omkareshwar can apply for an affiliation by completing the desired criteria prescribed by the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth, 0mkareshwar. * Following criteria should be fulfilled by the Institutions/ Astrologers/Vastu specialists for attaining an affiliation. ) ) Detailed information of the qualifications attained for running the desired courses eg, Astrology, Vastu etc. must be given though soft copies and hard copies each for a formal scrutiny by the JW. The Associate must have a minimum ten number of students to attain the affiliation. > The Associate must become a Platinum member with 'JYOTISH VISHWA VIDHYAPEETH, OMKARESHWAR.' By submitting a Cheque/DD or Cash worth Rs. 25000 only, ) The fees collected by the Associate should be in the mode Chq/DD Cash transfer with the payee name 'lyotish vishwavidhyapeeth' Account No. SBI- 32491090859, Omkareshwar, Khandwa. IFSC Code - S8IN0030163 > The Associate must follow strict guidelines of the course format / designed by the fyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth. Advantases Of Affiliation ; The monthly Magazine " JYOTISH MAHIMA", d combined research journal will be provided free of cost to all our associates and every Ph.D students for five years. ) Every Associate will have the benefit of staying free of cost in 'Anand Gurukul , 0mkareshwar' at the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth property for five days annually with their family members. > This facility would also be provided to every Ph.D student for the term year. > The affiliated Institute being associated with our esteemed organization fyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth will have the student exposure to national and international platform. The university has an international Forum comprising of highly acclaimed specialist in the field of Vastu, Astrology Reiki, Numerology which helps in research oriented study for attaining recognition and benificial results in the society. ) The number of successful pass outs from the University in past one decade show the progress and standing of the brand " fyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth, Omkareshwar". The University has gained all India status due to its wide reach in the country. Terms and Conditions > The Associate will have a registered independent body with its own name and status. The Associate will be responsible for profit and loses ofthe Study Center. ) The fyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth will provide necessary guidance to the Associate to become viable and profitable. > The Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth will highlight the Associate to maintain uniformity and standards in teaching and teaching staff. > The University will not be responsible for any illegal activity carried on by the student during the term with JyOTISH VISHWA VIDHYAPEETH. Functions of the Universi ) Identity Card & Certificate to students of the affiliated organization will be issued by the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth. ) Examination papers will be set by the University and the evalution of papers will be done by the University body, The results will be dispatched to the students by the fyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth. ) The University will hold the viva-voce for Ph. D students at the Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth, in Omkareshwar, ) The Jyotish Vishwa Vidhyapeeth will also felicitate the students who perform exceptionally well in research and attain any international acclaim in their fields of studv. l/We agree to apply above rules, regulations, terms & conditions by IYOTISH VISHWA VIDHYAPEETH, OMKARESHWAR affiliated with ASIA PACIFIC ACCREDITATION FORUM. Date Place : : I Signature ) TTDIC EDUCATION U^\TDTK OJ\TE Roof JYOTISH VISHWA VIDHYAPEETH, OMKARESHWAR is the flagship institute of Vedang fyotish Vikas Aur Sanshodhan Sansthan. It is a premier research institute in Central India which has set many benchmarks in very short span of a decade in the field Vedic studies. It is conferred with Autonomous Status and it has received Accreditation & Reaccreditation for upper span of 5 years for most of courses. Recently institute has received prestigious International Award. VISION To achive excellent standards of quality Vedic education by keeping pace with rapidly changing technologies. To create knowledge of globle standards with capabillities of accepting new challenges. MISSION Our efforts are dedicated to raise satisfaction level competent professionals, to promote research and to impart quality and value based Vedic education of all stake-holder.Our strength is directed to create Our endeavour is to provide all possible support development activities. OBJECTIVES To impart quality and value based Vedic education to raise satishfaction level of all stake-holder. To Achive excellent standards of quality education and continual improvement in all concerned processes. To create technocrats ofglobal standards. To create competent professionals. To provide all possible support to promote research and development activities, OTHER ACTIVITIES * fyotish Sadhana Programme x Seminar organized by jW, 0mkareshwar. * "jyotish Mahima" monthly Magazine. Fees Name of Courses No. Offered Sr. Structure/ Duration /Diploma or Degree [as below) Fees 1 a 2 4 5 7 B Foreign Duratio Students Regd. Jyotish Shastra for Indian Students in INR Exam Fees Tuition Fee/ Total Fee Guide Fee Fees Diploma/ Degree Fees Yearl (us DoLLER) Week Jyotish Pravin Jyotish Shastri Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 year Diploma Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 S2oo L year Diploma Jyotishacha rya Rs.200 Rs.3,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s300 1 year Degree Rs.5,000 Rs.20,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 s2,s00 1 year Degree Hastarekha Pravin Hastarekha Shastri Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1- year Diploma Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 year Diploma Hasta rekhacha rya Rs.200 Rs.3,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s300 1 year Degree Rs.5,000 Rs.20,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 s2,s00 L year f)co rca Ph.D. in Astrological Science Ph.D. in Hastarekha Science 9 Tarot Card Pravin Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 L year Diploma 10 Tarot Card Shastri Ph.D. in Tarot Card Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 year Diploma Rs.5,000 Rs.20,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 s2,s00 L year f)coroo Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 L year Diploma Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 Vear Diploma Rs.20,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 s2,s00 year f)ooroo 11 LZ 13 Qrionne Ramal Shastra Diploma in l\lr rmarnlnnrr 14 Ph,D. in Numerology Rs.5,000 tf, VASTU SHASTRA Vastu Pravin Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 year Diploma 16 Vastu Shastri Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 L year Diploma 17 Vastu Vigynacharya Rs.200 Rs.3,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s300 L year Degree 1B Ph.D. in Vastu Science Rs.5,000 Rs.20,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 52,s00 1- year T)csrpc 19 Diploma in Feng-shui Rs.200 Rs.3,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 S3oo L year Diploma Rs,200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 S2oo L week Degree 2I Reiki ist Deqree Reiki IInd Degree Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 week l)cqrcc 22 Reiki III'd Deqree Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs,3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 1 week 23 Reiki Master Degree Rs.200 Rs,5,000 Rs.6,000 Rs.11",200 Ssoo 2 weeks 24 Reiki Grand Master Rs,200 Rs.5,000 Rs.6,000 Rs.11,200 5s00 2 weeks 25 Ph.D. in Reiki Rs.5,000 Rs.20,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 s2,so0 26 Karuna Reiki Rs.200 Rs.5,000 Rs.6,000 Rs.1 1,200 $soo L 27 Shreeyantra Healing Rs.200 Rs.5,000 Rs.6,000 Rs.11,200 28 indian Ancient Rs.200 Rs.5,000 Rs.6,000 Rs, L Rs.200 Rs.2,000 Rs.5,000 Rs.20,000 1 REIKI & HEALING 20 l-lor linn Degree l-)coroo year Degree week f)psrpc ss00 1 week Degree 1,200 ss00 L week Degree Rs.3,000 Rs.5,200 s200 2 year Diploma Rs.5,000 Rs.30,000 S2,soo l- year L KARMAKAND €IJACTE Z> 30 A Karmakand Shastri Ph.D. in Karma Note : 1. Above fees is charge for reguler students. 2. Fees shall be paid by depositing on a/c of Jyotish Vishwa Vidyapeeth in State Bank of India A/c number: 32491090g59 IFSC CODE SBINOO3OI63 Schedule of Courses Name of Course Jyotish Pravin tish Shastri Schedule Period to 3Oth June/ 1st july to 31st Dec july to 31st Dec 25th to 31. Dec/25th to 30 June 25th to 31 Dec/25th to 30 June Jyotishacharya Hastarekha Pravin june/ lst iuly to 31st Dec 25th to 31 Dec/ZStlt to 30 June 1-st jan to 3Oth June/ 1st july to 31st Dec 25th to 31. Dec/21th to 30 June Hastarekha Shastri Lst Jan 25th to 31 Dec/25th to 30 June Hastarekhacharva Lst Jan to 3Oth June/ 1st july to 31st Dec to 3Oth June/ 1st july to 31st Dec 1-st Jan Lst Jan to 3Oth June/ 1.st lst Jan to 3Oth 25th to 31 Dec/Zsth to 30 June Tarot Card Pravin june/ july to 3 1st Dec Lst Jan to 3Oth June/ Lst july to 31st Dec 25th to 3L Dec/25th to 30 June 2Sth to 3l Dec/Z5th to 30 June 1st Jan to 3Oth June/ 1st july to 31st Dec 25th to Vastu Pravin lst lan to 30th June/ 1st iuly to 3l-st Dec 25th to 31. Dec/25th to 30 lune Vastu Shastri Vastu Vigynacharya 1st Jan to 30th June/ 1st july to 3 1st Dec 1st Jan to 3Oth June/ 1.st july to 3l,st Dec 25th to 37 Dec/21th to 30 June 25th to 3I Dec/25th to 30 June Diploma in Feng-shui 1st Jan to 3Oth June/ 1.st july to 3Lst Dec 25th to Tarot Card Shastri Ramal Shastra Lst Jan to 3Oth 1st 3lDec/Zlth to 30 June VASTU SHASTRA 3I Dec/25th to 30 f une REIKI & HEALING Reiki I't Reiki IIno Reiki III'd Reiki Master Degree As per Institute Schedule As per Institute Schedule Reiki Grand Master Karuna Reiki Shreeyantra Heali Indian Ancient Healin KARMAKAND SHASTRA Karmakand Shastri Lst Jan to 3Oth june/ 1st july to 31st Dec 2sth ro 31 Dec/Z'th to 30 June
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