Neonatal Hypoglycemia (and all of the other neonatal emergencies that Ethan is making me cover to fulfill the ACGME requirement) Philippa Augustin, MD Objective Review definition, pathophysiology, risk factors, evaluation and treatment of neonatal hypoglycemia Attempt to cover maybe 1 or 2 others… Neonatal Emergencies Neonatal hypoglycemia RDS Neonatal seizures Apparent Life Threatening Events Neonatal sepsis Surgical Emergencies NEC Congenital Heart Disease Neonatal Hypoglycemia Common problem, with 10% of neonates being unable to maintain glucose >30 if feeding is delayed for 3-6hrs after birth Greater risk if SGA or LGA Definition No clear consensus about what levels are dangerous • Current definition is <40 for 1st 24hrs, then <50 after that • Severe is <25 • Neonates are able to tolerate much lower plasma glucose levels than adults Gluconeogenesis Glutamate, aspartate and alanine • Neonatal brain is also able to use lactate and ketone bodies Pathogenesis Umbilical venous glucose concentration is 60-80% of maternal levels During 1st 2hrs after birth, falls to nadir of 40, then stabilizes at 4-6hrs to 45-80 • Stabilized by glycogenolysis, stimulated by epinephrine and glucagon – Hepatic glycogen depleted after 8-12hrs • Also supported by gluconeogenesis – Requires substrate (lactate, amino acids, glycerol) If either is inadequate, hypoglycemia results Decreased glucose production Inadequate stores • Glycogen stored in liver mostly during the 3rd trimester – Which infants will be at risk because of this? • IUGR also have reduced stores – Chronic intrauterine hypoxia leads to inefficient glucose metabolism Metabolic disorders • Glycogen storage diseases, galactosemia, fructose intolerance, maple syrup urine disease, propionic acidemia, methylmalonic acidemia) Endocrine disorders • Deficiency of any of the hormones that regulate glucose homeostasis (cortisol, GH, epi, glucagon) Other • Maternal beta blockers – Interrupts epinephrine stimulating glycogenolysis • Hypothermia • Liver failure Increased Utilization Hyperinsulinemia • Infants of diabetic mothers – Usually transient, neonate has increased production of insulin secondary to chronic intrauterine hyperglycemia (premature maturation of pancreatic islet cells) – IDMs also have depressed counterregulatory response (glucagon and catecholamines) – Suspect in LGA/macrosomia • Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome – hyperinsulinism • • • • Erythroblastosis Perinatal asphyxia Intrapartum glucose infusion Exogenous insulin – Given for hyperglycemia, infants must be carefully monitored after administration Increased utilization without hyperinsulinism Utilization may increase with poor perfusion and poor oxygenation • Lower energy produced with anaerobic glycolysis (5%) Sepsis Polycythemia Neurohypoglycemia • Mechanism unknown • Increased RBC mass increased glucose metabolism • Nml plasma glucose, but def of GLUT1 results in lack of transport across BBB – Seizures at 2-3 mos, developmental delay, acquired microcephaly Manifestations Jitteriness, tremors Hypotonia Altered LOC (irritable, lethargic, stupor) Apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis Tachypnea Poor feeding/sucking Hypothermia Seizures Infants at higher risk Preterm LGA/SGA IDM NICU (sepsis, asphyxia) Mother tx’d with Bblockers or oral hypoglycemic agents Monitoring Start within 1-2 hrs after birth (sooner for any symptoms) • Preprandial glucose levels • Maintain above 50 (40 may be adequate, but BAEPs are abnormal <45, although this abnormality reverses with euglycemia) Treatment Oral breast milk or formula if asymptomatic and not severe hypoglycemia (<25, which will result in permanent neuron death) IV glucose of 6mg/kg/min if symptomatic, unable to be fed, or persistently hypoglycemic Glucocorticoid if persistent hypoglycemia after 2-3 days of glucose at >12 mg/kg (and consult pedi endo) Oral feeds ASAP after birth • Negligible benefit on early hypoglycemia, may prevent subsequent hypoglycemia • If screening is <40 in asx term infant, repeat with blood sample for lab • Repeat 20-30 min after feeding, feed q2-3hrs • If preterm with glucose <40, most likely will need parenteral supplementation Parenteral Glucose Indications Neonate with severe hypoglycemia (20-25) Persistent hypoglycemia after feeding (<40) Neonataes unable to tolerate po Unclear if asymptomatic hypoglycemia in premature infants leads to neurologic damage Prognosis Symptomatic hypoglycemia leads to changes in brain MRI • 33 of 35 neonates had detectable white matter changes – 15 mild, 8 mod, 3 with severe impairment – earlier onset of MRI findings means worse outcome • transient MRI changes with glucose <46 • injuries usually result in neuro developmental delay an decreased intellectual fxn RDS (aka hyaline membrane disease) Common cause of respiratory distress, especially in premature infants caused by surfactant deficiency • surfactant expressed by lung tissue during 3rd trimester • lipid/protein complex that lowers lung surface tension preventing alveolar collapse RDS Without surfactant, alveoli collapse, causing decreased lung volum and decreased lung compliance • collapsed alveoli lead to V/Q mismatch that leads to hypoxemia low surfactant levels also lead to resp epithelial injury that causes inflammation and pulmonary edema Inflammation In animal studies, depletion of neutrophils prevents pulmonary edema in absence of surfactant atelectasis --> inflammatory cascade --> increased cytokine expression --> increased neutrophil accumulation • increased protein rich fluid causes inactivation of any remaining surfactant Pulmonary edema Caused by inflammation, but also caused by decreased fluid absorption • epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) expression occurs during 3rd trimester Presentation Presents at birth, and if untreated, worsens over next 48hrs nearly always premies Symptoms • • • • • tachypnea, nasal flaring, grunting, retractions, cyanosis decreased breath sounds decreased peripheral pulses increased peripheral edema decreased UOP in first 24-48hrs Disease progression If surfactant is not administered, dz will progress over 24-72 hrs and then improve neonate produces surfactant Diagnosis: neonate with increased WOB, increased O2 need, and typical x-ray (ground glass) DDx: TTN, penumonia, congenital heart disease Neonatal seizures Symptomatic vs. neonatal epileptic syndrome • majority are symptomatic seizures (acute reactive neonatal seizures) Neonatal epileptic syndromes Benign neonatal convulsions benign neonatal familial convulsions early myoclonic encephalopathy early infantile epileptic encephalopathy Acute reactive neonatal seizures Many causes • • • • • • • neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy ICH CNS infection cerebral infarct metabolic chromosomal “cryptogenic” Acute reactive neonatal seizures Many causes • • • • • • • neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy ICH CNS infection cerebral infarct metabolic chromosomal “cryptogenic” Acute reactive neonatal seizures Many causes • • • • • • • neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy ICH CNS infection cerebral infarct metabolic chromosomal “cryptogenic” Acute reactive neonatal seizures Many causes • • • • • • • neonatal hypoxic-ischemia encephalopathy ICH CNS infection cerebral infarct metabolic chromosomal “cryptogenic” Benign neonatal convulsions Idiopathic 2-7% neonatal seizures 90% in DOL 4-6 term/late preterm, no FHx, nml pregnancy and delivery, nml neuro exam between seizures unifocal clonic, occ cuase apnea, lasts 1-3 min and recur for 24-48hrs Diagnosis of exclusion • • • • • Apgar >7 at 1 min typical age (4-6 days) nml neuro exam before and interictally nml labs/imaging no FHx AEDs, may stop 24-48hrs after Benign neonatal familial convulsions 14.4/100K live births autosomal dominant with 85% penetration • “channelopathy” of voltage gated K+ channel focal or multifocal clonic/tonic seizures FHx neonatal seizures nml neuro exam Onset - days-1wk of life Seizures are usually brief and resolve in 2- 3 monts Tx: AEDs • good prognosis, but do have slight increase in risk of future epilepsy Early myoclonic encephalopathy EME • onset - early neonatal • occ familial • usually have inborn errors of metabolism Clinical features • abnml neuro exam - altered LOC at time of onset • initially with segmental erratic myoclonic seizures in 1st few hrs • partial motor or focal clonic seizures develop after that • repetitive tonic spasms at 3-4 months Tx: AEDs, but seizures refractory to meds Prognosis: poor • do not develop neurologically • 50% die in 1st yr • survivors - persistent vegetative state EIEE AKA Ohtara’s syndrome Onset - infancy (within 1st 3 months) frequent tonic spasms and suppression- burst pattern on EEG secondary to structural anomalies tonic spasm seizures neuro exam abnml even before onset of seizures Tx: AEDs prognosis: poor; 50% die in infancy, survivors have severe MR, quadriplegia ALTE Apparent Life Threatening Events • some combo of apnea, color change, change in muscle tone, choking/gagging • Recovery occurs after stimulation/rescusitation (being patted or picked up doesn’t count) ALTE Unclear if connected to SIDS • • • • • • 5% of SIDS had prior ATLE ALTE not always fatal ALTE dx depends on parental observation 80% SIDS 12am-6am, 80% ALTE 8am-8pm SIDS interventions have not decreased ATLE different risk factors Cause identified in >50% • 30% GERD • 15-20% neurologic – seizures, ventricular hemorrhage, hydrocephalus • Accidental/intentional poisoning GERD • no direct association to ATLE • more likely if gross emesis at time of ALTE, occur when infant awake and supine, infant had obstructive apnea • may use low risk interventions, but also r/o other causes Abuse • Munchausen’s by proxy vs abusive head injuries Initial eval History and PE (eval for respiratory obstruction) Lbs, CXR, brain imaging, EEG, echo, PSG, CXR Consider consulting infant apnea specialist Admit for inpt obs if hx suggests physiologic compromise Recurrence risk factors Idiopathic ALTE • high incidence of false apnea alarms on home monitors immaturity, hx of multiple ALTE prior to admit, viral URI, Recs Caregivers should be given CPR training train caregivers in creating safe sleeping environment home monitoring (case by case) Prognosis In premies - good, as lungs mature death occurs in <1% • if have recurrent ATLE requiring CPR, risk of SIDS is 10-30% Neonatal Sepsis Objectives • • • • Review terminology Risk factors Presentations of neonatal sepsis Most common organisms and treatments Terminology Rule out sepsis Neonate with fever (neonate is 0-28 days) Neonatal fever Neonatal sepsis Serious bacterial infection Occult bacteremia Neonate with fever Infant of 0-28 days with rectal temp of 100.4F or higher should automatically be admitted • Immature immune system – Cellular immunity – neonatal PMN deficient in chemotaxis and killing capacity – Impaired macrophage chemotaxis, with lower absolute numbers in lung, liver and spleen – Immature T-cells – Low numbers of natural killer cells in peripheral blood – Humoral immunity – Immunoglobulin transfer from mother occurs in late gestation, putting premies at risk – Low IgM levels at birth – Deficiency of terminal complement cascade necessary for G- pathogens • Perinatal pathogen exposure (low barrier function) • High rate if infections in infants <3 months – >4% 0-28 days with bacteremia or meningitis – 10% with UTI – Higher risk of bacteremia with higher fever • May appear well and have infxn Frequency 2/1000 live births in US • 7-13% neonates are evaluated, only 3-8% have cx proven sepsis • Aggressive evaluation is indicated as mortality for untreated sepsis is 50% Neonatal meningitis 2-4/1000 live births How to judge if admission is needed… Rochester criteria Philadelphia criteria Boston criteria Risk factors Prematurity or low birth weight Maternal GBS Sepsis in previous sibling PROM Maternal chorio Need for resuscitation Male Multiple gestation Signs/Sx Fever/hypothermia Poor tone Irritability Shrill/weak cry Skin - pallor, poor perfusion, mottling, petechiae, jaundice, cyanosis Signs/Sx Nonspecific, and are associated with many other disorders • • • • • • Poor feeding Vomiting/diarrhea Hypo or hyperglycemia tachypnea and/or retractions Tachy/bradycardia Hypotension Signs/Sx (cont) Low SpO2 Sunken or bulging fontanelle Differential Diagnosis Metabolic acidosis Bowel obstruction Coarctation of aorta Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Congenital lung malformations Congenital pneumonia CHF DDx (cont) Hemolytic disease of the newborn Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn Hypoglycemia Hypoplastic left heart syndrome Meconium aspiration syndrome Bacterial meningitis Necrotizing enterocolitis DDx (cont) Osteomyelitis Pericarditis Pulmonary atresia Pulmonary HTN Pulmonary hypoplasia RDS Single ventricle UTI Labs Check everything! • • • • • • Blood, urine and CSF cultures CBC with diff CSF studies CRP level (which you will get back in 2 wks) Serum IgM may indicate an intrauterine infxn HSV PCR if CNS abnormalities, skin vesicles, or not responding to abx Imaging CXR • May look like RDS in sepsis CT or MRI late in course of meningitis Head ultrasound may be useful in meningitis What are we treating? Early pathogens (1st week) • • • • • • GBS E coli Gram neg rods (esp in urine) Listeria HSV Enterovirus Later bugs… Late onset sepsis (1-2 wks) • • • • GBS or grp A strep Enterococcus in urine HSV Enterovirus, RSV, influenza Treatment Begin abx as soon as labs done • IV aminoglycoside and expanded-spectrum penicillin – Usually tx for 7-10 days even if cx neg after 48-72 hrs • Oxacillin if nosocomial infection is suspected • Meningitis requires tx for 2wks after sterilization of CSF Prognosis Term infants usually have no long term sequelae if treated early • Residual neuro problems occur in 15-30% with septic meningitis Preterm infants have higher rates of cognitive defects, CP, and other neuro disabilities Surgical Emergencies Pyloric stenosis Congenital diaphragmatic hernia Tracheoesophageal fistula Abdominal wall defects • Gastroschisis • Omphalocele • Necrotizing enterocolitis Necrotizing enterocolitis Intestinal wall inflammation or injury caused by bacterial invasion or previously injured or ischemic bowel wall Incidence: 5-10% infants <1500 gm Mortality: 10-30% Risk Factors PREMATURITY (yes, again…) Others… • • • • • • • Ischemia Bacterial infxn Enteral feeding Congenital heart disease Hyperosmolar formula Hx umbilical arterial catheter Hx exchange transfusion Early Signs Temp instability Poor feeding Bilious vomiting Lethargy Mucoid or bloody stool Apnea bradycardia Late signs Hemodynamic instability Anemia Thrombocytopenia DIC Prerenal azotemia Metabolic acidosis Imaging Abdominal x-ray • Bowel obstruction, edematous bowel, ileus, intramural air, pneumoperitoneum Medical Management Initial, for 7-10 days; 75% successful • • • • • • No enteral feeds for 10-14 days NGT to intermittent suction Hydration, ‘lyte management Respiratory support Abx Blood and platelets if needed Surgical management 10-50% mortality Indications • Absolute – Bowel perforation – Intestinal gangrene • Relative – Metabolic acidosis – Resp failure – Oliguria – Thrombocytopenia – Leukocytosis – Air in portal vein – Bowel wall edema – Persistent dilated bowel loops
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