(2015.2) 1 Important Notice This presentation of Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) contains forward-looking statements relating to HHI’s operations that are based on management’s current expectations, estimates and projections. Words such as “anticipates”, “expects”, “intends”, “plans”, “projects”, “schedules”, “estimates” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties, and other factors including new order flows, FX rates, steel plate prices and so on, some of which are beyond company’s control and are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and actual results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. The reader should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. HHI undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events. 2 Contents HHI at a Glance Business Performance Financial Performance 3 HHI at a Glance 4 Summary Date of Establishment : 1973. 12. 28 Date of Listing : 1999. 8. 24 No. of issued stocks: 76,000,000 stocks Paid-in Capital : KRW 380 bil. Market Value : KRW 8,740 bil. (As of December 31, 2014) Credit Rating : A1 (Commercial Paper), AA (Corporate Bond) Korea’s large conglomerate ranking : 7th (Excluding public companies, based on total assets, As of December 31, 2013) No. of employees : 25,663 (Average 18.5 years of continuous service) No. of dry docks : 10 (Shipbuilding), 1 (Offshore & Engineering) Business Division : Shipbuilding, Offshore & Engineering, Industrial Plant & Engineering, Engine & Machinery, Electro Electric Systems, Construction Equipment, Green Energy, Refinery, Financial Services 5 History 1973. 12 Establishment of Hyundai Shipbuilding & Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. 1974. 6 Inauguration of the Shipyard and Simultaneous Naming of First Two Supertankers 1978. 2 Change of Company Name to Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. 1975.3~1985.6 Established Special Vessels, Offshore & Engineering, Industrial Plant & Engineering, Engine & Machinery, Electro Electric Systems, Construction Equipment Divisions 1994. 6 Listed on the Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, Delivery of Korea’s First LNG Carrier 1999. 8 Listed on the Korean Stock Exchange 2002. 2 Disaffiliated from Hyundai Group and creation of Hyundai Heavy Industries group (Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., Asan Foundation and six other companies) 2002. 5 Acquired Samho Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. 2008. 9 Acquired HI Investment and Securities Co., Ltd. and HI Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Underwriting company : Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd. ) 2009. 12 Acquired Hyundai Corporation 2010. 8 Acquired Hyundai Oilbank Co., Ltd. (70% of Ownership and management) 2011. 2 Became the world’s first shipbuilder to deliver 1,700th ship 6 Business Highlights No.1 in Global shipbuilding Market (Since 1983) • HHI, HSHI, HMD : 12.16% (2011 delivery basis) Recognized for building the ‘World Best Ship’ for the 29th consecutive year (Since 1983) • Total 47 ships, World shipbuilding publications (Maritime Report and Marine Log) First to build LNG Carrier in Korea (Jun. 1994) Delivery of the World’s Biggest Jacket (May, 1989) • 125,000 m3 • Exxon (U.S.A) • 40,000 ton Completion of World’s Largest Elf Girassol FPSO (Feb. 2001) • 343,000 Ton Completed World’s largest Saudi Marafiq power plant (Apr. 2011) • power generation 2,750 MW + desalination 176 MIGD Achieved world record production in 2-stroke Markne engines (Sep. 2010) • 100 million bhp Achieved domestic record production in Transformers (Feb. 2010) • 600,000 MVA 7 Ownership Structure (As of December 31, 2014) Chung Mong-joon Hyundai Mipo 10.15% Dockyard Co., Ltd. 7.98% National Pension Service 4.69% Others 46.78% KCC 3.04% (Foreign Ownership : 12.14% ) Hyundai Motors 2.88% Asan Foundation 2.53% Treasury Shares 19.36% POSCO 1.94% Asan Nanum Foundation 0.65% 8 Business Structure Division Main Products Major Clients • VLCCs, Tankers, Product Carriers, Chemical Tankers • Containerships, Bulk Carriers, OBO Carriers • Ro-Pax Ships, Ro-Ro Ships, Pure Car Carriers, Tankers/VLCCs • LNG Carriers, LPG Carriers • Drillships • Submarines, Destroyers, Frigates Offshore & Engineering • Floating Units: FPSOs, FLNGs, FPUs, TLPs, Semi-Submersible Units • Fixed Platforms: Topsides, Jackets & Piles, Jack-ups, Modules & Quarters • Pipelines & Subsea Facilities: Subsea Pipelines • Offshore Installations: Platforms, Pipelines • Land-Based Modules Industrial Plant & Engineering • Power Plants: Combined-Cycle, Cogeneration, Thermal Power Plants • Process Plants: Oil and Gas, Refinery, Tank Farm, GTL, and LNG Facilities • Plant Equipments: Industrial Boiler, HRSG, CFBF Boiler, Regenerator & Reactor Shipbuilding Engine & Machinery Electro Electric Systems Construction Equipment Green Energy Refinery Financial Services • Two-Stroke Diesel Engines, Four-Stroke(HiMSEN)Engines • Propellers and Crankshafts • Steam Turbines and Turbochargers • Diesel and Gas Power Plant Engines • Industrial and Marine Pumps, Industrial Robots, Side Thrusters • Presses, Conveyor Systems, and Steel Strip Process Lines • Transformers, Gas Insulated Switchgear, Switchgear • Low- and Medium-Voltage Circuit Breakers • Rotating Machinery • Power Electronics and Control Systems Competitors Capacity HAPAG-LLOYD (GER) C.P. OFFEN (GER) AP MOLLER (Denmaark) Seaspan (Canada) Diamond Offshore (USA) DSME (KOR) SHI (KOR) 8.00 mil. GT BP(UK) ExxonMobile(USA) SHELL(USA) TOTAL (FR) CHEVRON (USA) ENI NORGE (NOR) DSME, SHI (KOR) Technip (FR) Saipem (Italy) McDermott (USA) Floaters : 1~2 units Fixed Platform : 3~4 units Pipeline laying : 30km SHELL (US) MEW (KUWAIT) SEC (SAUDI) Siemens (GER) Power plant : 1,000MW Hyundai E&C (KOR) (4~5 projects) Doosan Heavy (KOR) Samsung C&T Corporation(KOR) HMD(KOR) Shanghai (CHINA) DSME, SHI (KOR) State-Owned Power company Utility, IPP company • Excavators • Wheel Loaders • Forklifts • Skid Loaders • Solar/Wind Power Systems • Petroleum: LPG, Gasoline, Kerosene, Jet Fuel • Petrochemicals: Propylene, Alkylate, BTX, Naphtha Wagner&Co Solartechnik(GER) MHH Solartechnik (GER) Sun Energy Europe (GER) Albatech (Italy) Doosan, STX (KOR) Mitsui (JPN) Hudong, Dalian(China) Large Engines (500 units) :18 mil bhp Medium (1800 Units) : 5 mil bhp ABB (Sweden) Siemens (GER) Hyosung (KOR) Transformer (620 units) 120,000 MVA Komatsu (JPN) Caterpillar (USA) Terex (USA) Doosan Infracore (KOR) 29,000 units (Excavators 16,000 units) Suntech, Yingli (CHN) Vestas (DEN), GE (USA) Solar Cell/module : 510 MW Wind Turbine : 600 MW SK Innovation (KOR) GS-Caltex (KOR) S-Oil (KOR) 390,000 B/D • Securities Brokerage • Asset Management • Futures • Corporate Finance • Leasing 9 Sales Breakdown Financial Services Others (KRW 742.5 bil.) (KRW 206.2 bil.) 1.4% 0.4% 31.3% 40.1% Refinery Shipbuilding (KRW 21,087.1 bil.) (KRW 16,432.2 bil.) 8.8% Green Energy 0.6% Offshore & Engineering (KRW 4,653.4 bil.) (KRW 312.3 bil.) 5.4% 4.5% 2.9% Industrial Plant & Engineering Construction Equipment (KRW 2,866.8 bil.) 4.6% Electro Electric Systems (KRW 2,354.6 bil.) Engine & Machinery (KRW 1,518.1bil.) (KRW 2,409.2 bil.) (2014 Consolidated basis, preliminary results) 10 Affiliates 27 affiliated companies in Hyundai Heavy Industries Group (HHI included, overseas corporations excluded) • Changjuk Wind Power : As of Jan. 3. 2011, the date of addition as an affiliate • Hyundai Energy & Resources : As of May. 2. 2011, the date of addition as an affiliate • New Korea Country Club & Hyundai Oil Terminal Co., Ltd.: As of March. 2. 2012, the date of addition as an affiliate 11 Global Network Established 21 Overseas offices and 26 Incorporated firms, a total of 47 global network. • 21 overseas offices - Europe : 7, America : 3, Asia : 4, Middle East / Africa : 7 • 26 Incorporated firms - Production/sales : 14, Sales : 2, Construction : 3, R&D : 2, Management : 3, Agriculture: 2 [HHI] Region Europe America Asia Middle East / Africa Total 【Europe】 Oslo Moscow Hungary France Spain Bulgaria 7 2 9 21 26 47 Total 16 7 15 Production / Sales(14) Sales (2) Construction(3) R&D(2) Management(3) Agriculture(2) Khorol Agro, Mikhailovka Agro, Hyundai Electrosystems Germany Belgium Incorporated firm 9 4 11 Offices (21) Rotterdam London Overseas office 7 3 4 Athens Riyadh Al Khobar (office, incorporated) Nigeria Vladivostok Beijing Istanbul Tai’an Kuwait Dubai Jebel Ali Abu Dhabi Shandong Yantai Weihai Yangzhong Chanzhou Mumbai India Tokyo Hyundai Ideal Electric Co. Alabama Osaka HHI China Investment Co., Ltd. Hyudai Heavy Industries Shanghai R&D Co., Ltd. Houston New Jersey Atlanta (office, incorporated) Hyundai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. Singapore Luanda 【Middle East / Africa】 Brazil 【Asia】 【America】 12 Business Performance 13 New Orders Trend (Mil. USD) 35,000 27,473 30,000 27,363 25,020 25,324 17,851 14,419 18,706 9,290 20,000 9,817 5,000 0 6,400 5,777 4,357 2,968 2,043 2,809 `01 `02 7,835 10,735 15,730 13,147 8,488 11,470 10,291 13,635 10,905 8,272 444 `03 13,642 4,917 3,025 6,792 19,834 14,600 13,424 7,236 13,405 19,567 17,209 16,107 15,000 10,000 22,950 13,838 25,000 +15.7% YoY `04 `05 `06 Shipbuilding `07 `08 `09 6,192 6,143 4,061 `10 9,512 `11 `12 `13 8,350 `14`15 (Target) Non-Shipbuilding 14 Shipbuilding Drillship VLCC Containerships Bulk Carrier LNG LPG Car Carriers Naval Ships Special Vessels 15 Market Shipbuilding Global Demand (Unit: Mil. GT) 200.0 since 2007 (Unit: Mil. GT) Others LPG Carrier LNG Carrier Containers Tankers Bulkers -23% 150.0 95.5 100.0 39.9 50.0 0.0 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 `07 `08 `09 `10 `11 `12 `13 `14.12 Total 176.6 110.9 33.1 94.1 62.5 39.9 95.5 73.6 -22.9% Bulkers 92.5 56.8 20.3 57.3 24.1 14.2 43.7 32.7 -25.2% Tankers 27.7 29.8 8.0 20.3 5.9 7.9 18.5 14.6 -21.1% Containers 35.0 12.7 1.0 6.6 20.1 4.7 19.4 9.5 -51.0% LNG 2.5 0.6 0.0 0.5 5.1 3.8 4.1 7.1 73.2% LPG 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.4 1.1 2.8 3.3 17.9% others 18.2 10.4 3.7 8.8 6.9 8.2 7.0 6.4 -8.6% YoY * Others : offshore, cruise vessels, ro-ro ferries, MPP, Reefers, PCC * Source : Clarkson Newbuilding Price Trend 180 since 2007 Capesize 176-180K DWT (Left, Mil. USD) VLCC 315-320K DWT (Left, Mil. USD) 160 Containership 8,500-9,100 TEU (Left, Mil. USD) LPG Carrier 82,000m³ (Left, Mil. USD) LNG Carrier 160,000m³ (Right, Mil. USD) 140 120 100 80 250 240 * Source : Clarkson '12 '13 `11 `12 `13 `14.12 YoY 185 178 138 142.4 139 126.3 133.2 138.5 4.0% 56.0 57.0 48.5 46.0 53.5 54.0 0.9% 220 VLCC(320K) 146.0 150.0 101.0 105.0 99.0 93.0 94.0 97.0 3.2% 210 Container(8,800teu) 134.0 129.0 86.5 95.0 92.5 76.5 85.5 89.0 4.1% LPG(82,000m³) 93.0 92.0 72.0 72.8 73.0 70.0 74.5 79.0 6.0% LNG(160,000m³) 237.0 245.0 211.5 202.0 202.0 199.5 198.0 200.0 1.0% 180 '11 `10 88.0 40 '10 `09 97.0 190 '09 `08 Capesize Bulk(180K) 60 '08 Price Index `07 230 200 '07 (Unit: Mil. USD) 260 * Index : 1988=100 16 Overview Shipbuilding Sales Breakdown by Product (2014) Sales Contribution(2014) Special Shipbuilding Semi-sub Purpose 40.0% Rig 7% 3% Tanker Special 1% 5% Bulk 5% P/C 2% LNG 17% Others 1% LPG 10% Drillship Containership 20% 29% * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Annual Sales & New Orders Main Products (Unit : sales - bil. KRW, New order – mil. USD) 20,000 15,730 13,635 15,000 11,470 10,000 6,443 7,557 9,084 9,003 7,849 10,905 9,487 9,766 10,159 9,349 9,512 6,143 6,192 444 0 2006 2007 2008 Sales 2009 2010 • VLCCs, Tankers, Product Carriers, Chemical Tankers • Containerships, Bulk Carriers, OBO Carriers • Ro-Pax Ships, Ro-Ro Ships, Pure Car Carriers Tankers / VLCCs • LNG Carriers, LPG Carriers • Drillships • Submarines, Destroyers, Frigates Operational Highlights 4,061 5,000 * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results 2011 2012 2013 2014 New Orders •Non-Consolidated basis, 2005 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. •2014 preliminary results Completion of Gunsan Shipyard (Mar. 2010) Investment & Technical Corporation Agreement with OSX (May 2010) 10% of stake in OSX(USD 61.9 mil.) in exchange for technical advise for establishment of a shipyard Delivery of first drillship (Sept. 2010) Delivery of 1,700th vessel (Jan. 2011) 17 Performance Shipbuilding New Orders by Shiptype (2014.12) Others 9% Backlog by Shiptype (2014.12) Semi Submersible RIg Special & Others 7% Naval 2% 11% Containership 8% Tanker 26% LPG Carrier Container ship 16% Tanker 13% Drillship 6% 32% Bulkers 3% Bulker LPG Carrier 16% 4% LNG Carrier LNG Carrier 26% 21% • Backlogs as of Dec. 2014 on a delivery basis : 145 vessels, USD 18.55 bil. • The above data is based on the amount • The above data is based on the amount New Orders in 2014 # of ship Amount (mil. USD) 2013 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 85 19 14 5 1 4 5 0 3 3 0 5 1,127 511 78 279 644 0 220 528 0 916 9,512 1,549 Dec Total Target Achievement 1 60 - - 340 6,192 9,150 67.7% Details (mil. USD) - 26 LPG Carriers (1,964) 18 Tankers (1,598) 5 Containerships (501) 6 LNG Carriers (1,294) 3 Bulkers (242) 2 Special Vessel (529) Others (64) 18 Performance Shipbuilding New Orders by Shiptype (2015.1) Backlog by Shiptype (2015.1) Semi Submersible Container Special & Others RIg ship Naval 2% 7% 15% 12% Drillship 3% Tanker 15% Bulkers 3% Tanker 100% LPG Carrier 17% LNG Carrier 26% • Backlogs as of Jan. 2015 (YTD) : 139 vessels, USD 17.53 bil • The above data is based on the amount • The above data is based on the amount New Orders in 2015 # of ship Amount (mil. USD) 2014 Jan Total Target Achievement 60 2 2 - - 6,192 198 198 8,350 2.4% Details (mil. USD) - 2 Tankers (198) 5 Containerships (501) 6 LNG Carriers (1,294) 3 Bulkers (242) 2 Special Vessel (529) Others (64) 19 Delivery Shipbuilding Annual Delivery (number of vessels) Annual Delivery (mil. GT) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 10 9 8 Gunsan Offshore Ulsan 7.2 0.8 7 6 5 8.1 8.0 1.8 0.8 6.6 1.1 0.9 5.4 0.3 7.5 1.2 0.3 4.9 0.9 2 0.7 75 88 80 55 71 69 44 46 Offshore (on-ground building) 6 14 25 14 13 4 1 0 Gunsan - - - 10 9 11 12 10 Total # of Ship 81 102 105 79 93 84 57 56 1.2 4 3 5.3 Ulsan 5.1 6.4 6.2 4.8 6.2 6.0 3.7 4.6 1 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20 Offshore & Engineering FPSO Drilling Rig Semi-Submersible Unit Subsea Pipeline 21 Overview Offshore & Engineering Sales Contribution (2014) Sales Breakdown by Product (2014) Offshore & Subsea Pipeline Engineering 7% 20.0% Fixed Platforms& Floaters 93% * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Main Products Annual Sales & New Orders (Unit : sales - bil. KRW, New order – mil. USD) 7,000 6,503 6,005 6,000 4,480 4,373 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,997 1,935 2,222 3,729 3,413 3,069 2,352 4,753 4,653 2007 2008 2009 Sales 2010 Floating Units: FPSOs, FLNGs, FPUs, TLPs, Semi Submersible Units Fixed Platforms: Topsides, Jackets & Piles, Jack-ups, Modules & Quarters Pipelines & Subsea Facilities: Subsea Pipelines Offshore Installations: Platforms, Pipelines Land-Based Modules Operational Highlights 2,072 0 2006 • • • • • 3,423 3,0952,978 1,102 1,000 * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results 2011 2012 2013 2014 New Orders •Non-Consolidated basis, 2005 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. •2014 preliminary results Received Received Received Received Received Received Received USD USD USD USD USD USD USD 1.1 0.9 1.2 0.6 1.1 1.9 1.9 bil. bil. bil. bil. bil. bil. bil. of of of of of of of Goliat FPSO order (Feb. 2010) Barzan offshore platform order (Jan. 2011) BP Q204 FPSO order (Feb. 2011) BP Clair Ridge platform order (Mar. 2011) Aasta Hansteen Topside order (Jan. 2013) Moho Nord TLP & FPU order (Mar. 2013) Rosebank FPSO order (Apr. 2013) 22 Performance Offshore & Engineering Major Projects in 2009/2010 Gorgon LNG (Oct. 2009) - LNG processing modules fabrication ($2.1 bil. from Chevron) New Orders by Type ($ mil.) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.Jan Fixed 2,196 1,501 2,121 1,621 454 4,406 17 Floating 46 1,303 1,819 412 5,735 1,470 18 Subsea Pipeline 100 252 539 31 292 129 14 Others 9 13 1 8 22 0 0 Total 2,351 3,069 4,480 2,072 6,503 6,005 49 Performance Record (1976 ~ present) Myanmar SHWE Field development project (Feb. 2010) - Installation of gas production & processing platform, pipeline & onshore terminal ($1.4 bil. from Daewoo International Corp.) Type Fixed - Cylindrical Floating Production Storage Offloading unit ($1.1 bil. from ENI Norge AS) Floating Major Projects Platforms 87 · SHWE Platform (Daewoo Inter, 2013) Onshore Facilities 10 · Sakhalin-1 OPF Onshore Modules Fabrication(ExxonMobil, 2006) Jack-up rig Goliat FPSO (Feb. 2010) Total number of projects 3 · Harsh Environment Jack-up Rig 2nd (A.P.Moller, 2004) Semi-submersible Drilling Rig 10 · Deepwater Horizon SemiSubmersible Drilling Unit (R & B Falcon, 2000) FPSO 10 · Usan FPSO (TOTAL, 2012) TLP 2 · West Seno Field Development (Chevron, 2003) FPU 5 · Moho Bilondo FPU (TOTAL, 2008) Subsea Pipelines 5,452 km · Barzan Offshore Project (RasGas, 2013) 23 Performance Offshore & Engineering Major Projects Awarded in 2011 Qatar, Barzan Offshore Project UK, Q204 FPSO UK, Clair Ridge Platform - Date : Jan. 2011 - Date : Feb. 2011 - Date : Mar. 2011 - Price : USD 860 million - Price : USD 1.2 billion - Price : USD 620 million - Owner : RasGas Company - Owner : BP - Owner : BP - Completion : Nov. 2013 - Completion : May 2016 - Completion : Nov. 2014 - Details : Fabrication and Installation of - Details : Construction of FPSO (EPC), - Details : Fabrication and Installation of Wellhead Platforms, Living Quarters, Onshore & Offshore pipeline (EPC) Processing 0.32 million bpd, storing Drilling and Quarters Platforms (EPC) 0.8 million bbls 24 Performance Offshore & Engineering Major Projects Awarded in 2013 Norway, Aasta Hansteen Spar Topside Congo, Moho Nord TLP & FPU UK, Rosebank FPSO TLP (Tension Leg Platform) FPU (Floating Production Unit) - Date : Jan. 2013 - Date : Mar. 2013 - Date : Apr. 2013 - Price : USD 1.1 billion - Price : USD 1.9 billion - Price : USD 1.9 billion - Owner : Statoil - Owner : Total - Owner : Chevron - Completion : Feb. 2016 - Completion : May 2015 (TLP) - Completion : Nov. 2016 - Details : Fabrication and Installation of Spar Topsides (EPC) Jun. 2016 (FPU) - Details : Fabrication and Installation of - Details : Construction of FPSO (EPC) Processing 100,000 BOPD (Oil), Tension Leg Platform and 190 MMSCFD (Gas), Floating Production Unit (EPC) storing 1.05 million bbls 25 Performance Offshore & Engineering Major Projects Awarded in 2014 Indonesia, Jangkrik FPU Malaysia, Bergading Project - Russia, Odoptu Stage 2 Project - - Date : Feb. 2014 Price : USD 250 million Owner : Eni Muara Bakau B.V. Completion : Feb. 2016 Details : Hull/LQ (EPC) Date : Jun. 2014 Price : USD 270 million Owner : Exxon Neftegas Limited Completion : Jun. 2017 Details : Onshore Modules (EPC) Date : May. 2014 Price : USD 700 million Owner : Hess E&P Malaysia Completion : Nov. 2016 Details : Central Processing Platform, Wellhead Platform, Bridge (EPCIC) Abu Dhabi, NASR Package 2 Nasr Field Umm Lulu - Date : Jul. 2014 - Price : USD 1.9 billion - Owner : Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company - Completion : May. 2019 - Details : Offshore Super Complex Platforms & Power Distribution Platform (EPCI) 26 Industrial Plant & Engineering Thermal Power Plant Co-Generation Plant Process Plant Combined Cycle Power Plant 27 Overview Industrial Plant & Engineering Sales Contribution (2014) Sales Breakdown by Product (2014) Plant Industrial Plant & Equipments Engineering Oil & Gas 10.0% 11% 2% Power Plant 87% * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Annual Sales & New Orders Main Products (Unit : sales - bil. KRW, New order – mil. USD) 5,000 4,077 4,396 4,000 2,826 3,000 2,076 1,898 2,000 1,000 2,645 2,761 2,429 1,480 1,017 1,014 1,259 1,256 0 2006 2007 2008 Sales 2009 Power Plants Combined-Cycle, Cogeneration, and Thermal Power Plants • Process Plants Oil and Gas, Refinery, Tank Farm, GTL, and LNG Facilities • Plant Equipments Industrial Boiler, HRSG(Heat Recovery Steam Generator), CFBC(Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor) Boiler, Regenerator & Reactor 2,010 1,544 1,374 846 602 * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 New Orders •Non-Consolidated basis, 2005 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. •2014 preliminary results Operational Highlights • • • • • • Received a USD 1.0 Received a USD 2.6 Signed an MOU for Received a USD 1.6 Received a USD 3.2 Received a USD 3.3 bil. Das Island order (Jul. 2009) bil. Sabiya order (Sept. 2009) supplying ITER vacuum vessel (Jan. 2010) bil. Riyadh order (Jun. 2010) bil. Jeddah South order (Oct. 2012) bil. Shuqaiq order (Aug. 2013) 28 Performance Industrial Plant & Engineering Performance Record New Orders by Type (1976 ~ present) Project Type Major Projects · Integrated Gas Development (IGD) Project (ADGAS, UAE, 2013) Oil & Gas Oil & Gas Tank Farm · Escravos Gas Plant Phase Ⅲ (Chevron Nigeria Ltd., Nigeria, 2010) · Bonny Terminal Integrated Project (Shell Petroleum Development, Nigeria, 2008) · KOC Crude Oil Export Facilities Project (Kuwait Oil Company, 2008) · JPR Zarpa Tank Farm Project (Jordan Petroleum Company, 2000) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.Jan Power Plants 1,412 1,601 9 3,510 4,285 6 0 409 1,005 567 111 1,250 13 2,826 2,010 1,014 4,077 4,396 1,256 13 Chemical Plants/ 1,414 Plant equipment Total · Clean Fuel Project (Kuwait National Petroleum Company, 2018(E)) · Jazan Refinery and Terminal Project, Package 2 (Saudi Aramco, 2016(E)) Refinery & · HCP No.2 BTX Project Daesan (HC Petrochem, Korea, 2013) Petrochemical · Mumbai Diesel Hydro-Desulfurization Project (Hindustan Petroleum Company, India, 2000) · HPC 2nd Petrochemical Complex Project (Hyundai Oilbank, 1997) Gas to Liquid · Pearl GTL Feed Gas Preparation Project (Qatar Shell, 2011) · Riyadh PP 11 Independent Power Project (Dhuruma Electricity Company, Saudi Arabia, 2013) · Sabiya Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Project (Ministry of Electricity and Water, Kuwait, 2013) Combined Cycle/ · Al Dur Independent Water and Power Project Simple Cycle (Al Dur Power & Water Co., Bahrain, 2012) Power Plant · Marafiq Independent Water and Power Project (Jubail Water and Power Company, Saudi Arabia, 2010) · Shaybah Power Generation Project (Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia, 2008) · Tihama Cogeneration Expansion Project Stage II Power (Tihama Power Company, Saudi Arabia, 2015(E)) Cogeneration · Saudi Aramco 3rd party Cogeneration Program (Tihama Power Company, Saudi Arabia, 2006) · Jeddah South Power Plant (Saudi Electricity Company, Saudi Arabia, 2017(E)) · Shuqaiq Power Plant (Saudi Electricity Company, Saudi Arabia, 2018(E)) Thermal · Namjeju #3&4 Thermal Power Plant (KEPCO, Korea, 2007) · Makkah-Taif Thermal Power Plant (Saline Water Conversion Corporation, Saudi Arabia, 1989) Desalination Plant (mil. USD) · Taweelah A1 (ADWEA, UAE, 2002) · Taweelah B (ADWEA, UAE, 1995) · Umm Al Nar West (ADWEA, UAE, 1982) · Al Khobar Phase 2 (SWCC, Saudi Arabia,1981) Major Projects in 2012/2013/2014 Jeddah South (Oct. 2012) - 3.2 bil. USD / Saudi Electricity Company, Saudi Arabia - 2,400MW Oil fired Conventional Power Plant Shuqaiq Power Plant (Aug. 2013) - 3.3 bil. USD / Saudi Electricity Company, Saudi Arabia - 2,640MW Oil fired Conventional Power Plant Clean Fuel Project (Apr. 2014) - 1.1 bil. USD / Kuwait National Petroleum Company, Kuwait - Upgrade and expansion of Refinery 29 Engine & Machinery Marine Engine & Equip. Marine & Industrial Turbine Industrial & Marine Pump Industrial Robot & System Marine Propeller 30 Overview Engine & Machinery Sales Breakdown by Product (2013) Sales Contribution (2013) Engine & Machinery Hydraulic Robotics Machinery 9% 7% 9.0% Power Plant Engine 6% Marine Engine 78% * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Main Products & Capacity Annual Sales & New Orders (Unit : sales - bil. KRW, New order – mil. USD) 4,646 5,000 4,000 3,248 3,000 2,000 2,522 1,880 1,646 2,772 3,176 2,835 3,096 2,967 2,283 2,313 1,858 2,425 0 2007 2008 2009 Two-Stroke Diesel Engines (500 units, 18 mil. BHP) Four-Stroke(HiMSEN) Engines (1,800 units, 5 mil. BHP) Diesel and Gas Power Plant Engines Propellers and Crankshafts Steam Turbines and Turbochargers Industrial and Marine Pumps, Industrial Robots, Side Thrusters Presses, Conveyor Systems, and Steel Strip Process Lines Operational Highlights Surpassed cumulative four-stroke engine production of 20 mil. bhp (Mar. 2010) Production of eco-friendly marine engine meeting new IMO standards (Mar. 2010) • Received a 95MW PPS order from Venezuela (Apr. 2010) • Received a 75MW diesel power plant order from Bangladesh (Apr. 2010) • Development of high output eco-friendly gas engine (May 2010) - 20% reduction of CO2 emission and 97% reduction of NOX emission Surpassed cumulative two-stroke engine production of 100 mil. bhp (Sept. 2010) Production of 1,000th Packaged Power Station (Jul. 2012) 1,000 2006 • • • • • • • 2,241 2,006 1,452 1,220 * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sales New Orders •Non-Consolidated basis, 2005 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. •2014 preliminary results 31 Performance Engine & Machinery Market Share in 2013 (%) Major Projects in 2010, 2011 - USD 70 mil. order for 70 MW diesel power plants from Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) PPS order from Venezuela (Apr. 2010) - USD 160 mil. order for 204 MW, 120 Packaged Power Stations from electricity company Electricidad de Caracas, Venezuela Diesel Power Plants order from Ecuador (May 2011) - USD 74 mil. order for 140 MW diesel power plants from Equitatis, Equador Eco-friendly Engine products Large-size Marine Engine Medium-size Marine Engine Propeller Diesel power plant Domestic 68 48 90 86 Global 36 18 23 6 Diesel Power Plants order from Bangladesh (Apr. 2010) Ship Engine New Orders by Region 3% 33% 39% 8% 9% 4% 9% 6% 14% 28% 17% 66% 69% 2013 2014 44% Eco-Friendly Diesel Engine -15 % reduction of NOx emission meeting new IMO standards High output Eco-Friendly HiMSEN Gas Engine - 20% reduction of CO2 emission compared to diesel engine - 97% reduction of NOX emission to reach the world’s lowest level of 50ppm - 47% improvement in engine performance 8% 11% 92% 57% 2007 67% 83% 87% 2011 2012 45% 2008 2009 Domestic 2010 China Others 32 Electro Electric Systems Transformers Switchgears High Voltage Circuit Breakers Marine Electrical Equip. 33 Overview Electro Electric Systems Sales Breakdown by Product (2014) Sales Contribution (2014) Others 9% Electro Electric Transformer Rotating Systems 10.0% 28% Machinery 22% High Voltage Switchgear Circuit 17% Breaker Low Voltage Circuit Breaker * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Annual Sales & New Orders 3,793 3,242 2,712 2,556 2,281 3,000 2,000 1,274 1,057 1,766 1,453 2,625 2,319 1,925 2,843 2,609 2,318 1,820 • Transformers (up to 765kV, 1,300MVA), Gas Insulated switchgear(25.8kV~800kV), Low voltage Switchgear • Low and Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers • Rotating Machinery • Power Electronics and Control Systems Operational Highlights 1,000 0 2006 2007 * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Main Products (Unit : sales - bil. KRW, New order – mil. USD) 4,000 6% 18% 2008 Sales 2009 2010 2011 New Orders 2012 2013 •Non-Consolidated basis, 2005 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. •2014 preliminary results Awarded Asia-Pacific Power Transmission Equipment Company of the Year by Frost & Sullivan (Aug. 2009) Received USD 0.25 bil. transformer order from South Africa (Nov. 2009) Received USD 0.6 bil. transformer order from the US (May 2010) Reached the transformer production milestone of 700,000MVA (Dec. 2010) Received 1,000 GIS order from Russia (Jun. 2011) 34 Performance Electro Electric Systems Major Projects Major performance • US transformer long-term supply contract (May 2010) - USD 600 mil. Order for supplying transformers ranging from 230kV to 500kV to Southern California Edison(SCE) for 10 years Project Type Major Projects Generator Installation · West Generating Project (U.S.A) Power Transmission & Mutation Installation · British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority (Canada) from 2010 to 2019 - Largest transformer order to date Sales by Region 35% 3% 29% 11% 38% 51% 54% 58% 4% 18% 8% 18% 20% 4% 3% 2% 4% 14% 14% 11% 2009 2010 2011 Others Middle East 2% 21% 23% 7% 3% 5% 0% 21% 12% 1% 5% 10% 6% 0% 8% 7% 2012 2013 2014 Asia North America 9% Europe Africa * The sales of Green Energy division is not included in 2011 & 2012 results * 2007 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. * 2014 preliminary results · NUEVA VENTANAS 240MW Coal Fired Power Project (Chile) Water Treatment & · KODECO IKC Project Cement & Petrochemical (Indonesia) Installation Automotive Goods 2% 5% 1% 6% Domestic 46% Iron Manufacture Installation Marine Goods Ocean Installation Marine Steam Turbine Know-how Export Fresh Water Installation · Seoul Metro (South Korea) · Royal Nedlloyd Group (Netherlands) · Al-Jubail Saline Water Conversion (Saudi Arabia) · Hyundai Merchant Marine LNG Carrier – 22,000MW Marine Steam Turbine (South Korea) · Gas Insulated Switchgear : TATUNG Company (Taiwan) · Shuweihat S2 IWPP Project (U.A.E.) 35 Construction Equipment Mini Excavator Crawler Excavator Wheel Excavator Wheel Loader Forklift Truck Skid Steer Loader 36 Overview Construction Equipment Sales Contribution (2014) Sales Breakdown by Product (2014) Construction Equipment 9.0% CKD Others Skid 10% Loader 1% 6% Wheel Loader 10% Excavator Folk Lift 56% 17% * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results * Non-Consolidated basis, preliminary results Annual Sales Main Products (Unit : sales - bil. KRW) 3,052 3,120 3,500 3,000 2,275 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,198 1,512 • • • • 2,723 2,215 1,769 Operational Highlights 1,190 1,000 500 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 •Non-Consolidated basis, 2005 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP. •2014 preliminary results Excavators (Local 16,000 units, China 18,874 units, India 1,800 units) Wheel Loaders (2,900 units) Forklifts (9,500 units) Skid Loaders (600 units) Introduction of Hi-Mate remote management system (May 2009) 9-series excavators recognized at Korea’s Pin-up Design Awards (Dec. 2009) Introduction of new 9-series wheel loader (May 2010) Breaking ground for wheel loader factory in China (Jul. 2010) Introduction of 120-ton excavator (Apr. 2011) Production of 350,000th construction equipment (Oct. 2011) 37 Performance Construction Equipment Excavators Sales in China Market size(Left) HHI(Right) 180,000 150,000 120,000 60,856 71,767 90,000 60,000 30,000 162,908 162,908 93,237 35,000 18,467 104,908 17,294 104,917 8,540 9,495 8,377 10,101 25,000 84,573 7,532 3,743 10,000 5,000 0 2007 2008 2009 Dec 2014 YoY Market 104,925 84,573 -19.4% HHI 7,532 3,743 -50.3% M/S 7.2% 4.4% -2.8%p 20,000 15,000 0 2006 Dec 2013 30,000 41,500 9,138 Excavator Sales in China 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014.Dec Construction Equipment Sales by Region (Source : China construction machinery association) HHI’s Excavator Market Share by Region Others 39% 49% 11% 21% 38% 48% 54% 45% 43% 25% 27% 19% 17% 28% 22% 17% 6% 4% 3% 7% 6% 3% 2010 2011 17% 6% 6% 3% 3% 2% 2007 2008 2009 5% 4% China 6% 5% 18% 16% 10% 3% 19% 9% 12% 10% 3% 15% 2% 10% 3% 2012 2013 2014 8% ※ 2007 ~ 2009 sales are based on K-GAAP, 2014 preliminary results ※ Others includes Middle East (12%), Africa (11%), Russia (6%), Asia, Turkey and etc. 2010 2011 2012 2013 Domestic 28.0% 32.1% 27.5% 27.9% Global (Exclude Japan) 9.7% 10.0% 9.0% 7.8% China 11.3% 10.2% 8.1% 7.2% India 11.1% 14.4% 17.7% 19.7% Brazil Domestic 14% 20% 39% Europe North America India (Source : Company data) 38 Green Energy Solar Power Wind Power 39 Solar Power 600MW capacity of solar cell & solar modules and solar inverter to provide total solution Solar cell & solar modules, solar inverter production facility in 2013 Solar Cell Solar Module Thin-film Solar module Solar System (Inverter) Facilities Solar Cell Plant (Eumseong, Korea) Solar Module Plant (Eumseong, Korea) Hyundai Avancis (Ochang, Korea) Electro Electric Systems Division (Ulsan, Korea) Annual Capacity (2013) 600MW 600MW 100MW 500MW Picture Details - Mono-crystalline, Poly- crystalline solar cells produced - 54 cell(6X9), 60 cell(6X10), 72 cell(6X12) modules produced - JVC with Saint-Gobain (50:50) - CIGS (Cu, In, Ga, Se) thin-film solar module produced Capacity and Sales Capacity Solar Product Certification 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Cell (MW) 30 30 60 370 370 580 600 600 600 Modules (MW) 20 30 70 170 510 560 600 600 600 50 0.4% 107 0.6% 150 1.3% 591 2.6% 399 1.6% 344 1.4% 312 1.3% 317 1.4% Sales (KRW bil.) % of total HHI Sales - Grid-Tied Solar Inverter with/without transformer - UL 1703 - IEC 61215 edition 2, IEC 61730 (TUV) - J-PEC •The above capacity expansion and sales plan is subject to change according to the market situation. •The above sales is total sales of Green Energy division. • 2014 preliminary results - JET Cert - CE Declaration - MCS (UK) - CSTB (France) - Ammonia resistance (IEC 62716) - Salt mist (IEC 61701 ed.2) 40 Wind Power Wind Turbine Production facilities Company Name Wind Turbine System Structure Details Wind Turbine plant - Located in Gunsan, Korea (HHI) - Annual Capacity: 600MW Nacelle Part (Installed in Tower) - Located in Weihai, China - Annual Capacity: 600MW (2MW X 300 units) - JVC with Datang Shandong Power Generation (80% by HHI) Weihai Hyundai Wind Power Technology Jahnel-Kestermann - Located in Bochum, Germany (Jake) - Annual Capacity: approx. 500 units of gearbox HHI’s Products & Certification Model Rated Power (MW) Gear Type Installation Type On Market HQ1650 1.65 Geared Onshore Jun. 2009 HQ2000 2.0 Geared Onshore Jun. 2010 HQ5500 5.5 Geared Offshore Feb. 2014 Gear box (Jake) Generator (HHI) Power converter (HHI) Transformer (HHI) - HHI’s production : Nacelle part - Outsourcing : Rotor Part (Blade, Hub), Tower * On Market: based on proto-type installation date 41 Subsidiaries 42 Hyundai Oilbank Facilities & Products At a Glance • Production Capacity 390,000B/D #1 : 110,000 B/D, #2 : 280,000 B/D • Completion of # 2 HOU Plant Crude oil 100% (390,000 b/d) Refining Unit LPG, Naphtha, Gasoline 19% Kerosene, Diesel 37% 34.4% Upgrading Unit With the completion of # 2 HOU plant in Jan., 2011, Hyundai Oilbank achieved a ratio of 34.4%, the highest upgrading ratio in the industry • Diesel 37% Propylene 9% Others 8% Bunker C 44% Domestic Light Oil Market Share 22.1% Gasoline, LPG 46% Total CAPEX : KRW2.6 tril. (Jul. 2006 ~ Feb. 2011) HHI’s Management Control Acquired by HHI in Aug., 2010 91.1% 43 Hyundai Oilbank Income Statement Sales Operating Income % Net Income % (Unit: KRW billion) 2011 2012 2013 2014 18,958.6 21,523.9 20,295.6 18,258.0 594.7 308.4 403.3 192.8 3.1 1.4 2.0 1.1 360.7 156.5 152.4 31.1 1.9 0.7 0.8 0.2 21,523.9 18,958.6 20,295.6 18,258.0 Operating income Sales 594.7 308.4 2011 403.3 2012 2013 194.6% 181.6% 192.8 2014 Financial Position (Unit: KRW billion) 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total Assets 8,642.6 8,506.5 8,597.9 7,701.2 Total Liabilities 5,899.5 5,618.8 5,544.5 4,633.1 Total Shareholder’s Equity 2,743.2 2,887.6 3,053.5 3,068.1 215.1 194.6 181.6 151.0 Liabilities-toEquity Ratio(%) 215.1% 8,642.6 8,506.5 8,597.9 151.0% 7,701.2 Assets Liabilities-toEquity Ratio 2011 2012 2013 2014 * The financial information of 2009 is based on K-GAAP. * 2014 preliminary results. 44 Hyundai Samho Backlog by Shiptype (2015.1) At a Glance • Semi Submersible Rig/ HLV / F Dock FPU Containership 10% 3% 19% 2.9 mil. GT Production Capacity - Delivered 30 vessels in 2014 - # of dry docks : 2 • PCTC 8% LPG Carrier 11% 4,599 bil. KRW 2015 Sales Target Tanker 22% LNG Carrier 19% Bulker 8% • • Backlogs as of Jan. 2015 on a delivery basis : 85 vessels, USD 8.84 bil. • The above data is based on the amount 3,800 mil. USD 2015 Order Target New Orders in 2015 2014 Jan Total Target Achievement # of ship 31 2 2 - - Amount (mil. USD) 2,726 159 159 3,800 4.2% Details (mil. USD) New Orders in 2015 -2 Tankers (156) -Others (3) New Orders in 2014 (31 vessels) -10 Containerships (1,119) -12 Tankers (975) -4 PCTCs (298) -4 Bulk Carriers (246) -1 LPG Carrier (79) -Others (9) 45 Hyundai Samho Income Statement Sales Operating Income % Net Income % (Unit: KRW billion) 2011 2012 2013 2014 4,828.7 4,231.8 3,506.2 4,172.1 804.3 254.0 -35.6 -502.2 16.7 6.0 -1.0 -12.0 551.0 -12.5 -52.1 -215.2 11.4 -0.3 -1.5 -0.5 Financial Position 2012 2013 2014 Total Assets 6,954.7 6,978.9 6,782.7 7,076.1 Total Liabilities 3,741.7 3,641.1 3,428.9 4,192.4 Liabilities-toEquity Ratio(%) 4,172.1 4,231.8 3,506.2 Operating income Sales 804.3 254.0 -35.6 2011 2012 116.5% 109.1% 6,954.7 6,978.9 2013 -502.2 2014 (Unit: KRW billion) 2011 Total Shareholder’s Equity 4,828.7 3,213.0 3,337.7 3,353.9 2,883.7 116.5 109.1 97.8 145.4 102.2% 6,782.7 145.4% 7,076.1 Assets Liabilities-toEquity Ratio 2011 2012 2013 2014 * The financial information of 2009 is based on K-GAAP. * 2014 preliminary results. 46 Financial Performance 47 Financial Summary (Consolidated) Sales Operating Profit (Bil. of KRW) 60,000.0 Net Income (Bil. of KRW) 53.711.7 54,973.7 54,188.1 52,582.4 40,000.0 37,342.4 (Bil. of KRW) OP 60,000.0 OP Margin 14.8% 30% 60,000.0 20% 40,000.0 8.5% 40,000.0 20,000.0 5,531.8 4,561.0 20,000.0 2010 2011 2012 -20,000.0 0.0 2010 2011 2012 2013 802.0 2013 0% 4,562.7 2,743.4 2010 -10% 30% 20% 5.1% 2014 -3,249.5 -6.2% 2014 0.0 NI Margin 12.2% 20,000.0 1.5% 2,005.5 0.0 10% 3.6% NI 2011 10% 1.9% 0.3% 1,029.6 146.3 2012 2013 0% 2014 -2,206.1 -4.2% -20,000.0 -10% (Bil. of KRW) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sales 37,342.4 100.0% 53,711.7 100.0% 54,973.7 100.0% 54,188.1 100.0% 52,582.4 100.0% Operating Profit Shipbuilding Offshore Industrial Plant Engine & Machinery Electro Electric Construction Equipment Green Energy Refinery Finance services Others Net Income 5,531.8 2,687.2 764.0 344.3 754.9 566.9 388.7 184.8 80.2 (239.2) 4,562.7 14.8% 17.4% 22.3% 13.0% 38.7% 17.2% 11.6% 3.0% 19.2% 12.2% 4,561.0 2,494.3 391.0 252.4 602.2 153.2 461.9 (175.0) 595.6 89.7 (304.3) 2,743.4 8.5% 13.6% 10.5% 9.4% 28.0% 6.4% 10.8% -46.0% 3.2% 13.0% 5.1% 3.6% 5.9% 7.3% 7.4% 17.3% -2.6% 7.3% -31.5% 1.4% 15.0% 1.9% 1.5% 0.1% 5.9% 5.0% 6.9% 3.3% 5.9% -32.8% 1.8% 5.2% 0.3% -6.2% -11.5% -4.9% -46.9% -0.7% 3.7% -1.2% -5.3% 1.1% 4.9% -4.2% 2,005.5 1,047.1 319.3 106.5 347.7 (74.3) 276.5 (106.3) 308.7 94.9 (314.6) 1,029.6 802.0 12.6 282.4 61.4 118.3 90.5 194.3 (103.2) 404.4 34.5 (293.2) 146.3 (3,249.5) (1,895.9) (230.3) (1,130.8) (10.9) 86.3 (33.4) (16.5) 228.6 36.3 (282.9) (2,206.1) * 2014 preliminary results. 48 Financial Summary (Consolidated) Assets Liabilities & Total Debt (Bil. of KRW) 60,000.0 53,384.4 46,853.9 49.000.8 49,273 .1 53,205.0 (Bil. of KRW) 60,000.0 40,000.0 40,000.0 20,000.0 20,000.0 0.0 0.0 30,831.0 (Bil. of KRW) 60,000.0 30,824.3 30,531.8 9,844.4 2010 2011 2012 2013 11,057.0 34,175.4 36,745.8 14,826.5 15,843.2 16,543.1 40,000.0 20,000.0 18,741.3 19,029.6 16,638.6 16,022.9 18,176.5 0.0 2010 2014 Shareholder’s Equity 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (Bil. of KRW) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 46,853.9 49,000.8 49,273.1 53,205.0 53,384.4 22,929.1 23,076.4 25,278.6 29,254.2 29,871.6 1,878.8 1,609.9 1,107.7 1,336.6 3,229.3 23,924.8 25,924.4 23,994.5 23,950.8 23,512.8 30,831.0 30,824.3 30,531.8 34,175.4 36,745.8 26,011.7 25,490.8 22,174.0 26,516.4 27,702.7 4,819.3 5,333.5 8,357.8 7,659.0 9,043.1 16,022.9 18,176.5 18,741.3 19,029.6 16,638.6 Liabilties-to Equity Ratio 192.4% 169.6% 162.9% 179.6% 220.8% Debt-to-Equity Ratio 61.4% 60.8% 79.1% 83.3% 99.4% 9,844.4 11,057.0 14,826.5 15,843.2 16,543.1 Total Assets Current Assets Cash& Cash Equivalents Non Current Assets Total Liabilities Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Total Shareholder's Equity Total Debt * 2014 preliminary results. 49 Financial Summary (Non-Consolidated) Sales Operating Profit (Bil. of KRW) Net Income (Bil. of KRW) (Bil. of KRW) OP 40,000.0 40,000.0 25,019.6 30,000.0 22,408.1 OP Margin NP 20% 15.9% 10.5% 12.7% 10% 5.2% 20,000.0 20,000.0 20% 30,000.0 30,000.0 25,055.0 24,282.7 23,463.5 7.8% 10% 20,000.0 4.4% 3.0% 10,000.0 10,000.0 2011 2012 2013 2014 0% 734.8 2010 2010 1.9% 3,563.6 2,628.5 1,292.9 0.0 0.0 2011 NP Margin 40,000.0 2012 -10,000.0 2013 10,000.0 0.0 2014 -1,923.3 -10% -8.2% 0% 2,835.4 1,945.9 1,111.4 451.7 2010 2011 -10,000.0 2012 2013 2014 -1,754.7 -7.5% -10% (Bil. of KRW) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sales 22,408.1 100.0% 25,019.6 100.0% 25,055.0 100.0% 24,282.7 100.0% 23,463.5 100.0% Operating Profit 3,563.6 15.9% 2,628.5 10.5% 1,292.9 5.2% 734.8 3.0% (1,923.3) -8.2% 1,221.8 759.9 330.3 754.9 546.4 195.6 (245.3) 17.4% 22.3% 13.0% 38.7% 17.2% 11.6% - 1,321.7 391.4 244.9 637.3 155.9 320.7 (172.7) (270.7) 13.6% 10.5% 9.4% 28.0% 6.4% 10.8% -46.0% - 698.2 319.3 102.9 381.0 (58.7) 243.8 (103.1) (290.5) 7.1% 7.3% 7.0% 12.8% -2.1% 7.8% -30.0% - 311.0 280.0 64.1 145.8 124.7 194.6 (100.8) (284.6) 3.1% 5.9% 5.1% 6.3% 4.8% 7.1% -32.3% - (492.4) (230.5) (1,068.8) 4.6 110.0 70.0 (13.6) (302.6) -5.3% -5.0% -44.0% 0.2% 4.9% 3.2% -4.3% - 2,835.4 12.7% 1,945.9 7.8% 1,111.4 4.4% 451.7 1.9% (1,754.7) -7.5% Shipbuilding Offshore Industrial Plant Engine & Machinery Electro Electric Construction Equipment Green Energy Others Net Income * 2014 preliminary results. 50 Financial Summary (Non-Consolidated) Assets Liabilities & Total Debt (Bil. of KRW) Shareholder’s Equity (Bil. of KRW) (Bil. of KRW) 40,000.0 40,000.0 28,570.1 29,920.5 30,637.9 40,000.0 32,131.7 31,999.3 30,000.0 30,000.0 20,000.0 20,000.0 10,000.0 10,000.0 30,000.0 15,497.5 15,201.2 15,448.0 16,551.4 3,447.3 3,962.7 6,542.1 18,226.2 7,397.8 7,300.5 0.0 0.0 2010 2011 2012 2013 15,189.9 15,580.3 13,773.2 13,072.6 14,719.3 10,000.0 0.0 2010 2014 20,000.0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (Bil. of KRW) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 28,570.1 29,920.5 30,637.9 32,131.7 31,999.3 11,511.1 11,605.9 624.5 17,059.0 608.3 18,314.6 13,260.6 522.9 17,377.3 14,815.7 730.7 17,316.0 14,778.7 1,407.9 17,220.6 15,497.5 15,201.2 15,448.0 16,551.4 18,226.2 14,180.0 14,029.1 12,289.4 13,522.9 13,554.1 1,317.5 1,172.1 3,158.6 3,028.5 4,672.1 13,072.6 14,719.3 15,189.9 15,580.3 13,773.2 Liabilties-to Equity Ratio 118.5% 103.3% 101.7% 106.2% 132.3% Debt-to-Equity Ratio 26.4% 3,447.3 26.9% 3,962.7 43.1% 6,542.1 47.5% 7,397.8 53.0% 7,300.5 Total Assets Current Assets Cash& Cash Equivalents Non Current Assets Total Liabilities Current Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Total Shareholder's Equity Total Debt * 2014 preliminary results. 51 2015 Business Plan Sales 30,000 2014 (bil. KRW) 40,000 23,463.5 8,305.5 -11.2% Offshore & Engineering 4,653.2 4,920.7 5.7% +3.7% Industrial Plant 2,429.2 3,290.0 35.4% 24,325.9 Engine & Machinery 2,110.2 2,417.1 14.5% Electro Electric Systems 2,241.0 2,510.6 12.0% Construction Equipment 2,214.7 2,370.0 7.0% Green Energy 317.0 354.0 11.7% Others 148.8 158.0 6.2% 23,463.5 24,325.9 3.7% 0 40,000 20,000 2015(E) 19,834.0 Total 2014 (mil. USD) +15.7% 30,000 22,950.0 10,000 2015(E) 2015(E) Change Shipbuilding 6,192.0 8,350.0 34.9% Offshore & Engineering 6,005.0 5,300.0 -11.7% Industrial Plant 1,256.0 1,650.0 31.4% Engine & Machinery 1,996.0 2,571.0 28.8% Electro Electric Systems 2,006.0 2,445.0 21.9% Construction Equipment 2,071.0 2,298.0 11.0% 308.0 336.0 9.1% 19,834.0 22,950.0 15.7% Green Energy 0 2014 Change 9,349.4 10,000 New Orders 2015(E) Shipbuilding 20,000 2014 (Non-Consolidated) Total 52 Sales by Division (Non-Consolidated) Sales (bil. KRW) 2015 2014 Target Jan. Achievement Target Jan. Achievement Shipbuilding 8,305 734 8.8% 9,619 760 7.9% Offshore & Engineering 4,921 377 7.7% 5,134 283 5.5% Industrial Plant & Engineering 3,290 337 10.2% 3,130 65 2.1% Engine & Machinery 2,417 136 5.6% 2,463 94 3.8% Electro Electric Systems 2,511 153 6.1% 2,638 90 3.4% Construction Equipment 2,370 185 7.8% 3,100 205 6.6% Green Energy 354 29 8.2% 334 22 6.6% Others 158 10 6.3% 152 11 7.2% Total 24,326 1,961 8.1% 26,570 1,530 5.8% * The financial information above is based on K-IFRS * The backlog above is on a delivery basis 53 New Orders by Division (Non-Consolidated) New Orders and Backlog (Mil. USD) New Orders 2015 Backlog 2014 2015 Target Jan. Achievement Target Jan. Achievement Jan. Shipbuilding 8,350 198 2.4% 9,150 1,549 16.9% 17,525 Offshore & Engineering 5,300 49 0.9% 6,900 79 1.1% 21,752 Industrial Plant & Engineering 1,650 13 0.8% 5,000 4 0.1% 9,994 Engine & Machinery 2,571 212 8.2% 2,900 178 6.1% 3,095 Electro Electric Systems 2,445 180 7.4% 2,424 153 6.3% 2,229 Construction Equipment 2,298 173 7.5% 2,837 182 6.4% - Green Energy 336 34 10.1% 354 20 5.6% 32 Total 22,950 859 3.7% 29,565 2,165 7.3% 54,627 * The financial information above is based on K-IFRS * The backlog above is on a delivery basis 54 Business Overview & Outlook 2014 Shipbuilding Offshore & Engineering Industrial Plant & Engineering Shipbuilding demand declined YoY, due to a slowdown in the global economic growth, imbalance of supply and demand in the market, falling shipping rates, weak newbuild order momentum. 2015 Outlook - LNG Carrier: Demand is expected to grow, spurred by LNG project plans in regions including the US, Australia. - Large-sized containership: Alliance of top tier shipping companies is expected to intensify competition and boost large-sized containership demand to take advantage of economies of scale. Shale gas production, fall in oil prices raised volatility risks in the market and limited the growth. HHI had total 7 projects which amount 6.0 bil. USD of new orders in 2014 and the market remained highly competitive. Fall in oil prices, over budget of some large-sized offshore projects put pressure on oil majors to reduce their CAPEX and cut costs, as a short term action. In the long term, oil and gas investments will continue to maintain and expand market share and production level. - Power: Competition among South Korean E&C Companies has eased and the market prices in the Middle East have recovered gradually. - Oil & Gas: Competition among South Korean E&C Companies in the Middle East has eased, investments for Shale Gas, LNG Plant have increased especially in the North America. - Power: Demand for power is expected to grow in the Middle East, facing high energy needs and also in the Southeast Asia markets, suffering for energy thirst brought by industrialization. - Oil & Gas: Demand for the Middle East Upstream and refinery is expected to slow down slightly but demand for LNG and Gas projects is expected to pick up steam. 55 Business Overview & Outlook 2014 Engine & Machinery Electro Electric Systems Construction Equipment Green Energy 2015 Outlook As the shipbuilding industry continued to see a slow newbuild growth, demand for marine engines stayed weak. Demand for non-marine engines has shrunk due to global economic recessions. Dual Fuel Engine(ME-GI, DF Engine) sector will see growing demand with the rise of demand for high efficiency & eco vessels. Demand for LNG Carrier and large-sized containership engines is expected to grow but demand for non-marine engines is likely to remain weak due to global economic recessions. Demand for new high-voltage transmission line in the North America, replacement demand for aging equipments and demand for power infrastructures in the Middle East continued, but the new players in the market intensified competition. Replacement demand for aging equipments in developed countries will continue but with the falling prices of oil, investments for oil producing infrastructures and electricity markets in the Middle East looks uncertain. In addition, economic slowdown in Russia and western economic sanctions are expected to scale back investments. Economic recessions and political uncertainties dampened demand in the emerging markets, and Japanese makers who Benefitted from the weak yen increased competition. North America and the UK are expected to see signs of economic recovery but demand in the emerging markets is expected to shrink due to China and Russia’s economic recessions, political unrest etc. In addition, the price competition from Japanese and Chinese makers is expected to intensify. A growth in global market size and a decrease in new investments for production facilities helped to improve supply-demand balance And the market saw signs of recovery. The main target markets were Japan and the U.S.A. Active government incentives across the world and industry consolidation are expected to accelerate market recovery but the polarization between top tier companies and small companies is expected to get more intense. 56 Q&A 57 Thank You http://www.hhiir.com *For More Information IR Team E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +82-2-746-4728, 4546, 7858 Fax: +82-746-4662 Website: www.hhi.co.kr (Company) /www.hhiir.com (IR) 58
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