t; N ame:l S tephen S adl er Chef at: Crumbzz RT '!** J StephenSadleris a long way from his days as a chefin Manhattan,N.Y. That is bad for peoplewho grew to love his fine epicurean delights while at the sametime, it is good for people who live near Crumbzzin downtown Forney. A native New Yorker, Sadler first served up The Sadler Crumb Cake in the tiny Hudson Valley hamlet of Highland Fallsin New York state. The crumb cakeswerea secretuntil zoor, when NewYork City residentChuckDellerhad one. Deller took news of the cakesback to New York City and soon there were lines of what Sadler refers to as "cakers" lining up to taste his cakes at his second Iocation in Manhattan. "I had a bakery,bistro and cateringcompany,"he said. "I had just a bistro in Manhattan." His bistro was calledthe Upper Crust. "I worked sevendaysa weekfrom S:3oa.m. to Z:3op.m.," he said. Sadler,by zooz, wasservingup about4,8oo hot, steaming slicesof streusel,chocolate,apple and apricot crumb cakes to peoplein Connecticut,New York and New Jersey. While he has perfectedthe crumb cakerecipe,it is about 4oo yearsold and comesfrom his family generationsago in Austria. Sadlerrenamedit the CrumbzzCake. He shippedmore than t,ooo cakesthroughoutthe nation i n zooz. And beforeorganicbecamefashionable,Sadlerwas using fresh ingredients becausehe knew they would make his cakes superior. Besidesthat, he wanted to stay away from chemicalsthat were in ingredients availablefrom his bakery suppliers. Sadler was at the forefront of not using hormone-filled milk in his baking. Alas, the long, cold winters in the Northeastbeganto get to Sadler,and he soldhis bakery and movedsouthto Florida. "Peopleaskedwhy,"he said."I saidto havea life. I soldthe business,but not the recipe. "The crumb cake was the biggest seller," Sadler said. "It was a family recipe and I was not going to sell it. It was passeddown from generationto generation." The new owners of his restaurant stopped making the crumb cakesand Sadlerbelievedthey would becomehistory. Sadler,in zoo6, sold a secondcompany he had started and movedto Dallas. But life can turn on a dime. Although the much-desired Crumbzz Cake appearedto have become extinct like the dinosaur,it did live to rise once again like a phoenix from the ashes. Sadlerwas at Dallas-FortWorth InternationalAirport in zoog when someonecame up from behind him and said, 'J Stephen Sadler. How the hell are you? My wife and I loved your crumb cakes and have been looking for the 'elusive' crumb cake since you left. I'll pay you whatever you want." Of course, it took a bit of time for Sadler to realize it was one of his regular customersfrom back east.The customer askedhim if he could make one of his infamouscakesfor his chefprcflle AND PHOTOBYGARYE.LINDSLEY STORY Crumbzz is open Tuesdaythrough Fridayfrom 7:30 a.m. to 2 p. m . ,on S at ur d a yfro m 7 :3 0 a .m .to 3 p .m . a nd on Su n d ayf r om l0 a. m .to 3 p .-. It i s loc at edat 212 B o i s D ' A rc S t.,i n F o rn e y .F o rmore information, call214-541-9665or visit Crumbzz,com. The bistro also is on Facebook. w l te. I C ont'nuedon page27 t ll I i KAUFMAN COUNTYLIFESUMMER 2OI3 19 t, frompagel3 Call of the }vild lContrnued loo-foot tower, and will hang over water. A trail on the property known as Hunter's Alley will someday include a monument and a reflection pond. Eventually,the family would like to funnel a portion of the proceedsinto a memorial fund in Hunter's name that would provide scholarships and support nonprofit youth proSrams. "There was a certain way about him," Art said. "We want to be able to reward kids and give them a chanceto be successful. We need to reward those who are trving." Chef Profile Owning such a facility requires an outgoing and friendly personality, and the Brownings fit the bill. Art said one of the perks is getting to meet so many new people not just from Texas but from around the world. He said their visitors have come from as far away as Canada,Mexico, Russia and Ireland. "You have to be a people person to do what we do," he said. "Hearing all these people'slife stories, that's been really fun." These days, most of their business comesfrom outsideofthe county.Art said this spring has been the busiest yet, and the calendarfor the rest of this year and next shows no signs of slowing down. "We haven't had a vacation. That's the downside. We don't know what that is," Art said. "It's a seven-day-a-weekjob." Amid all of the hustle and bustle behind the scenes, Art said that above all, he wants the atmosphereat CedarMountain Lodgeto feel peacefulfor humans and animals alike. "You can seethe stars at night," he said. "We have to protect the wildlife. We have to give them a space.". he could make the cakes as well as from where he could ship them. Sadler happened upon the empty Ambassador Hotel in Dallas and went through a basementdoor to find someone. The hotel, he said, still is set up as if it has regular customers and diners. Sadler was able to make arrangements with the hotel'sowners,an area ministry', to lease the kitchen. He began baking and shipping his cakes out of the hotel's kitchen. Sadler then began looking for a place in Dallas to open a small restaurant/ bistro. "I wanted ari old building," he said. "I wanted to bring life back to an old building." Dallas, said Sadler,doesbig very well. But small? Not so much. "I thought a little town surrounding Dallas would love to havethis." he said. It was while Sadler was on a Dallas TV station's morning show that he talked about his search. which included Sunnyvale. Sadler said Kim Buttram, Forney Economic Development Corporation executivedirector, saw the segment and suggestedhe come to Forney. "Forney had the best, clear program for redoing downtown," Sadlersaid. Sadler, the EDC and city officials were able to strike a deal and thus. Crumbzz was born. The restaurant has a show kitchen with Le Cordon Bleu-trainedchefs. Besides Sadler's trademark Crumbzz Cake, the menu includes salads, sandwiches, Gamberaia blueberry pancakes, Gaufre Lidge waffles, light souffl6s and egg-white omelets, Fribourg grilled cheese,soups, ice cream, custom blendedcoffeesand teas. . Continued from page l9 Sadlerdid not immediately commit to making a cake. "I am not a karma guy, but it rvas ro years to the day,"he said. He had agreed not to make the famouscakesfor a decade when he sold his business. "I made a crumb cake and sent it to him." Sincethen, Sadlerhas sent one to him every Thursday. While he uses the finest ingredients from around the rvorld. including cinnamonand chocolate,Sadleralsogets the boxes, ribbons and rlax seals for his cakefrom outsidethe United States. The leather boxes come from China, the ribbons are rhade in India and the wax sealscome from Vancour.er. An elegant gift card comes n'ith the box and cake.The linen card includesthe chef'sname and date. "It is a really nice touch,"Sadlersaid. He began looking for a place rvhere 'f.rt.f W inds o r Care Center I Co n t n r e c ' ' :- :a g e 2 4 prof ess i o n a al sn d p h y s i c a occu l, p a tr o n a:- : ::e e :- in e r a p r stsa ll worktogether t o c rea t e a n u r t u r i n g e n v ir o n m e n to f r sr - - i- o .' ,:h a n d h o p e. C omi ng to W inds o r l s a n e w b e g i n n i n g . Win d s o r C a r e s t a f fm e m b e r sa r e r n sD- e : :. :^ e r e sr d e n ts wh o sharethei r liv eswr t h t h e m . T h e s t a f fl o o ksfo r wa r d ic :e ' ' . - : .o J So o l e a s ec a l lW r n d s o r Ca r e Ce n te r tcc:. a ' -9 1 2 - 5 5-10 1 2 2a nd schedul ea f , e's o. a i o u f I ndian O a k s G o l f C o u r se : :i:i :':::' -. : . : , . . -_ - 1,. :'..... Co n t - - e : i' :^ ' :a q e 2 0 - ^ ' ' ^ - ' ^ J- .a - e - :: Discount Tire & Service ^ .r d r n g scr a m b lesandchari ty -:-: --:: '-a- page22 l Platinum Bingo I Contrnuedfrom page 22 )t^' c-:r^ '^'t ',, ,L .u u ,,,B ,,,u d /) /.r v p...and 8:45 p.m.,and S aturdaysa t 7:30 p.m.,8:45 a-+ L "^ o,m. and l 0 o.m. "We're getti ngmore peopl e i n," Johnstonsai d."l t's very fri endl yand v ery comfortabl eto be here. sai dshe has been especi al l ypl easedw i th the n umber of fami l i es .Johnston w ho haveenl oyedp ayi ngbi ngotogether.C hi l drenages6 an d up are al l ow ed to olav. "We have ots of fami i i esthat come i n,"Johnstonsai d."l t' s a ni c ei nex pensi vefami l yni ght out. S ometi mesthe ki ds enj oy i t more than t herr parentsdo." Terrel lP l atnum B rngoi s part of D al l as-based Team B i ngo,w hi c h ow ns tw o faci l i ti esi n D al l asand tw o i n R i chardson. For more i nformat i on,c al lthe bi ns o hotl i neat 972-234-861|or vi si tw w w ,teambi npo,com, loc at c - , - : . : r i : r r r .r :i :, :.r :- ,^ i.t- wth th e sa m e nati onw i de c ov ef a g e I : : ,- :' . ::: - .r :,tlc la r r a n ty) th a t p rotects your '.:,B & P }V B ui l di ng I C onti nuedfrom page2l inv es t m e n .l . ' . ' ' . - . : -: : ^ - . - :r :- r . :il :3 .e .a .q e .4 ) 2 5 0 We Pr o m ise(the teeth behrndt h e r . t ' : : ' , : " : ^ - ...:- I - .' , :e th a t wr l d ir e ct yo u to parti ci pati ng gatheringsand must provide reasonableclean-upafter use. Cost to rent the facilityis $ 100 per day on weekdaysand $225 per day on s erv ic e c e n t e r a r . , . ' . ' . : - r - :::- .' .f' 1 "!th n 2 5 m r le so f yo u r d isabl edvehi cl e, weekends,with a $75 deposit and rental contract required. For informationon orels e i t w i l l w r - r t e. : - : : - : :. ' ' : S2 5 0 . avai l abi l i ty, cal l2 l 4-5| 5-5587or vi si tw w w .rotarycl ubofterre l l .org/bpw bui l di ng, M ea n w h i l eM , o o r e : : : - : i- a - : e m p lo ye e skn o w m a n yo f th ei rcustomers by first name and be ere :--r: -o^esty and trust is what is expected by the consumerand that rswhat s :'.' .e: 'c" w thout apology. Bright Smiles I Continued from page 24 "We want the relationsrD i. :^ i.e cJstomer. lt's not just a transaction," "P eopl e know each other," K aur sai d,"l t'l y staff know s mos t of the palYoore said,"You're go ng to be t-eated rkefamily." DiscountTire & Servicers open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdaysand 8 a.m. ti ents, and the pati entshave been returni nghere for years ." to noon on Saturdays.For more rnformatron,call972-563-9700and ask for RJ, For more i nformati on,or to schedul ean appoi ntment, c ontac t B ri ght Dempsy or Greg, or visitwwwmoorethantrres.com. S mi l esD ental C l i ni c at 972-524-1048. KAUFMAN COUNTYLIFESUMMER 2OI3 27
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