SOCIAL MEDIA AUDIT J412 Strategic Social Media Julianne Rowe

J412 Strategic Social Media
Julianne Rowe
Cathriona Smith
Katherine Taylor
The booze is in the bottle-Bethenny Frankel. This is a
Twitter account which allows followers to communicate
directly with the brand. Gives information and locations
about where the creator Bethenny Frankel will be
promoting the brand. As well as cross promotion for
Bethenny’s other products.
Personal Twitter account for creator of Skinnygirl
Margarita. She Promotes herself as a brand, and a natural
Followers- 531,455
food chef. She also promotes her TV show as well as her
other products.
Allowes Facebook users to comment and post pictures to
the brand’s Facebook page. Also gives information about
the creator Bethenny Frankel. Gives basic information
811 people “Like”
this brand.
about when the brand was founded, nutrition, mission
statement, email address and a link to the website.
Videos range from bottle signings to Drink recipes and
video blogs.
Brand homepage for SkinnyGirl cocktails. Promotes the
product and you can search where to buy the drink. It
4,623 Subscribers,
164,502 channel
Public tracker for
views is unavailable.
gives links for social media channels, as well as an “about
us” section and contact us section. The site also gives
homemade recipes for Skinnygirl Margarita.
This is the homepage of the creator of SGM. It includes,
recipes, food blogs, and health & fitness tips.
Public tracker for
views is unavailable.
Bethenny Frankel: Twitter
Most of the content from SkinnyGirl Margarita’s creator, Bethenny Frankel’s,
Twitter account shows a personal connection to her fans and followers. Most of
the content is in response to followers, thanking her for introducing them to a
new way of healthy living. Fans that want more information about her personal life
drive the conversations on her Twitter account. Some of the content is about her
as a brand, announcing, on May 19, her new book A Place of Yes that is on the
New York Times bestseller list. Her Twitter account also features some
promotional coupons for her Skinny Girl Daily Cleanse products. Appropriate
links are attached to the promotional tweets.
Posts are irregular and mostly about personal life – unless Bethenny has a
new product or book to promote. Bethenny has a particular kind of fan following,
because Bethenny doesn’t hold back; she creates an open forum for her fans.
Her key messages as a brand are, “use what you have” in cooking, and use
the time that you have to workout. “Diet is a bad word” a retweet and mantra of
Bethenny Frankel.
Bethenny struggles to find her “voice,” there are definite tweets that are
geared towards trying to promote her as brand. But she also tweets a lot of
personal aspects of her life, it is difficult when a person is a brand and is also
trying to be the person her fans love.
SkinnyGirl Margarita Twitter Account
SkinnyGirl Margarita’s Twitter account boasts, “The booze is in the bottle,” the
information section on its page gives a link to The
content on the brands page is less active than on the brand’s creator,
Bethenny’s account. The twitter account manager posts pictures of Bethenny
Frankel signing bottles at scheduled appearances. This account tweets
appearance dates and times, the brand also has a link to Bethenny’s calendar,
and followers who are “retweeted” drive a lot of the content.
Some content could be scheduled, but the “retweets” are obviously
unscheduled. The brand’s personality on this page seems to be somewhat boring,
and mostly used for appearance dates and “retweets” of followers who have
mentioned the brand. There seems to be a lack of key messages. This twitter
account seems to be neglected and could use a consistent twitter account
SkinnyGirl Margarita Facebook Page
Skinny Girl Margarita maintains a Facebook page that is updated quite
frequently with information about events including bottle signings and
photographs from events. The page also includes healthy recipe information,
general “How can we help you?” posts from the brand and answers to questions
posed by customers. It doesn’t appear that the posts are scheduled or that
there is any kind of schedule for posting content. The posts seem to be sporadic.
The company has a very customer oriented attitude concentrating on
encouraging healthy living without cutting the fun out of life. It portrays the
personality of a friend as opposed to a company or brand. The organizations
key messages are that it is accessible and working on accommodating all of its
customers and fans. As a relatively new brand it doesn’t seem to understand the
necessity of adequate social media listening and monitoring and the importance
of ensuring consistent follow-ups with customers, especially those who are
unhappy with the product.
Bethenny Frankel’s YouTube Channel
SkinnyGirl’s creator maintains a YouTube channel called BethennyBakes where
she delivers information on bottle signings, low calorie recipes, workouts and a
video blog. The YouTube channel has many of the same issues as the Skinny girl
facebook page with inconsistent and out dated material as well as a failure to
respond to negative comments placed on the site. Again there is no schedule for
posting or updating content (the landing page currently contains a 2 ! month old
SkinnyGirl Official Website
The SkinnyGirl Margarita official website shares working links to the SkinnyGirl
Twitter chat room and It shares information about
the SkinnyGirl cocktail, maximizing on the idea that you can trust Bethenny and
her 100-calorie, all-natural cocktail. It shares the recipe of the cocktail, and
information its viewers about Bethenny Frankel, the creator of the drink. The site
gives “night in” drink recipes and information on where you can find the cocktail,
as well as contact information for the product. The site has a press section, but
only includes outdated press from 2009. The main purpose of is to promote the drink. It does not appear the
content is scheduled, some of the links are broken and some of the content is
outdated. The site’s personality appeals to women who are looking for a cocktail
with healthy ingredients and low calories. The organizations key message and
tagline is “The margarita you can trust.” The theme to the site, trust, seems to
work, it is repeated on multiple pages and in different contexts. However,
because some of the links are broken and the press releases are outdated it
appears that the site is not being kept up which could be hurting the brand.
Bethenny Frankel’s Official Website
Bethenny Frankel’s official website shares information on her as a brand.
Bethenny not only created the SkinnyGirl Margarita but has also created an
entire SkinnyGirl brand with food, drinks, clothes, fitness, lifestyle and health
products. The site shares food and drink recipes, promotes her book, A Place
of Yes and her TV show, “Bethenny Ever After.” Her site contains brand content,
promotions, resources and links. Unlike Bethenny’s SkinnyGirl Margarita website,
the Bethenny brand website appears to have a schedule for content. The
content is relevant and updated regularly. For example, before Cinco De Mayo
Bethenny created a “SkinnyGirl Countdown to Cinco De Mayo,” which included
five days of healthy Mexican meals and tips such as, skipping the salt around the
rim of the margarita to avoid extra calories. The brand seems to have an open
communication with its followers and engages its viewers through an “ask
Bethenny” forum. Based on the content the websites key message is that you
can stay healthy and “skinny” without giving up good food and by living a healthy
and proactive lifestyle. The site portrays Bethenny in a positive light to her fans,
making her appear knowledgeable about living a healthy lifestyle, using the
SkinnyGirl brand as the reoccurring message throughout the site.
J412 Strategic Social Media
Julianne Rowe
Cathriona Smith
Katherine Taylor
Source Credibility
Bronx zoo Cobra escapee
May 5, 2011
“Happy Cinco de Mayo! I could really go for a SkinnyGirl
Margarita. No salt, please. I don’t want to look bloated.”
Although, creator of SGM is native New Yorker, I
think the Bronx Zoo Cobra naming SkinnyGirl in a
Tweet shows the brand is huge, even among the
Ashton Lawrence
May 30, 2011
“WHERE in the hell do you find the SkinnyGirl Margarita
This grasps, a lot of ongoing conversations on
Twitter. The brand’s demand is higher than its
supply; a lot of the conversation is about the lack of
availability of the product.
Blog: Get Going
Blogger/Product Review
May 5, 2011
Blogger has finally found a bottle of SkinnyGirl
Margarita and gives it rave reviews.
Blog: The Mommy
Blog: The Mommy
Blogger/Influencer/Brand May 18, 2011
Blog Post #19: “Oh no he didn’t… Returns to the liquor
Blog: Gloss Find
May 22, 2011
Reviewer decides to try the new cocktail-SkinnyGirl
News Blogger:
News blogger
May 12, 2011
Bethenny Frankel, SGM creator, is sued by her former
and The SkinnyGirl
and the SkinnyGirl
Influencer/Brand loyalist
May 15, 2011
Blog Post #18: “A Favor: Taste tests an imposter “skinny
margarita” by Jose Cuervo.”
store where she was asked to taste test the imposter.”
Margarita, and loves it.
manager after selling her SkinnyGirl Margarita to Beam
Global for $120 million.
Blog: Monica Wants Blogger/reviewer
Hawley Laterza
November 27,
May 29. 2011
Blogger who is on Weight Watchers find SkinnyGirl in a
liquor store – decides to try it considering its low calorie
content. Does not like the cocktail.
“@Bethenny went to BevMo today to pick up skinnygirl
margarita and they were sold out here in San Diego. They
said it flies like hotcakes!”
This Tweet represents the brands hard to find
cocktail and how it sells out in large stores like
Message Boards
Message Boards were short questions about where to find
the product and if people had tried it. The conversation
was lacking on message boards.
Photos on Flickr were almost non-existent, the photos that
did appear on Flickr were from the brand’s website. Some
of the videos on YouTube were from Bethenny showing
viewers how to make their own SkinnyGirl Margarita.
Jenny Sue Makeup
May 27, 2011
“Good nite, good friends, good food, and whole bottle of
@Bethenny SkinnyGirl Margarita gone! Stuff lives up to the
hype, extremely yummy!”
This Tweet captures a lot of the conversations on
Twitter - consumers love the product.
Purpose: From the first time Bethenny Frankel, then cast member of the Bravo
franchise Real Housewives of New York, order herself a “skinnygirl margarita,”
clear tequila, 4 squeezed limes, and a splash of triple sec. Women everywhere
were ordering this new low-calorie cocktail. Bethenny saw the opportunity to
create a brand, thus the creation of the bottled cocktail SkinnyGirl Margarita.
The brand boasts a 100-calorie drink per 4 oz., which is about 400-500 calories
less than the average mixed margarita. Made with “natural flavors, lightly
sweetened with agave nectar and made with premium Blue Agave clear Tequila,”
instructions: pour over ice and serve. Since its introduction in the market in late
2009, the bottle has been flying off the shelves everywhere. The demand for this
product and the ability to find it is why the brand needs social media monitoring.
Methodology: We set up a NetVibes Dashboard, adding content directly from
the brand, including, Facebook, Twitter, and Bethenny Frankel’s website We also set up Google alerts on Bethenny Frankel, lowcalorie cocktails, and on SkinnyGirl Margarita, alerts where sent to an Gmail
account that we had set up. We constantly tracked blog mentions, most of which
were reviews of the product. We also did a Google search using the “Blog” option
to find blogs about the brand and came up with some really good finds, like the
blog “The Mommy and the SkinnyGirl,” a blog totally dedicated to the bloggers
life revolving around the brand. We also monitored photo and videos of the
brand, most of which didn’t turn into anything of monitoring value.
We determined the sources credibility if they are bloggers who are
constantly updating his or her site, if a Tweet mentioned the brand, we would go
to the Twitter account to make sure the account was legitimately updating its
content and not a spammer.
Can’t find the product: This was the constant stream of information that we
found when monitoring the conversation. Most people who could find liquor
stores that sold the product, found only a few bottles or that it was sold out.
When the product first launched it was only available in about 10 states and since
its purchase by Beam Global, it is now available in all 50 states, yet consumers still
cannot find it. A lot of the online conversation is frustration over product
availability perfectly stated in these tweets:
People who can find it – love it! Bloggers and reviewers enjoy the product.
Consumers love the low-calorie aspect of the product, and its not too sweet
taste. A lot of the conversations on Twitter gave rave reviews that often included
daily activities that featured the cocktail, cleaning the house, making dinner,
laying by the pool or beach, all SkinnyGirl Margarita lovers. Most of the
consumers are women and there are very few male customers according to the
conversation on Twitter. The conversation on blogs, are mostly from women who
love the product. Often times the comments on the blog will also be rave reviews.
We even found a blogger who loved the product so much she put the product in
the name of her blog “The Mommy and the SkinnyGirl,”
( this blogger is a mom and
wife and her posts always have something to do with SkinnyGirl Margarita. Two
blog posts in particular emphasize her dedication to the product. Blog post
number 18: A Favor – the liquor store owner has asked her to try Jose Cuervo’s
new “skinny margarita” also boasting 100-calories per drink. She writes her review
of the product and returns to the liquor store a few days later to give the owner
her review, all while blogging about it.
Not everyone loves it: The bloggers who do not like the product will often
have comments that mention the same thing – they don’t love it. Some of the
conversation on blogs is about how reviewers have changed the product to
sweeten it up, by adding sugar, splenda, lime juice, etc. Some people complain it is
too strong, or others say it’s not strong enough. Also an interesting aspect is
SkinnyGirl Twitter account Tweeted “We love to hear all the creative ways you all
drink SkinnyGirl Margaritas! Anyone else have a delicious variation we should
know about?” This clearly opens of the online conversation to possible negative
feedback from users. And it also shows that the product itself isn’t sufficient, it
needs additives.
Photo/Video uploads: From our monitoring time period, we did not find many
photo uploads, other than Facebook uploads coming from the brand itself.
These photos were from Bethenny at bottle signings around the country. The
only video uploads came from YouTube, which were random and inconsistent
from fans and where not useful to our research.
Message Boards: Conversation on message boards was short questions
regarding if people had tasted the product and where to find it. These
conversations did not add much to the research.
This product has a lot of fans – mostly stemming from a love of its creator
Bethenny Frankel. The conversations are generally positive and Twitter has
constant Tweets about people drinking it. Overall, the conversation came from
bloggers who were reviewing the product; both good and bad reviews were
present. The Mommy and the SkinnyGirl blogger, is a powerful influencer for the
product and clearly is a brand loyalist. She is two powerful entities in one – a
mommy-blogger, and an influencer all in one. Clearly, there is room for
improvement in the supply of the product; the conversation online clearly
screams the demand for it.
J412 Strategic Social Media
Julianne Rowe
Cathriona Smith
Katherine Taylor
Bethenny Frankel has a huge fan base this loyal following already creates a
demand for any products that bears the Bethenny name. Fans do not see
Bethenny as a brand; they look to her as a friend, wife, and mother.
There is a lack of cohesive content on the brand Facebook and Twitter pages
because the brand does not have an account manager. Content is not scheduled
and is random, it doesn’t consistently respond and engage with its customers on
Facebook or Twitter. Some of the tweets coming from the Twitter account
encourage negative comments, such as asking followers what ingredients they
add to the product, making the product itself seem insufficient.
Customers are already talking up a storm about the brand, engaging in this
conversation, as a brand will only enhance the conversation. By enhancing the
conversation, the brand will most likely gain more brand loyalists who will become
Other brands trying to create low-calorie cocktails such as Jose Cuervo, this
brand already has a larger market presence and accessibility. The website for
Skinnygirl cocktails, doesn’t give accurate information regarding where
customers can find the product, leaving people to believe that the product is
unavailable in their area.
We want to target the creators, conversationalist, critics, and the spectators.
We want to engage with the creators who are already talking about Skinnygirl
margarita. We want them to be brand ambassadors who write articles and stories
and upload photos and videos. Every creator counts. We also want to target
bloggers who already have a large following but don’t yet know about the
product. We want them to try the product and create conversations about the
brand. Readers will become more interested in the brand through the reviews and
conversations of the online creators.
We want the people who are talking about the brand to become influencers for
Skinnygirl margarita. People are talking about the cocktail already and we want
to engage even more with those who are talking. We will respond to those
conversations and encourage the conversationalists to keep talking.
We do not just want people talking about the product, but we want people
reviewing the product as well. We need to target users who generally review
alcoholic and low-calories beverages. We want the critics to contribute to online
forums and comments on the brands social media pages. Without the critics we
will never know who to improve the product or address their needs.
We want the spectators to feel the need to interact and stop being spectators.
We want to ignite the spectators with the conversation so much that they want to
become part of the conversation.
Long term:
To create brand loyalists who will become influencers and ambassadors for the
Short term:
To create a cohesive social media presence and to create consistent content on
the social media sites. To engage with current customers and address the
questions which are being asked.
Implement a system of social media content by a social media manager. Content will
include scheduled updates, as well as the manager monitoring what the influencers
and critics are saying. Content will respond to the comments both positive and
negative. The responses will be at least once a day, in addition to the scheduled
content. Dashboards will be used to listen and monitor key terms and phrases
regarding the brand. Such as, “Low-calorie cocktails,” “drinks with alcohol made with
natural ingredients,” “Bethenny Frankel,” “Skinnygirl,” “light margaritas,” etc. Quick
to respond to customer inquires regarding where to get the product by allowing
employees to address issues when social media manager is unavailable, with proper
disclosure. Find fans who are already using social media and are brand
Use existing Twitter account with more scheduled content. Also address
issues that are tweeted about the brand. Re-tweet content that mention
what people are doing while drinking Skinnygirl margarita, or where people
can find the product. More frequent tweets coming from the brand as well
as quickly responding to other tweets.
Status updates at least twice a day. Commenting on other users posts on
the brand’s wall, we will also answer questions in a timely manner.
Create a Flickr account where users can post pictures of themselves with
the cocktail. The photos will be subject to approval by the social media
manager before uploading the photo onto the site.
Posting videos of “what’s new with Skinnygirl,” promotional events, and
TV clips. Also, allowing fans to submit videos about the brand to the
YouTube account. These videos will be uploaded weekly.
Create a blog – How to make all cocktails “Skinnygirl” cocktails. Allow for
comments on the blog page and address any questions on the blog page.
Monitor what people are saying and monitor if more blogs or social media profiles
are similar to “The Mommy and the Skinnygirl” blog page. Short term goal will
become implemented by hiring a social media manager to construct the content
on social media sites.
Use Google Analytics.
Week 1
Re-launch SkinnyGirl Margarita Facebook group, blog and Twitter account.
From Week 1 onwards
After re-launch, post to Facebook at least once per day and answer questions
posed by customer’s daily. Post to blog each Wednesday and Saturday. Tweet
at least twice per day and check @mentions – respond/re-tweet @mentions.
Week 2
Create SkinnyGirl YouTube channel and Flickr account.
Week 2 onwards
Post content to YouTube once per week – allow/request submissions from
fans/customers and depending on quantity/quality of submissions increase
posting frequency.
Continue to add content and engage fans! Thank fans for submissions/support by
tweeting coupons. Consider fan suggestions for improvement and inform fans of
changes when implementing suggestions.
Hire 1 social media manager:
40 hours per week
$50-75K per year
Employ a part-time intern to help social media manager.
15-20 hours per week
$9.50 per hour
Purchase SkinnyGirl Margarita blog
Sample Facebook
Reply to Sharon Martin Falgout – We’re so glad you found your Skinnygirl! Let us what
your favorite skinnygirl recipe is!
Reply to Michelle Ellis – Skinnygirl is not in Australia yet, but we’ll work on getting it
Status Update - Check out Bethenny promoting the new favor of Skinnygirl cocktails
on the Today Show on June 6th!
Status Update – What do you the new Skinnygirl favor to be?
Cathr íona
Sample Tweets
July 1, 2011 6.23pm @SkinnyGirlMarg – Sounds fun! RT @DoodleKate – Preparing for an
evening of @SkinnyGirlMarg at @JesseKip bachelorette party.
July 1, 2011 5.46pm @SkinnyGirlMarg – Enjoy!! RT @PrincessButtercup – Can’t wait to
try it but tonight I’m going to enjoy some Original @SkinnygirlMarg.
July 1, 2011 5.03pm @SkinnyGirlMarg – Let us know what you think! RT @RadRachel –
Trying @SkinnyGirlMarg tonight for the first time. Excited!
July 1, 2011 4.40pm @SkinnyGirlMarg - We’re getting ready to distribute our newest
“SkinnyGirl” flavour. Who’s excited?!
Sample Blog Post
Blog Post for Skinnygirl cocktails
Update blog every Friday with new version of a Skinnygirl beverage.
First Skinnygirl beverage post will be July 1 “How to make a Skinnygirl Mojito”
Hey Skinnygirls:
Summer is approaching us quickly, so for the upcoming holiday weekend we’ve created a
Mojito – Skinnygirl style!
• Next blog will feature “Need a boost after a Skinnygirl Weekend”
Hey Skinnygirls:
Wow! What a weekend! Hope all you Skinnygirls had just as much fun as we did, and I’m
sure you’re in recovery mode too! So Bethenny shared a few Skinnygirl cure recipes with us,
and their delicious!