[ ASSOCIATION OF MEAN PLATELET VOLUME AND ISCHAEMIC STROKE By [ Dr Renoy A. Henry MBBS A dissertation submitted to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore, Karnataka in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MD in General Medicine under the guidance of Dr. Prem Pais MD Department of Medicine St. John’s Medical College and Hospital Bangalore. 2009 DECLARATION I, Dr. Renoy A. Henry, hereby declare that this dissertation entitled ―Association of mean platelet volume and ischemic stroke‖ is a bona fide and genuine research work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr.Prem Pais. MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, St. John‘s Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore. 15th October 2009 Bangalore. Dr. Renoy A. Henry, MBBS CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled ―Association of mean platelet volume and ischemic stroke‖ is a bona fide research work done by Dr. Renoy A. Henry under my guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MD in General Medicine. 15th October 2009 Bangalore Dr. Prem Pais, MD Professor, Department of Medicine St. John‘s Medical College Hospital Sarjapur Road, Bangalore 560 034 GUIDE. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled ―Association of mean platelet volume and ischemic stroke‖ is a bona fide research work done by Dr. Renoy A. Henry under my guidance in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MD in General Medicine. 15th October 2009 Bangalore Dr.Arun Shet, MD Associate Professor, Department of Medical Oncology St. John‘s Medical College Sarjapur Road, Bangalore 560 034 CO-GUIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the dissertation entitled ―Association of mean platelet volume and ischemic stroke‖ is a bona fide research work done by Dr. Renoy A. Henry MBBS, under the guidance of Dr. Prem Pais MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, St. John‘s Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore. Dr. S.D Tarey, MD Dr. Prem Pais, MD Professor and Head, Dept. of Medicine St. John‘s Medical College and Hospital Bangalore Dean St. John‘s Medical College and Hospital Bangalore 15th October 2009 Bangalore. 15th October 2009 Bangalore. COPYRIGHT DECLARATION I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka shall have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation in print or electronic format for academic/ research purpose. 15th October 2009 Bangalore. Dr. Renoy A. Henry, MBBS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am grateful and indebted to: Dr. Prem Pais and Dr. Arun Shet for their guidance, support and encouragement throughout this project. Dr. S.D.Tarey, Dr. Girija Singh and Dr. Chandra Mouli K S for all the encouragement and support they have given me throughout my course. Dr. A.K Roy, Dr. G.S.K Sarma, Dr. Thomas Mathew from the department of neurology for their support. Dr.Karuna Ramesh Kumar and Dr. Sitalakshmi and all the others from the department of clinical pathology for their help with peripheral smears. Dr. Amit K Mondal and his team for allowing me to use the lab facilities. Dr Suresh K.P for his help with statistics. Dr. Sushmitha Pearl Fernandez, Dr. Francy Pulickan, Dr. George Xavier, Dr. Gangyreddy Shivashankarreddy , Dr. Saikat Kanjilal, Dr. Shruthi Kulkarni, Dr. Rajesh Alanjangi my colleagues, for their support throughout. My juniors and my interns for their valuable help. All the participants in my study for their cooperation, without which this work would not have been possible. My family especially my wife, for everything. 15th October 2009 Bangalore. Dr. Renoy A. Henry. MBBS. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATIONS 1) ACE - ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME 2) ADP - ADENOSINE DIPHOSPHATE 3) ATP - ADENOSINE TRIPOSPHATE 4) ATP - 3 - ADULT TREATMENT PANEL - 3 5) BT - BLEEDING TIME 6) b-TG - b-THROMBOGLOBULIN 7) CNS - CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 8) CT - COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY 9) DALY - DISABILITY ADJUSTED LIFE YEAR 10) DNA - DEOXY RIBONUCLEIC ACID 11) EDTA - ETHYLENE DIAMINE TETRA ACETIC ACID 12) f L - FEMTOLITRE 13) ICH - INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE 14) IS - ISCHEMIC STROKE 15) LACS - LACUNAR SYNDROME 16) MK - MEGAKARYOCYTE 17) MPHA - MEGAKARYOCYTE PLATELET HAEMOSTATIC AXIS 18) MPV - MEAN PLATELET VOLUME 19) MRI - MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING 20) mRS - MODIFIED RANKIN'S SCALE 21) NCEP - NATIONAL CHOLESTROL EDUCATION PROGRAM 22) NIHSS - NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES 23) OCSP - OXFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY STROKE PROJECT 24) PACS - PARTIAL ANTERIOR CIRCULATION SYNDROME 25) PAN - POLYARTERITIS NODOSA 26) PCT - PLATELET COUNT 27) PDW - PLATELET DISTRIBUTION WIDTH 28) PLCR - PLATELETS LARGE CELL RATIO 29) POCS - POSTERIOR CIRCULATION SYNDROME 30) PROGRESS - PERINDOPRIL PROTECTION AGAINST RECURRENT STROKE STUDY 31) SAH - SUB ARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE 32) SCCS - SURFACE CONNECTED CANALICULAR SYSTEM 33) SOP - STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 34) TACS - TOTAL ANTERIOR CIRCULATION SYNDROME 35) TOAST - TRIAL OF ORG 10172 IN ACUTE STROKE TREATMENT 36) vWF - VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR 37) WHR - WAIST HIP RATIO TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 1. INTRODUCTION 15 2. OBJECTIVES 18 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 20 4. METHODOLOGY 53 5. RESULTS 62 6. DISCUSSION 88 7. CONCLUSIONS 101 8. SUMMARY 103 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY 107 10. ANNEXURE 113 NO FIGURES PAGES 1 Pre analytical data 63 2 Stroke log and reasons for exclusion 64 3 Age distribution 65 4 Gender distribution 66 5 Risk factor profile 67 6 Clinical profile The Oxfordshire community stroke project classification of 7 stroke syndromes 68 69 8 Comparison of blood parameters in cases and controls 71 9 Infarct territory 73 10 Stroke- clinical severity score 74 11 Comparison of MPV in cases and controls 75 12 Comparison of platelet mass in cases and controls Comparison of MPV (EDTA) in cases and controls to risk 13 factors Comparison of MPV (citrate) in cases and controls to risk 14 factors Comparison of MPV (EDTA/citrate) in cases and controls to 15 other risk factors 76 16 Infarct territory and MPV The Oxfordshire community stroke project Classification of 17 stroke syndromes and correlation with MPV 77 78 80 81 82 18 Stroke- clinical severity score and MPV Comparison of platelet mass in cases according to severity 19 score 83 20 Association of MPV quintiles (EDTA) and stroke severity 85 21 Association of MPV quintiles (citrate) and stroke severity 86 84 NO TABLES 1 Stroke log and reasons for exclusion 2 Age distribution 3 Gender distribution 4 Risk factor profile 5 Clinical profile The Oxfordshire community stroke project classification of 6 stroke syndromes 7 Comparison of blood parameters in cases and controls 8 Type of Infarct 9 Infarct territory 10 Stroke- clinical severity score 11 Comparison of MPV in cases and controls 12 Comparison of platelet mass in cases and controls Comparison of MPV (edta) in cases and controls to risk 13 factors Comparion of MPV (citrate) in cases and controls to risk 14 factors Comparion of MPV (edta/citrate) in cases and controls to 15 other risk factors 16 Infarct territory and MPV The Oxfordshire community stroke project Classification of 17 stroke syndromes and correlation with MPV 18 Stroke- clinical severity score and MPV Comparison of platelet mass in cases according to severity 19 score 20 Association of MPV quintiles (edta) and stroke severity 21 Association of MPV quintiles (citrate) and stroke severity 22 Multivariate logistic regression analysis to predict stroke Comparison of Demographic data of the current study with 23 western literature Comparison of risk factor profile of current study with 24 western literature Comparison of drug history of patients in the current study 25 with western literature Comparison of platelet parameters of the current study with 26 western literature. PAGES 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 91 92 94 96 ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Cerebrovascular diseases include some of the most common and devastating disorders. Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a physiological variable of haemostatic importance. Large platelets are more reactive, produce more prothrombotic factors and aggregate more easily. Ischemic stroke is thought to occur as a result of thrombotic occlusion of a stenosed atherosclerotic blood vessel. Initially platelets adhere to the damaged vessel, resulting in recruitment of further platelets, followed by aggregation, formation of a platelet plug and finally thrombotic occlusion. Thus, the detection of large platelets in patients with cerebrovascular diseases would lend support to the idea that platelet volume influences thrombotic large vessel occlusion leading to ischemic stroke. Though there have been quite a few studies which have demonstrated an association between myocardial infarction and platelet size, very few studies have looked at the association between platelet size and ischemic stroke. Among them there has been discrepancy regarding the sample size, methodology used and the final results. There are no documented studies in India comparing the association of mean platelet volume with ischemic stroke. Hence we have studied these variables using a precise methodology in an unselected group of stroke patients and compared them with data from age- and sex-matched control subjects. OBJECTIVES PRIMARY To determine whether an association exists between mean platelet volume (MPV) and ischemic stroke. SECONDARY 1. To determine whether an association exists between platelet mass and ischemic stroke. 2. To determine whether an association exists between mean platelet volume and severity of stroke. METHODS This was a prospective study carried out from Nov 1st 2008 to July 31st 2009 at St. John‘s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, a tertiary care referral centre. The study was carried out among fifty patients diagnosed with an acute ischemic stroke and presenting to the medical and neurological wards in the hospital within forty eight hours of onset of symptoms and satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Clinical severity was assessed using Modified Rankin‘s scale. Mean Platelet Volume was measured using an automated analyzer in both EDTA and citrate samples. Fifty age and sex matched controls were also recruited and their Mean Platelet Volumes assessed. RESULTS Mean platelet volume was higher in acute stroke. MPV( citrate) has got a statistically significant correlation with Ischemic stroke with a p value of 0.005 with an average MPV in cases being 7.35±0.81 compared to controls who average 6.94±0.59.Though MPV(EDTA) also shows a strong trend in cases and controls 7.86±0.82 and 7.58±0.70, the difference is not statistically significant(P = 0.074). The platelet count is showing a slightly lower trend in cases with an average of 2.56±0.58 (1.43- 4.40) when compared to the controls in which the average was 2.69±0.83 (1.605.40).However this trend is not statistically significant (P = 0.380). The platelet mass being a product of platelet count and mean platelet volume is almost a constant. This study did not find a statistically significant correlation between clinical severity of stroke or sub types of stroke and mean platelet volume (P = 0.281). CONCLUSIONS This study has shown an elevation of MPV in acute phase of Ischemic stroke. Within this relationship and adjusting for other significant variables in multivariate regression analysis, it can be stated that an increase in MPV is independently associated with stroke. The observations here suggest a role for larger platelets in the genesis of cerebral thrombosis and are likely to represent changes occurring at thrombopoiesis. Further research is required into the role of platelet volume in stroke pathology, outcome, and, most importantly, in individuals at risk for stroke. A prospective study, which could follow a cohort of subjects with a high mean platelet volume over a period of time for occurrence of ischemic strokes could be planned. KEY WORDS : Ischemic stroke; Stroke outcome; Platelets; Mean platelet volume. 1. INTRODUCTION Cerebrovascular diseases include some of the most common and devastating disorders. They cause ~200,000 deaths each year in the United States and are a major cause of disability. The incidence of cerebrovascular diseases increases with age and the number of strokes is projected to increase as the elderly population grows, with a doubling in stroke deaths in the United States by 203010. The prevalence of stroke in India was estimated as 203 per 100,000 population above 20 years, amounting to a total of about 1 million cases. Stroke is one of the major cause of human morbidity and mortality. It ranked as the sixth leading cause of disability-adjusted years (DALY; one DALY is one of the lost year of healthy life) in 1990 and is projected to rank fourth by the year 202013. Ischaemic stroke (IS) accounts for about 85% of cases, primary intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) for 10% and subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) for the remaining 5%. 7. Most cerebrovascular diseases manifest by the abrupt onset of a focal neurologic deficit, as if the patient was "struck by the hand of God."10 Stroke is associated with increased long term mortality, residual physical, cognitive, and behavioral impairments, recurrence, and increased risk of other types of vascular events .12 Several factors are known to increase the liability to stroke, and it has been here that large-scale public health measures have had a substantial influence. The most important of these are hypertension, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, cigarette smoking, and hyperlipidemia.11. Platelet size is also found to be elevated in individuals with hypertension and diabetes mellitus2, both conditions that predispose to the development of vascular disease3.Since this is such a huge public health problem, other risk factors and possible preventive measures need to be identified. It is in this context that this study has its significance. Platelets play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic complications, contributing to thrombus formation.14 Platelets are anucleate cells and are heterogeneous regarding their size, density and haemostatic potential. Platelet size (mean platelet volume, MPV) is a marker and possibly determinant of platelet function, large platelets being potentially more reactive. For example, large platelets contain more dense granules, undergo greater in vitro aggregation in response to agonists such as ADP and collagen, and release more serotonin and bthromboglobulin (b-TG). . In normal individuals the platelet count is inversely proportional to MPV; platelet mass (the product of MPV and platelet count) is a near constant. Although platelets are incapable of de novo protein synthesis they are very active metabolically and respond rapidly to vascular injury or trauma by undergoing a series of reactions (adhesion, release of granule contents, shape change and aggregation), which ultimately result in the formation of a platelet–fibrin plug. Thus there is evidence that platelet function is accentuated in acute ischaemic stroke. 7 Though there have been quite a few studies which have demonstrated an association between myocardial infarction and platelet size, very few studies has looked at the association between platelet size and ischemic stroke. Among them, there has been discrepancy regarding the sample size, methodology used and the final result. There are no documented studies in India comparing the association of mean Platelet volume with ischemic stroke; hence an attempt has been made to study the association if any between mean platelet volume and stroke in an Indian population. 2. OBJECTIVES 2. OBJECTIVES 2.1 PRIMARY To determine whether an association exists between mean platelet volume (MPV) and ischemic stroke. 2.2 SECONDARY 3. To determine whether an association exists between platelet mass and ischemic stroke. 4. To determine whether an association exists between mean platelet volume and severity of stroke. 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 3.1 STROKE 3.1.1 HISTORY More than 2,400 years ago the father of medicine, Hippocrates, recognized and described stroke as the sudden onset of paralysis. In ancient times stroke was called apoplexy, a general term that physicians applied to anyone suddenly struck down with paralysis. Because many conditions can lead to sudden paralysis, the term apoplexy did not indicate a specific diagnosis or cause. Physicians knew very little about the cause of stroke and the only established therapy was to feed and care for the patient until the attack ran its course.15 The first person to investigate the pathological signs of apoplexy was Johann Jacob Wepfer. Born in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in 1620, Wepfer studied medicine and was the first to identify postmortem signs of bleeding in the brains of patients who died of apoplexy. From autopsy studies he gained knowledge of the carotid and vertebral arteries that supply the brain with blood. He also was the first person to suggest that apoplexy, in addition to being caused by bleeding in the brain, could be caused by a blockage of one of the main arteries supplying blood to the brain; thus stroke became known as a cerebrovascular disease ("cerebro" refers to a part of the brain; "vascular" refers to the blood vessels and arteries).15 Studies with animals have shown that brain injury occurs within minutes of an arterial occlusion and can become irreversible within as little as an hour. In humans, brain damage begins from the moment the occlusion starts and often continues for days afterward. Scientists now know that there is a very short window of opportunity for treatment of the most common form of stroke. Because of this, the significance of prevention needs to be highlighted and new risk factors and primary preventive strategies need to be identified. 3.1.2 EPIDEMIOLOGY 3.1.2a INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE WORLDWIDE Cerebrovascular diseases cause ~200,000 deaths each year in the United States and are a major cause of disability. The incidence of cerebrovascular diseases increases with age, and the number of strokes is projected to increase as the elderly population grows, with a doubling in stroke deaths in the United States by 203010. Epidemiology of stroke in a white population of 1 million.12 3.1.2b INDIAN SCENARIO The prevalence of stroke in India was estimated as 203 per 100,000 population above 20 years, amounting to a total of about 1 million cases. The male to female ratio was 1.7. Around 12% of all stroke occurred in population below 40 years. The estimation of stroke mortality was seriously limited by the method of classification of cause of death in the country. The best estimate derived was 102,000 deaths; which represented 1.2 % of total deaths in the country.13 3.1.3 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Acute occlusion of an intracranial vessel causes reduction in blood flow to the brain region it supplies. The magnitude of flow reduction is a function of collateral blood flow and this depends on individual vascular anatomy and the site of occlusion. A fall in cerebral blood flow to zero causes death of brain tissue within 4–10 min; values <16–18 mL/100 g tissue per min cause infarction within an hour; and values <20 mL/100 g tissue per min cause ischemia without infarction unless prolonged for several hours or days. If blood flow is restored prior to a significant amount of cell death, the patient may experience only transient symptoms, i.e., a TIA. Tissue surrounding the core region of infarction is ischemic but reversibly dysfunctional and is referred to as the ischemic penumbra. The ischemic penumbra will eventually infarct if no change in flow occurs, and hence saving the ischemic penumbra is the goal of revascularization therapies10. Focal cerebral infarction occurs via two distinct pathways (1) a necrotic pathway in which cellular cytoskeletal breakdown is rapid, due principally to energy failure of the cell; and (2) an apoptotic pathway in which cells become programmed to die. Ischemia produces necrosis by starving neurons of glucose, which in turn results in failure of mitochondria to produce ATP. Without ATP, membrane ion pumps stop functioning and neurons depolarize, allowing intracellular calcium to rise. Cellular depolarization also causes glutamate release from synaptic terminals; excess extracellular glutamate produces neurotoxicity by activating postsynaptic glutamate receptors that increase neuronal calcium influx. Free radicals are produced by membrane lipid degradation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Free radicals cause catalytic destruction of membranes and likely damage other vital functions of cells. Lesser degrees of ischemia, as are seen within the ischemic penumbra, favor apoptotic cellular death causing cells to die days to weeks later10. 3.1.4 ETIOLOGY 10 Common Causes Uncommon Causes Thrombosis Lacunar stroke (small vessel) Large vessel thrombosis Dehydration Embolic occlusion Artery-to-artery Carotid bifurcation Aortic arch Arterial dissection Cardioembolic Atrial fibrillation Mural thrombus Myocardial infarction Dilated cardiomyopathy Valvular lesions Mitral stenosis Mechanical valve Bacterial endocarditis Paradoxical embolus Atrial septal defect Patent foramen ovale Atrial septal aneurysm Spontaneous echo contrast Hypercoagulable disorders Protein C deficiency Protein S deficiency Antithrombin III deficiency Antiphospholipid syndrome Factor V Leiden mutation Prothrombin G20210 mutation Systemic malignancy Sickle cell anemia β-Thalassemia Polycythemia vera Systemic lupus erythematosus Homocysteinemia Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Disseminated intravascular coagulation Dysproteinemias Nephrotic syndrome Inflammatory bowel disease Oral contraceptives Venous sinous thrombosis Fibromuscular dysplasia Vasculitis Systemic vasculitis (PAN, Wegener's, Takayasu's, giant cell arteritis) Primary CNS vasculitis Meningitis (syphilis, tuberculosis, fungal, bacterial, zoster) Cardiogenic Mitral valve calcification Atrial myxoma Intracardiac tumor Marantic endocarditis Libman-Sacks endocarditis Subarachnoid hemorrhage vasospasm Drugs: cocaine, amphetamine Moyamoya disease Eclampsia 3.1.5 RISK FACTORS10 Number Needed to Treat Risk Factor Relative Relative Risk Risk Reduction with Treatment Primary Prevention Secondary Prevention Hypertension 2–5 38% 100–300 50–100 Atrial fibrillation 1.8–2.9 68%warfarin, 21% aspirin 20–83 13 Diabetes 1.8–6 No proven effect Smoking 1.8 50% at 1 year, baseline risk at 5 years post cessation Hyperlipidemia 1.8–2.6 16–30% 560 230 Asymptomatic carotid stenosis 2.0 53% 85 N/A Symptomatic carotid stenosis (70–99%) 65% at 2 years N/A 12 Symptomatic carotid stenosis (50–69%) 29% at 5 years N/A 77 3.1.6 DEFINITIONS TIA is defined as when all neurologic signs and symptoms resolve within 24 h regardless of whether there is imaging evidence of new permanent brain injury.10,12 A Stroke has occurred if the neurologic signs and symptoms last for >24 h.10,12 3.1.7 CLASSIFICATION The Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project12 classification of stroke syndromes, based on easily observed clinical features, has good positive and negative predictive values against brain imaging once the stroke lesion is complete, and before any of the signs have resolved. 1) Lacunar syndromes (LACS): – no visual field defect – no new disturbance of higher cortical or brainstem function – pure motor hemiparesis, or pure sensory deficit of one side of the body, or sensory motor hemiparesis, or ataxic hemiparesis(dysarthria clumsy hand syndrome or ipsilateral ataxia with crural hemiparesis) – at least two of the three areas (face, arm, leg) should be involved, and the limb should be involved in its entirety. 2) Posterior circulation syndromes (POCS) any one of: – cranial nerve impairment – unilateral or bilateral motor or sensory deficit – disorder of conjugate eye movement – cerebellar dysfunction – homonymous hemianopia – cortical blindness. 3) Total anterior circulation syndromes (TACS): – hemiplegia and homonymous hemianopia contralateral to the lesion, and – either aphasia or visuospatial disturbance – sensory deficit contralateral to the lesion. 4) Partial anterior circulation syndromes(PACS): – one or more of unilateral motor or sensory deficit, aphasia or visuospatial neglect (combined or not with homonymous hemianopia) – motor or sensory deficit may be less extensive than in lacunar syndromes (for example, hand alone). 3.2 PLATELETS Platelets are small anucleate cells that play a critical role in haemostasis and thrombosis16. Platelets were described by Addison in 1841 as ―extremely minute granules‖ in clotting blood and were termed platelets by Bizzozero, who observed their adhesive qualities as ―increased stickiness when a vascular wall is damaged‖. They are formed from the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes and have a characteristic discoid shape. Platelets are released from the ends of megakaryocytes as oval discs with average size of 2 μm. Younger platelets have greater functional ability. Each megakaryocyte forms 103platelets and 1011 platelets are replenished daily17. 3.2.1 PLATELET FORMATION 3.2.1a MEGAKARYOCYTE DEVELOPMENT. Megakaryocytes are rare myeloid cells(constituting less than 1% of these cells) that reside primarily in the bone marrow but are also found in the lung and peripheral blood. In early development, before the marrow cavities have enlarged sufficiently to support blood cell development, megakaryopoiesis occurs within the fetal liver and yolk sac. Megakaryocytes arise from pluripotent stem cell that develop into 2 types of precursors, burst-forming cells and colony-forming cells, both of which express the CD34 antigen64. Thrombopoietin (TPO), the primary regulator of thrombopoiesis, is currently the only known cytokine required for megakaryocytes to maintain a constant platelet mass. TPO is thought to act in conjunction with other factors, including IL-3, IL-6, and IL-11, although these cytokines are not essential for megakaryocyte maturation64. 3.2.1b THE FLOW MODEL OF PLATELET FORMATION. Despite the identification of platelets over 120 years ago, there is still little consensus on many of the mechanisms involved in platelet biogenesis. However, recent evidence supports a modified flow model of platelet assembly. In this model, platelets are assembled along essential intermediate pseudopodial extensions, called proplatelets, generated by the outflow and evagination of the extensive internal membrane system of the mature megakaryocyte. In 1906, Wright introduced the initial concept that platelets arise from megakaryocyte64 extensions when he described the detachment of platelets from megakaryocyte pseudopods. Almost a century later, studies on megakaryocytes producing platelets in vitro have revealed the details of platelet assembly and have led us back to the classical proplatelet theory of platelet release in which platelets fragment from the ends of megakaryocyte extensions.64 The assembly of platelets from megakaryocytes involves an elaborate dance that converts the cytoplasm into 100- to 500-μm-long branched proplatelets on which the individual platelets develop. The proplatelet and platelet formation process generally commences from a single site on the megakaryocyte where 1 or more broad pseudopodia form. Over a period of 4–10 hours, the pseudopodial processes continue to elongate and become tapered into proplatelets with an average diameter of 2–4 μm. Proplatelets64are randomly decorated with multiple bulges or swellings, each similar in size to a platelet, which gives them the appearance of beads connected by thin cytoplasmic strings . The generation of additional proplatelets continues at or near the original site of proplatelet formation and spreads in a wavelike fashion throughout the remainder of the cell until the megakaryocyte cytoplasm is entirely transformed into an extensive and complex network of interconnected proplatelets. The multilobed nucleus of the megakaryocyte cell body is compressed into a central mass with little cytoplasm and is eventually extruded and degraded. Platelet-sized swellings also develop at the proplatelet ends and are the primary sites of platelet assembly and release, as opposed to the swellings along the length of the proplatelet shaft . The precise events involved in platelet release from proplatelet ends have not been identified. 64 Anatomy of a proplatelet. Differential interference contrast image of proplatelets on a mouse megakaryocyte in vitro. Some of the hallmark features of proplatelets, including the tip, swellings, shafts, and a branch point, are indicated. Scale bar, 5 mm.64 3.2.2 PLATELET LIFE SPAN Normally, platelets circulate in blood with an average lifespan of 7-10 days. Platelets are lost from circulation by two mechanisms: either by senescence or by random removal in endothelial supportive functions of a fixed fraction of platelets amounting to 7.1x109/l/day. Senescent platelets are removed primarily by macrophages in the spleen, although the larger blood flow through the liver allows severely damaged platelets to be removed more quickly by hepatic macrophages17. It is assumed that when aging, platelets contain decreased levels of sialic acid and they accumulate surface IgG18. 3.2.3 LIGHT MICROSCOPY Light microscopy of Wright-stained smears reveals platelets are small, anucleate fragments with occasional reddish granules, measuring approximately 2μm in diameter with a volume of approximately 8fl19,20 and exhibiting considerable variation in size and shape. Figure : Microscopic appearance of platelets in Leishman stained smear (X 1000) 3.2.4 ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND SUB-CELLULAR FEATURES Platelets exist in two distinct forms, resting and activated, with the resting state marked by baseline metabolic activity and the activated form resulting from agonist stimulation (i.e., response to thrombin) because platelets change their structure during the ―resting-to activated‖ transition. In describing detailed platelet anatomy, most information is derived from transmission electron microscopy, and platelet structure is classified into four general areas: the platelet surface, membrane structures, cytoskeleton (sol-gel zone), and granules21. 3.2.5 PLATELET SURFACE Plasma Membrane: The platelet plasma membrane separates intra- from extracellular regions and, in thin sections, exhibits a typical 20 nm thick trilaminar structure22whose overall appearance does not differ from that of other blood cells23. However this ―unit membrane‖ of platelets is exceptionally complex in composition, distribution, and function, incorporating a number of glycoproteins and lipids into its phospholipid bi-layer and integrating a variety of extra and intra-platelet events such as permeability, agonist stimulation, and platelet adhesion, activation/secretion, and aggregation24. Glycocalyx: A fuzzy layer of lipids, sugars, and proteins. 15-20 nm thick, coats the outside surface of the platelet plasma membrane, including surface connected canalicular system SCCS), and interacts with both the plasma and the cellular components of the blood and blood vessels. Termed the platelet glycocalyx25, the layer provides a transfer point for plasma proteins such as fibrinogen as they are taken up into secretory granules by endocytosis26. The glycocalyx contains glycoproteins, glycolipids, mucopolysaccharides, and absorbed plasma proteins27, 28 and produces a net negative surface charge mainly due to sialic acid residues on certain protein such as gpIb29. This charge is thought to minimize attachment of circulating platelets to each other and to vessels30. 3.2.6 PLATELET MEMBRANOUS SYSTEMS Platelets have features of muscle-related cells in terms of their high content of their actin and their contractile response during activation. Similar muscle like qualities found in the two membranous systems of platelets, the SCCS and the dense tubular system, which resemble transverse tubules and sarcotubules, respectively 23 Ultra structure of unstained human platelets. Membranous organelles, including the surface-connected canalicular system (SCCS), and dense tubular system (DTS), and cytoplasmic organelles, including mitochondria (M), α-granules (G), dense bodies (DB), coated vesicles (CV), microtubules (MT) and glycogen (GLY) are visualized at the ultra structure level.23 3.2.7 PLATELET CYTOSKELETON Both the shape of platelets and their ability to contract and spread depend on a cytoplasmic frame work of monomers, filaments, and tubules that constitute the cytoskeleton32.The cytoskeleton can direct platelet shape change, send out extracellular extensions, collect and then extrude secretory granules, and affect surface activity. These varied functions are performed by three distinct structures: first, the membrane skeleton, which buttresses the inner side of the plasma membrane; second, the mass of actin and intermediate filaments, which fills the cytoplasm (cytoplasmic actin filaments; also termed the sol-gel zone); and third, the circumferential microtubule band, which encircles the substance of the platelet to produce the resting disclike form32, 33. 3.2.8 PLATELET GRANULES AND ORGANELLES 3.2.8a PLATELET GRANULES Normal platelet function appears to require some amplification or accentuation of any given stimulus to obtain an appropriate response. Accordingly, platelets possess secretory granules and mechanisms that serve this purpose by releasing additional stimulatory materials, previously sequestered within the resting platelet. Two main secretory granules, the α-granules and the dense bodies , appear to be the main effectors with their highly reactive and readily available contents [i.e. adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and fibrinogen] 34 . Platelet granule secretion begins with a dramatic increase in platelet metabolic activity, set off by a wave of calcium release and marked by increased adenosine phosphate (ATP) production 35, 36. Contents of three different granule subpopulations of platelets.37 3.2.8b ORGANELLES : MICROPEROXISOMES, COATED VESICLES, MITOCHONDRIA, AND GLYCOGEN Microperoxisomes are rare, small (90 nm in diameter) granules, demonstrable with alkaline diaminobenzidine due to their catalase activity38. The structure may participate in the synthesis of platelet-activating factor, but its ultimate fate within the platelet cytoplasm is unknown39. Coated vesicles are 70 to 90 nm in diameter platelet organelles, distinguished by their electron dense bristle coat. The polyhedral surface coat is composed of clathrin, and special staining reveals that the same coat that is in the plasma and SCCS membrane is found on the coated pits and vesicles themselves40. Mitochondria in platelets are similar, with the exception of their smaller size, to those in other all types. There are approximately seven per human platelet, and they serve as the site for the actions of the respiratory chain and the citric acid cycle41. Glycogen is found in small particles or in masses of closely associated particles, playing an essential role in platelet metabolism42. 3.2.9 PLATELET FUNCTION The functions of platelets include adhesion, shape change and spreading, aggregation, secretion, procoagulant activity, and clot retraction. ADHESION: The initiating event following vascular damage is platelet adhesion to exposed subendothelial matrix proteins. The platelet glycoprotein receptors which mediate adhesion are dependent on the rate of shear. Adhesion applies also to recruitment of circulating platelets into the thrombus43. SHAPE CHANGE AND SPREADING: Upon activation, platelets become spherical and extend pseudopodia to enable them to attach to other platelets and to the vessel wall. The transition to a sphere increases their optical density is termed ‗shape change‘, although this term should be used with caution unless supported by scanning electron microscopy, as an increase in density can also be brought about in other ways. Shape change is mediated by phosphorylation of myosin light chains, either as a consequence of elevation in intracellular Ca2+ ions, which activate myosin light chain kinase, or through inhibition of myosin light chain phosphatase, which is regulated downstream of Rho kinase43. AGGREGATION: Aggregation is used to describe cross-linking of platelets through binding of fibrinogen, or other bivalent or multivalent ligands such as vWF to the integrin αIIbβ3 on adjacent cells43. SECRETION: The three types of granules contain a distinct set of contents that play varying roles in haemostasis. A deficiency in dense or α-granules is the basis of a heterogenous group of secretory disorders that are associated with excessive bleeding43. PROCOAGULANT ACTIVITY: A critical function of platelet activation is to provide a negatively charged phospholipid surface for the assembly of two multiprotein complexes that form a vital part of the coagulation cascade, namely the tenase and prothrombinase complexes. The formation of the negatively charged lipid surface on activated platelets is commonly described as antiphospholipid exposure or procoagulant activity. It is formed by the movement of phosphatidyl serine from the inner to the outer leaflet of the platelet membrane43. PLATELET-DERIVED MICROPARTICLES: Platelet-derived microparticles are generated during platelet activation and are usually seen together with an increase in procoagulant activity. The formation of platelet microparticles also requires Ca2+ entry and is readily seen in response to stimulation by Ca2+ ionophore but requires high agonist concentrations and favourable conditions for them to be formed upon receptor activation43. CLOT RETRACTION: It has been known for more than two centuries that blood clots retract over a time course of minutes to hours, a process that is termed clot retraction. This event helps platelet rich thrombi to withstand the high shear forces found in small arterioles and in other vessels. Clot retraction can be readily measured in thrombin-stimulated platelet-rich plasma by taking aliquots of the volume of plasma over time after addition of thrombin. Thrombin rapidly generates a blood clot that fills an aggregometer tube but which gradually reduces to almost 20% of its original volume over a course of 60 minutes43. 3.2.10 PLATELET INDICES The quantification of platelet count in peripheral blood is a well recognized tool. Similar to RBC, several indices have been derived from platelets, with the most commonly used being the mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW). Recent advances in automated blood cell analysers have made it possible to measure various platelet parameters such as PDW, MPV, PCT and P-LCR, which provide some important information but are not yet accepted for routine clinical use44. 3.3 MEAN PLATELET VOLUME (MPV) Measurement of peripheral blood platelet counts tells us little about platelet related haemostatic function unless the platelet count is particularly low. However, most haematology analysers measure another platelet parameter, the mean platelet volume which can give useful clinical and patho-physiological information about patients and vascular diseases.8 3.3.1 PHYSIOLOGY OF PLATELET SIZE MPV appears to be a marker, or even a determinant, of platelet function. Large platelets are more reactive than small platelets in vitro. They preferentially and more rapidly aggregate to platelet agonist including ADP, collagen and adrenaline produce more prothrombotic and vasoactive factors including arachidonic acid metabolites (eg. Thromboxane A2), serotonin, β thromboglobulin and ATP, contains more dense granules, and have higher LDH activity.8 .They are associated with a decreased bleeding time (BT; a measure of in vivo haemostatic function).7 MPV correlates with platelet aggregation, whether measured in platelet rich plasma or whole blood, populations of subjects or in some disease states, eg. Diabetes mellitus. Large platelets also express increased levels of adhesion molecules. eg. P- selectin, GPIIb/IIIa although the surface density of these glycoproteins is usually constant independent of platelet volume. 8 3.3.2 THE MEGAKARYOCYTE-PLATELET-HAEMOSTATIC AXIS Platelets are anucleate cells and, as such, have little or no protein synthetic capacity. Platelets are heterogeneous regarding their size, density and haemostatic potential. It used to be thought that platelet size decreased with age, but more recent evidence suggests that MPV and other platelet parameters and, therefore, platelet protein content and reactivity, are determined primarily at or before thrombopoiesis by the platelet precursor cell, the MK. MK‘s are unique amongst mammalian cells in that they are polyploid. That is to say they can redouble their chromosomal DNA content without subsequent full mitotic cell division, a process termed endomitosis. MK‘s undergo varying numbers of endomitotic cycles to produce a population of cells whose ploidy ranges from 4N to 128N (where 2N represents the normal diploid state), with 16N being the modal ploidy in the majority of mammals studied thus far. Each MK produces about 1000 to 2000 platelets, probably by cytoplasmic fragmentation of MKs in the pulmonary circulation7. Measurements of platelet and MK parameters in man suggest that they are so closely linked that they can be considered a single system: the megakaryocyte-platelet haemostatic axis (MPHA). For example, in normal individuals the platelet count is inversely proportional to MPV; platelet mass (the product of MPV and platelet count) is a near constant; platelet mass correlates with BT; and BT is inversely proportional to MK ploidy and size. When acute platelet destruction occurs in the absence of platelet production MPV increases but MK ploidy remains unchanged; when platelet production is increased alone MK ploidy is increased; and when platelet destruction and production co-exist there is an increase in both MPV and MK ploidy. Thus, it would appear that MPV and MK ploidy can change together or independently of each other in response to varying haemostatic demands. This has led to the postulation that regulation of MPV and MK ploidy (and therefore platelet count) is under separate hormonal control. Variations in MPV are a result of a change in the rate of platelet destruction, whereas altered MK ploidy, and concomitant changes in MK size and cytoplasmic volume are associated with a change in the rate of platelet production. 7 3.3.3 MEASUREMENT OF PLATELET VOLUME The optimal method for measuring platelet volume utilises changes in either electrical impedance (as used in Coulter haematology analysers) or light diffraction (as used by Technicon) when a platelet passes through a narrow aperture. Alternative and less satisfactory methods include semi-quantitative measurement of diameter on platelet smears, or using flow cytometry8. In the Coulter series, cells held in fluid suspension are flown through a small aperture, thereby creating a change in voltage proportional to particle size. A raw histogram is generated, and a log-normal curve is fitted to the data. Platelet count is derived from this together with the MPV, which is calculated by numerical integration 1. Similarly, the Sysmex measures parameters with cells in fluid suspension, although in addition the cells are hydro dynamically focused, ensuring that cells travel in a straight line through the aperture. This prevents cells flowing through at the edge of the aperture and causing spurious changes in the electrical field. It also differs from Coulter in that the upper and lower discriminators are both mobile1. The distribution curve obtained is thus the actual data and not a fitted curve. MPV is calculated from the curve by a formula (MPV (fL)=Pct (%)x1000÷Plt (x103/μL)). In contrast,Technicon instruments use laser-optic technology to measure the size and granularity of cells in suspension. A beam of light is passed through cells, and the amount of forward scatter is proportional to size of particles, whereas side scatter equates to density or granularity. A platelet histogram is derived from the data, and MPV is calculated as the mode. Differences of up to 40% have been found when Coulter and Technicon results have been compared.1 Complete blood count specimens are usually anticoagulated in EDTA which causes platelet to swell in a time dependent manner. Most of the increase in MPV occurs during the first 1.5 hr but the process continues over the next 24 hrs. EDTA is thought to increase intracellular cyclic AMP and change plasma membrane permeability1. This situation is further complicated since analysers utilising light diffraction measure particle size by assessing optical density. These analysers record a decreasing MPV with time since platelet swelling results in a lower optical density. As a result, studies reporting raw MPV measurements made in EDTA are of questionable clinical or research value unless MPV is assessed at a consistent time following phlebotomy, or once the swelling has ceased at 24 hrs. In contrast MPV measured in high concentration sodium citrate does not change with time8 and hence considered as the gold standard. 3.3.4 NORMAL VALUES FOR MPV The normal range for platelet volume has yet to be adequately determined, but studies measuring MPV in sodium citrate in normal subjects suggest a approximately normal range of 4.5 – 8.5 fl with a mean of 6.5 fl8. The day to day variation in MPV is small (CV =2.1%) compared with platelet count.(CV = 6.1%)8. 3.3.5 MPV AND STROKE In some pathologic conditions the MPHA is chronically or acutely perturbed resulting in the production of hyper functional platelets which may be involved in subsequent vascular disease or an acute thrombotic event such as stroke. There is evidence that platelet function is accentuated in acute ischaemic stroke7. Therefore, a fundamental issue is whether this increase in platelet reactivity precedes the stroke, and plays a part in initiating the event, or represents a reactive change to it. The development of atherosclerosis involves local platelet adhesion, but whether widespread systemic activation of platelets is present is open to question. The study of MK‘s and platelets in the acute stage (within 36 hrs of onset) of stroke would yield valuable information on this subject. MPV measured at this stage may well reflect (at least in part) the potential reactivity of platelets prior to the stroke. However, the dynamics of platelet consumption and production in the acute phase of stroke are not yet understood well enough to rule out the possibility that MPV is being modified to some extent by the acute destruction of platelets and subsequent change in the fragmentation of MK cytoplasm. If MK parameters could be shown to be abnormal shortly following the stroke this would strongly suggest that the MPHA was chronically perturbed prior to the stroke7. Increased platelet function, and in some cases, a shift in MK indices in a prothrombotic direction has been shown in stroke risk factors such as hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, diabetes mellitus and smoking, and in vascular conditions associated with stroke, such as atherosclerosis, MI and peripheral vascular disease. Thus it would seem probable that in patients with certain risk factor profiles systemic platelet activation precedes the onset of stroke7. There have been multiple studies looking at the correlation of MPV and Ischaemic stroke. O‘malley et al1 studied 58 stroke patients consecutively admitted to a geriatric medical unit. Platelet variables were measured in the acute (<48 hours after stroke) and chronic (>6 months) phases of cerebral ischemia and compared with control variables. Control patients, admitted to the same unit were of similar age and sex and without evidence of acute vascular events. Mean platelet volume was higher in acute stroke (11.3 compared with 10.1 fL in control subjects; P<.001, Student's t test). In addition, platelet count was reduced in stroke patients (255x109/L) compared with control subjects (299x109/L; P<.01). Repeated measurements of mean platelet volume and platelet count in available survivors showed no significant change from the acute phase. Platelet changes did not relate to outcome measured at 6 months. In conclusion, this study has shown an elevation of MPV and reduction of platelet count in acute stroke that persist long after the acute event. Within this relationship and adjusting for other significant confounding variables in univariate analysis, an increase in MPV is independently associated with stroke. The observations here suggest a role for larger platelets in the genesis of cerebral thrombosis and are likely to represent changes occurring at thrombopoiesis1. Philip Bath et al4in a sub study of the PROGRESS trial followed 3134 individuals for an average of 3.9 years and assessed the association of MPV with the risk of stroke. The Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS) recruited 6105 individuals with a history of cerebrovascular disease and demonstrated that a blood pressure lowering regimen, involving an angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and diuretic, reduced the risks of stroke and major vascular events. The mean age was 65 years; 71% male; average MPV, 10.0 fL. Three hundred eighty-three individuals had 402 stroke events, and 160 had major coronary events. MPV was positively associated with the risk of stroke, with an 11% increased relative risk (95% CI, 3% to 19%) of stroke per femtoliter greater MPV. There was no clear association of MPV with the risk of major coronary events (9% decreased relative risk; 95% CI, 23% to 7%). Perindopril did not alter MPV. This study concluded that MPV is an independent predictor of the risk of stroke among individuals with a history of stroke or transient ischemic attack. The measurement of MPV may add useful prognostic information for clinicians managing patients with a history of cerebrovascular disease.4 Greisenegger et al14performed a cross sectional study nested in a stroke registry of patients admitted to Vienna, Austria. Patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) who were admitted to one of the participating centres between October 1998 and June 2001 were prospectively documented. During that period, 2400 patients with an acute TIA/ischemic stroke were admitted to 1 of the participating centres. A total of 1078 patients from 3 centres in which MPV was not routinely determined were excluded. Of the remaining 1322 patients, MPV was determined on admission in 846 cases (64%), whereas in the other 476 patients (36%), MPV was not determined on admission. The Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) was available in 776 (92%) of those patients with an MPV value on admission. By multivariate logistic regression modelling, they determined the influence of MPV on stroke severity, adjusting for potential confounding factors. Patients within the highest quintile of MPV had a significantly higher risk of suffering a severe stroke, defined as modified Rankin Scale score of 3 to 6, compared with patients within the lowest quintile (odds ratio = 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.6 to 4.1; P<0.001). This association remained significant after adjustment for possible confounding factors (odds ratio = 2.2; 95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 4.0; P<0.013).In conclusion an elevated MPV is associated with a worse outcome for acute ischemic cerebrovascular events independent of other clinical parameters14. Antonio Muscari et al45 studied one hundred and thirty-seven patients with ischemic stroke, aged 75.4±11.0 (SD) years, and classified them according to several criteria National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, maximum lesion diameter on CT scan, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Projects (OCSP) and Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment (TOAST) categories. Platelet parameters were determined 1.2 days after the onset of symptoms, and after 3.0 further days. The initial MPV was higher in non-lacunar than lacunar strokes (8.30±1.10 vs. 7.95±0.79 fl, P=0.04), and correlated with the sampling delay with respect to the onset of symptoms, especially in the strokes with lesions N=4 cm (r=0.39, P=0.009), NIHSS N=11 (r=0.35, P=0.02) and of cardioembolic origin (r=0.35, P=0.01). Subsequently a late MPV increment was observed in the remaining categories: from 8.20 to 8.38 fl (P=0.02) in the strokes with lesions < 4 cm, from 8.11 to 8.31 fl (P=0.01) in the presence of an NIHSS<11 and from 8.20 to 8.61 fl (P=0.03) when the occlusion of a large artery was involved. This study has examined for the first time the spontaneous variability of MPV during the acute phase of ischemic stroke and has shown, in contrast with what was previously thought that this parameter is not stable. In fact MPV increases early in the strokes characterized by greater neurological impairment, and later in the less compromised categories. This may reflect the release in the circulation of more reactive platelets in response to mediators coming from the peripheral ischemic sites. Platelet volume is not stable during the acute phase in non-lacunar ischemic strokes, as it increases early in the most severe forms, and later in the remaining subtypes. The release of large and more reactive platelets may contribute to the thrombophilic state associated with ischemic events.45 Butterworth and Bath46 studied MPV and Platelet count in 167 hospitalized patients with stroke within 48 h of symptom onset, and 65 age, gender and race matched controls. Stroke was clinically and radiologically sub-typed. MPV was significantly higher in patients with ischaemic stroke than the control group: mean (SD) 7.35 (1.05) vs 7.09 (0.74) fl, 2P = 0.04; this difference could be explained by MPV being higher in patients with cortical stroke: 7.46 (1.00) fl, 2P = 0.039, but not lacunar infarction: 7.14 (1.16) fl, 2P = 1.0. No difference was seen in PC between ischaemic patients and controls: 231×109 /l vs 236×109/l, 2P = 0.63. MPV did not change at 3 months post-stroke in surviving patients with ischaemic stroke: 7.39 (1.03) fl vs 7.34 (0.97) fl, 2P = 0.53. Patients who were dead or dependent at 3 months had a significantly higher baseline MPV and a tendency to a lower PC than those who returned to independence. MPV and PC were not altered in patients with primary intracerebral haemorrhage. No differences in red cell volume were observed. Platelet volume is elevated in acute ischaemic stroke, a finding that persists at 3 months post-stroke and is limited to patients with cortical infarction. Thrombomegaly is a risk factor for a poor outcome after ischaemic stroke.46 Slaven Pikija et al47 included consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients referred to their institution i.e. Department of Neurology, County Hospital Varazdin,Croatia over a predefined 5-month period. Patients were included in the present analysis when the following criteria were met: (1) Admission/MPV determination within 36 h since the stroke onset. (2) CT scan performed no later than 84 h since the symptom onset with visible fresh ischemic lesions. (3) Patients were free of malignancy or severe infectious/inflammatory diseases. (4) Consent was obtained (patients/relatives) for using medical data for research purposes. All CT scans were done using a Siemens Somatom Emotion Duo® apparatus and were evaluated by the same investigator unaware of other patients‘ particulars. All infratentorial and supratentorial surfaces were summed up separately and were multiplied by the respective slice thicknesses(3 and 8mm) to yield respective lesion volumes47. The sum of the infratentorial and supratentorial volumes gave the overall approximate infarct volume (in cm3). Blood samples (for hematology) were analyzed using Abbott Cell-Dyn® 3700 hematology analyzer (EDTA, <2 h between venipuncture and analysis, stored at room temperature, in order to minimize platelet swelling). Modified Rankin scale (mRS, 0 = no symptoms at all, 6 = death) was implemented 7 days and 3 months after the stroke by the same rater. MPV (within 30 h since stroke onset), infarct volume (13–83 h since stroke onset) and clinical outcomes were evaluated in 81 consecutive patients (32 men, age 52–91 years, 10 small artery occlusion,10 large artery atherosclerosis, 29 cardioembolic, 32 multiple probable/possible etiology). Higher MPV was independently associated with larger infarct volume [estimate 0.259, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.004–0.513, P = 0.046], greater risk of death/dependence 7 days post-stroke [relative risk (RR) = 1.077, 95% CI 1.005–1.115, P = 0.036], and greater risk of death/dependence 3 months post-stroke (RR = 1.077, 95% CI 1.001–1.158, P = 0.048)47. Considered covariates: stroke etiology, CT scan timing, platelet count and other hematological parameters, demographic variables, history of cerebrovascular, cardiac or cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, serum chemistry, previous antiplatelet and statin use and treatments delivered after the index event. Thus data support the view about MPV as a determinant of severity/outcome of the acute ischemic stroke47. Negative correlation has been found in study by Tohji et al.6 They studied 22 patients with cerebral thrombosis (age 43-83, mean±SD 64.0±12.9 years) and 29 controls (age 43-81, mean±SD 55.3±9.5 years). The patients were studied serially, during the acute (<7 days), subacute (2-3 weeks), and chronic (4-5 weeks) periods after the stroke. The controls were healthy individuals who had not received any drug. During the acute and subacute periods, platelet aggregation, platelet count, plateletcrit, and mean platelet volume were significantly less in the patients than in the controls (p<0.05-0.01) while the adenosine triphosphate release rate per volume of platelets was significantly greater (p <0.05). During the acute period, infarct size showed a significant positive correlation with platelet aggregation (r=0.59, p<0.01) and adenosine triphosphate release rate (r=0.70, /p <0.001) but a negative correlation with platelet count (r= — 0.44, p< 0.05). The results suggest that platelet aggregation is reduced during the acute period due to the consumption of platelets during thrombogenesis but that the remaining individual platelets are hyperactive.6 Platelet consumption during the acute period increases with infarct size. During the chronic period, platelet crit and mean platelet volume were significantly less in the patients than in the controls (p<0.01) while the adenosine triphosphate release rate was significantly greater (p<0.01), suggesting sustained platelet consumption and chronically enhanced secretion of individual platelets6. D‘Erasmo et al5 found a significantly lower platelet count in patients with ischaemic stroke. 3.3.6 MPV AND ANTIPLATELET DRUGS Platelet aggregation is an essential step in physiological hemostasis and is involved in vascular pathology such as atherosclerosis, arterial thromboembolism, unstable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, transitory ischemic attacks of the brain and stroke.48 The inhibition of platelet aggregation, e.g. by aspirin, has become an important treatment for unstable angina pectoris and transitory ischemic attacks and the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke . Aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation through an irreversible inhibition of the cyclooxygenase. It is not known whether this impairment of platelet function has an influence on the feedback control system of platelet production and hence on platelet count and platelet volume. Stephan Erhart et al48 studied the influence of aspirin on platelet count, volume and total platelet mass in vitro and in a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 20 healthy young male volunteers in vivo. The PC was unaffected by increasing concentrations of aspirin in vitro over 4 h, indicating that there was no platelet destruction by aspirin even with the high concentration of 250 µg/ml, which is well above concentrations reached in vivo usually. The platelet volume was unaffected by aspirin and remained constant over time. In vivo studies showed that repeated blood sampling during a 7-day treatment with 250 mg aspirin daily showed an increased platelet count (7.3% on day 1, 3.0% on day 2, 6.8% on day 4 and 9.3% on day 7; p < 0.01) and total platelet mass (7.2, 5.0, 8.6 and 11.5% on days 1, 2, 4 and 7,respectively, p < 0.01). An increased PC and mass were also observed in the placebo group on day 4. Because of this observation the study was repeated with a minimal volume taken only on day 4. Surprisingly both aspirin and placebo had not effect under these conditions. Therefore, they stated that aspirin treatment together with repeated small bleeding increased PC and mass, but not aspirin treatment by itself. Aspirin treatment without repeated blood withdrawal had no effect. These data indicate that aspirin may affect the circulating platelet mass under certain conditions48. 3.3.7 MPV AND AGE It used to be thought that the platelet size decreased with age, but more recent evidence suggests that MPV and other platelet parameters and therefore platelet protein content and reactivity, are determined primarily at or before thrombopoesis by the platelet precursor cell, the MK. 9 3.3.8 MPV AND GENDER Gender-dependent differences in platelet count have been demonstrated in few studies. In women platelet count is higher than in men, which seems to reflect different hormonal profiles or a compensatory mechanism associated with menstrual blood loss. Anna M. Butkiewicz et al 49 conducted a study on healthy blood donors divided into groups: F — 60 women and M — 65 men. Platelet count and mean platelet volume were determined on a haematological analyser Advia 120, Bayer. Higher platelet count was noted in the group of women 252.35 ± 41.25 × 109/l as compared to men 221.87 ± 37.63 × 109/l (p = 0.0002). At the same time women had lower thrombopoietin concentration 156.50 ± 57.18 pg/ml compared to men 180.46 ± 60.98 pg/ml, (p = 0.03). No statistically significant differences were found in the mean platelet volume, though there was a slight increase in females49. 3.3.9 MPV AND HYPERTENSION Mean platelet volume (MPV), a determinant of platelet function, is a newly emerging risk factor for atherothrombosis. Coban E et al50 selected 36 essential hypertensive patients, 36 white coat hypertensive subjects and 36 normotensive control subjects matched for age, gender, and body mass index. MPV was very significantly higher in essential hypertensives and white coat hypertensives than in normotensives (P < 0.00); it was also higher in essential hypertensives than in white coat hypertensives (P < 0.05). Platelet counts were not different among the study groups (P > 0.05). MPV was positively correlated with ambulatory diastolic blood pressure in essential hypertension and white coat hypertension groups (P < 0.05)50. Platelet size is also found to be elevated in individuals with hypertension and diabetes mellitus2, both conditions that predispose to the development of vascular disease3 3.3.10 MPV AND DIABETES MELLITUS Zuberi B F et al51 conducted this cross-sectional study at Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan between the period of September 2006 and May 2007. Sample size of 204 in each group was calculated using power (1-beta) of 90 percent and level of significance (alpha) at five percent. Confirmed patients with DM, IFG and non-diabetic controls were selected and allocated to respective groups. A total of 612 patients were selected and allocated to three groups of 204 patients each, referred to as DM group, IFG group and non-DM group. Fasting blood glucose, platelet counts and MPV were done. Mean MPV in the DM group was 9.34 fl, in the IFG Group was 8.98 fl, and in the non-DM group was 8.63 fl. Comparison of MPV values for the three groups showed statistically significant intergroup and intragroup differences, with a pvalue of 0.00.MPV was significantly increased in the IFG group, as compared to the non-DM group, and it increased further when compared to the DM and IFG groups51. 3.3.11 MPV AND METABOLIC SYNDROME Giuseppe Lippi et al52 performed a retrospective analysis on the database of the Laboratory Information System of the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory at the University Hospital of Verona, Verona, Italy. Data for MPV, fasting glucose (FPG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and triglycerides (The last three parameters being key biochemical markers of metabolic syndrome according to Adult Treatment Panel [ATP] III criteria), were retrieved from all outpatients consecutively referred by a general practitioner for routine blood testing. Cumulative results for MPV, FPG, HDL and triglycerides were retrieved for 3337 outpatients >35 years of age over the 2 year period. The mean MPV of subjects with all biochemical markers suggestive of the metabolic syndrome was slightly higher but not significantly different from that of control subjects ie. 8.7fl (95% CI 7.7, 9.6) versus 8.6fl (95% CI 7.5, 9.6), respectively (p = 0.119)52. 3.3.12 MPV AND SMOKING Tobacco smoking is one of the major factors accelerating atherosclerosis. Deleterious effects of smoking are associated with generation of free radicals that break down NO, which on the one hand enhances thromboxane synthesis (the prothrombic action), but on the other reduces production of prostacyclin (the antithrombic action), thus leading to clotting disorders, additionally enhanced by increased production of fibrinogen and factor VII. Butkiewicz AM et al53 designed a study to assess platelet parameters in smoking healthy subjects with reference to sex. In the group of women, 27% were smokers, in the group of men – 49%. All the subjects were tested for platelet count (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV), percentage of large platelets (LPLT), concentrations of -thromboglobulin, sP-selectin (soluble) and thrombopoietin, percentage of reticulated platelets (RP) and absolute count of reticulated platelet. In neither of the sexes smoking had an effect on the following parameters: mean platelet volume, percentage of large platelets, concentration of thrombopoietin, absolute count of reticulated platelet and concentration of –thromboglobulin53. 3.3.13 MPV AND ISHCEMIC HEART DISEASE M M Khandekar, A S Khurana et al54 studied a total of 210 cases, 94 patients had unstable angina (UA) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI) diagnosed on the basis of history, characteristic electrocardiographic changes, and increased cardiac enzyme activities. Seventy patients had stable coronary artery disease (stable CAD) or were admitted for a coronary angiography or coronary artery bypass graft procedure. The third group comprised 30 age and sex matched healthy controls with no history of heart disease and a normal electrocardiogram. All PVI—mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), and platelet large cell ratio (PLCR)—were significantly raised in patients with AMI and UA (mean MPV, 10.43 (SD, 1.03) fL; mean PDW, 13.19 (SD, 2.34) fL; mean P-LCR, 29.4% (SD, 7.38%)) compared with those with stable CAD (mean MPV, 9.37 (SD, 0.99) fL; mean PDW, 11.35 (SD, 1.95) fL; mean P-LCR, 22.55% (SD, 6.65%)) and the control group (mean MPV, 9.2 (SD, 0.91) fL; mean PDW, 10.75 (SD, l.42) fL; mean PLCR, 20.65% (SD, 6.14%)).Larger platelets are haemostatically more active and are a risk factor for developing coronary thrombosis, leading to myocardial infarction. Patients with larger platelets can easily be identified during routine haematological analysis and could possibly benefit from preventive treatment54. 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS 4.1 SETTING OF THE STUDY The study was a prospective study and data was collected from Nov 1st 2008 to July 31st 2009 at St. John‘s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore. St. John‘s Medical College Hospital is a tertiary care referral centre. The study was carried out among fifty patients diagnosed with an acute ischemic stroke and presenting to the hospital within forty eight hours of onset of symptoms.Fifty age and sex matched controls were also recruited. The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board. 4.2 STUDY DESIGN A case control study Cases: Definition of stroke: Focal neurological deficit lasting more than 24hrs with no evidence of a non – vascular cause. Inclusion criteria: 1. Gender: Males/Females 2. Age Range: 18 years and above 3. Socioeconomic group: All socioeconomic groups were eligible 4. CT Scan to exclude hemorrhagic stroke. Exclusion criteria: 1. Thrombocytopenia . 2. Known cases of Hereditary disorders of large platelets. 3. Medications that can reduce the platelet count: hydroxyurea, antineoplastic agents, and inhibitors of the platelet integrin αIIbβ3. 4. Haemorrhagic stroke. 5. Patients unable to communicate because of severe stroke, aphasia or dementia without a valid surrogate respondent. (A valid surrogate respondent is considered a spouse or first degree relative that is living in the same home or is self- identified as aware of the participant‘s previous medical history and current therapies) 6. Patients presenting 48hrs after the onset of neurological symptoms. 7. Peripheral smear showing platelet aggregates. Controls: Controls were primarily hospital based. Each control was matched for sex and age (+/- 5 years). There was at least one control for each case recruited. Inclusion criteria 1. Relative of a patient from ward. 2. Unrelated Visitor of any patient. 3. Patients attending the hospital or outpatient clinic for other illness. Exclusion criteria 1. Individuals with a previous history of stroke. 2. Thrombocytopenia 3. Peripheral smear showing platelet aggregates. 4.3 METHODS OF COLLECTION OF DATA All stroke patients admitted to the hospital were screened during the time period described above. Each of them was entered into a stroke log. Patients fulfilling the criteria were enrolled into the study after obtaining an informed consent. Data was collected by the principal investigator and recorded, as per the proforma . Each patient was given a serial number and was formally included into the study as a case. Each patient was assessed and a modified Rankin‘s Scale assigned to them. A Blood sample was collected from the antecubital vein using a 5cc syringe and transferred to an EDTA and citrate vacutainers. The samples were then taken to the laboratory between 2hrs and 4hrs of collection and analyzed using the ABX pentra automated analyzer using electrical impedance to measure the mean platelet volume. After the analysis the same sample was taken to the central laboratory and a peripheral smear was done to look for platelet aggregates. If platelet aggregates were found then such cases were excluded from the study. The same procedure was adopted in controls for taking the samples, and then transferred it to the vacutainers (EDTA and Citrate) and analyzed using the automated analyzer (ABX pentra). Peripheral smears were done to look for aggregates and if present were excluded. 4.4 SOP FOR CASES Screen cases 1) Medical ward 2) Neurology ward + Eligibility Assessment Inclusion /Exclusion criteria _ Informed consent Assign serial no Enter Pt in stroke log Enter Pt in the stroke log. Detailed history and physical examination. Mention the reason for exclusion Apply modified Rankin‘s score Diagnostic Investigations as per protocol Take the same sample for a peripheral smear study to hospital laboratory Fill the case report form Take one EDTA sample +one CITRATE sample Run the test for MPV using Abx Pentra within 4 hrs in 2nd floor college lab Discard sample and keep peripheral smear report for further reference. 4.5 PRINCIPLE BEHIND ESTIMATION OF MPV WITH ABX PENTRA ANALYZER The MPV (Mean platelet volume) is directly derived from the analysis of the platelet distribution curve. The volume of each platelet is plotted in a histogram and the mean of it is taken as shown in the figure. 4.6 MODIFIED RANKIN’S SCALE USED TO ASSESS CLINICAL SEVERITY OF STROKE55, 56 Score Description 0 - No symptoms at all 1 - No significant disability despite symptoms; able to carry out all usual duties and activities 2 - Slight disability; unable to carry out all previous activities, but able to look after own affair without assistance 3 - Moderate disability; requiring some help, but able to walk without assistance 4 - Moderately severe disability; unable to walk without assistance and unable to attend to own bodily needs without assistance. 5 - Severe disability; bedridden, incontinent and requiring constant nursing care and attention 6 - Dead TOTAL (0–6): _______ 4.7 INVESTIGATIONS USED FOR CASES AND CONTROLS INVESTIGATIONS 1) Hemoglobin 2) Total Leukocyte count /Differential count 3) Mean Platelet Volume 4) Platelet Count 5) Peripheral smear 6) Random blood sugar 7) Lipid Profile 8) CT/MRI Brain CASES yes yes CONTROLS yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no 4.8 STATISTICAL METHODS Sample size: 50 cases admitted in St. John‘s Medical College Hospital who gave informed consent and who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. 50 age and sex matched controls were also recruited from the hospital. Data analysis: The Statistical software namely SPSS 15.0, Stata 8.0, MedCalc 9.0.1 and Systat 11.0 were used for the analysis of the data and Microsoft word and Excel have been used to generate graphs, tables etc. Statistical Methods: Descriptive statistical analysis has been carried out in the present study. Results on continuous measurements are presented on Mean SD (Min-Max) and results on categorical measurements are presented in Number (%). Significance is assessed at 5 % level of significance. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been used to find the significance of study parameters between three or more groups of patients, Student t test (two tailed, independent) has been used to find the significance of study parameters on continuous scale between two groups . A Multivariate logistic regression analysis has been carried out to find the risk factors associated with stroke60, 61, 62, and 63. 1. Analysis of Variance: F test for K Population means61, 62 Objective: To test the hypothesis that K samples from K Populations with the same mean. Limitations: It is assumed that populations are normally distributed and have equal variance. It is also assumed that samples are independent of each other. Method. Let the jth sample contain nj elements (j=1, 2…K). Then the total number of elements is x. j N nj xij nj n1 S1 2 ( x1 x. j ) n1 2 i 1 S2 2 NK F=S22/S12 nj ( x. j x..) i 1 K 1 Which follows F distribution (K-1, N-K) 2. Student t test (Two tailed, independent)63 t Where s 2 ( x 1 x 2 ) ( 1 2 ) s 2 (1 / n1 1 / n2) n1 n2 i 1 i 1 (n1 1) ( x1 x1) 2 (n2 1) ( x 2 x 2) 2 n1 n2 2 3. Significant figures + Suggestive significance (P value: 0.05<P<0.10) * Moderately significant (P value:0.01<P 0.05) ** Strongly significant (P value: P0.01) 2 5. RESULTS FIGURE 1: PRE ANALYTICAL TEST Tests were conducted in normal volunteers prior to the actual study. The anti coagulants EDTA and citrate, the time factor etc were compared for finding out their independent influence on MPV. 9 CITRATE-MPV 8.5 8 7.5 7 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 6.5 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours 24 hours 48 hours PRE-ANALYTICAL TEST 10 9.5 EDTA-MPV 9 8.5 8 7.5 Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 7 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 8 hours 24 hours 48 hours PRE-ANALYTICAL TEST The MPV‘s have been plotted in the y axis and the time has been plotted on the x axis. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA 236 patients of strokes admitted to the medical and neurology wards were screened to get 50 cases. TABLE 1: STROKE LOG AND REASONS FOR EXCLUSION No of cases screened 236 No of cases included 50 No of cases excluded 186 The reasons for exclusion are tabulated Reason for exclusion Late Presentation to Hospital(>48hrs) Haemorrhagic stroke Delay in recruiting Platelet aggregates in peripheral smear No informed consent No % 86 30 31 11 28 46.2 16.1 16.7 5.9 15.1 FIGURE 2: STROKE LOG AND REASONS FOR EXCLUSION 5.9% Late Presentation to Hospital(>48hrs) 15.1% 46.2% 16.7% Haemorrhagic stroke Delay in recruiting 16.1% Platelet aggregates in peripheral smear No informed consent TABLE 2: AGE DISTRIBUTION The mean age for the cases was 58.10±13.67 when compared to 57.50±13.82 for the controls. The maximum No of cases in this study were in the age group between 5160 which was followed by age group of 61-70. Cases Age in years 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 >80 Total Mean ± SD Controls No % No % 2 4.0 2 4.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 18 36.0 18 36.0 13 26.0 13 26.0 6 12.0 6 12.0 1 2.0 1 2.0 50 100.0 50 100.0 58.10±13.67 57.50±13.82 Male 55.86±14.38 55.24±14.27 Female 64.46±9.12 63.92±9.78 P value 0.050* Samples are age matched with P=0.828 0.049* FIGURE 3: AGE DISTRIBUTION 50 45 Percentages 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Cases 5 Controls 0 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 Age in years 71-80 >80 TABLE 3: GENDER DISTRIBUTION 74% of the cases and controls were males and 26% were females. Females (64.46±9.12) with stroke were significantly older than males (55.86±14.38) with a p value of 0.050*. Cases Controls Gender No % No % Male 37 74.0 37 74.0 Female 13 26.0 13 26.0 Total 50 100.0 50 100.0 Samples are gender matched with P=1.000 FIGURE 4: GENDER DISTRIBUTION Female 26% Female 26.0% Male 74.0% Cases Male 74% Controls TABLE 4: RISK FACTOR PROFILE Out of the many risk factors for stroke metabolic syndrome was the most prevalent in this study group with a percentage of 74 among cases and 48 among controls with a significant p value of .008. Hypertension came second with percentage of 52 among cases and 34 among controls with a trend towards significance with a p value of .069. DM and Angina /MI were placed third and fourth respectively and of which only angina /MI had a significant correlation of .026. Cases (n=50) Past History Controls (n=50) P value No % No % Previous Stroke 4 8.0 0 0.0 0.411 Hypertension 26 52.0 17 34.0 0.069+ DM 14 28.0 12 24.0 0.648 Smoking 7 14.0 4 8.0 0.338 Alcohol 4 8.0 4 8.0 1.000 Angina/MI 9 18.0 2 4.0 0.026* AF Metabolic syndrome 1 2.0 0 0.0 1.000 37 74.0 24 48.0 0.008** FIGURE 5: RISK FACTOR PROFILE 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Cases Controls TABLE 5: CLINICAL PROFILE Clinical Manifestations No % Hemiplegia (motor), facial palsy 18 36 Hemiplegia (sensory+motor) 17 34 Hemiplegia,facial palsy,aphasia,homonymous hemianopia 3 6 Monoplegia 4 8 Cerebellar signs 6 12 Acute Memory Loss 1 2 UMN Facial palsy 1 2 FIGURE 6: CLINICAL PROFILE UMN Facial palsy 2% Acute Memory Loss 2% Cerebellar signs 12% Monoplegia 8% Hemiplegia,facial palsy,Aphasia,Homonymous… Hemiplegia(sensory+motor) Hemiplegia(motor) , facial palsy 6% 34% 36% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% TABLE 6: THE OXFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY STROKE PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OF STROKE SYNDROMES This classification sub typed strokes on basis of clinical criteria. Predominant subtype was Lacunar syndrome which summed up to 70% of the total cases. This was followed by POCS and PACS with 12% each and then TACS which summed up to 6% of the cases. Number (n=50) Stroke sub type LACS (Lacunar syndromes) 35 POCS (Posterior circulation syndromes) 6 PACS (Partial anterior circulation syndromes) 6 TACS (Total anterior circulation syndromes) 3 FIGURE 7: THE OXFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY STROKE PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OF STROKE SYNDROMES POCS 12% PACS 12% TACS 6% LACS 70% Stroke sub type TABLE 7: COMPARISON OF BLOOD PARAMETERS IN CASES AND CONTROLS There was a trend for lower platelet count in cases, but this was not significant ( p value = .380) Thus the platelet counts in the cases averaged 2.56±0.58 (1.43-4.40) when compared to the controls in whom the average was 2.69±0.83 (1.60-5.40). Blood parameters Cases Controls Significance Hemoglobin (g/dl) 13.37±2.21 (7.10-18.60) 12.49±1.71 (8.30-16.00) t=2.256;P=0.026* 9728.00±2966.96 (4300-15900.0) 9638.00±3168.39 (4200-18000) t=0.145;P=0.884 Platelet count (%) 2.56±0.58 (1.43-4.40) 2.69±0.83 (1.60-5.40) t=0.881;P=0.380 Neutrophil (%) 71.14±12.02 (39-89) 75.86±9.79 (48-96) t=2.152;P=0.034* Lymphocyte (%) 23.98±9.98 (7-44) 20.74±11.11 (3-70) t=1.535;P=0.128 Eosinophil (%) 3.20±2.72 (1-16) 2.51±1.79 (1-10) t=1.422;P=0.159 Monocyte (%) 2.70±1.19 (1-6) 2.56±1.23 (1-5) t=0.496;P=0.621 Total count (%) Results are presented as Mean ± SD (Min-Max) FIGURE 8: COMPARISON OF BLOOD PARAMETERS IN CASES AND CONTROLS 18 14000 16 12000 Total count Hemoglobin 14 12 10 8 10000 8000 6000 6 4000 4 2000 2 0 0 Controls Cases 4 90 3.5 80 3 70 Neutrophil Platelet count Cases 2.5 2 1.5 Controls 60 50 40 30 1 20 0.5 10 0 0 Cases Cases Controls Controls 40 35 7 4 6 3.5 20 15 5 3 Eosinophil 25 Monocyte Lymphocyte 30 4.5 2.5 2 1.5 10 5 0 4 3 1 2 0.5 1 0 Cases Controls Cases Controls 0 Cases Controls TABLE 8: TYPE OF INFARCT (MRI FINDINGS) The common patterns seen were parietal and temporo- parietal infarcts which comprised of 12% each of the cases. This was followed by Corona radiata infarcts which comprised of 10% of the cases. Number (n=50) 6 12.0 Temporo parietal Infarct 6 12.0 Corona Radiata Infarct 5 10.0 Fronto parietal Infarct 4 8.0 Ganglio Capsular Infarct 4 8.0 Parasagittal Infarct 3 6.0 Basal ganglia Infarct 2 4.0 Cerebellar Infarct 2 4.0 Internal capsule Infarct 2 4.0 Pontine Infarct 2 4.0 Temporo parietal & Corona Radiata 2 4.0 B/L Cerebellar Infarct 1 2.0 Basal ganglia & Corona radiata 1 2.0 Cortical Infarct 1 2.0 Fronto Temporal Infarct 1 2.0 Medial Frontal Infarct 1 2.0 Medullary Infarct 1 2.0 Parietal & Thalamic Infarct 1 2.0 Perisylvian Infarct 1 2.0 Posterior Limb of internal capsule 1 2.0 Temporal Infarct 1 2.0 Temporo parietal & Occipital 1 2.0 Thalamic Infarct 1 2.0 Type of Infarct Parietal Infarct % TABLE 9: INFARCT TERRITORY MCA territory was involved in 72% of the patients. This was followed by involvement of the vertebra basilar artery (posterior circulation) with 14 % of the cases. Involvement of ACA and MCA together comprised of 10% of the cases. Pure ACA territory involvement was seen with 4% of cases. ACA Number (n=50) 2 4.0 MCA 36 72.0 ACA+MCA 5 10.0 VBA 7 14.0 Territory % FIGURE 9: INFARCT TERRITORY 100 90 72 80 Percentages 70 60 50 40 30 10 20 14 4 10 0 ACA MCA ACA+MCA Territory VBA TABLE 10: STROKE- CLINICAL SEVERITY SCORE The clinical severity of stroke at presentation was determined by the Modified Rankin‘s scale and severe disability was seen with 20% of the cases. 28% of the cases had no significant disability. Number (n=50) 14 28.0 Score 2: Slight disability 9 18.0 Score 3: Moderate disability 6 12.0 Score 4: Moderately severe disability 11 22.0 Score 5: Severe disability 10 20.0 Modified Rankin’s Score Score 1: No significant disability % FIGURE 10: STROKE- CLINICAL SEVERITY SCORE 50 45 Percentages 40 Score 1: No significant disability Score 2: Slight disability Score 3: Moderate disability Score 4: Moderately severe disability Score 5: Severe disability 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Modified Rankins Score Score 5 TABLE 11: COMPARISON OF MPV IN CASES AND CONTROLS MPV( citrate) has got a statistically significant correlation with Ischemic stroke with a P value of 0.005 with an average MPV in cases being 7.35±0.81 compared to controls who average 6.94±0.59.Though MPV(EDTA) also shows a strong trend in cases and controls 7.86±0.82 and 7.86±0.82, the difference is not statistically significant. MPV (fL) Cases Controls Significance MPV(EDTA) 7.86±0.82 (6.50-10.00) 7.58±0.70 (5.90-9.00) t=1.834;P=0.074+ MPV(CITRATE) 7.35±0.81 (6.10-9.60) 6.94±0.59 (5.80-8.20) t=2.894;P=0.005** Results are presented as Mean ± SD (Min-Max) FIGURE 11: COMPARISON OF MPV IN CASES AND CONTROLS 10 9 9 8 MPV(CITRATE) MPV(EDTA) 8 7 6 5 4 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Cases Controls Cases Controls TABLE 12: COMPARISON OF PLATELET MASS IN CASES AND CONTROLS The platelet mass being a product of platelet count and mean platelet volume is almost a constant. This is evident from the values in cases and controls in both EDTA (20.09±4.60, 20.19±5.79) and citrate (18.85±4.67, 18.52±5.31) samples. However there is no statistical correlation of platelet mass to Ischemic stroke. Platelet Mass Cases Controls Significance PLATELET MASS (EDTA) 20.09±4.60 (10.87-31.68) 20.19±5.79 (11.52-42.12) t=0.316;P=0.919 PLATELET MASS (CITRATE) 18.85±4.67 (10.30-31.68) 18.52±5.31 (9.76-36.72) t=0.330;P=0.742 Results are presented as Mean ± SD (Min-Max) PLATELET MASS (CITRATE) FIGURE 12: COMPARISON OF PLATELET MASS IN CASES AND CONTROLS PLATELET MASS (EDTA) 30 25 20 15 10 5 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 Cases Controls Cases Controls TABLE 13: COMPARISON OF MPV (EDTA) IN CASES AND CONTROLS ACCORDING TO RISK FACTORS The risk factors for stroke was compared with MPV(EDTA) to look for any positive correlation however no statistically significant correlation was found, possibly because of the small numbers. Risk factors Hypertension DM Smoking Alcohol Levels Absent Present P value Absent Present P value Absent Present P value Absent Present P value Cases 8.11±0.93 7.77±0.78 0.230 7.73±0.83 8.08±0.79 0.138 7.81±0.82 8.14±0.78 0.328 7.83±0.80 7.32±0.99 0.357 Controls 7.53±0.72 7.67±0.67 0.508 7.57±0.73 7.61±0.64 0.665 7.58±0.69 7.55±0.88 0.935 7.55±0.72 7.90±0.33 0.343 P value 0.144 0.623 0.394 0.086+ 0.156 0.278 0.087+ 0.560 - FIGURE 13: COMPARISON OF MPV (EDTA) IN CASES AND CONTROLS ACCORDING TO RISK FACTORS 10 Cases Controls 9 8 MPV (EDTA) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Absent Present Hypertension Absent DM Present Absent Present Smoking Absent Present Alcohol TABLE 14: COMPARION OF MPV (CITRATE) IN CASES AND CONTROLS ACCORDING TO RISK FACTORS Similarly the risk factors for stroke was compared with MPV(citrate) to look for any positive correlation however no statistically significant correlation was found though presence of diabetes had a slight correlation with high values of MPV. Risk factors Hypertension DM Smoking Alcohol Levels Absent Present P value Absent Present P value Absent Present P value Absent Present P value Cases 7.64±0.82 7.26±0.79 0.161 7.26±0.82 7.51±0.78 0.309 7.30±0.79 7.69±0.89 0.248 7.32±0.78 7.75±1.08 0.314 Controls 6.91±0.57 7.02±0.62 0.584 6.96±0.61 6.90±0.54 0.769 6.95±0.61 6.85±0.37 0.742 6.95±0.61 6.95±0.23 0.983 P value 0.053* 0.256 0.078+ 0.025* 0.022* 0.116 0.012* 0.200 - FIGURE 14: COMPARION OF MPV (CITRATE) IN CASES AND CONTROLS ACCORDING TO RISK FACTORS Cases Controls 10 9 MPV (CITRATE) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Absent Present Hypertension Absent DM Present Absent Present Smoking Absent Present Alcohol TABLE 15: COMPARISON OF MPV (EDTA/CITRATE) IN CASES AND CONTROLS ACCORDING TO OTHER RISK FACTORS MPV was compared to the other risk factors like age, gender, WHR, lipid profiles and metabolic syndrome. A positive correlation was seen with female gender having higher MPV than males. However a statistically significant correlation with a p value of .004 was seen only in high triglyceride group. Risk factors Levels MPV(EDTA) <60 7.84±0.80 60 and Age in years 7.88±0.85 above P value 0.932 Male 7.72±0.74 Gender Female 8.25±0.95 P value 0.047* Normal 7.43±1.08 57, 58, 59. WHR Abnormal 7.88±0.81 P value 0.361 Normal 7.99±0.97 HDL(mg/dl) Abnormal 7.83±0.79 P value 0.575 Normal 7.77±0.77 LDL (mg/dl) Abnormal 8.18±0.96 P value 0.141 Normal 8.10±0.83 Triglycerides Abnormal 7.51±0.67 (mg/dl) P value 0.012* Normal 7.79±0.79 Total cholesterol Abnormal 8.06±0.89 (mg/dl) P value 0.304 Absent 7.90±0.96 Metabolic Present 7.84±0.78 syndrome P value 0.803 Median age of cases studied is 59 years MPV(CITRATE) 7.34±0.73 7.36±0.89 0.932 7.21±0.77 7.76±0.82 0.034* 7.00±0.82 7.38±0.88 0.441 7.41±0.96 7.34±0.78 0.810 7.32±0.79 7.48±0.90 0.560 7.63±0.83 6.99±0.62 0.004** 7.34±0.82 7.41±0.82 0.785 7.48±0.93 7.31±0.78 0.531 FIGURE 15: COMPARISON OF MPV (EDTA/CITRATE) IN CASES AND CONTROLS ACCORDING TO OTHER RISK FACTORS 10 9 10 8 9 7 8 6 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 MPV(EDTA) 2 MPV(CITRATE) 1 MPV(EDTA) 0 MPV(CITRATE) 0 <60 60 and above Male Age in years Female Gender 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 MPV(EDTA) 1 MPV(EDTA) 1 MPV(CITRATE) MPV(CITRATE) 0 0 Normal Normal Abnormal Abnormal HDL(mg/dl) WHR 10 9 10 8 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 MPV(EDTA) 2 MPV(CITRATE) 1 0 MPV(EDTA) MPV(CITRATE) 0 Normal Abnormal Normal LDL (mg/dl) Abnormal Triglycerides (mg/dl) 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 MPV(EDTA) 1 MPV(EDTA) 1 MPV(CITRATE) MPV(CITRATE) 0 0 Normal Abnormal Total cholesterol(mg/dl) Normal Abnormal Metabolic syndrome TABLE 16: INFARCT TERITORY AND MPV The infarct territory and MPV (EDTA and Citrate) were compared to look for any correlation, but no statistical significance was obtained. Number (n=50) MPV (EDTA) MPV (Citrate) ACA 2 7.30±0.57 6.85±0.64 MCA 36 7.88±0.81 7.39±0.70 ACA+MCA 5 8.20±1.14 7.50±1.33 VBA 7 7.64±0.73 7.17±1.02 0.525 0.720 Territory P value FIGURE 16: INFARCT TERITORY AND MPV MPV(EDTA) 10 MPV(CITRATE) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ACA MCA ACA+MCA Territory VBA TABLE 17: THE OXFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY STROKE PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OF STROKE SYNDROMES AND CORRELATION WITH MPV. There was no statistically significant difference in MPV in each of these clinical subtypes of strokes. Number (n=50) MPV(EDTA) MPV(CITRATE) LACS 35 7.83±0.90 7.34±0.84 POCS 6 7.78±0.66 7.40±0.98 PACS 6 7.78±0.59 7.12±0.59 TACS 3 8.47±0.21 7.87±0.31 F=0.579; P=0.632 F=0.563; P=0.642 Stroke sub type Significance FIGURE 17: THE OXFORDSHIRE COMMUNITY STROKE PROJECT CLASSIFICATION OF STROKE SYNDROMES AND CORRELATION WITH MPV. 10 9 9 8 MPV (EDTA) MPV (CITRATE) 8 7 6 5 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 LACS POCS PACS TACS LACS POCS PACS TACS TABLE 18: STROKE- CLINICAL SEVERITY SCORE AND MPV The association of MPV with severity of stroke was determined by comparing the Modified Rankin‘s score with corresponding mean values of MPV in each group. However no statistically significant correlation was obtained. Modified Rankin’s Score Score 1: No significant disability Score 2: Slight disability Score 3: Moderate disability Score 4: Moderately severe disability Score 5: Severe disability Significance Number (n=50) MPV(EDTA) MPV(CITRATE) 14 8.00±0.69 7.44±0.58 9 8.00±1.06 7.81±0.97 6 7.18±0.67 6.70±0.66 11 7.80±0.89 7.51±1.02 10 8.00±0.68 7.49±0.69 P value 0.283 0.318 12 12 10 10 8 8 MPV (CITRATE) MPV (EDTA) FIGURE 18: STROKE- CLINICAL SEVERITY SCORE AND MPV 6 4 6 4 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Modified Rankins Score 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 Modified Rankins Score 5 6 TABLE 19: COMPARISON OF PLATELET MASS IN CASES ACCORDING TO SEVERITY SCORE The association of Platelet mass with severity of stroke was determined by comparing the Modified Rankin‘s score with corresponding mean values of platelet mass in each group. However no statistically significant correlation was obtained. Platelet mass PLATELET MASS (EDTA) PLATELET MASS (CITRATE) Severity of disease based on Modified Rankin’s Score No Moderately Slight Moderate Severe significant severe disability disability disability disability disability P value 20.22±4.6 17.43±3.3 20.77±6.4 21.11±4.55 20.75±4.5 0.434 18.83±4.4 15.88±2.7 19.54±6.77 20.37±4.87 19.47±4.53 0.281 FIGURE 19: COMPARISON OF PLATELET MASS IN CASES ACCORDING TO SEVERITY SCORE 30 PLATELET MASS (EDTA) 25 20 15 10 5 0 No significant disability Slight disability Moderate disability Moderately Severe disability severe disability Severity of disease based on Modified Rankins Score PLATELET MASS (CITRATE) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No significant disability Slight disability Moderate disability Moderately Severe disability severe disability Severity of disease based on Modified Rankins Score TABLE 20: ASSOCIATION OF MPV QUINTILES (EDTA) AND STROKE SEVERITY MPV was arranged into quintiles and compared with the stroke severity score which was further subdivided into two groups. Group 1 with a score of 0-2 being less severe and group 2 with a score of 3-6 being more severe. The p value obtained is .654 in EDTA anticoagulated samples and has no statistical significance. MPV (EDTA) Quintiles Stroke severity score P value Score: 0-2 Score: 3-6 6.50-7.20 5 (21.7%) 10 (37.1%) 7.21-7.60 3 (13.1%) 4 (14.8%) 7.61-7.86 5 (21.7%) 3 (11.1%) 7.87-8.60 8 (34.8%) 6 (22.2%) 8.61-10.00 4 (17.4%) 4 (14.8%) 23 (100.0%) 27 (100.0%) Total 0.654 - FIGURE 20: ASSOCIATION OF MPV QUINTILES (EDTA) AND STROKE SEVERITY 50 45 40 Percentages 35 30 25 20 Stroke severity score 15 10 Score: 0-2 5 Score: 3-6 0 6.50-7.20 7.21-7.60 7.61-7.86 7.87-8.60 8.61-10.00 MPV (EDTA) Quintiles TABLE 21: ASSOCIATION OF MPV QUINTILES (Citrate) AND STROKE SEVERITY MPV was arranged into quintiles and compared with the stroke severity score which was further subdivided into two groups .Group 1 with a score of 0-2 being less severe and group 2 with a score of 3-6 being more severe. The p value obtained is 0.490 in citrate anticoagulated samples and has no statistical significance. MPV (Citrate) Quintiles Stroke severity score P value Score: 0-2 Score: 3-6 6.10-6.70 4 (17.4%) 8 (29.6%) 6.71-7.08 4 (17.4%) 4 (14.8%) 7.09-7.36 7 (30.4%) 3 (11.1%) 7.37-8.18 4 (17.4%) 7 (25.9%) 8.18-9.60 4 (17.4%) 5 (18.5%) 23 (100.0%) 27 (100.0%) Total 0.490 - FIGURE 21: ASSOCIATION OF MPV QUINTILES (Citrate) AND STROKE SEVERITY 50 45 40 Percentages 35 30 25 20 Stroke severity 15 10 Score: 0-2 5 Score: 3-6 0 6.10-6.70 6.71-7.08 7.09-7.36 7.37-8.18 8.18-9.60 MPV (CITRATE) Quintiles TABLE 22: MULTIVARIATE LOGISTIC REGRESSION ANALYSIS TO PREDICT STROKE It is demonstrated by multiple logistic regression analysis that MPV with a p value of 0.009 and an adjusted OR (Odds ratio) of 8.10, it is one of the most important risk factors associated with stroke only second to hypertension which had a p value of <0.001and adjusted OR of 10.10. Logit co-efficient P value Adj. OR Age in years -0.03 0.099+ 0.97 Female -0.02 0.977 0.98 H/O Hypertension 2.31 <0.001** 10.10 H/O DM -0.12 0.833 0.89 Smoking 0.08 0.951 1.08 Alcohol -0.10 0.944 0.91 MPV CITRATE 2.09 0.009** 8.10 MPV EDTA -1.02 0.156 0.36 Variables 6. DISCUSSION 6.DISCUSSION Previous studies have documented various platelet abnormalities in cerebrovascular disease.eg, circulating platelet aggregates, platelet aggregation, and increased release of platelet-specific α granule proteins, thereby indicating platelet activation. Others have shown that platelet aggregation is not increased in the acute phase but occurs several days after the event. This lack of detectable activation in the acute phase has been attributed to platelet consumption during the event. However, the lack of agreement between these studies may relate to specimen handling and different methodology. 6.1 PRE ANALYTIC DATA Normal volunteers were studied to find out the independent influence of the use of anticoagulants either EDTA or citrate and the time delay on MPV values. Five volunteers were selected and blood samples were taken in both EDTA and citrate. Each of these samples were tested at different time intervals starting from one hour to 48 hrs as plotted in the graph.MPV in citrate was found to be about 1 fl lower than the corresponding EDTA values. It was also seen that the maximum variation of MPV happens in the first two hours and after four hours. MPV is relatively stable between two to four hours and after 24 hours. This is in tune with the other western literature which explains that the maximum swelling of platelets happen in EDTA in the first two hours and stabilizes completely after 24hrs. In the current study we have run the samples between 2 and 4 hrs when they are relatively stable. Though citrate is the gold standard, samples were run in EDTA as well. The reason for the same is that EDTA is the most common anti coagulant used for routine complete blood counts and if a positive correlation of MPV is found with stroke in EDTA as well then it can be used to screen individuals prospectively. 6.2 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA The study was a prospective study carried out from Nov 1st 2008 to July 31st 2009 at St. John‘s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore. 236 patients of strokes admitted to the medical and neurology wards were screened to get 50 cases.186 cases of stroke were excluded. Delay in presenting to the hospital i.e. 48hrs from the onset of symptoms (which was an inclusion criteria) comprised of 46% of the total exclusion. Hemorrhagic stroke (16.1%), delay in recruiting (16.7%), absence of an informed consent (15.1%) and platelet aggregates in peripheral smear (5.9%) were other causes of exclusion. The mean age for the cases was 58.10±13.67 when compared to 57.50±13.82 for the controls. The maximum number of cases in this study were in the age group between 51-60 which was followed by age group of 61-70. The average age in males was 55.86±14.38 when compared to 55.24±14.27 in controls. The average age in females was 64.46±9.12 when compared to 63.92±9.78 in controls. Females were older. 74% of the cases and controls recruited were males and 26% were females. TABLE 23: COMPARISON OF DEMOGRAHIC DATA OF THE CURRENT STUDY WITH WESTERN LITERATURE Study No of cases recruited Demographics Age, y, mean±SD Pikija et al A. Muscari et al Current study 301 81 137 50 71.9 ±10.8 65 ±9 76 78 O'Malley et al Butterworth et al 58 137 79.5±6.5 Bath et al 58.1±13.6 Women 39 (67%) 55 (40%) 87(29%) 49(60.5%) 65(47.4%) 13(26%) Men 19 (33%) 82 (60%) 214(71%) 32(39.5%) 72(52.6%) 37(74%) Thus the mean age in our study was much lower (58.10±13.67) compared to the other studies. There was a clear male preponderance in the cases of stroke recruited in this study. Similar patterns were seen in all the other studies compared except for O‘Malley et al and Pikija et al where a female preponderance was seen. 6 .3 RISK FACTORS FOR STROKE Out of the many risk factors for stroke hypertension was the most prevalent in this study group with a percentage of 52 among cases and 34 among controls. Diabetes mellitus came second with percentage of 28 among cases and 24 among controls. Similar trend was seen in the other studies as mentioned below with hypertension being most prevalent risk factor. (84.7% in A. Muscari et al and 82.7% in Pikija et al.). When compared to the other western studies the representation of previous strokes as a risk factor was only 8%. Bath et al had 72% of previous strokes since this study was a sub study which looked at the benefits of ACE inhibitors( perindopril) in preventing a re stroke. Another important finding noted was the the relatively low percentage of atrial fibrillation (2%) when compared to the western literature which also reflects the age of the population studied. The mean age for cases in the current study was 58.10±13.67 which is much lower than the other western studies compared. It is a well known fact that atrial fibrillation is more common in the elderly. This gives more authenticity since the causes for stroke in other cases are predominantly thrombotic and this gives more importance to the results of MPV in this study group. Diabetes mellitus had a representation of 28% of the cases which was higher when compared to the other studies. Metabolic syndrome was the most prevalent in this study group with a percentage of 74 among cases and 48 among controls with a significant p value of .008. TABLE 24: COMPARISON OF RISK FACTOR PROFILE OF CURRENT STUDY WITH WESTERN LITERATURE Study No of cases recruited Risk factors Previous stroke/TIA Hypertension Atrial fibrillation Previous myocardial infarction Angina pectoris Alcohol Peripheral vascular disease Current smoking Diabetes O'Malley et al 58 Butterworth et al Bath et al Pikija et al A. Muscari etal Current study 81 137 50 137 301 19(33%) 17(29%) - 217(72%) - 23(28.4%) 67(82.7%) 116(84.7%) 15(26%) - - 26(32.1%) 44(32.1%) 1(2%) 15(26%) - 24(8%) 3(3.70%) 17(12.4%) 4(8%) 16(28%) 10(17%) - - - - 5(10%) 4(8%) 7 (12%) - - 2(2.47%) - - 8 (14%) 5 (8.6%) - 60(20%) 39(13%) 20(14.6%) 29(21.2%) 7(14%) 14(28%) 4 (4.9%) 15(18.5%) 4(8%) 26(52%) MPV has been compared with the various risk factors for stroke. Multiple logistic regression done of the baseline risk factors showed that hypertension was the most common risk factor involved in stroke with a p value of <0.001and adjusted OR of 10.10.MPV was higher in patients with stroke and diabetes mellitus with a suggestive significance (0.022) when compared to controls .MPV in female gender was higher when compared to males with a p value of 0.034 in citrated samples. Other risk factors compared were age, waist hip ratio, lipid parameters, metabolic syndrome, and smoking and alcohol consumption. 6.4 DRUG HISTORY 16% of the stroke patients recruited where on antiplatelets either because of previous strokes or history of ischemic heart diseases. This was a cause for concern since doubts were raised if concurrent usage of antiplatelets would influence the mean platelet volume studied. However there has been previous studies with aspirin and MPV and it showed no interference in vitro and in vivo. The same cannot be affirmatively said about the other antiplatelet drugs. But in this study all the patients were on 150 mg of aspirin and not on other antiplatelets. The other drugs used were predominantly antihypertensives with 32% of the hypertensives on calcium antagonist followed by β blockers and diuretics. TABLE 25: COMPARISON OF DRUG HISTORY OF PATIENTS IN THE CURRENT STUDY WITH WESTERN LITERATURE Study No of cases recruited Drug history Antiplatelet ß-Blocker Diuretic Nitrate Digoxin Calcium antagonist Statins Anticoagulants O'Malley et al Butterworth et al Bath et al 58 137 301 19(33%) 3 (5%) 24(41%) 7 (12%) 11(19%) - 211(70%) - 4 (6.8%) - - Pikija et al A. Muscari etal Current study 81 137 50 59(43.1%) - 8(16%) 10(20%) 6(12%) 3(6%) 1(2%) - 16(32%) 8(16%) - 33(40.7%) 6 (7.4%) 2 (2.5%) 6.5 PLATELET PARAMETERS AND STROKE Platelet parameters assessed were MPV, Platelet mass, and platelet count. The main parameter studied was MPV. MPV( citrate) has got a statistically significant correlation with ischemic stroke with a p value of 0.005 with an average MPV in cases being 7.35±0.81 compared to controls who average 6.94±0.59.Though MPV(EDTA) also shows a difference in cases and controls 7.86±0.82 and 7.86±0.82, the difference is not statistically significant. MPV assessment using EDTA and Citrate has been done only in one other study i.e. Butterworth et al and the values were 8.04 ±1.04 (7.69±0.83) for EDTA and 7.35 ±1.05(7.09±0.74) for citrate. The values were comparable even though these studies have been done in different populations. All the other studies have used EDTA as the anticoagulant and there is no uniformity in the collection method, time of analysis, transport of the specimen or the storage. O‘Malley study has performed the test after 24hrs of storage in room temperature. Most of the other studies have performed the test after 2hrs. In this study the samples were analysed after 2 hrs of storage in room temperature. The only study with a lower MPV in cases compared to controls is Tohji et al. This study did not specify the time after venipuncture at which samples were analysed or temperature at which it was stored. In the current study the platelet count is showing a slightly lower trend in the cases with an average of 2.56±0.58 (1.43-4.40) when compared to the controls in which the average was 2.69±0.83 (1.60-5.40). This trend is however not statistically significant. This pattern has been seen in all the other case control studies which included O‘Malley et al, Butterworth et al and Tohji et al. The platelet mass being a product of platelet count and mean platelet volume is almost a constant. This is evident from the values in cases and controls in both EDTA (20.09±4.60, 20.19±5.79) and citrate (18.85±4.67, 18.52±5.31) samples. However there is no statistical correlation of platelet mass to Ischemic stroke. This has not been looked upon in other western studies. We have further demonstrated by multiple logistic regression analysis that MPV with p value of 0.009 and an adjusted OR of 8.10, it is one of the most important risk factors associated with stroke only second to hypertension which had a p value of <0.001and adjusted OR of 10.10. It has been suggested that MPV and platelet count are under independent hormonal control, although control of platelet production remains obscure. Some have suggested a role for interleukin-6, interleukin-3, thrombopoietin, and colonystimulating factors.It is, however, generally accepted that platelet volume and count are determined at thrombopoiesis,8 and as in ischemic heart disease, these findings may implicate primary changes occurring at the bone marrow (megakaryocyte) level. Moreover, an increase in megakaryocyte size and ploidy (DNA content) coincides with an increase in MPV. This direct association suggests the possibility that activation of megakaryocytes, as heralded by an increase in MPV, is a feature of ischemic stroke. TABLE 26: COMPARISON OF PLATELET PARAMETERS OF THE CURRENT STUDY WITH WESTERN LITERATURE. Study Mean platelet volume (EDTA) , fL Mean platelet volume(citrate), fL O‘Malley et al 11.3±0.85 (11.3±0.85) Butterworth et al 8.04 ±1.04(7.69±0.83) Bath et al 10.0 ±2.1 - 233 ±80 Pikija et al 9.09 (7.05–17.60) - 197 (106–637) A. Muscari et al 8.21±1.04 - 244.1±86.7 Tohji etal 9.80±0.79(10.72±0.63) - 194±54 (247±59) Current Study 7.86±0.82(7.58±0.70) 7.35 ±1.05(7.09±0.74) 7.35±0.81(6.94±0.59) Platelet count, x109/L 255 ±88 (299±80) 231 ±82( 236±54) 256±58 (269±83) 6.6 STROKE SUBTYPES AND MPV 6.6.1 CLINICAL SUBTYPES The Oxfordshire community stroke project classification of stroke syndromes was used to classify strokes into Lacunar and Non Lacunar Syndromes (PACS, POCS and TACS). Two studies i.e. Butterworth et al and A. Muscari et al had found statistically significant increase of MPV in Non Lacunar strokes when compared to Lacunar strokes. However O‘ Malley et al did not find any such correlation. Similarly in this study no statistically significant correlation has been established. This study confirms that patients with ischaemic stroke have larger platelets a finding that is compatible with other reports of accentuated platelet function in brain infarction, including elevated blood and urine levels of b -thromboglobulin (b -TG) and TxA2. However, we have not been able to establish that thrombomegaly is restricted to patients with cortical ischaemic stroke. Cortical events are usually related to atherothromboembolic events that occur in the heart, aorta, carotid arteries or large intracranial arteries are likely to involve platelet activation. Conversely, many deep white matter lacunar strokes are considered to be a consequence of small vessel lipohyalinosis, a disease process not involving platelets46. 6.6.2 SUBTYPES BASED ON ISCHEMIC TERRITORY MCA territory was involved in 72% of the patients. This was followed by involvement of the vertebrobasilar artery (posterior circulation) in 14 % of the cases. Involvement of ACA and MCA together comprised 10% of the cases. Pure ACA territory involvement was seen with 4% of cases. The infarct territory and MPV (EDTA and Citrate) were compared to look for any correlation. The p values obtained were 0.525 for MPV- EDTA and 0.720 for MPV citrate. However these were not statistically significant. Such studies have not been cited in western literature. 6.7 STROKE SEVERITY AND MPV The clinical severity of stroke at presentation was determined by the modified Rankin‘s scale and severe disability was seen with 20% of the cases. 28% of the cases had no significant disability. Others included 18% with slight disability, 12% with moderate disability and 22% with moderately severe disability. There were no deaths recorded. The association of MPV with severity of stroke was determined by comparing the modified Rankin‘s score with corresponding mean values of MPV in each group. MPV – EDTA showed a p value of 0.283 and MPV –citrate showed a p value of 0.318, both of which were statistically insignificant. O‘ Malley conducted similar studies and divided the outcomes as independent (Rankin‘s grade 0 to 2), dependent (Rankin‘s grade 3 to 5) and dead (Rankin‘s grade 6). However no statistical significance with MPV was obtained. Butterworth et al studied patients who were dead or dependent at 3 months, using the Lindley score, and they had a significantly higher platelet volume, and a tendency to a lower platelet count, as compared with those who fared well. However statistical significance was not found. MPV was arranged into quintiles though the sample size was too small for such a study and was compared with the stroke severity score which was further subdivided into two groups. Group 1 with a score of 0-2 being less severe and group 2 with a score of 3-6 being more severe. The p value obtained is 0.654 in EDTA and 0.490 in citrate anticoagulated samples and has no statistical significance. Similar study was conducted by Griesenegger et al and an increased MPV was associated with a worse outcome in patients suffering an acute ischemic cerebrovascular event. Patients within the highest quintile of MPV had a 2-fold risk of suffering a severe stroke compared with patients within the lowest quintile. The association of high MPV with severe stroke remained significant after adjustment for confounding factors. The p value was 0.002 in this particular study. In our study the cases were recruited from medical and neurological wards and though there were intensive treatment units in each of these departments, patients who needed ventilatory support were admitted to the intensive care unit and such patients were not included .This would have lead to a bias since seriously ill patients were not recruited. There is indirect evidence that the changes in MPV and platelet count are likely to have preceded the vascular event and are unlikely to be due to platelet consumption at the infarct site. Because the average life span of the platelet is about 8 days, the elevated MPV seen within the first 48 hours after stroke probably represents platelets released before infarction. Furthermore, it is unlikely that platelet consumption due to localized thrombosis would affect peripheral venous estimations of platelet variables. The observation that there was no difference in MPV between large cortical strokes and smaller lacunar infarctions also lends support to this view. We suggest that large platelets may promote the thrombotic event in a susceptible individual and that the increase in MPV may have contributed to the development of the stroke rather than simply being a consequence of the acute event itself. In conclusion, this study has shown an elevation of MPV and reduction of platelet count in acute stroke. Within this relationship and adjusting for other significant variables in multivariate regression analysis, an increase in MPV is independently associated with stroke. The observations here suggest a role for larger platelets in the genesis of cerebral thrombosis and are likely to represent changes occurring at thrombopoiesis. Further research is required into the role of platelet volume in stroke pathology, outcome, and, most importantly, in individuals at risk for stroke. 6.7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY There are a few limitations to this study that need to be mentioned There were only 50 patients and controls in the study. Sample size was calculated and found adequate for such a study. But the sample size was smaller than some of the western studies. There was no follow up done of the cases due to the time constraint .If on follow up a persistent increase of MPV was demonstrated it would have given more strength to the hypothesis that the increase in MPV may have contributed to the development of the stroke rather than simply being a consequence of the acute event itself. Seriously ill patients directly admitted to the intensive care unit have not been included in the study due to difficulty in getting consent. This could have lead to selection bias. This would have reflected on the correlation with MPV and stroke severity. One of the western study i.e. Pikija et al 47 had compared MPV and Infarct volume on the CT scan of the brain as an index of severity of stroke. This study was accepted only in April 2009 and became online in May 2009 which was almost towards the end of sample collection for this study. However if this parameter was compared it could have added another attribute to stroke severity. The controls have been matched only for age and sex and not for the other risk factors which would have been ideal. However almost all the western literature reviewed has also compared only age and sex matched controls. 7. CONCLUSIONS 7. CONCLUSIONS 1) This study has shown an elevation of MPV in acute phase of ischemic stroke. Within this relationship and adjusting for other significant variables in multivariate regression analysis, it can be stated that an increase in MPV is independently associated with stroke. The observations here suggest a role for larger platelets in the genesis of cerebral thrombosis and are likely to represent changes occurring at thrombopoiesis. Further research is required into the role of platelet volume in stroke pathology, outcome, and, most importantly, in individuals at risk for stroke. 2) Platelet mass was found to be more or less a constant .i.e. this study has shown not only an elevation of MPV but a slight reduction of platelet count in acute phase of ischemic stroke though no statistical correlation was established. 3) This study did not find a statistically significant correlation between clinical severity of stroke and mean platelet volume. 4) In this study strokes were sub typed clinically and based on the vascular territory on MRI. However no statistical correlation was obtained when MPV was compared to the various subtypes of stroke.Thrombomegaly is restricted not just to patients with cortical ischaemic stroke but also with lacunar syndromes. 8. SUMMARY SUMMARY Cerebrovascular diseases include some of the most common and devastating disorders. They cause ~200,000 deaths each year in the United States and are a major cause of disability.The prevalence of stroke in India was estimated as 203 per 100,000 population above 20 years, amounting to a total of about 1 million cases. It ranked as the sixth leading cause of disability-adjusted years (DALY; one DALY is one of the lost year of healthy life) in 1990 and is projected to rank fourth by the year 2020 13. The platelet plays a major role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease, and mean platelet volume (MPV) is a physiological variable of hemostatic importance. Large platelets are more reactive, produce more prothrombotic factors, 3and 4 and aggregate more easily. They also contain more dense granules and release more serotonin and ßthromboglobulin than do small platelets. Platelets have no nuclei, and their characteristics are determined by their progenitor cell, the bone marrow megakaryocyte. Ischemic stroke is thought to occur as a result of thrombotic occlusion of a stenosed atherosclerotic blood vessel. Initially platelets adhere to the damaged vessel, resulting in recruitment of further platelets, followed by aggregation, formation of a platelet plug and finally thrombotic occlusion. Thus, the detection of large platelets in patients would lend support to the idea that platelet volume influences thrombotic large vessel occlusion leading to ischemic stroke. Though there have been quite a few studies which have demonstrated an association between myocardial infarction and platelet size, very few studies has looked at the association between platelet size and ischemic stroke. Among them there has been discrepancy regarding the sample size, methodology used and the final results. There are no documented studies in India comparing the association of mean Platelet volume with Ischemic strokes. This was a prospective study and data collected from Nov 1st 2008 to July 31st 2009 at St. John‘s Medical College Hospital, Bangalore, a tertiary care referral centre. The study was carried out among 50 patients diagnosed with an acute ischemic stroke and presenting to the medical and neurological wards in the hospital within forty eight hours of onset of symptoms and satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was compared to 50 age and sex matched controls. Key findings included: 1) The main parameter studied was MPV. MPV( citrate) has got a statistically significant correlation with Ischemic stroke with a P value of 0.005 with an average MPV in cases being 7.35±0.81 compared to controls who average 6.94±0.59.Though MPV(EDTA) also shows a difference in cases and controls 7.86±0.82 and 7.58±0.70, the difference is not statistically significant. Thus the study has shown an elevation of MPV in acute phase of Ischemic stroke. Within this relationship and confounding for other significant variables in multivariate regression analysis, it can be stated that an increase in MPV is independently associated with stroke. The observations here suggest a role for larger platelets in the genesis of cerebral thrombosis and are likely to represent changes occurring at thrombopoiesis. Further research is required into the role of platelet volume in stroke pathology, outcome, and, most importantly, in individuals at risk for stroke. 2) The platelet count is lower in the cases with an average of 2.56±0.58 (1.434.40) when compared to the controls in which the average was 2.69±0.83 (1.60-5.40). The platelet mass being a product of platelet count and mean platelet volume is almost a constant. This is evident from the values in cases and controls in both EDTA (20.09±4.60, 20.19±5.79) and citrate (18.85±4.67, 18.52±5.31) samples. 3) The Oxfordshire community stroke project classification of stroke syndromes was used to classify strokes into Lacunar and Non Lacunar Syndromes (PACS, POCS and TACS). In this study no statistically significant correlation has been established. The Infarct territory on MRI and MPV (EDTA and Citrate) were compared to look for any correlation. The p values obtained were 0.525 for MPV- EDTA and 0.720 for MPV – MPV citrate. However these were not statistically significant. 4) The clinical severity of stroke at presentation was determined by the modified Rankin‘s scale and severe disability was seen with 20% of the cases. 28% of the cases had no significant disability. Others included 18% with slight disability, 12% with moderate disability and 22% with moderately severe disability. There were no deaths recorded. The association of MPV with severity of stroke was determined by comparing the Modified Rankin‘s score with corresponding mean values of MPV‘s in each group. MPV – EDTA showed a p value of 0.283 and MPV –citrate a p value of 0.318, both of which were statistically insignificant. In conclusion, this study has shown an elevation of MPV and reduction of platelet count in acute stroke. With this relationship and confounding for other significant variables in univariate analysis, an increase in MPV is independently associated with stroke. The observations here suggest a role for larger platelets in the genesis of cerebral thrombosis and are likely to represent changes occurring at thrombopoesis. Further research is required into the role of platelet volume in stroke pathology, outcome, and most importantly in individuals at risk of stroke. 9. BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES 1) O‘Malley T, Langhorne P, Elton R, Stewart C. Platelet size in stroke patients. 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The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2005; 115: 3348– 3354. 10.ANNEXURE PROFORMA FOR CASES Informed Consent Form Study title – To Determine an association between mean platelet volume and ischemic stroke. Stroke is a condition that occurs when there is a blockage in the blood supply to the brain. This causes death or disability [inability to move or loss of sensation] that is often long-term. Globally, strokes are an important medical and social problem. Human blood consists of three components the red cells, white cells and the platelets. Studies have shown that platelets play an important role in the occurrence of stroke. We are studying if there is an association between large platelets (indicated by mean platelet volume) and stroke. We invite you to participate in this study, which is a part of the post graduate dissertation and will be done in St John‘s medical college hospital. You qualify for this study because you either suffered a stroke for the first time or you are in the age category of an individual who has had a stroke. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. If you chose not to participate in this study or if you withdraw from the study at any time, your care and treatment in the hospital for the stroke or your relationship with the doctors or researchers will not change. There will be no monetary compensation for participation in this study. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to answer some questions on your past illness and medications. You will have some clinical measurements taken such as blood pressure, heart rate, weight, height, waist circumference and hip circumference. The waist circumference will be done using a measurement tape over the unclothed abdomen. The hip circumference will be measured around the buttocks with only light clothing. One sample of blood (5ml/1 teaspoon) will be drawn and analysed in an automated machine to determine the platelet size. The only risk is bruising around the veins from where the blood sample is drawn and minimal chance of infection. You will not be exposed to any other risk in this study. If you are a patient with a stroke there will be no change in the treatments given to you for the stroke. If you are an individual without a stroke and may have any other medical condition, there will be no change in you treatments. The information collected will be held in strict confidence and you will not be identified in any report or publication. This study has been approved by the local ethics committee. After reading or having read to me and understanding the contents adequately I agree to participate in this study. ----------------------Name of subject ----------------------Signature ----------------------Date ----------------------Name of witness ----------------------Signature ----------------------Date ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Name of Investigator Signature Date PROFORMA FOR CASES Demographic Details Date Name of the patient Hospital No Age Sex Address Phone No History Previous Stroke /TIA Hypertension Diabetes Alcohol Smoking Angina Previous Myocardial Infarction Atrial Fibrillation Drug History Aspirin Other Anti platelet Drugs Yes/No If yes Specify Anti Hypertensive‘s OHA‘s/ Insulin Chemotherapy drugs Other drugs Physical Examination Vital Signs Pulse BP RR Temperature WHR Systemic Examination CNS Other systems RS CVS P/A Investigations Hemoglobin Total Leukocyte count Differential count Mean Platelet volume Platelet count Peripheral Smear Blood Sugar Lipid Profile CT scan Brain Type of infarct Area Involved Modified Rankin‘s score PROPOSED PROFORMA FOR CONTROLS Demographic Details Date Name of the Control Hospital No Age Sex Address Phone No History Previous Stroke /TIA Hypertension Diabetes Alcohol Smoking Angina Previous Myocardial Infarction Atrial Fibrillation Platelet disorders Investigations Hemoglobin Total Leukocyte count Differential count Mean Platelet volume Platelet count Peripheral Smear Blood Sugar Consent We invite you to participate in this study, which is a part of the post graduate dissertation and will be done in St John‘s medical college hospital. You qualify for this study because you are in the age category of an individual who has had a stroke. Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. If you chose not to participate in this study or if you withdraw from the study at any time, your care and treatment in the hospital for the stroke or your relationship with the doctors or researchers will not change. There will be no monetary compensation for participation in this study. One sample of blood (5ml/1 teaspoon) will be drawn and analysed in an automated machine to determine the platelet size. --------------------------Name of subject Date -----------------Signature
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