Newsletter - The Center for Family Caregivers.

support, and hope amid the many challenges faced by caregivers. Ongoing
programs include customized information and referral for all caregiving needs,
caregiver training programs, support groups and special social events
throughout the year designed to allow families to enjoy time together. For
more information on special evening events and programs, please call us at
321- 434-7625. We are located at 3661 Babcock Street Melbourne or visit
us at Hours: Mon- Fri 9:30 am -5 pm
March 2015 CFFC Special Educational Programs
(Continued…Classes may be taken individually – Please join us!)
Enhancing your skills to build confidence in caregiving
reduce your stress and build a “toolkit” for success!
(A special “Thank You” to Kate Masi of Brookdale Senior Living for generously
providing “goodies” to help our caregivers stay nourished on Friday mornings :-)
Our 6-week class is designed to provide creative and practical “tips and tools” to living
after a diagnosis and ENHANCE caregiving skills to: (Key objectives are outlined below.)
Instructor: Pat DeAngelis, RN, Dementia-Care Instructor, sponsored by ECF Memory Clinic
Friday, March 6 from 10:30 to Noon (RSVP 434-7625)
Class # 3: Enhancing Responses/Reactions to Challenging Behaviors
 Identify changes in the brain that result in typical changes in behavior and shifts in
perception of the patient’s world
 Identify common behaviors, understand reasons for them, discuss impact of typical
changes…and as the disease progresses
 Identify effective strategies and techniques in responding to typical symptoms and
 Develop practical tools for producing positive outcomes focusing on what they can do creating opportunities for success
 Demonstrate how to respond to these behaviors/ “clues” positively with patience and
acceptance and understanding of the experience of the patient/loved one
 Build confidence in caregiver responses and techniques to handle difficult situations
 Recognize how to adapt the environment to improve the well-being of all involved
Friday, March 13 from 10:30 to Noon (RSVP 434-7625)
Class # 4: Enhancing Awareness of Hazardous Caregiving Emotions…Depression,
Anxiety/Worry/Fear, Resentment, Defensiveness, Anger/Frustration, Guilt, Grief/Loss
Identify and accept common emotions/feelings associated with caregiving
Identify causes/”triggers” of emotions and harmful effects on mind, body, spirit
Understand the impact of health risks caused by damaging emotions
Develop caregiver steps to manage emotional fallout…what you can do
Understand the importance of changing your reactions/develop emotional skills
Create a balance of loved one’s personal, social and health needs and YOURS
Identify available network of family and outside emotional support
Friday, March 20 from 10:30 a.m. to Noon (RSVP 434-7625)
Class # 5: Enhancing Positives for Stress Management
 Understand/Accept the diagnosis, symptoms, prognosis and identify tips for
management, flexibility and balancing responsibilities
 Discuss correlation between stress level and how you respond to changes
 Know origins of your stress and which can be eliminated, outsourced, managed
 Recognize early warning signs of high stress - physical, emotional, behavioral,
relationships/ and barriers to managing
 Identify resources/techniques to help you manage caregiver stress
 Understand the causes and symptoms of caregiver burnout and steps to take to
 Identify coping strategies to manage Stress, Time and Life-Style & enhance…
Decision Making Ability! (Our Next Topic)
Friday, March 27 from 10:30 a.m. to Noon (RSVP 434-7625)
Class # 6: Enhancing Ability to Make Difficult Decisions…with confidence!
Identify coping strategies for new life transitions and realities
Discuss typical difficult decisions facing caregivers
Identify steps to define and clarify difficult issues and problems
Identify steps to explore options/solutions
Provide keys to making difficult decisions with knowledge, courage and
 Understand the power of decision making and importance of self-respect
 Design a plan of action with ACCEPTANCE, ATTITUDE and ACTION!
The following is an outline of
Beginning on April 24 - on Fridays 10:30 to Noon
Advanced Dementia-Care Education Course: 9 – Sessions /14-hours
Beyond the Basics: Specialized Training in Dementia Care
Our Advanced Caregiving Education Course is dedicated to educating those caring for
individuals with Alzheimer’s and related dementias and enhancing the quality of life for
both the loved one and the caregiver as the disease progresses and more care is needed.
April 24 - Class # 1: When it’s Not Alzheimer’s Disease….the different brain disorders
and the causes of dementia
Understanding the symptoms and behaviors of Alzheimer’s disease and other
related memory disorders and the physical and mental changes/STAGES to
expect… Lewy Body, Vascular Disease, Frontotemporal and other Brain
May 1 - Class # 2: Understanding and Managing Challenging, Non-Aggressive
Behaviors…. and Symptoms that Appear to be Changes in
Mood….medical physiology of why they do what they do
Class # 2 Continued…
Behaviorial Symptoms of Dementia: Sundowning Wandering/Pacing, Shadowing/Clinging, Rummaging, Repeating
Questions, Repetitious Actions, Losing, Hoarding or Hiding Things,
Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors
Mood Changes: Anger, Apathy/Listlessness, Anxiety, Restlessness,
Depression, Suspiciousness, Paranoia, Sleep Disturbances, Delusions,
Hallucinations, Alcohol Abuse, Suicidal Comments
May 8 - Class # 3: Managing Aggressive Behaviors
Anger, Irritability, Uncooperativeness, Combativeness,
Violent/Catastrophic Reactions and….. Facts on “Baker Acting” &
current state legislation
May 15 - Class # 4: Observing, Reporting & Managing Health Emergencies
May 22 - Class # 5: Healthy Eating and Nutritional Issues
For loved ones in middle through advanced stages
May 29 - Class # 6: Preventing Caregiver Crises…& Making the Right Decisions
and Choices Regarding Care Options…inside and outside the home
August 14 - Class # 7: Medication Monitoring & Management
August 21 - Class # 8: Prevention of Falls and Body Mechanics --> Safe Transfer,
Balance & Mobility Issues…& demonstrations of assistive devices
August 28 - Class # 9: Personal Care Techniques (Optional)
With special emphasis on advanced homecare for bed/wheelchair-bound
The Doctor IS In
March 19 at 10:00 a.m.
CAUTION! Caregiving May Be Hazardous to YOUR Health! In her March
“Caring for the Caregiver“ Lecture Series, Dr. Rosemary Laird will talk
about the negative impact caregiving can have on your physical, emotional
and mental health. Dr. Laird is a Board-certified Geriatrician and Internal
Medicine Physician and Co-author of Take Your Oxygen First. Dr. Laird is
the American Geriatric’s Society 2013 Clinician of the Year! RSVP 434-7625
PAUL LEMIEUX, Elder Law Attorney
The Slonim Law Firm, P.A. An Elder Law Smorgasbord
Wednesday, March 25 at 10:30 a.m. to Noon
Join Attorney Paul Lemieux for a morning “coffee and cake” and a
‘smorgasbord’ of legal information! Paul will cover topics such as: Estate
Planning and how to limit probate risk; Secrets about Government
Benefits that you may have thought you were ineligible for; myths and
misconceptions to avoid while protecting yourself and your family from
typical planning pitfalls; and concerns re: end of life and living wills. Rsvp
“Better Senior Living Choices”
Thursday, March 12
Rob Graham
10:00 a.m.
Lena Cambron
“Making the Right Match for Your Loved one…when Home Care is no longer an option”
Locating the most appropriate Assisted Living Facility or Memory Care Facility for a loved
one can be one of the most daunting tasks you can ever begin. CarePatrol’s mission is to –
literally – find the Safest Care Options for our Seniors across America. They do this through
exhaustive research of all facilities and touring the vast majority of the facilities in Brevard
County, taking the time to get to know the Owners, Staff and what their mission is.
Matching the specific care needs of your loved one, as well as their own personality with
the “personality” of the individual facility is paramount to successful placement. Please
join us to hear how Rob and Lena can help guide you on this journey when assistance
is needed, or may be needed, to find Senior Living Choices beyond your home. RSVP
BARBARA NABORS, Program Development Specialist
SarahCare Adult Day of Melbourne
Do Try This at Home: Safety tips for those with memory loss
Thursday, March 26 at 10:00 a.m.
In her presentation, Barbara will discuss the leading cause of dementia
- Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia. Her discussion will
have a special focus on the unique “safety” challenges your loved one
faces at home and while driving due to impaired memory and changes
in sense of space and time, physical ability and senses. Her safety tips
will range from in-home to driving evaluations to safety technology
available. Please join us to keep your loved ones safe. RSVP 434-7625
The Health First Aging Services and East Central Florida
Memory Disorder Clinic present for the first time ever an educational
presentation in the Spanish language and geared toward the Spanish
speaking family caregiver of a loved one with Alzheimer's disease.
Wednesday, March 18 at 10:30 a.m.
Title: KNOWING ALZHEIMER’S: Basic information about the disease.
(CONOCIENDO el ALZHEIMER:) Información básica acerca de la enfermedad)
Brief Description: Information about Alzheimer’s disease: What is Alzheimer’s, the symptoms and
causes, diagnoses and treatment and its effect in cognitive decline. (Información acerca del
Alzheimer. Que es el Alzheimer, los síntomas y las causas, el diagnóstico y tratamiento, y
cuáles son los efectos del deterioro cognitivo). Introducing presenter Diliana Polanco, who
will provide the class in Spanish and supported with her presentation by Farah Sivolella,
Director of the East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic. RSVP (321) 434-7625
CONNECTION CAFÉ … for food, fun & fellowship "Connection Café" - an
informative and social time for those newly diagnosed with
Alzheimer's or a related dementia and their care partner.
Wednesday, March 25 from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. at the Center for
Family Caregivers ~ a program of the Alzheimer’s Association and the
East Central Florida Memory Disorder Clinic RSVP 1- 800- 272- 3900
Ongoing Programs & Special Events at CFFC
 Sit and Fit - A Chair-Based Exercise Class set to music
For Caregivers and Loved Ones: Every Wednesday from 2:00 to 2:45 p.m.
Increase strength, improve flexibility, enhance balance, and reduce falls
 Scrapbooking Workshop & Arts ‘n Crafts Class
For Caregivers and Loved ones: Every Thursday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Saving memories by scrapbooking, making greeting cards & gift bags for occasions
 Caregiver Support Groups: (Please call to pre-register for Support Groups.)
 Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. (with Joyce Kennedy, Manager, CFFC)
 Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. (with Joyce Brang, LCSW)
 Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. (with Nick Wilson, MSW)
 Living with Grief 10:30 a.m. First Tuesday of each month
Led by Karen Czarniak, Bereavement Counselor, Hospice of Health First
 Health First ‘s Stroke & Aneurysm Support Group meets on the First
Monday of every month 5:30 to 7 p.m. Holmes Regional Medical Center
Auditorium To discuss your fears, hopes and frustrations RSVP to 434-4352
 E.A.S.E. Alumni Support Group meets 1st Wednesday of each month 2 to 3:30 p.m.,
 Social Events are offered throughout the year to allow families to enjoy time together.
For those Caregivers who have lost a loved one or have placed their loved
one in a Care Facility, please join the JCT’s! Joining Caregivers in
Transition is a CFFC Social Group designed to provide uplifting outings to
stay in touch and keep spirits lifted as your caregiving role transitions with
life altering changes. For more information on our JCT’s or where they will
meet next month, please call Jackie Cerqua at (321) 255-2586. The JCT’s
met at the Olive Garden Restaurant in February…now “That’s Amore”!
Last class on Wednesday, March 4 from 10:30 to Noon
For the Cognitively Well Senior - 8 Easy Steps to Maximum
Memory Fitness! For information on the next class, please call
Lynne Brownrigg at 434-7614 press #1 at Memory Clinic.