Three-Part Mini-TeleSeminar Series on GLOBAL

Three-Part Mini-TeleSeminar Series on GLOBAL HEALING
Global Healing Meditation Series: Healing the Earth, Healing the World
with Michael & Raphaelle Tamura
Write-Up for the Three-Part Global Healing TeleSeminar Series:
To commemorate Earth Day this year, we're offering a special trifecta of brand new
TeleSeminars in our popular and powerful Global Healing Meditation Series: Healing The Earth,
Healing The World with Michael & Raphaelle Tamura. We need to help heal this planet and the
life that it supports now more than ever before. Many people around the world who love the
Earth and the natural world are often so much more aware of all the destruction that is
perpetrated upon them by human beings, both knowingly and unknowingly. They may often
feel frustrated, discouraged or even hopeless because of the magnitude and extent of the
devastation of nature's life-support system seem beyond repair by even the most effective of
ordinary means available to us. Yet, in the light of miracles, all healing is not only possible, but
Yes, miracles are what we are working toward with our Global Healing Meditation work. This is
not just some woo-woo New Age fantasy scenario. As humanity, we have already entered into
the time when we must be able to live the miracle of our life as spirit in this world. The
miraculous life is a given in heaven, yet, now is the time for us to start truly living that miracle in
the world each day. And, a miracle is beyond time or space, so there are no larger or smaller
miracles or miracles that last longer than others. Every miracle is limitless and timeless. What
may appear to be a minor miracle on Earth is nonetheless a miracle. Every miracle counts just
the same. We need every one of them.
Many who joined us in our Global Healing Meditation TeleSeminars last year experienced
various miracles. Some reported that from immediately after to days following our
TeleSeminars on healing the air and water elements on this planet, the air quality in their area
was noticeably clearer and fresher and there were even historical rainfall in several places that
had been plagued by drought. As interesting as that may seem to be, the greater
accomplishment through this healing meditation work is with the shift of consciousness of
humanity residing here that actually produces the conditions we experience on the planet.
With the healing of human consciousness, even the problems that the best technology or
political powers fail to budge, can be resolved.
So, we heartily welcome and encourage you to join us for these three powerful - and fun Global Healing Meditation TeleSeminars and learn to work with the limitless to bring about a
positive shift in our Earth and in the world in which we live. In the first of this new series, we'll
explore The Heart of Matter in Our Planet and Our World - The Element Earth, to bring about
the healing. We'll also be addressing how to transform energy that seems more "solid" and
"unchangeable." Then, in Healing the Fire of Creation on Earth & Restoring Love In the World,
we'll work with the Fire Element on Earth and in the world to restore Love and the creativity
that flows from it. We'll look at the enormous intensifying of fire on this planet expressed in the
increasing volcanic activities to raging forest fires as well as how human beings are expressing
the inner fire outwardly. We'll also explore how to better manage the fire element in ourselves
as well as in others around us. Finally, in our third TeleSeminar of this series, we'll work with
Healing the Animal, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms as well as look at how each kingdom supports
the health and well being of the planet and of humanity. Through these three teleseminars,
you'll be the healing that you want to see in this world!
Give us a call so you can join us! (530) 926-2650.