THE WAQF PROpERTIES LEASE RULES,2014* In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section s6 of the Waqf Act, 1995 (43 of 1995) the Ceitral Govemment hereby makes the foll owing ru I eg n a m EIy 1. Short title and commencement-(1) These rules may be called THE Wner Pnoprnres LeRss Rums,2014. They shall come into force on the date of their publication the ^ .- \2) Official Gazette. 2. Definitions.-(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, (a) " Act" means the Waqf Act,1995 (43 of 1995); . (b) " agricultural purpose" means use of land for the purpose of SrowrnScroPs; (c) "commercial activities" means business, tradeo€nterprise or such other activities undertaken for the purpose of making proHi; . (d) "educational pu_rpose" means the purpose of imparting education or training fo-r skill devel6pment and shafl include runhing Educational instifutions, schools, colleges, universities or madarsa; (e) "Form" means a form appended to these rules; (fi "health purpose" means running of hospital, dispensary; mutab or nursing home; _(g)-"-I*d" means the waqf land and anything attached to the land except building and trees; . \n'l "lease" "lessor" and "lessee" shall have the same meaning as assigned to them under the Transfer of Property Act,1882 (4 of 1882\; (-r) "lease year" means each successive periods of calendar months during the term ending after completion of one year of the commencement date; (7) "leased premises" means the land or the building leased out by the lessor to lessee; (k) "lease rent" means the amount payable bv the lessee to the lessor including the charges for the fittings and fiitures attached to the land. (2) words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as assigned to them in the Act. 3. Restriction on grant of lease In certain cases.-(l) No mutawalli or Board. shall give on lease any mosque, dargah" khanqafu graveyard or imambara: Provided that no such restriction shall apply to the waqf land situated outside the main premises of a mosque .idrfah, khanqali, graveyard or imambara: "Vide G.S.R. 380(E), dated 3-G2014, published in the Gazette of India, Ext., Pt. U, S. 3(t, dated 3-G201.4. WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES,2014 lR.4 rd given -Act, on lease before the 2073, in the States of Chandigarh may be continued in rules. 4. Procedure as to short duration lease of less than one year.-(l) A mutawalli or Board may give on lease waqf property, for aly p_eriod oJ less than one year, on such ferhs and conditions as agreed upon by the parties. ent) (2) The mutawalli o desiring to take the prop notice in the surrounding of drums and pasting the or any other public place. (3) Tkte mutawalli or Board shall execute the lease of the property in favour of a person offeringto pay higher lease rent. (a)The mutawalli, Board or any member of the managing committee of a waqf, including their spouse, parents, children, brothert .sisters, sPglPgs of broihers and siiters gr ihildren of brothers and sisters, shall not be eligible to apply for lease under this rule. property; (z) the purpose or object for which the property is required to be leased; (iil the period for which the property is required to be leased; (iv) the minimum reserve price per square feet: shall be required for less than Rs. 1,000 or Board shall invite on lease and execute les (2) and (3) of rule (r) exact area or description and location of the waqf 4: Provided further that the mutawalli, Board or any member of the managing comrnittee of a waqf, including their spou,se, parents, children, brothdrs,-sisters, spouses of brothers and s-isters or-childreh of brothers and sisters, shall not be eligible to apply for lease under this rule. of bid for lease.-Competitive bids shall be invited in all the rental income from the leased property is more than es One Thousand) per month and the wailf pioperty shall be leased out to the highest bidder: Provided that the bid shall in no case be less than the reserve price referred to in rule 7. , R.121 - 84-C WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES, 2014 ce.-(1) The reserve price per square feet for lease of the all not be less than 5"/" per annum of the market value of the (2)The market value referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be the price fixed for registering a conveyance at the office of the Registrar or sub-Registrar. 8. Payment of security deposit.-(1) Upon the execution of lease, the lessee shall make payment of a security deposit of the amount based on the period of lease, as under, namely : (.r) three months lease rent on lease period of upto one year; (r.r) eleven months lease rent on lease period of more than one year and upto five years ; (ll) eighteen months lease rent on lease period of more than five and up to ten years; and years (rr.) twenty-four months lease rent on lease period of tnore than ten years and up to thirty years. (2) The security deposit received under sub-rule (1) shall be kept in a nationalised Bank and the Board mav utilise the amount for development of waqf properties, with the sanction of not lcss than two-thirds of the members of the Board. 9. Registration of lease.-(1) A lease of waqf property for any period exceeding one year and up to thirty years shall be registered at the office of Registrar or sub-Registraiunder whose jurisdiction the property is situated. (2) The expenses towards registration of lease under sub-rule (1) shall be borne by the lessee. 10.Lease rent.-(l) The lessee shall pay to the lessor for the leased premises lease rent in respect of each year of the term or renewal terms, as the case may be, payable in advance and without notice or demand, in monthly or ahnual initalments as agreed upon between the parties, from the date of execution of the lease agreement. (2) The lease rent tendered by the lessee on time by way of money order, if refused by the lessor in accepting or giving receipt, may be deposited before th6 concerned Waqf Boardland Ihe L"ease r,3nt shail be treated as validly deposited if deposited by the lessee within 15 days of such refusal by the lessor. 1L. Increase of lease rent per annum.-Every lease agreement shall contain a clause to the effect that t rere shall be an increase of lease rent every yearby an amount of not less than 5"/" on the existing lease rent. 12. Payment and recovery of lease rent.-(1) All amounts payable by the lessee to the lessor pursuant to the lease of waqf property shall be deemed to be lease rent and be recoverable as lease rent by fhe iessor who shall have all right against the lessee for default in any payment thereof. (2) Lease rent shall be paid to the lessor without deduction or set-ofi at the address of the lessor or 1o such other person or at such other address, as the lessor may from time to time, designate in writing. 84-D WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES, 2014 lR. 13 - (3) If the lessee continues to occupy the premises after the expiration or earlier termination of the lease, the lessee- shall, subject to final orders passed in any proceedings, continue to pay lease rent for the period of such unauthorised occupation. 13. Time limit for decision on proposal for lease by mutazualliorBoard.The mutawalli or Board shall, on receipt from the lessee of a proposal for grant.of lease of waqf property which is complete in all respeits,'consider and give its decision on the proposal, within a period of thirty^days. tby mutauollito hall agreements erec as possible but n nt of lease was so the the 15. furnis prope lease, details of waqf property.-Every ntt nded to these Rules, aelaitd of immbvabl rt of the Waqf to be leased out, specifying s and conditions of lease and such other to the Board, within three months from the date of notification of these rules in the Official Gazette. or transfer waqf property.-The or transfer the lcasc ()r any jnterest ion o[ all or any parl trf thc lcased the leased premises to bc used or Provided that the lease agreement enterc.d into by any corporation or an qgency 'of the Government in re.spcot of waqf propeity shall bc gove.rned by the terms and conditions nrutually agreed beiween the parties. o within thirty years in certain cases.-(1) A 3 months, the permission may - (2) The sanction for grant of lease under sub-rule (1) shail be given by the Board in accordance_with the procedure contained'in clause g)'of sudsection (2) of section 32 of the Act. 18. Renewal of lease.-(]) No lease agreement shall contain a clause providing for automatic renewal. (2) The Board shall, lvhile renewing the lease, give preference to the present lessee if such lessee participates in the bid an? -jt.hes the highest bid . 19.Pqrpose and period of lease.-(1) The Board may givc on lease any immovable qaqf prop€rty for the purposes and for ihe period relating rnereto as under, namely:(r) for shops, lease shall be granted for a period of r-rp to five years; (it) for cold storages, marriage halls or small industries, lease shall be granted for aperiod of up toten veais; , R.2U WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES,2014 (iit) iJ',lri'rtr';I?51s, restaurani' o' tnnr, i""'? corsEes be shall (2) 84-E for establishing or- running of The .-shopping malls, residentiar u""!ir"r?a for a period of up 'null ;"1,:'&1,"s.1"'3'fl:X'"il::T::Hjt\:*:iul: --"^""" " up to thirty y;;; urposes, the lease shall be gr to the crop in case the crop hasoa re ^; tor_agricultural purposes shall "o'o1:r".u',;"#l "lrt"r1r" rease shall mean the date of execution of lease deed or tne effe"tive date oil;";;;".tio.,.a in the rease 20' Use and occupatio-n of reased properfy.-(1) The lessee shalr not use or permit to be used the reased p."-'ir", purpose other than the purpose'ugr""d or any part thereof for any other betweei ti.," puril"r, that no waSf property.shalr be.given on rease for purposes which sharia sucri is [u''i'ti"g riq,.ro, or orher .r r8li"t;; ;il'J, *ithJil Jl"""toT::?"iililn:31'rd anv structure on the reased premises - Provided that any structure build the BoaJsh;itt;;_" any compensation fo' :*::3f,x,i"""J;j "q;4;;,i in :l'J|',"irJ: (3) The lessee il"9"Tir""fffi."o 21. I in building such, sha'maintain the reased pre-mises and keep the property condition i"a-lJ--o"";fi |".u,ge rrom the ;;;J"i Rights and obligations of the lessor and lessee._(i) rhe rights and Jf., uf i i.rcf a iir" i"f f .* i";, ;;;;1, " " iabili ries of the essee I tull and dto and (i4 Access by leased premises at in to enter the where and otherwise, with the lessee's use <-r ses. ;Tlgr"il:I 84-F WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES.2014 (iil [R-22 Lessee to carry out certain obligations.-The lessee shall,_ promptly pay electricity charges, water charges or any .(r) . duties, assessments, ,levres, cess, and Iicense fees whatsoever whether municipal, school, provincial, parliamentary or otherwise; (iD upon the request of the lessor, promptly deliver to the lessor . lor examination all receipts for payment of such levies, duties, assessments and license fees; or the the the Provided that the lessee shall, if required thq lessor, remove any leasehold improvements or fixtures froin the !y l'eased premises upon th'e termination of the lease. m th J**:'"tti,*i"";:,'[Hfij';ilxtl?"?,H components of the leased premises made by Provided that the lessor shall perform any such work at the expense of the mutually agreed between ihe parties. (4) Liens.-The lessee shall not create any lien or encumbrance on the leased premises under any circumstances including on the leasehold rights. lessee shall, for the purpose _ (5) Perntission from of construction of any st premises, take all .,6""r'ru.yr permission from the local ipproval of the Board. 22. unforeseen damage and destruction.-If during the period of lease, the leased premises or.any part thereof is-damag& uy'ri.e, light"ing, tempest, structural defects or acts of God or by anyt-unfoieseen pe"rils, th% following provisions shall apply, namely:a result of such damage the leased premises a t for occupancy by the lessee, the lease^ rent shall that part of the leased premises rendered unfit fo lessee as may be (rz) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (r) above, if in the ppinion of the lessor's archit-ect oi eng n within'sixty days or tn" happening of damage, Ieased ncapable of 6eing r"u"ilt, .the .qrE rep-aired or restored with reasona6le within one hunjred and gighty days after the occurrence of the damage, then either the lessor o, tt* lessee may.opt to.terminate giving to the other party a notice in writing within fifteen days of such -ofinioi of the less6r,s architect or engrneer: d p H""il,:::[ll, t iire e ",]il; therein to hall be apportioned and shall be payable by the lessee only up to the date of the R. 241 WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES,2014 B4_G damage and the lessor may thereafter re-enter and repossess the leased Premrses. _ \iiD If the leased premises are capable with reasonable diligencc of being rebuilt, repaired or restored within-one hundred and eighti days of th6 occurrence of such damage, then the lessor shall proceed to ribuild, rt.slort' or repair the leased preririses within the said period of one hundred and days plus any additional period caused'by strikes, lock-outs, slow"-rghty downs, shortages of material or labour, acts of God, acts of war, inclcmcnt weather or other occurrences which are beyond the reasonable control of the lessor, and the lease rent shall abate in the-manner provicled for in clausc (.r) above until the leased premises have been rebuilt, repaired or restorcd. - 23. Default.-(1) Each of the following events shall constitutt: an event of default, namely:(, all,or any part of the lease rent is not paid by the lcssee after it become due for such payment; perform or keep each and evcry of the ns and fails to rectify or rcmcdv the by the lessor requiring the lessee to so (zr) the lessee builds any structure on the land or btrilding without prior sanction or approval of theBoard; or (rr.,) non-payment by the lessee of lease rentals or lease considerations for three consecutive months. (2) Upon the occurrence of one or more of the events referred to in subrule (1), the lessor may, at its option,(r) be entitled to the full amount of the lease rent due and payable; -(i4 lraye 1o obligation to refund the security deposit which shall be deemed to be forfeited in favour of the Waqf. (iil seize- and sell such goods and equipment of the lessee after obtaining an order from the Tribunal and may ipbtv the proceeds thereof to all lease rent to which the lessor is then entitled driai:r the'lease: Provided that any such sale may be effected by public auction or otherwise, and eithei in bulk or by individual item, ur tt-r" lessor in its sole discretion may decidei (rd terminate the lease by giving one months notice and the lessee shall pay to the lessor lease rent for-the inexpired portion of the term had it not been terminated. 24. Surrender of leased property r (1) Upon expiration or termination I surrender possession of the leased p I in substantially the condition in whi r leased only reasonable wear and tear, and upon ,premi6es.excepting surrender, all right, title, and interest of the lessee in the leased premises shall cease. WAQF PROPERTIES LEASE RULES, 2014 84.H lR.2s (2)If after the expiration or termin4tion of the lease, the lessee continues to occupy the leased premis'es, it shall be treated as an encroachment and such encroachment shall be removed in accordance with the procedure specified in section 54 of the Act. (3) ressor may remove and (J) The rne lessor ano sell sell or otherwise ornerwlse dispose orsPose of or any leasehold improvements, equipment or any other property of the lessee left on the leased premises by the lessee after the termination of the lease, in accordance with the procedure specified in section 55-A of the Act. 25. Notice.-Any notice under these rules shall be given in writing and sent by registered mail or by speed post and delivered to the lessor at his address; and to the lessce, personally or at the leased premises. 26. Successors and assigns.-Subject to the specific provisions contained in these rules to the contrary, the lease shall be for the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the lessor and the heirs, executors and administrators and the permitted successors and assigns of the lessee. APPENDIX FORM (Seerule 15) t. Name of the Waqf Board 2. Name of the m utawallior management committee. c. Name of Waqf and its naturc and object. 4. Details of the Waqf properties attached with the Waqf. 5. Period of lease intended. 6. Place where the waqf property is situated. n Name and address of the lessor. 8. A. Particular of land to be leased Area of Waqf land Type of Waqf land Revenue/ Cess/taxl Average arurual Structure, if any on assessment yield the Waqf Grossincome Litigation/ likely tobe Court cases, generated if any land B- Area of site Particular of house/building Typq of Plinth Total rate house/ Area applicable building Cost of structur€ Facilities (Carage, Year of construction Litigatiory' Court sanitary cases, electric if any installatiory etc. 9. Market value of the above property if anv of lease 10. Terms and conditions, 11. Reference No. It is hereby certified that the undersigned has no beneficial interest in the above waqf and theinformation furnished above aretrue to thebest of my knowledge. (Signature) Name of the rnutawallior the management committee
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