St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Primary School Headteacher Mrs G Somes Assistant Heads Mrs J Newman Mrs A Webb Mrs S Neate School Newsletter February 2015 Rotheram Avenue Luton. Tel: 01582 723430 Fax: 01582 481289 E-Mail: [email protected] St. Alban Catholic Schools’ Partnership Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our second newsletter of 2015 and the Lent Term. During this season of Lent we are preparing the children and ourselves for Holy Week and Easter. Lent is a special time when you can share the concepts of prayer and giving with your children. Try to take some family time each day to offer devotional prayers, remembering Our Lord in the desert and his commitment to prayer, this will help us too, to become closer to him on our Lenten journey. Also maybe consider as a family how you might help others in need by giving of your time or resources. The children have taken part in the Lent Reconciliation service and made their Lenten Promises which are hanging on a tree in our KS2 Hall. Our chaplaincy team have prepared our prayer room and the KS2 Hall so we can all pray the Stations of the Cross. Clive from CAFOD came in to school and told us all about “Cutting it Out” their Lenten Appeal and with your help we raised £528.47 for CAFOD last Friday by taking part in our non-uniform day. For more information on how you can help CAFOD please log onto their website for every £1 donated to CAFOD the UK Government will match the donation £1 for £1. Welcome to our new members of staff Mrs Chowdhry, Miss Begum, Miss Beasley, Miss Granger, Mrs Kilpatrick, Miss Choudry and Mrs Azia. Lenten Prayer: Dear Lord, I know that every journey begins with a first step. Be with me today as I take another step in my Lenten journey. I began this journey with the sign of ashes on my forehead reminding me that this is no ordinary walk. Today, I move one step nearer to the promise of your light. Well-Being Week Today, with your help I will find new meaning in the Easter that awaits us all. Thank your Lord. Amen. A very big thank you to Mrs Newman who organised our Well-Being Week. Every day began with Park and Stride followed by Wake and Shake on the KS2 playground with all our children and staff. During the week the children took part in the following workshops: Healthy Eating, Drug and Alcohol Awareness, First Aid, Road Safety and E Safety. A parent workshop offering lots of information was also very well attended. We look forward to our next Well-Being Week in the near future. Maths Parents Workshop There are some Parents Maths Workshops coming up on: Monday 23rd March for KS2 Parents from 6pm – 7pm in the KS2 Hall Tuesday 24th March for KS1 Parents from 8.30am – 9.30am & 6pm – 7pm in the KS1 Hall. Thursday 26th March for KS2 Parents from 8.30am – 9.30am in the KS1 Hall Please come along and receive a goodie bag with some free gifts. 13th – 22nd March Science Week We are planning an exciting week filled with science activities and experiments watch this space for further information… Please see Mrs Webb if you are an avid scientist and would like to help during this week!! Tasty Treats 17th March 2015 at 2pm Congratulations to Ellianna in Year 5 for winning the Invitation Design competition for Tasty Treats a copy of the invitation was sent home last week. Our Tasty Treats Day is on 17th March 2015 and the invitation is for relatives or Grandparents over the age of 65. It starts at 2pm in our KS2 Hall and our senior guests will be served a hot cross bun and a cup of tea/coffee by our Year 6 children. If you have any aunties, uncles, Grandparents or other relatives over the age of 65 who would like to join us, please complete the slip on the letter that you have received and return it to school with your child by 11th March. Lent Reconciliation We would like to thank Monsignor Kevin McGinnell for coming into school to offer the children Reconciliation. If your child missed the reconciliation service then Reconciliations are available every week in your Parishes so please check out the Parish newsletter for times etc. Bikability for Year 5 Not letting the weather spoil their fun, our Year 5 children had a fantastic week taking part in the Bikability riding course. Thank you to the Bikability Team and to everyone involved. Reminder for Start and End of the School Day: Stations of the Cross During Lent All children up to and including Year 4 must be escorted by an adult in the morning, through the gates into the playground. All KS1 children (Early Years, Year 1 & Year 2 ) must be brought to their classroom doors and not left unattended until their classroom door is opened. Please also make sure that children are collected promptly at the end of the day. All children should be collected by an adult from the playground in the afternoon at 3pm and 2.50pm for EYFS. During the season of Lent we are using our prayer room and KS2 Hall for praying the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross show us how much Jesus loved us and praying The Stations of the Cross is a Lenten tradition. Year 5 Easter Story Year 5 has been very busy with rehearsals for the Easter Story production which will be performed for the Year 5 parents on Tuesday 24th March at 1.15pm and at 6.30pm. I am looking forward to seeing the children act out Our Lord’s final week from Palm Sunday. Good Luck Year 5 and a big thank you to Mrs Quince and the Year 5 Team for all their hard work in preparing the children for this occasion. Ink Jet Cartridges and Used Postage Stamps Mrs Rosonovski is collecting the following items for charity: Used Ink Jet Cartridges for the Disability Resource Centre in Dunstable Used postage stamps for the Hearing Dogs Charity to help towards the cost of training the dogs. Please can you start collecting the postage stamps from your post every day and if you have any used ink jet cartridges please send them into school for Mrs Rosonovski. Thank you! Late Arrivals Road Safety News Please can we remind all parents to park considerably and safely when dropping off and collecting your children. Do not park on the kerb, on the zigzags, in the bus stops or across the driveways of the residents of Rotheram Avenue. Remember it is not safe to block the school entrances for any reason. For the safety of our children, please do not walk across the car park, please keep to the paths. There are a growing number of children arriving late to school on regular occasions, 107 children this week! If you are late (after 8.25 am) you will need to bring your child to the main office and sign them in the late book. Please do not be rude or unkind to our reception staff, it is not their fault if you are late! Please make every effort to arrive promptly before 8.25am when the gates close. Easter Egg Swap Once again this year we will have our Easter Egg Swap. The idea is that the children will each bring an Easter egg into school and then we will gather all the eggs together and your child will bring home an egg to enjoy on Easter Sunday. Tesco’s Sainsbury’s and Asda have many Easter Eggs for only £1. Please could you start sending eggs into school from Monday 23rd March. Parents Consultation Evenings Letters were sent out last week with all the details for our Parent Consultation Evenings. Apart from EYFS St Clare the evenings are Wednesday 25th March from 3.30pm – 7.30pm and on Thursday 26th March from 3.30pm - 6.30pm. Please complete the reply slip on the letter and return it to school as soon as possible. Please also note on your slip if you would like a translator and if you would like to see Mrs Cox SENDCo. Sainsbury Active Kids Vouchers So far we have collected lots of vouchers. Please keep them coming, also remember to ask your friends, neighbours and grandparents to collect the vouchers for you too. World Book Day Wednesday 4th March 2015 This week we celebrated World Book Day. Our children and staff looked fantastic in their costumes. Have a look at our photographs on the website. The children enjoyed all the fun activities the staff prepared for them. A big thank you to Mrs Webb for organising this for us. End of Term Discos End of term Discos have been booked for Wednesday 18th March and Thursday 19th March 2015, please see below for the times and dates for each class. A separate letter has been sent home, please complete the replyslip and return it to school along with £2.00 to cover the cost of the Disco and refreshments. Please note that on the evenings of the Discos there will be no after school clubs. Day & Date Wednesday 18th March Thursday 19th March Time Class 2.00pm – 2.45pm EYFS 3.00pm – 4.15pm Year 1 4.30pm – 5.45pm Year 3 6.00pm - 7.15pm Year 5 3.00pm - 4.15pm Year 2 4.30pm – 5.45pm Year 4 6.00pm – 7.15pm Year 6 Reporting your Child Sick or Absent Parents and Carers are required to report their child absent to the attendance office each day they are unable to attend. Please ensure that you contact the school by 8.30 am to report your child absent. Please call the school on 723430 & select option 3. Please tell us your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Please also remember if your child has been sick or had diarrhoea then they must NOT return to school until 48 hours have passed since their last bout of sickness/diarrhoea. Saturday School Our Saturday School is continuing and we are now only a few weeks away from SATs. Well done to all our children, parents and staff for this extra commitment on a Saturday. Sports Report Throughout this term our children have been making fantastic achievements in P.E. lessons, after school clubs and intra-school competitions. Year 5 and 6 children demonstrated outstanding strength, balance and coordination when creating partner balance routines in gymnastics. The Year 6 football team have played their first game of 2015, winning 6-5 in an end to end game against Ferrars Junior School. The Year 6 netball team reached the semifinals of the Luton schools netball tournament and are playing in the first division. They recently lost 11-6 to a very strong St Joseph’s team. The highlight of the year so far has been finishing 2nd at the Luton Sports hall athletics competition and then coming 3rd in the Bedfordshire County finals. Year 5 have been learning Gaelic Football which has been a really fun and exciting opportunity as it’s a completely new sport for most of our children. Across Years 3 and 4 children have become very competitive and have developed excellent tactical awareness in dodgeball. The football, invasion games and netball clubs have all been really well attended and there has been a noticeable progression in the children’s ability as well as their understanding of the rules. There are football and netball competitions for Year 3/4 coming up soon which will be a great opportunity for them to showcase their talents. Children in KS1 have been working on their football skills and some classes are currently being taught by Luton Town FC football coaches - what an amazing opportunity! Children in Year 1 recently participated in an intra-family multi-skills sports festival which was organised by one of the staff from Active Luton with the help of our brilliant Year 5 play leaders. It was a big success with all children showing great agility, balance and co-ordination. Well Done everyone! School Term Dates Advent Term 2014 Thursday 4th Sept to Friday 19th Dec Lent Term 2015 Tuesday 6th Jan to Friday 27th Mar Pentecost Term 2015 Monday 13th Apr to Friday 17th July Half Term Week Commencing Monday 27th Oct Half Term Week Commencing Monday 16th Feb Half Term Week Commencing Monday 25th May Training Days Wednesday 3rd Sept Training Days Monday 5th Jan Training Days Monday 20th July Tuesday 21st July Wednesday 22nd July Dates for your Calendars Please Note 190 Teaching Days Easter Sunday 5th Apr May Day 4th May Bank Holiday 25th May 5 Training days in total March 7th 8.45am – 11.00am 9th 10.00am – 2.00pm PM 10th 4.00pm – 6.00pm 12th 8.40am 9.00am – 12.30pm 13th – 22nd All Week 13th 2.15pm 14th 8.45am – 11.00am 15th All Day 17th 2.00pm 18th 12.15pm – 4.45pm March 18th 2.00pm – 2.45pm 3.00pm – 4.15pm 4.30pm – 5.45pm 6.00pm – 7.15pm 19th All Day 12.15pm – 3.00pm 20th 21st 23rd 3.00pm – 4.15pm 4.30pm – 5.45pm 6.00pm – 7.15pm 12.15pm – 4.45pm 1.30pm 8.45am – 11.00am 9.00am 1.15pm 6.00pm – 7.00pm 24th 8.30am – 9.30am 12.15pm – 3.15pm th 24 1.15pm 6.00pm – 7.00pm 6.30pm th 25 12.15pm – 4.45pm 3.30pm – 7.30pm th 26 8.30am – 9.30am 8.40am 12.15pm – 5pm 3.30pm – 6.30pm 27th AM PM April 13th 8.15am Year 6 Saturday School Year 2 at Stockwood Park Life in the Garden The Big Pedal Assemblies for KS1 & KS2 Year 6 Cross Country 5 St Clare Assembly Netball for Years 5 & 6 at Putteridge Science Week EYFS Mother’s Day Assembly in the KS2 Hall Year 6 Saturday School Mother’s Day Tasty Treats for over 65’s Grandparents, relatives members of our Parishes NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS because of the DISCOs Years 3 & 4 Girls Football at Stopsley End of Term DISCO EYFS Year 1 Year 3 Year 5 NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS because of the DISCOs EYFS Zoo Lab visiting Year 5 at Cardinal Newman School – Sports Festival End of Term DISCO Year 2 Year 4 Year 6 Year 3 & 4 Football at Stopsley Year 4 D Day Party in the KS2 Hall Year 6 Saturday School Year 1 at Stockwood Discovery Centre Year 5 Easter Story Performance Rehearsal KS2 Parents Workshop in KS2 Hall more details to follow KS1 Parents Workshop in the KS2 Hall Years 1 & 2 Football at Stopsley Year 5 Easter Story Performance for Parents KS2 Hall KS1 Parents Workshop in KS1 Hall Year 5 Easter Story Performance to Parents KS2 Hall Years 5 & 6 Girls Football at Stopsley Parent’s Consultation KS2 Parents Workshop in the KS1 Hall 1 St Clare Class Assembly KS2 Hall Year 3 & Year 4 Football at Playfootbal.Net Parent’s Consultation Last Supper Assembly for the children Big Easter Egg Swap Break up for Easter Children return to School This is a very busy half term and our pupils and staff are all working very hard. Keep up the good work! Many thanks for your continuing support. Mrs G Somes Headteacher
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