WE CONNECT PEOPLE, IDEAS AND RESSOURCES PRESENTATION 2015 For 95 years, ZONTA INTERNATIONAL has been working to empower women worldwide through service and advocacy. CONECTAMOS)PERSONAS,)IDEAS)Y)RECURSOS ZONTA: Vocablo del pueblo indígena Sioux que significa "Honestidad y confiabilidad". www.zontaandaluciamalaga.org Representación permanente en Established in Málaga in 2010 by a group of professional and executive women who share their knowledge, ZONTA ANDALUCÍA MÁLAGA experience, time and enthusiasm, ZONTA ANDALUCÍA MÁLAGA is part MEMORIA 2010-2011 of ZONTA INTERNATIONAL. OCTUBRE 2011 Founded in 1919 in Buffalo, New York Zonta International has its headquarters in Oak Brook, Ill., US. It is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. With more than 30,000 members belonging to over 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 67 countries it holds consultative status at various UN organizations. As an international NGO Zonta plays a major role in the field of international human development. It is part of the Sectorial Council of Women in Málaga. Zonta adopts the values of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is an independent, nonpartisan and nonsectarian global network of professionals united through purpose, taking positions based on its own values and democratic principles. Vision for the future “... Zonta International envisions a world in which women´s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential In such a world, every woman is literate and has access to education, health care, legal and economic resources on an equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence….” International and local programs 2014-‐ 2016 Zonta International service and education programs: the goal of the biennium is to raise over U$S 5 million. Eliminating Obstetric Fistula in Liberia, HIV-‐Free Generation in Rwanda, Gender Responsive Schools in Vietnam, Delaying Early Marriage in Niger, Voices against Violence in 12 countries are programs being coordinated with UNFPA, UNICEF, UNTF and UNWomen. Scholarship, Fellowship and Awards are offered. In Málaga, we work in various support programs offered in kind, financially and in professional services. We assist local NGO´s Mundo Infantil (www.asociacionmundoinfantil.org), InPaVi (www.inpavi.org), , Asociación Mujeres Supervivientes de Violencia de Género AMUSUVIG, Hogar San José de la Montaña y otras ONG´s. Each year, charity cheques are handed out in a public ceremony. Since 2012, Zonta Gender Observatory is on-‐line at our website. It contains valuable information about women issues in areas such as Employment and Labor Relations, Legal Framework, Health and Psychology, Education as well as Institutional Participation. www.zontaandaluciamalaga.org/observatorio yearly receives over 65.000 visits which speaks about the need of this kind of information. Since its launch, the Observatory organizes events and conferences, held i.e. at the Picasso Museum and the University. Board 2014 -‐ 2016 President: Amelia Marín García González Vicepresident: Cristina Guerrero Moreno Secretary: Mercedes de los Ríos Treasurer: Mar Llorente Morales 19 Members Monthly meeting When: First Wednesday of each month except August from 6.30 to 9 pm. Where: Law School, Teatinos Campus. University of Málaga. How to support us: Even without becoming a member you can help us to help by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Donating your time and attending Zonta´s charitable activities Proposing projects where Zonta can collaborate with other institutions Telling your friends about our projects and about Zonta Simply, making a donation (financial or in kind) for one of our projects Becoming a Friend of Zonta, a group of committed and interested individuals and organizations. Find more information: www.zontaandaluciamalaga.org [email protected] [email protected] Amelia Marín García President 2014-‐ 2016 M: 6369 95 789 Non-‐profit association: Registered as of June 23, 2010. Registered as Association at the Ministry of Interior of Spain Tax registration number CIF G 93074821 WE CONNECT PEOPLE, IDEAS AND RESSOURCES
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