March, 2015 FRANKLIN SENIOR CENTER 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-520-4945 Fax: 508 520-4917 Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm FREE WIFI COMMON GROUNDS CAFÉ Breakfast 8:30-10:00 am Lunch 11:30-1:00 pm CAFÉ will close at 12:30 on March 10 & be C L O S E D all day on March 27 BEN’S BOUNTY GIFT SHOP Mon thru Fri; 10 am - 2 pm Hand knitted baby clothes and lots of great bargains! DEAN COLLEGE STELLA JEON LECTURE SERIES KICKS OFF ON MARCH 10 We are happy to announce the first lecture in the new Dean College Stella Jeon Lecture Series! Join us on Tuesday, March 10, at 1:30 p.m. for this special collaboraon with Dean College to honor Stella’s memory. The lecture, presented by Dr. Jessica Pisano, is called “The Truth and Ficon of TV Crime and Medical Shows: Why You Can’t Really Catch a Criminal or Cure a Disease in 24 Hours”. Have you ever wondered how much of the science in crime and medical dramas is real and how much is science-ficon? We will explore the validity of the science in these shows and even try our hand at the deducve reasoning that seems so easy on TV! This lecture will show how the real science is just as fascinang as what’s presented on TV. Dean College President, Paula Rooney will give opening remarks for this special occasion. Please call to sign up. LIVING WITH ALZHEIMER’S FOR LATE STAGE CAREGIVERS Join us on Wednesday, March 18, at 1:30 p.m., for this informave presentaon with Julie McMurray of the Alzheimer’s Associa#on. This is part of the Associaon’s Family Caregiver Program. In the late stage of Alzheimer’s disease, caregiving typically involves new ways of connecng and interacng with the person with the disease. We will learn about resources, monitoring care and providing a meaningful connecon for those with late stage Alzheimer’s and their families. Please call the Center to sign up for this presentaon. LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE NOW! Our March Wellness Workshops include the following: ORGANIZING & DECLUTTERING on Wed., March 11, at 11:00 a.m. - back by popular demand! Having too much “stuff” can be burdensome and drag us down. Learn ps and tricks on how to become more organized by donang, declu=ering and freeing ourselves of things we no longer need. TOP TEN WEBSITES YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT on Wed., March 25 at 11:00 a.m. - The World Wide Web can seem overwhelming and challenging to navigate. Learn about 10 useful websites that will become your fast favorites! Please call to sign up. Daily Activities… MONDAY 9am-2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 9am&1pm Painng with Aivars Zandbergs 9:30am Italian Conversaon Group 10am Mexican Train Dominoes 10am Asian Mah Jong 11am Book Discussion Group reviews Behind the Beau)ful Forevers by Katherine Boo on 3/2 12pm Zumba Aerobics/$3, free for Y mbrs 1pm Chair Volleyball 1pm American Mah Jong 1:15pm Monday Movies: see page 5. 6pm Cribbage TUESDAY Cribbage Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 Busy Bee CraLs Manicures with Rona /$8, by appt. Quilng for Beginners Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 3/17 - Legal Clinic w/Fran Small by appointment. 12:30pm American Mah Jongg Lessons 1pm Bingo! 1pm Beginners Cribbage Lessons 9am 9:30am 9:30am 10am 10am 10:45am 12:30pm The Cafe will be open from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm for lunch on March 10 and serve Sandwiches only. The Café will be closed all day on Friday, March 27. WEDNESDAY 8:45-10am Blood Sugar Tests (2nd/4th Wed.) 9am 9am 10am 10am Trailblazer Walking Club SHINE Counselor (by appt.) Quilng/KniGng Instrucon Scrabble 10am Chair&Mat Yoga; Susan Winters/$3 10:30am Line Dancing w/Mary Lennon/$2 11:15am Meditaon with Susan Winters/$2 12 - 2pm 1 - 3 pm 12:30pm 1pm 2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 Senior Scribblers (Wring Group) Low Vision Group; March 4 Line Dancing with Clare Shea/$4 Chess Club; 3rd Wed; March 18 4pm Caregivers Support Group; see pg. 5 THURSDAY 9am-1pm Free Blood Pressure Tesng 9am Cribbage & Bridge 9:30 Busy Bee CraLs 9:30 Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 10am Current Events Discussion Group (2nd & 4th Thursday of month) 10:45am Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 12pm Tai Chi /$5, free for ‘Y’ members 1pm Bingo! * The Page Turners discuss “T 1pm Art Studio with Diana V. * Walking ClubOpen meets at Town Common; weather permitting. FRIDAY 10am Woodcarving 11am Zumba Aerobics/$3; free for Y members 1pm TOPS Weight Loss Support Group 1-3:45pm Podiatry Clinic (by appointment) 1pm Pokeno 2pm The Silvertones, Senior Chorus Upcoming Events... Wed., March 4: LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP meets at 12:30 p.m. with Wellness Nurse, Linda Hasngs. (NOTE NEW DAY & TIME.) All are welcome to a=end. Fri., March 6: DOWNTON ABBEY FASHION SLIDESHOW at 10:00 a.m. Please call to sign up. Tues., March 10: THE DEAN COLLEGE STELLA JEON MEMORIAL LECTURE SERIES; see page 1. Wed., March 11: ORGANIZING AND DECLUTTERING is presented at 11:00 a.m.; see page 1. Wed., March. 18: LIVING WITH ALZHEIMER’S FOR LATE STAGE CAREGIVERS at 1:30 p.m.; see page 1. Thurs., March 19: INTRODUCING COP’S CORNER at 11:30 a.m. OFFICER DAN SMITH of the Franklin Police Department will be at the Senior Center to discuss any issues of concern you may have. Wed., March 25: TOP TEN WEBSITES YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT is presented at 11:00 a.m.; see page 1. Fri., March 27: CRAZY HAT PARTY at 10:30 a.m. with entertainer Ann Marie Watkinson performing a wide range of musical genres. Luncheon features a Honey-Glazed Ham Dinner. FOFE will offer a 50/50 raffle and of course, a hat contest; please purchase ckets ($6) by March 20. Wed., April 1: PIZZA LUNCHEON FOR NEW LOW VISION GROUP: If you have low vision, join us at 12:30 p.m. for a pizza social to kick off our new Low Vision Support Group. We have a special guest speaker, a sneak preview of excing new adapve equipment and brainstorming of future group topics. Please call to sign up. NEWS YOU CAN USE... ⇒ TAX PREPARATION ASSISTANCE: AARP provides trained volunteers to prepare income taxes for low to moderate income families. We have a limited number of slots so call ASAP to make an appointment. Returns must be uncomplicated and NOT involve self-employed individuals, foreclosures, rental income, alternave minimum tax, capital gains or losses. ⇒ VETERANS HISTORY PROJECT seeks veterans to tell their story in a recorded interview, which will be sent to the Library of Congress. Veterans who served in the U.S. Military in any capacity are welcome to parcipate. Please call to sign up. ⇒ MATTER OF BALANCE WORKSHOP starts on April 15. Learn how you can protect yourself from dangerous falls! Please call for more info! ⇒ CRIBBAGE PLAYERS NEEDED; call the Center for more informaon. ⇒ EVENING HOURS start in April - stay tuned! CHARLES F. OTERI & SON Franklin Funeral Home 33 Cottage St., Franklin, MA 02038 (508) 528-0011 Charles F. Oteri/Sean A. Oteri, Licensed Directors Thinking of Selling? Call us today for a FREE consultation ATTENTION CAREGIVERS! The Franklin Senior Center now offers a trained Companion to stay with your loved one so you can have some me off. Our Companion Caregiver Program can help and the first visit is free! Please call Elaine at (508) 520-4945. Visiting Practitioners, LLC. Lyn O’Brien, PhD RN/NP Comprehensive Medical Care at Home (508) 530530-3140 Website: KEEFE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. “Personal and Professional Service since 1913” RealLiving Realty Group Matt Kelly 508-520-1600 Mike Colombo Auto · Home· Business · Life· Financial Planning Bob Keras/Peter Brunelli 51 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 508 528-3310/ Information & Referral... FRANKLIN FIRE DEPARTMENT HOME VISIT PROGRAM offers home visits, by appointment, to address any safety concerns you may have such as: • Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detector installaon, tesng and ba=ery maintenance, • Fall prevenon such as: idenfying trip and fall hazards in and around your home as well as suggesons and assistance to correct the hazards, • Wellness visits including blood pressure monitoring, blood sugar checks and File of Life medical informaon cards. To arrange a home visit, just call 508 528-2323, X1962. DOES MEDICARE COVER FITNESS PROGRAMS? While Original Medicare does not cover gym memberships or fitness programs, some Medicare Advantage (HMO or PPO) plans and Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) plans do. Many offer a Fitness Benefit that can save you up to $150 per calendar year in qualified health club membership fees and exercise classes. Some plans offer the Silver Sneakers program. Fitness classes available at senior centers may also be eligible for reimbursement. Contact your plan to get informaon about what fitness benefits it offers. Make sure you don’t miss the deadline for geGng reimbursed for fitness expenses you paid in 2014! MASSACHUSETTS SENIOR LEGAL HELPLINE: If you need help with legal services, call 1-866-778-0939. The Helpline provides assistance to Massachuse=s senior cizens (60 years or older) applying for free legal help. Call if you need legal help in any of the following areas: Social Security/SSI, Veterans Benefits, Mass Health, Medicare, consumer issues, public benefits, unemployment, foreclosures, bankruptcy, evicons, landlord/tenant issues, ulies, advance direcves & simple wills, family law and nursing homes. If you are not eligible for free direct representaon, we may be able to give you advice or reduced fee referrals. The Massachuse=s Senior Legal Helpline is a collaboraon between the Massachuse=s Associaon of Councils on Aging, the Legal Advocacy & Resource Center and Community Legal Aid with funding from the Massachuse=s Execuve Office of Elder Affairs. FUEL ASSISTANCE: There is sll me to apply for Fuel Assistance. A one-person household can make up to $32,618 and a two-person household can make up to $42,654. Call for an appointment today! - FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE ABOVE, CALL ERIN ROGERS (508) 520-4945 - Supportive Day Program... Monday Matinee... The Sunshine Club at the Franklin Senior Center offers frail elders individual a=enon and the company of others. Fun acvies, lively discussions and gentle exercise make for a smulang day. If you care for a loved one who is frail, socially isolated, has low vision or demena, come visit! To learn more, call Carol Adile=o or Donna Haynes at (508) 520-4945. Movies shown on Mondays at 1:15 p.m. A CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP is offered on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Parcipaon in the Supporve Day Program is not required for the Support Group. Please call to sign up for the Support Group; you can make a reservaon for respite care during the meeng. This program is supported, in part, through a grant from the Execuve Office of Elder Affairs. Mar. 2: ST. VINCENT (PG-13) A single mother moves into a new home with her 12-year-old son. She leaves him with their new neighbor, Vincent, a rered curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling; with Bill Murray & Melissa McCarthy. Mar. 9: THE JUDGE (R) A successful lawyer returns home where his estranged father, the town's judge, is on trial for murdering of his wife. He sets out to discover the truth and along the way reconnects with the family he’d leL years before; with Robert Duval & Robert Downey Jr. Mar. 16: WHIPLASH ( R) A young jazz drummer wants to rise to the top of his music conservatory, but must deal with an instructor known for his terrifying methods; with Miles Teller & J.K. Simmons. Mar. 23: BIRDMAN (R ) An actor famous for portraying a superhero struggles to mount a Broadway play as he ba=les his ego and tries to reconcile his family; with Micheal Keaton & Emma Stone. Mar. 30: GONE GIRL (R) When a wife goes missing her husband's story of a perfect marriage begins to crumble and his lies and strange behavior have everyone quesoning his innocence; with Ben Afflick & Rosamond Pike. This film runs for 2 hours and 29 minutes. With Sincere Appreciation... The Friends of Franklin Elders for purchasing a book rack for our Library and funding the entertainment for our February party. TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) for a generous donaon. The Silvertones Chorale Group for performing at local nursing facilies. Second Graders at the Benjamin Franklin Charter School for donang Valenne treats! Jean Tolland, Brenda Hutchinson, Nancy O’Donnell, Elaine Mucciarone, Pearce & Maureen Murphy, Dave Walker, Marcia Papianou, Mary Ellen Peso, Connie Lievano, Stephanie Saunders and Jane Christy for generous donaons to our GiL Shop. ADVERTISE HERE! Call: (508) 553-9557 Terrific Trips... Date Destination Details Cost A great St. Patrick's Day program featuring $64 per person, all incluthe vocalist, Tony Kenny, Bernade=e Ruddy, sive. Lunch: Corned Beef & Cabbage or Baked Schrod the Dublin City Dancers & Richie Hayes! Wed., Mar.11 Tony Kenny Irish Cabaret At Venus DeMilo Wed., Mar. 18 Mickey Cassidy’s Restaurant, Medway Wed., Mar. 25 Commonwealth Museum, Boston, with lunch at The Venezia Restaurant Wed., April 1 Twin River Enjoy simulcast races and slots! $5 per person, transportaon only Wed., April 8 Parker’s Maple Barn & Sugar House Tour Visit the Sugar House and enjoy freshly made maple syrup with lunch at the Maple Barn Restaurant & visit to the giL shop. $5 per person, transportaon only. Wed., April 15 Fuller CraL Museum, Brockton, MA Contemporary craLs by arsts who work primarily with their hands. Lunch at Bella Roma. $10 per person includes admission & transp. Tues., April 21 Neil Sedaka at Mohegan Sun Casino Price includes the show, transportaon, meal voucher & $30 gaming package. $99 premium seats $89 General admission Wed., April 22 Gallery of African Art, Clinton, MA See an arscally powerful collecon of more $10 per person, includes than 400 works of art, arfacts and musical in- transportaon and admisstruments. Interacve exhibits help you experi- sion only. ence and feel African culture. Lunch at The Mill Restaurant, West Boylston, MA Wed., May 6 Celebrate St. Pat’s Day! $3 per person, transportaon only. See treasures from the Massachuse=s Ar$5 per person, includes chives; the Declaraon of Independence, Bill of transportaon. Free admisRights & the state’s Constuon, along with sion! Paul Revere’s original engravings. State House Tour with Rep. Join us for a guided tour of this beauful, histo- $5 per person, transportaJeff Roy ry building with Rep. Jeff Roy and learn how on only. state government works. Lunch at Faneuil Hall. Wed., May 13 Plymouth Planta#on, Planta#on July 26 – Aug 2 Canadian Rockies by Train Travel back in me to see this 17th century $29 per person, includes village with authenc enactors recreang the transportaon and admisyear 1627. Meet villagers & Nave Americans, sion only. each with a unique story to tell. Tour Brish Columbia, Vancouver, VIA Rail, Jasper, $4,899 ppdo Columbia Icefield, Lake Louise, Banff & Calgary. In- $5,999 single & $4,849 triple cludes Round Trip Air to Vancouver & 14 meals. TRIP POLICY: Recrea)onal trips are available for seniors, 50 years of age and over, and disabled residents. Franklin residents are given preference for sign up for two weeks a1er the trip is published in The Franklin Connecon. Payment for day trips is due upon sign up at the Senior Center. Disabled, non-senior riders are required to provide documenta)on verifying their disability. Seventy-two hours no)ce (3 business days) is required to receive a full refund for day trips. Condi)ons vary for overnight trips. For more informa)on, please call (508) 520-4945. FOR TRANSPORTATION call Kiessling Transit at 1-800-698-7676, Option 1 FOR HOME DELIVERED MEALS call Tri-Valley Elder Services at 1-800-286-6640 Friends of Franklin Elders... THE FRIENDS OF FRANKLIN ELDERS, INC. The Friends of Franklin Elders is a private, non-profit organizaon whose purpose is to supplement local and state government funding of the Franklin Senior Center by providing funds for programs, services, and equipment. The Friends also publish The Franklin Connec)on. Thanks for your generous donaons! The next meeng of the Friends of Franklin Elders is scheduled for Friday, April 24, at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to a=end! MEMORIAL DONATIONS ♦ Kathleen Gookin in memory of Julius Mar)n ♦ Marie Dalo in memory of Steve Dalo, Fred Saster & Paula Krill ♦ Judith Mucciarone in memory of Conrad Mucciarone ♦ Louis Vozzella in memory of Joseph P. Vozzella ♦ Jane & Peter Coppola in memory of Bea Connolly & Andrew Coppola ♦ Louise Carlucci in memory of Libra Carlucci ♦ Hillary Perry in memory of Geoff Perry MEMORIAL DONATIONS ♦ Be=e Picard in memory of Edward Picard ♦ Eleanor Mussi in memory of Alfred Mussi ♦ Andrew Colace in memory of Luigi Colace ♦ Richard Esterley in memory of Barbara & Richard ♦ Tom Asquith in memory of Edith Asquith ♦ Ron & Mary Higginbo7om in memory of Louis H. Blaine & Bob Gagnon ♦ Richard & Helen Hastry in memory of Rev. George Lange ♦ Angelina Carlucci in memory of Olga Mucciarone & Josephine Mucciarone Esterley ♦ Anne M. Boulanger in memory of Paul E. Boulanger ♦ Marie L. Pe)7 in memory of Evere7 Pe)7 ♦ Maureen Kravatas in memory of Paula Krill ♦ Anita Mastroma7eo in memory of ♦ Bernard Piccini in memory of Beverly Piccini ♦ Ralph DeLucia in memory of Suzanne DeLucia Ray & Lisa Mastroma7eo ♦ Emma Catalano in memory of deceased members of the Catalano Family ♦ Aldo VendeG in memory of Cheryl VendeG ♦ Nora Minichelli in memory of Helen Boghosian ♦ Ernest Collama in memory of Germaine ♦ Lucy Semerjian in memory of Garabed Semerjian ♦ Barbara Pisani in memory of Dorothy Holmes ♦ Phyllis Ryan in memory of Norman Ryan ♦ Charlo=e Fregeau in memory of Armand Fregeau ♦ Yolanda Boyle in memory of Fred Boyle ♦ Judith Mucciarone in memory of Chester & Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Ron Higginbo7om, Chairman Marge Capezza, Secretary Julie Garilli, Treasurer Natalie Caldwell Mary Ginivan Jackie Higgins Paula Lombardi Judy Pfeffer Helen Power Nan Ra=er Por)a Tang Mable Holmes & Lois Burke ♦ Anita Gold in memory of Steven Gold, Paula Krill & Peter Groome ♦ Murray Davis in memory of George Cronin ♦ Mrs. Jean Saster in memory of John Saster ♦ Frank & Pam DeGrazia in memory of Paul V. DeGrazia ♦ Robert Luccini in memory of Josephine Luccini ♦ Mary Foley in memory of Walter J. Foley FRANKLIN COUNCIL ON AGING Officers: Chairman……..……………… Ken Norman Vice-Chairman…...…...……....Paul O’Connell Secretary………….…………..Barbara Deely Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Pre-Sorted c/o Franklin Council on Aging 10 Daniel McCahill Street Franklin, MA 02038 Standard Franklin, MA Permit No. 13 Members: Bob Crowley, Mary Hick, Lyn O’Brien Suzanne Wade & Lester Quan Staff: Director ………………..……….……...Karen Alves Program Coordinator…….…….…….Sue Barbour Vet’s Agent……………………....……..Bob Fahey Outreach Worker……………………...Erin Rogers Supportive Day Coordinators……...Carol Adiletto & Donna Haynes Supportive Day Program Aide…...Donna Brunelli Health & Wellness Nurse…………Linda Hastings Receptionists………..……….…..…...Claire Lewis Gloria Gelineau Respite Supervisor………………...Elaine Owens Respite Companions………......Karen Calabrese & Mary Claire Flaherty Driver…………………….....………..Phyllis Molloy Grill Cook.………………………….....Paul Ledwith The Franklin Connection is distributed with funds provided by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Franklin Senior Center “Independence, Information, & Connection!” The Franklin Council on Aging meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. This is an open mee)ng; the public is invited to a7end. The mission of the Franklin Council on Aging is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin older adults by: ♦ Iden)fying the needs of this popula)on and crea)ng programs that meet those needs. ♦ Offering the knowledge, tools and opportuni)es to promote mental, social and physical well-being. ♦ Advoca)ng for relevant programs and services in our community. ♦ Serving as a community focal point for aging issues and as liaison to local, state and Federal resources for older adults and their families. And On The Lighter Side... Favorite Irish Toasts May our sons have rich fathers and beauful mothers. To our wives and girlfriends… May they never meet. Here’s to a long life and a happy one. A quick death and an easy one, a good girl and an honest one, a cold pint and another one. ♦ To those who’ve seen us at our best and at our worst and can’t tell the difference. ♦ To the nights we’ll never remember and the friends we’ll never forget. ♦ ♦ ♦ Irish Philosophy There are only two things to worry about; whether you are well or you are sick. If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you are sick, there are two things to worry about. Either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, there is nothing to worry about. If you die, there are two things to worry about. Either you will go to heaven or hell. If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about. But if you go to hell, you’ll be so busy shaking hands with your friends, you won’t have me to worry! More Cel#c Wisdom May those who love us, love us. And for those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles so that we may know them by their limping.
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