JAI GOPAL LAL JAI HINGRAJ MA VANZA MANDAL NEWSLETTER JULY2014 Registered Charity Number: 286623 PO BOX 1593 Ilford IG4 5GU committee members executive committee members PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY ASSISTANT SECRETARY TREASURER ASSISTANT TREASURER nilaben kishor solanki bhartiben makwana pradipbhai dharamshi solanki rashmibhai lalji makwana pradeepbhai lakhman vaghela arvindbhai bhagwanji jadav committee members kamalben rajesh nandha shobnaben himatlal pithia sudhaben naresh pithia lilaben shantilal bhundia dilipbhai lakhman vaghela miteshbhai pravin makwana bharatbhai girish makwana trustees bachubhai bhovan nandha hasmuck purshottam parmar dilipbhai samji mandalia webmasters maneshbhai subhash gohil rajeshbhai savji nandha chandrikaben arvind jadav nilaben vinod parmar lilaben shantilal bhundia arvindbhai keshavji bhadresa dilipbhai samji mandalia zugal kishor nandha subhashbhai devji gohil arvindbhai keshavji bhadresa PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ................................................................. 1 TRUSTEES’ MESSAGE .................................................................... 3 AGM & JANMASTMI BHAJANS .................................................. 4 NAVRATRI 2013 .................................................................................. 7 NAVRATRI 2014 .................................................................................. 10 DIWALI 2014 ....................................................................................... 18 QUIZ NIGHT 2014 ............................................................................... 20 CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY ................................................... 20 HANUMAN CHALISA ................................................................................ 22 minalben subhash gohil independant accountant kishorbhai mathur sonigra contents RP ASIAN AWARENESS .................................................................. TRIP TO GOA ..................................................................................... VANZA EASTER SPORTS IN NAIROBI, KENYA ............................ GUJARATI MESSAGE ....................................................................... 24 27 28 30 president’s MESSAGE dear vanza bandhus It gives me great pleasure to say a few words in this newsletter. Vanza Mandal have held our first event of the year in April, Hanuman Chalisa. In May we had a trip to Birmingham & Coventry mandirs planned, however it had to be cancelled due to lack of response from members. As you’ll see in this circular, we have many events planned, including AGM, Jamnashtimi bhajans, Quiz Night, Navratri celebrations, Diwali Show and Children’s Xmas Party. I urge all members to give us your full support as the naat belongs to you. We have also canvassed views from you the members using Facebook and Emails so that we can arrange functions that would be of interest, this is so that you have had the opportunity of having an input into the functions that we organise. In addition to this our aim has been to get this newsletter circulated early so that you all get plenty of time to prepare for these events 1 president’s MESSAGE Not only that, but this serious message to young parents: please bring your children to our functions, in order to teach the Vanza youngsters about our culture and heritage. For our future generation, we need to educate our children about our Vanza beliefs, for example, Maa Hingraj and Guru Gopalal. Please come and support our events, and be part of your naat. This year, on a sad note, we have lost a number of members who have always been there at our events and always been there to provide support and guidance and they will be sorely missed. I would like to thank the trustees, committee members and their families, for their continued support and also a special thanks to Anmol Suresh Nandha who has come forward and designed this newsletter. Navratri and Diwali are just around the corner, and I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Navratri, happy Diwali and a prosperous new year. I hope to see you all at the AGM/ Bhajans on 17th August, and once again thank you for all your support. NILA KISHOR SOLANKI 2 trustees’ MESSAGE dear members JAI GOPAL. JAI HINGRAJ MA The trustees would like take this opportunity to thank all the members for your continued support and attending all our functions organized by the current Executive Committee and the Committee members during 2013/14. We are also very grateful to all our members for your kind donations and generosity in financially and voluntarily supporting Vanza Mandal. We look forward for your support in all our future events with your participation, especially from our Vanza youths getting more involved with Vanza Mandal. Trustees and the Executive Commitee would welcome your feedback,comments or any new ideas you wish suggest or present, please forward them to us or to any Vanza Mandal Committee member. Once again thank you all for support and hope to see you all in our future events. The Vanza Mandal Trustees Subashbhai Gohil, Hasmuckbhai Parmar, Arvindbhai Bhadresa, Bachubahi Nandha, Dillipbhai Mandalia 3 agm and JANMASTMI BHAJANS THE VANZA MANDAL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE AND TRUSTEES WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO THE VANZA MANDAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND JANMASTMI BHAJANS. TIME & PLACE SUNDAY 17th AUGUST 2014 SSPC EAST LONDON COMMUNITY HALL CLEVELAND ROAD, ILFORD ESSEX IG1 1ED ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 3:00pm to 5:00pm DINNER 5:00pm to 7:00pm BHAJANS 7:00pm to 9:00pm AGM AGENDA The agenda for the meeting is as follows 1. Welcome from the President 2. Minutes from the last AGM 3. Secretary’s Report 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. Amendments to the Constitution 6. Appointment of an Independent Auditor 7. Questions from the floor 8. A.O.B 4 agm and JANMASTMI BHAJANS Please note that there will be no elections this year because the present Committee will hold office for another year. We need a quorum of 25 paid members present to start the meeting. Please note that item 5 on the agenda is regarding some important changes to our constitution whilst a lot of the changes are cosmetic there are two important changes, 1. Changes to the membership fees to be agreed by the Management Committee and not require AGM approval 2. Changes to liability in the case of any court action and who can take court action on behalf of the Mandal if the need arises. agm and JANMASTMI BHAJANS Notice is hereby given that should the Annual General Meeting on 17 August 2014 be adjourned due to lack of quorum, the adjourned Annual General Meeting will take 20 minutes after the said adjournment. Bhartiben Makwana Vanza Mandal Secretary 25th July 2014 Full details of these changes and other changes can be made available by email. Should you require a full list of these changes or a copy of the constitution then please send in an email to [email protected]. If you have any questions you may wish to raise during the meeting, including the constitution changes, please send them to us 14 days prior to the AGM. If you have other queries regarding this meeting please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee. 5 6 navratri 2013 navratri 2013 PLEASE SEE SOME OF THE PHOTOS FROM THE NAVRATRI 2013 EVENT. AS YOU CAN SEE THIS WAS ONCE AGAIN A JOYOUS EVENT WITH MEMBERS TAKING PART IN ALL AREAS. WE THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THIS EVENT SUCH A SUCCESS AND LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR SUPPORT DURING NAVRATRI THIS YEAR. 7 8 navratri TIME & PLACE 2014 25th SEPT - 3rd OCT 2014 SHARAD POONAM - 4th OCT 2014 East Ham Town Hall High Street South, East Ham E6 2RP COMMENCES 7:00pm FIRST ARTI 8:00pm SECOND ARTI 10:30pm* PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY & PROMPTLY navratri 2014 9 Anyone wishing to sing or play any instruments are warmly welcome * This may change to accommodate other events IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT There will be a daily £3 admission fee for everyone over the age of 18. Anyone who is a fully paid member will be exempt from this fee. Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of hiring the hall, or would like to make a donation of £25.25 towards the milk and prashadi, please contact any member of the Management Committee. 10 navratri navratri 2014 2014 THE FOLLOWING EVENTS WILL BE HELD DURING NAVRATRI AND WE ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO TAKE PART AND ESPECIALLY REQUEST THAT YOU ENCOURAGE OUR YOUNGER GENERATION. DAY DATE EVENT DRESS CODE FEMALE DRESS CODE MALE Thursday Decorated Garbo Red Red Jabbo Friday 25th Sept 2014 26th Sept 2014 Prize Auction for Charity Red Red Jabbo Saturday 27th Sept 2014 Childrens Arti & Fancy Dress Bhandani (any colour) Bhandani Jabbo Sunday 28th Sept 2014 Arti Competition Silk saree (any colour) Silk Jabbo Monday 29th Sept 2014 30th Sept 2014 Mehndi Cream Jabbo Tuesday Purple Grey Jabbo Orange Blue Jabbo 108 Arti & Garbo Garchoru or Red & Green Red & Green Jaboo Thursday 1st Oct 2014 2nd Oct 2014 Friday 3rd Oct 2014 Best Costume & Dancer Traditional/ Chanya Choli Traditional Saturday 4th Oct 2014 Sharad Poonam & Garbo Item Raffle Draw White & Red White Jabbo Wednesday PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ABOVE TABLE SHOWS A DRESS CODE. IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD ALL PARTICIPATE AND MAKE NAVRATRI A COLOURFUL AND JOYOUS FESTIVAL. 11 DECORATED This is not so much a competition but a chance for you all to decorate a Garbo. Traditionally, during the nine days of Navratri we all light a deevo inside a Garbo at home. The decoration of a Garbo can vary in an array of colours but why not go back to the tradition and decorate a clay Garbo. Get your children involved in the decoration and lighting a deevo, making them aware of the significance and giving them a chance to pass on the knowledge when the time comes. Our aim is that from the first day onwards we light a deevo in each of the Garba’s thus creating a wonderful atmosphere. We sincerely request that you arrive early each evening to have the privilege of lighting the deevo yourself. Our only request is that your Garbo be made of clay, that you’ve decorated it yourself and please don’t forget the ‘Indhoni’. No pre-decorated Garbos. GARBO 25th Sept 2014 If interested, please send in your name. For safety reasons we will only be accepting the first 9 names and submissions will be treated on a first come, first serve basis. TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY OR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: RASHMI MAKWANA ON 07958 660 012 OR EMAIL [email protected] PRIZE AUCTION FOR CHARITY 26th Sept 2014 This is a new event that has been suggested by one of our members. A surprise prize will be auctioned and the person with the highest bid will take the prize. All bid money raised will be donated to charity. 12 navratri navratri 2014 CHILDRENS ARTI 27th Sept 2014 As this wonderful event was a big success last year, we would like to encourage all youngsters between the ages 8 and 15 to participate. An Arti plate will be provided to all who have submitted their names and participants will then perform the 10:30pm Arti. Please note that only the named child will be allowed to do the 10:30am Arti and family members will be asked to stand back as this gives the participant a chance. TO SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY OR FURTHER INFO PLEASE CONTACT: EMAIL [email protected] OR REGISTER AT THE TREASURER’S TABLE ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THURS 25TH SEPT 2014 FANCY This event creates great interest every year and to ensure this remains consistent, this year’s theme is not restricted to Navratri and Hinduism. Entrants can wear super hero costumes, come dressed as your favourite cartoon character or if preferred, come dressed as a Hindu god…choice is yours. This event is open to all age groups and everyone participating is a winner so take part, have fun and even if you’re not a participant, we encourage all guests to dress up. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RETAIN THE RIGHT DRESS 27th Sept 2014 2014 ARTI COMPETITION 28th Sept 2014 under 12s 12 to 18 years overs 18s This is a chance to show your creative skills in designing an Arti thali. The competition will be judged in three age groups. All Arti plates must consist of only 5 deevas. EMAIL [email protected] OR REGISTER AT THE TREASURER’S TABLE ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRI 26TH SEPT 2014 108 ARTI & GARBO 2nd Oct 2014 This event is a must. Since we began this in 2000 this has been the highlight of the Navratri. The deevas of 108 arti thalis are all lit creating a unique atmosphere giving everyone a chance to experience the wonderful unity all Vanza bandus share during this event. Following the event and complete this great event will be a garbo. ANY LADIES OR GENTLEMEN WISHING TO PARTICIPATE OR REQUIRE FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT; SUDHABEN ON 020 8471 6091 OR SHOBABEN ON 07412 492 144 TO REFUSE PARTICIPIATION IF THE COSTUME IS DEEMED INAPPROPRIATE EMAIL [email protected] OR REGISTER AT THE TREASURER’S TABLE ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRI 26TH SEPT 2014 13 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS ARE RESTRICTED TO 16 LADIES & 16 GENTLEMENT, THEREFORE SUBMISSION WILL BE TREATED ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. 14 navratri navratri 2014 BEST COSTUME DANCER 3rd Oct 2014 This will be a fun filled event and your day to perform and entertain. Wear your best traditional outfit and participate in Garba and Raas. There will be prize for the best dressed male and female and best dancer male and female in two categories: 0-16 years and 16 years and above. Judging will be taking place throughout the evening for Garba and Raas. 2014 RAFFLE DRAW 4th Oct 2014 As per Vanza Mandal tradition, every year there will be a raffle draw on the last day of Navratri. TO MAKE A DONATION TOWARDS ANY OF THESE PRIZES, PLEASE CONTACT PRADEEPBHAI VAGHELA ON 07931 594 857 OR ARVINDBHAI JADAV ON 07949 460 398 OR EMAIL [email protected] Please note this is a fun filled evening and it is not the winning that counts but the participation. The judges will be chosen on the day and they will be given a criteria for marking. Their decision will be final. EMAIL [email protected] OR REGISTER AT THE TREASURER’S TABLE ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY WED 1ST OCT 2014 SHARD POONAM GARBO 4th Oct 2014 Last year on Sharad Poonam we had the pleasure of watching the Garba group from Leicester who came first in a competition. As a result of the positive feeling this event produced, this we are planning to organize a Garbo performed by Vanza Mandal Members. IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT: SUDHABEN ON 020 8471 6091 OR CHANDRIKA ON 07809 744 700 OR EMAIL [email protected] 15 16 diwali 2014 diwali 2014 The Vanza Mandal Management Committee and Trustees would like to invite you and your family to this year’s Diwali Function. This year we are planning to have a variety programme. TIME & PLACE 23rd November 2014 Eastbury Comprehensive School Hulse Ave, Barking, Essex IG11 9UW RANGOLI COMPETITION 11:00 - 12:00pm MEET & GREET 12:00 - 1:00pm DINNER WELCOME, VARIETY PROGRAMME & RAFFLE DRAW VARIETY PROGRAMME 1:00pm - 3:00pm 3:00 - 5:00pm This year’s Diwali celebrations is going to be a variety Programme. We would therefore like you to come forward and take part and perform. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PERFORM AN ITEM THEN PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO [email protected] OR REGISTER YOUR NAME AT THE TREASURES TABLE DURING NAVRATRI THE CLOSING DATE IS 4 OCTOBER 2014. 17 18 diwali 2014 CHAPPAN BHOG FOR We would like to ask the members to come forward and make prashdi for Ankot. A list of delicious food items will be available and we will be taking down names of any members who would like to make a certain item on the list during Navratri. Please let us know early to avoid disappointment but our aim is to complete the full list of 56 items. ANKOT AT DIWALI 23rd Nov 2014 YOU CAN REGISTER YOUR NAME NOW AND A FULL LIST OF FOOD ITEMS WILL BE CIRCULATED DURING NAVRATRI. PLEASE CONTACT NILABEN ON 07450 479 979 OR SHOBNABEN ON 07412 492 144 RANGOLI This is a new item for Diwali. On the day of our Diwali Programme each participant will be given an A3 sheet of white paper some rangoli colors, which they must use to create their own Rangoli within an hour. There will be two age group categories: 3 to 13 years and 13 years and over. Participant will be required to be there 11:00am sharp. 23rd Nov 2014 TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE REGISTER YOUR NAME BY SENDING AN EMAIL [email protected] OR REGISTER AT THE TREASURER’S TABLE ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY SHARAD POONAM. THERE WILL BE A TOTAL OF 5 PARTICIPANTS PER AGE GROUP CATEGORY. REGISTRATION WILL BE ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. 19 QUIZ NIGHT SUN 7th SEPT 2014 - location to be confirmed TIME: 3:00pm - 9:00pm Yes its back. The Vanza Mandal Management Committee have great pleasure in organizing a quiz night this year. This will be a fun filled evening where teams will be competing with each other. Teams will consist of 6 members and each team will battle it out through 10 rounds of questions. TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE REGISTER, PLEASE CONTACT: RASHMI MAKWANA ON 07958 660 012 LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED ON THE DAY CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY SUN 14th DEC 2014 - location to be confirmed This years children’s Christmas party will be held on Sunday 15th December. The party will start at 2pm and will finish at around 8pm. As always the party is open to children aged 10 and under. TO BOOK YOUR CHILD’S PLACE AT THIS YEAR’S CHRISTMAS PARTY, PLEASE CONTACT A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. THE DEADLINE FOR ACCEPTING BOOKINGS FOR THIS EVENT IS 23TH NOVEMBER. THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE WELCOMES ANY DONATIONS TOWARDS THE CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND OTHER COSTS, SUCH AS HALL HIRE AND ENTERTAINMENT 20 hanuman CHALISA 2014 21 THE FIRST EVENT OF THIS YEAR WAS HANUMAN CHALISA AND BHAJANS HELD ON 12 APRIL 2014. AS IN PREVIOUS YEARS THIS EVENT WAS VERY SUCCESSFUL WITH AND VERY GOOD TURNOUT DESPITE WEDDINGS AND OTHER SIMILAR EVENTS TAKING PLACE ON THE SAME DAY. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ALSO EXPRESS OUR THANKS TO RAMDEV BHAJAN MANDLI WHO HAVE ALWAYS SUPPORTED US. ENJOY THE PHOTOS BELOW. 22 rp asian AWARENESS DAY jai gopal It was a pleasure and a great honour to organise a Charity Fundraiser to raise awareness of Retinitis Pigmentosa, a degenerative eye condition leading to total loss of sight, especially amongst the Asian Community. This first event was held at the Shree Wanza Community Centre in Leicester on Saturday 12th April 2014. We managed to raise £1000.00 after expenses and I would like to express my thanks to the 150 people who attended and all those who donated RP AWARENESS DAY, TRIP TO GOA & EASTER SPORTS DAY IN NAIROBI, KENYA RP Fighting Blindness, the charity who I was fundraising for, provided informative Talks along with Action for Blind People, Vista Blind, Guide Dogs, Royal National Institute for the Blind and British Blind Sport. They also had their own exhibition stands for further information. Some stands had technology devices that demonstrated an easier way of living for anyone with sight issues. This was a very informative day and I hope that those who attended found the day helpful. There are so many people in our community who have experienced beit in the family or a close friend who have difficulties and events like these that provide information and useful links to seek support and guidance. 24 rp asian AWARENESS DAY As well as information for RP Fighting Blindness we had guest speakers namely Honey Kalaria who spoke about meditations and live performances from D’N”S Productions, Kuntals School of Bollywood Dance and Honey’s Dance Academy SJ (Sunny Patel) and Jazz Sahota to perform their latest songs and to have ‘Chaganlal Joshi’ indulge us his rib tickling humorous comedy acts. Tejal Kantilal Mandalia sang alongside Kunal Raval who was part of MK Roadshow who were the main DJ’s for the day and took care of all the music and sound There are so many people I would like to thanks but most imporatant the host for the day Reena Jayantilal Parmar and Sheena Sedani, with Beenaben Shikotra (committee member of Wanza Leicester) who kindly managed the day and kept it organised and running smoothly for me. Wanza Leicester Youth and Main Committee for all their help and all the Vanza Communities who helped to advertise the event including rp asian AWARENESS DAY after the event as well. And not forgetting the rest of the team of Volunteer, Sailesh Photography and Mak Productions for capturing moments of the day. But mostly to my husband Paresh Mansukh Makwana who keeps on believing in me, in all my ventures to make a difference and for his continuous support and love together with the encouragement from my daughters, Shreeya and Rheeya. Take a look at my Facebook page, RP Awareness and Fundraisers by Bhavini Makwana. Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your Summer! BHAVINI PARESH MAKWANA My Father, Jayantilal Vithal Parmar, My Mother, Hansa Jayantilal Parmar, My Father in Law, Mansukh Damji Makwana and My Mother in Law, Indumati Mansukh Makwana for their support. A Huge Credit goes to them, as they made sure everything was going accordingly to plan not only throughout the day but prior and 25 26 trip to easter sports GOA IN NAIROBI KENYA dear all jai gopal dear all jai gopal I had a wonderful trip to Goa and enjoyed it very much. The most important thing is that I thank Vanza Mandal and the committee members for trusting me with this donation, which I distributed wisely. Shree Vanza Union of Nairobi arranged an Easter sports and cultural festival starting on Thursday 17th April 2014, lasting four exciting days. It started off with an opening ceremony, where Shree Vanza Union welcomed all Vanza sister organisations which had come from a range of locations, such as Mombasa, Dar es Salaam, Kisumu and UK. Shree Vanza Union Committee members and Trustees made our stay in Nairobi pleasant and memorable, especially Dr. Jagdishbhai Sonigra and Dr. Ranjanaben Sonigra, Jayshreeben Parmar. Although most of the money was spent in the orphanages in Goa, I could not resist giving some to the the needy along the way in my trip. Regards ARVIND K BHADRESA 27 The days were filled with a number of sports tournaments such as football, table tennis and badminton, which were enjoyable to watch. There was also games especially for ladies which were organised by the Mahila Mandal, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all ladies. In the evenings there was a graduation ceremony, celebrating the academic achievement of Vanza members; a cultural night which involved the hosts entering on a rickshaw and a number of wonderful performances. The event was very well catered, providing breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food was of a very high standard, there was a number of dishes and there was always different food available. Shree Vanza Union of Nairobi really took care of us and a lot of hard work was put into the event making it of a very high standard. I personally enjoyed it very much and am looking forward to attending future events. Vanza Mandal donated £501 towards this event. 28 easter sports IN NAIROBI KENYA I like to thank, Congratulate Shree Vanza Union of Nairobi for organizing this event. Kind Regards BHARTI MAKWANA 29 30 RY E N 31 IO T A N T G S G I N S - S ES I D D R D N R YE B A A R C FL WE B - SS S/ S O NE ET R G I U LO US AFLCH B E O 32 L R B
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