A/C SMART TECHNOLOGY How SMART CLIPS Work PLACE BOTH SMART CLIPS INTO CENTER AIR VENT. TURN A/C TO MAXIMUM COOLING. ADD AVALANCHE REFRIGERANT. FIRST SMART CLIP CHANGES TO BLUE TO SHOW A/C IS APPROACHING CORRECT REFRIGERANT FILL. i SECOND SMART CLIP CHANGES TO GREEN TO SHOW A/C HAS CORRECT REFRIGERANT FILL. (IF OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE IS ABOVE 95°, ONLY THE BLUE SMART CLIP NEEDS TO CHANGE COLOR.) How SMART CAN Works 1 2 AVALANCHE LOGO CHANGES COLOR TO SHOW THAT REFRIGERANT IS FLOWING INTO THE AIR CONDITIONER. WHY USE A/C SMART TECHNOLOGY SMART CLIPS make adding refrigerant To identify which SMART CLIP is which, easier. Simply add refrigerant until SMART a “B” blue and “G” green has been added CLIPS change color. NO LONGER IS to the side of the SMART CLIPS. THERE A NEED TO USE A GAUGE. Vent temperature, not pressure, is the best SMART CLIPS use vent temperature to measure of how an air conditioner is supposed determine correct refrigerant fill. Using to cool. It is what car and compressor thermochomic technology, the first SMART manufactures use to determine optimum cooling. CLIP will change from white to blue indicating that your getting close to the correct fill. The AVALANCHE logo uses the same ther- second SMART CLIP changes from white to mochromic technology to change color as green, indicating the correct fill. (If the outside, refrigerant leaves the can. This prevents the ambient temperature is above 95°F, only the time lost by someone thinking they are adding blue SMART CLIP needs to change color for refrigerant when it is not leaving the can. then correct refrigerant fill. Leave SMART CLIPS in the vent and recheck when the temperature falls below 95°F to make sure the system is fully charged.) WHY SMART CLIP TECHNOLOGY REPLACES A GAUGE SMARTS CLIPS prevent possible overcharging caused by using a low side gauge on vehicles with a TXV valve. OVERCHARGE PROTECTION Auto air conditioners have always used an fill. They evacuate the system and use the erant, the pressure as measured on both the charge. The TXV valve does not directly orifice tube or expansion valve. Because it is simply a fixed valve with free flow of the refrighigh and low side is a function of the amount of refrigerant and the ambient temperature. Starting several years ago many new car manufactures started using a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV), designed to meter, or restrict, the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator. This gives better and more effi- cient cooling by controlling the Super Heating at the evaporator outlet. With a TXV valve, the metering is controlled at the outlet of the evaporator. It uses the evaporator’s outlet temperature to regulate the TXV expansion valve. This meters the refrigerant flow and sets a maximum operating pressure at the evaporator outlet. This same pressure flows through the low side service port where it is measured by a low side gauge. Long ago, almost all professional mechanics stopped using gauges to determine the correct vehicle manufacturer’s recommended refrigerant weight to determine the correct refrigerant affect them when charging a system. However, many do-it-yourselfers continue to use a low side gauge to determine the correct fill. For systems using a TXV valve, as refrigerant is added, the pressure on the low side rises until it reaches its maximum operating pressure. If this pressure level is below the gauge’s established correct fill range, even though the system is fully charged, adding additional refrigerant will not show on the low side pressure gauge but will build up on the high side and can only be measured using a high side gauge. In these cases, using only a low side gauge can potentially cause too much refrigerant to be added and result in damage to the compressor or other problems associated with overcharging. T X V V A LV E - R E L AT E D S I T E S http://www.4s.com/Upload/Four%20Seasons/documents/Confirming_TXV_System_Charge_Level.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_expansion_valve https://www.google.com/search?q=txv+valve&biw=1030&bih=572&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=u niv&sa=X&ei=tZ7TVMmOHImZNtrRg6AJ&sqi=2&ved=0CDIQsAQ http://www.doityourself.com/forum/air-conditioning-cooling-systems/263519-what-does-thermal-expansion-valve-really-do.html http://www.parker.com/portal/site/PARKER/menuitem.de7b26ee6a659c147cf26710237ad1ca/? vgnextoid=fcc9b5bbec622110VgnVCM10000032a71dacRCRD&vgnextfmt=EN&vgnextcatid=2 566316&vgnextcat=THERMAL+EXPANSION+VALVES-H+SERIES https://www.gaoi.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/TXV-Theory-and-Fundamentals.pdf
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