PAGE SEVEN NEWS-CHRONICLE THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1937 B9= A woman is as old as she looks, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COUNTY COURT: DUTCHESS COUNTY ager, Hyde Park,, N. Y. MERTIE DAVIS' MAYOR DENIES NEW YORK DUTCHESS COUNTY hut a man isn't old until he stop^ CLERK'S OFPICE 89-K Albert D. Kahn, Insurance, By the Grace of God Free WILL IS FILED WATER TAINTED looking. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1 Underbill Ave. Poughkeepsie. And Independent MARTHA A TABER a n d April 13, 1937 202-B Edward Bahert, Bookkeeper, ALICIA H. TABER, Plaintiffs, Holmes' Woman Makes Several A. H. Slooum Attaclu Roberts' Take what nature gives you. A MINUTE of the Drawing of Arnold Road, Poughkeepsie. To ELLEN McALLASTER, RO—against— Bequests to Local People Report of "Inadequacy" and don't monkey with it. Trial Jurors, and u list of the names BERT BIRBECK, LEE DIRBECK, ELIZABETH A. PALMER, fi?-B William J. Brewer, Retired, CORA ELLEN BIRBECK, RAY BIRof the persons drawn, showing the Millerton, N. Y. HAZEL RUTH JUDSON, ELIZAMertie M. Davis, resident town The rest of your days depend on BECK, CLINTON BIRBECK, a broMayor Albert H. Slocum, ofi Pawlplace of residence of each of them, HO Fred B. Out water, Contractor, BETH A. PALMER, a s Executrix of Pawling, who died April 1, left ther of the Testator, if lie be living, ing, Monday denied a report ,of the rest of your nights. drawn to serve at the Trial Term of 59 Kelsey Road, Poughkeepsie. under the Last Will a n d Testaan estate valued at more than $5,000 whose place of residence a n d postthe County Court, to he held at the 17-0 William H. Ostrom, Chauf District State Health Officer Roberts in personal property, according to a ment of William H. Wilken, ollice address are unknown a n d canthat a recent inspection of the Court House in the City of Pough- fi'iir, Millerton, N. Y. Nothing exceeds like excess. dee'd, not, after due diligence, be ascervillage water supply probate proceeding filed Monday in keepsie, in and for the County ol li">-B Frank M. Barton, Carpenter, Pawling Defendants. tained, or if he be dead, the widow, showed the chlorination system to Surrogal.yj Gleason's office, PoughDutchess, on the first Monday ol Stanfordville, N. Y. heirs-at-law, next of kin, distribube inadequate, although admitting keepsie. ZEPFS HOTEL May, 1937. o8-P- Clinton G. Price, Merchant, In pursuance of a judgment of Blessing and Murphy of Pawling tees, legatees and personal reprethat the chlorination plant was rePresent, & RESTAURANT IS Woodcliff Ave. Poughkeepsie. foreclosure a n d sale, duly granted are attorneys for the estate. sentatives of said Clinton Birbeck, cently removed for repairs, and HON. J. GORDON FLANNERY in the above entitled action, a n d M i l John Babich, Farmer, Red that during a 15-day period, inHYDE PARK, N. Y. whose names, postottlce addresses Heirs-at-law include: Nelson DaCounty Judge. entered in the Dutchess County Hook, N. Y. and places of residence are uncluding a "bad storm", the water, Holmes; Aaron D. Davis, Melody Kings Orchestra FREDERIC A. SMITH, Clerk's Office, on the 19th day of 4VL Kenneth Hickman, Carpenknown and cannot, after due diliplaying regularly supply might have been discolored , nephew, Pawling; and Belle Tanner County Clerk. April, 1937, I, JAMES T. ASPBURY, ter, Fishkill, N. Y. gence, be ascertained, FRANK GIDDuncan Bowe, niece, New Milford, the undersigned, Referee in said DWIGHT R. SEDGWICK, 101-1) Stanton Decker, Electrician, for a time. DINGS, a son 06 Mary Giddings, Attention was d r a w n to the Pawl- Conn. SHERIFF. llhinehcck, N. Y. deceased, a half sister of the Test- judgment named, will sell at public ing water supply system, after it Distribution of the estate directed CHESTER SATZ CO. FRANK A. BROCKWAY, 1:1")-!) Harold Dusenhury, Dealer, ator, and a nephew of the Testator, auction at the Dutchess County became known over the week-end in the will: Commissioner of Jurors. 17 Water Street, Beacon, N. Y. if he be living, whose place of resi- Court House, Main Corridor, First 2 Cannon St., Poughkeepsie The First Pawling Baptist Cemethat the hamlet of Wassaic is facing 1 J Thomas C. Jones, Bookkeeper, '»7-I" (i -ge A. Pinckney, Mana- a serious water supply problem, tery association, Holmes, $500; to dence is unknown a n d cannot, after Floor, in the City of Poughkeepsie, Office Equipment — Machines Wassaic N. Y. duo diligence, he ascertained, or if County of Dutchess, New York, on ger, 2S North Grand Avenue, and Dr. Roberts reported that Pawl- First Pawling Baptist church, 45-M Herman Michael is. Farmer, I'oughkeeipsie. he be dead, the widow, heirs-at-law, the 7th day of June, 1937, at 11:00 "If it's for the office, we sell it" ing was the only other place in the Holmes, $250; to Nelson Davis, Lagrangeville, N. \. next of kin, distributees, legatees o'clock A. M., Eastern Standard IOC George W. Churchill, Carpen- county which had had recent water Holmes, $400; to Elmer Lee, in trust and personal representatives of said Time, the premises described in 18-0 Joseph H. Owendoff, Retired, ter, Rhineheck, N. Y. difficulties. Dr. Roberts made it for Nelson Davis, $2,000; to Aaron Frank Giddings, whose places of said judgment, as follows, viz: Holmes, N. V. 011) Dewey D. Decker, Farmer, plain that Pawling faces no such I). Davis. Pawling, $100; to Belle ALL that tract or parcel of residence and postottlce addresses 4-M Harry C. Moyer, Fainter, Was Red Hook, N. Y. problem as does Wassaic, and that Tanner Duncan Bowe, New Milford, land situate in the Village a n d are unknown and cannot, after due PURSUANT to an order of Hon. saic, N. Y. ">('. John D. Crossen, Merchant, the answer to the latter commun- $100; to Stanley A. Davis, Hopewell Town of Pawling, County ol Kii-B Stephen A. Bulmer, Fanner, Wassaic, N. Y. ity's problem may be the formation Junction, $100; to Ella F. Smalley, DANIEL J. GLEASON, Surrogate ol diligence, be ascertained, WILLIAM Dutchess and State of New GIDDINGS, a son of Mary Giddings, Dutchess County, NOTICE IS HERER. I). Wappingers Falls, N. Y. 112-1) Jesse II. DeVoe, Engineer, of a water district. Holmes, $100; to George Smalley, York, bounded a n d described as deceased, a half sister of the TestaBY GIVEN; that all persons having 214-C Francis G. Crispi, Food Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Showing open resentment that Holmes, $50; to George C. Davis, follows: BEGINNING at the tor, and a nephew of the Testator, Inspt. 10 Foster Street Poughkecpsie i:U-R Joseph Rosenthal. Merchant, state officials reported the Pawling Wingdale, $5; to Marian E. Davis claims against the estate of SUSAN northeasterly corner of a lot AUSTIN late of the Village of Pawl- it he be living, whoso place of resi30-L William C Lutz, Insurance, 21 May Street, Poughkeepsie. water supply to have been defective, Andrews, Overbrook, Stamford, now owned by William H. Wildence is unknown a n d cannot, after ing in said County, are required to Pawling, N. Y. 25-P Nelson J. Phillips, Lineman, Mayor Slocum asserted: Conn., $5. ken a n d running thence easterdue diligence, be ascertained, or it exhibit the same with vouchers 62-S Lloyd Swanson, Bank Teller, II. I). Poughkeepsie. "I suppose those state officials ly about four h u n d r e d twentyTo Caroline Tanner, Pawing, $50; thereof to the undersigned Ethel M. he he dead, the widow, heirs-at-law, Millerton, N. Y. 1(11 K Albert T. Kelley, Coal have to report some things to keep to May Myrtle Davis, Hopewell five feet to the westerly side of next of kin, distributees, legatees 45-A Claude Ahle, Salesman, Vcr- Dealer, 70 Marshall Street, Pough- their jobs, but there is nothing Junction, $50; to VanNess Ballard. Carey, Executrix of said estate, at State Highway No. 5009; thence and personal representatives of said wrong with our waer supply. Our Holmes, $25; to Clara Pendley Tur- her residence in the Village of Pawl- WILLIAM GIDDINGS, whose places bank, N. Y. keepsie, N. Y, southerly, along the westerly ing on or before the 17th day cf May, 13-P Albert G. Pfistcrer, Florist, :i2-0 Harold Oakley, Carpenter chlorination system was removed ner, Holmes, $25; to Carrie Schorner, side of said highway, two hunof residence and postottlce addresses 1937. for repairs recently but it is back Hyde Park, N. Y. dred twenty feet; thence westerRhineheck, N. Y. Mt. Vernon, $25; to Edna Zeiss, Mt. Dated this 2nd day of November, "36 are unknown and cannot, after due 219-S Wilmot A. Shafer, Contracly about three hundred ninety id-l' Mark A. Patchin, Farmer, in working order and there is Vernon, $25; to Elmer Lee, Holmes, diligence, be ascertained; and also Ethel M. Carey, Executrix nothing wrong with it, or our source tor, 7 Randolph Ave. Poughkecpsie. I'ine Plains, N. Y. five feet to the north-easterly to all other heirs-at-law and next the residue, Blessing & Murphy of supply." corner of land of William G. 53-C Horace J. Curry, Estate Man42-P Ralph W. Pulver, Farmer, of kin and distributees of said A will was left dated Oct. 5. 1031 Attorneys for Executrix Mayor Slocum explained that Tice; thence westerly along the decedent, Henry Birbeck, if any Pine Plains. N. Y. and witnessed by Henry P. Murphy, Office and P. O. Address Pawling village maintains its own land of said Tice about two there be, whose names, residences Ill M William F. McCumber, Egbert T. Green, and Henry F. Pawling, New York 6mo 11-5-36 system with no private connections, hundred feet to the southeasterand postoffice addresses are unPainter, R. I). Wappingers Falls.N. Y. and that the source of water on top Blessing. ly corner of the Baptist Parsonknown and cannot, after due* dili20-1) Radford Davis. Grocer, StormLEGAL NOTICE of Quaker hill. The village has a age lot; thence northerly along gence, be ascertained, and who ville. N. Y SENSIBLE PEOPLE reservoir to store the. water from the said Parsonage lot one hunwould be parties interested in the 121 C David B. Cooper, SuperinSpec. Nos. 9297, 9298 & 9299 TWO NAMED DIRECTORS springs on the mountain. dred feet to land of William H. estate of said decedent, Henry Birtendent, Latirangeville, N. Y. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS * OF HARLEM HOSPITAL Dr. Roberts explained that John Wilken; thence easterly, along beck; and if any of the above desHOP Harrison Peck, Lalxirer, Separate sealed proposals coverE. Kiker, district sanitary engineer the land of William H. Wilken cribed unknown heirs-at-law, next Pawlini', N. Y. Nominations of Helen C, Bassett ing State Equipment; Seating; Pro- of kin and distributees, if any there of the State Department of Health about two hundred feet to his 158-M James W. Mellor, Machin- in this district, makes inspections of New York city, and George E. jection and Sound Equipment; Harsoutheasterly corner; thence be, have died subsequently to the ist, 27 Yepplanck Ave. Beacon. IN THEIR OWN of, the various community water- Jennings of Patterson, as members lem Valley State Hospital, Wing- death of said Testator, Henry Birnortherly, along the Wilken lot, 0-C Frank H. Carlson, Farmer, supply systems. Dr. Roberts a n d of the Board of Visitors of the Har- dale, N. Y., in accordance with one hundred forty feet to the PROFESSIONS beck, deceased, then to their heirl'nughcpiag, N. Y. Mr. Kiker met with town of Amenia lem Valley State hospital at Wing Specifications Nos. 9297, 9298 a n d at-law, next of kin, distributees, place of beginning. 5-P Howard M Preston. Decorator, officials to discuss the Wassaic pro- dale, were sent to the Senate Mon- 9299, and accompanying drawings, husbands or widows, executors, adk insure their efficiency RESERVING the right to use, Dover Plains, N Y. blem, and Mr. Kiker also investi- day night by Governor Lehman, ac- will be received by the Commission- ministrators, devisees, legatees, asby frequent and regmtar exmaintain and repair the water er of Mental Hygiene, State Ollice signees and successors in interest, 00 P George T Platzer, Farmer, gated the conditions at Pawling. cording to the Associated Press. amination of their vtalon. pipe line now r u n n i n g through Building, Albany, N. Y., until one if any there be, of all such persons Red Hook, N. Y. The district state health officer the above described premises. They know the value of 00-K Rnswell P. Kinney, Farmer, said that there is no danger in CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PROGRAMS o'clock P. M. (Eastern Standard whose names, places of residence SUBJECT to the reservation Time) on Wednesday, May 5, 1937, and postoffice addresses are unchecking: up on their eyea Amenia, N. Y. Pawling from contamination of outfor a ditch crossing the land when they will bo publicly opened known and cannot, after due diliand keeping them fit for 19-0 Charles Olson, Farmer, Clin- door toilets or cesspools as in herein conveyed a s reserved hi Through the courtesy of Station and read aloud years of useful work. ConWassaic. ton Coiners, N. Y. a Deed from Alexander Allen WMCA, New York City, 570 kiloProposals shall be accompanied I g e n c 6 ) b e a s c e r t a i n e d i the heirs-atsult us today. 199-H Frederick W. Helm, Physiand wife to George K. Taber cycles, a Christian Science Devotion- by a certified check or money de cal Director, 4 North Randolph Ave., HILL BILLIES TOP law, next of kin a n d distributees of and wife, dated August 15, 1871, al program is broadcast each Tues- posit of 5% of the amount of the bid. said Henry Birbeck, deceased, SEND Poughkecpsie. and and recorded in the Dutchess Dr. day morning from 8:15 to 8:30 Successful bidders will be required PAWLING K. OF C. o'clock GREETING: 174 C. Jacob Canter, Merchant, County Clerk's Office in Liber Staff M . K. under the auspices of the to give a bond in the sum of 100% WHEREAS, Henry F. Blessing, :', Young Street, Poughkecpsie. 163 of Deeds, at page 64. Christian Science Committee on Optometrl«U—Eyesight Specialists 24-C Philip O. Cookingham, Far- Teams Bowl On Poughkeepsie Alleys Publication for the Sta'te of New of the amount of the contract, con- who resides at the Village and town Dated a t the City of Poughkeepsie, ditions for the faithful performance of Pawling, in the County of Dutch- N y t n i s m h d * a y o f A p r i l f m T Last Week Wednesday mer. Staatshnrg, N. Y. 292 Main St. Poughkeepsie York. ol the contract. Corporations sub- ess, has lately applied to the Surro- ] i n n c Raymond A. Coakley, AcJAMES T. ASPBURY, mitting proposals shall be author- gate's Court of the County of Dutchcountant. 10 Fox Terrace, PoughReferee The K. of ('.. Bowling Team gaily ized to do business in the State of. keepsie. wended its way toward Poughkeep- teams, however to no avail, for this New York. Drawings and specifi- ess, to have a certain instrument David G. McCullough, sie. Wednesday night of last week game proved to be another smash- cations may be examined free of in writing, relating to both real and ; Plaintiff's Attorney, personal property, duly proved a s ADDITIONAL FARMERS 230 Main Street, with the supreme purpose of down- ing victory for the Hill Billies — to charge at the following offices: OF ALL KINDS the last Will and Testament of FILE WORK SCHEDULES ing the Hill Billies of Quaker Hill. the tune of 109 pins. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Commissioner of Architecture, Henry Birbeck, who w a s at the time Blessing & Murphy, Esqs. Another game will be played at The hoys from the hill hardly dared On each purchase of 24V2 lbs. o! Approximately eighty more work hope that they would he the victors, a future date at the Poughkeepsie State Oflicc Building, New York city of his death a resident of the Village Attorneys for t h e Defendants, C. I* F. FLOUR for the month ol Commissioner of Architecture, and town of Pawling, in the County, Elizabeth A. Palmer, Hazel April Only you will receive the >hcens have been filled out this week due 1o the fact, that the Poughkeep- alleys. State Oilicc Building, Albany, N. Y. of Dutchess, deceased. I Ruth Judson, et al., by farmers wishing to participate sie 'alleys had been previously unfollowing:— The scores showing the sad story: District Engineer, 10!) N. Genesee THEREFORE, you a n d each of, Office & P. O. Address, 1 Pt. can Old Jug Table in the HOT agricultural conservation explored by any member of their HILL BILLIES you are cited to show cause beforo' St., Utica, N. Y. Pawling, N. Y. Molasses *5c program, according to Dutchess team while the Keglers were headed F. Clark . . . 153 9fi 131 174—554 District Engineer, Weighlock Bldg. the Surrogate's Court of our County i y 3 Pt. G.L.F. White Enamel 25c County Agricultural Agent Shep tor "old stamping grounds". C. Anderson 148 145 183 130—610 of Dutchess, at the Surrogate's Syracuse, N. Y. 1 Pkg. Golden Bantam herd. However, new pastures phased the B. Tom'pk's 181 108 145 1C4—(558 10c Office, in the City of Poughkeepsie,' PURSUANT to an order of Hon. District Engineer, Barge Canal Sweet Corn The field supervisors, Stanley Ben- Hill Billies not a't all for they took F. Grady .. 146 100 100 110—582 in said County, on the 10th day of DANIEL J. GLEASON, Surrogate of Terminal, Rochester, N. Y. Total Value 50c ham and William Renton have been over the Keglers for a total pinnage W. Perrin . 150 170 122 190—032 District Engineer, 05 Court St., May, one thousand nine hundred Dutchess County, NOTICE IS HERETotals . . . 77R 739 741 780 3030 ;it the Poughkecpsie farm bureau of 5!) for three straight games. The Come in and see our and thirty-seven, at ten o'clock in BY GIVEN; that all persona having Buffalo, N. Y. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MILK COOLER offices aiding fanners in filling out Knights, still unconvinced of the District Engineer, 71 Frederick St. the forenoon 06 t h a t day, why t h e , claims against the estate of George Try CAL-COD Dog Rations 88 120 127 125—400 ability of I heir opponents challeng- Jim Clark the sheets. said Will and Testament should not T. Kctchin, late of the town of PawlBinghamton, N. Y. ed a fourth game. At this point John Clark 167 202 100 154—683 Harlem Valley State Hospital, bo admitted to probate as a Will ing in said County, are required to me of the Knights was so depressed F. Buono exhibit the same with vouchers of real and personal property. 100 130 170 134—cm Wingdale, N. Y. ERIC V. ANDREWS 120 120 133—550 that he was unable to continue. lie C. Venus 174 Don't worry when you stumble. And if any of the persons inter- thereof to the undersigned Ada ML TeL 77-J PAWLING, N. Y. Drawings and specifications may Remember, the worm is about the was rnplaced by a member of one M. Slocum 154 130 148 125—503 be obtained from the Commissioner ested are under the age of twenty- Ketch in, Administratrix of said of poughkeepsio's best bowling Totals .. .743 714 740 071-2808 of Architecture, State Office Build- one years, they are required to ap- estate, at her residence in the town only thing t h a t can't fail down. of Pawling on or before the 10th ing, Albany, N. Y., upon payment of pear by their guardian, if they have WARWICK BROTHERS day of May, 1937. one, or if they have none, they are $5.00 for each set. Proposal blanks Excavating, Cellar Foundations, and envelopes will be furnished required to appear and apply for Dated this 26th day of October, 1936 the appointment of one, or in event Roads, Etc. ADA M. KfiTCHIN, without charge. of their neglect or failure to do so, Administratrix. "We gladly estimate on your work" Half of this payment will be returned if the drawings and specifi- a guardian will be appointed by the BLESSING & MURPHY, Telephone Danbury 2828-13 cations are returned in good con- Surrogate, to represent and act for Attorneys for Administratrix, New Fairfield, Conn. them in the proceeding. Pawling, New York. 8mo-ll-o-*36 dition to the Commissioner of ArchiIN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We tecture, State Office Building, Alhave caused the seal of said bany, N. Y. within two weeks after PURSUANT to an order of Hon. HAVE YOU A FARM Surrogate's Court to be heredate of opening bids. DANIEL I. GLEASON, Surrogate Of unto affixed. FOR SALE The estimated cost of the work Dutchess County, NOTICE IS HEREWITNESS, HON. DANIEL * BY GIVEN; that all persons having Finely-ground Natural Limestone. Supplies Calcium and Magnesium. Safe— covered by these drawings and Also Acreage GLEASON, Surrogate of said claims against the estate of BELLE specifications is as follows: Stage I a m receiving inquiries from County at the City of Pough- M. BAKER, late of the town of NON-CAUSTIC—Easy to Store and Handle—Can be applied any time. Equipment $1,500; Seating, $3,000; buyers. Write or phone particukeepsie, the 5th day of April, Pawling, in said County, a r e requirnnd Sound Equipment $5,500.00. lars a n d I will call for an in the year of our Lord on* The State reserves the right to ed to exhibit the same with vouchinspection. thousand nine hundred thirtywaive any Informalities in or to ers thereof to the undersigned Charseven. reject any or all bids. No hid will les H. Baker, Administrator of amid M. CAMPBELL L0R1NI Louis P. Haubennestel be accepted, however, except with estate, at hit residence in the town Clerk of the Surrogate's Court 0! Pawling, on or before* the 17th Real Estate the prior approval of the State Director, Federal Emergency Admin- Blessing and Murphy day of May, 1937. Croton Fall* Rd. Mahopac, N. Y. Attorneys for Estate istration of Public Works. Dated this Sad day of Nov., 1936, Phone Mahopac 594 Pawling, N. Y. *t—IB This contract is to be finance Charles H. Baker, Administrator wholly or in part by the Federal Blessing & Murphy SHAKER, TRAVIS AND Emergency Administration of PubOn may gain a fair knowledge of Attorneys for Administrator QUINN, INC. lic Works. human nature by trying to lend a Office and P. O. Adress Po'kecpsie A Wapptupers P»»» SELLING AGENTS: The attention of the bidders is bull calf. Pawling, New York. 6m. 11-546 PYROFAX GAS SERVICE particularly called to the requirePlumbing, Heattafl, Refrigeration NEW YORK TRAP ROCK CORP., 2 3 0 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY ments as to conditions of employPropaganda; Any statement made If you don't know w h e r e you are Air Conditioning ment to he observed, and minimum by persons whose interests conflict going you a r e lost before you start wage rates to he paid under the with ours. There are three k i n d s of people Contract. in the world: People who talk about J. B. SISSON'S SONS No bidder may withdraw his bid A Chicago m a n WAS shot by Chin- the other fellow—they a r e the goswithin 45 days after the date set AUCTIONEERS esc bandits. Whflt a lot of transpor- sipors. People who talk about themfor the opening thereof. m Main S t , Pouflhkespsie tation money be wasted. selves—they are the bores. People WILLIAM E. HAITGAARD if thing* are not romtng your way who talk about you—they ere the AUCTION MART, OFFICE Commissioner of Architecture get in their way. brilliant conversational sta. Stock and Merchandise Brokers Dated: 4-7-"37 2t-t? Legal Notices Competent LEEDS G.L.F. FEEDS VERPLANCK PULVERIZED LIMESTONE BRINGS EXTRA FARM PROFITS Increases Crop Yield Manufactured by The Carbonate of lime Corp., Verplanck, New York For prices and other particulars, apply to YOUR LOCAL DEALER \ • Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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