3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 3RD IRISH HIP FRACTURE MEETING PROGRAMME 6TH MARCH 2015 1 3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 3RD IRISH HIP FRACTURE MEETING - 6TH MARCH 2015 O’FLANAGAN LECTURE THEATRE, RCSI, ST. STEPHEN’S GREEN DUBLIN 2 09.00 Registration Tea / Coffee Chair: Mr Paddy Kenny President of the Irish Institute for Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery 09.30 Dr Colm Henry National Clinical Advisor and Programme Lead, for Acute Hospitals Welcome Address 09.45 Dr Colin Currie (Keynote) Geriatrician UK / Scotland, President of FFN Hip Fracture Audit - the first 25 years: from collecting data to saving lives 10.15 Dr Emer Ahern, Clinical Geriatric Lead IHFD Deirdre Burke, NOCA Presentation of The IHFD Data NOCA Governance of IHFD 10.45 Phil Dunne Health Care Pricing Office What’s New With The Dataset 11.10 Tea / Coffee and viewing of Stands / Posters Chair: Catherine Farrell Trauma and Orthopaedic Clinical Programme Manager 11.30 Dr Richard Griffiths Anaesthetist Challenges Anesthetising Hip Fracture Patients 12.00 Dr Bernie McGowan Researcher, Trinity College Dublin Fracture Trends in Ireland 12.30 Louise Brent Lead Nurse, Trauma & Orthopaedic Programme The National ICP for Hip Fractures 13.00 Top Five Poster Presentations 13.30 Lunch and viewing of Stands / Posters Chair: Dr Josie Clare Orthogeriatrician, Cork University Hospital 14.30 Dr John Carey Consultant Rheumatologist, GUH Treatment of Osteoporosis 15.00 Mr Finbarr Condon, Orthopaedic Surgeon Ms. Audrey Butler, Orthopaedic CNS Improving Fracture Care…. The UHL Experience 15.30 Margaret Boland Director of Scheduled Care, Peri-operative & Diagnostic, SVUH Implementing Change 16.00 Karen Hertz, UK ANP Orthopaedics Nurse Led Hip Fracture Unit 16.30 Mr Conor Hurson Clinical Orthopaedic Lead, IHFD Closing Address 3 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit BIOGRAPHIES Dr Colm Henry Dr Colm Henry is National Clinical Advisor and Programme Lead for Acute Hospitals in the HSE. Prior to this appointment, he was National Lead for the Clinical Director Programme from 2012 to 2014 and Clinical Director of the Mercy University Hospital in Cork from 2009 to 2012. He was appointed as Consultant Geriatrician to the same hospital in 2002. Dr Colin Currie Dr Colin Currie is a Senior Lecturer in Geriatric Medicine at Edinburgh University and an ortho-geriatrician in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh from 1979 to 2010, Dr Currie worked on the development and evaluation of services for older trauma patients; developed the Scottish Hip Fracture Audit and led it from 1993 to 2004; served as deputy coordinator of the 1996-1999 EU-funded Standardised Audit of Hip Fracture in Europe (SAHFE) project; and co-chaired the guideline development groups for the 2002 SIGN Guideline on hip fracture care and its 2009 update. From 2004 to 2013 he was closely involved in the work of the NHFD: as Lead Clinician (Geriatric Medicine); as editor of the 2007 BOA/BGS Blue Book on the Care of Patients with Fragility Fracture; as chair of the NHFD’s Implementation Group, its Dataset Sub-Group, and its Scientific and Publications Committee. He is currently leading the Hip Fracture Audit Special Interest Group of the international Fragility Fracture Network, which aims to promote the wider use of hip fracture audit via the FFN Hip Fracture Audit Database. From 2008 to 2010 he served as a Special Adviser in the Prime Minister’s Policy Unit in Downing Street, working on policy for the health and social care of older people. Dr Emer Ahern Dr Emer Ahern is currently the Clinical Geriatric Lead for the IHFD. Emer completed her specialist training and was appointed Consultant Orthogeriatrician in Royal Liverpool University Hospital in 2004. Emer is currently working in St Luke’s General Hospital Kilkenny and provides orthogeriatric service to trauma unit in University Hospital Waterford. Deirdre Burke Deirdre Burke. Building on her extensive past experience in health care delivery, Deirdre joined the National Office of Clinical Audit in January 2014 to support Fiona Cahill and the NOCA audit team in establishing sustainable clinical audit streams. Deirdre works closely with the IHFD clinical leads to ensure consistent structures are maintained and is a member of their Governance Committee and Steering Group and provides structured supports for IHFD Data Coordinators. Deirdre has been appointed as Audit Coordinator for the IHFD and also provides support to Comparative Audit of Hospital Mortality (CAHM). 4 3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 Philip Dunne Philip Dunne works in the Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO) as a Web Developer / Technical Support Agent. Phil is a holder of a Bachelor of Engineering in Telecoms (DCU 2002), a MBS in E-Commerce (UCC 2005) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics (Trinity College 2008). Phil is part of a team of five programmers at the HPO who develop, support and maintain the HIPE Portal. The HIPE Portal is a webbased system, designed to collect demographic, clinical and administrative data on discharges and deaths from acute hospitals nationally. The HIPE Portal is programmed in Microsoft VB.NET, and incorporates MS SQL Server as its database. The HIPE Portal also uses AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to enhance the user interface. The HIPE Portal allows for the collection of additional “add-on” data, such as data related to hip fractures. The relevant clinical team has responsibility for the “add-on” data, and is not keyed or validated by the HIPE Coders. This “add-on” data is then compiled into a national dataset, such as the Irish Hip Fracture Database (IHFD). Dr Richard Griffiths Dr Richard Griffiths qualified from St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, University of London in 1984. Postgraduate training was completed in Nottingham, Leicester and San Francisco. Consultant in Peterborough & Stamford since 1995, and has had an interest in hip fracture since teaming up with a remarkable surgeon, Martyn Parker. He founded the NHS Hip Fracture Perioperative Network in 2007, was a member of NICE 124 (proximal femoral fractures), chaired the AAGBI working parties on hip fracture (2012) and Surgery and the Elderly (2014). Devised, with Stuart White, Iain Moppett and Colin Currie The Anaesthesia Sprint Audit of Practice (ASAP) study in collaboration with the National Hip Fracture Database. He was awarded, along with Stuart White, the Dudley Buxton Medal, by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 2014. Dr Bernie McGowan Dr Bernie McGowan has worked as a research assistant and research fellow at the National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics (1998-2007) and the department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St. James’s Hospital (2007-2011) respectively. She has an MSc in research through the department of pharmacology and Therapeutics, TCD and was lead researcher on a HRB funded project on the clinical and economic aspects of the present management of osteoporosis in Ireland (2008-2011). The results of this project have been published in 6 national and international peer reviewed journals. Since October 2011 she has been working as research co-ordinator at The North Western Rheumatology Unit, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim co-ordinating audits and research projects within the department and collaborating on research projects externally. Louise Brent Louise Brent works in University Hospital Waterford (UHW) as the Arthroplasty/ Fragility Fracture Coordinator. She collects the data for the IHFD in UHW. Since December 2013 she is the Lead Clinical Nurse for the Trauma and Orthopaedic programme and the Clinical Nursing Lead for the IHFD. She holds an MSc in Nursing from University College Cork and is a registered nurse prescriber of medication and ionising radiation. She presents nationally and internationally on hip fracture care. She is an active member in the Irish Orthopaedic Nurses Society, the International Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nurses and a member of the INOR / IHFD Clinical Governance Committee. Her main interests are hip fracture care, fragility fracture prevention, osteoporosis and falls prevention and management. 5 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit Dr John Carey Dr John Carey is a Consultant Physician in Rheumatology and Medicine at Galway University Hospitals, and Clinical lecturer in Medicine, National University of Ireland, Galway. He is medical graduate of University College Dublin Medical School (MBBChBAO), and has a Masters Degree in Clinical Research from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio USA (MS). Dr. Carey completed his postgraduate training in medicine, rheumatology and clinical research at Boston University Medical Centre, Massachusetts, USA and The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He has a subspecialty interest in osteoporosis and serves on several committees for the International Society for Clinical Densitometry and is chair of the ISCD Publications Committee and organising committee for Ireland’s annual ISCD bone densitometry course. His clinical research focuses on osteoporosis, musculoskeletal imaging and patient care pathways. Dr Finbarr Condon Dr Finbarr Condon graduated from UCC in 1992, did his basic and higher surgical training primarily in Dublin, but with extended training periods spent in Limerick, Cork, Vancouver and Siberia. He took up a Trauma and Orthopaedic consultant post in the HSE Mid-West after specialising on fellowship, in 2004. His specialty interests include primary and revision hip and knee replacement as well as complex limb lengthening, deformity correction and limb reconstruction using Ilizarov external ring fixating techniques. Finbarr is a Council member of the Irish Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery (IITOS) and the Training Programme Director for Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery at the RCSI. Dr Margaret Boland Dr Margaret Boland is currently the Director of Scheduled Care operations in the Peri-operative and Diagnostic Directorate in St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin IEHG (South). She works closely with the Directors of Surgery, Radiology and Pathology alongside the Multidisciplinary Teams. Collectively they support the Quality and Patient Safety agenda in SVUH meeting transparent clinical and corporate governance requirements. This role encompasses the development of clinical operations in the directorate for SVUH as a Level 4 Major academic teaching hospital. Margaret has played a pivotal role in developing and leading in Clinical Services within St Vincent’s University Hospital across the scheduled and unscheduled care operations. This ensures that the right patient is seen by the right HCP at the right time and in the right place. Her role involves working across Ireland East and the DAMC, where she fosters a partnerships approach within the hospital group to improve and sustain excellence in clinical care. Her success is exemplified by improvements in: outreach clinics, bi-directional flow with all partner hospitals, multi-disciplinary team approach across all specialities, sharing skills and enhancing the service for patients 6 3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 Karen Hertz Karen Hertz is an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) at University Hospital of North Midlands, Royal Stoke Site. She has worked in a variety of different nursing roles in Trauma and Orthopaedics, but is currently employed as an ANP on the trauma unit, working predominantly with hip fracture patients. Karen is a committee member of the RCN Society of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nurses and represent this group on the International Collaboration of Orthopaedic Nurses, whose aim is the development and sharing of best practice in orthopaedic nursing globally. Karen has been actively involved in the evolvement of Hip Fracture care in the UK, and has had the opportunity in participating in the authoring group of the BOA/ BGS Blue Book on Fragility Fracture Care, being the Nurse representative on the UK NHFD steering group since 2007, and been a member of the NICE guideline development group for the management of Hip Fracture Care. Mr Conor Hurson Mr Conor Hurson is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based in St. Vincent’s University Hospital, St. Michael’s Hospital and Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospitals. His subspeciality interests include trauma, hip and knee replacement and sports knee. He graduated from University College Dublin in 1999, completed his internship in St. Vincent’s University Hospital and underwent basic and higher surgical training through RCSI. He was successful in the FRCS (Trauma & Orthopaedics) exams in 2008 and completed the Irish Specialist Training Programme in Orthopaedic Surgery in 2009. Conor holds a position of Clinical Lecturer in the School of Medicine in UCD and is very involved in education and teaching. He has published widely in orthopaedics with many international publications and a number of book chapters. He is the lead Orthopaedic Surgeon for the Irish Hip Fracture Database and the National Hip Fracture Integrated Care Pathway Steering Group. 7 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit ORAL PRESENTATIONS - TOP 5 ABSTRACTS 8 Title Author Speaker Institution Compliance With Osteoporosis Medications Among Patients Attending a Fracture Liaison Service in South-East Ireland O’Gradaigh D, Fox M Gillian Fitzgerald Dept of Rheumatology / Fracture Liaison Service & Dept of Orthopaedics, University Hospital Waterford Pre-hip fracture history in a database cohort – a guide to improving targeted risk reduction O’Gradaigh D, Fox M, Brent L Donncha O’Gradaigh Dept of Rheumatology / Fracture Liaison Service & Dept of Orthopaedics, University Hospital Waterford Seasonal trends in orthopaedic trauma: key performance indicators Linton KN 1,2, McDaniel D, Bass GA, Sayana MK, and Zubovic A Kenneth Linton 1. Current Anaesthetic Practices in the management of hip fracture in St Vincents University (SVUH) compared to the ASAP Mary Moore Mary Moore St Vincents University Hospital, Dept of Trauma and Orthopaedics “Super-spell” Length of Stay for Hip Fracture Patients in Cork Dr. Anne O’Mahony, Prof James Harty, Dr. Josie Clare Dr. Anne O’Mahony Cork University Hospital Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda 2. Department of Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 POSTER PRESENTATIONS Stand No. Title Author Institution 1 Time spent in the Mater hospital and subsequent time in the Active Rehabilitation unit post hip fracture in patients over 65 Alice Conlon, Siobhan Forman, Eoin Keating, Dermot Power, Claire Reynolds Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dublin 11 2 Improvements in Length of stay following the introduction of a daily multi-disciplinary team meeting Breda O’Leary, Orla Russell, Meg Jackson, Fathima Cassimjee, Kay McGrath, Sonya Cotter, Dr. Anne O’Mahony, Prof James Harty, Dr.Josie Clare Cork University Hospital 3 Predicting mortality following hip fracture Carla Henderson1, Ailish Hannigan1, Jude Ryan2 1 4 “The Fall Guys” Charlotte Hannon, Alva Efondo, Denise O’Leary, Ellen Davey Sligo Regional Hospital 5 Audit on perioperative pain in elderly hip fracture patients at University Hospital Waterford. Cillian Suiter University Hospital Waterford, Department of Anaesthesia 6 Audit of Protocol for Bone Protection after Hip Fracture Clare McCloskey, Roseann Department of Orthopaedic O’Doherty, Sean Owens, Surgery and DXA Unit, St. Vincent’s Susan van der Kamp, Conor Hurson, University Hospital, Dublin Malachi McKenna 7 Dedicated orthogeriatric service reduces hip fracture mortality CY Henderson (MSc)1, E Shanahan (MRCPI)2, A Butler (RGN)3, B Lenehan (MSc)3, M O’Connor (MRCPI) 2, D Lyons (MD) 2, JP Ryan (MD)2. 1 8 Reducing the risk of injurious falls in an ageing population Daragh Rodger Anne Spencer HSE, St Mary’s Hospital. Phoenix Park. PETAL 9 Comparing standards of hip fracture care in University college hospital Galway with the UK and Irish hip fracture database. Dr E Umana, MD, Mr DE O’Briain FRCS (Tr & Orth), Mrs C Armstrong, Mr FJ Shannon FRCS (Tr & Orth) Galway University Hospitals 10 An audit examining inpatient times with regard to time to theatre, time spent in ED and overall length of stay Dr Eanna Mac Suibhne, Dr Louise Gleeson, Dr Deirdre Breslin, Dr Brendan Leahy, Louise Brent, Dr Des Fitzgerald Waterford University hospital 11 When do Hip fractures present to Dr. Josie Clare, Prof James Harty. ED? Data collection to help develop a Fast Track hip fracture service Cork University Hospital 12 Hyponatraemia Is a Risk Factor For Hip Fractures E. Pomeroy, F. Rowan, C. Harrington, T. Coughlan, J. McElwain Department of Trauma & Orthopaedics, AMNCH, Tallaght, Dublin 24 13 Prospective clinical audit into pre and post-operative morbidity of hip fracture patients in UHL. Eilis Fitzgerald GEMS, UL Graduate Entry Medical School University of Limerick 2Department of Medicine Division of Geriatrics University Hospital Limerick Graduate Entry Medical School University of Limerick 2Department of Medicine Division of Geriatrics University Hospital Limerick 3 Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics University Hospital Limerick 9 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit POSTER PRESENTATIONS 14 Pre-Fracture morbidity and its role in predicting post-operative outcomes among elderly hip fracture patients Eilis Fitzgerald GEMS, UL 15 Dedicated Orthogeriatric Service Saves the HSE a Million Euro Elaine Shanahan University Hospital Limerick 16 A retrospective assessment of secondary fracture prevention in a vulnerable patient population as assessed in the rehabilitation setting. Eoin Keating, Claire Reynolds, Alice Conlon, Siobhan Forman, Dermot Power Active Rehabilitation Unit (ARU), Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital (CNOH), Finglas, Dublin 11 17 Predictors of mobility outcome at one week post hip fracture surgery: a 6 month prospective observational cohort study Fitzgerald M1, Blake C2, Askin D3, Kelly M1, O Brien R N1, Griffin E 1, Coughlan T3, Quinlan J3, Cunningham C.2 1 18 Pathological hip fracture in a regional trauma centre Linton KN1,2, Darcy C, Morris P, McDaniel D, Harrington P, and Sayana MK 1. 19 Hip pain in the active adult female: a missed diagnosis Linton KN1,2, Saeed N, Sayana MK, and Harrington P 1. 20 Mortality Rate and Associated Factors in Older Adults following Hip Fracture Maher N, Steen G, Fallon N, Browne J, Walsh JB, Casey M. Mercer’s Institute for Research, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland 21 Timed up and Go as a test for efficacy of the “Better Bones Exercise programme” McCarthy Persson U, Blake C, Smith E, Cunningham C School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, University College Dublin 22 The Impact of Hip Fracture on Mobility and Ability to Self-Care Fifteen Months Post Fracture N. Maher, G. Steen, N. Fallon, K. Fitzgerald, M .Casey, JB. Walsh. Mercer’s Institute for Research, St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, Ireland 23 Targeting Appropriate Patients to attend the Active Rehabilitation Unit, Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital. Siobhan Forman; Alice Conlon, Eoin Keating, Claire Reynolds, Dermot Power Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dublin 11 24 A Review of the Discharge Destination of Patients with Hip Fractures who transferred through the Active Rehabilitation Unit in Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital. Siobhan Forman; Alice Conlon, Eoin Keating, Claire Reynolds, Dermot Power. Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dublin 11 25 Change in Hip Fracture Demographics over a period of 2 Decades Tarazi N, O’Loughlin PF, Hillery P, Kenny P Orthopaedic Surgery, Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown 10 Tallaght Hospital, Physiotherapy Department, Dublin, Ireland 2 University College Dublin, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Population Science, Dublin, Ireland 3 Tallaght Hospital, Bone and Joint Unit, Dublin, Ireland Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda 2. Department of Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda 2. Department of Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 NOTES 11 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit NOTES 12 3rd Irish Hip Fracture Meeting 6th March 2015 NOTES 13 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit NOTES 14 NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit CONTACT: Email [email protected] Tel 01 4028577 Visit our IHFD page on NOCA website www.noca.ie 16
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