A VIEW OF THE GREENS A Premier Active Adult Community MARCH 2015 * NEWSLETTER PLEASE JOIN US FOR COCKTAILS AND HORS D’OEUVRES ON THE “S.S. GREENS” Friday March 20, 2015 5:30 to 7.30 p.m. RIDGE OAK CLUBHOUSE $15 per person BYOB FOR RESERVATIONS CALL CAROL HORAN CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE GREENS . Monday, March 2nd. Come Join Us Chilis Grill & Bar 12:30 a.m. White Oak Clubhouse. Please try to arrive by 12:25, so we can begin play promptly at 12:30 . 5443 Gosford Road Call Carol Horan or Mary Ann McGarrah Please let us know by February 25th, at the latest. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Tuesday, March 24th at FEBRUARY WINNERS 11:30a.m. R.S.V.P. to Jane Andreatta Or Michie Kimura North - South First Place: Connie & Carol Second Place: Bernice & Beverly East - West We encourage and welcome all single ladies, gentlemen and all new residents in The Greens to join our Gadabouts Luncheon get together. This is a good way to meet your neighbors. 2 First Place: Mary Ann & Mary Lynn Second Place: Vicki & Janis UPDATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING…… Brighton Parks/ Greens Yosemite Trip/April 28-29, 2015 COME JOIN US…. EVERY ONE IS WELCOME The bus for this trip is filled, 22 residents from The Greens and 25 residents from Brighton Parks. A “Wait List” has been started in case of cancellations prior to the date. It will be on a “first come” basis, so if you are interested in being on the list, please call Gerri McCoy . REMINDER: Residents can place ads in our newsletter for personal items for sale or wanted. There is a $5.00 fee for the ads. Place ad & $$ in the box in the Ridge Oak library by the 21st of the month for inclusion in the next month’s newsletter. Business advertisements are excluded along with offers for services of any kind. 3 Yes, The Greens, has different kind of fun games throughout the week, see our monthly club calendar on back of our Newsletter and come join us, we have lots of laughter & catch up with what is going on in our community, while we are playing.. What do you call a diseased Irish criminal? A leper con…….. My memory is gone Mildred, so I changed my password to “incorrect” That way when I log in with the wrong password, the computer will tell me….”your password is incorrect.” A Note From Your Board Tony Castro, President, The Greens HOA Dear Homeowners: Does anyone know where winter went? With all the warm weather that we have had, I fear that we could become the next wintering place for "the snowbirds" of Florida! It's enough that the coots winter here from our northern-border states. Speaking of our borders, I am pleased to report that the security cameras installed at our gates will be operational in the last week of February and will be monitored real-time by TransWest, our security contractor. We apologize that the installation process has taken longer than we anticipated. The costs of the system will be offset with reductions in our insurance premiums. Regarding Trans-West, we appreciate that they have provided increased patrol coverage, at no cost to us, as an introductory & familiarization gesture. Please understand that you will soon see them less, but that their service will be in accordance with the provisions of the security contract issued by Seven Oaks HOA. We became aware recently that a resident was feeding feral cats and we have taken action to halt the practice. Even though meant as a humane gesture, it had the effect of attracting skunks and other wildlife, which created a threatening environment for other residents. We now have a problem with the activities and intrusion of these cats in our community that will need to be dealt with. Allow me to restate an admonition that has been offered many times. Do not feed the wildlife in our community. Specifically, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has a "Keep Me Wild" campaign that says, "Never feed a kit fox or other wildlife; keep pet food indoors." Violating this policy contributes to wildlife losing their ability to forage for their own food and introduces improper food into their diet. Long term, where will they get their food when you are no longer able to continue feeding them? California Code of Regulation, 14 CCR § 251.1 Harassment of Animals, states in part, that no person shall harass, herd or drive any game or nongame bird or mammal or furbearing mammal; and that harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering. It is unfortunate that we need to continue to address the issue of feeding wildlife and stray animals. We hope that personal consideration for the health and welfare of your neighbors, compliance with state-level statutes, and true consideration for the welfare of wildlife will bring those of you, to whom this applies, into compliance and self-control. Thank you for joining us in maintaining our community such that we will continue to be the premier active adult community to which others will aspire to belong . 4 The next Men’s Club meeting will be held on March 11th in the White Oak Clubhouse. The evening will start at 4:30 pm with a social get-together and refreshments. The meeting will be called to order promptly at 5 pm. The speakers will be fellow members, Larry Reider and Herb Spencer. Larry will tell us why the gigantic building on 20th and K Street, formally know as University Square, was renamed the Larry E. Reider Education Center. Herb has been an amateur photographer for almost seventy years and has had photos exhibited at the West Kern Oil Museum. At the meeting he will share with us some of his experiences and expertise. 5 SOGGY BUSINESS: The new SOGGY’s weekly golf schedule remains Tuesday and Friday mornings. The T-Times from March thru October, will be 8:00 am. The T-Times for November thru February will be at 9:00 am. The next tournament is scheduled for March 11TH. The cost will be $25 to play. Lunch will be at the Seven Oaks CC with each golfer paying their own costs. As always, non playing SOGGYs are encouraged to join the group for lunch. Summary of responses to the SOGGY survey: Most members want to continue monthly meetings on our present schedule. The majority said speakers are not important to the meetings. When we have speakers, they need not be limited to golf. There was an overwhelming “yes” for making day trips to play golf . The vote was split on out of town (eight hour drives) over night gold trips. The vote was split on whether to play tournaments on courses other than SOCC. The vote was also split on “Would you attend off site award lunches if not playing in the tournament?” The days and times for the weekly golf matches are listed above. GUEST SPEAKER: There was no guest speaker. NEXT MEETING: The next SOGGY meeting will be March 2nd.. Our guest speaker will be from the Bakersfield Investment Club. The SOGGY is The Greens men’s golf association - Est. 1999 6 David Bradshaw BRE#01418627 BUYING & SELLING What customer wants is #1. Will communicate with you! Negotiate with your best interest in mind. My goal is to make every transaction go smoothly. (661) 304-1827 [email protected] Mark your calendars for our Next BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Tuesday, March 10th at 4pm White Oak Clubhouse All residents are invited to attend. COME JOIN US 7 Norine Tunstall Hangs Up Her Suit Many thanks to Norine Tunstall for all the years of leadership in the water aerobics proBOARD OF DIRECTORS gram. Not only was she a talented leader but had Tony Castro, President, Harvey Campbell, Vicenewcomers President,asLin Frasier, Chief expertise in our excise instruction. She welcomed well as shared witFinancial and enOfficer, Kline, Secretary, Gloriawhile Hass,having Director thusiasm with all ofRobert us to take our exercise seriously fun. at Large. THE GREENS AT SEVEN OAKS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION She won’t be exercising with us at the pool anymore and we’ll miss her c Contact information for Board members along with Kelly Management can be found in the Greens harming personality grace. and But…. we’re waiting forofour sequinedwebsite swim suits for Telephoneand Directory in the Member Area thered community our professional performances. She said they were coming but are they still “on order”? (www.thegreensatsevenoaks.org) Contact Webmaster at ([email protected]). Signed,PERSONAL The Water Aerobics NOTE Class All articles need to be sent by e-mail to Zenaida Mansoor at ([email protected]). NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING Residents: sale or wanted of personal items, place ad and $5.00 each ad in box in library at Ridge Oak Clubhouse by the 18th of the month. BUSINESS ADVERTISING (Newsletter & our Website) Residents and Non-Residents: (Business Card, 1/4. 1/2, or full page available), For more information, contact [email protected] CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS The Ridge Oak and The White Oak Residents who would like to reserve the use of one of the clubhouses, please contact Debra Wolf by email: [email protected] Please send your questions, comments or concerns to Kelly Management for distribution to the Board members. 8 MONTHLY EVENTS AT THE CLUBHOUSE BRIDGE: Wed., 9:30-11:30am, Ridge Oak CH, Judy Ashworth. 2nd and 4th Fri., 1:00-4:00 pm, Ridge Oak CH, Wayne Lubke. MEN’S CLUB: Meets every other month (odd), 2nd Wed., 7pm W/O CH, Al De Risio. Duplicate; 1st Mon., 12:30-4:00 pm, White Oak CH, Carol Horan, Mary Ann McGarrah. SOGGY’S: 1st Mon., 9:00-10 am mtg, White Oak CH. Intermediate; 1st and 3rd Thurs., 6:30-9:00 pm, Tues.& Fri. 8:30am men’s golf @ SOCC. Bill AtRidge Oak CH, Katherine Cesare. kinson or Buddy Devoti. BINGO: TEXAS HOLD’EM POKER: 2nd and 4th Tues., 2-4pm, Ridge Oak CH, Every Thursday., 1:00-4:00 pm, White Oak CH, Donna Ledet or Betty Moore. Rodney Knight or Judy Ashworth. BUNCO: TAI CHI CLASS: 2ND Mon., 7:00-9:00 pm, Ridge Oak CH, Mary Hendrix, or Nancy Martinez. 4th Mon., 1:00Tues, Thurs, & Sat. 8:30-9:30am, W/O 3:00 pm, Ridge Oak CH, Ruth Venerable or Paul Van Metre. Pat Tejeda YOGA: CANASTA: Tues., 6:00-9:00 pm, Ridge Oak CH, Janet Rad- Mon., 7:30-8:30 am, White Oak CH, Jim Matcliff. Wed., 1:00-4:00 pm, White Oak CH, Wayne tern Lubke. ZUMBA DANCE: CRAFTS UNLIMITED: 1st and 3rd Mon., 10:00 am-2:00pm, Ridge Oak CH, Judi Mosier. Class; Wed., and Fri., 8:30-9:30 am W/O Paul Van Metre. DIVOTS: COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Tuesday & Thursday morning golf, Riverlakes Ranch Golf Course, open to men golfers, Tony CLUBHOUSE COMMITTEE: 3rd Mon., (even Castro. months only), 10 am, Ridge Oak Library, Steve GENEOLOGY CLASS: Filson. Every Wed. 1:00-2:00pm Ridge Oak CH, SOCIAL COMMITTEE: 2nd Mon., 3 pm, Ridge Regina Spitzman Oak CH, Carol Kline. INDOOR EXERCISE: MGMT/FIN. COMMITTEE: 2nd Mon., 4 pm, Tues., Thurs., Saturday 10:00-11:00am,White Oak CH, Fran Fuhrmark, or Norine Tunstall. Ridge Oak CH, Lin Frasier. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 2nd Tuesday, 4:00 pm, every other month (odd months) White Oak CH. LINE DANCE: Intermediate Class, Fri., 10:00 to 11:30 W/O Doris Schroeber or Jenny Lai 9 MARCH 2015 Private Party 10a.m.- 10p.m. W/O 10
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