the American Saddlebred Association of Maine New Website!!! Presents an NEHC Single Pointed & MHA Double Judged-Double Pointed Horse Show 30th Annual SPECIALLY DESIGNED CLASSIC HORSE SHOW Sunday, May 10, 2015 8:30am (rain, snow, or shine) Affiliations: MHA Class C* Judges: Steward: Manager: Secretary: Ring Mistress: EMT: Vet: Farrier: $680 in Premiums! ($340 in NEHC) NEHC Rated ~ see each class * Hollis Equestrian Park Route 5, Hollis, ME 04042 ASAM Double pointed per judge* Chris Cassenti, Rowley, MA Cher Griffin, Manchester, NH Lori Wyman, Waterbury Center, VT Ricky Drew, 41 Gore Road, Raymond, ME (207) 272-0082 Mary Field, 477 Bishop Hill Road, Leeds, ME 04263 (207) 576-2861 Jess Small, Livermore, ME Jane Theriault, EMT, Salisbury, MA Post Road Veterinary Clinic on call (207) 646-7200, Wells, ME Mike Sandvil, Danville, VT Rules & Regulations: $20.oo regular classes $25.oo Championship Classes $20 Bandit fee (appearing in ring without entering) $20.oo Late/Post Entry Fee (per horse) postmarked date after Saturday, May 2, 2014 $23.oo Office Fee ( # included, MHA $8 trophy fee (dbl judged) included, non-refundable) Flat Fee $145.oo includes all show fees except classes: 19, 37, 39, 48 Money classes payout : $60 added 1st-$25, 2nd-$15, 3rd- $12, 4th- $8 Any entries incurring bank fees will be charged $50.oo plus cost of the fee. Refunds will be made upon receipt of a vet certificate (or Dr); must be received by show manager before end of show. Every Class recognized by MHA will be conducted and judged under the current rules of MHA. Every Class recognized by NEHC will be conducted and judged under the current rules of NEHC. Two sets of 6 ribbons/trophies/premiums awarded per class except classes # 37, 39 & 48. All vouchers are the responsibility of the winner when given. They must be turned in after your last class. ASAM accepts no responsibility for lost vouchers/premiums. Vouchers are null & void once show office has closed. A food vendor will be on grounds The ASAM Inc. Show Committee, its agents or employees, or the Hollis Equestrian Park will not be responsible for any accident which may occur to rider, groom, attendant, spectator, animal, or equipment at the show. Nor will any of the aforementioned be held responsible for loss or destruction of any property or equipment or damage to or by animals at the Show or on the grounds. WARNING: Under Maine State Law an equine professional has limited liability for an injury or death resulting from the inherent risks of any equine activities. Judges will judge concurrently. No one may speak to any judge without permission from the steward and show manager and only after the show has completed. Post entries must be made a minimum of 3 classes prior to the entered class. No dogs on the show grounds. No alcoholic beverages will be permitted on the show grounds. PROOF of current rabies, negative Coggins and registration papers (breed classes) will be required to show. Fees NEHC RATED CLASS SPECIFICATIONS CAN BE READ IN THE CURRENT NEHC RULEBOOK MHA RATED CLASS SPECIFICATIONS CAN BE READ IN THE CURRENT MHA RULEBOOK Getting to the Hollis Equestrian Park: From the South via the Maine Turnpike: Take Exit 25 (formerly Exit 3) in Kennebunk. Follow signs to Route 35 North. Stay on Route 35 through Kennebunk and Lyman. Turn left on Route 5 North in Dayton. Park is 2.5 miles on left. From the North via the Maine Turnpike: Take Exit 46 (formerly Exit 7B) in South Portland. Turn left out of the toll booth and then left onto Route 22 West. Take Route 22 through Westbrook, Scarborough, Gorham and into Buxton. Turn left on Route 202 South into Hollis Center. Turn left, heading South, on Route 35. Turn right on Clark's Mills Road. At the end of Clark's Mills road, turn left on Route 5. Park is immediately on your right. From Route 202 (Sanford area): Turn right, heading South, on Route 5 in North Waterboro. Continue right on Route 5 toward Saco. Park will be on your right, approx 1 mile from where Route 5 and Route 202 part. NEHC Membership Form Available in Show Office (new) ASAM Membership Form Available in Show Office MHA Membership Form Available in Show Office ASHA Membership Form Available in Office 4th Annual Hollis Summer Series Challenge The following shows are now part of the Hollis Summer Series Challenge. There will be Year-end Champions and Reserve Champions in each Series class. There is NO membership requirement. You must simply show at a minimum of 4 of the shows below. All shows you exhibit at will count toward your year-end point total. Points will be awarded to the top 6 placings in qualifying classes only as follows: 1st-10 pts, 2nd-8 pts, 3rd-6 pts, 4th-4 pts, 5th-2 pts, 6th-1 point. Series point ties will be broken by the numbers of firsts, then seconds, all the way until 6ths. Awards will be presented at the last show of the series, after classes, after the points have been posted for a 15 minute audit/inspection by the exhibitors. Double judged shows count as one show towards eligibility, but both sets of points count toward year-end high point awards. This series began in 2012. The shows: ASAM Long Horn Fun Festival (April 26) ASAM Specially Designed Stable Double Judged Classic (both judge’s results count) (May 10) ASAM All American Horse Show (June 28) Hollis Equestrian Park Benefit Horse Show (July 26) The Pine Tree Sizzler (August 16) Classes Eligible English Horse in Hand Western Horse in Hand Lead Line Pleasure Walk Trot Pleasure, 10 & Under MHA Western Pleasure Specially Designed Double Judged Classic Hunter Pleasure Horse Open Youth Activity Pleasure Open Halter, Junior Handler Walk-Trot Pleasure, 11 Yrs. & Over MHA English Pleasure STARTING TIME: 8:30 A.M. * Not an MHA recognized class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RAIN, SNOW OR SHINE **Not an NEHC recognized Class Adult Showmanship, Open ** CG Youth Activity Showmanship, Open (17 & U) ** CG English Horse in Hand nehc C CC Standardbred in Hand** CG Western Horse in Hand nehc C CC American Saddlebred in Hand Open** CC Open Halter Horse/Pony, Junior Handler** CC Quarter Horse Halter, Open nehc C CG $100 Open Halter Championship** * (3-8) CC To be conducted the same as Classes 3 & 5, & judged on the respective merits of the type/breed as represented by turnout) 10. Lead Line Equitation Open, (Riders 7 & Under) ** CC 11. Lead Line Equitation Championship** (11) CC 12. Road Hack Horse, Open nehc C CC 13. Adult Equitation, Open** CG 14. Lead Line Pleasure, Horse/Pony, Open (Riders 7 & Under) ** CG 15. Lead Line Pleasure, Horse/Pony Championship **(15) CG 16. MHA Pleasure Horse Western (must be owned by a Maine resident) ** CG 17. Walk Trot Pleasure 11 & Over ** CG NEW For horse (pony)/rider combinations who do not canter/lope in shows or other competitive disciplines. Alternate gait allowed. No limitation as to status of rider. Horse/pony may canter/lope with a different rider; rider may canter/lope on a different horse/pony. Horse (pony)/rider combinations in this division may not compete in any class at any show/competitive discipline (recognized or not) during the current show season requiring a canter or lope. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ASB 3-Gaited English Show Pleasure, Open nehc C CC MHA Medallion Pleasure Horse/Pony, Open ** Open to members & non-members CG Walk-Trot Equitation Open, Riders 10 & under nehc C CG Saddlebred Country Pleasure Horse, Western nehc A CC Quarter Horse Western Pleasure, Open nehc C CG Standardbred Pleasure, 2 Gait Open** CG Walk-Trot Pleasure Horse or Pony, Open, Riders 10 & under nehc C CG Walk Trot Pleasure 11 & Over Championship** (17) CG Walk-Trot Pleasure Horse or Pony Championship (24) nehc C CG ***** Lunch Break (30 minutes) 27. ASB Country Pleasure Hunter, Open nehc A CC 28. Walk Trot Equitation 11 & Over nehc C CG NEW Open to Junior and Amateur Adult riders 11 years and older who have not cantered/loped in any show or other competitive discipline, recognized or not, in the past three years. No person entered may compete in any other class requiring entries to canter or lope during the current show year. Alternate gait allowed. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Saddle Seat Equitation under 18 Years of Age nehc C CC Quarter Horse Hunter under Saddle nehc C CG Hunter Pleasure Horse Open nehc B CC Walk Trot Equitation 11 & Over Championship (28) nehc C CG Bridle Path Horse** CG Saddlebred Three Gaited Park Horse, Open nehc C CC Ladies Pleasure Horse, Open nehc C CC $60 ASB Country Pleasure Hunter Championship (27) nehc A CC NEHC Saddle Seat Equitation Medal * CC Open Pleasure Driving Horse nehc C CG NEHC Hunt Seat Pleasure Equitation Medal * CG Standardbred Two Gait Equitation ** CG ASB 3-Gaited Country Pleasure English, Open nehc A CC MHA Pleasure Horse English ** (must be owned by Maine resident) CC Jr. Exhibitor Hack Horse or Pony nehc C CG Standardbred Pleasure, 2 Gait Open Championship **(23) CG Youth Activity Pleasure Horse or Pony, Open ** CG Hunter Seat Pleasure Equitation (Amateur & Juniors) nehc C CC Forty and Over Pleasure** CC NEHC Open Pleasure Horse/Pony * ** nehc C (Open to members & non-members) CC $60 ASB 3-Gaited Country Pleasure English Championship (41) nehc A CC $60 Hunter Pleasure Horse Championship (31) nehc B CC ASB 3-Gaited Show Pleasure Championship (18) nehc C CC Saddle Seat Equitation Championship (29) nehc B CC Youth Activity Pleasure Horse or Pony Championship (45) ** CG $60 Saddlebred Three Gaited Park Horse, Championship (34) nehc C CC CALL JUDGE: CC IS Chris Cassenti; CG is Cher Griffin Call Judge is the NEHC pointed judge ASAM 41 Gore Road Raymond, ME 04071 Specially Designed Classic Show 2015 OPEN SHOW One of the qualifying shows for the Hollis Summer Series!!! 30th Annual SPECIALLY DESIGNED STABLES CLASSIC (MHA Double Judged/Double Pointed) HORSE SHOW Sunday, May 10, 2015 - 8:30 A.M. Pre-ENTRIES CLOSE: Postmarked by Friday, May 1, 2015 Late Entry Fee $20.00 Check must accompany entry Make checks payable to ASAM ENTRY FEES: $20.00 all Regular Classes $25.00 all Championship Classes $23.00 per Office Fee (# included, non-returnable) $145.00 Flat Fee -Classes not included: 20, 36, 38, 47 MAIL ENTRIES TO: Mary Field, Show Secretary 477 Bishop Hill Road Leeds, ME 04222-5120 207-576-3641 *** $20.00 Bandit fee if in ring and not entered in office ONE OWNER PER ENTRY FORM Classes Name of Horse or Pony Sex Exhibitor’s Name Reg. No. Rider’s Equitation Age Rider’s Seat Every entry at an affiliated event shall constitute an agreement that the person making it, owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver, rider and the horse, shall be subject to the Bylaws and the Rules of the Association, the rules and regulations of the show, and that every horse, rider and/or driver is eligible as entered and that the owner and any of his representatives are bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the MHA, Inc., the NEHC, ASAM Inc, and the affiliated event, accept as final the decision of the MHA, Inc., the NEHC, ASAM Inc, or committee thereof on any question arising under said rules and agree to hold the affiliated event, the MHA, Inc., NEHC, and Hollis Equestrian Park, their officials, directors and employees, harmless for any action taken. The constitution or application of MHA, Inc. ASAM, INC, rules is governed by the Laws of the State of Maine. All users of the Hollis Equestrian Park understand that the Friends of the Hollis Equestrian Park and the Town of Hollis are to be held harmless for all events and issues resulting from or associated with the use of the Hollis Equestrian Park. These events or issues include, but are not limited to, the cost of loss, damage, accidents or legal expenses. Signature will be assumed with payment Owners Name & Address TOTAL ENTRY FEES $23 Office Fee includes # and MHA trophy fee (doubled) $20.00 POST ENTRY FEE WARNING: Under Maine Law an equine professional has limited liability for an injury or death resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities $145 Flat FEE Owner’s Signature & Complete Address:________________________________________________________________________ Total Paid _____________________________________________ Minor’s Name Cell #__________________________ Entry Fees Email ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________________ (If the exhibitor is a minor, a parent/guardian must sign the entry form before the entry will be accepted) Trainer’s Signature & Complete Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (If NO Trainer, the Owner must sign this line)
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