Nano Research Nano Res DOI 10.1007/s12274-015-0762-6 Strain-induced direct-indirect band gap transition and phonon modulation in monolayer WS2 Yanlong Wang1,2#, Chunxiao Cong2#, Weihuang Yang1,2, Jingzhi Shang2, Namphung Peimyoo2, Yu Chen2, Junyong Kang3, Jianpu Wang1,4, Wei Huang1,4,5 (), and Ting Yu2 () Nano Res., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI 10.1007/s12274-015-0762-6 on March 5, 2015 © Tsinghua University Press 2015 Just Accepted This is a “Just Accepted” manuscript, which has been examined by the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication. A “Just Accepted” manuscript is published online shortly after its acceptance, which is prior to technical editing and formatting and author proofing. Tsinghua University Press (TUP) provides “Just Accepted” as an optional and free service which allows authors to make their results available to the research community as soon as possible after acceptance. 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To cite this manuscript please use its Digital Object Identifier (DOI®), which is identical for all formats of publication. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS (TOC) Strain-induced direct-indirect band gap transition and phonon modulation in monolayer WS2 Yanlong Wang,1,2# Chunxiao Cong,2# Weihuang Yang,1,2 Jingzhi Shang,2 Namphung Peimyoo,2 Yu Chen,2 Junyong Kang,3 Jianpu Wang,1,4 Wei Huang,1,4,5* and Ting Yu2* 1Nanyang Technological University – Nanjing Tech Center of Research and Development, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China 2Division Physical of Physics and Applied Physics, School of and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 637371, Singapore 3Fujian We plot the fitted light emission intensities of A, A- and I peaks of CVD monolayer WS2 as a function of the uniaxial tensile strain, Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials and Applications, Department of Physics, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China 4Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics (KLOFE) and Synergetic Center for Advanced Materials (SICAM), Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech), Nanjing 211816, China Laboratory for Organic Electronics & Information Displays (KLOEID) and Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, 9 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing 210046, China strain since its appearance, contrary to those of A and A- peaks. It could be interpreted as the strain-induced direct to indirect band gap Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Jiangsu National 5Key which show that I peak intensity has a rising trend with increasing transition and agrees well with the calculated critical strain of around 2.6% which can lead to this transformation. Nano Research DOI (automatically inserted by the publisher) Research Article Strain-induced direct-indirect band gap transition and phonon modulation in monolayer WS2 Yanlong Wang1,2#, Chunxiao Cong2#, Weihuang Yang1,2, Jingzhi Shang2, Namphung Peimyoo2, Yu Chen2, Junyong Kang3, Jianpu Wang1,4, Wei Huang1,4,5 (), and Ting Yu2 () Received: day month year ABSTRACT Revised: day month year In-situ strain Photoluminescence (PL) and Raman spectroscopy has been Accepted: day month year employed to exploit evolutions of electronic band structure and lattice (automatically inserted by the publisher) © Tsinghua University Press vibrational responses of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) grown monolayer tungsten disulphide (WS2) under uniaxial tensile strain. An observable broadening and appearing of an extra small feature at the longer wavelength and Springer-Verlag Berlin side shoulder of the PL peak occur under 2.5% strain, which could be an Heidelberg 2014 indicator of direct to indirect bandgap transition and further confirmed by our density functional theory calculations. As strain further increases, the spectral KEYWORDS weight of the indirect transition becomes larger gradually. Cross the entire strain monolayer WS2, strain, light emission tuning, indirect transition, trion, crystallographic orientation range, with the increase of strain, the light emissions corresponding to each optical transition such as direct band gap transition (K-K) and indirect band gap transition (Γ-K, ≥2.5%) show monotonous linear red-shift. In addition, larger binding energy of the indirect transition compared to the direct one is deduced and slight lowering of trion dissociation energy with increasing strain is observed. Not only the electronic band structure, but also the lattice vibrations could be modulated by the strain. The softening and splitting of in-plane E' mode is shown under uniaxial tensile strain and the polarization dependent Raman spectroscopy confirms the observed zigzag-oriented edge of CVD grown WS2 in previous studies. These findings indeed enrich our understanding of 2 Nano Res. strained states of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) materials and further lay a foundation for developing applications such as strain detection and light emission modulation of such emerging two-dimensional TMDs based on their strain dependent optical properties. Address correspondence to Ting Yu, [email protected]; Wei Huang, [email protected] 1 Introduction breaking strength [10, 19], atomically thin TMDs provide a good opportunity to further study strain Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) can be effects on 2D materials. Phonon softening [20, 21], generally expressed as MX2 where M symbolizes a crystal orientation determination [20], bandgap transition metal element and X represents a narrowing [22, 23], valley polarization decrease [24], chalcogen atom. Bulk TMDs have a layered and giant valley drift [25] under tensile strain have structure with each layer composed of two been reported in monolayer MoS2. However, chalcogenide atom planes and one transition metal influences of strain on the direct band gap feature, atom sub layer situated between them. The most the most interesting and important property of 2D common stacking polytype is 2H, with a trigonal TMDs, such as a direct to indirect band gap prism unit which comprises centered metal atom transition under strain predicted by the theoretical and its nearest 6 chalcogen atoms [1, 2]. TMDs have calculations [26-29] has not been systematically long been known to possess a remarkable variety of studied by any experimental approach. Moreover important physical and chemical properties [3, 4]. the strain effects on trion feature which was Recently as the fabrication and characterization recently assigned in several monolayer TMDs [9, technique becomes mature, two-dimensional (2D) 30-32] remain unstudied experimentally to our best TMDs have generated widespread research interest knowledge. Last but not least though the edges of and consequently many extraordinary results are CVD grown 2D TMDs are reported to be zigzag obtained, such as thinning-induced bandgap type termination by TEM observations, they are not transition [5-7] , valley confinement due to atomically sharp and need further investigation to inversion asymmetry [8, 9] , high effective Young's accurately identify the edge orientation [33-35], modulus [10] , nonblinking photon emission [11] , which plays an important role in determining and so on. properties of TMD materials [36]. 2D tungsten Strain engineering plays a key role in tuning disulphide (WS2), one kind of TMD material, has properties of 2D materials. Strain effects on been monolayer graphene have been widely studied. The optoelectronics, photonics, and nanoelectronics lattice vibration, the magnetism, and even the both in independent forms and heterostructures electronic band structures of graphene could be [37-40], and CVD method has been employed to remarkably influenced by applying strains [12-18]. successfully grow monolayer WS2 in large area with Owing to the as-born bandgap and extremely high high quality in our recent reports [11, 33]. Study of | demonstrated to hold potential for 3 Nano Res. strain dependent properties could help us gain and 532 nm laser lines. The laser spot is around 500 further insight into the opportunity for applications nm in diameter. The PL spectra before and after of this material especially the flexibility-related ones transfer process were taken under the same [41], however, experimental investigation of strain condition. Raman spectrum of monolayer WS2 effects on light emission and lattice vibration of 2D transferred to PET substrate was measured with WS2 is still lacking in stark contrast to the 2D MoS 2 higher integration time and power compared with counterpart [20-24]. In this paper we report our that of as-grown one for better comparison. In each observation of tunable light emission and lattice strain loading process, at least three different points vibration of CVD grown monolayer WS2 under were studied to ensure the observed spectrum uniaxial tensile strain. Both bandgap energy tuning change and transformation from direct to indirect achieved measurements by strain can be revealed from photoluminescence performed under the same condition with a low (PL) spectra. Furthermore, trion and phonon laser power to avoid damage to the sample. Under behaviors subject to strain are discussed. Finally some specific strain strengths several spectra on the polarization dependent intensities of split E' and E' same spot were taken and compared to confirm the + modes are analyzed to determine - the is typical. under Both Raman different and strain PL were validity of measurement results. crystallographic orientation of our CVD grown WS2. 3 Calculation Methods 2 Experimental The electronic structure calculations of unstrained and strained WS2 monolayer based on the density This study involved CVD growth of monolayer WS 2 functional theory (DFT) were performed using the samples on SiO2/Si substrate and transfer process to projector flexible PET substrate for further strained Raman method with a plane-wave basis set as implemented and PL measurements. in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP) Growth and transfer: CVD method as previously code [61-63]. The plane-wave cutoff energy was 500 described [33] was employed to grow monolayer eV and the exchange–correlation functional was WS2. with treated within the local density approximation corresponding optical and fluorescence images (LDA) according to the Ceperlay Alder (CA) taken by an optical microscope (BX 51). Then the parameterization. The 1H-WS2 monolayer was grown samples were transferred to PET substrate modeled by 1×1 unit cell that contains 3 atoms. A adopting the improved method proposed by Li [60]. vacuum spacing larger than 22 Å was introduced to Strain application: The samples were mounted on a hinder the interaction between periodic replicas strain stage with the desired areas in the middle of along the c axis, making the monolayer structure the stage gap and could be controllably elongated effectively isolated. The convergence condition for to apply uniaxial tensile strain. the energy was chosen as 10−6 eV and the structures Desired areas were located, augmented wave pseudopotentials were were relaxed until the forces on each atom were less collected by a Raman system (Witec CRM200) with than 0.01 eV/Å . The Monkhorst–Pack scheme was 1800 lines/mm and 2400 lines/mm grating under used to sample the Brillouin zone. To obtain the 457 and 488 nm excitation laser, respectively. PL unstrained configuration, the atomic positions and measurements were conducted in the same Witec lattice vectors were fully relaxed with a mesh of system with 150 lines/mm grating under both 457 15×15×1, and the optimized (relaxed) coordinates Optical characterization: Raman spectra∣ | Nano Research 4 Nano Res. were then used for the self-consistent and density of state (DOS) calculations with the mesh of k space increased to 25×25×1. Band structures were calculated along the high symmetry points using the path Γ–M–K–Γ. Since the uniaxial strain effects on band structure (especially the band edge parts) of monolayer TMD materials have been shown to be nearly direction independent [23, 24, 26], we only considered the strain along the [010] direction. Specifically the lattice vector along this direction was enlarged according to strain strength while Figure 1. Optical images of CVD grown monolayer WS2 on (a) those along the other two directions were kept SiO2/Si substrate and (b) PET substrate after transfer process. (c) constant. Raman and (d) PL spectra of monolayer WS2 before and after transfer with fitted curves. 4 Results and discussion symmetric peak usually presents [11, 33]. As can be To effectively apply uniaxial strain to monolayer seen from Figure 1(d), an obvious peak splitting WS2, the as-grown CVD WS2 thin layers on SiO2/Si occurs after the transfer process. Considering the substrate are needed to be transferred onto a truth that the transfer process may cause some flexible substrate, Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) non-intentional doping to the monolayer WS2, we in our case (see the discussion and Figure S1 in the attribute the doublet split two peaks to neutral Electronic for exciton (higher energy) and charged exciton or trion details). Optical images of monolayer WS2 before (lower energy), respectively. The similar excitonic and after transfer shown in Figure 1(a) and (b) emission reveal that the transferred sample maintained its previously in WS2 and other 2D TMDs [9, 30-32]. original perfect triangle shape. As a unique and Such excitonic emissions are originated from direct powerful tool for investigations of layer number transition at K point in the Brillouin zone [34] and [42-44], stacking order [45-47], local oxidation [48], there is switch between neutral exciton (A) and and doping effects [49, 50], Raman spectroscopy is trion (A- or A+ depending on extra carrier type) at used to characterize the samples before and after different Fermi levels [9, 30-32]. From our previous transferring with 457 nm excitation laser line. As studies, our CVD grown WS2 exhibit an n-type shown in Figure this excitation doping property [11]. The existence of excessive condition one second-order zone-edge phonon electrons in such n-type WS2 could facilitate the mode (2LA(M), 347 cm ) plus two zone-center formation of negative charged exciton (A -). For the modes (E', 357cm-1 and A′1 , 417cm-1) dominate in the transferred range of 300 to 480 cm [51]. No obvious spectral transformation from A to A in the PL spectra is change is observed, again indicating the transferred caused by a decrement of the n-type doping level sample remains its quality. resulted from the trapped molecules during transfer Supplementary Material 1(c), under (ESM) -1 -1 features have samples, also the been spectral observed weight - Benefitting from a direct bandgap, monolayer process. The molecular doping effects on the light TMDs usually possess strong PL emissions. For our emissions of WS2 monolayer has been discussed in CVD our previous study [52]. grown monolayer WS2, a strong and | 5 Nano Res. To better guide our understanding of the monolayer WS2 from K to Γ point while keep the observed strain dependent light emission behaviors CBM unchanged, resulting in the narrowest gap shown later, we calculated the band structure of between the transition from Γ to K, as can be seen in monolayer WS2 under different uniaxial strain by Figure 2(c). With the continuous increase of strain, DFT method and presented our findings in Figure 2 the indirect band gap feature becomes more (See the Calculation Methods for detail). One obvious (see the band structure with 3.8% strain in remarkable change of the band structure induced Figure 2(d)). In addition, the zoom-in view of the by applying uniaxial tensile strain is the direct to band structure around the K point (the inset of indirect band gap transition, as also theoretically Figure 2(d)) show that the strain can move the local predicted in other monolayer TMD materials [23, 25, VBM and CBM slightly away from K point. This 26, 28, 29]. In unstrained state as shown in Figure so-called valley drift has recently been observed in 2(a), both valence band maximum (VBM) and uniaxially strained monolayer MoS2 [25] and will be conduction band minimum (CBM) locate at K point. detailedly studied in future work. As the strain increases, the energy difference To further probe the strain modulated electronic between the local maximum of K and Γ point in the band structures revealed by our DFT calculation, valence band (VB) becomes smaller and they are the detailed in-situ strain PL spectra measurements near degenerate under 2.4% strain (Figure 2(b)). are conducted. Figure 3(a) shows the evolution of Uniaxial strain of 2.6% can move the VBM of Figure 2. Calculated band structure of monolayer WS2 under (a) 0%, (b) 2.4%, (c) 2.6% and (d) 3.8% uniaxial strain. Inset: zoomed-in band structure near CBM and VBM around the K point.∣ | Nano Research Figure 3. (a) PL spectra, fitted light emission (b) integrated intensities and (d) energies of A, A- and I peaks of CVD monolayer WS2 as a function of the uniaxial strain under 532 nm laser line. The intensities of all peaks are normalized by the I peak intensity under 3.7% strain, which is the largest one of the sub peaks in measured strain range. (c) and (e) are intensity ratios of direct to indirect transition peak and position distance trend of A A- peak with increasing strain, respectively. The dashed lines in (b) and (e) serve as guide for the corresponding trend under strain and the solid lines in (c) are linear fit. PL spectra in monolayer WS2 as a function of fittings could be achieved by using this fitting uniaxial tensile strain. With increasing strain ranged strategy as demonstrated by some typical spectra from 0 to 2.2%, there is an obvious redshift of PL shown in Figure S2 in the ESM. It is noteworthy emission while the line shape keeps unchanged, that the newly appearing peak under strain no less similar to the previous observation for strained than 2.5% (expressed as I, standing for indirect monolayer MoS2 [22, 24]. A discernible PL peak thereinafter) is always broader than the other two, broadening can be observed under 2.5% strain (see in line with the feature of the indirect gap emission Figure S2 in the ESM), after which PL spectrum peak in few-layer WS2 [7, 34]. This broadening is continues to be broader and entirely redshifts with contributed by the phonon which participates in the increasing strain. Considering our DFT observation recombination process of the indirect transition to of the direct to indirect band gap transition occurs satisfy momentum conservation by providing under ca. 2.6%, such broadening, especially at the appropriate momentum [53]. As can be seen from longer extra Figure 3(b), I peak intensity has a rising trend with contribution of the light emission from the indirect wavelength tail might be the increasing strain contrary to those of A and A - peaks. band gap (Γ-K). To test this speculation we fitted the Simultaneous lowering of two intensity ratios (A/I PL spectra with strain below 2.5% by two Gaussian and A-/I) (see Figure 3(c)) shows direct to indirect peaks while the PL spectra under strain since 2.5% spectral weight conversion with increasing strain, were fitted by three Gaussian peaks. Excellent as a result of strain- induced faster energy 7 Nano Res. narrowing rate of the indirect transition than that of polarizability [55]. The smaller effective exciton the direct one. Fitted light emission energies as a mass and the larger polarizability consequently function of strain are given in Figure 3(d). In lead to a reduction of trion dissociation energy [56]. addition to the expected linear redshift of A exciton To further prove the indirect transition peak does peak with strain (-0.0113 eV/%) which is also found contribute to the observed PL spectra, we show the in monolayer MoS2, [22-24] I peak is linearly results obtained by fitting all PL spectra under redshifted at a larger rate of -0.0187 eV/%. It should strain with two Gaussian peaks in Figure S3 in the be noted that under 2.5% strain, the energy of I ESM. In this way the fitted intensity of A- peak peak is 35 meV smaller than A peak instead of the increases remarkably in the high strain region approximate energy degeneracy of these two where the shortest transition is indirect and the transitions near the critical strain to transform the dissociation band gap type. It can be explained by the larger increasing strain. Those do not agree with the binding energy of the indirect transition compared expected strain-induced light emission change as to that of the direct one. The measured light discussed before and provide additional evidence emission energy by PL spectroscopy is the for the assignment of I peak in PL spectra under fundamental band gap minus binding energy of the high strain. energy decreases slightly with corresponding transition. The exciton binding Not only the electronic band structure, lattice energy is linearly dependent on effective exciton vibration of such 2D systems is also very sensitive mass [54], and the latter is jointly determined by to strain. Strain dependent Raman spectra of effective electron and hole mass at the band edge monolayer WS2 are displayed in Figure 4(a) with with the expression: μex = memh/(me+mh). Since the the extreme sensitivity of E' mode to strain direct and indirect transitions share the same observed. The strain-induced red shift and splitting effective electron mass, the much larger hole mass of this mode under high strain can be clearly seen. at Γ point than K point [55] lead to the stronger In contrast the out-of-plane A′1 mode is more inert binding for the indirect transition. This different to in-plane strain. As schematically illustrated in binding energy together with the near-degenerate Figure 4(b), E' mode involves in-plane opposite fundamental energy gap lead to lower energy of I displacements of W and S atoms, while A′1 mode peak, which makes them distinguishable in the PL corresponds to vibrations of mere S atoms out of spectrum. dissociation phase perpendicular to the plane [2]. The analysis energy evolution under strain can be estimated by of different response of these two phonon modes to extracting the strain dependent energy distances of uniaxial strain in monolayer MoS2 based on their A and A- peaks. A slightly decreasing trend is distinct observed as shown in Figure 3(e). The decrease of breaking has been reported by us [20] and later trion dissociation energy under applying an confirmed by Conley [23]. To accurately reveal the increasing tensile strain has been noticed and behaviors of phonon modes under strain, multiple explained by the changes of effective exciton mass Lorentzian functions were adopted to fit Raman and polarizability caused by varying strain [55, 56]. spectra under different strain strength. As clearly In detail, increasing strain could effectively reduce seen in fitted phonon frequencies versus strain Furthermore the trion atomic displacements and symmetry the effective exciton mass meanwhile enlarge the∣ | Nano Research 8 Nano Res. Figure 4. (a) Raman spectra of monolayer CVD WS2 with increasing strain under 488 nm laser line. (b) Schematic illustration of atomic displacements of the two first-order phonon modes. (c) Fitted phonon frequencies of E’ and A′1 modes of monolayer WS2 as a function of uniaxial strain. (d) and (e) are polar maps of fitted Raman intensities of E’+, E’- and A′1 modes as a function of angle φ under uniaxial strain of 3.2%. (Figure 4(c)), double degenerate in-plane E' mode to be a unique and efficient way to determine linearly softens under small strain and then splits crystal under 1.4% strain, after which both of E' and E' - monolayer MoS2 in our previous work [20]. Here peaks have a linear relationship with strain value. we adopted this technique to identify the edge and A′1 + orientation of mechanically exfoliated mode remains single Lorentz shape throughout crystal orientation of our CVD grown monolayer the applied strain range as expected. It is noticed WS2. First we show the measured polarization that a slight red-shift of less than 0.4 cm-1 happened dependent Raman spectra of the as-transferred to A′1 mode under high strains, i.e. 2% - 3.2%. This CVD grown monolayer WS2 under zero strain in is a little surprising since this mode should be Figure S4(a) in the ESM. In our polarization insensitive to in-plane strain. We attribute this red configuration the incident light is constantly shift to laser-induced heating which becomes more polarized along the horizontal direction and the remarkable as the laser shining on the sample scattered light polarization is chosen with an angle A′1 φ corresponding to the horizontal by a linear proceeds instead of the applied strain. Since the mode is reported to be more susceptible to the polarizer. The fitted results (Figure S4(b) in the ESM) heating induced by laser [57] and temperature [58, clearly show that the intensity of E' mode follows a 59] than E' mode for monolayer TMDs, its cos2φ dependence while that of the A′1 mode is unexpected red shift under strain is observed in our insensitive to the polarization angle, which has been case. well explained by their different Raman tensors [20]. Polarization dependent Raman spectroscopy under uniaxial strain has been successfully proven The schematic geometry | in diagram our of the polarization polar-dependent Raman 9 Nano Res. measurements under uniaxial strain is displayed in uniaxial Figure S5(a) in the ESM. Zigzag direction is dissociation energy and soften the in-plane E' assumed to have the angle θ relative to the x-axis. phonon mode followed by lifting its two-fold Strain was applied in the horizontal direction and degeneracy. The different polarization dependence the incident light polarization was fixed to this of the split E'+ and E'- modes could be used to x-axis direction, which makes ψ equal to 0°. The efficiently identify the crystal orientation and polarization of scattered light is selected by an confirm the zigzag-type edge of CVD grown analyzer and tuned from -90 to 90 degree relative to monolayer WS2. These findings extend previous the strain direction (the angle φ) with a stepzise of experimental 30 degrees. We fitted the obtained Raman spectra of corroborating the theoretical prediction of strain monolayer WS2 as a function of angle φ under effects on band structural evolution and providing uniaxial strain of 3.2% (see Figure S5(b) in the ESM) insights into strain dependent trion behaviors. The - and plotted the polar angle dependence of E' , E' observed sensitivity of light emission to strain in and A′1 peaks in Figure 4(d) and (e). The intensity of A′1 mode is proportional to cos2φ similar to the monolayer WS2 caused by strain-induced band gap nonstrain case as this out-of-plane mode is seldom atomically thin TMD material holds promise for affected by in-plane strain [20]. In contrast the various applications such as strain detection and intensities of E'+ and E'- modes follow cos2φ and optoelectronics. + sin2φ dependence, respectively. Since tensile strain strained can decrease study of trion TMDs, type and energy change further indicates that this the polarization dependent intensities of these two split Acknowledgements E' and E' modes in our configuration are supposed + - to be proportional to cos2(φ+3θ) and sin2(φ+3θ), This work is supported by the Singapore National respectively [20], the θ value is otained to be zero Research degree. Thus the zigzag direction of our CVD NRFRF2010-07, MOE Tier 2 MOE2012-T2-2-049, grown monolayer WS2 is identified to be along the A*Star SERC PSF grant no. 1321202101 and MOE horizontal axis, which happens to overlap with one Tier of the triangle edges as evident from Figure 1(b). acknowledges the support of the ‘‘973’’ This confirms the previous observations that the (2015CB932200), NSFC (Grants No 21144004, No CVD-grown WS2 edge is zigzag-terminated [33, 34]. 20974046, No 21101095, No 21003076, No 20774043, 1 Foundation NRF RF MOE2013–T1–2–235. Award W. No. Huang project No 51173081, No 50428303, No 61136003, No 50428303), the Ministry of Education of China (No. 5 Conclusions IRT1148), the NSF of Jiangsu Province (Grants No SBK201122680, No 11KJB510017, No BK2008053, No In summary we have studied the strain dependent light emission and lattice vibration properties of CVD grown monolayer WS2 and experimentally demonstrated the possibility of tuning different optical transition energies and their relative spectral weight by applying uniaxial strain. This tuneable optical property is attributed to the strain-induced direct to indirect band gap transition and confirmed 11KJB510017, No BK2009025, No 10KJB510013 and No BZ2010043) and NUPT (No NY210030 and NY211022). J.P. Wang is grateful for the NNSFC (No. 11474164), NSF of Jiangsu province (BK20131413), and the Jiangsu Specially-Appointed Professor program. Y.L. Wang thanks Luqing Wang, Dr. Xiaolong Zou and Dr. Alex Kutana for the constructive discussion. by the DFT calculation. 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(a) Optical and (b) fluorescence images of CVD grown monolayer WS 2 sample on SiO2/Si substrate. The green dot in the fluorescence image represents the position where spectra shown in Figure 3(a) and Figure 4(a) were taken. Address correspondence to Ting Yu, [email protected]; Wei Huang, [email protected]∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. Layer thickness determination In this study, the CVD grown monolayer WS2 sample on SiO2/Si substrate was first identified by its intense light emission and further confirmed by the frequency difference between E' and A′1 Raman modes. As can be seen from the fluorescence (FL) image in Figure S1(b), the triangle area with monolayer thickness shows obviously stronger light emission than the centre part which is thicker than monolayer. This is due to the indirect to direct band gap transition when thinned to a monolayer limit [1, 2]. In addition, by fitting Raman peaks of as-grown monolayer WS2 sample on SiO2/Si substrate displayed in Figure 1(c), the frequency difference of 59.3 cm-1 between E' and A′1 Raman modes was obtained, which verifies the monolayer identification since this quantity is thickness dependent in thin layers of WS 2 [3, 4]. Overcoming the nonuniformity of the sample From the FL image in Figure S1(b), the light emission from the sample near edge is enhanced compared with body counterpart. The quenching of PL in certain areas of CVD grown monolayer WS 2 has been reported by us and assigned to defect-induced electron doping [5, 6]. In view of this nonuniformity, we studied the evolution of both PL and Raman spectra under different strain strength by shining the laser on exactly the same position of sample and compared the PL behaviors at different points to ensure the observed spectrum change is typical. The green dot in Figure S1(b) is the point where spectra shown in Figure 3(a) and Figure 4(a) were taken. Figure S2. PL spectra of CVD monolayer WS2 transferred onto PET substrate with fitted curves under certain strain strengths. As can be seen from Figure S2, a comparison between PL spectra of monolayer WS 2 obtained at different strain loading stages clearly shows that the PL shape after strain release is similar to that of zero strain case and can be fitted by two Gaussian peaks well. The disappearance of I peak when strain is released further | Nano Res. confirms it is originated from indirect band gap transition. In addition the sample after strain release possesses comparable PL emission to that of the as-transfer one. This, together with no emergence of defect-related bound exciton peak makes us believe that our sample is defect free throughout the whole process and available for new round of strain measurement. Figure S3. Results obtained by fitting all PL spectra under strain with two Gaussian peaks. (a) Light emission integrated intensities of A and A- peaks of CVD monolayer WS2 as a function of the uniaxial tensile strain. The intensities of all peaks are normalized by the Apeak intensity under 3.7% strain. (b) The trend of A and A- peak position distance with increasing strain. Figure S4. (a) Raman spectra of the as-transferred CVD monolayer WS2 as a function of the angle between the polarizations of the incident and the scattered lights. (b) Polar plot of the fitted intensities of E’ and A′1 modes as a function of the angle between the polarizations of the incident and scattered lights.∣ | Nano Research Nano Res. Figure S5. (a) Schematic diagram of the polarization geometry in our polar-dependent Raman measurements. (b) Raman spectra of monolayer WS2 as a function of angle φ under uniaxial strain of 3.2%. References [1] Zhao, W.; Ghorannevis, Z.; Chu, L.; Toh, M.; Kloc, C.; Tan, P.-H.; Eda, G. 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