Drugs and your health - San Clemente High School Mayfield

San Clemente High School
PD/H/PE Assessment task
8 Drugs and your Health Topic
Name______________________ Teacher_____________________
Due date___________________ Submit to teacher.
Weighting 25%
Content strands: Individual and Community Health.
Related Outcomes: 4.6 Students describe how drug use relates to health issues, and
the impact of drug use on young people and the community.
Students will be able to:
 List the short and long term effects of selected drugs.
 Discuss legal and economic consequences of drug use.
 Write a persuasive text.
 Produce media presentation.
Late submissions
25% deduction 1 day late
50% deduction 2 days late
After the third day the Assessment task will not attract a mark but must be still submitted
in order to meet the requirement that all work “be completed”.
Do not plagiarise, this may lead to major loss of marks.
Sources that have been used in your assignment need to be acknowledged in a
Computer / printer malfunctions are not considered a valid excuse for submitting
an assignment late.
The three parts of the assignment are to be handed in on the submission
Part 1.
 Complete research using the scaffold template
The following web sites provide reliable information.
http://www.yds.org.au/ www.drugs.com
Part 2:
 Use your information to design a brochure or poster or
Power Point presentation that refers to one of the
drugs you researched.
 In the brochure/poster/ power point you must refer to
short and long term consequences of the use of the
 Include a bibliography.
Your presentation needs to include the legal and
economic consequences of drug use. Refer only to the
drug you have chosen to write about.
Part 3:
 Write a 150 (max) word letter to a friend who has just
started smoking cigarettes. Try to persuade them to
stop smoking by letting them know about the negative
aspects of smoking. Use some statistics to back up
your argument.
Use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Marking Criteria
Part 2
Part 3
Part 1
A detailed, well-presented scaffold that clearly identifies short and long
term consequences of drug use and legal, social and economic
consequences of their use. The consequences will include both personal
and community issues.
A detailed well-presented scaffold that clearly identifies short and long
term consequences of drug use and legal, social and economic
consequences of their use.
A well-presented scaffold that clearly identifies short and long term
consequences of drug use and legal and some social and economic
consequences of their use.
A scaffold that identifies some short and long term consequences of drug
use and some legal, social and economic consequences of their use.
A scaffold that identifies a number of short and long term consequences of
drug use.
Detailed, well-designed presentation including accurate and interesting
information. Excellent presentation. Information presented is appropriate
for and tailored towards students at San Clemente.
Well-designed presentation including accurate and interesting
information. Very Good presentation. Information presented is
appropriate for and tailored towards students at San Clemente.
Detailed presentation including accurate and interesting information.
Good presentation. Information presented is interesting and appropriate
for young people, but not tailored towards students at San Clemente
Sound presentation including mostly accurate and interesting information.
Good presentation. Information presented is interesting and appropriate
for young people, but not tailored towards students at San Clemente.
Basic presentation including limited accurate and interesting information.
Fair presentation. Some information presented is interesting and
appropriate for young people, but not tailored towards students at San
Very well written letter, using persuasive arguments backed up by
statistics. Grammar, spelling and punctuation excellent.
Well written letter, using persuasive arguments backed up by statistics.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation excellent.
Well written letter with some persuasive arguments. Grammar, spelling
and punctuation mostly correct.
Basic written letter, giving some details why the friend shouldn’t smoke.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation mostly correct.
Basic attempt at writing a letter.
Scaffold Assessment
Name________________________ Date handed out____________
Class_____ Teacher____________ Date submitted_____________
Short Term Effects
Long Term Effects
List economic consequence of drug use (think for a person and the community
they live in)
List legal consequences of drug use.
they live in)
(think for a person and the community
List social consequences of drug use(think for a person and the
community they live in)