Rector: Canon Geraldine Pond The Vicarage, 61 Bellevue Road, DE6 1AT Tel 343129 [email protected] Parish Office: St Oswald’s Church Hall, School Lane, DE6 1AN Parish Secretary: Clare Lewcock 343052 [email protected] Associate Priest: The Revd Carollyn McDonald, 664132 [email protected] Retired Clergy: Readers: ASHBOURNE PARISH NEWS Prebendary Derek Tinsley 346226 [email protected] Canon Edmund Urquhart 346454 [email protected] Kevin Stone 346244 [email protected] Dorothy Tinsley 346226 [email protected] Mike Warner 346504 [email protected] St Oswald’s Parish Website Churchwardens: Paul Elliott, 343059 [email protected] Chris Short, 347227 [email protected] PCC Secretary Michael Halls 372064 [email protected] Minutes Sec Carol Frost 342347 [email protected] Treasurer: Michael Hyde, 342851 [email protected] Director of Music Michael Halls, 372064 [email protected] Child Protection Lindsay Walker 343194/07971802671 [email protected] Edward Bear Rutha Titterton, 342904 [email protected] (0-5 yrs.) Electoral Roll Martin Forrest, 324694 [email protected] Hall Bookings: Joan Hudson, 342316 [email protected] Mothers’ Union: Nancy Bell, 347915 [email protected] Walking Group Paul and Gill Elliot, 343059, [email protected] Bellringing: Kath Brown, 343201, Jackie Burns 370782 Book Shop: Linda and Ron Torr, 343405 [email protected] Flowers Sec: Margaret Dawson 342339 [email protected] Cleaning: Peter & Midge Dobbs, 300613 [email protected] Us & TWAM Joe & Gillie Lister, 01629 734553 Magazine Editor David Marshall 348019 [email protected] Delivery Edmund Urquhart 346454 [email protected] Adverts Manager Rutha Titterton 342904 [email protected] Pew News Tony Wilmore t;[email protected] Printed by Mensa Printers, 111 Arundel Lane, Sheffield S1 4RF 0114 2725992 [email protected] St Mary and St Barlok, Norbury and Roston For the churches and Communities of CLIFTON MAPPLETON NORBURY & ROSTON SNELSTON ASHBOURNE St OSWALD'S and St JOHN'S March 2015 60p Sunday Services Contacts Please check inside magazine for any special Service/change of time. Holy Trinity Church, Clifton Churchwardens: St Oswald’s, Ashbourne 8.00 Holy Communion 10.30 Open House Morning Worship (1st Sundays) 10.30 Holy Communion (except 1st Sundays) 6.30 Evening Prayer or Choral Evensong St John’s, Ashbourne 9.15 Holy Communion or Matins Holy Trinity, Clifton 9.30 Holy Communion or Morning Prayer 4.00 Family Service (3rd Sunday) 6.30 Evening Prayer (as announced) St Mary’s, Mappleton 9.15 Holy Communion or Matins St Mary & St Barlok, Norbury 11.00 Holy Communion or Morning Prayer St Peter’s, Snelston 9.30 Holy Communion or Morning Prayer Midweek Services St Oswald’s: 8.30 a.m. on Wednesdays: Holy Communion 10am on Thursdays in St Oswald’s Church Hall: Edward Bear (0s-5s) 5pm on 3rd Saturdays: Informal Service based on worship at Iona Roston Hall: 10.30 a.m. on 1st Thursdays: Holy Communion For Christenings, Weddings or Funerals please contact the Vicar (343129) or the Parish Office (343052). Jan Radford 300012 [email protected] Tina Harbinson 343749 [email protected] Treasurer: Brian Bradley 300049 [email protected] PCC Secretary: Jackie Nicholson, [email protected] Magazine Co-ordinator: Tina Harbinson 343749 [email protected] Hall Bookings: Di Griffiths 07528 182452 Caretaker Stuart Smith 07182 350228 St John’s Church, Ashbourne Treasurer: Ray Wason Secretary to the Trustees& Booking Secretary Monica Cope 342728 Sunday School: Beverley Oakley 342001 St Mary’s Church, Mappleton Churchwardens: Barbara Sims 350821 Andrew Walker-Okeover 350274 [email protected] Secretary to the PCC, Electoral Roll Officer and Magazine co-ordinator: Joan Duckmanton 350395 [email protected] Treasurer: Enid Kent 345942 St Mary and St Barlok, Norbury and Roston Churchwardens: David Coxon 324361 [email protected] Treasurer: PCC Secretary: Magazine Co-ordinator Mark Wordley 01889 590701 Anne Clowes 324225 Isabelle Harrison 324460, [email protected]. St Peter’s Church, Snelston Churchwardens: Richard Ward 324484 [email protected] Charles Stanton 346120 [email protected] PCC Secretary: Vaughan Collins 324124,[email protected] Magazine Co-ordinator James Hollingsworth 300162 [email protected] Electoral Roll Officer: Tammy Shirley, 345817. Agricultural Chaplain/Diocesan Rural Officer - Graham Hinds 01332 602124 or 07833 638562 [email protected] Ashbourne Churches Together (ACT) Chair: Elizabeth Hurfurt 342859 ACT Secretary Clare Lewcock [email protected] 343052 ACE Youth Worker Trust [email protected] From the Vicarage Lent is a time for reflection and preparation. Perhaps reflection gives space for creative thought and deeper insight about our relationships and behaviour both with our families, friends and neighbours and with God. I have been reflecting on these words of Jesus in the light of a training day I attended recently. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” Luke 4:18-19 The training day was on modern day slavery and human trafficking. I found some of the situations described very disturbing. People in this country, even in this county, held in situations and circumstances where they were unable to make any decisions for themselves, held in places where others had control of their lives - their finances, time, their passports and identity, where relationships were monitored and restricted and others imprisoned physically or through emotional abusive manipulation. People trafficked for organ transplants where drugs and alcohol and sexual abuse are dominant themes; young girls groomed for sexual abuse. One could hardly imagine that this all happens so close to home. The challenge to us all is to be aware of some of the situations that we may come across in our own communities and to work together with voluntary agencies and the police. We can assist the police by sharing small pieces of information, which on their own seem insignificant, but when put together form a clear picture of the criminal activity that is taking place. As Christians we can pray and practically there may be ways of helping to find places of safety for our brothers and sisters who lives are damaged by these events. I invite you all to come to Evening Prayer on 22nd March in St Oswalds @ 6.30pm when Bishop Alastair will be with us to preach and lead a discussion on these issues. Lent is time for reflection on our own lives too … there may be things that hold us in patterns of behaviour or attitudes that need adjusting to free us to become more Christ like. … Maybe we might reflect about the things that hold us captive in our own lives. I pray that we may use this Lent as time to reflect on our own, in groups and invite you to come and join in one of the lent courses on offer as well as to put aside a little more time for personal prayer and Bible study. Lent courses 2015. The Diocesan Lent course can be found on the Derby Diocesan Website uses material based on Mansfield Park. The Parish Lent course is jointly with the Methodists and follows the Pilgrim Course – the Beatitudes. (see the pew news/lent course leaflet for details) On another note I have been invited to take a sabbatical this year; I will have been ordained for eighteen years and feel very blessed to have this opportunity to take some time to think more deeply, reflect and pray and study a bit too, as well as resting. I will be away through August/ September/ October and more details about arrangements will follow in due course. I am already grateful to Bishop Alastair for making this possible and Carollyn and others who will hold the fort and endeavour to make sure “it’s business as usual” although I know that you will all support her and the team and be gracious when things may take a little longer to achieve! With every blessing Geraldine A View from the Hill Last week I walked up North Leys and got a view from the other side of Ashbourne, looking over to Belle Vue Road, over that hill to the distant hills of Derbyshire. It is good to change our perspective from time to time. One way I like to do that is when I am thinking about or reading Jesus’ parables or the record of something Jesus did. I find myself usually slotting into one of the characters. Then it is interesting to cross over into the view of a different character – how might they interpret this story? The parables and stories about relationship are most interesting for this. Jesus is visiting his good friends Mary and Martha, and Lazarus. One of the sisters is hard at work preparing the meal for the unexpected guest. One is sitting next to Jesus listening to him; teaching or just telling stories of the recent journeys and happenings of Jesus and his disciples. In this record it is Martha who speaks, and asks Jesus to tell her sister to help. Mary is not recorded as saying anything. I wonder what she is thinking, how she feels, and I hope she is humble and kind to her sister after Jesus tells Martha that Mary’s choice is the better one – to listen to Jesus while he is there. I wonder what the other disciples did and said when Andrew came up with the boy and his picnic with which Jesus fed the 5000? I imagine it was all ‘off stage’. The story of the Prodigal Son has often been analysed in this way, and that makes a good study in a small group. Many people can identify with each of the characters – hopefully the patient and forgiving father, and the humble returning wayward son, and what about the jealous son? I can certainly recall many jealousies between my brother and me, and we have often talked about that since, with both our parents now dead. Lent is a time for such reflection, and there are many ways of engaging with that, but it is a good start to choose some Scripture. Praying for the Holy Spirit to reveal new insights and to show us what is relevant in our own lives now is a foundation for study, on your own, or in a small group. Meanwhile, I hope that I will always be open to new perspectives that might be a blessing to me in my life here in Ashbourne in 2015. I pray you find the same help and hope leading up to Easter. Carollyn St Mary and St Barlok, Norbury and Roston Mothering Sunday Family Service March 15th @ 11am Service taken by Caroline Hemming of Derby Children participation and to hand out posies Please join us for this very special day Natural Choice Therapy of Ashbourne How to take care of your own health Steve, partner of the centre and shop, will give a talk and demonstration of wellbeing with guidance to alternative medicine and holistic therapies. Samples and hands-on massage to demonstrate. Saturday March 14th @ 7.30pm In Mary Clowes Village Hall, Norbury Fair-trade Raffle Light Refreshments Entrance £4 adults Children Free Contact Christine on 01335 324 4361 for more info Jubilee Group It was once again nice to see so many people taking part in our Twixmas Walk & Brunch. Again it was a glorious day, if a little cold, but only to be expected for December. Many thanks to all who helped in the kitchen, cooking so much bacon and sausages! The Community Lunches have been very well attended and are continuing with the help of the new Head, Rebecca Chapman and of course the staff in the school kitchen. The next lunch will be on Wednesday 4th Feb. at 12 noon and you are very welcome to join us. If you need collecting please ring Anne on 01889 590285. The roast dinner, pudding and cup of tea only costs £2.80, the company and chat are free! Things are stirring for next year’s (sorry, this year’s) Garden Show on Saturday 28th August. If anybody has any thoughts on ways they would like to see it improved, please contact Joy (01335 324 288) or Sarah (01889 591 497). We will send out schedules and more information later We have now collected enough money for the Village Poster Board so that should be installed soon. The Jubilee Group is here to help the village, so if you feel there is something we can do to improve life in the community, then please get in touch. Norbury School Spring Sprint Wednesday 25th March 2pm Fri 13th March ‘Mums’ to lunch. Mothering Sunday Service in Village Hall 1.45pm followed by ‘stay at school’ afternoon for ‘Mums’ Fri 27th March School Easter Service at Church 2pm Norbury Coffee Club invites you to share a cuppa every Friday, 10.00am till 11.30am at Norbury Village Hall. Term time only £1 per adult. Children FREE! Each and every member of the community welcome. Why not stay for your lunch too! £2.80 per adult and £1.95 per child Norbury and Roston WI Tuesday 3rd March Mary Clowes Hall Vicky Scotcher All Welcome 7.30pm Your House in Pottery VILLAGE HALL FASHION SHOW M & Co (Ashbourne) Wednesday 15th April 2015 7pm Mary Clowes Hall £5.00 inc a glass of Fizz Cake stall and raffle Tickets from Heather Jones 01335 324 529 St John's Church, Ashbourne Services March1st - Matins, 8th and 22nd HC all at 9.15a.m. For Services on the 15th and 29th see the Pew News. Morning has Broken, Like the first morning, Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird .......... one of my favourites from School Assembly days!! My inspiration, if that is what it can be called, comes whilst walking Tessa, my dog, over the fields and along the Tissington Trail. This morning (in early February) was one of those days, beautiful bright sunshine and although a nip in the air, the excitement of Spring just around the corner. I loved my days and the climate of Africa but nothing can compare with the seasons of England and particularly the Spring, the birds are singing and new life is ready to burst all around. We are so fortunate, with the horrors of the world today, to be living in such a beautiful part of the country. With the excitement of the Spring we look forward to the work being completed in the Church Tower. This has been 'on hold' for some time but now all is in order for the work to recommence. Soon we hope to see the clock giving the time to all who pass by. After the workmen have departed it will be good to have some volunteers with brushes and dusters to help to 'spring clean' all ready for Easter. The Church grounds will be 'tidied' and made to look welcoming and the doors will be opened to greet the visitors to the town. Our congregation has kept constant during the winter months, despite the usual cold weather ailments. There is always a happy atmosphere and chatter and the pleasure of coffee and biscuits on the first Sunday of the month. Christine comes along to play the organ and the Sunday School join in with the final part of the Service. A warm welcome awaits you. See you there 9.15a.m. St John's Church, Buxton Road. Monica Cope Holy Trinity Church, Clifton CLIFTON WI We had a wonderful turn out for our February meeting, but unfortunately, as our president was welcoming everyone, we were all very disappointed to learn that what should have been a big celebratory evening was marred by the fact that Phyl Kirkman, who has been or Secretary for 40 years, was unable to attend our surprise celebration because of a very bad cold. The cake had already been arranged so we enjoyed that in her absence and one of the members was able to take a slice of cake and her present, the next day. The meeting started in the usual way and we were all very pleased to learn that a new Group Conveynor had been appointed. Loise Wilson had agreed to take over from Barbara Palmer. Our ‘reading group’ is well on the way and all those interested will be meeting for the first time this month £16.91 had been raised for Pennies for Friendship so this will be taken to the Spring Council Meeting. The social news was read out and outings were highlighted for every month up to July. The next being a trip to the theatre to see “Wizard of Oz” performed by the Central Operatic Society in Derby. The speaker for the evening was Steve Parker from Natural Choice. He began by giving us a history of the shop. They opened in 1987 and from very humble beginnings with his brother they now own the building outright and have 6 members of staff. Time and time again they get wonderful feedback from their customers regarding the healing properties of all the various herbs and spices they can provide. Steve gave a very indepth explanation on all the health remedies available and gave advice regarding medical problems experienced by all of us at one time or another. A list of therapists working in the building was given out, and we were a invited to visit the shop if ever we feel in need off advice. One of the companies providing potions and lotions supplied by Natural Choice was Weleda in Ilkeston. They have a garden which is open to the public so we hope to follow up Steve’s talk with a guided tour by the Head Gardener. Helen Watson gave a vote of thanks and everyone applauded a very enjoyable speaker. The “celebration” cake and other biscuits were then enjoyed during refreshments. The Speaker for next month will be Dr. Jackie Nicholson on Women and Medicine. All are welcome and we meet every second Wednesday of the month in Clifton-Smith Hall at 7.15 pm. For details please contact Jackie Hackett (President) on 01335 344459 or Phyl Kirkman (Secretary) on 01335 343498. Lent Lunches Thursday 26th February, 2015 - Jackie Nicholson Tel. 01335 342514 Wednesday 4th March,2015 - Helen Watson Tel. 01335 34619 Wednesday 11th March 2015 - Jan Radford Tel. 01335 300012 Tuesday 17th March 2015 – Tina Harbinson 01335 343749 Please contact all the above if you would like to attend. A PUDDING EVENING ON FRIDAY 20TH MARCH 2015 IN CLIFTON-SMITH HALL AT 7.00 PM TICKETS £6.00 Contact Tina Harbinson on 01335 343749 or Jan Radford on 01335 300012 St Mary's Church, Mappleton Services March 1st - H.C., 8th Matins 15th Mothering Sunday H.C. 22nd Matins. All services to be held at 9.15 a.m. (any changes will be announced in Church) 29th March(Palm Sunday) - 6.30 p.m. Group Evening Service at St. Mary's. Mappleton Village Social Club Annual General Meeting to be held on 17th or 18th March - Date to be confirmed (contact Michael Snaith on 350754) - at 7.30 p.m. in the Pavilion. Mappleton Parish Council Next meeting to be held on Thursday 12th March at the Pavilion at 7.30 p.m. There will be two vacancies on the Parish Council to be appointed at the Election on 7th May. Please contact Fiona Raistrick on [email protected] for further information. Choral Music at St Oswald's Sunday 1st March The Third Sunday of Lent 10.30 Open House Service 6.30 Lord for thy tender mercies’ sake/Tye Greater Love/Ireland Sunday 8th The Third Sunday of Lent 10.30 When Israel was in Egypt’s land I got a robe 6.30 Choral Evensong Canticles-Purcell in G min; Responses-Ayleward Teach me O Lord/Attwood Ave verum corpus/Byrd Sunday 15th Mothering Sunday 10.30 For the beauty of the earth/Rutter 6.30 Ave Maria/Lindley O Saviour of the world/Goss Sunday 22nd Passion Sunday 10.30 My song is love unknown/Archer 6.30 Make me a clean heart, O God/Ley Ave verum corpus/Mozart Sunday 29th Palm Sunday 10.30 Were you there when they crucified my Lord? 6.30 Evensong will be at St Mary’s church, Mappleton Palm Sunday Antiphon/Morgan God so loved the world/Stainer Thursday 2nd April Maundy Thursday 7.30 Tantum Ergo/Durufle Friday 3rd Good Friday 7.30 Lift High The Cross Music, readings and prayers for Good Friday Sunday 5th EASTER 10.30 Jesus is risen, Alleluia/Tanzanian melody arr J.Bell Since by man came death/Handel Gloria/Vivaldi 6.30 Choral Evensong Canticles-Stanford in C; Responses- Ayleward This joyful Eastertide Achieved is the glorious work/Haydn Thank you Michael Halls Director of Music Ashbourne Churches Together One World Group You are warmly invited to the launch of an exciting new project Live music, wine & nibbles, with guest speakers the Bishop of Derby,the Rt Revd Alastair Redfern and Joel Payne, of Christian Aid 7.30pm Friday 13th March 2015 at Ashbourne Town Hall The ACT One World Group is supporting the Christian Aid Burkina Faso Project by raising £5,000 over the next two years to help Christian Aid improve resilience and food security for poor communities in Northern Burkina Faso. The European Union will match funding this project 1:5, so that our £5,000 will become a staggering £30,000 to support some of the poorest communities in Burkina Faso. Focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable in 45 villages, the project’s ambitions are rooted in the needs of the community. Christian Aid’s partners are local men and women who understand first-hand the experiences, uncertainties and challenges that families face in Burkina Faso Over the years, the ACT One World Group has raised around £50,000 for Christian Aid. Nestling in the small hamlet of Norbury above the river Dove and on the border of Derbyshire and Staffordshire, is Norbury church and its manor. The church was built in 1295, by the Fitzherbert Family with additions in the 14th and 15th century. Two other churches had been on this site, a wooden structure, and a Saxon Church The church displays a splendid wealth of medieval artwork and architecture, the crowning glory being its much revered, eight complete, rare grisaille stained glass windows, dated 1306. The windows have recently undergone major cleaning and damp management by Holywell Glass of Wells at a cost of £220,000 mostly funded by English Heritage. Two Chellaston Alabaster Tombs are noted to be among the finest in the land, with superb detail of the Fitzherbert Family. The Great East Window has been likened to “a lantern in stone”, the window taking up most of the east wall. Its glass made up of various pieces from other parts of the church. The Chancel houses all the above, being the earliest part of the church, and is unusually large to the rest of the church, with the nave being narrower and ceiling lower than the chancel. Saint Barlok is rather an elusive figure from Ireland, the name brought back by John Fitzherbert, who was Governor there for 3 years in 1174. The Fitzherbert family held the seat of Norbury from1125 until 1881, even through the reformation they retained their Roman Catholic position in the church. The Estate was bought by the Clowes family . We have, in conjunction with National Trust, who now owns The Old Norbury Manor, History Information Boards in the church. This gives a detailed history of the site. Ashbourne Animal Welfare March Madness Open Day Sunday 15th March 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. The Ark, Wyaston Rd, Ashbourne Spring into action and visit The Ark! Visit the cattery & kennels Homemade lunches & teas, Gifts, books, bric a brac Free admission Tel 01335 300494 for more info Women's World Day of Prayer is an international , inter church organisation which enables us to hear the voices of women from a different part of the world each year expressing their hopes and concerns and bringing them before the rest of the world in prayer. On Friday 6th March an estimated 3 million people, in over 170 countries, will gather to observe the day of prayer, using an order of service written by the Christian women from The Bahamas. In the British Isles alone over 5,000 services will be held. The day will begin when the sun rises over the Island of Samoa and continues until it sets off the coast of American Samoa some 35 hours later. In Ashbourne there are 2 services to choose from. At 2 pm at St. John the Baptist Church , Mayfield, led by Rev Carollyn McDonald and also At 7.30pm at Ashbourne Methodist Church also led by Carollyn. For any furthur information contact Nancy Bell 346915 or see the WEDP website: ASHBOURNE CHURCHES TOGETHER PATNA PARTNERSHIP We are expecting visitors from Patna in June. The aim of the visit is for our visitors to experience Church life in the Ashbourne area by joining in with the normal activities of the Churches as well as some special ones. There will be a United Service of Thanksgiving in St. Oswald’s Church at 6.30 pm on Sunday, 14 June, preceded by a Faith Tea in St. Oswald’s Church Hall. This service will mark the beginning of the visit which will last for 2 weeks. We hope that our visitors will have opportunities to spend time with many people from our Churches. We do need your help!! 1. Please pray that our visitors obtain visas. It will be especially difficult as all the visitors are clergy from the Church of North India. 2. We need hosts to provide bed and breakfast with an occasional other meal. The plan is for each visitor to spend time with a family in a village and a week in Ashbourne. So we shall need 8 hosts. 3. We need people who are willing to provide transport from time to time during the visit. 4. We need people to provide meals. 5. We need to know about your church activities in the period 14 – 28 June We hope that the visit will be a time when we can exchange ideas, encourage each other and worship and pray together. The people organising the visit are Jane Methuen – St. Michael and All Angels’ Church Kniveton Anna and Martyn Davis – Christ Church, Hulland Sheena Bryden – St. John the Baptist Church, Mayfield Deidre O’Ryan – All Saints’ Catholic Church, Ashbourne Arthur Watts – Ashbourne Methodist Church Clare Sales – Ashbourne Methodist Church John and Elizabeth Hurfurt – Ashbourne Methodist Church Any of the group will be willing to talk to you about the visit. EVENTS Funerals 6 Jan St Johns Ethel Annie Coxon aged 104 13 Jan St Oswalds George William Fowler aged 89 15 Jan Markeaton, Dr Gordon Timothy Tim Ashmore aged 75 15 Jan St Oswalds Paul Herbert Marshall Griffiths aged 84 21 Jan St Oswald's Molly Glossop aged 87 23 Jan St Oswald's Margaret Botham aged 84 27 Jan St Oswald's John Francis Blackwell aged 91 Calendar 15th March - Mothering Sunday Services St Oswald's 10.30am St Johns 11am Clifton 4pm Snelston 9.30am Norbury 11am Mappleton 9.15am 16th -20th March Experience Easter in St Oswald's 21st March Ashbourne Singers Mayor's Charity Concert in St Oswald's 7.30pm 29th March Palm Sunday Service St Oswald's 10.30am 2nd April Maundy Thursday St Oswald's 7.30pm washing of the feet 3rd April Good Friday 12noon Walk of Witness start at Sainsbury's Good Friday Hour at the Cross 2pm St Oswald's Good Friday Cross of Christ 7.30pm St Oswald's 5th April Easter Day Services Lent Course 2015 Beatitudes Lent is a time leading up to Holy Week and Easter when Christians traditionally make time for study, prayer and fellowship. To provide resources for that in 2015, Ashbourne Churches Together offers a series of frugal lunches and reflections. In addition we invite you to join a group for a course over the five weeks starting from Wednesday 25th February. ”Pilgrim: a Course for the Christian Journey” is focusing on the Beatitudes, and is available at three different times every week. Wednesday lunch 12.30pm 25th Feb 4th March 11th March 18th March 25th March Venue All Saints Elim St Oswald’s Methodist Century Hall St Oswald’s (URC) Course leader 1.45 – 3.00 pm Methodist St Oswald’s St Oswald’s Methodists St Oswald’s Thursday mornings Lent Course 10.00 – 11.30am at 1 Hambleton Close, Ashbourne DE6 1NG Thursday evening 7.30 – 9.00 pm 26th Feb 5th March 12th March 19th march 26th March Venue Cornerstone Cornerstone Century Hall Cornerstone Cornerstone Course leader Methodist St Oswald’s St Oswald’s Methodist St Oswald’s A new Editor As some readers will already know, Karen and I will be moving to live again in France and so I have to relinquish the post of Magazine Editor. I am very pleased to say that Susan Damesin, who has only recently come to live in Ashbourne has agreed to take over from me. We will be working together over the next two issues but then she will have the reins. So please ensure you include Susan on any future e-mails you send for the magazine Her e-mail is [email protected] I have very much enjoyed the task and wish Susan all the best in her new role. David Marshall
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