OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress 2015 OPIC 2015 Advance Program 同時開催:OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Exhibition 2015 http://opicon.jp/ 統括主催 一般社団法人 OPTICS & PHOTONICS International 協議会 ■開催日: 2015年4月22日(水) ~24日 (金) ■会 場: パシフィコ横浜・会議センター 統括主催 一般社団法人OPTICS & PHOTONICS INTRENATIONAL協議会(OPI協議会) 専門国際会議主催 一般社団法人 レーザー学会、公益社団法人 応用物理学会、一般社団法人 日本光学会、 大阪大学レーザーエネルギー学研究センター、名古屋大学赤﨑研究センター 後援 文部科学省,経済産業省,農林水産省,厚生労働省,国土交通省,日本経済団体連合会 協賛・協力 産業技術総合研究所、新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構、科学技術振興機構、日本原子力研究開 発機構、理化学研究所、日本原子力学会、プラズマ・核融合学会、光産業技術振興協会、レーザー技 術総合研究所、日本フォトニクス協議会、SPIE(米)、OSA(米) 、メッセシュトゥットガルト(独) 、 PIDA(台) 、KAPID(韓) 、Photonics Media(米) 1 開催趣旨 本国際会議(OPIC)は世界各国の光・レーザー技術を基盤とした学術および産業の最先端を集結 し、学術発表と技術展示を併設することにより光・レーザー技術によりもたらされる具体的な未来社 会への指針を得ることを目的として毎年開催している。 OPIC は光・レーザー分野に関し、産業界(インダストリー)と学界(アカデミア)との連携・協 力を促進し、光技術・光産業の振興により、科学技術に立脚した我が国の産業を継続的に発展させる ため、日本の学術研究者の総力を挙げて定期的に開催する唯一の光関連の国際会議と位置付けてい る。2012 年の第 1 回開催以来、毎年 4 月にパシフィコ横浜で開催して、年々、専門会議数、会議参 加者数、参加国数、外国人参加者数が増加しており、2015 年は第 4 回 OPIC となる。 地球規模の諸課題の解決と世界の持続的な発展における光技術の重要性が認識され、2015 年を光 および光技術の国際年(International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies: IYL 2015) とすることが国際連合の総会で 2013 年 12 月 20 日に決議された。IYL 2015 の理念を踏まえ、光・レ ーザー技術が科学・技術と産業の中心的な担い手になることを期待し、OPIC2015 を開催する。 会議日程 4 月 22 日(水) OPIC2015 プレナリーセッション 専門国際会議ジョイントセッション OPIC バンケット 4 月 23 日(木) 専門国際会議, ポスターセッション 4 月 24 日(金) 専門国際会議, ポスターセッション 2 Committee Members ■Congress Chairs 伊賀健一(Chair, 東京工業大学 前学長) Andreas Ostendorf(Chair, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) Chris Barty (Chair, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) ■International Advisory Board 中井貞雄(Chair、大阪大学名誉教授) Bill Goldstein (米国、LLNL 所長) 赤﨑 勇(名古屋大学特別教授) Gérard Mourou(仏国、エコール・ポリテク ニーク教授) 川合眞紀(理化学研究所理事) John Collier(英国、ラザフォード研レーザ ー研究所長) 中村道治(科学技術振興機構理事長) 中鉢良治(産業技術総合研究所理事長) 晝馬輝夫(浜松ホトニクス会長) Jongmin. Lee(韓国、韓東大学教授、GiLT 所 長) 古川一夫(新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発 機構理事長) Jie Zhang(中国、上海交通大学学長) 松浦祥次郎(日本原子力研究開発機構理事長 Reinhart Poprawe(独国、フラウンホーファ レーザー研所長) ■組織委員 加藤義章(Chair、光産創大学長、レーザー 学会会長) 小原 實(慶応義塾大学名誉教授) 梅田倫弘(Vice Chair, 東京農工大学、応用 物理学会 日本光学会幹事長) 近藤 直(京都大学) 片山聖二(Vice Chair、大阪大学、レーザ加 工学会会長) 實野孝久(大阪大学) 菊地 眞(Vice Chair、医療機器センター理 事長、日本レーザー医学会理事 長) 武田光夫(宇都宮大学) 神成文彦(慶應義塾大学) 近藤宣之(レーザー輸入振興協会会長) 平等拓範(分子科学研究所) 羽鳥光俊(日本フォトニクス協議会理事長、 東京大学名誉教授) 阪部周二(Vice Chair、京都大学) 谷田貝豊彦(Vice Chair、宇都宮大学、SPIE 会長) 堀池 寛(大阪大学) 宮永憲明(大阪大学、ALPS) 緑川克美(理化学研究所) 岩井俊昭(東京農工大、APBE) 三間圀興(光産業創成大学院大学) 疇地 宏(大阪大学、CLE) 岡田直忠(東芝) 黒田和男(宇都宮大学、LDC) 尾形仁士(三菱電機社友) 兒玉了祐(大阪大学、HEDS) 長我部信行(日立製作所 中央研究所所長) 天野 浩(名古屋大学、LEDIA) 原 三木哲也(電気通信大学名誉教授) 尾松孝茂(千葉大学、OMC) 勉 (浜松ホトニクス 長) 中央研究所所 渡辺正信(産総研) 植田憲一(電気通信大学名誉教授) ■運営委員 井澤靖和(Chair、レーザー技術総合研究所 所長) 河合 滋(オプト・イーカレッジ) 山本和久(Vice Chair、大阪大学) 塚本雅裕(大阪大学) 赤松史光(大阪大学) 西村博明(大阪大学) 黒澤 宏(科学技術振興機構) 3 西澤紘一(諏訪東京理科大学) 森 勇介(大阪大学) 藤田雅之(レーザー技術総合研究所) 鷲尾邦彦(パラダイムレーザーリサーチ) 細貝知直(大阪大学) ■展示委員 山本和久(Chair、大阪大学) 伊藤寛治(浜松ホトニクス) 近藤宣之(日本レーザー) 中井哲哉(ソーラボジャパン) 中村 強(トルンプ) PLENARY SESSION OPIC2015初日の2015年4月22日(水)午前にプレナリーセッションを開催します。 JOINT SESSION OPIC2015初日の2015年4月22日(水)午後に3つのジョイントセッションを開催します。 JOINT Session ALPS&CLE&HEDS, JOINT Session LDC&LEDIA, JOINT Session OMC&APBP POSTER SESSION 各専門会議では、オーラルプレゼンテーションの他にポスターセッションを予定しています。 詳しくは、各会議のプログラムをご覧ください。 公式言語: 英語 参加登録 Registration Fees (Member*) Before/On Mar. 20, 2015 Conference (General) After Mar. 21, 2015 ¥40, 000 (Student, Retiree) ¥18, 000 * Member of organizer, sponsor and cooperative societies Registration Fees & On-Site ¥45, 000 ¥21, 000 (Non-Member) Before/On Mar. 20, 2015 After Mar. 21, 2015 & On-Site Conference (General) ¥45, 000 ¥50, 000 (Student, Retiree) ¥21, 000 ¥23, 000 4 OPIC2015は以下の団体よりご支援を頂いております。 ■ Financial Support 公益財団法人天田財団、公益財団法人日本硝子工学助成会、 ■ Sponsor Ship 浜松ホトニクス、オプトサイエンス、日本レーザー、ソーラボジャパン、オフィールジャパン、 日星電気、岡本光学加工所、シグマ光機、スペクトラ・フィジックス ■ International Partner SPIE ■ Media Partner PHITONICS MEDIA、オプトロニクス社 場所 パシフィコ横浜 会議センター 〒220-0012 横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1 Tel:045-221-2166 http://www.pacifico.co.jp/english/index.html 連絡先 一般社団法人OPTICS & PHOTONICS INTRENATIONA協議会 OPIC2015事務局 窪田/小椋/柴崎/上野 [email protected] 〒162-0814 東京都新宿区新小川町5-5 サンケンビル1F オプトロニクス社気付 TEL 03-5228-3541 FAX 03-3269-2551 5 OPIC2015 Congressプログラム Plenary Session Room 501+502 4月22日(水)午前 Opening Remarks 9:15-9.25 Congress Chair 伊賀健一(東京工業大学前学長) Congress Chair Andreas Ostendorf(Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) Keynote Speeches 9:25-10:45 1) Digital Photonic Production- the role of Lasers in Industry 4.0 Reinhart Poprawe (Fraunhofer Inst. for Laser Tech., Germany) 2) Nuclear Photonics for the 21st Century Chris Barty ( Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) Special Talks 11:00-12:30 1) 光通信の発展と半導体レーザーの今後への期待 末松安晴(高柳健次郎財団 理事長、東京工業大学栄誉教授) 2) ノーベル物理学賞受賞記念講演 天野 浩(LEDIA’15 Chair, 名古屋大学) JOINT Sessions & Conferences 4 月 22 日(水)午後~24 日(金) ■ ALPS '15 : The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources <先進レーザーと光源技術> 主催:レーザー学会 Conference Chair:宮永憲明(大阪大学) ■ APBP '15 : The 5th Asian and Pacific-Rim Symposium on Biophotonics <バイオメディカル フォトニクス> 主催:日本光学会 Conference Chair:岩井俊昭(東京農工大) ■ CLE 2015 : The 1st Conference on Laser Energetics <レーザーエネルギー学> 主催:大阪大学レーザーエネルギー学研究センター Conference Chair:疇地 宏(大阪大学) ■ HEDS 2015 : International Conference on High Energy Density Science 2015 <高エネルギー密度科学の応用> 主催:レーザー学会 Conference Chair:兒玉了祐(大阪大学) ■ LDC 2015 : The 4th Laser Display and Lighting Conference <レーザーディスプレイ> 共催:応用物理学会、日本光学会 Conference Chair:黒田和男(宇都宮大学) ■ LEDIA’15 : The 3rd International Conference on Light-Emitting Devices and Their Industrial Applications <LED とその産業応用> 主催:名古屋大学赤﨑研究センター Conference Chair:天野 浩(名古屋大学) ■ OMC '15 : The 2nd Optical Manipulation Conference <光マニュピュレーション> 主催:応用物理学会 Conference Chair:尾松孝茂(千葉大学) 6 会場、会議室配置図 7 OPIC2015専門国際会議プログラム(詳細) 先進レーザーと光源技術 ……………………………………………………………………… 9 ALPS'15 : The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources バイオメディカル フォトニクス……………………………………………………………… 20 APBP '15 : The 5th Asian and Pacific-Rim Symposium on Biophotonics レーザーエネルギー学 ……………………………………………………………… 25 CLE 2015 : The 1st Conference on Laser Energetics 高エネルギー密度科学の応用 ………………………………………………………………30 HEDS 2015 : International Conference on High Energy Density Science 2015 レーザーディスプレイ ……………………………………………………………… 34 LDC 2015 : The 4th Laser Display and Lighting Conference LEDとその産業応用 ……………………………………………………………………………36 LEDIA'15 : The 3rd International Conference on Light-Emitting Devices and Their Industrial Applications 光マニュピュレーション ……………………………………………………………………… 42 OMC'15 : The 2nd Optical Manipulation Conference 8 The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference ALPS’15 Wednesday, April 22 Room 303 13:40-17:30 ALPS, CLE, HEDS Joint Session Chair: H. Azechi, Conference Chair of CLE’15, Osaka Univ., Japan HEDSj1-1 13:40 HEDSj1-2 14:10 ALPSj1-1 14:40 CLEj1-1 15:10 (Invited) High Energy Density Science Explored with High-Power-Laser and Plasma-Device Technologies R. Kodama OsakaUniv., Japan (Invited) Status and Challenges of the Compact XFEL Facility SACLA M. Yabashi RIKEN Spring-8 Center, Japan (Invited) Prospects for Advanced X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Sources with Exawatt Laser Facility XCELS A. M. Sergeev1,2), A. V. Bashinov1,2), A. A. Gonoskov1,2,3), E. S. Efimenko1,2), A. V. Korzhimanov1,2), A. A. Muraviev1,2), A. V. Kim1,2) 1)Inst. of Appl. Phys. of Russian Academy of Sci., Russia, 2)Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 3)Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden (Invited) Laboratory Astrophysical Collisionless Shock Experiments on Omega and NIF* H.-S. Park1), C. M. Huntington1), F. Fiuza1,2), R. P. Drake3), D. Froula4), G. Gregori5), M. Koenig6), C. Kuranz3), D. Lamb7), M. Levy1,5), C. K. Li8), J. Meinecke5), R. Petrasso8), B. B. Pollock1), B. A. Remington1), H. Rinderknecht8), M. Rosenberg4), J. S. Ross1), D. D. Ryutov1), Y. Sakawa9), A Spitkovsky10), H. Takabe9), D. P. Turnbull1), P. Tzeferacos7), S. V. Weber1), A. B. Zylstra8) 1)Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA, 2)SLAC National Accelerator Lab., USA, 3)Univ. of Michigan, USA, 4)Lab. for Laser Energetics, Univ. of Rochester, USA, 5)Univ. of Oxford, UK, 6)LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France, 7)Univ. of Chicago, USA, 8)Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., USA, 9)ILE, Osaka Univ., Japan, 10)Princeton Univ., USA ----- Break (15:40-16:00)----- ALPSj1-2 16:00 HEDSj1-3 16:30 CLEj1-2 17:00 (Invited) Advancement of Laser-Driven Compact Particle Accelerators C. H. Nam1),2), H. T. Kim1),3), V. B. Pathak1), K. H. Pae1), S. K. Lee1),3), J. H. Sung1),3), H. W. Lee1), J. H. Shin1), K. Nakajima1) 1)Center for Relativistic Laser Sci., Inst. for Basic Sci. (IBS), Korea, 2)Dept. of Phys. and Photon Sci., GIST, Korea, 3)Advanced Photonics Res. Inst., GIST, Korea (Invited) High Energy Photon and Charged Particle Sources with Relativistic Mirrors: Novel Results and Perspectives S. Bulanov JAEA, Japan (Invited) Tuning Laser Produced Electron-Positron Jets for Lab-Astrophysics Experiment H. Chen1), F. Fiuza2), A. Hazi1), R. Heeter1), A. Kemp1), G. E. Kemp1), A. Link1), B. Pollock1), E. Marley1), S. R. Nagel1), J. Park1), M. Schneider1), R. Shepherd1), R. Tommasini1), S. C. Wilks1), G. J. Williams1), D. Barnak3), P-Y. Chang3), G. Fiksel3), V. Glebov3), D. D. Meyerhofer3), J. F. Myatt3), C. Stoeckel3), M. Nakai4), Y. Arikawa4), H. Azechi4), S. Fujioka4), H. Hosoda4), S. Kojima4), N. Miyanaga4), T. Morita4), T. Moritaka4), T. Nagai4), T. Namimoto4), H. Nishimura4), T. Ozaki4), Y. Sakawa4), H. Takabe4), Z. Zhang4) 1)Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA, 2)SLAC National Accelerator Lab., USA, 3)LLE, Univ. of Rochester, USA, 4)ILE, Osaka Univ., Japan ----- Break / Move (17:30-18:00)----- OPIC Banquet 9 Room 501+502 Thursday, April 23 9:00-9:05 Opening Address N. Miyanaga, Conference Chair of ALPS’15, Osaka Univ., Japan 9:15-12:30 ALPS2 : Optical Frequency Comb Chair: H. Inaba, Program Committee Member AIST, Japan Room 302 Room 311+312 9:15-12:30 ALPS3 : Metamaterial and Nano-Material Chair: T. Tanaka, Program Committee Member RIKEN, Japan ALPS2-1 9:15 (Invited) Towards a 30 GHz Astrocomb for the Near-Infrared G. Ycas1), D. C. Hackett1), S. Diddams2) 1)Dep. of Phys., Univ. of Colorado, USA 2)National Inst. of Std. and Tech., USA ALPS3-1 9:15 (Invited) Recent Progress in Resonance Enhancement of Light Emissions on Metasurfaces M. Iwanaga1), B. Choi1), H. T. Miyazaki1), Y. Sugimoto1), and K. Sakoda1,2) 1)NIMS, Japan, 2)Tsukuba Univ., Japan ALPS2-2 9:45 Spectroscopy and Frequency Measurement of the Clock Transitions in 171Yb and 87Sr Based on Linewidth Transfer Using a Narrow Linewidth Frequency Comb T. Tanabe1), M. Yasuda1), D. Akamatsu1), T. Kobayashi1,2), H. Inaba1), S. Okubo1), A. Onae1), F.-L. Hong1, 2), and K. Hosaka1) 1)National Metrology Inst. of Japan (NMIJ), National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Sci.and Tech. (AIST), Japan, 2)Dept. of Phys., Yokohama National Univ., Japan An Yb-Fiber Laser Comb with Mode Spacing of Higher than 20 GHz by Using Two Fabry-Pérot Cavities Comb L. Hou, H. Han, L. Zhang, L. Pang, Z. Wei Beijing National Lab. for Condensed Matter Phys., Inst. of Phys., CAS, China Highly stabilized fiber-based optical frequency comb interferometer with meters-wide scanning range Y. Nakajima 1,2), K. Minoshima 1,2) 1)UEC, Japan, 2)JST, ERATO Intelligent Optical Synthesizer Project, Japan ALPS3-2 9:45 Plasmonic Coupling between Gold Curvilinear Nanorods and Straight Nanorods with Controlling Gap Distance Y. Yokota1), T. Tanaka1,2,3) 1)RIKEN, Japan, 2)Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 3)Tokyo Tech., Japan ALPS3-3 10:00 Interfering Ultraviolet Femtosecond Processing of Metallic Thin Films Y. Nakata1), N. Miyanaga1), Y. Matsuba2) 1)Osaka Univ., 2)Sakai City Office ALPS3-4 10:15 Effects of Prestrain Applied to Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Substrate on Microstructures of Porous TiO2 Film and Optical T.-C. Li, J.-F. Lin National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan ALPS2-3 10:00 ALPS2-4 10:15 Laser ----- Break (10:30-11:00)----Room 302 11:00-12:30 ALPS4 : High Energy Light Sources and Applications Chair: T. Kawachi, Program Committee Member, JAEA, Japan Room 311+312 11:00-12:30 ALPS5 : Novel Material Chair: T. Tanabe, Steering Committee Member, Keio Univ., Japan ALPS4-1 11:00 ALPS5-1 11:00 (Invited) High Average Power Table-top Soft X-Ray Lasers J. J. Rocca1),2) B. A. Reagan1), C. Baumgarten1),, Y. Wang1), S. Wang1), A. Rockwood1), L. Yin1), M. C. Marconi1), V.N. Shlyaptsev1), C. S. Menoni1) 1)Dep. of Electrical Eng., Colorado State Univ., USA, 2)Dep. of Phys., Colorado State Univ., USA ALPS5-2 11:15 ALPS4-2 11:30 In Situ 3D Visualization of XFEL Beam Focusing Properties Using LiF Crystal X-ray Detector 10 ALPS5-3 11:30 Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in Periodically Poled Lithium Tantalate Waveguide H. H. Lim1), S. Kurimura1), K. Fujii1), M. Okano2), S. Takeuchi2),3),4) 1)NIMS, Japan, 2)Kyoto Univ., Japan, 3)Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 4)Osaka Univ., Japan Highly Efficient 355 nm UV Light Generation in CsLiB6O10 M. Yoshimura, C. Qu, Y. Takahashi, and Y. Mori Osaka Univ., Japan High Peak Output Power External Cavity Mid-IR Quantum Cascade Lasers T. Edamura, T. Dougakiuchi, N. Akikusa ALPS4-3 11:45 ALPS4-4 12:00 ALPS4-5 12:15 T. Pikuz1,2), A. Faenov2,3), T. Matsuoka3), S. Matsuyama4), K. Yamauchi4,5), N. Ozaki), Y. Inubashi6), M. Yabashi6,7), Y. Sato8), H. Yumoto6), H. Ohashi6,7), A. Grum-Grzhimailo9), M. Nishikino10), T. Kawachi10), T. Ishikawa6,7), R. Kodama1,3) 1)PPC and GSE Osaka University, Japan, 2)Joint Inst. High Temperatures, RAS, Russia, 3)Inst. Academic Initiatives, Osaka Univ., Japan, 4)Dep. Precision Sci. and Tech., Osaka Univ., Japan, 5)Center for Ultra-Precision Sci. and Tech., Osaka Univ., Japan, 6)JASRI/SPring-8, 7)RIKEN Harima Inst., Japan, 8)Div. of Electrical, Electronic and Information Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan, 9)Skobeltsyn Inst. Nuclear Phys., Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia, 10)Quantum Beam Sci. Center, JAEA, Japan Observation of Femtosecond Laser Ablation Process on Tungsten by Using a Soft X-Ray Laser Probe M. Nishikino1), N. Hasegawa1), T. Tomita2), T. Eyama2), N. Kakimoto2), N. Ohnishi3), A. M. Ito4), M. Baba5), Y. Minami5), A. Faenov6), N. Inogamov7), T. Kawachi1), M. Yamagiwa1), and T. Suemoto5) 1)QuBS JAEA, Japan, 2)Univ. of Tokushima, Japan, 3)Tohoku Univ., Japan, 4)NIFS, Japan, 5)ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 6)Osaka Univ., Japan, 7)Russian Academy of Sci., Russia Photodissociation of 1,2-Butadiene Studied by Time-Resolved Molecular Orbital Spectroscopy Using Single-Order High Harmonic Pulses R. Iikubo1), T. Fujiwara1), T. Sekikawa1), Y. Harabuchi2), T. Taketsugu2), and Y. Kayanuma3) 1)Dep. Appl. Phys., Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 2) Dep. Chem., Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 3) Mater. Struct. Lab., Tokyo Inst. Tech., Japan High-Efficient Coherent Lyman-α Resonance Radiation in Two-Photon Resonance Four-Wave 311+312Mixing N. Saito1), Y. Oishi2), K. Miyazaki1), K. Okamura1), O. Louchev1), M. Iwasaki2), S. Wada1) 1)Center for Adv. Photonics, 2)RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Sci., Japan Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan ALPS5-4 11:45 Energy Transfer Process in Nd/Cr:YAG Ceramics Y. Honda1), S. Motokoshi2), T. Jitsuno1), N. Miyanaga1), K. Fujioka1), M. Nakatsuka2), M. Yoshida3) 1)ILE Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Inst. Laser Tech., 3)Kinki Univ., Japan ALPS5-5 12:00 Large Thermo-Optic Effects in Silica-Gold Composite Toroidal Microcavity S. Tamaki1), W. Yoshiki2) and T. Tanabe3) Keio Univ., Japan ALPS5-6 12:15 Pulsed Laser Interference Patterning of Polyimide for Dye Doped Polymer Laser S. Y. Kok1), T. Y. Tou1), S. S. Yap1,2) 1)Multimedia University, Malaysia, 2)University of Malaya, Malaysia ----- Lunch Break (12:30-13:30)----Room 302 ALPS6 : High Energy Light Sources (cont’d) and High Average Power Lasers Chair: S. Kubodera, Program Committee Member Miyazaki Univ., Japan 13:30-15:00 ALPS6-1 13:30 ALPS6-2 13:45 Development of Excimer Laser System for the Next Generation Multiple Patterning Immersion Lithography T. Mimura, T. Kumazaki, H. Tsushima, T. Ohta, A. Kurosu, K. Kakizaki, T. Matsunaga, and H. Mizoguchi Gigaphoton Inc., Japan LPP-EUV Source Technology for HVM Lithography T. Saito1), H. Nakarai1), T. Abe1), K. M. Nowak1), Y. Kawasuji1), H. Tanaka1), Y. Watanabe1), T. Hori1), T. 11 13:30-17:30 Room 311+312 ALPS7 : Novel Material and Nonlinear Optics Chair: H. Ishizuki Inst. Molecular Sci., Japan ALPS7-1 13:30 (Invited) Parametric Processes in Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Photonic Crystals K. Gallo KTH Royal Inst of Tech., Sweden ALPS6-3 14:00 ALPS6-4 14:15 ALPS6-5 14:30 ALPS6-6 14:45 Kodama1), Y. Shiraishi1), T. Yanagida1), G. Soumagne1), T. Yamazaki1), S. Okazaki2) and H. Mizoguchi2) 1)Gigaphoton Inc. Hiratsuka facility, Japan, 2)Gigaphoton Inc. Oyama facility, Japan Efficient Extreme Ultraviolet Emission in Highly Ionized High-Z Laser-Produced Plasmas T. Higashiguchi1), R. Amano1), T.-H. Dinh1), T. Miyazaki1), Y. Suzuki1), M. Kawasaki1), A. Sasanuma1), G. Arai1), H. Hara1), Y. Fujii1), K. Nanto1), A. Takahashi2), D. Nakamura2), T. Okada2), T. Makimura3), T. Miura4), A. Endo4), B. Li5), P. Dunne6), and G. O’Sulliban6) 1) Dep. Adv. Interdisciplinary Sci. and Center for Opt. Res. (CORE), Utsunomiya Univ., Japan, 2)Kyushu Univ., Japan, 3)Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, 4)HiLASE Centre, Czech, 5)Lanzhou Univ., 6)Univ. College Dublin, Ireland Effective Bandwidth Reduction and Wavelength Locking for a High-Power Laser-Diode Stack by an External-Cavity Technique Y. Zheng, T. Kawashima, N. Satoh, T. Sekine, A. Hiruma, T. Hiruma, and H. Kan Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan Saturation of Absorption at Zero-Phonon-Line in Yb:YAG Thin Disk P. Severová1)2), T. Miura1), M. Chyla1)2), M. Smrž1), M. Kawasaki3), T. Higashiguchi3), A. Endo1), T. Mocek1) 1)HiLASE Centre, Inst. of Phys. ASCR, Czech, 2)Czech Tech. Univ. in Prague, FNSPE, Czech, 3)Utsunomiya Univ., CORE, Czech Development of a Kerr Lens Mode-Locked Yb:Lu2O3 Bulk Ceramic Oscillator Pumped by a Multimode Laser Diode T. Ishikawa1,2), A. A. Eilanlou1), Y. Nabekawa1), Y. Fujihira3), T. Imahoko1,3), T. Sumiyoshi1,3), F. Kannari2), M. Kuwata-Gonokami4,5), and K. Midorikawa1,4) 1)RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan, 2)Keio Univ., Japan, 3)Cyber Laser Inc., Japan, 4)Inst. for Photon Sci. and Tech., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 5)Graduate School of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan ALPS7-2 14:00 Versatile Generation of Mid Infrared Pulses through Difference Frequency Mixing in Super-Continuum Pulses F. Isa, L. Fujii, T. Suzuki, K. Hirosawa, and F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan ALPS7-3 14:15 Picosecond Pulsed High-Frequency and High-Power Second Harmonic Generation by a Periodically Poled Stoichiometric LiTaO3 O. A. Louchev1), H. Hatano2), T.Tsukihana1), S. Wada1), S. Takekawa2),and K. Kitamura2) 1)RIKEN, Japan, 2)NIMS, Japan A Narrow Linewidth Diode Laser at 243nm L. Hou, H. Han, L. Zhang, D. Li, Z. Wei Beijing National Lab. for Condensed Matter Phys, Inst. of Phys., CAS, China ALPS7-4 14:30 ALPS7-5 14:45 Development of a Compact Iodine-Stabilized Laser at 531 nm Using a Coin-Sized Diode Laser Module T. Kobayashi1,2,3), D. Akamatsu2), K. Hosaka2,3), H. Inaba2,3), S. Okubo2,3), T. Tanabe2), M. Yasuda2), A. Onae2,3), F.-L. Hong1,2,3) 1)Yokohama National Univ., Japan, 2)AIST, Japan, 3)JST-ERATO, Japan ----- Break (15:00-15:30) ----- 15:30-17:00 ALPS8 : High Average Power Lasers Chair: J. Kawanaka, Steering Committee Member, Osaka Univ., Japan Room 302 Room 311+312 15:30-17:00 ALPS9 : Teraheltz Sources and Applications Chair: H. Minamide, Program Committee Member RIKEN, Japan ALPS8-1 15:30 ALPS9-1 15:30 ALPS8-2 15:45 Demonstration of Femtosecond Ti:sapphire Laser Oscillation Pumped by Two Green InGaN Diode Lasers R. Sawada, H. Tanaka, R. Kariyama, A. Hosaka, K.Hirosawa, and F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan Current Status of the Development of the Kumgang Laser - 0.4J/10kHz/10ns (4kW) Coherent Beam Combination Laser Using Self-Controlled Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugate Mirrors (SBS-PCMs) 12 (Invited) First Achievement of Nitride Semiconductor Based Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser H. Hirayama and W. Terashima RIKEN, Japan ALPS8-3 16:00 ALPS8-4 16:15 ALPS8-5 16:30 ALPS8-6 16:45 H. J. Kong1), S. Park1), S. Cha1), H. Ahn1), H. Lee1), J. Oh1), B. J. Lee2), S. Choi2), and J. S. Kim3) 1)KAIST, Korea, 2)HGU, Korea, 3)Laser Spectronix, Korea Development of a 180-W, 1-kHz Pulsed Green Laser System for Industrial Applications Y. Kato1,2), Y. Tamaoki1,2), T. Sekine1,2), Y. Takeuchi1,2), K. Iyama1,2), T. Kurita1,2), T. Kawashima1,2), and N. Miyanaga3) 1)Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan, 2)Advanced Laser and Process Tech. Res. Association (ALPROT), Japan, 3)Inst.of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan QUADRA-T: A Driver Laser System for Intense THz Pulse Generation Y. Ochi, K. Nagashima, M. Maruyama, M. Tsubouchi, N. Kono, F. Yoshida, A. Sugiyama Quantum Beam Sci. Center, JAEA, Japan Boosting Up the Intra-Cavity Average Power of a Kerr Lens Mode-Locked Giant Thin-Disk Ring Oscillator to Beyond a kW A. A. Eilanlou1), Y. Nabekawa1), M. Kuwata-Gonokami2,3), and K. Midorikawa1,2) 1)RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan, 2)Inst. for Photon Sci. and Tech., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 3)Graduate School of Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan 1 J, 100 Hz Multiple Active-Mirror Laser Amplifier Using YAG /Yb:YAG Composite Ceramics S. Tokita1), M. Divoky2), S.I. Hwang1), T. Kawashima3), H. Nishioka4), A. Lucianetti2), J. Kawanaka1) 1)ILE, Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)HiLASE project, Czech, 3)Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan, 4)UEC, Japan 13 ALPS9-2 16:00 Ultra-fast and ultra-broadband optical-pump/THz-probe spectroscopy for the study of carrier dynamics in Graphene S. Ikeda1), M. Yamashita2), C. Otani1,2) 1)Grad. Sch. of Sci. Tohoku Univ., 2)RIKEN ALPS9-3 16:15 Contact grating device with Fabry-Perot resonator for effective THz light generation M. Tsubouchi, K. Nagashima, F. Yoshida, Y. Ochi, M. Maruyama Japan Atomic Energy Agency Terahertz waves generated by the interaction of argon clusters and two-color laser pulses K. Mori1,2), M. Hashida1,2), T. Nagashima3), S. Inoue1,2), and S. Sakabe1,2) 1)ICR Kyoto Univ., 2)GSS Kyoto Univ., 3)Setsunan Univ. ALPS9-4 16:30 ALPS9-5 16:45 High-Peak-Power Terahertz-Wave Parametric Generation and Highly-Sensitive Detection Using Surface-Coupling Configuration Y. Takida, T. Notake, K. Nawata, Y. Tokizane, S. Hayashi, H. Minamide RIKEN Friday, April 24 Room 302 : Intense Ultrafast Sources and Applications Chair: T. Ozaki, Program Committee Member INRS, Canada 9:00-10:30 ALPS10 Room 311+312 9:00-10:30 Chair: N. Nishizawa, Program Committee Chair Nagoya Univ., Japan ALPS10-1 9:00 (Invited) High-Energy Few-cycle Mid-IR Parametric Amplification A. Baltuska Photonics Inst., Vienna Univ. of Tech., Switzerland ALPS11-1 9:00 ALPS10-2 9:30 Kerr-lens Mode-Locked Yb3+-doped Lu3Al5O12 Ceramic Laser S. Kitajima1), H. Nakao1), A. Shirakawa1), H.Yagi2), T. Yanagitani2) 1)Inst. for Laser Sci., Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan, 2)Takuma Works, Konoshima Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan Pulse Stretching in a Cryogenic-Yb:YAG Regenerative Amplifier Using Transmission Gratings S. Tokita1), S.I. Hwang1), T. Kawashima2), H. Nishioka3), J. Kawanaka1) 1)ILE Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan, 3)UEC Tokyo, Japan Generation of 1.5 mJ Few-Cycle Infrared Pulses in a BiB3O6 Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplifier N. Ishii1), K. Kaneshima1), T. Kanai1), S. Watanabe2), J. Itatani1) 1)The Inst. for Solid State Physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 2)Res. Inst. for Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci. Looking into Sub-Cycle Dynamics of Electron Rescattering Induced by Intense Infrared Few-Cycle Pulses H. Geiseler1), N. Ishii1), K. Kaneshima1), F. Geier1), T. Kanai1), J. Itatani1) 1)The Inst. for Solid State Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, Japan ALPS11-2 9:30 ALPS10-3 9:45 ALPS10-4 10:00 ALPS10-5 10:15 ALPS11 : Biomedical-Photonics ALPS11-3 9:45 ALPS11-4 10:00 ALPS11-5 10:15 (Invited) Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy for Label-Free Imaging and Spectroscopy Y. Ozeki Univ. Tokyo, Japan All-optical Ultrafast Burst Imaging using Broadband Frequency Chirped Pulse T. Suzuki, F. Isa, L. Fujii, K. Hirosawa, F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan Supercontinuum Generation for Ultrahigh Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography at 0.8 m from Ultrashort Pulse Fiber Laser Y. Nomura1), H. Kawagoe1), Y. Hattori1), M. Yamanaka1), Y. Sakakibara2), E. Omoda2), H. Kataura2), and N. Nishizawa1) 1)Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2)AIST, Japan Development of 3D Forearm Vein Imaging System Using Light-section Method for Automatic Blood Sampling R. Kimura, Y. Morita, E. Nakamachi Doshisha Univ., Japan Reflectance Response of Tapered Multimode Fiber Coated With Polyaniline for Ammonia Sensing A. Shabaneh, S. Girei, F. Mohamad, A. Ibrahim, A. Lateef, N. A. Rahman, M. A. Mahdi, S. Paiman, M. H. Yaacob Univ. Putra, Malaysia ----- Break (10:30-11:00)----Room 302 ALPS12 : Intense Ultrafast Sources and Applications (cont’d) Chair: J. Itatani, Program Committee Member Univ. of Tokyo, Japan 11:00-12:30 ALPS12-1 11:00 (Invited) Progress Towards a 10PW Ultraintense Laser Facility: Demonstration of 5PW High Gain Large Aperture Ti:Sapphire Amplifier R. Li, X. Liang, Y. Leng, and Z. Xu SIOM, CAS, China Room 311+312 11:00-12:30 Chair: A. Fujisaki, Program Committee Member Furukawa Electric Co., LTD, Japan ALPS13-1 11:00 ALPS13-2 11:15 14 ALPS13 : Fiber Lasers Development of Yb-doped Fiber Amplifier with Adjustable Repetition Rate for Optimized Seeding of Regenerative Amplifiers J. Linnemann1), M. Smrz1), T. Miura1), U. Teubner2), A. Endo1), T. Mocek1) 1)HiLASE Centre, Institute of Physics ASCR, v.v.i., Czech, 2)HS-Emden-Leer, Germany Sub-10ps, 700 kW Peak-Power Pulses from a Non-Linearly Compressed All-Fiber MOPA System R. Yamashita1), K. Maeda1), G. Watanabe1), K. Tei1), S. Yamaguchi1), J. Enokidani2), S. Sumida2) 1)Dept of Phys., Tokai Univ., Japan, 2)OPT-i ALPS12-2 11:30 Development update of the PENELOPE Laser System D. Albach1), M. Siebold1), M. Loeser1,2), F. Roeser1) and U. Schramm1,2) 1)Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 2)Tech. Univ. Dresden, Germany ALPS13-3 11:30 ALPS12-3 11:45 All Four Beams, Pico-Second Operation of LFEX-Laser J. Kawanaka, N. Morio, S. Matsuo, K. Kawabata, Y. Kawakami, T. Hirano, Y. Fujimura, K. Sawai, K. Tsuji, Y. Suzuki, Y. Matsuda, T. Kawasaki, H. Murakami, K. Ueda, M. Ishida, S. Kitamura, H. Matsuo, T. Sakamoto, T. Sezaki, T. Yanagida, S. Tokita, Y. Nakata, K. Tsubakimoto, H. Shiraga, T. Jitsuno, and N. Miyanaga Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan The Development of Ozone Grating for High Intensity Lasers Y. Michine, H. Yoneda Inst. for Laser Sci., Univ. Electro-Comm., Japan ALPS13-4 11:45 Intense and Tunable High-order Harmonics from Carbon Plasma T. Ozaki, A. Fareed, S. Mondal and Y. Pertot INRS-EMT, Canada ALPS13-6 12:15 ALPS12-4 12:00 ALPS12-5 12:15 ALPS13-5 12:00 12:30 Co.,Ltd., Japan Improvement of Output Power and Suppression of Pedestal Components for Wideband Wavelength-Tunable Narrow-Linewidth Source Y. Ando1), Y. Sakakibara2), E. Omoda2), H. Kataura2), and N. Nishizawa1) 1)Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2)AIST, Japan Yb:Fiber Comb Based on a Tapered Single-mode Fiber Y. Xie, H. Han, L. Zhang, L. Hou, Z. Yu, Z. Zhu, L. Pang, W. Liu, Z. Wei Beijing National Lab. for Condensed Matter Phys., Inst. of Phys., CAS, China School of Phys. and Optoelectronic Eng., Xidian Univ., China Impact of Different Order Photonic Bandgap in Spectral Filtering Photonic Bandgap Fiber Amplifier M. Chen1), S. R. Petersen2), C. B. Olausson3), T. T. Alkeskjold3), A. Shirakawa1) 1)Inst. for Laser Sci., Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan, 2)Dept. of Photonics Eng., Tech. Univ. of Denmark, Denmark, 3)NKT Photonics A/S, Denmark Development of Low Photo-Darkening Yb-Doped Silica Glass Fiber by Co-Doping of Group 2 Element Y. Sakaguchi1), Y. Fujimoto1), M. Masuda1), N. Miyanaga1), H. Nakano2) 1)Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Kinki Univ., Japan Closing Room 311+312 ----- Lunch Break & Poster Session (12:30-15:00)----- Exhibition Hall C 13:00-15:00 ALPSp14-01 ALPSp14-02 ALPSp14-03 ALPSp14-04 ALPSp14-05 ALPSp14-06 ALPSp14: Poster Session Fabry-Pérot-Like Interferences in Symmetric Thue-Morse Multilayer C. W. Tsao, Y. H. Cheng, C. H. Chang, W. J. Hsueh Photonic group, Dept. of Eng. Sci. and Ocean Eng., National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan Carrier-Induced Fast All-Optical Switching in a Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Fabricated with a CMOS Compatible Process Y. Ooka, T. Tetsumoto, A. Fushimi, W.Yoshiki and T. Tanabe Keio Univ., Japan Size Dependence of Thermo-opto-mechanical Oscillation Observed in Crystalline Whispering Gallery Mode Microcavity Fabricated with Ultra-precision Machining H. Itobe1), Y. Nakagawa1), S. Azami1), Y. Kakinuma1), T. Tanabe1) Keio Univ., Japan Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor for Multiaxial Actuation Measurement - Optical Devices and Techniques for Bio and Medical Applications K.-Y. Huang1), C.-M. Chia1), E. Chang2), C.-W. Chang1) 1)National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan, 2)Genius Electronic Optical Co., Taiwan Dependence of Temperature on Fluorescence Lifetime of Nd Ion for Ce/Cr/Nd:YAG Ceramic T. Nakamachi1), T. Saiki1), T. Hayashi1), K. Fujioka2), H. Furuse3), Y. Honda2), S. Motokoshi4), Y. Fujimoto2), M. Nakatsuka2,4), Yukio Iida1) 1)Kansai Univ., Japan, 2)Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan, 3)Kitami Inst. of Tech., Japan, 4)Inst. for Laser Tech., Japan Generation of Octave-Spanning Optical Kerr Frequency Comb in a Dispersion-Managed Whispering Gallery Mode Microcavity 15 ALPSp14-07 ALPSp14-08 ALPSp14-09 ALPSp14-10 ALPSp14-11 ALPSp14-12 ALPSp14-13 ALPSp14-14 ALPSp14-15 ALPSp14-16 ALPSp14-17 ALPSp14-18 ALPSp14-19 ALPSp14-20 ALPSp14-21 ALPSp14-22 ALPSp14-23 ALPSp14-24 Y. Nakagawa1), T. Kato1), T. Tanabe1) 1)Keio Univ., Japan Efficient Diode-Pumped High Power Femtosecond Yb:LYSO Laser W. Tian, Z. Wang, Z. Wei, J. Zhu, L. Zheng, J. Xu 1)Inst. of Phys., CAS, 2)Xidian Univ., 3)Shanghai Inst. of Ceramics, CAS, China Characteristics on Phase Synchronization of Second Harmonic Wave Array from Intra Talbot Cavity Frequency Doubling K. Hirosawa1), F. Shohda2), T. Yanagisawa2), F. Kannari1) 1)Keio Univ., Japan, 2)Mitsubishi Electric Co., Japan Power Scaling and Q-switched Operation of a Pr3+:YLF Laser Pumped by Four InGaN-Blue-Laser-Diodes K. Iijima1), R. Kariyama1), H. Tanaka1), K. Hirosawa1), F. Kannari1) Keio Univ., Japan Passively CW Mode-Locked Red Pr:YLF Laser Pumped by InGaN Laser Diodes R. Kariyama, H. Tanaka, K. Iijima, K. Hirosawa, F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan Rate Equation Analysis of a Passively Q-switched Pr4+:YLF Laser with a Cr3+:YAG Saturable Absorber in Visible Region H. Tanaka, R. Kariyama, K. Iijima, K. Hirosawa, F. Kannari Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Eng., Keio Univ., Japan Multiple Frequency Injection Locked Ti:Sapphire Laser with a Variable Two Frequency Separation and Power G. Trivikramarao, Y. Fujimura, R. Yoshizaki, T. Kawashima, T. Ohashi, Y. Sasaki, H. Hamano, K. Yoshii, M. Katsuragawa Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan Coherent Combination of Four High-Power Laser Beams Using Bernoulli Discrete Probability Distribution Based Algorithm T. Kitamura1), H. Chosrowjan1,3), S.Taniguchi1,3), M. Fujita1,2,3), K. Tsubakimoto2), H. Yoshida2), N. Miyanaga2), Y. Izawa1) 1)Inst. for Laser Tech., Japan, 2)Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan, 3)ALPROT, Japan Development on Thermoelectric Transducer Using Laser-Sintered Reduced Metal Nanopastes Y. Li, T. Saiki, Y. Iida Kansai Univ., Japan Singe- and Two-Color Laser Generation from Etalon-Coupled C-Cut Nd:YVO4 Laser Y.-C. Chiu1), B.-C. Wang2), Y.-C. Huang3) Inst. of Photonics Tech., National Tsinghua Univ., China Generation of Gaussian Monocycle and Doublet Pulses from Vector Soliton Shaping in an Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Y.-C. Leu, W.-H. Kuan, J.-Y. Wang, and K.-H. Lin Dept. of Appl. Phys. and Chemistry, Univ. of Taipei, Taiwan Enhancing Pressure Response of a Fabry-Pérot Interferometer with a Microchannel Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Y. Yu1,2), X. Chen1,2), Q. Huang1,2), C. Du1,2), S. Ruan1,2) and H. Wei3) 1)Shenzhen Key Lab. of Laser Eng., China, 2)Shenzhen Univ., China, 3)Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Tech., China Optical Material Modification by Laser Pulses at Under-Damage Threshold Conditions K. Mikami1), S. Motokoshi2), T. Jitsuno1) 1)ILE, Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Inst. for Laser Tech., Japan Thermal Damage of Organic Thin Film by Femtosecond Laser Process Y. Makino1), S. Ono1), V. Srinivasan1), N. Tsuda1), J. Yamada1), P.-K. Shin2), S. Ochiai1) 1)Aichi Inst. of Tech., Japan, 2)Inha Univ., Korea Direct Writing of Laser Waveguides in Pr:ZBLAN Glass using Ultrafast Laser Pulses Y. Yamanaka, K. Hirosawa, T. Sato, and F. Kannari Keio University, Japan High-Harmonic Generation by Non-collinear Wave Mixing in Ionized Media T. Kuroda, K. Sato, H. Ohno, K. Suzuki, and A. Suda Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Japan Interspace of Periodic Grating Structure Dependence on Laser Fluence for Double Pulse Irradiation M. Hashida1,2), L. Gemini3,4), T. Nishii1,2), Y. Miyasaka1,2), H. Sakagami5), S. Inoue1,2), J. Limpouch3), T. Mocek4), and S. Sakabe1,2) 1) Inst. for Chemical Res., Kyoto Univ., Japan, 2)Dept of Phys., Kyoto Univ., Japan, 3)FNSPE, Czech Tech. Univ., Czech, 4)HiLASE Project, Inst. of Phys., Czech, 5)National Inst. for Fusion Sci., Japan Study on Effect of Intense THz-Wave Irradiation for Protein Conformation T. Notake, K. Nawata, Y. Takida, Y. Tokizane, Z. Han, and H. Minamide RIKEN RAP, Japan Plume Expansion and Optical Emission Spectrum of Nd:YAG Laser Produced Sn Plasma 16 ALPSp14-25 ALPSp14-26 ALPSp14-27 ALPSp14-28 ALPSp14-29 ALPSp14-30 ALPSp14-31 ALPSp14-32 ALPSp14-33 ALPSp14-34 ALPSp14-35 ALPSp14-36 ALPSp14-37 ALPSp14-38 ALPSp14-39 ALPSp14-40 ALPSp14-41 H. Lan, X. Wang, D. Zuo, P. Lu Wuhan National Lab. for Optoelectronics, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Tech., China Evaluation of Impulse Direction and Mass Loss by a Pulse Laser Irradiation for Laser Ablated Propulsion S. Nakayama1)2)3), Y. Mori1), K. Fujita1), Y. Kitagawa1) 1)The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries, Japan, 2)STARSHIP LASER DRIVE LLC. 3)IHI Corporation, Japan High Power UV Laser Processing of CFRP with Various ns Pulse Waveforms M. Fujita1,4), H. Ohkawa2), T. Somekawa1), T. Matsutani2), Y. Maeda2), J. Bovatsek3), R. Patel3), N. Miyanaga4) 1)Inst. for Laser Tech., Japan, 2)Kinki Univ., Japan, 3)Spectra-Physics, Newport Company, USA, 4)Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan Development of Feedback Algorithm for Filled Aperture Coherent Beam Combining Technique with Phase Control K. Tsubakimoto, T. Kinugasa, Y. Iwami, H. Yoshida, H. Fujita, N.Miyanaga Inst.of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan All-Fiber 41-fs Pulse Generation from a Self-Similar Erbium Fiber Amplifier D. Yoshitomi, K. Torizuka National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. and Tech., Japan Control of High Energy Sub-ps Pulses from Yb-Doped Fiber Laser Using Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber N. Otsuka and N. Nishizawa Nagoya Univ., Japan Development of Multi-Color Visible Short Pulse Glass Fiber Laser Using Graphene Thin Film S. Kajikawa1,2), Y. Fujimoto1), M. Yoshida2), O. Ishii3), M. Yamazaki4) 1)Inst. for Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Kinki Univ., Japan, 3) Optical Glass Production Dept., Sumita Optical Glass, Japan, 4) R&D Dept, Sumita Optical Glass, Japan Numerical Study of Hybrid Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers with Full-Vector Model L. Jin, N. Nishizawa Nagoya Univ. Er-Doped Hybrid Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Using Combination of Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Carbon Nanotube K. Nonobe1), L. Jin1), Y. Sakakibara2), E. Omoda2), H. Kataura2), and N. Nishizawa1) 1)Dept. Quantum Eng., Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2)National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. and Tech. (AIST), Japan Demonstration of Coherence-Selectable Operation of External-Cavity Semiconductor Laser M. Hyodo1), A. Kawakami2), S. Saito2), M. Watanabe3), Y. Tamura1) and M. Adachi1) 1) Kanazawa Univ., Japan, 2)Advanced ICT Res. Inst., National Inst. of Information and Comm. Tech., Japan, 3)Dept. of Eng. Sci., Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan Study on Self-Coupling Sensor Using Terminal Voltage Change T. Yoshimatsu, N. Tsuda, J. Yamada Aichi Inst. of Tech., Japan Photon-Stimulated Desorption Surface Spectroscopy System by Using a Laser-Produced Argon Plasma M. Kaku1), D. Kai1), M. Katto2), A. Yokotani1), W. Sasaki3), S. Kubodera1) 1)Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng. and Photon Sci. Center, Univ. Miyazaki, Japan, 2)Cooperative Res. Center, Univ. of Miyazaki, Japan, 3)NTP Inc., Japan Ablation Mechanism and Some Ideas of Applications of Modified Surface Structures Induced by Picosecond Soft X-Ray Laser M. Ishino1), N. Hasegawa1), M. Nishikino1), M. Maruyama1), A. Faenov2,3), S. Tamotsu4), T. Pikuz2,3), N. Inogamov2), I. Skobelev2,5), T. Kawachi1), M. Yamagiwa1) 1)JAEA, Japan, 2)RAS, Russia, 3)Osaka Univ., Japan, 4)Nara Women’s Univ., Japan, 5)National Res. Nuclear Univ., Russia Continuous Generation of Laser Plasma X-Ray Using Solid Rare Gas Targets S. Amano Univ. of Hyogo, Japan High Intensity Ultrashort VUV Pulse Generation with OFI Ar2* Amplifier M. Kaku1), N. Deshimaru1), M. Katto2), S. Kubodera1) 1)Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng. and Photon Sci. Center, Univ. Miyazaki, Japan, 2)Cooperative Res. Center, Univ. Miyazaki, Japan Development of Nanosecond Pulse CO2 Laser for Efficient Extreme Ultraviolet Generation R. Amano1), T. H. Dinh1), A. Sasanuma1), G.Arai1), Y. Fujii1), A. Takahashi2), D. Nakamura2), T. Okada2), T. Miura3), A. Endo3), T. Mocek3), and T. Higashiguchi1) 1)Utsunomiya Univ., Japan, 2)Kyushu Univ., Japan, 3)HiLASE Center, Czech Temporal Profile Measurement of Plasma X-Ray Laser Pulses by using a Pump-Probe Laser Spectroscopy S. Namba1), N. Hasegawa2), M. Kishimoto2), M. Nishikino2) and T. Kawachi2) 1)Hiroshima Univ., Japan, 2)JAEA, Japan Remote Sensing Based on Lasing Action Induced by Femtosecond Laser Filamentation 17 ALPSp14-42 ALPSp14-43 ALPSp14-44 ALPSp14-45 ALPSp14-46 ALPSp14-47 ALPSp14-48 ALPSp14-49 ALPSp14-50 ALPSp14-51 ALPSp14-52 ALPSp14-53 ALPSp14-54 ALPSp14-55 ALPSp14-56 ALPSp14-57 ALPSp14-58 W. Chu1), J. Ni1), J. Yao1), B. Zeng1), G. Li1), C. Jing1), H. Xu2),Y. Cheng1) 1)State Key Lab. of High Field Laser Phys., SIOM, CAS, China, 2)College of Electronic Science and Eng., Jilin Univ., Japan Simultaneously Q-switched and Mode-Locked Eye-Safe Self-Raman Laser at 1525 nm D. Wang1),C. Du1),Y. Zhang1),S. Ruan1),X. Xie2) 1)Shenzhen Univ., China, 2)Han's Laser Tech. Industry Group Co., Ltd., China Second Harmonic Generation in Isotropic Gaseous Medium Using Spatiotemporally Focused Femtosecond Laser Pulses G. Li1), J. Ni1), H. Xie1), B. Zeng1), J. Yao1), W. Chu1), H. Xu2), Y.Cheng1), Z. Xu1) 1)SIOM, CAS, China, 2)Jilin Univ., China Compact Low Loss Design of SOI 1x2 Y-Branch Optical Power Splitter with s-Bend Waveguide and Study on the Variation of Transmitted Power with Various Waveguide Parameters C. P. Vardhani, N. R. Pendam Osmania Univ., India Improvement of THz-Wave Parametric Source with a Broad Tunable Range K. Murate1), K. Imayama1), S. Hayashi2), K. Kawase1,2) 1)Nagoya University, Japan, 2)RIKEN, Japan Control of Nonlinear Emission at a Gold Tapered Tip Excited by Ultrafast Surface Plasmon Pulses Y. Masaki, K. Toma, K. Hirosawa, F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan Experimental Verification of Terahertz-Wave Spectroscopic Measurement Based on Nonlinear Wavelength-Conversion S. Hayashi1), K. Nawata1), K. Kawase1,2) and H. Minamide1) 1)RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Japan, 2)Nagoya Univ., Japan Time-Domain Measurement and Noise Analysis of a Kerr Comb from a Toroid Microcavity Y. Okabe, R. Suzuki, Z. Chen, T. Nagano, T. Kobatake, and T.Tanabe Keio Univ., Japan Influence of Raman Scattering on a Kerr Frequency Comb Generated in a Silica Toroidal Microcavity T. Kobatake, T. Kato and T. Tanabe Keio Univ., Japan Enhanced Heat Removal in High Power SHG Module M. Nonaka1,2), W. Nagashima1,2), H. H. Lim1), S. Kurimura1), I. Shoji2) 1)NIMS, Japan, 2)Chuo Univ., Japan Photon-Number Squeezed Pulse Generation with a Symmetric Fiber Interferometer A. Hosaka, K. Hirosawa, R. Sawada, and F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan Precise Deuteration Control of KDP Crystal and Application to Ultra-broadband Optical Parametric Amplification K. Fujioka1,2), Y. Fujimoto1), K. Tsubakimoto1), J. Kawanaka1), I. Shoji3), and N. Miyanaga1) 1)Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Promotion Center for Laser Tech., 3) Chuo Univ., Japan Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Pulse Compression and its Application to Optical Parametric Chirped-Pulse Amplifier J. Ogino1), S. Miyamoto1), T. Matsuyama1), K. Sueda2), H. Yoshida1), K. Tsubakimoto1) and N. Miyanaga1) 1)Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan 2)Photon Pioneers Center, Osaka Univ., Japan Effective Photon Conversion from THz to NIR in a Slant-Stripe-Type Periodically Poled LiNbO3 K. Nawata1), T. Notake1), H. Ishizuki2), Y. Takida1), Y. Tokizane1), S. Hayashi1), T. Taira2), and H. Minamide1) 1)RIKEN, Japan, 2)Inst. for Molecular Sci., Japan Sub-THz Wave Generation in DAST-DFG Configuration Pumped by a Dual-Wavelength, Injection-Seeded BBO OPG System Y. Tokizane1), Y. Miyake1,2), K. Nawata1), S. Fan1), S. Hayashi1), T. Notake1), A. Sato2), Y. Takida1) and H. Minamide1) 1)RIKEN, Japan, 2)Tohoku Inst. of Tech., Japan High-efficiency MLD-THz-TDS with Using a Chaotic Oscillation and Metal V Groove Waveguide Y. Akamine1), K. Iwao1), M. Oi1), T. Kishibata1), T. Shirao1), F. Kuwashima1), M. Tani2), K. Kurihara3), K. Yamamoto2), K. Nagashima4), M.Hangyo5) 1)Fukui Univ. of Tech., Japan, 2) Res. Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, Japan, 3)Univ. of Fukui, Japan, 4)Setsunan Univ., Japan, 5)Inst. of Laser Eng., Osaka Univ., Japan Subwavelength and Femtosecond Scale Control of Ultrafast Localized Plasmon Pulses at Metallic Nanostructures by Light Wave Shaping Y. Kojima, Y. Masaki, K. Toma, K. Hirosawa, and F. Kannari Keio Univ., Japan Hybrid-lens for Terahertz Subwavelength Focusing beyond the Diffraction Limit P. Tapsanit1,2), M. Yamashita2), C. Otani1,2) 1)Tohoku Univ., 2)RIKEN Center for Adv. Photonics 18 ALPSp14-59 ALPSp14-60 ALPSp14-61 ALPSp14-62 ALPSp14-63 Magneto-Optical Integrated Circuits by Femtosecond Laser Modelling in YIG T. Amemiya1,2), Z. Gu3), A. Ishikawa2,4), Y. Shoji3), P. N. Hai5), M. Tanaka6), T. Mizumoto3), T. Tanaka2,7), Shigehisa Arai1,3) 1)Quantum Nanoelectronics Res. Center, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan, 2)Metamaterials Lab., RIKEN, Japan, 3)Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan, 4)Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Okayama Univ., Japan, 5)Dept of Phys. Electronics, Tokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan, 6)Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Information Systems, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 7)Res. Inst. for Electronic Sci., Hokkaido Univ., Japan Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor for Nebulization Concentration Measurement K.-Y. Huang1), C.-M. Chia1), E. Chang2), Y. M. Chen1) 1)National Taiwan Univ. 2)Genius Electronic Optical Co. Double Assurance of Epidural Space Detection Using Fiber Optic and Fluorescent Technologies Y. Chang1), T.-A. Chiang2) 1)National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan, 2)EDA Medical Devices Tech. Inc., Taiwan Observing Triplet State Dynamics of Fluorescent Proteins by Modulated Excitation N. Kamiyama, Y. Sunairi, K. Toda, H. Takahashi, A. Suda Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Japan Wavelength Dependence of Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Using Supercontinuum Source in Wavelengths of 0.8-1.9 μm H. Kawagoe, M. Yamanaka, and N. Nishizawa Nagoya Univ., Japan Room 302 15:30-16:45 ALPS15 : Fiber Lasers and Diode Lasers Chair: A. Shirakawa, Program Committee Member Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan ALPS15-1 15:30 ALPS15-2 16:00 ALPS15-3 16:15 ALPS15-4 16:30 (Invited) Challenges and Opportunities for Mid-Infrared Fibre Sources S. D. Jackson MQ Photonics, Dept of Eng., Macquarie Univ., Australia Development of High-Power and High-Efficiency 9xx nm Laser Diodes T. Uchiyama, K. Torii, N. Kageyama, T. Nagakura, K. Endo, T. Morita, J. Maeda, H. Yoshida Hamamatsu Photonics K. K., Japan Nanosecond Pulsed 1.5 kW Average-Output-Power Fiber Laser System Based on Yb-doped Rod PCFs for Filled-aperture Coherent and Spectral Combinations H. Yoshida1), K. Tsubakimoto1), H. Fujita1), N. Miyanaga1),T. Yamamura2,5), T. Sakagawa2,5),M. Tsukamoto3), H. Chosrowjan4,5), T. Kitamura4,5), M. Fujita4,5), Y. Izawa4,5) 1)ILE OSAKA Univ., Japan, 2)KATAOKA Corp., Japan, 3)JWRI Osaka Univ., Japan, 4)ILT, Japan, 5)ALPROT, Japan CFRP Cutting with High Power Fiber Laser T. Miyato1,4), A. Fujisaki1,4), K. Furukawa2,4), M. Matsushita2,4), Y. Harada3,4), H. Niino3,4) 1)Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd., Japan, 2)Shin Nippon Koki Co., Ltd., Japan, 3)AIST, Japan, 4)ALPROT, Japan 16:45 Closing 16:45-16:55 Award Ceremony Room 302 N. Nishizawa, Program Committee Chair Nagoya Univ., Japan Closing Remarks Room 302 H. Nishioka, Steering Committee Chair Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan 16:55-17:00 Room 302 19 5th Asian and Pacific-Rim Symposium on Biophotonics APBP’15 APBP1-3 10:00 Wednesday, April 22 15:30-16:00 Opening Room 414+415 Opening Remarks 13:45 T. Omatsu, Conference Chair of OMC’15 Chiba Univ., Japan 16:00-18:00 OMC & APBP Joint Session Room 414+415 Chair: H. Ishihara, Osaka Pref. Univ., Japan E. Okada, Keio Univ., Japan OMC&APBP-1 (Invited) Highly-focused light for optical 13:45 trapping H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop Univ. of Queensland, Australia OMC&APBP-2 (Invited) Optical tweezers for investigation 14:15 of mechanical property of a cell T. Sugiura Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan 3) 1) APBP1-4 10:15 APBP1-5 10:30 APBP1-6 10:45 ----- Break (14:45-15:15)----(Invited) Combined optical and acoustic trapping M. Ritsch-Marte Innsbruck Medical Univ., Austria OMC&APBP-4 (Invited) Molecular mechanism of efficient 15:45 muscle contraction revealed by single molecule approaches M. Kaya, T. Washio, T. Hisada, H. Higuchi Univ. of Tokyo, Japan 16:15-16:20 Closing Room 414+415 Closing Remarks 16:15 T. Iwai, Conference Chair of APBP'15 Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan OMC&APBP-3 15:15 Thursday, April 23 9:00-9:10 Opening Room 303 Opening Remarks 9:10 T. Iwai, Conference Chair of APBP'15 Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan 9:15-11:00 APBP1: Optical Coherence Imaging Room 303 Chairs: M. Ohmi, Program Committee co-Chair, Osaka Univ., Japan Y. Yasuno, Program Committee co-Chair, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan APBP1-1 (Invited) Optical coherence tomography 9:15 based on resonant absorption and scattering of localized surface plasmon on Au nanorings C.-K. Yu, T.-T. Chi, Y.-C. Tu, S.-Y. Chen, M.J. Li, C.-K. Chu, Y.-W. Kiang, C.C. Yang Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan APBP1-2 Ultra-high resolution polarization9:45 sensitive optical coherence tomography for retinal blood vessel wall measurements B. Cense 1), I. Ibrahim 1), P. Mondal 1), M. Miura 2), E. G. Ruiz 3) 1) Utsunomiya Univ., Japan, 2) Tokyo Med. Univ., Japan, 3) National Instruments Corp., 20 Japan Optical coherence tomography guided laser incision of cornea and lens T. J. Eom 1), B. Lee 1), B.-M. Kim 2), C. K. Joo GIST, Korea, 2) Korea Univ., Korea, 3) Seoul St. Mary’s Hosp., Korea Longitudinal spatial coherence gated highresolution full-field optical tomography and topography using laser light source D. S. Mehta 1), S. Nandy 2), V. Srivastava 3), A. Ahmed 1) 1) Indian Inst. of Tech., India, 2) Univ. of Connecticut, USA, 3) Amity Uviv., India Spectral domain optical coherence tomography using a single spectrometer and time delay in balance detection B.-M. Kim 1), T. J. Eom 2), M. G. Hyeon 1), H.J. Kim 1) 1) Korea Univ., Korea, 2) GIST, Korea Clinical validation of optical coherence tomography derived Index of plaque attenuation M. Gnanadesigan 1), T. Kameyama 2), A. van der Steen 1), A. Karanasos 1), N. Dietzhuijzen 1), K. Witberg 1), J. M. Lighthart 1), E. Regar 1), G. van Soest 1) 1) Erasmus MC, Netherlands, 2) Tohoku Univ., Japan ----- Break (11:00-11:15)----- 11:15-12:15 APBP2: Poster Flash Presentation -1 Room 303 Chairs: K. Saito, Program Committee Member, Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ., Japan Y. Ozeki, Program Committee Member, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan APBPp2-1 Phase-contrast optical microscopy for biological tissues using oblique laser illumination Y. Miyake, M. Hisaka, T. Ikuta Osaka Electro-Commu. Univ., Japan APBPp2-2 A software utility for tracking FUCCIlabeled gastric cancer cells with multicontrast time-lapse images H. Kawaguchi 1), Y. Maeyama 1),2), S. Kikuchi 3), M. Otsu 2), H. Ito 1) 1) Natl Inst. of Radiol. Sci., Japan, 2) Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 3) Hyogo Coll. of Med., Japan APBPp2-3 Proposal of Raman Fourier-spectroscopic tomography for iPS solid organs in the field of regenerative medicine S. Ogawa, M. Fujiwara, P. K. W. Abeygunawardhana, S. Sato, S. Suzuki, A. Nishiyama, K. Wada, I. Ishimaru Kagawa Univ., Japan APBPp2-4 Design of implantable probe for simultaneous measurement of NIRS, ECoG and thermometry S. Esaki 1), T. Yamakawa 2), M Niwayama 1) 1) Shizuoka Univ., Japan, 2) Kumamoto Univ., Japan APBPp2-5 Full field OCT using short multimode fiber APBPp2-6 APBPp2-7 APBPp2-8 APBPp2-9 APBPp2-10 APBPp2-11 APBPp2-12 APBPp2-13 APBPp2-14 APBPp2-15 APBPp2-16 probe M. Sato 1), Y. Sekine 1), T. Takahashi 1), I. Nishidate 2) 1) Yamagata Univ., Japan, 2) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan Stability in phase and intensity measurement using quasi single shot wide field optical coherence tomography T. Anna 1), S. Kimura 1), D. S. Mehta 2), M. Sato 1) 1) Yamagata Univ., Japan, 2) Indian Inst. of Tech., India High-speed en face optical coherence tomography using KTN optical beam deflector M. Ohmi 1), A. Fukuda 1), Y. Shinya 1), J. Miyazu 2), M. Ueno 2), S. Toyoda 2), J. Kobayashi 2) 1) Osaka Univ., Japan, 2) NTT Corp., Japan In vivo retinal imaging with variable lateral resolution using optically deviated focusing based high-resolution optical coherence tomography R. E. Henry Wijeisnghe, K. Park, J. Kim Kyungpook Natl Univ., Korea Influence of spatial coherence on visibleLED OCT imaging D. Kaneko, T. Iwai Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan All single mode fiber optics spectral domain polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography J.-P. Xu, W.-C. Kuo Natl Yang-Ming Univ., Taiwan Characterization of the responses of cerebral vasculature due to electrical stimulation using OCT B.-H. Lin, L. Yang, M.-Y. Chiang, Y.-Y. Chen, W.-C. Kuo Natl Yang-Ming Univ., Taiwan Photoacoustic imaging system with ultrathin hollow optical fibers A. Seki 1), K. Iwai 2), Y. Matsuura 1) 1) Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2) Sendai Natl Coll. of Tech., Japan Photo-acoustic analysis of dental pulp using near infrared laser light A. Yamada 1), S. Kakino 2), Y. Matsuura 1) 1) Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2) Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ., Japan Fundamental study on control of motion of nanoparticles using scattering field of laser light N. Yokoi 1), Y. Aizu 2) 1) Asahikawa Natl Coll. of Tech., Japan, 2) Muroran Inst. of Tech., Japan Dynamic observation of blood coagulation process in digital holographic microscopy H. Funamizu, Y. Watanabe, T. Kumagai, Y. Aizu Muroran Inst. of Tech., Japan Diffusing topographic imaging of melanin layers distributed in a phantom Y. Yokoyama, T. Iwai 21 Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan Optical imaging of simulated blood vessel dynamics by laser scanning topography N. Shinonaga, T. Iwai Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan APBPp2-18 Combined probe for optically assisted ultrasonic velocity-change imaging aimed at detection of unstable blood vessel plaque S. Tanigawa, K. Mano, K. Wada, T. Matsunaka, H. Horinaka Osaka Pref. Univ., Japan APBPp2-19 Near-infrared fluorescence fluctuation measurement system - Its design and applications G. Nishimura Hokkaido Univ., Japan ----- Lunch Break (12:15-13:15)----13:15-14:00 APBP3: Poster Flash Presentation -2 Room 303 Chair: S. Kawauchi, Program Committee Member, Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan I. Nishidate, Program Committee Member, Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan APBPp3-1 Development of near-infrared multispectral angioscope at wavelengths around 1200 nm for the quantitative diagnosis of atherosclerotic plaque D. Matsui, K. Ishii, R. Nagao, K. Awazu Osaka Univ., Japan APBPp3-2 Simultaneous measurement of vasomotion and plethysmogram in human skin during Stroop test A. Hoshi 1), I. Nishidate 1), K Niizeki 2), Y. Aizu 3) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) Yamagata Univ., Japan, 3) Muroran Inst. of Tech., Japan APBPp3-3 Non-contact imaging of plethysmogram and tissue oxygen saturation during change in fraction of inspired oxygen R. Sato 1), I. Nishidate 1), K. Niizeki 2), Y. Aizu APBPp2-17 3) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., Japan, Yamagata Univ., Japan, 3) Muroran Inst. of Tech., Japan Evaluation of light scattering properties and blood content in skin tissue based on diffuse reflectance images at isosbestic wavelengths of hemoglobin T. Yokokawa, I. Nishidate Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan Title Nonlinear estimation of chromophore concentration for human skin based on Monte Carlo simulation M. Hirose, N. Tsumura Chiba Univ., Japan Effect of the sample thickness on the scattering angular distribution and the anisotropy factor of biological tissue phantom K. Ishii, D. Fukutomi, K. Awazu Osaka Univ., Japan Error caused by anisotropy factor in optical properties measurement by time2) APBPp3-4 APBPp3-5 APBPp3-6 APBPp3-7 APBPp3-8 APBPp3-9 APBPp3-10 APBPp3-11 APBPp3-12 APBPp3-13 APBPp3-14 APBPp3-15 resolved spectroscopy K. Nadamoto 1), Y. Tanikawa 2), Y. Hoshi 3), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) AIST, Japan, 3) Tokyo Metro. Inst. of Med. Sci., Japan Development of muscle activity evaluation method by using time-resolved diffuse optical tomography Y. Tanikawa 1), F. Gao 2), M. Miyakawa 3), T. Kiryu 3), T. Kizuka 4), S. Okawa 5), Y. Hoshi 6), Y. Yamada 7) 1) AIST, Japan, 2) Tianjing Univ, Chaina, 3) Niigata Univ., Japan, 4) Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, 5) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan, 6) Tokyo Metro. Inst. of Med. Sci., Japan, 7) Univ. of Electro-Comm., Japan Light propagation analysis in the cortical model with three dimensional blood vessel structure obtained by two-photon microscopy Y. Yoshimori 1), T. Kikuchi 1), H. Takuwa 2), H. Kawaguchi 2), H. Ito 2), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) Natl Inst. of Radio. Sci., Japan Estimation of partial optical path length in the cortical blood vessels from 2D image of exposed cortex Y. Yamamoto 1), T. Kikuchi 1), Y. Yoshimori 1), H. Takuwa 2), H. Kawaguchi 2), K. Sakaguchi 3), H. Ito 2), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) Natl Inst. of Radio. Sci., Japan, 3) Okayama Pref. Univ., Japan Multispectral imaging of light scattering and hemodynamics of in vivo rat cerebral cortex based on the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy T. Ishizuka 1), K. Yoshida 1), I. Nishidate 1), S. Kawauchi 2), S. Sato 2), M. Sato 3) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan, 3) Yamagata Univ., Japan Multispectral imaging of light scattering and hemodynamics of in vivo rat cerebral cortex based on the diffuse reflectance spectroscopy T. Ishizuka 1), K. Yoshida 1), I. Nishidate 1), S. Kawauchi 2), S. Sato 2), M. Sato 3) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan, 3) Yamagata Univ., Japan Improvement of localization error and spatial broadening of diffuse optical imaging by dense probe arrangement Y. Sakakibara 1), K. Kurihara 1),2), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) JSPS, Japan Low-resolution image reconstruction for diffuse optical topography R. Tsuyuki 1), K. Kurihara 1),2), S. Okawa 3), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) JSPS, Japan, 3) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan Image reconstruction for diffuse optical tomography using a realistic human head model including extra-cerebral vasculature 22 APBPp3-16 K. Kurihara 1),2), H. Kawaguchi 3), S. Okawa 4), T. Obata 3), H. Ito 3), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) JSPS, Japan, 3) Natl Inst. of Radio. Sci., Japan, 4) National Def. Med. Coll., Japan Estimation of partial optical path length in the brain using semi-specific head model for near-infrared spectroscopy K. Nakamura 1), K. Kurihara 1),2), H. Kawaguchi 3), H. Ito 3), T. Obata 3), E. Okada 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) JSPS, Japan, Inst. of Radio. Sci., Japan 14:00-15:15 3) Natl Poster View and Discussion Exhibition Hall C ----- Break (15:15-15:45)----APBP4: Diffuse Spectroscopy and Imaging -1 Room 303 Chairs: G. Nishimura, Int. Steering Committee Chair, Hokkaido Univ., Japan Y. Aizu, Int. Steering Committee Member, Muroran Inst. Tech., Japan APBP4-1 (Plenary) New methods for whole-animal, 15:45 quantitative, high-resolution, molecular imaging A B. W. Pogue Dartmouth College, USA APBP4-2 Combined imaging of near-infrared diffuse 16:45 reflectance and cerebral blood flow for a rat stroke model: progression monitoring and differentiation of the lesions S. Kawauchi 1), I. Nishidate 2), H. Nawashiro 3), S. Sato 1) APBP4-3 In vivo evaluation of optical properties of 17:00 rat liver using single reflectance fiber probe during ischemia and reperfusion S. Akter 1), I. Nishidate 1), S. Kawauchi 2), S. Sato 2) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan APBP4-4 Title Multispectral imaging of intrinsic 17:15 optical properties of in vivo exposed rat brain using a digital red-green-blue camera K. Yoshida 1), T. Ishizuka 1), I. Nishidate 1), S. Kawauchi 2), S. Sato 2), M. Sato 3) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) National Def. Med. Coll., Japan, 3) Yamagata Univ., Japan APBP4-5 Prediction of temperature distributions 17:30 around a small heated sphere and its heat production rates using a near-infrared absorption technique N. Kakuta 1), K. Yamada 1), R. Fujioka 3), K. Kondo 4), H. Arimoto 3), Y. Yamada 4) 1) Tokyo Metro. Univ., Japan, 2) Tottori Univ., Japan, 3) AIST, Japan, 4) The Univ. of ElectroCommu., Japan 15:45-17:45 Friday, April 24 9:00-10:45 APBP5: Photo Therapeutics and Laser Tissue/Cell Interactions Room 303 Chairs: S. Sato, Int. Steering Committee Member, Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan K. Ishii, Program Committee Member, Osaka Univ., Japan APBP5-1 (Invited) Photodynamic therapy as a 9:00 salvage treatment for local failure after chemoradiotherapy for esophageal cancer T. Yano 1), M. Muto 2) 1) Natl Cancer Cent. Hosp. East, Japan, 2) Kyoto Univ., Japan APBP5-2 Cancer cell inactivation based on localized 9:30 surface plasmon resonance of Au nanoring Y.-C. Tu, C.-K. Chu, Y.-W. Chang, C.-K. Chu 1), S.-Y. Chen, T.-T. Chi, Y.-W. Kiang, C. C. Yang Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan APBP5-3 Selective ablation of atherosclerotic lesion 9:45 with less thermal effect by the control of pulse structure of a quantum cascade laser in the 5.7 m wavelength range K. Hashimura 1),2), K. Ishii 1), K. Awazu 1) 1) Osaka Univ., Japan, 2) JSPS, Japan APBP5-4 Proposal of ultrasonic-assisted 10:00 spectroscopy for practical usages K. Nogo, K. Mori, S. Sato, A. Nishiyama, K. Wada, I. Ishimaru Kagawa Univ., Japan APBP5-5 Spectroscopic imaging of blood vessels only 10:15 near skin surfaces for non-invasive blood glucose sensor K. Mori, M. Fujiwara, S. Sato, P. K. W. Abeygunawardhansdda, S. Suzuki, A. Nishiyama, K. Wada, I. Ishimaru Kagawa Univ., Japan APBP5-6 Calculation of scattering coefficient with 10:30 anisotropy factor considered the wavelength and absorption dependence for biological tissues D. Fukutomi, K. Ishii, K. Awazu Osaka Univ., Japan ----- Break (10:45-11:00)----11:00-12:30 APBP6: Photoacoustic Method Room 303 Chair: Y. Yamaoka, Program Committee Member, Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med., Japan M. Hisaka, Program Committee Member, Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ., Japan APBP6-1 (Invited) Recent progress in photoacoustic 11:00 imaging: systems, agents, and applications A C. Kim Pohang Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Korea APBP6-2 Theranostics based on nanosecond laser 11:30 pulses enabling photomechanical drug delivery and photoacoustic imaging for pharmacokinetics Y. Tsunoi 1), S. Sato 2), R. Watanabe 1), S Kawauchi 2), Y. Miyagawa 2), K. Araki 2), A. Shiotani 2), T. Takemura 2), M. Terakawa 1) 1) Keio Univ., Japan, 2) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan APBP6-3 Photoacoustic imaging of macrophage with 11:45 gold nanorod 23 A Y. Saijo, R. Uamazaki, K. Ogasawara Tohoku Univ., Japan Precise cross-sectional imaging using twophoton photoacoustic microscopy with image subtraction and time-gated detection A Y. Yamaoka 1), Y. Harada 2), T. Minamikawa 1), S. Nishino 2), S. Maehara 2), S. Hamano 2), T. Takamatsu 1) 1) Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med., Japan, 2) Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd., Japan A time delay calibrated method of intraocular pressure K.-J Wang 1), C.-L. Tsai 2), W. Wang 1), L. Hsu 2), K.-Y. Hsu 2) 1) Crystalvue Medical Corp., Taiwan, 2) Natl Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan APBP6-4 12:00 APBP6-5 12:15 ----- Lunch Break (12:30-13:30)----13:30-15:45 APBP7: Optical Microscopy and Nanoscopy Room 303 Chairs: K. Fujita, Int. Steering Committee Member, Osaka Univ., Japan M. Hashimoto, Int. Steering Committee Member, Osaka Univ., Japan APBP7-1 (Invited) Development of a novel 13:30 spontaneously blinking fluorophore for single-molecule localization microscopy Y. Urano, M. Kamiya, S. Uno Univ. of Tokyo APBP7-2 New concept of mechanical scanner‐less 14:00 multiple beams confocal microscope with wavefront modulation Y. Takiguchi 1), M.-W. Seo 2), K. Kagawa 2), T. Inoue 1), S. Kawahito 2), T. Terakawa 3) 1) Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan, 2) Shizuoka Univ., Japan, 3) Tokoha Univ., Japan APBP7-3 Subdiffraction-limited live cell imaging 14:15 using surface-enhanced plasmonics D. Kim, W. Lee, T. Son Yonsei Univ., Korea APBP7-4 Biological high-resolution imaging in wet14:30 condition using cathodoluminescence microscopy T. Furukawa 1), S. Fukushima 1), H. Niioka 2), M. Ichimiya 2), J. Miyake 1), M. Ashida 1), T. Araki 1), M. Hashimoto 1) 1) Osaka Univ., Japan, 2) The Univ. of Shiga Pref., Japan APBP7-5 Near-infrared multi-wavelength imaging 14:45 to elucidate ionic diffusion and reaction in aqueous solutions A D. Kawashima 1), N. Kakuta 2), H. Arimoto 3), K. Kondo 4), Y. Yamada 4) 1) Tokyo Metro. Univ., Japan, 2) AIST, Japan, 3) Tottori Univ., Japan, 4) Univ. of ElectroCommu., Japan APBP7-6 Depth-selective reflection phase 15:00 microscopy using time-varying speckle field A Y. Choi 1), P. Hosseini 2), W. Choi 1), P. T. C. So 2) 1) Korea Univ., Korea",2) MIT, USA APBP7-7 15:15 APBP7-8 15:30 Title Functional image of vascular smooth muscle cells grown on biomimetic nanofiber matrices using two-photon microscopy S. W. Jun 1), Y. C. Shin 1), J. H. Lee 1), D.-W. Han 1), C.-S. Kim 1), C. Y. Dong 2) 1) Pusan Natl Univ., Korea, 2) Natl Taiwan Univ., Taiwan Visible-wavelength two-photon excitation microscopy K. Fujita, M. Yamanaka, K. Uegaki, K.Saito, Y. Arai, Y. Yonemaru, K. Mochizuki, S. Nicholas, S. Kawata, T. Nagai Osaka Univ., Japan ----- Break (15:45-16:00)----- 16:00-17:30 APBP8: Diffuse Spectroscopy and Imaging -2 Room 303 Chairs: Y. Tanikawa, Program Committee Member, AIST, Japan M. Kawaguchi, Program Committee Member, AIST, Japan APBP8-1 (Invited) Recent progress in Time16:00 Resolved Spectroscopy and its medical applications Y. Yamashita 1), H. Suzuki 2), K. Yoshimoto 2), S. Honma 1), E. Ohmae 1), Y. Ueda 1), H. Ogura 2), H. Sakahara 3) 1) Hamamatsu Photonics K.K., Japan, 2) Hamamatsu Univ. School of Med., Japan, 3) Hyogo Coll. of Med., Japan APBP8-2 Analysis of Diffuse Optical Tomography 16:30 Using Sequential FDM Method H. S. Jang, S. W. Jun, C. S. Kim Pusan Natl Univ., Korea APBP8-3 Study on a reconstruction technique using 16:45 time domain reflectance measurements data D. Furukawa, G. Nishimura Hokkaido Univ., Japan APBP8-4 Estimation of scattering coefficient using 17:00 backscattered light from turbid medium K. Shimizu, K. Iinaga, Y. Kato Hokkaido Univ., Japan APBP8-5 Numerical simulation of iterative 17:15 reconstruction for optical tomography and detection of tumor in human neck based on the time-dependent 3D radiative transfer equation K. Hashimoto 1), H. Fujii 2), S. Kohno 1), E. Okada 3), S. Okawa 4), Y. Tanikawa 5), T. Yoshinaga 6), Y. Hoshi 1) 1) Tokyo Metro. Inst. of Med. Sci., Japan, 2) Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 3) Keio Univ., Japan, 4) Natl Def. Med. Coll., Japan, 5) AIST, Japan, 6) The Univ. of Tokushima, Japan 17:30-17:50 Award Ceremony and Closing Room 303 Award Ceremony 17:30 Closing Remarks 17:45 G. Nishimura, Int. Steering Committee Chair, 24 Hokkaido Univ., Japan CLEj1-2 17:00 Conference on Lasers Energetics 2015 CLE2015 Wednesday, April 22 13:40-17:30 ALPS, CLE, HEDS Joint Session Room 303 Chair: Hiroshi Azechi, Conference Chair of CLE2015, ILE, Osaka University, Japan HEDSj1-1 (Invited) High Energy Density Science Explored 13:40 with High-Power-Laser and Plasma-Device Technologies R. Kodama Osaka Univ., Japan HEDSj1-2 (Invited) Status and Challenges of the Compact 14:10 XFEL Facility SACLA M. Yabashi RIKEN Spring-8 Center, Japan ALPSj1-1 (Invited) Prospects for Advanced X-Ray and 14:40 Gamma-Ray Sources with Exawatt Laser Facility XCELS A. M. Sergeev1,2), A. V. Bashinov1,2), A. A. Gonoskov1,2,3), E. S. Efimenko1,2), A. V. Korzhimanov 1,2), A. A. Muraviev1,2), A. V. Kim1,2) 1)Inst. of Appl. Phys. of Russian Academy of Sci., Russia 2)Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 3)Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden CLEj1-1 (Invited) Laboratory Astrophysical Collisionless 15:10 Shock Experiments on Omega and NIF* H.-S. Park1), C. M. Huntington1), F. Fiuza1,2), R. P. Drake3), D. Froula4), G. Gregori5), M. Koenig6), C. Kuranz3), D. Lamb7), M. Levy1,5), C. K. Li 8), J. Meinecke 5), R. Petrasso 8), B. B. Pollock1), B. A. Remington 1), H. Rinderknecht 8), M. Rosenberg 4), J. S. Ross1), D. D. Ryutov1), Y. Sakawa9), A Spitkovsky10), H. Takabe9), D. P. Turnbull1), P. Tzeferacos7), S. V. Weber1), A. B. Zylstra8) 1) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA 2)SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA 3)University of Michigan, USA 4)Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA 5)University of Oxford, UK 6)LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France 7)University of Chicago, USA 8)Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 9)ILE, Osaka University, Japan 10)Princeton University, USA ----- Break (15:40-16:00) ----ALPSj1-2 16:00 HEDSj1-3 16:30 (Invited) Advancement of Laser-Driven Compact Particle Accelerators C. H. Nam1),2), H. T. Kim1),3), V. B. Pathak1), K. H. Pae1), S. K. Lee1),3), J. H. Sung1),3), H. W. Lee1), J. H. Shin1), K. Nakajima1) 1)Center for Relativistic Laser Sci., Inst. for Basic Sci. (IBS), Korea 2)Dept. of Phys. and Photon Sci., GIST, Korea 3)Advanced Photonics Res. Inst., GIST, Korea (Invited) High Energy Photon and Charged Particle Sources with Relativistic Mirrors: Novel Results and Perspectives S. Bulanov JAEA, Japan 25 (Invited) Tuning Laser Produced ElectronPositron Jets for Lab-Astrophysics Experiment H. Chen1), F. Fiuza2), A. Hazi1), R. Heeter1), A. Kemp1), G. E. Kemp1), A. Link1), B. Pollock1), E. Marley1), S. R. Nagel1), J. Park1), M. Schneider1), R. Shepherd1), R. Tommasini1), S. C. Wilks1), G. J. Williams1), D. Barnak3), P-Y. Chang3), G. Fiksel3), V. Glebov3), D. D. Meyerhofer3), J. F. Myatt3), C. Stoeckel3), M. Nakai4), Y. Arikawa4), H. Azechi4), S. Fujioka4), H. Hosoda4), S. Kojima4), N. Miyanaga4), T. Morita4), T. Moritaka4), T. Nagai4), T. Namimoto4), H. Nishimura4), T. Ozaki4), Y. Sakawa4), H. Takabe4), Z. Zhang4) 1)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA 2)SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA 3)LLE, University of Rochester, USA 4)ILE, Osaka University, Japan ---- Break / Move (17:30-18:00) ----- 18:00-20:00 OPIC Banquet Room 501+502 Thursday, April 23 9:00-9:10 Opening Room 413 Opening Remarks 9:00 Hiroshi Azechi, Conference Chair of CLE2015, ILE, Osaka University, Japan 9:10-12:30 CLE1:Magnetic Field, Jet, Shock Room 413 Chair: Frederico Fiuza, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA CLE1-1 (Invited) Magnetic field amplification of laser9:10 produced plasmas J. Meinecke1), H. Doyle1), F. Miniati2), A. R. Bell1), R. Bingham3), R. Crowston4), R. P. Drake5), M. Fatenejad1,6), M. Koenig7), Y. Kuramitsu8), C. Kuranz5), D. Q. Lamb6), D. Lee6), M. J. MacDonald5), C. D. Murphy9), H.-S. Park10), A. Pelka7), A. Ravasio7), Y. Sakawa8), A. A. Schekochihin1), A. Scopatz6), P. Tzeferacos6), W. C. Wan5), N. C. Woolsey4), B. Revillel1), and G. Gregori1) 1)University of Oxford, UK 2)ETH Zürich, Switzerland 3)Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK 4)University of York, UK 5) University of Michigan, 6)University USA of Chicago, USA 7)Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation de Lasers Intenses, France 8)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 9)University of Edinburgh, UK 10)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA 11)Queens University Belfast, UK CLE1-2 (Invited) Generation of Strong Magnetic Fields 9:40 From Laser-Matter Interactions J.J. Santos1), M. Bailly-Grandvaux1), P. ForestierColleoni 1), S. Fujioka 2), L. Giuffrida 1), Ph. Korneev 1,3), Z. Zhang2), D. Batani1), R. Bouillaud1), M. Chevrot3), J. Cross4), R. Crowston5), S. Dorard3), J.-L. Dubois6), J. Gazave 6), G. Gregori 4), J.J. Honrubia 7), E. d'Humières 1), S. Hulin1), K. Ishihara2), S. Kojima2), E. Loyer3), J.-R. Marqués 3), A. Morace 2), Ph. Nicolaï 1), O. Peyrusse 1), A. Poyé1), D. Raffestin6), J. Ribolzi6), M. Roth8), G. CLE1-3 10:10 Schaumann8), F. Serres3), C. Spindloe9), V.T. Tikhonchuk1), Ph. Vacar3), N. Woolsey5) 1)Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA, CELIA, France 2)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 3)NRNU MEPhI, Russian Federation 3)LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, CEA, France 4)University of Oxford, UK 5)University of York, UK 6)CEA/ DAM/ CESTA, France, 7)Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 8)Tech. Univ. Darmstadt, Germany, 9)Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK (Invited) Laboratory modeling of stable and collimated Astrophysical Jets B. Albertazzi1,2,20), A. Ciardi 3,4), M. Nakatsutsumi 1), T. Vinci1), J. Béard5), R. Bonito6,7), J. Billette5), M. Borghesi8,9), Z. Burkley1), S.N. Chen1), T. E. Cowan10,11), T. Herrmannsdörfer7), D. P. Higginson 1), F. Kroll10,11), S. A. Pikuz12,13), K. Naughton8), L. Romagnagni1), C. Riconda1), G. Revet1), R. Riquier1,15), H-P. Schlenvoigt11), I. Yu. Skobelev12), A. Ta. Faenov12,16), A. Soloviev17), M. Huarte-Espinosa18,19), A. Franck18), O. Portugall5), H. Pépin2), J. Fuchs1,17) 1)LULI, École Polytechnique, CNRS, CEA, France 2)INRS-EMT, Canada 3)Sorbonne 4)LERMA, Universités, UPMC, France 5) Observatoire de Paris, France LNCMI, UPR, France 6)Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica Universita di Palermo, Italy 7)INAF-Observatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy 8)School of Mathematics and Physics, The Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom 9)Institute of Physics of the Academy of Science- ELI-Prague, Czech Republic 10)Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany 11)Helmoltz- Zentrum DresdenRossendorf, Germany 12)Joint Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 13)National Research Nuclear University, Russia 14)Sorbonne Universités, France 15)CEABruyères le Chatel, France 16)Insitute for Academic Initiatives, Osaka University, Japan 17)Institute of Applied Physics, Russia 18)Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, USA 19)Center for Advanced Computing and Data Systems, University of Houston, USA 20)Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan -- ----- Break (10:40-11:00) ---- CLE1-4 11:00 CLE1-5 11:30 (Invited) Generation of Magnetized Collisionless Shocks by a Laser-Driven Magnetic Piston D. B. Schaeffer, A. S. Bondarenko, E. T. Everson, S. E. Clark, C. G. Constantin, W. Gekelman, and C. Niemann Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California - Los Angeles, USA (Invited) Colliding magnetized and unmagnetized high-energy-density plasmas for laboratory W. Fox1), A. Bhattacharjee1,2), C. Liu2), W. Deng2), G. Fiksel3), D. Haberberger, D. Barnak3), P. Y. Chang3), S. X. Hu3), P. M. Nilson3) 1)Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA 2)Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, USA 3)Laboratory for Laser 26 CLE1-6 12:00 CLE1-7 12:15 Energetics, University of Rochester, USA Hydrodynamics of high-energy-density plasma under sub-kilo-tesla magnetic field S. Fujioka1), Z. Zhang1), H. Nagatomo1), K. Matsuo1), T. Sano1), Y. Sakawa1), S. Sakata1), S. Kojima1), Y. Hara1), T. Morita2), Y. Kuramitsu3), J. Breil4), P. Nicolai4), H. Azechi1) 1)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 2)Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu University, Japan 3)Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan 4)CELIA, University of Bordeaux, France Laser-produced plasma in an ambient magnetic field versus magnetized laser- produced plasma Ph. Korneev1), E. d’Humières2), D.P. Higginson3), V. Tikhonchuk2), J. Fuchs3) 1)National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Russian Federation 2)University of Bordeaux, CNRS-CEA, CELIA, France 3)Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses, CNRS-CEA École Polytechnique Université, France ----- Lunch Break(12:30-13:15)----- 13:15-18:00 CLE2:High Field, Gravitational Wave, LaserPlasma Interaction, Hydrodyanamics Room 413 Chair: Mitsuo Nakai, ILE, Osaka University, Japan CLE2-1 (Invited) Method for Detection of Nuclear13:15 Plasma Interactions in a 134Xe-Doped Exploding Pusher at the National Ignition Facility D. L. Bleuel1), L. A. Bernstein1), W. S. Cassata1), B. H. Daub 1,2), B. L. Goldblum 2), L. Berzak Hopkins1), S. Siem3), C. A. Velsko1), M. Wiedeking4) 1)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA 2)University of California at Berkeley, USA 3)University of Oslo, Norway 4) iThemba LABS, South Africa CLE2-2 (Invited) Laser Compton scattering gamma-ray 13:45 experiments for Supernova neutrino process T. Hayakawa1), S. Miyamoto2), T. Mochizuki2), K. Horikawa2), S. Amano 2), D. Li3), K. Imazaki3), Y. Izawa3), K. Ogata4), S. Chiba5) 1)Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan 2)University of Hyogo, Japan 3)Institute for Laser Technology, Japan 4)RCNP, Osaka University, Japan 5)Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan CLE2-3 Gravitational waves from fully general14:15 relativistic simulations of binary neutron-star mergers L. Baiotti Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan CLE2-4 (Invited) Large-scale Cryogenic Gravitational 14:30 Wave Telescope -KAGRAT. Tomaru and KAGRA Collaboration High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Japan ----- Break(15:00-15:30)----Chair: Hideaki Takabe, ILE, Osaka University, Japan CLE2-5 15:30 CLE2-6 16:00 CLE2-7 16:30 CLE2-8 16:45 CLE2-9 17:15 CLE2-10 17:30 CLE2-11 17:45 (Invited) Quantum Optics in the Vacuum toward Laboratory Search for Dark Fields in the Universe K. Homma Hiroshima University, Japan (Invited) An experiment proposal for photonphoton interaction D. Tatsumi National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan Spectral Deformation by Induced Compton Scattering S. Tanaka Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, Japan (Invited) Laser-driven electron beams: from supra-thermal to relativistic electron transport Ph. Nicolai1), D. Del Sorbo1), J.-L. Feugeas1), J. Santos1), M. Touati1), J. Breil1), D. Batani1), S. Gus'kov3), L. Volpe2), V. Tikhonchuk1) 1)Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications, France 2)Centro de Laseres, Pulsado (CLPU), Spain 3)P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia "Stochastic Vacuum Heating” described by chaotic motion of electrons in laser-plasma A. Yogo1), S. V. Bulanov2), A. S. Pirozhkov2), T. Zh. Esirkepov2), H. Nishimura1), and K. Kondo2) 1)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 2)Kansai Photon Science Institute, JAEA, Japan Toward a Coupled Computation of Radiative Transfer with Relativistic Hydrodynamics Relevant to GRB Emission A. Ishii1), F. Nabeshima1), N. Ohnish1), H. Nagakura2), H. Ito3), S. Yamada4) 1)Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan 2)Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan 3)Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory, RIKEN, Japan 4)Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan 3D simulation of non-stationary RayleighTaylor Instabilities in supernova remnants for laboratory astrophysics experiments J. Breil1), G. Georges1), X. Ribeyre1) 1)UMR CELIA, Bordeaux University, France Friday, April 24 CLE3-3 10:00 ------ Break (10:30-11:00)----CLE3-4 11:00 CLE3-5 11:30 CLE3-6 12:00 9:00-12:30 CLE3:Shock Room 413 Chair: Hye-Sook Park, Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA CLE3-1 (Invited) Ab initio modeling of magnetic field 9:00 generation and particle acceleration in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas F. Fiuza SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA CLE3-2 (Invited) Astrophysical collisionless shock 9:30 experiments using large-scale laser systems Y. Sakawa1), H.-S. Park2), G. Gregori3), A. Spitkovsky4), C. Huntington2), F. Fiuza5), J. S. Ross2), D. D. Ryutov2), B. B. Pollock2), B. Remington2), M. C. Levy2,3), S. V. Weber2), D. P. 27 Turnbull2), J. Meinecke3), A. B. Zylstra6), C. K. Li6), H. Rinderknecht6), A. Zylstra6), R. Petrasso6), N. L. Kugland7), R. P. Drake8), C. Kuranz8), D. H. Froula9), S. Regan9), M. Rosenberg9), D. Lamb10), P. Tzeferacos10), N. Woolsey11), M. Koenig12), T. Morita13), Y. Kuramitsu14), T. Sano1), T. Moritaka1), T. N. Kato15), and H. Takabe1) 1)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 2)Lawrence Livermore National Lab., USA 3)Department of Physics, Oxford University, UK 4)Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, USA 5)SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA 6)Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 7)Lam Research Corporation, USA 8)Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, USA 9)Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA 10)University of Chicago, USA 11)Department of Physics, University of York, UK 12)LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France 13)Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan 14)Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan 15)National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan (Invited) Radiative Shocks on LIL laser facility C. Michaut1), M. Koenig2), A. Casner3), S. Bouquet3), S. Laffite 3), D. Raffestin3) 1)LUTH, Observatoire de Paris, France 2)LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France 3)CEA-DAM, France (Invited) Particle Acceleration in Our Galaxy as Revealed by X-ray and Gamma-ray Observations Y. Uchiyama Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, Japan (Invited) Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of Supernova Shock Wave in Realistic Interstellar Medium T. Inoue1), R. Yamazaki2), S. Inutsuka3), T. Sano4) 1)Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan 2)Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan 3)Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan 4)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan (Invited) Supercomputing for exploring electron accelerations in strong shock waves Y. Matsumoto1), T. Amano2), T. N. Kato3), and M. Hoshino2) 1)Department of Physics, Chiba University, Japan 2)Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan 3)CfCA, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Japan ----- Lunch Break(12:30-13:00)----- 13:00-15:00 CLE4:Poster Session Exhibition Hall C CLEp4-1 CLEp4-2 CLEp4-3 CLEp4-4 CLEp4-5 CLEp4-6 CLEp4-7 Generation of Magnetized Collisionless Shocks with High-Power Lasers Y. Shoji1), R. Yamazaki1), Y. Kawamura1), Y. Ohira1), S. Tomita1), Y. Sakawa2), H. Takabe2), T. Sano2), T. Moritaka2), Y. Hara2), S. Kondo2), S. Matsukiyo3), T. 3), Morita K. Tomita3), H. Yoneda4), K. Nagamine 4), Y. Kuramitsu 5), N. Onishi 6), T. Umeda 7) 1)Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan 2)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 3)Department of Earth System Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Japan 4)Institute for Laser Science, University of Electro- Communications, Japan 5)Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan 6)Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan 7)SolarTerrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan Vacuum Polarization of Plane-Wave Fields A. Yatabe, S. Yamada Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan High Power Laser Experiment of Planar Collisionless Shocks M. Nakanotani1), S. Matsukiyo1), T. Hada1), Y. Sakawa2), Y. Kuramitsu3), T. Morita1), K. Tomita1), R. Fujino1), S. Kubo1), T. Sano2), T. Moritaka2), Y. Hara2), R. Yamazaki4), H. Takabe2) 1)Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan 2)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 3) Department of Physics, National Central University, Taiwan 4)Department of Physics and Mathematics, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan Acceleration of solid particle using GXII laser system Y. Hironaka1), O. Jyunki2), T. Sano1), K. Shigemori1), M. Tagawa2), Y. Kitazawa3) 1)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 2)Kobe University, Japan 3)IHI, Japan Collective Thomson scattering of ES collisionless shock Y. Hara1), Y. Sakawa2), K. Tomita3), Y. Sato3), K. Nishikawa3), T. Morita3), Y.Sano2), T. Moritaka2), H. Takabe 2) 1)Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan 2)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 3)Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan Experimental study on plasma dynamics in a magnetic thrust chamber T. Morita1), N. Yamamoto1), N. Saito1), R. Kawashima1), S. Fujioka2), A. Sunahara3), A. Yogo2), H. Nishimura2), H. Nakashima1) 1)Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan 2) Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 3)Institute for Laser Technology, Japan The measurement of laser-produced plasma in a magnetic thrust chamber R. Kawashima1), T. Morita1), N. Yamamoto1), N. Saito1), H. Nakashima1), S. Fujioka2), A. Sunahara3), Y. Mori4), T. Johzaki5) 1)Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu 28 CLEp4-8 CLEp4-9 University, Japan 2)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 3)Institute for Laser Technology, Japan 4)The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries, Japan 5)Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan Stability property of numerical Cherenkov radiation and its application to relativistic shock simulations N. Ikeya, Y. Matsumoto Graduate School of Science, Chiba University, Japan Refraction Index of Shock Compressed Water in the Megabar Pressure Range K. Jakubowska1,2), D. Batani2), M. Kimpel2), M. Koenig3), A. Benuzzi-Mounaix3), B. Telaro3), M. Rabec Le Gloahec3), T. Hall4), C. Cavazzoni5), I. Masclet6), B. Marchet6), Ch. Reverdin6), R. Jeanloz6), J. Pasley7), D. Neely8), C. Danson8) 1)IPPLM, Poland 2) Université Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA, CELIA, France 3)Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses, France 4)University of Essex, UK 5)C.I.N.E.C.A., 6)CEA/DAM, Italy France 7)University of York, UK 8)Central Laser Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK ----- Break(15:00-15:20)----- 15:20-17:50 CLE5:Jet, Planetary Physics Room 413 Chair: Keisuke Shigemori, ILE, Osaka University, Japan CLE5-1 (Invited) Simulating the solar wind interaction 15:20 with the Venus in Laboratory Y.T. Li1,5), Y.F. Li1), D. yuan1), B. Zhu1), J. Zhong2), Y. Sakawa3), G. Zhao2), J. Zhang4,5) 1)National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 2)National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 3)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 4)Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MoE) and Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 5)IFSA Collaborative Innovation Centre, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China CLE5-2 (Invited) Impact–driven Ocean Acidification as 15:50 a Mechanism of Cretaceous–Palaeogene Mass Extinctions S. Ohno1), T. Kadono2), K. Kurosawa1), T. Hamura3), T. Sakaiya4), K. Shigemori5), Y. Hironaka5), T. Sano5), T. Watari5), K. Otani6), T. Matsui1), S. Sugita7) 1)Planetary Exploration Research Center, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan 2)University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan 3)Department of Complexity Science and Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan 4)Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan 5)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 6)Institut national de la recherche scientifique–Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications, Canada 7)Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan CLE5-3 (Invited) Sound velocity of liquid iron alloys at 16:20 Earth’s core pressures by laser-shock compression T. Sakaiya 1), N. Yokoyama 1), R. Hosogi 1), T. Kondo1), CLE5-4 16:50 CLE5-5 17:20 H. Terasaki2), Y. Hironaka2), K. Shigemori2) 1)Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Japan 2)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan (Invited) Check of stellar microphysics with high density lasers S. Turck-Chièze 1), J. E. Ducret 1,2), M. Le Pennec1), X. Ribeyre2), S. Salmon1) 1)CEA/IRFU/SAp, France 2)CELIA, CNRS-CEA, Université de Bordeaux, France (Invited) Astrobiological Implications of Reduced Volatiles Released by High Power Laser-Shock H. Yabuta1), T. Sakaiya1), T. Kondo1), S. Ohno2), M. Nakabayashi1), T. Kadono3), K. Shigemori4), Y. Hironaka4) and T. Yamanaka5) 1)Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University, Japan 2)Planetary Exploration Research Center (PERC), Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan 3)University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan 4)Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan 5)Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, USA 17:50-18:00 Closing Room 413 Closing Remarks 17:50 Hideaki Takabe, ILE, Osaka University, Japan 29 High Energy Density Sciences 2015 HEDS 2015 Wednesday, April 22 13:40-17:30 ALPS, CLE, HEDS Joint Session Chair: H. Azechi, Conference Chair of CLE’15, Osaka Univ., Japan HEDSj1-1 13:40 HEDSj1-2 14:10 ALPSj1-1 14:40 CLEj1-1 15:10 Room 411&412 (Invited) High Energy Density Science Explored with High-Power-Laser and Plasma-Device Technologies R. Kodama OsakaUniv., Japan (Invited) Status and Challenges of the Compact XFEL Facility SACLA M. Yabashi RIKEN Spring-8 Center, Japan (Invited) Prospects for Advanced X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Sources with Exawatt Laser Facility XCELS A. M. Sergeev1,2), A. V. Bashinov1,2), A. A. Gonoskov1,2,3), E. S. Efimenko1,2), A. V. Korzhimanov1,2), A. A. Muraviev1,2), A. V. Kim1,2) 1)Inst. of Appl. Phys. of Russian Academy of Sci., Russia, 2)Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 3)Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden (Invited) Laboratory Astrophysical Collisionless Shock Experiments on Omega and NIF* H.-S. Park1), C. M. Huntington1), F. Fiuza1,2), R. P. Drake3), D. Froula4), G. Gregori5), M. Koenig6), C. Kuranz3), D. Lamb7), M. Levy1,5), C. K. Li8), J. Meinecke5), R. Petrasso8), B. B. Pollock1), B. A. Remington1), H. Rinderknecht8), M. Rosenberg4), J. S. Ross1), D. D. Ryutov1), Y. Sakawa9), A Spitkovsky10), H. Takabe9), D. P. Turnbull1), P. Tzeferacos7), S. V. Weber1), A. B. Zylstra8) 1)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, 2)SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA, 3)University of Michigan, USA, 4)Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA, 5)University of Oxford, UK, 6)LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France, 7)University of Chicago, USA, 8)Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 9)ILE, Osaka University, Japan, 10)Princeton University, USA ----- Break (15:40-16:00)----- ALPSj1-2 16:00 HEDSj1-3 16:30 CLEj1-2 17:00 (Invited) Advancement of Laser-Driven Compact Particle Accelerators C. H. Nam1),2), H. T. Kim1),3), V. B. Pathak1), K. H. Pae1), S. K. Lee1),3), J. H. Sung1),3), H. W. Lee1), J. H. Shin1), K. Nakajima1) 1)Center for Relativistic Laser Sci., Inst. for Basic Sci. (IBS), Korea, 2)Dept. of Phys. and Photon Sci., GIST, Korea, 3)Advanced Photonics Res. Inst., GIST, Korea (Invited) High Energy Photon and Charged Particle Sources with Relativistic Mirrors: Novel Results and Perspectives S. Bulanov JAEA, Japan (Invited) Tuning Laser Produced Electron-Positron Jets for Lab-Astrophysics Experiment H. Chen1), F. Fiuza1), A. Hazi1), R. Heeter1), A. Kemp1), G. E. Kemp1), A. Link1), B. Pollock1), E. Marley1), S. R. Nagel1), J. Park1), M. Schneider1), R. Shepherd1), R. Tommasini1), S. C. Wilks1), G. J. Williams1), D. Barnak2), P-Y. Chang2), G. Fiksel2), V. Glebov2), D. D. Meyerhofer2), J. F. Myatt2), C. Stoeckel2), M. Nakai3), Y. Arikawa3), H. Azechi3), S. Fujioka3), H. Hosoda3), S. Kojima3), N. Miyanaga3), T. Morita3), T. Moritaka3), T. Nagai3), T. Namimoto3), H. Nishimura3), T. Ozaki3), Y. Sakawa3), H. Takabe3), Z. Zhang3) 1)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, 2)LLE, University of Rochester, USA, 3)ILE, Osaka University, Japan ----- Break / Move (17:30-18:00)----- OPIC Banquet 30 Room 501+502 Thursday, April 23 HEDS4-1 15:15 9:00-9:05 Opening Room 416&417 Opening Remarks 9:00 R. Kodama, Conference Chair of HEDS 2014 Osaka University, Japan 9:05-10:25 HEDS4-2 15:35 HEDS1: Quantum Beams Ion Room 416&417 Chair: T. Hosokai, Osaka University, Japan HEDS1-1 (Plenary) Latest Results on Plasma 9:05 Acceleration Chan Joshi University of California Los Angeles, USA HEDS1-2 (Invited) The Present Status of the Laser9:35 drives Ion Acceleration Research at JAEA Mamiko Nishiuchi Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan HEDS1-3 Ultra Intense Laser Driven Collision-less Shock, 10:05 Ion Acceleration, and Possible Applications Kunioki Mima GPI, Japan ----- Group Photo &Break (10:25-10:45) ----10:45-12:15 HEDS2: Quantum Beams Electron Acceleration Room 416&417 Chair: A. Zhidkov, Osaka University HEDS2-1 (Invited) High-Energy Electron Generation by 10:45 a Density-Tapered Gas Cell and a 20 TW Laser at GIST Hyyong Suk GIST, Korea HEDS2-2 (Invited) Staging and high-energy laser guiding 11:15 to extend laser-plasma acceleration Cameron Geddes LBNL, USA HEDS2-3 (Invited) Staging Laser Wake-field 11:45 Acceleration with Plasma Micro-optics: Towards Practical Laser-driven Accelerators Tomonao Hosokai Osaka University, Japan ----- Lunch (12:15-13:15) ----13:15-14:45 HEDS3: Quantum Beams Applications Room 416&417 Chair: H. Suk, GIST, Korea HEDS3-1 (Invited) RF Gun Based MeV Electron 13:15 Diffraction and Imaging Jinfeng Yang Osaka University, Japan HEDS3-2 (Invited) A Small-scale Laser-driven Electron 13:45 Accelerator for Radiobiology Experiments at ILIL-CNR Luca Labate INO, Italy HEDS3-3 (Invited) Guidance and Transport of Laser14:15 Accelerated Electrons with a Thin Metal Wire Shuji Sakabe Kyoto University, Japan ----- Break (14:45-15:15) ----15:15-16:25 HEDS4: Radiation Sources I Chair: A. Faenov, Osaka University, Japan Room 416&417 31 HEDS4-3 16:05 High-Order Harmonics from Relativistic Electron Spikes: Dependence on Parameters Alexander S. Pirozhkov Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan (Invited) Enhancement of Laser-driven Betatron Radiation Liming Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Effect of Axis Symmetric Laser Pulse on Laser driven Plasma Accelerators Naveen Pathak Osaka University, Japan ----- Break (16:25-16:40) ----- 16:40-17:40 HEDS5: Radiation Sources II Room 416&417 Chair: K. Koyama, KEK, Japan HEDS5-1 Experimental Observation of Ultra-intense Laser16:40 Driven Target Normal Sheath Radiation in the Terahertz Region Zhan Jin Osaka University, Japan HEDS5-2 Polarimetry for sub-GeV Gamma Rays with a PW17:00 Class Laser Yoshihide Nakamiya Kyoto University, Japan HEDS5-3 Development of 100W Yb-fiber Laser System for 17:20 the Isotope-specific Nondestrutive Assay by Using Intense Laser-ompton γ-rays Michiaki Mori Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Friday, April 24 9:00-10:20 HEDS6: High Field Physics I Room 416&417 Chair: S. Sakabe, Kyoto University, Japan HEDS6-1 (Plenary) Gain Dynamics of XFEL Pumped Hard 9:00 X-ray Lasers Hitoki Yoneda Inst. Laser Science, Univ. Electro-Comunicaton, Japan HEDS6-2 (Invited) Observation of Non-linear Processes in 9:30 Femtosecond Laser-driven Cluster-based Plasma by High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy Anatoly Faenov Osaka University, Japan HEDS6-3 Behavior of Materials under Extreme High10:00 pressure Conditions Norimasa Ozaki Osaka University, Japan ----- Break (10:20-10:45) ----10:45-12:15 HEDS7: High Field Physics II Room 416&417 Chair: N. Ozaki, Osaka University, Japan HEDS7-1 (Invited) Terahertz Acoustics and Turbulent 10:45 Magnetic Fields in Hot, Dense Plasmas Ravindra Kumar Tata Institute, India HEDS7-2 (Invited) Explore the Terapascal Pressure 11:15 Range of Tantalum along the Hugoniot Bruno Albertazzi Osaka University, Japan HEDS7-3 (Invited) High Energy density Science Activity 11:45 at RRCAT, India Prasad A. Naik RRCAT, India ----- Lunch Break (12:15-13:00) ----- HEDSp8-15 13:00-14:45 HEDSp8 : Poster Session Exhibition Hall C Chair: H. Nakamura, Osaka Univ., Japan HEDSp8-1 Fast Electron Collimation in ULTRA-intense HEDSp8-16 Laser Interaction with Uniform Overdense Plasma Yuto Uematsu Osaka University, Japan HEDSp8-2 Efficient Electron Beam Production by Strongly HEDSp8-17 Intensified Fields of Surface Wave Excitation Yosuke Mishima Osaka University, Japan HEDSp8-3 Guidance of Electrons accelerated from a Foil Target by an Intense Laser Pulse Using a Metal HEDSp8-18 Wire Kensuke Teramoto Kyoto University, Japan HEDSp8-4 Proton Acceleration Driven by a High-Intensity HEDSp8-19 Laser Using a Thin-Foil Target Akito Sagisaka Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan HEDSp8-5 Neutron Yield of 7Li(p,n)7Be Reaction with HEDSp8-20 Laser Driven Protons Koichi Ogura Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan HEDSp8-6 Current Status and the Future Plans of laser Wakefield Acceleration at Osaka University HEDSp8-21 Takamitsu Otsuka Osaka University, Japan HEDSp8-7 Effect of Frequency Blueshift on the Plasma HEDSp8-22 Channel Hideyuki Kotaki Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan HEDSp8-8 Ponderomotive Electron Acceleration in HEDSp8-23 Vacuum Using Radially Polarized Laser Pulse Shinichi Masuda Osaka University, Japan HEDSp8-24 HEDSp8-9 Controllable Self-injection of Electrons in LWFA: Problems and Progress Alexey Zhidkov Osaka University, Japan HEDSp8-25 HEDSp8-10 Staged Wakefield Acceleration Driven by Coaxial Laser pulses with Different Focal Lengths Nobuhiko Nakanii Osaka University, Japan HEDSp8-26 HEDSp8-11 Measurement on Irradiation Dose and Pattern of Pulsed Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Produced by ETIGO-III Isamu Minagawa Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan HEDSp8-27 HEDSp8-12 Study on Fiber Laser and Electron Beam Source for Table-top Micro Beam Source Hayato Okamoto The University of Tokyo, Japan HEDSp8-13 Design and Fabrication of Dielectric Accelerator HEDSp8-28 Driven by Laser with Oblique Incidence Shohei Otsuki The University of Tokyo, Japan HEDSp8-14 Ultrafast Electron Diffraction with Electron Beam 32 Generated by LWFA Naoki Takeguchi Osaka University, Japan A Study about Stable Transportation of Laser Wakefield Acceleration's Electron Beam Koki Osako Osaka University, Japan Observation of Space-time Curvature by Acceleration Field produced by Ultra-high intense laser Masahiro Yano Osaka University, Japan Development of Compact Undulator for X-ray FEL Light Using Laser Wakefield Accelerated Electron Beams Hirotaka Nakamura Osaka University, Japan Characterization of XFEL Beam Quality by LiF Crystal Imaging Technique Tatiana Pikuz Osaka University, Japan Pump Probe XRD Platform for Lattice Dyanmics Study in XFEL Facility (SACLA) Takeshi Matsuoka Osaka University, Japan Development of Dynamic High-pressure Diagnostics in HEDS Experimental Platform at SACLA Ricardo Arturo Ochante Muray Osaka University, Japan Study on the Phase transition dynamics of Quartz Toyohito Nishikawa Osaka University, Japan XFEL Observation of Material Dynamics in Laser Ablation Yusuke Matsumura Osaka University, Japan Ion Acoustic Modes in Warm Dense Matter Nicholas Hartley Osaka University, Japan Developments for high energy density science at SACLA Yuichi Inubushi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Japan Suppression of Liquid Metal Behaviors using Super Sonic Gas Injection toward Intense X-ray Source Toru Sasaki Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan Emission of Parametric X-ray by Interaction between Laser-plasma electrons and a Single Crystal Yukio Hayashi Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Optical Parametric Chirped-pulse Amplifier Pumped by the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Compressed Pulse Keiichi Sueda Osaka University, Japan High Dynamic Range Multi-channel crossCorrelator for Single-shot Time Contrast Measurement Akira Kon Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan HEDSp8-29 HEDSp8-30 HEDSp8-31 HEDSp8-32 Characterization of THz Radiation from LaserProduced Plasma via 2D PIC Simulation Masataka Hideta Utsunomiya University, Japan Generation of sub-Terahertz Radiation Using the Dc to Ac Radiation Converter Yusuke Hyuga Utsunomiya University, Japan A Single-shot Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy with Spatial Resolution for Intense Laser System Tianju Zhang Osaka University, Japan Tunable Terahertz Generation by Coherent Cherenkov Radiation in Coaxial Waveguide Satoshi Wakamatsu Osaka University, Japan ----- Break (14:45-15:00) ----- 15:00-16:20 HEDS9: High Field Physics I Room 416&417 Chair: S.V Bulanov, JAEA, Japan HEDS9-1 Phase Space Distribution of Electron Beam with 15:00 Longitudinal Bunch Compression in Compact Simulator for Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion Takashi Kikuchi Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan HEDS9-2 (Invited) Betatron Radiation from Laser 15:20 Wakefields as a Compact Source for Imaging in Medicine and High-energy Density Science Zulfikar Najmudin Imperial College London, UK HEDS9-3 (Invited) J-KAREN-P Upgrade and Perspective 15:50 on High Field Sciences Masaki Kando Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan ----- Break (16:20-16:35) ----16:35-17:35 HEDS10: High Field Physics II Room 416&417 Chair: M. Kando, JAEA, Japan HEDS10-1 (Invited) Test Facility for Novel Accelerator 16:35 after Burner Experiment Using Existing 7 GeV Conventional Accelerator Mitsuhiro Yoshida KEK, Japan HEDS10-2 (Invited) ImPACT Program toward 17:05 Miniaturization of XFELs by means of LWFA of Electrons Yuji Sano JST, Japan 17:35-17:50 Closing Closing Remarks 17:35 S.V. Bulanov JAEA, Japan Room 416&417 33 H. Murata, Y. Okamura, and K. Yamamoto Osaka Univ., Japan LDC2-2 Temperature Insensitive Green Frequency Comb as 11:05 Despeckling Sources Z.-Y. Yang1), J.-H. Hung1), K.-H. Chang1), C.-M. Lai2), N. E. Yu3), A. Boudrioua4), A. H. Kung5),6), and L.-H. Peng1) 1)National Taiwan Uni., Taiwan (R.O.C.), 2)Ming Chuan Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C.), 3)Gwangju Inst. of Sci. and Tech., South Korea, 4)Univ. Paris, France 5)Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.), 6)National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C.) LDC2-3 De-speckle Effects Resulted by Wavelength 11:20 Multiplexing of Intra-Cavity Solid-State Green Lasers T. Yanagisawa, F. Shohda, Y. Akino, K. Ikeda, Z. Shen, S. Yamamoto, M. Futami, T. Seki, T. Yoshihara and Y. Hirano Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan LDC2-4 Speckle Control of Red Narrow Stripe Laser Diode by 11:35 Driving Current Modulation T. Nishida1),2), T. Yagi1), Y. Fujiwara2), A. Koizumi2), and M. Takemi1) 1)Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan, 2)Osaka Univ., Japan LDC2-5 Designable Visible Light Source by Nonlinear 11:50 Waveguide H. H. Lim, S. Kurimura, and K. Fujii Nat'l Inst. for Materials Sci., Japan ----- Lunch Break (12:05-13:30) ----13:30-15:30 LDC3: Poster Session Exhibition Hall C LDCp3-1 Sharp Resonances in One-Dimensional Thue-Morse Superlattices Y. H. Cheng, C. W. Tsao, R. Z. Qiu, C. H. Chen, and W. J. Hsueh National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C.) LDCp3-2 Fabrication and Characteristics of Wavelength Converter Films based on the Quantum Dots Dispersed Photoresist for the Lighting and Display H.-J. Kim, M.-H. Shin, B.-S. Song, H.-G. Hong, and Y.-J. Kim Yonsei Univ., Korea LDCp3-3 InGaN-Based Green LEDs on the Flexible Polyimide Substrates using Laser Lift-off and Glue-Bonding Techniques R.-H. Huang, G. C. Liu, C.-H. Tien, and D.-S. Wuu National Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C.) LDCp3-4 New Phosphor EPOCH of Composite Structure Material for High Power LED and LD M. Matsukura, K. Nakagome, Y. Anzai, F. Nitanda, and Y. Furukawa OXIDE Corp., Japan LDCp3-5 Effect of Laser Read and Write Power on Long-term Data Stability using BD-R TL Media S.-J. Park1), K.-Y. Lee1), D.-H. Kim1), Y. I. Kim2), K.-Y. Bahng2), and Y.-J. Kim1) 1)Yonsei Univ., Korea, 2)Hitachi-LG Data Storage Korea Inc., Korea LDCp3-6 A Study of Optical Design of Automotive Head Light with Laser Source Y.-C. Fang National Kaohsiung First Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Taiwan (R.O.C.) 15:30-17:00 LDC4: Speckle control optics Room 301 Co-Chairs: H. Murata, Program Committee Member, Osaka Univ., Japan Co-Chairs: T. Yanagisawa, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan LDC4-1 (Invited) Speckle Contrast Reduction in Display 15:30 Systems: A Simple Model D. P. Kelly1), T. Meinecke1), C. Guo2), C. Schierz1), and J. T. Sheridan2) The 4th Laser Display and Lighting Conference LDC2015 Wednesday, April 22 13:40-17:30 LEDIA&LDC Joint Sessions Room 503 “Advanced GaN-based Light-Emitting Devices and Their Applications” 13:40-14:10 Opening Remarks 13:40 GaN Light Emitting Devices (LED and LD) H. Amano Nagoya Univ., LEDIA Conf. Chair, Japan 13:55 Laser Display and Lighting K. Kuroda Utsunomiya Univ., LDC Conf. Chair, Japan 14:10-17:30 LD&LE1: LEDIA&LDC Joint Session Co-Chairs: S. Kurimura, Program Committee Co-Chairs of LDC’15, Nat'l Inst. for Materials Sci., Japan Co-Chairs: T. Takeuchi, Program Committee Chair of LEDIA’15, Meijo Univ., Japan LD&LE1-1 (Invited) Blue Laser Diode Technology and 14:10 Applications U. Steegmueller Osram Opto Semiconductors, Germany LD&LE1-2 (Invited) Watt-level Green/Blue Laser Diodes S. Masui 14:40 Nichia Corp., Japan LD&LE1-3 (Invited) Progress of LED Technologies and Their 15:10 Application in Solid State Lighting S. Watanabe Philips Lumileds Lighting, Japan ----- Break (15:40-16:00) ----LD&LE1-4 (Invited) Growth of Bulk GaN Crystal by Na Flux 16:00 and OVPE Method Y. Mori, M. Imade, M. Maruyama, and M. Yoshimura Osaka Univ., Japan LD&LE1-5 (Invited) High Directional LED Lighting for 16:30 Forming Pattern, HOLOLIGHT : Its Business Developments and Prospects T. Ikeda Pi Photonics, Japan LD&LE1-6 (Invited) 3D and Wearable Laser Displays 17:00 (Tentative) / LDC Plenary H. Urey Koç University, Turkey Thursday, April 23 9:00-10:20 LDC1: Plenary Session Room 301 Co-Chairs: C. Q. Xu, Program Committee Co-Chairs, McMaster Univ., Canada Co-Chairs: K. Yamamoto, Steering Committee Chair, Osaka Univ., Japan LDC1-1 Retina Imaging Laser Eyewear M. Sugawara1), M. Suzuki2), and Y. Arakawa2) 9:00 1)QDLaser, Japan, 2)The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan LDC1-2 Latest Developments in Laser Projector (Tentative) M. Hanazawa 9:40 Christie Digital Systems, Japan ----- Break (10:20-10:35) ----10:35-12:05 LDC2: Speckle-controlled light source Room 301 Co-Chairs: F. Shevlin, DYOPTYKA, Ireland Co-Chairs: M. Ventura, Optotune, Switzerland LDC2-1 (Invited) Speckle Control Using RF Signal 10:35 Superposition to Laser Diode 34 1)Technische LDC4-2 16:00 LDC4-3 16:30 LDC4-4 16:45 Univ. at Ilmenau, Germany, 2)Univ. College Dublin, Ireland (Invited) Compact, Reliable Speckle Reduction with Oscillating Diffusers (Tentative) M. Ventura Optotune, Switzerland Beam Quality-Preserving Speckle Reduction for Scanned Laser Displays F. Shevlin DYOPTYKA, Ireland Angular Dependence of Speckle Contrast of Multimode Fiber Output Coupled with Multiple Blue Laser Diodes J. Kinoshita1), H. Aizawa1), A. Takamori1), K. Yamamoto1), H. Murata1), and K. Tojo2) 1)Osaka Univ., Japan, 2)Shimadzu Corp., Japan 14:00-15:00 -----Lunch Break (12:30-14:00) ----LDC7: Standardization and measurement Room 301 Co-Chairs: H. Urey, Koç Univ., Turkey Co-Chairs: M. Ide, Program Committee Member, Magic Leap Inc., US LDC7-1 (Invited) International Standardization of Speckles 14:00 for Laser Display Devices J. Kinoshita Osaka Univ., Japan LDC7-2 Influence of Camera on Speckle Contrast 14:30 Measurement Q. Ma and C. Xu McMaster Univ., Canada ----- Break (14:45-15:00) ----15:00-16:15 LDC8: Advanced Technology for Laser Displays Room 301 Co-Chairs: J. Kwon, Program Committee Member, LG Electronics, Korea Co-Chairs: T. Yagi, Program Committee Co-Chairs, Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan LDC8-1 (Invited) Design and Application of Optical 15:00 Camouflage M. Inami Keio Univ., Japan LDC8-2 (Invited) Speckle Reduction Methods in Laser Based 15:30 Picture Projectors (Tentative) X. Chen Buskerud and Vestfold University College, Norway LDC8-3 GPU Accelerated Pre-calculation Algorithm for 3D 16:00 Holographic Display F. Yang, and T. Wilkinson Univ. of Cambridge, U.K. 16:15-16:35 LDC9: Postdeadline session Room 301 Chair: K. Kuroda, Conference Chair, Utsunomiya Univ., Japan Friday, April 24 9:30-10:30 LDC5: Advanced Lighting Room 301 Co-Chairs: V. Bhatia, Program Committee Member, Corning Incorp., U.S.A Co-Chairs: J. Kinoshita, Steering Committee Member, Osaka Univ., Japan LDC5-1 (Invited) Expectations for the Visible Lasers in 9:30 Automotive (Tentative) R. Chijimatsu Honda, Japan LDC5-2 (Invited) Fiber Lighting (Tentative) A. Bauco 10:00 Corning, US ----- Break (10:30-10:45) ----10:45-12:30 LDC6: Visible light source Room 301 Co-Chairs: L.-H. Peng, Program Committee Member, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C) Co-Chairs: T. Miyamoto, Program Committee Member, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan LDC6-1 (Invited) High-Luminance Phosphor-Conversion 10:45 White Light Source with Blue-Violet Laser-Diodes K. Morimoto, H. Kasugai, K. Yamanaka, T. Katayama, N. Suzuki, Y. Nagasaki, K. Okuyama, and S. Shiraishi Panasonic Automotive & Industrial Systems Company, Japan LDC6-2 A Reflection-Type White Light Source Using Blue 11:15 Laser Diodes with High Luminance of 1500 cd/mm2 Y. Maemura, T. Sakaue, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Takahira, K. Takahashi, and S. Ito SHARP Corp., Japan LDC6-3 Performance Enhancement of Flip-Chip White LEDs 11:30 with Conformal Phosphor Structure Fabricated by Model Conformal Coating H.-Y. Jiang, S.-L. Ou, and R.-H. Horng National Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C) LDC6-4 Highly Reliable Operation of Triple Stripe Red Broad 11:45 Area Laser Diode R Wakamatsu, K. Kuramoto, M. Kusunoki, M. Miyashita, K. Mori, and T. Yagi Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan LDC6-5 Watt-Level Red-Emitting Diode Lasers and Modules 12:00 for Display Applications K. Paschke, G. Blume, D. Feise, J. Pohl, and B. Sumpf Ferdinand-Braun-Inst., Germany LDC6-6 Miniaturized 532 nm Green Laser Module with a 12:15 Power of More Than 900 mW for Next Generation Holographic Displays J. Hofmann, G. Blume, B. Eppich, D. Feise, S. Kreutzmann, A. Sahm, and K. Paschke Ferdinand-Braun-Inst., Germany 16:35-17:00 Award Ceremony & Closing Remark Room 301 Chair: S. Kurimura, Program Committee Co-Chairs of LDC’ 15, Nat'l Inst. for Materials Sci., Japan Award Ceremony S. Kurimura 16:35 Nat'l Inst. for Materials Sci., Japan T. Yagi Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan C. Q. Xu McMaster Univ., Canada Closing Remarks S. Kurimura, 16:50 Nat'l Inst. for Materials Sci., Japan T. Yagi Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan C. Q. Xu McMaster Univ., Canada 35 The 3rd International Conference on Light-Emitting Devices and Their Industrial Applications ’15 T. Yamaguchi, Program Committee Member, Kogakuin Univ., Japan H. Murakami, Program Committee Member, Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan R. Togashi, Program Committee Member, Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan LEDIA ’15 Wednesday, April 22 ----- Break (10:30-11:00)----13:40-17:30 LEDIA&LDC Joint Sessions Room 503 “Advanced GaN-based Light-Emitting Devices and Their Applications” 13:40-14:10 13:40 13:55 14:10-17:30 Opening Remarks GaN Light Emitting Devices (LED and LD) H. Amano, Conference Chair of LEDIA’ 15 Nagoya Univ., Japan Laser Display and Lighting K. Kuroda, Conference Chair of LDC’ 15 Utsunomiya Univ., Japan LD&LE1-2 14:40 LD&LE1-3 15:10 LD&LE1-5 16:30 LD&LE1-6 17:00 (Invited) Blue Laser Diode Technology and Applications U. Steegmueller Osram Opto Semiconductors, Germany (Invited) Watt-level Green/Blue Laser Diodes S. Masui Nichia Corp., Japan (Invited) Progress of LED Technologies and Their Application in Solid State Lighting S. Watanabe Philips Lumileds Lighting, U.S.A. LEDp2-1 The Development of the Substrate Material of the Nitride Semiconductor LED Y. J. Sun and G.Y. Zhang Peking Univ., China Examination of the Initial Layer for GaN Double Polarity Selective Area Growth by Using MOVPE N. Osumi, K. Kuze, Y. Inoue, and T. Nakano Shizuoka Univ., Japan Growth of -c-GaN at High Temperature by OVPE Y. Taniyama 1), H. Takatsu 1), M. Juta 1), T. Sumi 1), A. Kitamoto 1), M. Imade 1), M. Yoshimura 1), M. Isemura 2), and Y. Mori 1) 1) Osaka Univ., Japan, 2) Itochu Plastics Inc., Japan The Dependence of GaN Surface Morphology on Carbon Concentration Using a High Ga Composition Na Flux S. Ogawa, M. Imanishi, K. Murakami, H. Imabayashi, H. Takazawa, Y. Todoroki, D. Matsuo, M. Maruyama, M. Imade, M. Yoshimura, and Y. Mori Osaka Univ., Japan MOVPE Growth of GaN onto PLD-Grown AlN Interlayer on GaN Templates J. Yoo, K. Shojiki, T. Tanikawa, S. Kuboya, T. Hanada, R. Katayama, and T. Matsuoka Tohoku Univ., Japan Growth of GaN on r-Plane Sapphire Substrate by Tri-Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy A. Shiono, N. Takekawa, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, and A. Koukitu Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan Control of a Growth Habit in the Na-Flux Coalescence Growth Technique M. Imade, D. Matsuo, Y. Todoroki, K. Nakamura, K. Murakami, M. Imanishi, M. Honjo, H. Imabayashi, H. Takazawa, Y. Yamada, M. Maruyama, M. Yoshimura, and Y. Mori Osaka Univ., Japan Strong Composition Dependence in AlGaN Grown on Multi-Faceted GaN NanowireBased Templates – a Building Block Towards the Realization of Nanostructure UV-LEDs D. Lindgren, Z. Bi, M. Khalilian, K. Storm, B. Monemar, A. Gustafsson, L. Samuelson, and B. J. Ohlsson Lund Univ., Sweden LEDp2-3 LEDp2-4 LEDp2-5 (Invited) Growth of Bulk GaN Crystal by Na Flux and OVPE Method Y. Mori Osaka Univ., Japan (Invited) High Directional LED Lighting for Forming Pattern, HOLOLIGHT : Its Business Developments and Prospects T. Ikeda Pi Photonics, Japan (Invited) 3D and Wearable Laser Displays (Tentative) / LDC Plenary H. Urey Koç Univ., Turkey Thursday, April 23 9:00-12:30 LEDp2: Poster Session LD&LE1: LEDIA&LDC Joint Session ----- Break (15:40-16:00)----LD&LE1-4 16:00 13:30-15:30 LEDp2-2 Co-Chairs: S. Kurimura, Program Committee Co-Chairs of LDC’15, Nat'l Inst. for Materials Sci., Japan T. Takeuchi, Program Committee Chair of LEDIA’15, Meijo Univ., Japan LD&LE1-1 14:10 ----- Lunch Break (12:30-13:30)----- LEDp2-6 LEDp2-7 LEDp2-8 LEDp2: Short Presentations for Poster Session Room 411, 412 Chair: Y. Honda, Program Committee Member, Nagoya Univ., Japan 36 Exhibition Hall C LEDp2-9 LEDp2-10 Smooth n-Type AlGaN Epitaxial Layers Grown on a Sapphire Substrate for 320 nm Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes K. K. Kang, J. Jin, Y. J. Park, M. Han, J. H. Hyung, B. D. Ryu, K. B. Ko, J. Cho, and C. H. Hong Chonbuk National Univ., Korea Electrical Properties of High Carrier Concentration n-Type AlGaN K. Takeda 1), K. Mori 1), T. Kusafuka 1), M. Iwaya 1), T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), and I. Akasaki 1,2) LEDp2-19 LEDp2-20 1) LEDp2-11 LEDp2-12 LEDp2-13 LEDp2-14 LEDp2-15 LEDp2-16 LEDp2-17 LEDp2-18 Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Correlation between Crystal Qualities and Electrical Properties in Si-Doped Al0.6Ga0.4N T. Yasuda 1), S. Katsuno 1), T. Takeuchi 1), M. Iwaya 1), S. Kamiyama 1), I. Akasaki 1,2), and H. Amano 2,3) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan, 3) Nagoya Univ., Japan Annealing Effects on the Microstructure of Aluminium Nitride Buffer Layer MOVPEGrown on Sapphire Substrate J. Kaur 1), N. Kuwano 1), J. Fukuda 2), Y. Soejima 2), M. Mitsuhara 2), S. Suzuki 3), H. Miyake 3), K. Hiramatsu 3), and H. Fukuyama 4) 1) Univ. Tech. Malaysia, Malaysia, 2) Kyushu Univ., Japan, 3) Mie Univ., Japan, 4) Tohoku Univ., Japan AlN Epitaxial Growth on Sapphire with an Intermediate Layer S. Katsuno 1), T. Yasude 1), M. Iwaya 1), T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), I. Akasaki 1,2), and H. Amano 2,3) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan, 3) Nagoya Univ., Japan AlN Growth on Sputtering AlN Template Substrate by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy D. Yasui 1), H. Miyake 1), K. Hiramatsu, 1), M. Iwaya 2), I. Akasaki 2),and H. Amano 3) 1) Mie Univ., Japan, 2) Meijo Univ., Japan, 3) Nagoya Univ., Japan Calculation of Thermochemical Data for the Growth of III-Nitrides by Vapor Phase Epitaxy N. Takekawa, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, and A. Koukitu Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan MOVPE Growth of AlNSb Alloys K. Suzuki 1), D. Komori 1), H. Sasajima 1), K. Takarabe 1), T. Takeuchi 1), M. Iwaya 1), S. Kamiyama 1), and I. Akasaki 1,2) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Carrier Gas Dependence on GaNSb MOVPE Growth D. Komori 1), H. Sasajima 1), K. Takarabe 1), K. Suzuki 1), T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), M. Iwaya 1), and I. Akasaki 1,2) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Aluminum Growth on Sapphire Substrate with Surface Nitridation by RF-MBE 37 LEDp2-21 LEDp2-22 LEDp2-23 LEDp2-24 LEDp2-25 LEDp2-26 LEDp2-27 Y. Hoshikawa 1), S. Osawa 1), Y. Matsumoto 1), T. Yamaguchi 1), T. Onuma 1,2), and T. Honda 1) 1) Kogakuin Univ., Japan, 2) Tokyo National College of Technology, Japan Electrical Properties of GaNSb Grown at Low Temperatures K. Takarabe 1), D. Komori 1), K. Suzuki 1), T. Takeuchi 1), M. Iwaya 1), S. Kamiyama 1), and I. Akasaki 1,2) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Polarized Ultraviolet Emission from Individual Horizontal ZnO Microrods/p-GaN Light-Emitting Diode with WhisperingGallery- Mode Microcavity K. H. Lin, C. F. Du, and H. C. Hsu National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan Enhanced Ultraviolet Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence from ZnO Microstructures Assisted by Surface Plasmon of Au Nanoparticles T. C. Chiang 1), C. Y. Chiu 1), T. F. Dai 1), Y. J. Hung 2), and H. C. Hsu 1) 1) National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan, 2) National Sun Yat-sen Univ., Taiwan Homoepitaxial Growth of Nitrogen Doped ZnO Thin Layers by Atmospheric Pressure CVD Using NO M. Hayashida 1), R. Asakawa 1), A. Hiroe 2), S. Y. Kang 2), R. Togashi 1), H. Murakami 1), Y. Kashiwagi 2), Y. Kumagai 1), and A. Koukitu 1) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) Tokyo Electron Ltd., Japan Thermal Stability of Group-III Oxides in Flows of H2 and N2 Y. Kisanuki 1), C. Eguchi 1), K. Nomura 1), K. Goto 2), Q. T. Thieu 1), R. Togashi 1), H. Murakami 1), Y. Kumagai 1), A. Kuramata 2), B. Monemar 1,3), and A. Koukitu 1) 1) Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech., Japan, 2) Tamura Corp., Japan, 3) Linköping Univ., Sweden Fabrication of ZnO Thin Film by Mist CVD Using Molecular Precursor Solution R. Goto, H. Shibuki, K. Tanuma, T. Hatakeyama, H. Nagai, T. Yamaguchi, M. Sato, and T. Honda Kogakuin Univ., Japan Fundamental Study on Growth of α-(AlGa)2O3 Alloys by Mist CVD ―A Study on Growth Rate of α-Al2O3 Compared with α-Ga2O3― M. Takahashi 1), T. Hatakeyama 1), T. Onuma 1,2), T. Yamaguchi 1), and T. Honda 1) 1) Kogakuin Univ., Japan, 2) Tokyo National College of Technology, Japan Comparison of Polar c-Plane and Nonpolar m-Plane InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells Y. S. You 1), J. D. Lai 1), Y. E. Huang 1), S. W. Feng 1), C. H. Chen 2), and K. Y. Kou 3) 1) National Univ. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2) Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan, 3) Central Police Univ., Taiwan Quantum-Confined Stark Effect on Carrier Transport and Recombination Dynamics of N-Polar InGaN/GaN MQW LEDs Y. S. You 1), P. H. Liao 1), J. D. Lai 1), S. W. LEDp2-28 LEDp2-29 LEDp2-30 LEDp2-31 LEDp2-32 LEDp2-33 LEDp2-34 LEDp2-35 LEDp2-36 LEDp2-37 Feng 1), J. Han 2), F. W. Yang 3), and K. Y. Kou 4) 1) National Univ. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2) Yale Univ., U.S.A., 3) Southern Taiwan Univ. of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 4) Central Police Univ., Taiwan A Light Emitting Diode on Designed Patterned Substrate with High Reflection Y. P. Lan 1), K. P. Sou 1), C. Y. Lee 1), and C. Y. Chang 1,2) 1) National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan, 2) Academia Sinica, Taiwan LED Internal Quantum Efficiency Enhancement by Current-Injection Optimization D. C. Nguyen 1), D. Vaufrey 1), and M. Leroux 2) 1) Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France, 2) CNRS, France Characterization of Light-Emitting Diode Efficiency by Biased Photocurrent and Photoluminescence Measurement S. Usami 1,2), T. Mitsunari 1,2), Y. Honda 1,2), and H. Amano 1,2) 1) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Theoretical Investigation of Metal Mesh Transparent Conductive Layers with a Graphene Layer for Near Ultra-Violet Light-Emitting Diodes S. B. Choi, J. H. Min, and D. S. Lee Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Luminescence Enhancement of Green InGaN/GaN Nanopillar LEDs Y. Ou 1,2), K. Wu 1), D. Iida 3), A. Fadil 1), and H. Ou 1) 1) Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark, 2) Light Extraction Aps, Denmark, 3) Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan Low-Cost Fabrication of Warm-White LEDs Using Composite Silica Photonic Crystals C. F. Lai 1), H. C. Hsu 1), Y. C. Lee 2), and T. L. Tsai 2) 1) Feng Chia Univ., Taiwan, 2) Lextar Electronics Corp., Taiwan Metal Nanoparticles and Patterned Dielectric on InGaN/GaN LEDs: Combining Plasmonic and Light Extraction Enhancement A. Fadil 1), Y. Ou 1,2), D. Iida 3), and H. Ou 1) 1) Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark, 2) Light Extraction Aps, Denmark, 3) Tokyo Univ. of Science, Japan Design and Fabrication of Plasmonic Spectral Filter for Visible Light Communication with White LED K. Murai 1), S. Mochizuki 1), K. Hattori 2), M. Shiraishi 2), Y. Oshikane 2), and M. Nakano 2) 1) AIST, Japan, 2) Osaka Univ., Japan Single Nanowire LEDs — Electrical and Electro-Optical Characterization Methods K. Storm, D. Lindgren, and L. Samuelson Lund Univ., Sweden Plasmonic Light-Emitting Diodes with Thin p-Type Layer and Localized-Ag Layer Embedded by ITO N. Okada 1), T. Tsukada 1), K. Tadatomo 1), and K. 38 LEDp2-38 LEDp2-39 LEDp2-40 LEDp2-41 LEDp2-42 LEDp2-43 LEDp2-44 LEDp2-45 Okamoto 2) 1) Yamaguchi Univ., Japan, 2) Kyushu Univ., Japan HVPE and VLS-HVPE Synthesis of GaN Nanowires K. Lekhal 1), T. Mitsunari 1), R. Kizu 1), S. Y. Bae 1), Y. Honda 1), and H. Amano 1,2) 1) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Growth of Highly Ordered GaN Nanorod Light-Emitting Didoes on Si-Based AlN Template for Epitaxial Transfer S. Y. Bae 1), B. O. Jung 1), H. J. Lee 1), K. Lekhal 1), D. S. Lee 2), Y. Honda 1,3), and H. Amano 1,3) 1) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, 3) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Improvement of Light Extraction Efficiency by Length of ZnO Nanorods Grown on p-Electrode of GaN-Based LEDs H. Cho, J. Y. Beak, D. J. Ki, K. Ha, and K. K. Kim Korea Polytechnic Univ., Korea SiO2/ITO Multilayer Patterned by Self-assembled Polystyrene Nanoparticle for Improvement Light Extraction Efficiency of LEDs S. C. Shin, S. Kim, J. Y. Jeong, and K. K. Kim Korea Polytechnic Univ., Korea Impact of Top Gold Metallization on Thermal Resistance – Universal Method of Optimization of p-up Mounted (Al, In)GaN Laser Diode S. Stańczyk 1), M. Kuc 2), M. Sarzynski 1,3), A. Kafar 1), A. Nowakowska-Siwińska 3), R. Sarzała 2), T. Suski, and P. Perlin 1,3) 1) Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Poland, 2) Lodz Univ. of Technology, Poland, 3) TopGaN Sp. z o.o., Poland Characteristics of UV LEDs Grown by HVPE A. Y. Polyakov 1,2), J. H. Yun 2), A. S. Usikov 3,4), E. B. Yakimov 1,5), N. B. Smirnov 1,6), K. D. Shcherbachev 1), H. Helava 3), Y. N. Makarov 3), N. M. Shmidt 7), S. Y. Kurin 8), O. I. Rabinovich 2), S. I. Didenko 2), B. P. Papchenko 4), and I. H. Lee 2) 1) National Univ. of Science and Technology MISiS, Russia, 2) Chonbuk National Univ., Korea, 3) Nitride Crystals, Inc., U.S.A., 4) Saint-Petersburg National Research Univ. of Information Technologies, Russia, 5) Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials Russian Academy of Science, Russia, 6) Institute of Rare Metals, Russia, 7) Ioffe Physical Technical Institute RAS, Russia, 8) Nitride Crystals Ltd., Russia Enhanced Light Extraction and Electrical Properties of Deep-Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes by Utilizing Transverse-MagneticDominant Emission J. W. Lee, J. H. Park, D. Y. Kim, and J. K. Kim POSTECH, Korea Contact Characteristics of V-Based Electrode for High AlN Molar Fraction n-AlGaN K. Mori 1), K. Takeda 1), T. Kusafuka 1), M. Iwaya 1), LEDp2-46 T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), I. Akasaki 1,2), and H. Amano 2,3) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan, 3) Nagoya Univ., Japan Characterization of Radiation Detection for GaN M. Sugiura 1), M. Kushimoto 2), T. Mitsunari 2), K Yamashita 2), Y. Honda 2), H. Amano 2,3), Y. Inoue 1), H. Mimura 1), T. Aoki 1), and T. Nakano Solvent Vapour, Mechanical, and Thermal Stimuli Y. Zhang 1,2), H. Huang 1), J. Sun 2), and C. Zhang 2) 1) LEDp2-56 1) Shizuoka Univ., Japan, 2) Nagoya Univ., Japan, Akasaki Research Center, Japan Nitride-Based Tunnel Junctions towards Deep UV-LEDs D. Takasuka 1), D. Minamikawa 1), M. Ino 1), T. Takeuchi 1), M. Iwaya 1), S. Kamiyama 1), H. Amano 2), and I. Akasaki 1,3) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 3) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Optimization of Periodic Gain Structures toward Blue VCSELs K. Matsui 1), D. Komori 1), K. Horikawa 1), T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), M. Iwaya 1), and I. Akasaki 1,2) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan. Conductive n-Type AlInN/GaN Distributed Bragg Reflectors K. Ikeyama 1), Y. Kozuka 1), T. Yasuda 1), T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), M. Iwaya 1), and I. Akasaki 1,2) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan. Enhancement of Radiant Flux and Color Uniformity of White LEDs Based on YAG:Ce and CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot Phosphor Using Spray Coating Process B. S. Song, M. H. Shin, H. J. Kim, H. G. Hong, and Y. J. Kim Yonsei Univ., Korea Graded-Refractive-Index Conformal Phosphor for White LED Packaging by Dispensing Sedimentation Technology P. C. Wang 1), C. L. Lin 2), Y. K. Su 1,2), G. S. Huang 2), W. S. Wang 2), and B. R. Chen 2) 1) National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan, 2) Kun-Shan Univ., Taiwan Surface Distribution of White LEDs by Electrophoretic Deposition of Phosphor C. C. Yang 1), C. L. Lin 2), and Y. K. Su 1,2) 1) National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan, 2) Kun-Shan Univ., Taiwan Donor-Acceptor Cross-Conjugated Luminophore Exhibiting Mechanochromic and Electrochromic Properties J. Sun and C. Zhang Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, China Conducting Polymer-Based Electrochromic Materials and Devices X. J. Lv and C. Zhang Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, China Polymorphic Crystals and Their Luminescence Switching of Triphenylacrylonitrile Derivatives upon Huzhou Univ., China, 2) Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, China Practical Audio Amplifiers Consist of LEDs and Silicon Solar Cells K. Okamoto and N. Kuroda Kagawa Univ., Japan 1) 3) LEDp2-47 LEDp2-48 LEDp2-49 LEDp2-50 LEDp2-51 LEDp2-52 LEDp2-53 LEDp2-54 LEDp2-55 39 ----- Break (15:30-16:00)----- 16:00-16:30 LED3: Tutorial 1 Room 411, 412 Chair: H. Fujioka, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan T. Honda, Steering Committee Chair, Kogakuin Univ., Japan LED3-1 (Invited) History of GaN LEDs and Their 16:00 Progress K. Ohta Toyoda Gosei, Japan 16:30-17:45 LED4-1 16:30 LED4-2 16:45 LED4-3 17:00 LED4-4 17:15 LED4-5 17:30 LED4: InGaN Growth Room 411, 412 Influence of V/III Ratio and Layer Thicknesses on MOVPE-Grown N-Polar (000¯ 1) InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells K. Shojiki 1), J. H. Choi 1), T. Tanikawa 1,2), S. Kuboya 1), T. Hanada 1,2), R. Katayama 1), and T. Matsuoka 1,2) 1) Tohoku Univ., Japan, 2) CREST, Japan Effect of Increasing Pressure on the Growth of High-Indium-Content InGaN by MOVPE A. Tamura 1), T. Yamamoto 1), K. Yamashita 1), Y. Honda 1), and H. Amano 1,2) 1) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan Low Temperature Preparation of InGaN with Pulsed Sputtering and Its Application to Photovoltaic Devices Y. Arakawa 1), K. Ueno 1), H. Noguchi 1), J. Ohta 1), and H. Fujioka 1-3) 1) The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 2) CREST, Japan, 3) ACCEL, Japan InGaN-Based Visible Light-Emitting Diodes Grown on ScAlMgO4(0001) Substrates T. Ozaki, M. Funato, and Y. Kawakami Kyoto Univ., Japan RF-MBE Growth of InN on Mist-CVD Grown α-In2O3/Sapphire T. Araki 1), N. Masuda 1), A. Buma 1), Y. Nanishi 1), M. Oda 2), and T. Hitora 2) 1) Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan, 2) FLOSFIA, Japan Friday, April 24 9:00-10:45 LED5: Lasers Room 411, 412 Chair: Z. Sitar, North Carolina State Univ., U.S.A. LED5-1 9:00 (Invited) Prospects for Laser Diodes in Solid-State Lighting J. J. Wierer, Jr. and J. Y. Tsao Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.A. LED5-2 (Invited) Developments of Nitride High-Power 9:30 Laser Diode Array for Displays, Medicine and Printing Applications P. Perlin 1), A. Kafar 1), S. Stanczyk 1), A. Bojarska 1), Ł. Marona 1,2), M. Leszczynski 1,2), and T. Suski 1) 1) Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Poland, 2) TopGaN Sp. z o.o., Poland Chair: T. Miyajima, Program Committee Vice-Chair, Meijo Univ., Japan LED5-3 Lasing Properties of (1-101) InGaN/GaN 10:00 Stripe Cavity Structure on Patterned (001) Si Substrates M. Kushimoto 1), Y. Honda 1), and H. Amano 1,2) 1) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan LED5-4 A Pulsed Operation of VCSEL on AlInN/GaN 10:15 DBR Grown with High Growth Rate Y. Kozuka 1), K. Ikeyama 1), T. Akagi 1), S. Iwayama 1), K. Nakata 1), T. Takeuchi 1), S. Kamiyama 1), M. Iwaya 1), I. Akasaki 1,2) 1) Meijo Univ., Japan, 2) Akasaki Research Center, Japan LED5-5 Nitride Superluminescent Diodes with 10:30 Broadened Emission Spectra A. Kafar 1), M. Sarzynski 1,2), S. Stanczyk 1), Ł. Marona 1,2), G. Targowski 2), I. Makarowa 2), P. Wisniewski 2), T. Suski 1), and P. Perlin 1,2) 1) Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Poland, 2) TopGaN Sp. z o.o., Poland Chair: Y. J. Kim, Program Committee Member, Yonsei Univ., Korea LED7-1 (Invited) Nitride-Based LEDs on Large 13:30 Substrates by Plasma Processing H. Fujioka 1,2), H. R. Kim 1), E. Nakamura 1), K. Ueno 1), A. Kobayashi 1), and J. Ohta 1) 1) The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan, 2) JST, Japan, LED7-2 (Invited) Novel LED Geometries Enabled by 14:00 Advanced Laser Processes H. W. Choi Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong LED7-3 Performance of Bendable InGaN/GaN 14:30 Quantum-Well Light-Emitting Diode C. H. Lin, C. Y. Su, E. Zhu, C. Hsieh, C. G. Tu, Y. F. Yao, H. T. Chen, C. H. Liao, H. S. Chen, Y. W. Kiang, and C. C. Yang National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan LED7-4 Narrow-Band LED Therapy in Dermatology 14:45 and Hypnology M. Ogasawara 1), T. Hirano 2), and S. Fujita 2) 1) Mignon Belle Clinic, Japan, 2) Kyoto Univ., Japan 15:00-15:45 LED8: Bulk Substrates Room 411, 412 Chair: H. Miyake, Mie Univ., Japan LED8-1 (Invited) State of the Art of Hydride Vapor 15:00 Phase Epitaxy on Ammonothermally Grown GaN Seeds T. Sochacki 1,2), M. Amilusik 1,2), M. Fijalkowski 1), B. Lucznik 1,2), M. Iwinska 1), G. Kamler 1), R. Kucharski 3), I. Grzegory 1), and M. Bockowski 1,2) ----- Break (10:45-11:15)----- 1) 11:15-12:30 LED6: DUV Devices Room 411, 412 Chair: P. Perlin, Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Poland LED6-1 (Invited) Status and Challenges in Deep UV 11:15 Lasers Z. Sitar North Carolina State Univ., U.S.A. LED6-2 (Invited) Development of Reliable AlGaN 11:45 Based UV (λ=350-250nm) LEDs Using Amorphous Fluorine Resin Encapsulation A. Hirano 1), M. Ippommatsu 1), K. Aosaki 2), H. Amano 3), and I. Akasaki 4) 1) UV Craftory Co., Ltd., Japan, 2) Asahi Glass Co., Ltd, Japan, 3) Nagoya Univ., Japan, 4) Meijo Univ., Japan LED6-3 Photon Extraction Improvement of 12:15 Pseudomorphic UV-C LEDs for Disinfection K. Kitamura 1,2), M. Toita 1,2), J. R. Grandusky 1), C. G. Moe 1), H. Ishii 3), Y. Wang 2), and L. J. Schowalter 1) 1) Crystal IS, U.S.A., 2) Asahi Kasei, Japan, 3) Asahi Kasei Microdevices, Japan ----- Lunch Break (12:30-13:30)----- 13:30-15:00 LED7: Advanced LEDs and Applications Room 411, 412 40 LED8-2 15:30 Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Poland, 2) TopGaN Sp. z o.o., Poland, 3) Ammono, Poland HVPE-GaN Growth on GaN-Based Advanced Substrate by Smart Cut ™ M. Iwinska 1), M. Amilusik 1,2), M. Fijalkowski 1), T. Sochacki 1,2), B. Lucznik 1,2), P. Guenard 3), R. Caulmilone 3), A. Nowakowska-Siwinska 2), I. Grzegory 1), and M. Bockowski 1,2) 1) Institute of High Pressure Physics, PAS, Poland, 2) TopGaN Sp. z o.o., Poland, 3) Soitec, France ----- Break (15:45-16:00)----- 16:00-17:00 LED9: Emerging Materials Room 411, 412 Chair: J. J. Wierer, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.A. LED9-1 Optical Anisotropy in β-Ga2O3 Crystals Grown 16:00 by Melt-Growth Methods T. Onuma 1-3), S. Saito 3), K. Sasaki 3,4), T. Masui 4), T. Yamaguchi 2), T. Honda 2), and M. Higashiwaki 3) 1) Tokyo National College of Technology, Japan 2) Kogakuin Univ., Japan, 3) NICT, Japan, 4) Tamura Corp., Japan LED9-2 Architectured Van der Waals Epitaxy of ZnO 16:15 Nanostructures on Hexagonal BN H. Oh 1), Y. J. Hong 2), K. S. Kim 1), S. Yoon 1), LED9-3 16:30 LED9-4 16:45 17:00-17:30 H. Baek 1), S. H. Kang 3), Y. K. Kwon 3), M. Kim 1), and G. C. Yi 1) 1) Seoul National Univ., Korea 2) Sejong Univ., Korea, 3) Kyung Hee Univ., Korea Electrochromic and Mechanochromic Luminescence from Cross-Conjugated Chromophores J. Sun and C. Zhang Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, China Low-Threshold Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Benzo(c)fluorenes K. Kazlauskas, G. Kreiza, E. Radiunas, P. Adomėnas, O. Adomėnienė, K. Karpavičius, J. Bucevičius, and S. Juršėnas Vilnius Univ., Lithuania LED10: Tutorial 2 Room 411, 412 Chair: G. Hatakoshi, Program Committee Member, Toshiba Corp., Japan LED10-1 (Invited) Recent Progress and Development 17:00 Trends of Nitride-Based LEDs S. Kamiyama Meijo Univ., Japan 17:30-17:45 Closing Room 411, 412 Closing Remarks 17:30 T. Takeuchi, Program Committee Chair Meijo Univ., Japan 41 Optical Manipulation Conference’15 OMC2-3 9:30 OMC’15 Wednesday, April 22 13:40-13:45 Opening Room 414+415 Opening Remarks 13:40 T. Omatsu, Conference Chair of OMC’ 15 Chiba Univ., Japan 13:45-16:15 OMC&APBP Joint session 1 Room414+415 Chair: H. Ishihara / E. Okada Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan / Keio Univ., Japan OMC&APBP-1 (Invited) Highly-focused light for optical 13:45 trapping H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop Univ. of Queensland, Australia OMC&APBP-2 (Invited) Optical tweezers for investigation 14:15 of mechanical property of a cell T. Sugiura Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan ----- Break (14:45-15:15)----OMC&APBP-3 (Invited) Combined optical and acoustic 15:15 trapping M. Ritsch-Marte Innsbruck Medical Univ., Austria OMC&APBP-4 (Invited) Molecular mechanism of efficient 15:45 muscle contraction revealed by single molecule approaches M. Kaya, T. Washio, T. Hisada, H. Higuchi University of Tokyo, Japan 16:15-16:20 Closing Room414+415 Closing Remarks 16:15 T. Iwai, Conference Chair of APBP’ 15 Tokyo Agriculture & Technology University, Japan 16:30-17:30 OMC1: Tutorial Room 414+415 Chair: T. Omatsu Chiba Univ., Japan OMC1-1 (Tutorial) TBA 16:30 K. Dholakia Univ. St. Andrews, UK OMC2-4 9:45 ----- Break (10:30-11:00)----11:00-12:30 ----- Lunch Break& Poster Session(12:30-15:30)----13:30-15:30 OMCp4-1 9:00-10:30 42 OMC3: Optical Manipulation 1 Room 414+415 Chair: K. Murakoshi/ Y. Arita Hokkaido Univ., Japan / Univ. St. Andrews, UK OMC 3-1 Bisphere-induced transmission changes in 11:00 optical nanofibre I. Gusachenko, V.G. Truong, S. N. Chormaic OIST Graduate University, Japan OMC3-2 Nanostructured micro- and nanofibres for 11:15 optical trapping M. Daly, V.G. Truong, S. N. Chormaic OIST Graduate University, Japan OMC3-3 Manipulation and fixation of silver 11:30 nanowires using multiple Gaussian beams K. Yokoyama, R. Ozawa, S. Maruo Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan OMC3-4 Anisotropic ring arrays for nanoparticle 11:45 trapping I. Gusachenko, M. Sergides, V.G. Truong, S. N. Chormaic OIST Graduate University, Japan OMC3-5 (Invited) Plasmonic Optical Tweezers of 12:00 Polymer Chains toward Analytical Chemistry T. Shoji Osaka City Univ., Japan Thursday, April 23 OMC2: Plasmonic Radiation Pressure Room 414+415 Chair: M. Ashida/ K. Sasaki Osaka Univ., Japan/ Hokkaido Univ., Japan OMC2-1 Optical trapping of micro objects with 9:00 gap-excited miltipole plasmon J. Kato, E. Sugawara, M. Ozaki, R. Furutani, Y. Yamagata RIKEN, Japan OMC2-2 Possibility of Molecule Trapping in 9:15 Localized Surface Plasmon Field at Room Temperature K. Murakoshi, Y. Wakisaka, K. Suzuki, S. Yasuda, M. Takase Hokkaido Univ., Japan The First Atomic Resolution Imaging of Optical Near-field on Al2O3(0001) Surface by Photon-Induced Force J. Yamanishi Osaka Univ., Japan (Plenary) The nano-optics of plasmonic optical tweezers, SERS substrates and multi-coloured silicon nanowires K. B. Crozier Univ. Melbourne, Australia OMCp4-2 OMCp4-3 OMCp4-4 OMC4: Poster Session Exhibition Hall C Preparation of Noble Metal Core - Metal Oxide Shell Particles via Ionic Liquid/Metal Sputter Deposition Technique T. Torimoto1, K. Enokida1, T. Yamamoto1, T. Kameyama1, S. Kuwabata2 1Nagoya Univ., Japan, 2Osaka Univ., Japan Optical micro- and nanofibre pulling rig V. Hong Le, A. Maimaiti, J. M. Ward, S. N. Chormaic OIST Graduate University, Japan Up-converted luminescence enhanced by radiation-mediated coupling of excitons in thin films T. Matsuda, N. Yokoshi, H. Ishihara Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan Crossover Behavior Between the Molecular Absorption Spectra of Rabi splitting and Energy Transparency R. Hata, N. Murata, H. Ishihara Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan OMCp4-5 Robust control of two-level systems by shaped optical fields C.-P. He, S.-Y. Tseng Natl. Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan OMCp4-6 Optical feedback control of orbital angular momentum in a vertical-cavity surfac e-emitting laser using spatial phase modulation K. Shigematsu1, T. Nishizaka1, H. Yuri1, K. Yamane1, R. Morita1, Y. Awaji2, Y. Toda1 1Hokkaido Univ., Japan, 2NICT, Japan OMCp4-7 Holographic techniques and spatial light modulators systems applied in the generation of special non-diffractive beams M.R.R. Gesualdi1, T.A. Vieira1, R.A.B. Suarez1, M. Zamboni-Rached2 1Univ. Federal ABC, Brazil, 2Univ. Estadual Campinas, Brazil OMCp4-8 Optical frequency domain signal analysis of a fiber Fabry-Perot interference system M. Fanyong, J. Limin Beijing Jiaotong Univ., China 15:30-17:45 OMC5: Optical Manipulation 2 Room 414+415 Chair: S. Ashihara / P. Zemanek Univ. of Tokyo/ Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic OMC5-1 (Invited) Optical trapping and rotation in 15:30 vacuum Y. Arita, K. Dholakia Univ. St. Andrews, UK OMC5-2 Optical trapping of a microdroplet 16:00 containing a nanomaterial Y. Minowa, R. Kawai, M. Ashida Osaka Univ., Japan OMC5-3 Trapping and manipulation of selective 16:15 microparticles in the evanescent field of optical micro- and nanofibres V.G. Truong, A. Maimaiti, I. Gusachenko, M. Sergides, S.N. Chormaic OIST Graduate University, Japan OMC5-4 Metal particle manipulation by laser 16:30 irradiation in glass H. Hidai, M. Matsushita, S. Matsusaka, A. Chiba, N. Morita Chiba Univ., Japan OMC5-5 Microassembling with Holographic 16:45 Optical Tweezers: Improving quality of 2PP subcomponents for 3D manipulation S.I. Ksouri, J. Koehler, G. Zyla, A. Ostendorf Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, Germany OMC5-6 Correlating Cell Stretching With 17:00 Membrane Physiology in Red Blood Cells: An Optical Tweezer Based Study P. Praveen, B.V. Nagesh, S.S. Iyengar, S. Rekha, B. Sarbari, A. Sharath Bangalore Univ., India OMC5-7 Optical trapping and assembling of 17:15 neurotransmitter receptor proteins localized on a neuronal cell C. Hosokawa1, Y. Maezawa1, N. Takeda1,2, S.N. Kudoh2, T. Taguchi3 1AIST, Japan, 2Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Japan, 3NICT, Japan 43 OMC5-8 17:30 Development of Optically Controllable Electrophoresis with a Photoconductive Substrate W. Inami, T. Nagashima, Y. Kawata Shizuoka Univ., Japan Friday, April 24 9:00-10:30 OMC6: Structured light 1 Room 414+415 Chair: T. Shoji /K. Kitamura Osaka City Univ., Japan / Kyoto Univ., Japan OMC6-1 (Invited) Manipulating chiral particles by 9:00 chiral light E. Brasselet Univ. of Bordeaux 1, France OMC6-2 Creation of three dimensional spherical 9:30 fluorescence spot for super-resolution microscopy Y. Iketaki1, H. Kumagai2, K. Jahn3, N. Bokor3 1Olympus co., Japan, 2Kitasato Univ., Japan, 3Budapest Univ. of Tech. Econ., Hungary OMC6-3 Lasing of single-crystalline microspheres 9:45 with high sphericity fabricated by laser ablation S. Okamoto, Y. Minowa, M. Ashida Osaka Univ., Japan OMC6-4 Quantitative polarization state 10:00 characterization of higher-order cylindrically polarized ultrashort pulses by use of extended Stokes parameters M. Suzuki, K. Yamane, K. Oka, Y. Toda, R. Morita Hokkaido Univ., Japan OMC6-5 Characteristic polarization singularities in 10:15 vector Laguerre-Gaussian beams S. Vyas1, Y. Kozawa2, S. Sato2, Y. Miyamoto1 1Univ. of Electro-Commun., Japan, 2Tohoku Univ., Japan ----- Break (10:30-11:00)----11:00-12:30 OMC7: Structured light 2 Room 414+415 Chair: J. Kato/ R. Morita RIKEN, Japan/ Hokkaido Univ., Japan OMC7-1 Tunable near-infrared optical vortex 11:00 generation from a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator A. Abulikem, T. Yusufu, K. Miyamoto, T. Omatsu Chiba Univ., Japan OMC7-2 Eigenmode decomposition of singular 11:15 optical beams in cylindrical coordinates based on electric-field reconstruction K. Yamane, S. Nakajima, M. Suzuki, N. Yokose, Y. Toda, R. Morita Hokkaido Univ., Japan OMC7-3 Chirality control in mid-infrared vortex 11:30 parametric laser A. Ogawa, M.T. Horikawa, K. Miyamoto, T. Omatsu Chiba Univ., Japan OMC7-4 Exploring second harmonic conical waves 11:45 in a nonlinear medium with extended defect structure OMC7-5 12:00 Y.-C. Lin, K.W. Su, Y.F. Chen Natl. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan (Invited) Optical levitation of a single microparticle for its emission spectroscopy M. Tachikawa Meiji Univ., Japan OMC9-5 16:45 OMC9-6 17:00 ----- Lunch Break(12:30-13:30)----13:30-14:45 OMC8: Structured matters Room 414+415 Chair: R. Morita, Programming Chair of OMC’15/ M. Ashida Hokkaido Univ., Japan/ Osaka Univ., Japan OMC8-1 (Invited) Laser processing of solids with 13:30 ultrashort structured light W. Krolikowski Australian National Univ., Australia OMC8-2 Optical vortex can create monocrystalline 14:00 silicon pillar F. Takahashi1, S. Takizawa1, H. Fujiwara1, H. Hidai1, K. Miyamoto1, R. Morita2, T. Omatsu1 1Chiba Univ., Japan, 2Hokkaido Univ., Japan OMC8-3 Creation of Small and Strong Electric 14:15 Fields by Using a Dielectric Structure and a Focused Radially Polarized Beam K. Kitamura, S. Noda Kyoto Univ., Japan OMC8-4 Micrometer size chiral conch-shaped relief 14:30 formed in an azo-polymer film by optical vortex irradiation G. Juman, I. Yoshida, R. Mamuti, K. Miyamoto, T. Omatsu Chiba Univ., Japan OMC8-5 Glycine crystallization by structured 14:45 photon radiation pressure J. Lee, M. Magarisawa, K. Miyamoto,T. Omatsu Chiba Univ., Japan ----- Break (15:00-15:30)----OMC9: Optical forces Room 414+415 Chair: E. Brasselet/ M. Ritsch-Marte Univ. of Bordeaux 1, France/ Innsbruck Medical Univ., Austria OMC9-1 (Invited) The influence of shape on optical 15:30 forces and torques S. Hanna University of Bristol, UK OMC9-2 Backwards optical torque 16:00 D. Hakobyan, E. Brasselet Univ. of Bordeaux 1, France OMC9-3 Force calibration of nonHookean optical 16:15 traps A. Bui, A.B. Stilgoe, T.A. Nieminen, H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop Univ. of Queensland, Australia OMC9-4 Radiation force exerted by illumination of 16:30 optical vortices with arbitrary polarization D. Barada1, S. Kawata1, T. Yatagai1, T. Omatsu2 1Utsunomiya Univ., Japan, 2Chiba Univ., Japan 15:30-17:45 44 OMC9-7 17:15 OMC9-8 17:30 Particle propulsion using higher order microfibre modes A. Maimaiti, V.G. Truong, M. Sergides , I. Gusachenko, S.N. Chormaic OIST Graduate University, Japan Diffusive motion of macromolecules under radiation pressure investigated by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) S. Ito, N. Toitani, H. Yamauchi, H. Miyasaka Osaka Univ., Japan Strong nonlinear effect in optical radiation force induced by localized surface plasmons M. Hoshina, N. Yokoshi, H. Ishihara Osaka Prefecture Univ., Japan Multipole resonances in plasmonic crystal K. Sakai, K. Nomura, T. Yamamoto, T. Omura, K. Sasaki Hokkaido Univ., Japan ----- Postdeadline papers (17:30-17:45) ----- 17:45-18:00 Closing Closing Remarks & Best Paper Award T. Omatsu, Conference Chair of OMC’ 15 Chiba Univ., Japan Room 414+415
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