info2go - Clifton Parish Churches

To know Jesus and make known His transforming power
Clifton Parish Churches: CPC, St Mark’s & Clifton Moor
8th March 2015
Daniel our associate vicar writes:
In the 2009 film Up, one of the characters is a dopey dog named Dug.
Dug is loyal and good-hearted, but like many other retrievers, is easily
distracted. All it takes is the presence of a squirrel – and he loses his
train of thought completely!
That might not sound too unfamiliar to you either, if you’re like me.
It’s easy to start out knowing exactly what you’re doing and why you’re
doing it. It might not be a squirrel, but somehow you find yourself
distracted. Maybe you’ve lost sight of why you’re saving up. Or whom you
want to impress. Or the real reason you’re working so hard.
Paul writes, “No soldier gets
entangled in civilian pursuits,
since his aim is to please the
one who enlisted him.”
That should be the kind of life
Christians live – so caught up in
pleasing Jesus that we aren’t
distracted, no matter what
comes along.
New to this church? Good! WELCOME! We want to welcome you into the family.
Please ask about being part of a small home group—it’s the way to belong. And ask
about how your gifts can be used!
Focus on the five…Discipleship.
One of our five purposes as individuals and a church
is to grow more like Jesus. (That is what it means to
be a disciple).
How do you do this? The disciples we read about in
Scripture responded to his call and spent time with
Jesus. They followed him, watched him, listened to
him – and stepped out in faith when he encouraged
them to do so. It was an active learning and forming process.
Today, as then, you have to decide to follow Jesus, and you can be
helped by forming habits of reading the Bible, listening in prayer, and
being open to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Habits, once
formed, become habitual.
Use this term as an opportunity to hone those Godly habits!
Mission giving: Christian Aid
Christian Aid is a well known international charity that works in many
different parts of the globe. We know that many
people in the church family respect and value their
Last year we gave £750 to Christian Aid. We know
that it will be used to relieve suffering and hardship
overseas. It's good to know that your giving to the
local church serves a wider purpose.
Clifton Parish Church
Preaching Battles
Christians face:
Mark 9: 33 - 41.
St Mark's Church
Preaching Battles Christians Face:
Lust: 2 Samuel 11:1 - 12:14.
Lost gloves Among the lost property
on its way to a charity shop is a pair of
ladies leather gloves. If you think they
may be yours, talk to Sheila asap.
Clifton Moor Church
Sunday 8th March 10am Worship
with Monica Dunham. Psalm 19 1-8.
Sunday 15th March 10am Worship
with Christine Stephenson.
Psalm 107 1-8.
Clifton Moor Church Council
meeting16th March, 7:30pm.
Next week is
Day - maybe
there are
people you
could invite to the services?
Parish walking group Next Saturday
we have our first walk of the year. If
you would like to join
us for a 4 - 5 mile walk
on Saturday
afternoon, contact
Steve Philpott or
Claire Bower at St
Mark’s or via the
Parish office. All ages
welcome. There are
more details on the
Parish website.
The Sayer Light Orchestra is a
friendly, relaxed, sight-reading
chamber group which
meets regularly on
Tuesday evenings in
Clifton Parish
Church. Vacancies
currently exist for
players of clarinet, oboe, cello, viola
and violin. Contact the secretary on
01904 791952 for further details.
Praying for our community This
week’s streets are Rawcliffe Grove,
Rawcliffe Village and Harrow Glade.
Garth Hewitt concert Spurriergate,
York, Saturday 14th March, 7.30pm.
Tickets £8 available at The
Spurriergate Centre 629393 or Riding
Lights Theatre Company Box Office:
613000 or go to http://riding
Could anyone use/
store 2 beautiful
French country style
ivory chests of
drawers (each with 7
drawers) for a year or
two? Contact Clare on 0783 777 0089
for measurements/details.
Ladies cell
group Would
you be
interested in
joining a ladies
cell group which
meets on a
Tuesday evening in the Clifton area?
All ages welcome. For more info get in
touch with Lorna Siddons or Annie
Cooke via the church office.
Fostering Interested in fostering?
Currently in
training to
foster? Never
thought of it but
want to hear
more? One
Voice are
hosting a
morning at St
Paul's, Holgate,
Sat 14th March 10am-12noon with
child care...For more information
please call Nigel and Rachel on
01904 651369.
The Prophesy Course Practical
teaching and exercises to get
everyone moving in hearing God.
Tuesdays April 14th- June 9th,
7.30pm-9.45pm, St Cuthbert's,
Peasolme Green, £15. Register at
[email protected]
Regular events
Sunday services
St Mark’s
Clifton Moor
9.15am and 11am
11am (& 9.15am on 2nd Sunday in month)
Prayer meetings
St Mark’s
Communion service
Moor Praise
Youth Café
JAM (younger group)
JAM (older group)
Jingles toddler group
Hope Café
Clifton Moor
St Mark’s
St Mark’s
St Mark’s
Clifton Green
3.30 - 5.30pm
5 - 7pm
6:30 - 9pm
9.15 -11am
4.30 - 6pm
1st Sunday in month
Tuesday (term time)
Sunday (term time)
Sunday (term time)
Friday (term time)
Thursday (term time)
A number of cell groups take place during the week in people’s homes. For more
information on any of our events talk to the service leader or contact the Parish Office.
Parish Office
David Casswell
Daniel Roe
Ron Philpott
Celia Rutt
Francis Nabieu 476262
Alpha course
Parish website (CPC/St Mark’s)
Clifton Moor Church website
Youth website
Prayer chain
[email protected]
(open 10am - 12 noon, Mon - Thurs)
[email protected]
(day off: Tuesday) Twitter: @DCinUK
[email protected] Twitter: @danielcroe
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
ring Margaret 621810 or Daniel 345746