Community Presbyterian Church News March, 2015 Community Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 148 Chester, NJ 07930 Community Presbyterian Church Holy Week Worship March 29 Palm/Passion Sunday, 10 am family worship April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service, 7:00 pm Celebrate and contemplate the first Lord’s Supper in a quiet and reverent service in Fellowship Center. April 3rd Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm Pastor’s Pages 2-3 Christian Ed, Youth Fellowships, BYG 3-4 Church Life-Mission 5-6 The Good Friday Service will be a Tenebrae Service or service of darkness and shadows. March Anniversaries 7 Easter Sunday , April 5th HE HAS RISEN! HE HAS RISEN INDEED! Easter Sunrise Service, 6:30 am Join us on the hill at Alstede’s Farm, Route 24. Dress warmly. In the event of inclement weather, we will gather at CPC. Easter Breakfast at CPC. 7:15 a.m. Hot food, warm fellowship! Easter Sunday Family Worship Services: 8:30 am & 10:00 am Inside this issue The choir, as per tradition, wants to invite anyone to come forward on Easter to sing the Hallelujah Chorus at Benediction. Easter Lily/Tulip Order form 8 March Calendar 9 From Your Pastor . . . Community is in our name, and it is really important to remember that. Sometimes we forget, not that it is there, but what it has meant, what it means, and what it can mean, and those are all important things to think about. One of our previous Session members mentioned that he thought we used the initials “CPC” or “CPCC” too much and that this quickening and simplifying made it too easy to forget that “Community” especially. I have changed the way I think, speak, and write, because I agree with that thought, and the “Community” aspect of who we are is so important. A few months ago, we had our “Community Sunday Luncheon” following worship. We heard testimonials from a dozen or so members and leaders of local groups who use our space for free, speak as to the importance of the Community Presbyterian Church simply being here on Main Street. A recording of those speakers is still linked to our website at if you would like to listen to it. Community is very important in our lives, and we all belong to many different communities, both in person and some very significant communities online. If you stop to think about it for a moment, the number of communities of which we are a part can be surprising. We have the community of our family, the people with whom we work, friends and neighbors. Many of us have communities that center around our children with school and activities and sports; communities that we belong to based upon our age, or common interests, values and faith. Online communities are very popular for our more esoteric interests. All of these are valuable to feed and nurture various parts of who we are. Your current Session has been working during this time to wonder together about Community; hearkening to the past, examining the present, and imagining together what the future might look like. One of the new things our Church officers and I will be doing over the next year is getting into the habit of visiting with our members. This might be done in your home, or in the Fireplace Room in Fellowship Center in small groups. The idea of this is to strengthen our community; to hear about your thoughts and experiences of where Community Presbyterian Church has been and what it will be; to simply “be the Church” in a new way. It is a way of building community and another way of increasing communication within the congregation. I feel that through strengthening the bonds within our own community, we can be much more effective in reaching out to our local community and far beyond. Many of us belong to communities that relate to our hobbies or other pursuits that we engage in for fun and relaxation. One of the things that I love about these groups is how I can benefit from the creativity and ideas that others have come up with. Some of these ideas cause me to think, “Why didn't I think of that!” and others present challenges to my skills and interest. Others are just simply delightful to see and warm my heart to see others enjoying similar interests that bring us both joy. These are the kinds of ideas and thoughts that we can share in our Church Community. 2 From Your Pastor . . . cont’d Congregations can so easily get into habits and the answer to, “Why do we do this?” is too often, “Because we have always done it that way.” Sometimes that is the best and most solid answer, other times it begs the question to be further investigated. Those times of wondering an questioning together strengthen who we are as a community by providing identity and history, and at other times they can help us to move out of bad habits and into healthier ones, and the question is always good to ask and ponder. So this is where the Spirit has led us over the past months, into wondering about community. As the Scriptures tell us from the prophet Joel: “Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.” (Joel 2:28 NRSV) It is time for us to talk about and expect those dreams and visions from God’s Spirit, and to share them with each other. It is an exciting time of exploring both newness and tradition, and that is always a good thing for us to do together. In the Community of Christ, Your Pastor, Rev. Chris Scrivens CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CHURCH SCHOOL NEWS Lisa S. Burns, Director of Family Ministries As we continue through the Season of Lent, we will be re-living” Holy Week in Sunday School, starting March 1st. We will be using the Group curriculum “Walk With Jesus.” If it sounds familiar, it is! Last year, we followed in Jesus’ footsteps through Holy Week and it was such a meaningful, thought-provoking Unit that it bears repeating. The Christian Education Center will be transformed into Jerusalem and we invite EVERY church member to visit it during Lent. You will be able to start at Palm Sunday, enjoy the Last Supper, feel the anxiety in the Garden of Gethsemane, and then the joy at the resurrection! We invite you to experience Sunday School for all ages!!! 3 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION/FAMILY MINISTRIES/YOUTH FELLOWSHIPS Youth Fellowships March 7th – Junior Highs at 5:00 pm & Confirmation at 6:30 pm March 8th – BYG Coffee House from 5 - 7 pm March 14th – Youth Club beginning at 4 pm March 21st – Junior Highs at 5:00 pm & Confirmation at 6:30 pm March 22nd – Senior Highs (possible Insurgent movie outing!) beginning at 5 pm March 29th – Palm Sunday March 30 – April 3 – School Break April 5th – Easter / No regular Sunday School Vacation Bible School Although it’s only March, and Summer feels so far away…it’s time to start thinking about VBS!!! The dates are Monday, August 10th – Friday, August 14th and the theme is…Lifeway’s “Journey Off the Map!” Mark the dates now and we can’t wait until VBS arrives! The music is great (catchy, of course!), and the themes even better. Let Lisa know if you are available to lend a hand in any way! BYG WORK CAMP PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT Friday, March 13th 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Cost is $12 for first kid, $10 for each additional. Friends are always welcome to join so please pass it on! Each event will include games, crafts and a movie with popcorn and drinks for your children! Fun is had by all and you can enjoy a night out. 4 CHURCH LIFE WOMEN’S BREAKFAST PARISH LIFE Our next breakfast will be Saturday, March 7 beginning at 8 a.m. Come join us at the Chester Diner and enjoy warm friendship and delicious food ~ and bring a friend. If possible, please sign up in Fellowship Center or give us a call at the Church Office and we’ll add your name to the list so we can give an approximate count to the Diner. Thank you and hope to see you at Breakfast! On February 8, Parish Life sponsored a delicious Soup-er Soup Tasting. For all who made soups, please send the recipe to the Church Office or email it to the office so we can all duplicate (at least attempt) the favorites. There certainly were so many yummy choices! Coming up on March 15, Parish Life is planning an Irish Spud Fest following the Worship Service. There will be salad, dessert and of course, SPUDS ~ and different toppings to choose from, such as chili, cheese, sour cream, chives, etc. Please sign up in Fellowship Center, or call and we will put you on the list, so we have an idea of how many to plan for. Hope to see you then! ‘CULTURED PURLS’ ‘Cultured Purls’ will hold their next meeting Tuesday, March 3, beginning at 1 pm in the Fireplace Room at Community Presbyterian Church. (pray for good weather) SUNSHINE SQUAD Hope Hollenbeck and Teddie Hutter will be your hostesses. If you think you would like to join this group, please come or call Teddie Hutter at 908-8797890 for information. If you, or someone you know has chores or small projects that you can’t get done because of illness or some other incapacity, the SUNSHINE SQUAD is here to help! A group of us here at Community Presbyterian Church are volunteering our time one Saturday a month to lend a hand with some of these projects. PRAYER CHAIN With Spring on the way...soon we hope! there might be small things you would like cleaned up outdoors, or do you need some items put up in your attic or straightened out in your garage or basement? Messages for Prayer requests are handled by one person each month. This person is in charge of passing on all information to each of the prayer chain members. All you have to do is call Jeanne Perry at (908) 879-6269 and she will add you to the schedule. They usually do this the third Saturday of the month ~ watch bulletins for more info. For March please call Cindy Zimmer (908) 234-2559 or [email protected] We could really use more prayer chain volunteers ~ if interested, please contact the office or any volunteer. We are looking for jobs to do as well as volunteers to help us. This is a great way for teens to meet their service hour requirements! Give us a try and give yourself a break. 5 CHURCH LIFE & MISSION Scrip Card Order Placement 2015 SCRIP NOTE & REMINDER: Nancy Case usually takes orders for Scrip cards the second Sunday of each month and gift cards are delivered during the same week.** Some people have been taking advantage of this program for a few years now. There are many merchants that participate in the Scrip program so it’s also a good way to order special occasion gift cards. Scrip cards for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Promotions, Graduations, or . . . just because. See Nancy Case for specifics--- . ** PLEASE NOTE: Orders may be placed online and brought by the office. Payment must be made by cash or check (made out to CPC ~ PW) . Sign up for ShopWithScrip! It’s easy! 1. The enrollment code for CPC is L147FFF327421 2. Go to, and click on “Create Account.” 3. Fill in all required information and click “I Accept.” 4. Choose two challenge questions from the list and provide answers. The Deacons are continuing their Mini-Food Drive to help fill the Food baskets given out in time for Easter . Some needs are: Peanut Butter, jelly, canned fruits, tuna fish, boxed foods such as mac and cheese; canned dinners i.e. Ravioli, spaghettios. (Please ~ NO GLASS JARS); single-serve packets of oatmeal and cocoa. Donations can be placed in the trunk in Fellowship Center. Thank you. Boxes for donations of food and diapers are located to Fellowship Center. One of our deacons checks it weekly and takes the donations over to the pantry. Thank you in advance for your generosity. CHESTER FOOD PANTRY: Donations are always appreciated and gratefully accepted. If you would like to volunteer to spend 2-3 hours to help, or for any other reason, call Jackie at (908) 879-2548. FOOD - OF -THE - MONTH: PEANUT BUTTER BYG still recycling! We accept old GPS’, MP3 players, digital cameras or laptops as well as used ink cartridges & cell phones. Place recycling items in the boxes in Fellowship Center. Contact Christy Young, [email protected] or 908-310-6211 with any questions. YOUR PARISH NURSES: Suzanne Bailey, Marilyn Guerin, Hope LeFrancis, Nancy Pappas, and Betty Wright. Please feel free to contact anyone of them if they may be of assistance. 6 MARCH ANNIVERSARIES and BIRTHDAYS The following is a list of March Anniversaries and Birthdays according to our church records. If there are any additions or corrections, please let the church office know so that we able to update our files. THANK YOU! Anniversaries Donald and Carol Pfleger Marc and Faith Moffitt 3/15/53 3/27/99 Birthdays Tyler Babcock Jen Bergmann Bradley Ellmann Steven Lomelo Henry Jacobson Erin Farley Jennifer Nordmark Taylor Nordmark Matthew Paccione Richard LaClair Hope Hollenbeck Andrew Volante Bryan Hayes Adam Schuetz Ella Chomiak 3/01 3/01 3/02 3/02 3/03 3/04 3/04 3/04 3/04 3/06 3/08 3/08 3/10 3/11 3/13 Martha Smith Sage Tonnesen Marie Duryea Marylou Wynja Mary Robinson Judy Treutlein Stephen Gallo Heather Ronco John Durand Marilyn Guerin Mauricette Moffitt Ainsley Ronco Adam Sorchini Rick Adey Robin Chu 3/13 3/14 3/15 3/15 3/17 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/22 3/22 Andrew Fortunato 3/22 Katherine Fortunato 3/22 Kelly Hurley 3/22 Christina Yerdon 3/22 Kayleigh Yerdon 3/22 Teddy Yerdon 3/22 Lauren Stephens Scarfo 3/23 Amy LaClair 3/25 Kalee Green 3/26 P.J. Rundzieher, Jr. 3/27 Abigail Seel 3/27 Chris Hayes 3/28 Joseph Hutchinson 3/28 Luke Hutchinson 3/28 REMINDER: DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS on SUNDAY, MARCH 8 SO BE SURE TO YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR BEFORE GOING TO BED ON SATURDAY! Our Flower Calendar has lots of open dates. Flowers are supplied by Stony Hill Gardens, Route 24, Chester. Cost is $35/Sunday (or you may order a larger arrangement if you choose.) The Deacons will deliver them to one of our shut-ins or you may pick them up after the service. Checks can be made out to Community Presbyterian Church, and a note on memo line for flowers. Call the Church office and we will be happy to help you. 7 Easter Lilies and Tulips We are offering everyone the opportunity to purchase the traditional Easter Lily AND / OR a pot of Tulips for Easter Sunday Use this form to order and drop it in the offering plate, or bring / mail to the Church Office. Please make checks payable to Community Presbyterian Church. You may pick up your plant(s) after the last Worship Service on Easter Sunday or leave them for the Deacons for delivery to our sick and shut-ins. ______ Easter Lilies ordered at 10.25 ea. Total: $___________ ______ Pot(s) of Tulips ordered @ 13.25 ea. Total: $ ___________ Grand Total: $ ___________ In honor of: ______ and / or In memory of: _______ (please put below how you would like it to appear in bulletin) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Given by: Name/Names:___________________________________ Telephone Number: ____________________________________ _______ I will pick up my plant(s) following the 10:00 Service _______ I would like the Deacons to deliver my plant(s) to one of our sick or shut-ins DEADLINE for ordering is Wednesday, March 25th. 8 MARCH 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 4 5 9:00 Ch. School/ Adult Ed 9:15 Senior Choir 10:00 Worship/ Nurs. 11:00 Fellowship & Coffee 6:00 ESC/SATS 10:00 Al-Anon Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 10:00 Music Lessons 1:00 ‘Cultured Purls’ 10:30 Healthy Bones Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 8 9:00 Ch. School/ Adult Ed 9:15 Senior Choir 10:00 Worship/ Nurs. 11:00 Fellowship & Coffee Scrip Orders 5:00 Coffee House 6:30 ESC/SATS 5:30 Lifelong Fitness 7:15 Boy Scouts 6:00 Lifelong Fitness 7:30 Jubilee Ringers 7:30 Senior Choir 9 10 11 12 10:00 Al-Anon Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 10:00 50+ Club Music Lessons Presbytery Meeting Chatham Township 10:30 Healthy Bones Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 5:30 Lifelong Fitness 7:15 Boy Scouts 7:30 COUNCILS 15 16 9:00 Ch. School/ Adult Ed 9:15 Senior Choir 10:00 Worship/ Nurs. 11:00 Irish Spud Fest 10:00 Al-Anon 5:30 Lifelong Fitness 7:15 Boy Scouts 7:30 SESSION 6 7 8:00 Lifeline Screening 10:00 Al-Anon 8:00 Women’s Breakfast 8:30 Men’s Bible Study 5:00 Relay for Life 6:00 ESC/SAT 7:00 Book Club Sat 5:00 Junior Highs 6:30 Confirmation Class Turn Clocks Ahead one hour before bed 13 14 9:30 Beginners Mtg. 10:00 Al-Anon 8:30 Men’s Bible Study 4:00 Youth Club 7:00 Book Club 7:00 FP Bluegrass Fest. Mtg. 6:00 Lifelong Fitness 7:00 Girl Scout Ldrs. 7:30 Boy Scout Ccl. 7:30 Jubilee Ringers 7:30 Senior Choir 17 18 19 20 21 10:30 Healthy Bones Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 10:00 Al-Anon 8:30 Men’s Bible Study 7:00 Book Club 6:00 Lifelong Fitness 7:30 Jubilee Ringers 7:30 Senior Choir 7:00 PEO Magic Show 5:00 Junior Highs 6:30 Confirmation Class Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 10:00 Music Lessons 7:00 Boy Scout Adv. Workshop 6:00 Parents Night Out APRIL NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:00 Ch. School /Adult Ed 9:15 Senior Choir 10:00 Worship/ Nursery 11:00 Fellowship & Coffee 10:00 Al-Anon Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 10:00 50+ Club 10:00 Music Lessons 10:30 Healthy Bones Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 9:30 Beginners Mtg. 10:00 Al-Anon 8:30 Men’s Bible Study 9:30 Camera Club 5:00 Senior Highs 5:30 Lifelong Fitness 7:15 Boy Scouts 7:00 Book Club 29 30 31 PALM SUNDAY 9:00 Ch. School / Adult Ed 9:15 Senior Choir 10:00 Worship/ Nursery 11:00 Fellowship & Coffee 10:00 Al-Anon Midday Friendship 9:00 Aerobics 10:00 50+ Club 10:00 Music Lessons SCHOOLS CLOSED Deadline for ordering Lilies/Tulips 9 - 3 NP ‘Retreat’ 6:00 Lifelong Fitness 7:30 Jubilee Ringers 7:30 Senior Choir Communion Set-Up: March: Bart Case April: Flowers: Tom Perry, Paul Beam March: Carolyn Bearlepp April: Steve Huck and ALL DEACONS after EASTER SUNDAY 5:00 DEACONS ~ Baskets 7:15 Boy Scouts Food of the Month: Peanut Butter Prayer Chain Contact: Cindy Zimmer 7:00 Book Club 9 [email protected] or 908-234-2559
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