P O S T G R A D U AT E C L I N I C A 47 Year Old Man presenting with Upper Abdominal Pain and Splenomegaly Amulaya Mishra*, AK Agarwal**, RK Dudeja***, Ratnesh Singh Kanwar****, Santanu Borgohain*, Ashok Kumar***, Sumeet Singla**** Presentation of the case A 47 year old man, resident of Haryana, was hospitalised for evaluation of left upper abdominal pain which was present for about a fortnight. Abdominal pain was dull in nature, poorly localised, and accompanied with dragging sensation and heaviness in left hypochondrium but without any radiation to other parts of abdomen. The heaviness used to increase following intake of food, but no definite history of exacerbation of pain after meals could be elicited. He also gave history of decreased appetite and occasional episodes of vomiting. Vomitus usually contained food articles taken the previous night. There was no history of haematemesis, malena, or fever. He did not suffer from jaundice, tuberculosis, hypertension, or diabetes in the past. However, the patient did receive blood transfusion about 11 years back when he was hospitalised for head injury. He is a vegetarian, non-smoker, and non-alcoholic. On clinical examination he was fully conscious and oriented. Patient did not look in agony, lying comfortably in bed, and was of average built. Pulse was 72/minute regular and blood pressure was 130/90 mmHg. No pallor, cyanosis, icterus, pedal oedema, or lymphadenopathy was detected. JVP was normal. Chest examination: bilateral vesicular breath sounds with no accompaniments. CVS and CNS examinations were unremarkable. * Senior Resident ** Consultant in Medicine *** Senior Physician **** Postgraduate Student Department of Medicine, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi-110001 (India). Abdominal examination revealed hepatomegaly (2 cm, soft, and non-tender), splenomegaly (12 cm, firm in consistency, smooth surface, and mild tenderness), but no evidence of free fluid in peritoneal cavity. There were no visible/engorged veins, or scars over abdominal wall. The bowel sounds were neither decreased, nor increased. There was no rub over the splenic area. Primarily, our patient had significant splenomegaly and vague gastrointestinal complaints. Five general mechanisms may enlarge the spleen: (1) reactive proliferation of lymphoid cells, (2) infiltration by neoplastic cells or lipid laden macrophages, (3) extramedullary haematopoiesis, (4) proliferation of phagocytic cells, and (5) vascular congestion. Diseases may cause splenomegaly by one or by a combination of these mechanisms. The causes of massive splenomegaly (greater than 3,000 grams) are limited. The myelodysplastic disorders and malignant lymphoid disorders are the most common causes of chronic massive splenomegaly in non-tropical countries. Splenomegaly is common in tropical populations and may be due to malaria, leishmaniasis (Kalaazar), and other disorders. Spleen may also be markedly enlarged due to splenic vein hypertension (vascular congestion) in a large number of cases in our country. Chronic congestive splenomegaly (Banti’s Syndrome) is characterised by splenomegaly, pancytopenia, and gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to portal hypertension. The splenic vein hypertension is either due to intrahepatic disease (e.g., cirrhosis) or extrahepatic disease (such, as portal or splenic vein thrombosis). Symptoms may range from vague gastrointestinal complaints to catastrophic bleeding from oesophageal or gastric varices. Presence of ascites points towards the possibility of cirrhosis of liver. Splenomegaly can be present as an isolated finding on physical examination, can exist in association with a systemic disorder, or can be discovered as a consequence of the secondary haematologic effects of splenomegaly - the hypersplenism syndrome. Symptoms arising from splenomegaly may include pain from stretched capsule of an enlarged spleen, particularly acute enlargement, or shock from atraumatic rupture of a tense capsule. Evaluation of splenomegaly should include examination of the peripheral blood and frequently the bone marrow. In general, diagnostic tests are not performed on the spleen itself; they are oriented towards the diagnosis of disease states producing splenomegaly. Chest radiography, liver function tests, imaging modalities (eg., ultrasonography, CT abdomen, or MR imaging), liver biopsy, and a search for varices may reveal the aetiology of splenic enlargement. Evaluation for alcoholism and viral hepatitis markers is often helpful. When systemic symptoms accompany splenomegaly but no lymphadenopathy is appreciated, even a laparotomy with biopsies of liver, spleen, and lymph nodes is sometimes needed. In a significant number of cases, such a study may reveal presence of lymphoma, congestive splenomegaly, or inflammatory state. Relevant investigations were carried out at this stage, keeping in view the overall clinical picture. The results are shown in table 1. Portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is being increasingly identified as a cause of abdominal pain as a result of widespread use of ultrasound for assessing the cause of abdominal symptoms. With employment of such a practice, it has been found that the proportion of recent portal vein thromboses in cases of portal venous obstruction has risen from less than 30% to more than 60% in the last decade1,2. It is well known that pulsed doppler is a valuable supplement to real-time sonography for diagnosing this condition 3,4. Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 3 PVT may develop following abdominal trauma or intra-abdominal sepsis, or in association with cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. In the majority of cases, however, the cause is unknown. Hypercoagulable states may also be responsible for PVT. This is primarily a disease of children, although adults may also develop PVT. The diagnosis is suggested by the presence of portal hypertension in a patient with normal liver biopsy. The clinical features of recent PVT are generally non-specific and failure to diagnose this condition comprehensively and early may result in a delay in institution of effective treatment5. Extrahepatic portal venous obstruction (EHPVO) is an important cause of portal hypertension in our country. The spleno-portal axis obstruction, results either from only portal vein thrombosis or from the obliteration of the entire axis. In a study from PGI Chandigarh, the PVT with patent splenic vein was found in 66% of cases and total block in 29% of cases. Majority of Indian patients do not have a demonstrable underlying cause6, whereas an underlying cause is commonly found in patients from the West. In India, the most common clinical presentation is with upper gastrointestinal variceal bleeding, seen in about 90% of cases at presentation7. Our patient never gave history suggestive of upper gastrointestinal bleeding. The other clinical presentation is the awareness of lump in abdomen due to an enlarged spleen. The splenomegaly is usually less than 7 cm below the costal margin, in contrast to non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis patients, who have bigger spleen. In EHPVO only 18% of the patients were found to have spleen size more than 11 cm6. In the present case, spleen size was 12 cm below the costal margin. Though 10% of patients of PVT do not have haematemesis at presentation, diagnosed cases eventually go onto bleed within a mean period of 4 year8. Splenomegaly is seen in 75-100% of patients and a substantial number have mild hepatomegaly with abdominal tenderness. Ascites is rare2. July-September 2001 163 Table I : Investigations during initial work up. Investigations Results Haemogram Haemoglobin TLC DLC ESR Peripheral smear 12 gm%; 13.6 gm%; 13.3 gm%. 16,600/cmm; 20,000/cmm, 16,500/cmm P83, L12 M2 E3; P89 L11 M0 E0; P84 L10 M0 E6 25 mm 1st hr (Westergren) No malarial parasites seen, neutrophils show shift to the left, platelets adequate. 5.43 x 106/cmm. 4,96,000/cmm 2.0% 79 µm3 25.9 pg/cell 32.7 gm/dL 41.3% RBCs count Platelets count Reticulocytes count MCV MCH MCHC PCV Urinalysis Albumin: traces, Sugar: nil, 4-6 pus cells and 0-1 granular cast per hpf. Urine culture and sensitivity Sterile culture Biochemical laboratory investigations Random blood sugar 73 mg%, blood urea 38 mg%, Serum creatinine 1.0 mg%, serum Na+ 145 mEq/L, serum K+ 4.4 mEq/L, total serum bilirubin 0.3 mg/dL (direct 0.1, indirect 0.2 mg/dL), SGOT 51 U/L, SGPT 46 U/L, alkaline phosphatase 267 µ/L. Bone marrow aspiration Mixed reaction, predominantly normoblastic, myeloid series of cells show normal mutation, abundant functioning megakaryocytes, no parasites seen. WNL NAD Chest skiagram ECG Ultrasonography upper abdomen Moderate splenomegaly with linear tubular mass in main portal vein and its branches, liver echotexture normal. Pulsed doppler scan Portal vein dilated with echogenic material inside the lumen with lack of flow inside. Evidence of peripheral collateral flow within the epigastrium, features suggestive of portal vein thrombosis with collaterals (Figure 1). Our patient having evidence of portal vein thrombosis with collaterals was subjected to further investigations to know the extent of thrombosis and its exact cause, if any. The results are shown in table II. Following above investigative evaluation it was evident that the patient had symptomatic spleno- 164 mesenteric – portal venous thrombosis. Splenic infarction and gastric varices could also be demonstrated. No underlying cause for PVT causing extrahepatic portal venous obstruction could be demonstrated in our case. During hospital stay his symptoms got aggravated. Abdominal pain increased in intensity and became troublesome. Patient complained of mild fever Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 3 July-September 2001 (37.6 to 37.8°C) and vomitings were more frequent. Appropriate antimicrobials, anticoagulation therapy with low molecular heparin alongwith oral anticoagulant (warfarin), and symptomatic treatment was initiated. Low molecular heparin was discontinued within one week. There was definite improvement in the overall clinical condition of the patient within 10 days of anticoagulation therapy. He was eager to go home and resume his work. Therefore, further evaluation to identify recanalisation could not be possible. But, he was continued on warfarin even after discharge from hospital. During follow up, the dose of warfarin was adjusted according to prothrombin time to achieve INR of about 3. He remained asymptomatic upto 4 months following discharge from hospital on oral anticoagulation. Patient was also prescribed low dose propranolol (20 mg three times a day). At this point of time he was asked to attend gastroenterology department of AIIMS, Delhi for further management. He has not reported back since then. Fig. 1 : Pulsed Doppler Scan Discussion The diagnosis of spleno-portal and mesenteric venous thrombosis is difficult to establish. History and physical findings are non-specific, consequently correct diagnosis and adequate treatment may often be delayed with a major risk of intestinal infarction. The angiographic, CT, and sonographic diagnoses Table II : Further investigations. Investigations Results Prothrombin time 16 seconds, control 15 seconds Bleeding time 1 minute 40 seconds Clotting time 5 minutes Protein C 78.40 percent (Ref. range 70.00-140.00 percent) Protein S 68.99 percent (Ref. range 70.00-123.00 percent) Antithrombin III 88.00 percent (Ref. range 80.00-120.00 percent) Antiphospholipid antibodies Negative Hepatitis markers Hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B surface antibody, and hepatitis C virus antibody were all negative. ELISA for HIV I and II Non-reactive. Upper GI endoscopy Normal oesophagus, stomach shows 2 small variceal tags in fundus. Contrast enhanced CT abdomen Suggestive of hepatomegaly with thrombosis of main portal vein, splenic vein, and extension into superior mesenteric vein with splenic infarct and left sided pleural effusion (Figure 2 to 5). Essentially normal histology. Liver biopsy Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 3 July-September 2001 165 Fig. 2 : Section of CECT showing portal vein thrombosis with collaterals at porta and splenomegly. of portal venous thrombosis have been known. IV contrast enhancement, particularly with rapid sequence scanning, is essential for the CT diagnosis of PVT9. MR is a valuable tool for imaging PVT. The portal vein, its right and left branches, and its splenic and superior mesenteric tributaries are easier to see with MR than with either CT or sonography. Furthermore, thrombosis of these vessels and associated portal venous collaterals can be detected with greater sensitivity by MR than by CT or sonography10. But MR may fail to detect calcification within a chronic, retracted thrombus. Another limitation of MR in the diagnosis of PT is the slow-flow-enhancement artifact, which is more likely to occur in patients with portal hypertension. Splenoportovenography is seldom needed nowadays except for demonstration of natural/spontaneous shunts11 and in better demonstration of shuntable veins for surgery. The presence of a primary upper abdominal venous thrombosis should stimulate extensive search for hypercoagulable states. Hypercoagulability encompasses two clinical situations, the presence of laboratory abnormalities or clinical conditions, such as cancer, abdominal infections, pregnancy, or the postoperative period (particularly splenectomy in 166 Fig. 3 : This section shows portal vein thrombosis with thrombus extending into major branches with splenomegaly and hypodensity (intarction) at periphery, and hilar splenic collaterals due to thrombus. patients with a platelet disorder)12,13. The primary hypercoagulable states include: antihrombin III deficiency, protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, disorders of fibrinolytic system, dysfibrinogenaemia, factor XII deficiency, and lupus anticoagulant12. When mesenteric venous thrombosis complicates such a situation, there are chances of bowel infarction in about 50% of cases 14 . Clinical presentation of mesenteric venous thrombosis, as in our case, is often of a subacute nature with history of abdominal pain, low grade pyrexia, and leukocytosis. Signs of hypovolaemia may be evident, but shock is rare unless intestinal infarction has occurred. Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and less frequently, changes in bowel habits, haematemesis, and malena may be present14,15. In our case, extension of thrombosis to splenic vein resulted in splenic infarction which also contributed to the overall clinical picture. It has been observed that many morphological and epidemiological features are common to noncirrhotic portal fibrosis (NCPF) and extrahepatic portal - splenic venous obstruction (EHPSO). Though hepatic lesions in EHPSO are much less frequent and milder than in NCPF16. For reasons Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 3 July-September 2001 Fig. 4 : CECT revealing PVT, splenic vein thrombosis, and splenomegaly with displacement of left kidney inferioly. as yet not determined, the portal venous system both in its intrahepatic and extrahepatic course seems to be susceptible to the development of thrombosis and the location of thrombi determines the establishment of either NCPF or EHPSO, conditions which present with sustained portal hypertension. In EHPSO, there is early development of symptoms; while in NCPF, the onset of portal hypertension is late. Primary myeloproliferative disorders in a full-blown or latent form, or at an early stage - are a major cause of portal vein thrombosis. Latent primary myeloproliferative disorders, in which the abnormalities of peripheral blood are absent, can be specifically recognised by the spontaneous formation of erythroid colonies in cultures of bone marrow progenitor cells17. The present case should have been investigated on these lines also. We feel that for the management of portal or mesenteric vein thrombosis, the guidelines proposed by Valla D (1999) are worth following: “(i) imaging investigation for portal vein thrombosis in patients presenting with abdominal pain; (ii) immediate anticoagulation therapy in patients with recent portal or mesenteric vein thrombosis until re-permeation or for 6 months; (iii) exhaustive investigation of both local and systemic causes of venous thrombosis; (iv) prevention of first or recurrent bleeding in patients Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 3 Fig. 5 : This section shows left pleural effusion with splenic hypodensity due to splenic infarction. with gastric or oesophageal varices using pharmacological and/or endoscopic therapy as recommended for patients who are in good condition but have cirrhosis; (v) permanent anticoagulation for patients in whom a prothrombotic disorder has been documented or is strongly suspected because of personal or familial history of recurrent thrombosis”. In patients of PVT, receiving anticoagulation, no increase in risk of or the severity of gastrointestinal bleeding has been found2. Splenectomy may be curative particularly if isolated splenic vein thrombosis is detected. The surgical management of PVT patients may be difficult because of the absence of a patent vein to use for making a portal - systemic shunt. If mesenteric vein thrombosis is the main source of symptoms, following initial supportive care to stabilize the patient’s condition, an operation may be performed to resect infarcted or severely ischaemic bowel. Reconstructive venous surgery is not generally possible. Anticoagulation, in postoperative period is recommended except in patients who have underlying disease processes that would make this too hazardous. Acknowledgements : The authors are grateful to Dr. CP Singh, the Medical Superintendent of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi for permission to publish this case. Special thanks are July-September 2001 167 extended to the radiodiagnosis department of the institution, particularly to Dr. BKS Chauhan, Consultant and Head of this Department. References 1. Valla D. Portal vein thrombosis and prothrombotic disorders. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999; 14: 1051-2. 2. Condat B, Valla D, Erlinger S. Acute portal venous thrombosis: Characteristics and outcome. Hepatology 1998; 28: 455A. 3. Weltin G, Taylor KJW, Carter AR, Taylor CR. Duplex Doppler: Identification of cavernous transformation of portal vein. AJR 1985; 144: 999-1001. 4. Miller VE, Berland LL. Pulsed Doppler duplex sonography and CT of portal vein thrombosis. AJR 1985; 145: 73-6. 5. Yang YY, Chan CC, Wang SS et al. Portal vein thrombosis associated with hereditary protein C deficiency. A report of 2 cases. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999; 14: 1119-23. 6. Dilawari JB, Chawla YK. Extrahepatic portal venous obstruction in India. Gut 1988; 29: 554-5. 7. Koshy A, Bhasin DK, Kapur KK. 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For details please contact : Prof. S Dwivedi / Prof. KK Sharma Conference Secretariat, Department of Medicine B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal. Tel. : 977-25-25555 Ext. 2048/2052, Fax : 977-25-20251, E-mail : [email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/ Website : www.bpkihs.edu 168 Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine Vol. 2, No. 3 July-September 2001
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