St. Mary’s Cathedral, Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation will take place from 1 p.m. on Friday, March 27th until 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 28th. This is our way of showing solidarity with an initiative of the Holy See called 24 Hours for the Lord, which, in Rome, will take place on March 13th and 14th. If you are in the Kingston area on March 27th28th, you are invited to join with others at St. Mary’s Cathedral for this special time of adoration and reconciliation Organ Scholarships for Parish Musicians The Archdiocese of Kingston sponsors annually The Sister Emily Doherty, CND Organ Scholarship. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2015 613 548 4461 Marriage Preparation Course Spring 2015 Central Deanery St. Paul the Apostle, Kingston Friday evening/Saturday April 17 & 18, 2015 Northern Deanery St. John High School, Perth Friday evening/Saturday April 17 &18, 2015 For details see Archdiocese website or contact office 613 389-8222 If you are getting married in the Catholic Church the Marriage Preparation Course is required. As always, contact your local parish priest as well. Married Couples: Give each other the gift of time together and rediscover the depth of your love through a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend May 22-24, 2015 in Mississauga, ON info/register: Gerard & Marge McCauley 905 792 1925 St. Patrick Day Luncheon at St. John the Apostle Parish, 88 Patrick St, Kingston Tuesday, March 17th 11am-2pm $5 soup/sandwich/desserts Human Rights Defender from Colombia Visits Archdiocese to Promote ShareLent Campaign. Development and Peace welcomes missionary priest Fr. Jesus Alberto Franco from Colombia on March 19th and 20th for two public events. Join us to learn how your donations to the ShareLent campaign are helping to change lives in Colombia. Fr. Franco has defended the rights of the indigenous, peasant farmers and afro-Colombian peoples for over twenty years. He has received multiple death threats for his courageous work on behalf of the poor. Mar 19 – Holy Rosary Parish, Belleville 7pm and March 20 - Providence Motherhouse, Kingston 7pm. For more information contact Susan Kennedy: [email protected] Archbishop O’Brien and the clergy of the Archdiocese will celebrate the Mass of Chrism at St. Mary’s Cathedral, on Tuesday, 31 March, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. This Mass is a manifestation of the communion of the clergy with their Archbishop; and, at this celebration, all priests and deacons will renew their ordination promises. Everyone is called to pray for our clergy that they may remain faithful ministers of Christ. In addition, at this Mass, the oils used for the Sacramental life of the Church will be blessed by Archbishop O’Brien and distributed to each Parish and Institution in our Archdiocese. A reception will follow at École Cathédrale. All are warmly encouraged to participate in this special celebration. Scott Woods – Fiddling in the key of eh? Live Show at Trinity United, Napanee Sunday, April 19th 7pm Adults $25. Child $10 supporting Seniors Outreach Services. Tickets 613 354 6668 x 0 [email protected] New Evangelization Summit: On April 24/25, 2015 hear 8 world-class Catholic speakers on the New Evangelization – including Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley & Dr. Ralph Martin. The NES has been designed to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. The conference will be in Ottawa. Cost is $125. Register now at For travel to Ottawa contact Caitlin Fitzpatrick at 613-766-1246 or [email protected] March 15th , 2015 4th Sunday of Lent th nd Mass Schedule for Week: March 15 -22 : Saturday, March 14 5:15 p.m. Claude Morin Sunday, March 15 9:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish 10:30 a.m. Deceased Members of Finn Family Monday, March 16 9:00 a.m. Gwen Donohue Tuesday, March 17 9:20 a.m. Rosary School attends 9:45 a.m. Gus Gaffney Wednesday, March 18 8:20 a.m. Rosary 8:40 a.m.Liturgy of the Hours 9:00 a.m. Joan Hinch Thursday, March 19 9:00 a.m. Vince Clair Friday, March 20 9:00 a.m. Vince McKenny Throughout Lent Stations of the Cross following Friday Morning Mass Saturday, March 21 5:15 p.m. Joseph Celestini Sunday, March 22 9:00 a.m. Living & Deceased Members of Catholic Women’s League 10:30 a.m. Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Parish Rosary Weekdays at 8:40 a.m. & Wednesdays Liturgy of the Hours 8:40 a.m. Thursdays - Chaplet to Divine Mercy at 9:30 a.m. Children’s Liturgy SUNDAY 9:00 a.m. Mass Resumes March 29 Amber Carrigan & Megan Whalen Liturgical Ministers Date Time Readers Extra Ordinary Minister Greeters/Ushers Pat Elliott & Ron Kidd Sat. Mar 21 5:15 p.m. Amber Carrigan 9:00 a.m Maria Stebelsky John & Shirley Holtz Sun. Mar 22 10:30 a.m. Chris Pickles Shelley & Patrick Kennelly There will be communion under one species only due to cold and flu season Upcoming Meetings & Events Thurs Mar 26 11am March 26 6pm Tues March 31 7:30pm Fri Apr 3 12noon School Mass @JJ O’Neill School st Parish Lenten Confessions & 1 Reconciliation Candidates Mass of Chrism at St. Mary’s Cathedral Seven Last Words-Newman House @St. Mary’s Cathedral JJ church St. Marys St. Marys Please Remember the Sick in Your Prayers: Sam Pelletier, Kay Clynch, Leon Perrault, Marie McNeill, Vera Dixon, Anne Genovese, Arlene Hannah, Patricia Clarke, Stephen Fung, Kevin Rottger, Sr. Margaret McNeil, Doug Dowling, Amalia Lim, Mike McGrath, Melody Clair, Reg Daley, Courtney Veley, Barb Lunman, Charlotte Wilson, Nora Pierce, B.J. Ketcheson, Mary Follett, Bill Kimmett, Kevin Kimmett, Amanda Desrosier, Jane O’Donnell, Kathy Veley, Alford Daley, Norah Paquin, John Dowling, Jesse Wansborough, Fern Joyner, Wally Maletych, Mary Cassidy, Ruth Speed, Nadine McNeill, Jim Bird, Jennifer Fillmore, Kim Calver Switzer, Irene Whalen, Glen Dowling,Twin Babies Callie & Cayden Reid, Patricia van Langenhove,Julie McCaugherty, Cathy Deley and Carmel Joyce. If you wish to add or remove the name of a person asking for our prayers in the weekly bulletin, please inform the parish office by calling (613)354-5354. Sunday Offering Collections: The Collection for Sunday, March 8 Thank you for your generous support of our parish. th Project Rachel Post-abortion healing and reconciliation A Journey of hope and inner peace. Private and confidential experience. All who lives have been affected by abortion are welcome. You are not alone. We can help. Take the first step 416 629 8264 [email protected] Next retreat for women May 22-24, 2015 The National Catholic Mission 2015 “Beware the Holy Spirit” will be broadcast on VISIONTV on Monday, March 30th at 6pm and Tuesday, March 31st at 6pm and repeated at 10pm each night. It will be hosted by Fr. Pat Fizpatrick and feature Spiritan Fr. Anthony Gittins. M ay Jo sep h ’s exam p le t each u s t o b e m o re lo yal, t ru st in g an d o b ed ien t , h o n o u rin g o u r co m m it m en t s t o Go d an d o t h ers w it h grace an d lo ve. St . Jo sep h b e o u r gu id e. CEMETERY BOARD NOTICE **The Cemetery Board is preparing to expand the cemetery due to the diminishing number of available spaces. We are looking for persons within the parish who would be interested in tendering bids to level and do basic landscaping in the new area of the cemetery. Please contact the Parish Office with your information. The Board will contact you with additional information and requirements. We are looking to begin the project in the next couple of months. TRIP to Poland with our Fr. Marek Sept 11th -23rd 2015 13 day trip to Poland estimated cost $2800. Inclusive (meals/flights/accom/addmissions) limited to 15-25 persons. Contact Fr. Marek ASAP to reserve your space. School News “The influence of a good teacher can never be erased” Next School Mass: Thurs March 26th at the school at 11:00 a.m. First Reconciliation: Thursday, March 26th 6:00pm at St. Patrick’s Church First Communion: Sunday, April 26th 12:00 noon at St. Patrick’s Church. JJ O’NEILL SCHOOL CHOIR at Mass April 25, May 9 & June 6 Early Diagnostic Report Cards were distributed to high school students on March 12, 2015. Parent Teacher interviews are available. Please contact your school for details. Catholic Education Week Awards, ALCDSB Each year the community is invited to nominate students, staff and community members that contribute to Catholic Education. ALCDSB is accepting nominations. click on Catholic Education Week. CWL Development Day is April 11th at St. Paul the Apostle, Kingston 10:30am The theme is “Understanding Feathers of Hope”. Main speaker is Dr. Marlene Brant Castellano, a Mohawk from the Bay of Quinte Band and Professor Emeritus of Trent University. She is part of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples and her expertise is in Ethics. In 2005 she was named an Officer of the Order of Canada. And she is coming to speak to the Catholic Women of our Diocese. was $1,753.00 st Cornerstone Christian Academy’s Annual “Sweets & Treats” Fundraiser Friday, April 24th at the Strathcona Paper Center, Napanee 6pm. Live and silent auction items. Dessert buffet for all. Tickets $7.00 each in advance $10 at the door. Call 613 354 2354 for tickets. YOU ARE INVITED! St. Patrick’s Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Cape Shrine, Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec (including St. Joseph’s Oratory, Montreal), Monday June 1 through Wednesday June 3, 2015. Cost: $345/single; $295pp/double; $290pp/triple. Includes transportation, accommodation, most meals, admissions to sites, and abundant blessings! Contact Alphonse & Laura Poitras, 613-354-7643, [email protected], or go to our Parish website for details and registration form: Payment must be st received by April 1 to reserve your spot. Reserve early as space is limited. Food Bank Sunday is the 1 Sunday of each month. Repent and believe in the good news. MASS STIPENDS: $20.00 for an announced Mass (high) and $10.00 for a Low Mass Weddings: $300.00, Funerals: $200.00, Baptisms: Freewill Donation Baptisms: 2nd Sunday of each month during the 10:30 a.m. Mass (course required) Cemetery: All inquiries/requests in regard to St. Patrick’s Cemetery are to be made directly to the parish office. If you would like church envelopes please contact office. Adoration Intentions: March 18/19- For a dynamic Catholic School System with dedicated, practicing staff. Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving NEW READERS/GREETERS/COMMUNION ASST SCHEDULE READY Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be. Laughter to cheer you, Faithful friends near you and whenever you pray Heaven to hear you! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Wh at d o yo u d o w h en yo u f eel t r ap p ed ? Do yo u so m et im es f eel as t h o u g h lif e is sim p ly o n e en d less lo o p o f t ap e, t h at yo u live each d ay b asically as yo u lived t h e last an d t h at t o m o r r o w w ill b e lit t le d if f er en t f r o m t o d ay? Ar e yo u in a p h ysical o r m en t al o r sp ir it u al r u t o r m ayb e all t h r ee? Well, jo in t h e clu b . In case yo u m ay t h in k t h is is a n ew p sych o lo g ical co n d it io n o f lif e in t h e lat e t w en t iet h cen t u r y, Nico d em u s, an in t r ig u in g Bib le ch ar act er f r o m t h e New Test am en t , f aced so m e o f t h e sam e h u r d les. Nico d em u s d id n o t kn o w h o w t o b r eak o u t o f h is r it u alist ic lif e t h at w as m akin g h im sp ir it u ally em p t y. Th en , o n e even in g , h e so u g h t o u t t h is Jesu s t h at ever yo n e h ad b een t alkin g ab o u t . Jesu s t o ld Nico d em u s t o ch an g e, t o b e b o r n ag ain . Yo u can b e b o r n ag ain , t o o , an d b eg in t o live a lif e o f jo y, exp ect at io n , an d ab u n d an ce. Go d lo ved t h e w o r ld an d yo u so m u ch t h at He w as w illin g t o g ive u s Ch r ist . All yo u n eed d o is accep t Him . Th at can g et yo u o u t o f t h e t ap e-lo o p an d o n w it h yo u r lif e.
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