D Undersea Systems Update CAPT Steve Harrison PEO IWS 5.0 The Defense Innovation Marketplace and new efforts to advance technology in the DoD Mr. Jaymie Durnan OSD ASD (R&E) Undersea Constellation Mr. George Galdorisi SSC Pacific Undersea Constellation: Integrating the Air-Sea Battle through Comms at Depth Mr. Mark Mukanos and CAPT Ed Anderson SPAWAR PMW 770. Undersea Integration Program Office D Call to Order Mr. Paul Rosbolt Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. Technical Committee Chairman T F A R Call to Order Dr. Bob Zarnich Metron, Inc. Deputy Technical Committee Chair Call to Order Mr. Eric Holmes Leidos Technical Committee Chairman Mine Warfare Pt. Loma Room Wanted: Mine Warfare Champion Dr. Scott Truver Gryphon Technologies D PEO IWS 5A Advanced Development Update Mr. Peter Scala PEO IWS 5A Call to Order Mr. Jose Rio Rite Solutions Technical Committee Chairman Undersea Sensors Skyline Room A USNORTHCOM Maritime Homeland Defense Mine Countermeasures Capability Requirements Mr. Tom Griffin NORAD - USNORTHCOM J8 Mine Warfare Requirements for the Near-term, Mid-Term, and Far-Term LtCol Fred McElman and Dr. Ed Ebinger OPNAV N952, Expeditionary Warfare Division Broadband Flexural Disc Projector Array Technology Mr. Timothy Rorick Ultra Electronics-USSI Maritime Surveillance Systems Tomorrow and Future a Perspective from PMS -485 The Navy’s IUSS CAPT Andrew Wilde, Mr. Vic Popik, Mr. William Traganza, and Ms. Susan LaShomb MSS PEO SUB/PMS485 T F RA 0835 Combat Systems/ Warfighter Performance Skyline Room B Undersea Warfare Vehicles San Diego Room LDUUV Life Cycle Analysis Mr. Eugene Paulo, LT Amanda Towey, USN, RADM Rick Williams, USN, (Ret.), and Mr. Dan Nussbaum Naval Postgraduate School, Systems Engineering Department PMS 406 Program Update and Opportunities/Challenges for U.S. Navy Unmanned Maritime Systems Mr. Todd Tompkins Unmanned Maritime Systems (PMS 406) Call to Order Mr. Tom Ruzic Newport News Shipbuilding Technical Committee Chairman T F A R 0805 NAVAIR MPRA ASW Programs CAPT Matt Tobler NAVAIR PMA-264 0800 Call to Order Mr. Glen Sharpe Lockheed Martin Technical Committee Chairman C4I Harbor Lounge D 0735 0730 Aviaton USW Nimitz Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 JOINT UNDERSEA WARFARE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ADMIRAL KIDD CONFERENCE CENTER TECHNICAL SESSION AGENDA T F RA Undersea Distributed Networks - An Enabler for the Air-Sea Battle Mr. William Traganza, Ms. Susan LaShomb, and Mr. Joshua Henson PEO SUBS PMS 485 C4I Harbor Lounge Theater ASW Kill Chain Integrated Capability Package Mr. Fred McMullen NUWC Combat Systems/ Warfighter Performance Skyline Room B D D Basic Undersea Integrated Layered Display (U) Mr. Bill Lear, Mr. Eric Jones, and Mr. Ian Byrnes Booz Allen Hamilton Establishing an ASW Cloud for Assured and Reliable Access Mr. Matthew Fisher Progeny Systems Corporation 1105 Advances in Internet Protocol Networking for Naval Tactical Environments Mr. Mark Mitchiner Cisco Systems, Inc T F RA 1035 Extending Live Integrated Air ASW Training to In-Port Ships and Shore-Based Trainers Mr. Mike Wood NUWC T F A R Shallow Water Surveillance System (SWSS): Status and Future plans Mr. John Curtis PEO SUB Detachment San Diego, Maritime Surveillance North America Undersea Surveillance (NAUS) Capability Requirements Mr. Tom Griffin NORAD - USNORTHCOM J8 Break Standoff Aerial Quickstrike Mine Demonstration in Valiant Shield 14 Mr. Joseph Root USPACOM J81 Comparing Legacy and Future Systems in Mine Warfare (MIW) Missions Mr. Paul Beery, Mr. Eugene Paulo, and RADM Rick Williams, USN (Ret.) Naval Postgraduate School Break Periscope Detection for Torpedo Defense Mr. Dave Oliver and Mr. Robert Smarrelli Ultra-3 Phoenix, Inc. Large Area Deep Ocean ASW with Unmanned Active Sonar Nodes Mr. Michael Palmieri, Mr. Ernest Stickels, and Mr. Greg Skarda Applied Sciences Corp. Bringing Workload Reduction and Automation Improvements to IUSS Ms. Allison Cline JHU/APL Break State of MIW and Fleet Requirements Panel (Part 2) CAPT Robert Gonzales, CDR Elliott Donald, Ms. Emily Medina and Mr. Richard Kimmel Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command T F RA Break Future Underwater Surveillance Systems Sensors Mr. Tracey Fischer TAF Associates, Inc. Undersea Sensors Skyline Room A Bio-Inspiration in Undersea Vehicle Design: Solutions for Near-Shore Access Mr. Jason Geder and Dr. Ravi Ramamurti Naval Research Laboratory Silent Nemo: Providing Access and Maneuver with Next Generation AUV Development Mr. Michael Rufo Boston Engineering Break Characterizing ORP Acoustic Performance via Large Scale Vehicle Testing Mr. Christopher Lowe and Dr. Nicholas Stowe Huntington Ingalls Industries Countering the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Threat Dr. Alan M Lytle, CAPT, USN (Ret), CAPT Robert Barton, Ph.D., CDR Joseph Root, and Mr. Craig Sheldon ONR Undersea Warfare Vehicles San Diego Room T F A R 1005 Break Battlespace Exploitation of Mixed Reality: Implications of a Shared Synthetic Environment for Improved Decision-Making and Human Performance Mr. Jeff Waters, Mr. Arne Odland, and Mr. Bruce Plutchak SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific D Cooperative Operations for Common Undersea Picture Ms. Michelle Vagle and Mr. Robert Wagoner Raytheon State of MIW and Fleet Requirements Panel (Part 1) CAPT Robert Gonzales, CDR Elliott Donald, Ms. Emily Medina and Mr. Richard Kimmel Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command Mine Warfare Pt. Loma Room D 0935 Dynamic Adaptive Ping Scheduling for Monostatic Active Sonar Systems in Convergence Zone Environments Dr. Cherry Wakayama SSC-Pac 0905 A Low Observable USV Approach to Persistent ASW Surviellance Mr. Victor Richardson Ultra Electronics 3 Phoenix Aviaton USW Nimitz Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 JOINT UNDERSEA WARFARE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ADMIRAL KIDD CONFERENCE CENTER TECHNICAL SESSION AGENDA D Lunch D IWS5 Tactical Control Update Mr. Peter Scala PEO IWS5A Advances in Internet Protocol Networking for Naval Tactical Environments Mr. Mark Mitchiner Cisco Systems, Inc. 1335 Advanced Weapons Enhanced by Submarine UAS against Mobile Targets (AWESUM) JCTD Update Mr. Peter Harrigan, NUWC; Mr. Gregory Vandiver, U.S. Pacific Command T F RA Capabilities and PMS 425 Update Technologies to Enable Adam Sipp Submarine Roles in the Air- PEO SUBS Sea Battle Mr. Michael Brawner General Dynamics Electric Boat Undersea Weapons Program Office (PMS 404) Program Update CAPT David Ogburn Undersea Weapons Program Office (PMS 404) Structural Acoustics Based Detection and Classification Techniques for Surface Combatant Sonars Dr. Zachary Waters and Dr. Brian Houston Naval Research Laboratory Lunch Advanced Undersea Weapon System Tactical Positioning and Fire Control Enabling Capability Product Overview Dr. Gregory Garcia Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division Lunch Payloads for Single – Sortie Mine Countermeasures Mr. John Dudinsky Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division NAVSEA/ONR Unmanned Technology Initiatives for Mine Warfare and Maritime Security Dr. Daniel Sternlicht and Dr. Kerry W Commander Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division Call to Order Mr. Eric Holmes Leidos Technical Committee Chairman Environmentally Corrected Matched Filter Mr. H. John Camin Penn State ARL Multisensor Multitarget Data Association for Maritime Situational Awareness with Passive Sonar Arrays Dr. Joseph Edwards and Mr. Paul Ryu MIT Lincoln Lab. Call to Order Mr. Jose Rio Rite Solutions Technical Committee Chairman T F RA 1305 P-8A Technology Roadmap Mr. Dan Flynn NAVAIR PMA-290 Call to Order Mr. Paul Rosbolt Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. Technical Committee Chairman T F A R Call to Order Dr. Bob Zarnich Metron, Inc. Deputy Technical Committee Chair Undersea Warfare Vehicles San Diego Room Undersea Sensors Skyline Room A Mine Warfare Pt. Loma Room Broadband HWT Torpedo Sonar for Expanding ASW & ASuW Capabilities Dr. Adam Mirkin and Mr. Stephen Plunkett Naval Undersea Warfare Center PMS415 Program Update CAPT Moises Deltoro Undersea Defensive Warfare Systems Program Office (PMS 415) Call to Order Dr. Paul Temple NUWCDIVNPT Session Chair USW Vehicles Tech Committee, Working Lunch Tom Ruzic Newport News Shipbuilding Technical Committee Chairman T F A R 1300 Call to Order Mr. Glen Sharpe Lockheed Martin Technical Committee Chairman Deep Water Surveillance System (DWSS): Status and Future plans Mr. John Curtis PEO SUB Detachment San Diego, Maritime Surveillance Combat Systems/ Warfighter Performance Skyline Room B D Lunch Cloud Computing Technologies within the ASW Community Mr. Frederick Burkley NUWC Division Newport RI C4I Harbor Lounge D 1205 Lunch 1135 MH-60 Helicopter USW Update CAPT Craig Grubb NAVAIR PMA-299 Aviaton USW Nimitz Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 JOINT UNDERSEA WARFARE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ADMIRAL KIDD CONFERENCE CENTER TECHNICAL SESSION AGENDA Combat Systems/ Warfighter Performance Skyline Room B SSBN Combat System Modernization; Maintaining America’s First-Strike Deterrent Mr. Ron Murdock Progeny Systems Corporation C4I Harbor Lounge Traffic Prioritization Aligned with Commander’s Intent Mr. Matthew Fisher, Mr. Guy Shepherd, and Mr. Philip Willemann Progeny Systems Corporation D Joint Watch Section Task Analysis (WSTA) of Multi-Platform ASW System Effectiveness and Commonality in a Theater ASW Scenario Mr. Brendan Gotowka, Mr. William Lewis, Mr. Thomas Roy, and Mrs. Catherine Frazier The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labor D Undersea Optical Communications Systems for High Bandwidth Data Transfer Mr. Michael Fry, Mr. Marshall Betit, and Mr. Terry Hammann Newport News Shipbuilding T F RA Break Operator-System Interaction in a Multiplatform Simulated Theater ASW Event: Surveillance Engineering Measurements Program Analysis of the AxB Watch Section Task Analysis Dr. Catherine Frazier, Mr. Brendan Gotowka, and Mr. William Lewis Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Break T F A R 1530 Integrated Warfighting Capabilities (IWC)Air Anti-Submarine Warfare (Air ASW) Mission Area Team Overview Ms. Adrienne Broadnax NAVAIRSYSCOM - IWC ASW MAT Upgrading the Navy’s Principle Mine Hunting System Mr. Rob Pohland Northrop Grumman Break Development and Fielding of the Mobile Anti-Submarine Training Target Mr. Joshua Lappen NUWC Keyport, San Diego Detachment Terahertz Imaging NDT&E for Navy Surface Ship Applications Dr. Patric Lockhart, Mr. Matthew Sheehan, and Mr. Tim Tenopir NUWC NPT Ambient Noise Forecasting with a Large Aperture Acoustic Array Dr. Jeffrey Rogers and Dr. Steven Means NRL Break Development of an Extended Range Low Probability of Intercept Radar for the Air-Sea Battle LT Owen Brooks, Prof Philip Pace, Prof Ric Romero, and Prof Dave Jenn Naval Postgraduate School Verification of Autonomous Systems: How Can We Trust Robots? Mr. Andrew Bouchard and Dr. Richard Tatum NSWC Panama City Break Heterogeneous Autonomous Mobile Maritime Expeditionary Robots Dr. Vladimir Djapic, Dr. Anthony Jones, and Mr. George Galdorisi SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific T F A R 1505 Break Undersea Warfare Vehicles San Diego Room Undersea Sensors Skyline Room A T F RA Innovative Mine Countermeasure Payloads for Increased Functionality and Capability Mr. Terry Miller, Advanced Accoustic Concepts; Mr. Dennis Wilson, Energetic Materials & Products, Inc. D Distributed Mobile Electronic Logging: Leveraging the Power of Technology for Manual Data Collection Ms. Amy Bayes and Ms. Ann Gossard The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labor Reduction of Mission Timeline by Improving Destructor Localization Accuracy on the Airborne Mine Neutralization System (AMNS) Dr. Marcos Sastre-Cordova Raytheon Company Mine Warfare Pt. Loma Room D 1435 An Effective Solution to High Altitude Sonobuoy Deployment Mr. David Hammond and Mr. Stephen Ziegenfuss Navmar Applied Sciences Corp. 1405 Sonobuoy Field Handover Challenges and Enhancement Considerations Mr. Howard Ebersman and Mr. Ray Nupp Ultra Electronics/Flightline Systems Aviaton USW Nimitz Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 JOINT UNDERSEA WARFARE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ADMIRAL KIDD CONFERENCE CENTER TECHNICAL SESSION AGENDA SHARC TAIL Near RealTime Acoustic Detection Demonstrations Mr. Stephen Plunkett and Mr. Robert Gilbert Naval Undersea Warfare Center Continuous Active Sonar (CAS) At Sea Test Results Mr. John Dumler Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Side Scan Sonar Processing Improvements Mr. David Lechner The MITRE Corp. The Wave Glider Acoustic Sentinel: Persistent Passive Acoustic Detection and Vessel Categorization for Fisheries, Law Enforcement, and Security Applications Mr. Brian Rehmer, Mr. Kyle Pattison, and Mr. Peter Lestrange Ultra Electronics - USSI Operational Unmanned Undersea Vehicles in Direct Support of Persistent Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment Mr. Kim Koehler, Ms. Debra Quigley, Mr. Michael Bendzlowicz, and Mr. Ken Grembowicz Vencore, Inc. Optimizing Deep Water Acoustic Communications from an Unmanned Surface Vehicle CAPT Don Jagoe, USN (Ret), Mr. Joe Borden, and Mr. Justin Manley Liquid Robotics Using Autonomy to Intelligently Bridge the AirWater Interface Mr. Andrew Bouchard NSWC Panama City (X22) D T F RA Adjourn D 1700 Adjourn T F A R Adjourn D Adjourn Autonomous Persistent Undersea Power Source Mr. David MacCulloch and Mr. Steven Oxholm L-3 Communications, Advanced Programs Adjourn Adjourn Surface Charging Hybrid LDUUVs: CONOPS and Powering Studies Mr. Paul Bruhn and Mr. Jonathan Peters Penn State Applied Research Lab Improving Mission Performance with MEMS-based Attitude Heading Reference Systems Dr. Marcos Sastre-Cordova and Mr. Henrik Casservik Raytheon Material Identification Reflectivity Kernel (MIRK): A New Approach to USW Target Discrimination RADM John Pearson, USN (Ret) Prometheus Inc. T F RA In Mission Auto Target Recognition CDR Tom Reynolds, USN (Ret.) Hydroid, Inc. T F A R 1730 Undersea Warfare Vehicles San Diego Room Undersea Sensors Skyline Room A Mine Warfare Pt. Loma Room Combat Systems/ Warfighter Performance Skyline Room B C4I Harbor Lounge D 1630 Compact Rapid Attack Weapon (CRAW): Capabilities and Air ASW Applications Ms. Amy Blake and Mr. Michael Gustafson Penn State ARL 1600 JDAM for High Altitude ASW and MIW CDR Michael Szczerbinski, LCDR Jeffrey Webb, Mr. Joseph Sweeney III, and Mr. Donald Brutzman U.S. Navy Post Graduate School Aviaton USW Nimitz Room WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 JOINT UNDERSEA WARFARE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ADMIRAL KIDD CONFERENCE CENTER TECHNICAL SESSION AGENDA
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