Suffolk University Law School-Summer 2015 Financial Aid Application Students requesting Federal Direct Loans for summer programs are required to complete this form in addition to the 2015-2016 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) – please see Summer Financial Aid Application Process information on our website. To allow timely processing of your application and to facilitate the registration process, the application should be submitted by April 1st. Half-time enrollment is required to be eligible for financial aid. Half-time enrollment at the law school is a minimum of three credits. Joint degree students enrolled in only university credits must be enrolled in at least six (6) credits to be considered half-time. Please do not complete this form until you have determined how many credits you will be enrolling for during the summer. General Information ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name Suffolk ID Number _____________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number Suffolk Email Address Grad Date Did you receive financial aid for summer courses/programs in 2014? (Circle one): Yes No Are you applying for Summer Federal Work Study for summer 2015? (Circle one): Yes No Student Program Information Circle the program in which you are enrolled: JD/Day JD/Evening LLM Joint Degree ____________________________ (Indicate: MBA, MPA, MSIE, MSCJ, or MSF) Summer Course Information Check and complete all that apply. Course Summer Program: Number Suffolk Boston C.I.L.S. International Internship Suffolk Sweden Visiting another school* (see reverse) Number of Law Credits: Number of University Credits: Start Date End Date _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Other________________________________________________ STUDENTS MUST NOTIFY THE OFFICE OF FINANCIAL AID IN WRITING OF ANY CHANGES IN ENROLLMENT STATUS MADE AT ANY TIME, INCLUDING TO CREDITS AND PROGRAM. For Office Use only RGN____SPRO____AIDE-13____CRI____ISIR____FASI-14____AIDE-14____FMF____ITR____INOW____ Read and sign reverse → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → 2015 Summer Financial Aid Application *Visiting Another School Suffolk Law students visiting another school must be enrolled at least half-time as determined by the host institution. Please note that the Office of Financial Aid requires students visiting another school to submit the following additional information prior to receiving an aid award: Copy of acceptance letter from host institution Letter of good standing from Suffolk University Law School Dean of Students granting permission to attend the host institution Consortium Agreement completed by host institution (can be printed from our website and sent to host institution) Federal Direct Loan Information Eligible students will be awarded the Federal Direct Stafford Loan. Students who have borrowed the annual maximum for Direct Stafford Loans or who have summer costs in excess of the Stafford Loan are eligible to borrow a Direct Graduate PLUS Loan for summer. To apply, please visit and select ‘Complete PLUS Request Process.’ The loan period must be for summer only and the requested loan amount should include only the funds you wish to borrow for summer. Students will also need to apply separately for PLUS loan funds for each of the fall and spring semesters. If you wish to decline or reduce a loan amount, please use the form on our website titled ‘Request for Decrease of Federal Loan.’ Student Disclosure Statement and Signature I certify that the information contained in this application is true and complete. I will notify the Office of Financial Aid in writing of any change in my family’s financial status. If I have questions about summer financial aid and my eligibility, I will consult with the Office of Financial Aid. I understand: 1. If it is determined that I am not making satisfactory academic progress after the spring semester, my summer financial aid will be revoked even if it has already been disbursed to my student account and I have received a refund. I understand that I would be responsible for any resulting balance due. 2. I must be enrolled at least half-time to receive a loan for summer school. 3. I must notify the Office of Financial Aid in writing with any changes in enrollment status. 4. Grant funds are not available for summer classes. 5. If visiting another school or studying abroad, the Office of Financial Aid cannot guarantee my loan proceeds will be available to me before I leave for my program. 6. If I receive Summer Federal Work Study or other types of financial assistance, my summer financial aid may be reduced and I may have a summer balance due to Suffolk University. 7. If I receive federal loans and I withdraw from a summer class after the class begins, the Office of Financial Aid may be required to recalculate my federal loan eligibility. If I withdraw from my summer program once the semester has begun, I will be assessed tuition liability as stated by the Office of the Bursar and my federal loan eligibility will be recalculated in accordance with federal regulations. This could result in an outstanding tuition balance owed to Suffolk University. Student Signature Suffolk University Law School Office of Financial Aid Date Revised: 3/11/2015 G:/LFA Forms/2015 Summer Aid Application 120 Tremont Street, Boston MA 02108 Tel 617.573.8147 [email protected] Fax 617.305.3216
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