ISBN 978-0- £5.00 DK DARTS The Point of Coaching 2015 Catalogue e Dar ts al efinitiv T he D hing Manu Coac thway to success Manual Coaching England Central h ious coac to run the s helping wledge as a prev tive and rma kno It is info use his game. players. improve their t darts to L wishing anyone dge CED teri Ian Gut Your pa id Kirby Dav k This boo way nged the rts has cha about Da I think Caven ... Jamie 40-54-7 -1-9075 ISBN: 978 Paperback: 70 pages Publisher: Anchor Print Ltd 2nd edition (13 Jan 2012) ISBN-10: 1907540547 ISBN-13: 978-1-9075405-4-7 UK Price: £5.00 The Definitive Darts Coaching Manual: Your Pathway to Success The Definitive Darts Coaching Manual is aimed at players of all levels and those wishing to help within the darts world. It is based upon proven coaching principles used in many other competitive sports. The book works with the player developing an ability to think about and analyse all aspects of their game. It is not an easy fix. The whole principle is based on the reader being able to embrace the ideas, perhaps challenge a few and then implement a structured plan. Hopefully most players and readers would benefit from a journey though the chapters of this comprehensive dartscoaching manual. g Ess Dartin ys g Essa Dartin ique ing Crit Darts rs in the A Coach r six yea words about for ove Darting Essays que ing Criti A Coach ique Darting Essays: A Coaching Critique ng Crit Coachi ays A id a few wn Dav d to say I have kno very please ut David. I am few abo arena. series, k and a k in this this boo first boo opportunity to of the the ase in short rele reader written author After the g gives the topics erin this coaching ory of this off nce to range of k at the hist t experie tha enjoy a loo en you naged to use ays. Wh ma ng. eable ess that he has nce and coachi manag iety surprising dart performa l in a var Do it is not of high leve onaspects d at a Tae Kw has at me ce explain for For s and has per Royal Air Ultra run road race t David are tha ented the ed in many miles) I am aw and has repres ably compet hton (55 ws has been has rts Brig He spo to g. of e Walkin ous London alism David sho fam and Rac sion ted the y and profes comple nt book. tenacit r excelle twice. The in to anothe converted By David Kirby This book will give you information on how you could: lker Jim Wats Tour Player PDC Dar 988-0-8 -0-9574 ISBN 978 Kirby Increase the number of 180’s you hit Dramatically improve your finishing Boost your confidence at the Oche By David • • • All this information is available in short manageable chapters £5.00 Kata Daratl Art Routines ok in the ond bo The sec series Paperback: 88 pages Publisher: DK DARTS 1st edition (14 Jan 2013) ISBN-10: 0957498802 ISBN-13: 978-0-9574988-0-8 UK Price: £5.00 Marti r Darts fo ng series. the It offers unique. , is truly xity. Each routine yer in comple enables the pla e and he gam rt to this spo te rou as follow the nge in your and e tim cha r l see a step you wil est coachi Dart Kata – Martial Art Routines for Darts The third book in the serie s 99 R.R.P. £4. Paperback: 75 pages Publisher: DK DARTS (22 November 2013) ISBN-10: 0957498829 ISBN-13: 978-0-9574988-2-2 UK Price: £4.99 Much now has been written about coaching and helping dart players. All this is extremely useful in your development. This book though is about you and your own advancement. It will allow you the time to work by yourself and concentrate on getting your game to a near perfect stage. “Dart Kata’ which is book 3 out of 5, is truly unique. It offers the reader a series of routines that build in complexity. Each routine focuses on an important aspect of the game and enables the player to strengthen their whole approach to this sport.”… ay The W Ey e See The Ga me y The Wa The Way Eye See The Game – The Jamie Caven Story Story Caven A biography around Jamie Caven’s dart career to date and a look at the issues he has had to overcome, on his journey into the professional game of darts. It covers Jamie’s career from his first ever league game at the age of 13 where he averaged 85, through to his World junior title at 17 and includes his many wins on the professional tour. All this has been achieved from a backdrop of diabetes and blindness in one of his eyes. This is truly a remarkable story centred on a wonderful individual and should serve to inspire all of us involved in the world of darts. ie The Jam we years and beating 6 or 7 him ba for re including wn Jab and mo I have knoe tough battles the pro tour, Crawley in Derby on to win 6-5 had som final in out 154 me in a taking me ly recent his eye of 2012. k about at the end thin see do not e when you o him you is an issu to anybody wh against d k there Playing not thin an inspiration will understan would is you to his n as you his game. He ge and he gets due dvanta situatio s roach and or a disa es the reward his app lth problem erv des He has a hea h this book. oche. oug thr the this alism on profession me The Ga The Eye See a me The G e See ay E y Stor y The W Ja m ie Caven have Lewis. n ampio ‘Jackpot’ Adrian World Darts Ch times Two ie By Jam Kirby & David Caven -1-5 574988 -0-9 ISBN 978 50 Years s of 50 Year Darts Night Friday ay Night of Frid Darts es ster Trad the Leice story of The Hi ague Darts Le ry of the The Histo s Trades Dart Leicester League de Steve An ISBN 74988-3-9 978-0-95 ts DK Dar Kirby David Paperback: 110 pages Publisher: DK DARTS (4 December 2013) ISBN-10: 0957498837 ISBN-13: 978-0-9574988-3-9 UK Price: £5.00 Ja mie ie Caven C av en Story id & Dav K ir by Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: DK DARTS (23 April 2013) ISBN-10: 0957498810 ISBN-13: 978-0-9574988-1-5 UK Price: £6.99 £6.99 cester the Lei ware of d-1970s while the mi tone. After ets l C at Wh departmenta erin the int g Pete Lay s atin (be the Ga n to join m s asked ode. The tea I Go n. by Mick the Gle ly m fro g playin re were certain the and l, l Capel tered Wa siasm t encoun ; his enthu gue d to ng the lea not diminishe first en I and has e as wh Pan of sam Peter ks the ely the s definit s today: l friend Calow are stil n league y) Byrne, Sta t I am nn for tha hn (Bu and rs I , a few later yea n but Wal. In ll, who was ally eci rra esp to Colin Me privileged n the late bee yers I have able pla layers ompar inc h suc gainst too early). 50 years rson The Jam 50 Years of Friday Night Darts This is an historical look at the Leicester Trades Darts League, a format that has been running since 1959. The book is a dedication to one man, Wal Capell who has been instrumental in running the league for over 50 years and stills runs a team in the league as well as playing himself. The reader will be treated to pages of results painstakingly collected from 1959 to the present day. As you read through the book you will be able to learn about players who have gone on to the highest level in darts. The book also features a massive variety of playing venues, usually works social clubs and long forgotten public houses. An enjoyable journey through half a century of darts, right at the grass root level of the game. England gue Darts Lea 574 988 Central Kirby David -4-6 ts DK Dar 978 -0-9 £5.00 ory of the This book is an in depth look at the Central England Darts League, including the history, characters and the array of players who have participated over the years. The league has seen such players as Jamie Caven, Ricky Sudale, Prakash Jiwa, Tony Littleton, Steve Hine, Jim Walker and Kelvin Clarke amongst many to have competed in this league. This is a success story as the league continues to grow and expand to other venues. The book explains the format in detail that has allowed this league to become so popular with the players. Packed with pictures and results, this book makes a worthwhile addition to your literary collection. The Hist The History of the Central England Darts League r gue, afte rts Lea bly gland Da has considera tral En und 7, The Cen ction in 199 of darts aro e Th odu years. its intr standard past 16 sed from ed the improv rea over the inc re shi 100 has around Leicester I remember year, to e won the as league ers in its first in hts. I hav 15 memb two week nig t unbeaten run r mie ges over the have the lon sts a Pre now boa nced PDC also es and e CEDL erie e three tim 72 matches. Th s have all exp tteridg CEDL Ian Gu petitor ing, , being Open. beginn e the league ere its ten com n in the UK the m hav fro itio , wh , they league League major compet members ped the to the d televise Saville develo ow committee I am grateful of my and Lee the help of fell ganised team. a major part h y well-or for being . and wit into a verDarts League player evolved nd al darts fession l Engla Centra ent into a pro developm the tory of ue The His d Darts Leag nglan E al tr Cen Paperback: 80 pages Publisher: DK DARTS (20 December 2013) ISBN-10: 0957498845 ISBN-13: 978-0-9574988-4-6 UK Price: £5.00 Get in Touch We are always happy to answer your questions. Please contact us on: Email: [email protected] Follow us on Twitter Facebook Order from: Amazon On Line retailers All books available as kindle editions New for 2015 Keep it Sweet Please The Science of Finishing
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