www.u3a.org.uk www.u3asouthampton.org.uk Southampton Newsletter No 116 March 2015 Registered Charity No. 1057642 Next edition May 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The February walk took us along the shoreline of the river Hamble and into Holly Hill Country Park where we met donkeys, alpacas and even fed some ducks - you're never too old! Lesley Blatherwick 1 Janet Sheaf is our new Chair Greetings from Janet I am so pleased to be writing as Chair of Southampton U3A. In January you received a letter outlining the shortfall in volunteers for the coming year, particularly for the committee. It is great to be able to report that we had an excellent response, not just for the committee but also people volunteering to help in support roles or offering their help if we were really desperate. Members of the new committee are listed below and you will realise that just two members have remained in the same position, Hazel and Chris. Some tasks are being shared and some are being undertaken by a team of members. Please bear with us whilst we get established in our new roles! We still need volunteers to help with arranging social events and to assist in various roles at the meetings. Please talk to the relevant people to find out more. In the newsletter you will find details of two ‘firsts’ for our U3A – a trip to Woodmill Activities Centre to sample archery and orienteering and an opportunity to try out geo-caching. It will be the first time for the organisers of these events –I do hope you will be able to support them. At the AGM, before electing the committee for 2015/16, we listened to the Chairman’s report and the text is attached to this newsletter. We then received the Treasurer’s report and were pleased to learn that Southampton U3A continues to be in a healthy financial state. As a consequence the annual membership fee will remain at £20. Following the AGM we were very fortunate to have a short talk from John Attenborough from the Mission to Seafarers. It was so interesting to learn what happens behind the doors of a building that I have driven past so often. After the meeting a number of members suggested that we should adopt the Mission to Seafarers Southampton as our charity for the year and the Committee were unanimous in supporting this suggestion. I do hope we will be as generous in supporting the Mission to Seafarers as we have been in our contributions to the Hampshire and IoW Air Ambulance over the last year. I would like to thank the four members of the Committee who completed their terms of office in February for all that they have done on behalf of Southampton U3A. First, thanks go to Ann Martin who has kept our records so efficiently and welcomed new members in such a friendly, supportive manner. Secondly, thanks to David Davies who has helped to establish over fifteen new groups during the past three years and has provided a venue for several groups. Then thanks to Pat Ings for organising such a varied, interesting programme of talks at general meetings and then stepping in to manage the social fund account. Last, but by no means least, our thanks to Wendy Tuppenney. During the last three years as Chairman she has been involved in so many activities, attending every general meeting, instigating new ventures and representing our U3A at civic and network events. She certainly will be a hard act to follow! Thankfully all four members will continue to be actively involved in Southampton U3A. Janet Sheaf Members In addition to our usual practice of welcoming new members we will also acknowledge members we have been notified of who have passed away since our last newsletter. We are pleased to welcome new members Muriel Edmonds, Ann Fenner, Thi Diep Page, and Jennifer Cox. We are also sorry to have lost………………no notifications. 2 U3A Committee Members and Contact Information Chair Janet Sheaf Secretary Treasurer Sheila Centola Christine Baker Assistant Treasurer Marcia Buswell Membership Administrator Catherine Brown Membership Secretary Margaret Raff Newsletter / Vice Chair Hazel Beaumont Groups Co-ordinator Ruth Mayes Minutes Secretary Chris Robinson Committee Support Social Events Team Regina Marszal Marcia Buswell Paul Isted Elizabeth Streatfield Groups Support Mair Thomas Meetings Support Team Reggie Marszal Wendy Tuppenney Mary Gunn Margaret Dudley Pat Ings Mair Thomas Webmaster AV/IT Co-ordinator Examiner of Accounts Paul Brown John Graham Ian Scott 3 Membership On April 1st the subscription for the renewal of your membership is due and a new membership card will be issued. The renewal letter and membership form are attached. Please complete the form, even if you have set up a standing order, and return it to the Membership Administrator. Please make sure you have your new card with you when you attend groups and general meetings. This will ensure that all attending are bona fide members. Renewals can be done at General Meetings or by sending the form, with cheque if appropriate, to Catherine, remembering to enclose an SAE. On the membership renewal form you are asked to sign that you agree to the terms and conditions of membership. One of these terms is that you ‘abide by the principles of the U3A’. In case you are querying what these are, the Vision and Mission Statement from Third Age Matters, which includes these principles, is reprinted on page 14 of this newsletter. Contact Membership Administrator Catherine Brown You may have noticed from the committee list that as well as Catherine we have Margaret Raff, the Membership Secretary, who will be particularly involved with new members. U3A National Summer Schools 13th – 16th July Places are still available for the following courses, Harper Adams University, Shropshire. Creative Writing, Film History, France, Mathematics, Philosophy/Literature, Practical Theatre Project. 17th – 20th August Royal Agricultural University, Cirencester. Garden Design, La Bella Italia, Literature, Music, Scandinavian Noir, Science, Singing. National Events 23rd March Royal Institute. Annual U3A Explores Science meeting in Mayfair. Cost £20pp. Fascinating line-up of speakers, with an optional Royal Institute Heritage talk. 22nd April Royal Opera House, Thurrock. Design and production workshops. Cost £18pp. 11am – 3.30pm 28th April U3A Spring Concert at Temple Church, London. Cost £18pp Time 3pm Further information / booking forms from National Office as available. [email protected] www.u3a.org.uk (events page of the members’ area) 020 8466 6139 Notices are in Third Age Matters magazine. 4 Southampton University Lifelong Learning Programme is now well under way. The next study days are: 7th March 22nd March 25th April 16th May 30th May Cave Art and Archaeology Jewish/non Jewish Relations Hampshire and Gallipoli Big Bang World War 1 The days run from 10am – 4pm at the Avenue Campus. U3A members pay a reduced fee of £25 which includes refreshments and buffet style lunch. For further information Contact [email protected] 023 8059 7261 Leaflets on the study days and the evening course programme are available at general meetings or access the website. Unfortunately we have not been able to organise a discount for the evening courses this year. University Research Sarah Muskett, a fourth year environmental science undergraduate is carrying out a research project into the uses and values Southampton’s public green spaces have for older residents. The project will particularly focus on how green spaces can benefit both physical and mental well-being. She is keen to meet with small groups for a short, informal discussion. Could she join your group for 20 or 30 minutes at the start or end of your meeting? If your group is able to help Sarah please contact Janet Sheaf for more information. U3A Badges These are on sale at general meetings, members have found that wearing one on holiday is a great ice-breaker! Cost £1.00 each. Last Chance for Diaries for 2015 I have a few diaries still available, as U3A members always seem so busy a diary seems an essential item, and this one is particularly good value, Cost £2.00 each, if bought in person at a general meeting. Or by post, by ordering from Chris, including a cheque made payable to Southampton U3A for £2.75, to cover post and packing. Contact Chris Baker, our treasurer. Soaring to new heights Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Air Ambulance was a popular choice as our nominated charity last year. Together we raised the magnificent sum of £2007.15 The Chief Executive of HIOWAA asked that I pass on ‘all our good wishes’ to U3A members and ‘thank you so much for your generosity’. Wendy Tuppenney 5 Diary Dates General Meetings Meetings Support Team This year a small team will co-ordinate the bits which will hopefully keep the monthly meetings running as smoothly as ever. The team members are Reggie Marszal, Mary Gunn, Pat Ings, Mair Thomas, Margaret Dudley and Wendy Tuppenney. To suggest speakers or topics for future meetings please contact Reggie To offer help as a meeter/greeter, or a tea maker please contact Wendy Our General Meetings are held at St James Road Methodist Church, Shirley, SO15 5HE on the first Tuesday of the month commencing at 2.00pm (The doors will be open from 1.30pm). Tea and coffee are available with an opportunity to meet up with other members and also to sign up for social events, theatre and garden trips etc. Visitors are welcome at a cost of £1 per meeting. 3rd March Experiences of a Documentary Cameraman Richard Edwards Richard has been a cameraman in UK television for over 30 years. He has many stories from filming the "O'Shea's Big Adventure" for Ch4 - Discovery. This includes capture and handling of the worlds most venomous and dangerous snakes and reptiles. The talk will be punctuated by a variety of exciting incidents he has found himself in over the years. Meet and Greet Tea Makers 7th April Julia Brown, Derek Brown, Jean Monday Bridget Groom, Mair Thomas, Hilary Baldwin. Silk Stockings and Spitfires John Smith This is the story of the women pilots who flew for the Air Transport Auxiliary in WW2. They were civilians who were given officer status and were expected to deliver every type of aircraft in service with the RAF wherever they were needed, in the UK or Europe. 5th May Meet and Greet Pam Martin, Judith Palmer, Wendy Tuppenney Tea makers Pamela Block, Adam Block, Helen Evans Living with Jane Richard Tanner A gardener's view of the life and times of Jane Austen. 2nd June Meet and Greet Wendy Tuppenney, Bob Beaumont, Julie Baker Tea makers Jim Blatherwick, Lesley Blatherwick, Mair Thomas Our speaker will be from Solent Sky Museum It is the showcase of history in aviation in Southampton and the Solent area. It tells the story of 26 aircraft companies, the largest flying boat operation and the legendary Spitfire designed by RJ Mitchell. 6 Sunday Lunch From June 2015, Mary Gunn (023 8052 8647) will be the main contact for Sunday Lunches. The Sunday lunch project was started by Joy Griffiths in 2006 and has thrived. We are lucky to have so many good venues within 10 – 15 miles of Southampton. ‘I would like to thank all those regular (and occasional!) Sunday lunchers who have made the lunches enjoyable, and especially those who have helped me by arranging them. I am sure everyone will continue to support Mary in the same way. I am sure we all thank her for taking this on, and wish her well. Joy Griffiths.’ The Sunday lunch group is open to all members and lifts can be arranged if required. Lunches are usually booked for 12.30pm. As usual, please phone the contact at least 5 days before the lunch. 1st March Seafayre Lounge, at BodySound gym, Trafalgar Close (off School Lane), Chandlers Ford Please note - this lunch is booked 1pm for 1.30pm 12th April Regginnas, Botley Please note – because of Easter this is not the usual first Sunday contact Ann Lucas 3rd May Green Dragon, Brook contact Joy Griffiths contact Mary Gunn Jazz Appreciation Group There are regular ‘Jazz in the Evenings’ gigs at The Talking Heads, 8.00pm – 11.00pm. 3rd Tuesday traditional New Orleans jazz with the Solent City Jazzmen Southampton Jazz Club gigs 21st April The Manusa Project th Under Milk Wood 12 May 16th June Southampton Jazz Youth Orchestra plus guest The jazz appreciation group is open to all members. Contacts David Davies Val Perry Indoor Games The indoor games group continues to meet on the second Thursday of the month, usually at The View, the Sports Centre. The next meetings are 12th March 1.30pm – 3.30pm 9th April 1.30pm – 3.30pm New members are most welcome. For more details Contact Janet Sheaf 7 Bus Hoppers – Let The Train Take The Strain Owing to the lack of county wide bus services we are finding it more difficult to find new destinations for our bus hops. Consequently I have suggested that we make use of the trains to add a bit of spice to life. There will be costs incurred with this but, as the train services offer discounts for groups of four or more, these can be kept to a minimum. The first trip is planned for April to Chichester. There are also trips to Bournemouth, Christchurch, the Isle of Wight (using the ferry) and the New Forest via a ‘Hopper’ bus, plus numerous other ideas in the pipeline. But I do need volunteers to help organize and operate these days out. Everyone who volunteers will receive back up and no one will be thrown in at the deep end!!! Anyone who feels that they could help with this should contact me on any of the numbers listed below, or speak to me at the March meeting. I intend to hold a meeting at approx. 10.30 on Monday 16.th March at 196 Kathleen Road, Sholing (on the Red 3 bus route). I will be available with details as to how to get there at the March meeting. Contact Judy Hodges Tuesday 14th April - Chichester Train Hop Catch the 10.33am train from Southampton Central to Chichester. Group save price £8.80 return but we must travel as a group on the same train there and back. If we have enough response we may be able to split into smaller groups and organize our return travel accordingly. Members wishing to join the Train Hop must be at the station by 10.15am to organize the tickets. Further details will be available at the April general meeting but the above date and time is set. Booking by e-mail or 1st April from 9.00am by telephone, or in person at the April meeting. Contact Judy Hodges 8 Strollers Group Strollers meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 11.00 am. Members who want to go on a stroll and also want a pub lunch should give the Stroll Leader four days’ notice, i.e. the previous Friday. Members who contact the Stroll Leader later than the Friday (in most cases) can attend the stroll, but personal catering is solely their own responsibility! Please Note: Bring your mobile phone and give your number to the Stroll Leader. 10th March Lepe Beach David Davies Please phone or email, to sign-up by 6th March at the latest. 14th April Victoria Country Park, Netley Val Fox Ann Fithyan Please phone or email, to sign-up by 10th April at the latest. 12th May Lyndhurst, New Forest Please phone to sign-up by 8th May at the latest. Helen Evans If unable to contact the stroll leader, please contact David Davies Walking Group Many of the walkers are already aware that Lesley and Jim are relinquishing the leadership of the Walking Group from the end of March. The organisation will be taken over by Brian and Angela Eldridge and John and Carmen Northcott and we are sure all U3A members who join us on the second Tuesday of every month for fresh air, exercise and a good blether will continue to give them all their support. Lesley and Jim Blatherwick. Walks are in the pipeline for the next few months and details are as follows, the usual arrangements apply, just contact the walk leader at least three days before to be included and get final details. 10th March Corhampton Lesley & Jim Blatherwick 14th April TBA Wendy Tuppenney Janet Coulson 12th May TBA Pam Martin Ann Gosden U3A Geocaching Event - Tuesday 21st April Interested in finding out about geocaching? You are warmly invited to an event on the morning of Tuesday April 21st. During a gentle 4 mile walk near Morestead we will search for 12 different geocaches. No prior knowledge, expertise or equipment is required and anyone from novice to expert is welcome to join in. After the walk we will go to The Bridge at Shawford for lunch. Contact Terry Martin Numbers are limited to 10, and we will try and go in two cars due to limited parking at the start of the walk. 9 Gardens Garden talks and visits normally take place on the fourth Tuesday of the month and are open to all U3A members. If you wish to go, please contact one of the organisers by the weekend just before the visit and they will give you all the details. 24th March Talk by Gareth Manning at St James Road Methodist Church. “The Garden at West Green House” www.nationaltrust.org.uk/west-green-house Gareth is a horticulturist and head gardener at West Green House, Hartley Wintney and will give a digital presentation on this delightful garden. Time: Doors open at 1.30pm and the talk will start at 2.00pm Cost: Tickets cost £2 -00 and will be available at the general meeting or you can telephone to reserve one. Contacts: Becky Lonergan Monica Cornforth 28th April Hanging Baskets and Containers at Choice Plants, Stockbridge Road, Timsbury Time: Mr Roger Savage, owner of the nursery, will give a talk and planting demonstration starting at 10.30am. Poppies cafe will be open for coffee before the talk and for lunch afterwards. If you are likely to want coffee or lunch please let us know at the time of booking so we can inform the cafe of numbers. Cost: £2 for Choice Plants’ nominated charity for the talk. Coffee and lunch at your own expense. Contacts: Janet Coulson Wendy Tuppenney 26th May The Island, Greatbridge, Romsey SO51 0HP The garden covers 6 acres on either side of the River Test. We last visited in October 2012 and it will be interesting to see it in a different season. Time: 10.30am Cost: £6 to include coffee and biscuits. Contacts: Betty Jones Marian Cavell 10 Network Event Good Living, Prevention is better than cure Southampton District Network is putting on a morning about Healthy living. When Thursday 12th March Where St James Methodist Church There is no charge for this event. Places are strictly limited to 12 members from each participating U3A, including Southampton. Applications close on Thursday 26th February. 9.30am 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.45 12.15 1.00pm Registration and coffee With a prompt start at 10.00am. Coping with life’s changes Nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle Coffee and information share Muscles matter – use them or lose them Slips, trips and falls – prevention or damage limitation Lunch of sandwiches and fruit It is hoped to have a DVD available of the event. Contact Wendy Tuppenney Ann Carpenter Lymington U3A Study Day 2015 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.30 Britain’s maritime trade in the Age of Sail Friday 20th March 2015 Lymington Community Centre, Fuller & McLellan Hall When Where 09.30-10.00 10.00-11.00 ‘They live by trade’ Registration Southampton: A maritime town Maria Newbery, Curator of Maritime & Local Collections, Southampton City Council Refreshments Naval convoys: The defence of trade is the defence of the realm Dr Helen Paul, University of Southampton 12.30-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.00 15.00-15.45 The East India Company: The company that changed the world Dr John McAleer, University of Southampton Speakers Question Time 15.45-16.00 Thanks and Farewell Registration Fee U3A Members £8.00 *Guests of Members: £10.00 *Please note that only one guest per member can be accommodated. Refreshments at 11am are included in your fee. A Cafe or Restaurant for lunch can be found in the Community Centre or nearby. For further information please Contact Mrs Janet Norton 11 Supporting our nominated charity, The Mission to Seafarers www.missiontoseafarers.org ‘The world’s merchant seafarers are an invisible workforce of 1.5 million on whom we all rely. The Mission to Seafarers is entirely dependent on voluntary donations. Thanks to the amazing efforts of our supporters we are able to be there when seafarers need us most.’ Our AGM was followed by an interesting talk from the Port Chaplain, John Attenborough which included an appeal for knitted hats, gloves and scarfs. These are given to merchant seamen who are often from hot countries and do not have these items to keep themselves warm. Are any members able to contribute to this worthy cause and possibly liaise with the charity? Or even form a small group with an occasional social meeting? Contact Hazel Beaumont Social Programme The social events team are Regina Marszal, Marcia Buswell, Paul Isted, Elizabeth Streatfield. Please check your diary before booking and, if you later find you are unable to attend, cancel as soon as possible. Trips which cost £10 or over must be paid for by cheque, cash will not be accepted. Tuesday 21st April, 11.00am Chawton House Library www.chawtonhouse.org A tour of Chawton House Library, which is set in the home and working estate of Jane Austen's brother and is the centre of a unique collection of books focusing on women's writing in English during the period 1600 - 1830. Cost £11.50 minimum of 10 people, maximum of 40. Booking Contact Opens on 3rd March, by phone from 9.00am til noon, and continues at the general meeting. Reggie Marszal Try Something New and Different! Archery and Orienteering Where When Cost 27th April or 8th May Woodmill Activity Centre, Woodmill Lane, Southampton, SO18 2JR www.woodmill.co.uk 1.00pm – 4.00pm £7 per person, with a maximum of 12 people at each session There will be an introductory talk then a chance to first try archery, followed by a short break then have a try at orienteering. There is ample car parking and refreshments are available at the café. Booking Opens on 3rd March, by phone from 9.00am til noon, and continues at the general meeting Contact Val Broyd 12 Group News Ruth Mayes is the new Groups Co-ordinator for Southampton U3A. Groups support will be provided by Mair Thomas. If you have any ideas for setting up any new groups or have queries concerning a group you are running or attending, contact Ruth Mayes Art appreciation and history (group 2) Have any members been interested in this and sent Pauline an e mail but not had a response? I do apologise but Pauline has been unwell and unable to access her computer, if you are still interested please contact Ruth Mayes, group co-ordinator (details above) so that you can be kept informed of further developments. Our good wishes to Pauline for a quick recovery. Play reading group Would members please note that the play reading group has dis-banded. The group may be able to reform at a later date with a new leader. I will try and obtain more information for the next newsletter, so watch this space. Ruth Mayes Textiles Group We are only a small group, but we have had quite a success recently. We have encouraged one of our members, Hugette, to finish one of her long term projects, which is now nearly completed. She also has a beautiful embroidery on hessian, which we were privileged to see, and we have persuaded her to write the story of how it came about and how she will store it, as it is an heirloom. In the future, we are hoping to do a group project, and to present a small exhibition next year. As we are a small group, we could accommodate a few more members in my dining room, so if you are interested in sewing, in fabrics, and in making things, please get in touch and come along to see what we do. We meet on the third Tuesday of the month from 2.00pm to 4.00pm Contact Yvonne Blatchford Short Mat Bowls Where When St. James’ Church Hall third Tuesday of each month 14.00 – 1600 We need a few more people to attend, no previous experience needed all levels of skill accommodated and all equipment supplied. It is a very friendly group, good fun and effective gentle exercise. Do join us. Contact David Davies 13 Singing for Pleasure This group, which first met in September 2008, will very sadly be losing its musical director, Rosa Longman, when she retires in July this year. Those of you who know Rosa will realise what a great loss this will be. In addition to her many musical skills, her lively personality has given so many happy hours to a large number of U3A members. With over 60 names on the register and an average attendance of 35 at each session we are very keen to keep the group singing, so we are looking for someone to take us over! We have two pianists and I manage the admin side of things, so any volunteer would have complete freedom to organise the actual singing. We don’t aspire to great heights, we don’t hold auditions - we simply enjoy Singing for Pleasure. We currently meet one afternoon each month except in August and December. We would be very pleased to hear from anyone who is interested themselves, or from any friend, relative, neighbour! Being a member of the U3A is not necessary. Contact Diane Holley I look forward to hearing from you! New Group Esperanto Is there anyone in U3A who speaks Esperanto and would be willing to teach beginners? There is an offer of any meetings being held in Holly Hill, Bassett. Contact David Davies The Natural World, a fresh look at the world’s wildlife. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Where has our present wildlife come from? The evolution of life on earth to the rise and fall of the dinosaurs. The variety of life, the range of plants and animals across the world and how to classify them. New species and past extinctions. The dynamic forces which shape new life forms. Why are creatures and plants so variable? Life at the poles, on the arid plains and in the steamy rainforests. Special features of life: including, reproduction, sexual and asexual; animal senses and communication; sight, sound and smell. Predators and prey, vegetarians and carnivores, how do they co-exist? Migration and navigation. Current factors affecting animal and plant numbers; climate, agriculture and people. Why are species where they are? Trying to live harmoniously with nature. Where best to see wildlife in Hampshire. How to attract wildlife to your garden. Our place in nature and how best to relate to wildlife. When Where alternate Monday mornings, 10am – noon. This group has started but new members are welcome. the meeting room in Sainsburys, Portswood. No prior knowledge is needed but some enthusiasm for Nature would be helpful. A printed precis for each topic will be provided. Contact Norman Maclean (emeritus professor in genetics at Southampton University) 14 University of the Third Age Vision and Mission Statement OUR VISION is to make Lifelong Learning, through the experience of U3A, a reality for all third agers. OUR MISSION declares our purpose as an organisation and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. It is to: Facilitate the growth of the movement. Provide support for management and learning in U3As. Raise the profile of the U3A movement. Promote the benefits of learning in later life through self help learning. THE PRINCIPLES OF THE U3A MOVEMENT The U3A Movement is non-religious and non-political and has three main principles: The Third Age Principle Membership of a U3A is open to all in their third age, which is defined not by a particular age but by a period in life in which full time employment has ceased. Members promote the values of lifelong learning and the positive attributes of belonging to a U3A. Members should do all they can to ensure that people wanting to join a U3A can do so. The Self-help Learning Principle Members form interest groups covering as wide a range of topics and activities as they desire; by the members, for the members. No qualifications are sought or offered. Learning is for its own sake, with enjoyment being the prime motive, not qualifications or awards. There is no distinction between the learners and the teachers; they are all U3A members. The Mutual Aid Principle Each U3A is a mutual aid organisation, operationally independent but a member of The Third Age Trust, which requires adherence to the guiding principles of the U3A Movement. No payments are made to members for services rendered to any U3A. Each U3A is self-funded with membership subscriptions and costs kept as low as possible. Outside financial assistance should only be sought if it does not imperil the integrity of the U3A movement. January 2014 Reminder All newsletter contributions, from any member, to Hazel Beaumont Deadline for items for the next newsletter is 19th April 2015. Copy received after this date cannot be included. If you do not receive the newsletter, or know of someone who has not received it, please contact the membership administrator, Catherine Brown Final content and layout is approved and proof read by Chair. Diary Dates’ (full details in Newsletter) 15 March Sun 1st Lunch Chandlers Ford Mary Gunn 7 Tues 3rd Meeting St James Reggie Marszal 6 Tues 10th Walk Corhampton Lesley & Jim Blatherwick 9 Tues 10th Stroll Lepe Beach David Davies 9 Thurs 12th Network Event St James Tues 24th Gardens (talk) St James Tues 7th Meeting St James Reggie Marszal 6 Sun 12th Lunch Botley Ann Lucas 7 Tues 14th Train Hop Chichester Judy Hodges 8 Tues 14th Walk TBA Tues 14th Stroll Netley Tues 21st Visit Chawton Reggie Marszal 12 Tues 21st Geocaching Morestead Terry Martin 9 Mon 27th Activity Woodmill Val Broyd 12 Tues 28th Garden Timsbury Janet Coulson Wendy Tuppenney 10 Sun 3rd Lunch Brook Joy Griffiths 7 Tues 5th Meeting St James Reggie Marszal 6 Fri 8th Activity Woodmill Val Broyd 12 Tues 12th Walk TBA Pam Martin Ann Gosden 9 Tues 12th Stroll Lyndhurst Helen Evans 9 Tues 26th Garden Greatbridge Betty Jones Marian Cavell 10 Meeting St James Reggie Marszal 6 Wendy Tuppenney Ann Carpenter Becky Lonnergan Monica Cornforth 11 10 April Wendy Tuppenney Janet Coulson Val Fox Ann Fithyan 9 9 May June Tues 2nd 16
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