TUBITAKMARMARARESEARCHCENTER EarthandMarineScienceInstitute TUBITAK MAM, Earth and Marine Science Institute, 41470, Gebze/KOCAELI-TURKEY +90-262-6772850 www.mam.tubitak.gov.tr GEOTHERMALFIELDCHARACTERIZATION Geophysical Research Geological Research Conceptual Geothermal Model Geochemical Research Hydrological Research Reservoir Well Tests mikroearthquakes Sustainable Production Electricity Heating Tourism/Health 3D Magnetotelluric Imaging Magnetotelluricmethod(MT)isvery sensitivetovariationofelectrical propertiesoftherocksinsubsurface. Naturalelectromagneticfields (lightningandsolaractivity)areused andthesubsurfacecouldbeimaged fromafewmeterstokilometers dependingonthefrequencyranges used. The rock properties in geothermal fields are affected by faults, fluid content, hydrothermal alterations and heat. Consequently, MT methods have been widely applied in geothermal exploration. The data collected by magnetotelluric measurements can be modeled in 2D and 3D modeled; faults, fractures and pores including partial melting zones can be imaged. 2DModeling Thesubsurfaceelectricalstructurescan beimagedalong2Dprofiles. 3DModeling Thesubsurfacestructurescanbeimagedina tomographicfashiontodisplaydepthslicesof electricalstructurein3Dsections. C 3 C 2 C1: lower crust conductor related to partial melting and fluids in fault zones C2: fluids in fault zone, C3: sedimentary basin Jeotermal sistem sŦnŦrlarŦ/potansiyelinin belirlenmesi, yeni rezervuar tespiti Seismic Reflection yerin elektriksel özelliklerini kullanarak s×v×lar×n yoÿun olduÿu bölgeleri belirlemek rezervuar kayan×n s×n×rlar×n× tan×mlayabilmek. Detection of deep underground geological structure by creating a detailed model and accurate determination of well locations using ¾Profil noktalarŦnda MT Ölçümü high resolution and precision seismic reflection images. Thus, ensuring time and cost efficient development and sustainability of the ¾ 2D ve 3D Modelleme geothermal field. ¾Characterizationofgeothermalsystem SurfaceSeismicVSP ¾Imagingoffracturesystems surface Seismicsection Seismicrecording systems reflectedwave Interpreted seismicsection multp.Refl. receiver Geologicalsectionbyseismiclineanddrilling 3DSeismicTomographicImaging Determination of important parameters such as 3D Vp, Vs, poisson ratio and attenuation structures by seismic tomographic imaging techniques using microͲ seismicity observed in geothermal fields. Tomographic section Thetomographicdistributionofseismic velocitiescanprovideimportant informationonrocktype,density,porosity, fluidcontent,pressureandtemperature. Forexample,Vp,Vsvelocities,Vp/Vsratio changescanbeusedtodeterminefluidand vaporcontentinthefield. Horizontal sections Reservoirandcaprocks,deepheat sources,andfracturesystemscanbe obtainedbyhighresolutionand precision3Dtomographicimaging. Tomographicandseismicreflection sectionscanbeinterpretedtoprovidea betterimageofthesubsurface. Reflection section Jointsection EARTH AND MARINE SCIENCE INSTITUTE MicroseismicityMonitoring ¾ 3D mapping of hydrothermal fractures by monitoring microseismic activity associated with the production/reͲ injection. MicroseismicAnalyses ¾ Production of basic information for the success and sustainability of the production/reͲinjection process. ¾ ‘Traffic light approach’ to control speed and amount of injection depending on the level of microseismic activity. MicroseismicData Acquisition ¾ Determination and monitoring of stress regime in the field by investigating the relationship between increasing pore pressure and mechanisms of microseismic activity. DeformationMonitoring(InSAR,PsInSAR,TerrestrialSAR,GPS) Integrated space geodetic (GPS, PsInsar) and Terrestial SAR monitoring methods can be used to investigate and monitor ground deformation field resulting from natural tectonic and geothermal activity. The assessment of environmental hazards that may originate from subsidence and collapse of the ground in the field. MicroͲGravity GPS+PsInSAR GeochemicalMonitoring Determinationofreservoirtemperature,depth, originandage by monitoring; ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ WaterChemistry Geotermometry IsotopeAnalysis WaterAgeAnalysis IsotopeAnalysis GeochemicalResearch WaterAnalysis Deformation&Collapses
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