PVC &Chlor-Alkali Conference
09th - 10th April 2015, Hotel Grand Hyatt, Mumbai, India 10th Mar2015 (04.53 pm)
Programme Schedule for Day-1
08.00 - 09.00 Registration
09.00 - 09.10 Welcome Address
09.10 - 09.40 Keynote Address I - What PVC can do to make in India dream come true ?
Vipul Shah,Chief Operating Officer - Petchem,Reliance Industries Limited
09.40 - 10.10 Keynote Address II -Indian Economy -Thrust on Infrastructure
Rashesh C. Shah, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Edelweiss Financial Services Ltd
10.10 - 10.40 Coffee Break& Networking
Business Session I - PVC Industry
10.40 - 11.05 PVC : Global Scenario
Sanjay Sharma, Vice President - MDE and India, IHS Chemical Consulting
11.05 - 11.30 The PVC Industry in Europe and sustainable development
Dr. Brigitte Dero, General Manager, ECVM &VinylPlus, European Council of Vinyl
Manufacturers / VinylPlus
11:30 -11:55 PVC Industry of China
David Hanna, Director of Asia Editorial Development, ICIS
11.55 - 12.25 Panel Discussion on“PVC: Indian Scenario” (All major leaders of PVC manufacturing
ShivprasadNaik -Reliance Industries, Ramkumar Shankar - ChemplastSanmar Limited,
K.K. Kaul - DCM Shriram, SaurabhDhanorkar - Finolex Industries
12.25 - 12.35 Q & A Session
12.35 - 13.35 Lunch & Networking
Business Session II - Feedstocks to Polymer (Chlor alkali, EDC, VCM & PVC Polymerization)
Session ChairmanN Krishnamoorthy - Chief Executive – Commercial, ChemplastSanmar Limited
13.35 - 14.00 Oxychlorination Catalyst Technology
Paul Ferguson, Vinyls Licensing Sales Manager, Ineos Technologies (Vinyls) Ltd
14.00 - 14.25 Chlor Alkali Industry in India
Anil Kumar, President & Business Head (Chemicals),DCM Shriram Ltd.
14.25 - 14.50 Polymerisation
14.50 - 15.00 Q & A Session
Business Session III - Additives & Compounding
15.00 - 15:25 Plasticizers
Speaker from Basf/ KLJ India
15.25 - 15.55 Stabilizers
15.55 - 16.15 Compounding
16.15 - 16.25 Q & A Session
16.25 - 16.55 Coffee Break& Networking
Business Session IV –Recent advances in Processing & Post Processing Machinery
16.55 - 17.20 Recent developments in PVC Extrusion Systems - 1
Rad Yakob, Business unit Manager of Screw & Barrel Business, Theysohn Germany
17.20 - 17.45 Recent developments in PVC Extrusion Systems - 2
Mike Puhalla, General Manager – Global Extrusion Business, Milacron Group
17.45 - 18.10 Recent developments in PVC Extrusion Systems– 3
Dhruv Shah – Director, Neoplast Engineering
18.10 - 18.20 Q & A Session
18.20 - 18.50 Cocktails& Networking
18.50 - 19.20 Dinner Speech
19.20 - 19.40 Felicitations / Lifetime Achievement Awards
Dinner &Cocktails Networking
Programme Schedule for Day-2
Business Session V - When It Comes To Infrastructure….
09:00 - 09:25 Large Diameter PVC Pipes
DavidovskiZoran, Vice President Innovation & Marketing, Pipelife International
09.25 - 09.50 Innovations and Developments in PVC membranes for Civil Engineering Waterproofing
MangeshDhamele – Business Manager India and Middle East Asia – Waterproofing
Membranes,Renolit India
09.50 - 10.15 PVC’s Increasing Role in Indian Infrastructure
10.15 - 10.30 Q & A Session
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee BreakNetworking
Business Session VI - Think Sustainability, Thank PVC
Session ChairmanRichardKrock – Technical Director,The Vinyl Institute
11.00 - 11.25 Recycling -The need of the hour
Sophi MacMillan - Chairman,Asia Pacific , Vinyl Network
11.25 - 11.50 Quality : A mission to beat competition
NasrinKashef,Business Unit Manager – Plastics Program, NSF International
11.50 - 12.00 Q & A Session
Business Session VII - End Use Sectors
Session ChairmanN K Balgi – Director, Ferromatik Milacron India
12.00 - 12.25 O-PVC Pipes
12.25 - 12.50 Window Profiles
Dr. JörgFröhlich,Technical Product Manager, Baerlocher
12.50 - 13.15 Resysta: "the better wood"
Stefan Eingartner ,Sales Director, Resysta
13.15 - 13.40 Eco-friendly PVC - Greenwood approach
Alessandro Robotti- RajooBausanoExtrusion Pvt. Ltd.
13.40 - 13.50 Q & A Session
13.50 - 14.50 Lunch & Networking
Business Session VIII– CPVC: Revolution in the Speciality Pipe Sector
Session ChairmanMatt Timmons- Lubrizol
14.50 - 15.15 CPVCUsage in Fire Sprinkler
Sandeep Engineer, Managing Director, Astral Poly Technik
15.15 -15.40 Toshiya Yasunaga, Managing Director, Sekisui Specialty Chemicals
15.40 -16.05 Speaker from Kaneka Corporation
16.05 - 16.15 Q & A Session
16.15 - 16.45 Coffee Break& Networking
Business Session IX– Panel Discussion
Moderator Kamal P. Nanavaty, President – Strategy Development, Reliance Industries
16.45 - 17.15 Hundred Years' Celebration: Dessert or AnAppetizer?
Richard Krock -The Vinyl Institute,Dr. Swaminathan Sivaram - National Chemical,
M P Taparia- The Supreme Industries Ltd.
17.15 - 17.25 Q & A Session
17.25 - 17.55 Networking
Closing Remarks