Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Albert & Chaya Miller and the entire mishpacha on the engagement of their daughter Aviva to Zevi Segal, son of Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Segal of Bklyn. May the wedding take place b’shaah tovah u’mutzlachas Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef & Esther Gittel Nissel on the birth of a son. Mazel tov to the grandparents Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov & Chana Roberts and the entire mishpacha. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zimano. Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Nesanel Silverberg on the birth of a son. Mazel tov to the grandparents Mr. & Mrs. David & Ruth Silverberg and the entire mishpacha. May the bris take place b’ito u’v’zimano. Mazel Tov Rabbi & Mrs. Pinchus Idstein on engagement of their son Zevy to Dasi Fuchs. Mazel tov to the entire mishpacha. May the wedding take place b’shaah tovah u’mutzlachas. Mrs. Beena Sklare will now be managing baby clothing (0-18 mos) & the TA uniforms gemach. Contact her regarding donations or requests for items in excellent condition at 952 456-6602. We apologize! Mrs. Gavriella Zahtz & family were inadvertently omitted from the Shalach Manos Scroll Bais Yaakov Sunday Funday: Boys & girls, Pre-K & kindergarten and 1st -4th grade girls at Bais Yaakov, March 29th 10-12 pm. Cost: $12 for first child, $10 for every additional child, $36 max per family. Please make sure your child has had lunch before coming! A pareve, yoshon, pas Yisroel snack will be provided. Pick up 12 PM, promptly. For reservations, please call Bais Yaakov, 952-915-9117 or email [email protected]. Space is limited. The Rav will be accepting your Ma’os Chittim donations. Please give generously. Make your checks payable to Bais Yisroel Tzedaka Fund The Rav will be available after shacharis and maariv to arrange the selling of the chometz. If you need to take care of it at any other time, please contact the Borer Chptr. 7 Pgs. 101-108 Rav. Ongoings Goings-On Frankel’s World of Judaica Hours Sun & Fri 11- 1:30 pm & Mon- Thurs 12-6 pm The Kollel Korner Minchas Chinuch –Sun 8 AM with Rabbi Chaim Gibber Class for Women on Nevi'imP:Sefer Yehoshua with Rabbi Eliyahu Stern Tuesdays 2-2:45 PM @Kollel Partners in Torah Tues 8:15 PM @ Kollel Business Halacha: Ribbis in the workplace. Every Wed 8-8:30 AM upstairs at the Kollel, by Rabbi Stern Tefilla Class-Birchos Krias Shema with Mrs. Tzipora Greenberg-Wed. 12-12:45 PM at her home. Davening @ Yeshiva of Mpls Shacharis is 7:40 Mincha 1:45 Maariv 9:05 Jr. Mussaf Minyan for boys grades 5-8 Mincha Program Grades 4-8 To add a name to the Mi Sheberach L'cholim list, call 917-753-7057 or email [email protected] Torah Academy Store: Thurs 8:30—10:30 PM Gemachim Info—call Bella Smith 952-927-9670 Women’s Tehillim: Mons @ 8:15 AM at Perri Kutoff's Home or 9:15 PM at Engelson’s home, Jewish Library: Please circulate/donate children & teens! Jewish books. Th 4-5 PM & Sun 10-11 AM @ the Sherman home. Contact Juli Sherman 952.926-0334 Baby Gemach Order a Shtender: Call the shul office. Cost: $250. Shatnez Lab, 4201 Sunset Blvd. back door, Yoel Menashe Jeff Kreps, 612-868-3330 Clothing Connection Gemach 952-929-9769 Tomchei Shabbos helps families w/ basic Shabbos necessities. Contact Rabbi Greenberg if you know of anyone who could use this assistance, or wants to sponsor. Sponsorship $35-week/ $150/ mo. Fri Erev Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, Parshas Parah, March 13 Shacharis 6:30 AM 1st Mincha 5:45 PM, Light Candles 6:02-6:10 2nd Mincha 7:00 PM, Light Candles 6:58 PM Shabbos March 14 Laws of Shabbos 8:15-8:30 AM –R’ Weinberg Shacharis 8:30 AM Latest Shema (MG”A/GR”A) 9:49/10:25 Latest Shemona Esrei (GR”A) 11:24 Following Davening– Laws of Shabbos-R’ Weinberg BNOS 2:30-3:30 PM / Pirchei 4:30 PM Sifrei Chafetz Chaim – Rabbi Roberts 5:55 PM Mincha 6:40 PM Volume 10: Issue 17 Parshas Vayakhel-Pikudei, Parshas Parah 23 Adar, 5775 March 14, 2015 Parshas Vayakhel Pikudei, Parshas Parah The Shabbos Kitchen Review 7:48 PM Shabbos Over 8:08 PM Sunday March 15 Earliest Donning of Tallis & Tefillin Sun-Fri 6:14-6:04 AM Earliest Brocha on Tallis Sun-Fri 6:46-6:36 Shacharis 7:00 & 8:00 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Mon-Thurs March 16-19 Shacharis 6:30 AM Mincha 7:05 PM Fri Erev Shabbos Parshas Vayikra, Parshas Hachodesh,March 20 Shacharis 6:30 AM 1st Mincha 5:55 PM, Light Candles 6:09-6:20 2nd Mincha 7:10 PM, Light Candles 7:07 PM Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai & Batsheva Afenzer on their marriage. Mazel tov to Rabbi Shimon Afenzer & the entire mishpacha. May they be zoche to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisroel Mazel Tov to Moshe Greenberg on donning tefillin for the first time. Mazel Tov to the Rav & Rebbetzin Good Shabbos! Schedule of Shiurim at Bais Yisroel Likras Shabbos, BOYS 5-8 Fri 30 min before Mincha Daf Yomi Sun, after Maariv, M-F after 1st Shacharis & during Shalosh Seudos Gemara Shiur-Mesechta Shabbos w/ Rabbi Weinberg M-F following 6:30 Shacharis Amud Yomi with Rabbi Greenberg (see above) Sun-Thurs 9:15-10 PM Mishna Brurah with Rabbi Weinberg ½ hour before Shacharis Sun thru Fri Bais Yisroel Shabbos Observer is a weekly publication that brings you Divrei Torah on the weekly parsha & community events. To submit items for publication please contact the Office by Thurs 11 AM, of each week. For general information regarding activities, events or membership please contact the shul office or HaRav Yechezkel Greenberg. To receive the BYSO by e-mail, please send an email to [email protected] HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Shlita, Founding Morah D’asra (1990-2009) Arnie and Hindy Frishman: Founding BYSO Editors Congregation Bais Yisroel 4221 Sunset Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone: 952-926-7867 Hall Phone 952-926-0518 Ext 4 [email protected] [email protected] Webpage: HOW TO SUCCEED IN SPIRITUAL PURSUITS The Torah says: "Every man whose heart inspired him came [to participate in building the Mishkan]." The Ramban explains that these craftsmen had no prior experience in the field that they entered, nor were they ever taught these skills. Rather, whoever was inspired to sense within himself the desire and potential to perform the required tasks came forward and offered his services. R' Chatzkel Levenstein says that we too can learn a lesson from this. We must focus on the spiritual goals that we yearn to attain and not on our lack of prior experience or know-how in performing the tasks needed to reach these goals. As long as our will and yearning are there, Hashem will see to it that we have the proper tools to succeed. The BYSO is sponsored to express HaKoras HaTov to Rabbi Mayer Roberts & Mr. Binyamin Roberts for their dedication to the Avos U’Bonim program every Motzei Shabbos during the winter. And a BIG thank you to Mrs. Shaindy Mandelbaum for spearheading the shul shalach manos and mesiba carnival. Purim Highlights 5775 …& and a good time was had by all
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