LEF: the Recipe for Success LEF: the Recipe for Success About this Publication In spring 2009, LEF future center and Dijksterhuis & van Baaren initiated a study to investigate the effects of working at LEF. Experimental research was carried out in the LEF environments using 90 test subjects. This report presents the results of the study. LEF Robert Verheule Cees Plug Dijksterhuis & van Baaren Ap Dijksterhuis Rick van Baaren Rene Huijsman Jorn Horstman Jacob Wiebenga Marianne Karstens Contact information: Parkweg 27 6994 CM De Steeg Tel.: +31 (0)26 - 495 26 28 Email: [email protected] Page 4 van 36 Table of Contents About this Publication 4 Table of Contents 5 Summary 6 Introduction 7 Preliminary Research 8 Method Overview and participants Procedure and materials 9 9 9 Results 1. Basic mindset measurements 2. Concrete behavioural measurements 11 11 11 Conclusions and Recommendations 13 Appendix: Literature Study Definitions and objectives Structure 14 15 15 Future centers The physical environment and creativity 16 16 Subconscious Processes Mimicry Goal-oriented behaviour 20 20 21 Mood and Behaviour Approach and avoidance motivation Affect 23 23 23 Atmospherics A day on the savannah Design principles A grain of salt 25 30 30 33 References 34 LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 35 of 40 36 Summary In conjunction with LEF future center, research has been conducted into the psychological effects of working in the environments at LEF. After some preliminary research among facilitators that examined the objectives of groups who meet at LEF, the relevant psychological processes were organised into three main categories: 1) openness and cooperativity, 2) creativity, and 3) focus, concentration and productivity. These processes were studied in four different (experimental) spaces. Two of the spaces were those used most by the facilitators (the living room and work area), and two others were added based on the literature study (one predominantly blue and one predominantly red space). Performance by test subjects in these spaces was compared with performance in a normal office space that served as a control environment. The results show that working at LEF produces results. Openness and creativity are enhanced, an effect that was observed in all of the experimental spaces in the study. Specific spaces (the work area and the blue room) foster the creation of greater levels of mutual trust. A more abstract mindset can be created by having people work in a blue space or the living room – the effects of the blue room on creativity are particularly spectacular. Lastly, it has proven possible to enhance people’s concentration and productivity by having them work in the work area or the red room. Page 6 of 36 Introduction When people visit LEF future center for the first time (part of psychological processes. For example: people can work in a the Dutch directorate-general for Public Works and Water living-room atmosphere to effect a feeling of calm and trust, Management), they are heard to make such remarks as ‘it’s or in a fairly businesslike environment to work in a more inspiring’ or ‘it pushes you to think differently’. The pur- concentrated and productive manner. A range of spaces have pose of LEF is to force groundbreaking discoveries, trigger been created with the purpose of encouraging creativity, innovations and generate solutions to problems through including a variation on the workplace that stimulates people workshops led by facilitators, in the interests of society. and aims to make them think ‘outside the box’. The building is made up of a number of unique spaces and facilities offering advanced features, where it is possible to use wall and other projections, colour, images, sound, layout and catering to create detailed atmospheres that support the processes in which people are involved. The fact that we are influenced by the spaces that surround us is nothing new. But explaining how the physical environment affects our behaviour is a complex problem, and one whose solution requires a multidisciplinary approach. Various academic disciplines have conducted research into this phenomenon. In addition to the obvious disciplines such as architecture and ergonomics, research has also been carried out in the healthcare sector (e.g. hospitals and psychiatric clinics), consumer psychology (e.g. shopping environments), occupational and organisational psychology, and business administration (e.g. companies and organisations). Occupational and organisational psychology sees the physical environment as a variable that can facilitate the use of human resources. After all, employees cost money, and the physical environment affects the extent to which they are able and willing to do their job. According to psychologist Roger Barker, the environment puts us in a position to execute certain behavioural patterns, encouraging certain activities and discouraging us from others. LEF supports this philosophy. Groups come together under the guidance of facilitators at LEF to learn, make progress, and sometimes solve concrete problems. To this end, five different environments have been created (each of which also offers three more specific variants) to promote the necessary LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 7 of 36 Preliminary Research We began this project with a short study among the faci- ‘approach signal’ – people become calm, take on an open litators. We asked them which spaces they used the most, attitude and are more creative. Red emits an ‘avoidance and to what psychological or other end. A large majority of signal’ – people become concentrated, analytical and the facilitators responded, and their goals (and therefore productive. also the participating groups) were classified into three broader categories, which provided the basic structure for our further research: 1) Openness and cooperativity. Openness is a precondition for many processes. Some groups come to LEF with the aim of solving a concrete problem. Sometimes the creation or ‘repair’ of mutual trust is also important. 2) Creativity. This requires little explanation. A creative, outside-the-box attitude is very important for many groups that work at LEF. 3) Focus, concentration and productivity. At LEF this is not an end in itself, but an important stage in a wide range of different processes. The implementation of a creative solution often also requires a stage in which concentration and focused thought are important. These three basic elements also appear in the measurements in the experiment, both in the basic mindset measurements (self-disclosure measures 1; the Navon task measures 2 and 3) as well as the more concrete behavioural measurements. Determining which spaces to study also demanded important consideration. Of course a control environment is needed, for which we selected a normal, rather boring office space. Our choice of experimental spaces emerged from a compromise: we chose the two spaces that were used most often by the facilitators, as well as two spaces that we expected would deliver good results based on the literature study. The two most-used spaces were the ‘living room with fireplace’ and the ‘creative work area’. Based on our literature study (for more details, see the Appendix), we also selected a blue room and a red room. Colours often exert a very direct influence on psychological processes. Blue emits an Page 8 of 36 Method Navon task. This task indicates the extent to which people Overview and participants think in an abstract, global fashion, as well as the opposite – how much they think in a concrete and detailed fashion. Do Ninety test subjects participated in this experiment people see the forest as a whole, or the individual trees? This (53% male and 47% female), with an average age task has proven to be extremely important in psychological of 38.7 (SD = 11.0). Each participant completed the research, with scores showing a correlation with various types series of tests in two of the five spaces. Each space was of behaviour. For example, thinking globally leads to greater therefore used by 36 test subjects. creativity, and detailed thought to more concrete problemsolving ability and productivity. Test subjects were shown 50 large letters that were made up of smaller letters (e.g. a large Procedure and materials ‘H’ made up of small copies of the letter ‘x’). During one of the sessions, test subjects had to press the large letter that was Manipulation: Spaces formed by the small letters as quickly as possible. In the other, The experiment made use of five different environments at LEF test subjects had to press the letter that the larger letter was future center, taking into consideration the aims of the groups that made up of as fast as possible. make use of LEF. Firstly, two spaces were used that are used often by facilitators: the ‘living room’ setting and the ‘work area’ setting. 2. Concrete behavioural measurements Two rooms were also set up based on our own literature study. Pasta names. This task measures creativity, in particular One room with lots of blue light was used to promote creativity, thinking ‘outside the box’, as well as productivity. The task as well as one dominated by red light for focused work. The fifth was introduced as a test of linguistic ability: test subjects were room served as the control, and was a plain, somewhat boring asked to come up with new names for different types of pasta. meeting room elsewhere in the building. The experiment was car- In the instructions, five examples of pasta names were given ried out using laptops that had been placed in the relevant rooms. that all ended in the letter ‘i’. The test subjects were then given one minute to write down as many new pasta names as pos- Measurements: sible. Two things can be measured using this task: the number 1. Basic mindset measurements of words that people think of reflects how productive they are; Self-disclosure. Many psychological processes that are facili- however, the crux is that creativity results in people deviating tated at LEF (tackling problems as a group, solving simmering from the examples (thinking of names that do not end in conflicts, etc.) require an open and cooperative attitude from ‘i’). The number of original solutions is therefore considered participants, so that they speak honestly about what they separately. think and feel. It is for this reason that we included a self-disclosure measurement. The test subjects indicated the extent Remote Associates Test. Test subjects were asked to com- to which they 1) revealed information and facts, 2) showed plete a 10-item Remote Associates Test (RAT). This test is often emotions and 3) divulged their thoughts to their partner used to measure creativity, and in particular the creativity during the negotiation process (see below). The measurement required to solve concrete problems. Each RAT contains three was taken using a 7-point scale (ranging from ‘completely words that all have something in common, and participants untrue’ to ‘completely true’). An overall self-disclosure score are asked to find a fourth word that can be related to the other was calculated by taking the average of these three items three. For example, the word ‘boat’ can be related to the three LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 9 of 40 words ‘tug’, ‘gravy’ and ‘show’. Each participant responded to Amount ‘x’ is a measurement of the level of trust that the 20 items in total. participant has in the partner. Negotiation. As the name suggests, this task relates to how effectively people can negotiate. Participants were assigned one of two roles (purchaser or salesperson). Couples were then assigned who did not know each other, in order to negotiate the sale or purchase of 50 refrigerators [cf. 4]. There were four aspects to be discussed: price, warranty, delivery deadlines and payment deadlines. Five options were available under each aspect. Each negotiator received an outline containing information on his/her returns, but without any information on the other negotiator. The task is integrative, in the sense that the aspect most important to the purchaser (i.e. the payment terms) meant little to the salesperson, and the aspect least important to the purchaser (i.e. the price) was the most important to the salesperson. If pairs make large concessions on the less important aspects, the mutual gain is greater than opting for the less ideal 50-50 split. When participants carried out this task for the second time, they had to negotiate terms and conditions of employment: salary, salary increases, holidays and health insurance. Participants also changed roles: purchasers became the union (= salesperson) and salespeople became the management (= purchaser). They were given ten minutes to reach an agreement. They were also told that they could win €10 if they managed to beat their partner at the negotiation. Trust game. As the name suggests, this game was about measuring trust. The participants were told that they were to perform a task with somebody in another room, for which the computer would make a wireless connection to another computer. Participants were told that from the €10 they had perhaps won, they could elect to give part of it (amount ‘x’) to the other participant. This amount would then be tripled and sent to the partner, who would then receive information on how much the participant had given them, and would be able to split the amount. In reality, this partner did not exist. Page 10 of 36 Results Navon task. This task also demonstrated positive effects. We performed two analyses on each of the measu- Although there was no general impact of LEF, this was not to rements. The first analysis jointly compared the four be expected given that some spaces are supposed to encou- experimental spaces with the normal office space, rage thinking globally, and others should promote detailed which gives an impression of the general impact of thought. Figure 2 clearly shows that the blue space and the working at LEF. In a second analysis all spaces were living room make people think more globally. The first is in analysed individually, in order to determine the ef- accordance with the literature, the second with the ideas fectiveness of the various spaces. behind LEF. By contrast, the work area made people think in a more detailed fashion. Thinking globally 1. Basic mindset measurements 120 100 Self-disclosure. As Figure 1 clearly shows, the LEF environments had a clear, positive effect on self-disclosure. The impact was large and statistically reliable. Which particular room was used at LEF did not make much difference; in all 80 60 40 20 0 -20 rooms people demonstrated more openness than in the -40 office space. These results are extremely encouraging – -60 simply bringing people to LEF brings about a more open Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area Red Figure 2: Thinking globally and cooperative attitude. It is also pleasing to note that the LEF-effects on openness were strongest among people 2. Concrete behavioural measurements who had spent their first session in the office space. People who spent their second session in the office (and who had Pasta names. First we looked at the number of words therefore already had a session in one of the LEF spaces) produced, which is a measurement for focus and producti- were nearly as open as the people in the LEF spaces. This vity. Figure 3 once again shows the effects that one would means that the positive effects of LEF continue to work once predict based on the ideas behind LEF and the academic the session is over, even if people once again enter a normal literature. The work area and the red room led to an increase office environment. in productivity. Productivity was also linked to educational background and age – highly educated/younger people were Self-disclosure more productive than less well-educated/older people. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area Red Figure 1: Self-disclosure LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 11 of 36 cooperative in the second session than in the first, which Productivity means that the effect is positive when people have been in the 9,5 environment for some time. Scores also showed a correlation 9 with age – younger people scored more highly. 8,5 Number of words 8 Productivity Trust game. How much do we trust the people we work with? It was very encouraging to see that the LEF environments 7,5 9,5 scored higher than the office space, which is commensurate 79 Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area Red with the observation that LEF leads to greater self-disclosure. 8,5 Figure 3: Productivity Number of words 8 The difference was mainly evident in the blue room and the work area, where scores were much higher than in the other Secondly, we examined the number of words that deviated conditions. One would also expect the same effect in the living from the examples, a recognised measure in psychological 7 room; however this was not the case. The effects in the blue 7,5 Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area Red research for thinking ‘outside the box’. The averages are Creativity given in Figure 4. LEF had a positive effect on creativity. room and the work area were partly influenced by the session, However, the difference with the office space is due almost had positive effects in both sessions; however, the blue room 5 4,5 4 i.e. how long people had already been working. The work area completely to the spectacular effects of the blue room. This is 3,5 only had such effects during the second session, where a large 3 also in accordance with the academic literature. increase in trust was observed. 2,5 Creative words 2 Creativity 1,5 Trust 15 7 4,5 0,5 04 6 3,5 Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area 5 Red 3 4 2,5 Creative words 2 1,5 Trust 3 2 1 1 0,5 0 0 Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area Red Office LEF Bleu Living Room Work area Red Figure 4: Creativity Figure 5: Trust Remote Associates Test. This test showed no differences In summary, we can conclude that the results are very inte- between conditions. This is no great surprise: many scientific resting and relevant. They demonstrate the positive effects of studies have shown that the test is extremely insensitive, LEF on 1) openness and cooperativity, 2) creativity and 3) focus requiring many test subjects to show significant differences. and productivity. Negotiation. The results of this test also seemed not to vary depending on the circumstances, although this seemed to be because people scored very highly in all conditions, which meant that they were very cooperative. People were more Page 12 of 36 Conclusions and Recommendations lour. It would be advisable to make use of the easily-manipuLEF works! Working in LEF makes people more open lable effects of colour in spaces other than the current rooms. and cooperative, and mutual trust can be increased The impact of the blue room on creativity in particular is very using a variety of spaces. Creativity and productivity encouraging. can also be enhanced. The effects observed are mostly in accordance with the LEF philosophy and The results suggest further research that might focus on two the academic literature. aspects: 1. Testing more spaces, both existing rooms as well as new experiments with colour. A green room, for example, It is possible to make people think in a more global fashion by may give rise to even higher levels of trust. In a more ge- having them work in the living room, or in a predominantly neral sense, it is quite conceivable that we would be able blue room. By contrast, to get people to think in a more to perform an even more detailed analysis of the effects detailed way, the work area or a predominantly red room of the spaces. This could lead to a simple ‘handbook’ for are good choices. People become more creative in the blue facilitators, enabling the recommendation of a suitable space, and more productive in the red room and the work room for each intended psychological process. This is al- area. Openness and cooperativity improve in all of the rooms ready somewhat possible based on the present research; studied at LEF. however, it would still be quite incomplete. Nonetheless, the results of the current study (which suggest that the Using the various rooms for different purposes is a logical effects of the spaces can be easily measured) do clearly step based on the results and the two short paragraphs show that the idea of making such a handbook is a very above. However, the following must be kept in mind when feasible one. interpreting the effects: 2. A subsequent study could have people work for a longer 1. The test subjects worked at LEF for approximately 25 period at LEF, in order to more closely approximate the minutes per session. In reality, sessions at LEF are much effects of a real session. Do the effects remain the same? longer, and it would seem reasonable to assume that the Are they even more pronounced? And do the effects of impact on behaviour is even more pronounced in reality LEF remain evident after several hours, or do people than in the study. become habituated? These are questions that can be answered by using a setting that more closely resembles 2. People work at LEF under the guidance of facilitators, who the manner in which customers make use of LEF. can (and do) enhance the effects of the spaces. This is also a reason why we can assume that the actual effects at LEF are even greater than those observed in the study.A number of recommendations can be made based on the study (besides the usual ‘Keep up the good work!’): Although the atmosphere in the various LEF spaces clearly has an effect, these effects are clearly less direct than those of co- LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 13 of 36 Appendix: Literature Study and Wolfgang Schnelle developed the Bürolandschaft, or Bitner (1992) [1] – ‘… there is a surprising lack of ‘open office’: a design approach that replaced fixed walls and empirical research or theoretically based frameworks structures with movable screens, flower boxes and adjustable addressing the role of physical surroundings in (con- furniture to improve the flow of communication. The aim was sumption) settings. Managers continually plan, build, to make the environment more responsive to change and and change an organization’s physical surroundings in to promote communication. Nowadays – since work is less an attempt to control its influence on patrons, without dependent on time and place, but is at the same time more really knowing the impact of a specific design or complex, creative and knowledge-based – work environments atmospheric change on its users.’ are once again undergoing a metamorphosis. Organisations are increasingly dependent on innovation, triggering them to set up ‘innovation laboratories’. The fields of occupational and As the above citation illustrates, the relationship between organisational psychology and business administration look physical surroundings and psychological processes is a mainly at how the working environment influences productivi- complex one. One of the first studies in as early as 1933 ty, performance, employee satisfaction, well-being and stress. already demonstrated the complexity of the way in which Although the physical design of the environment will only we are influenced by our environment. Researchers wanted affect part of people’s behaviour, it can foster the emergence to see how they could increase employee productivity in the of certain activities, such as teamwork and cooperation. American Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne factory. But no matter what they did – changing the lighting, cleaning The healthcare sector has traditionally examined the influence workspaces and floors, altering the wage structure, offering of the environment in terms of its functionality within the sys- more breaks and rearranging the workplace – productivity tem; nowadays the focus is more on ‘healing environments’, or actually always increased (sometimes temporarily). In the end, how the surroundings can psychologically support the healing somebody suggested that the effect was due to the interest process [2]. The physical environment can make a difference in shown in the employees by the researchers. Nowadays this is how quickly patients recover from acute or chronic conditions. the classic anecdote used to explain the concept of reactivity, The main focus here is on stress, post-operative recovery, use in which test subjects alter their measured behaviour as a of medication or the length of a hospital stay. response to their behaviour being measured. Today data is still re-analysed sometimes, revealing new explanations for the It was not until 1973, sparked by an article by Phillip Kotler, observed effects, such as seasonal temperatures and the ef- that people began conducting systematic research into the fects of learning. Such results serve to reiterate the complexity individual effects of atmospherics on consumer behaviour. He of the relationship. defined the term ‘atmospherics’ as the deliberate control and structuring of environmental variables. The idea of atmosp- In those days workplaces were still often made up of long herics is that consumers can be put into the right mood and rows of identical desks or long tables, where employees therefore encouraged to make purchases. Research in this field stood repeating the same actions over and over again. has been mainly focused on shopping environments and be- These systems were based on the ideas of engineers such as haviour, such as the amount of time and money spent in stores Frederick Taylor, and made popular by Henry Ford. A major by consumers. They are often regarded as peripheral stimuli workplace change occurred in around 1959, when Eberhard that influence consumers at a subconscious level. Page 14 of 26 Definitions and objectives Structure One relevant subdivision of the physical environment is into The first section will examine in greater detail the scientific three parts: architectural elements (e.g. permanent aspects, rationales that have been used in setting up or improving such as the size and the location of doors and windows), interior other future centers. Then we will consider how the environ- design elements (e.g. less permanent aspects such as colours ment can have a subconscious effect on our behaviour. We will and furniture), and atmospheric elements (e.g. lighting, sound, examine how it is possible that we sometimes unintentionally temperature and smell). In most cases, people’s exposure to imitate others, why we improve our eating manners when we elements from the physical environment, or ‘stimulus objects’, smell cleaning products, and why we talk more quietly in a is passive – this is in contrast to interactional objects, such as library. After that we take a closer look at the individual effects computers or people. These stimulus objects can bring about a of environmental stimuli, such as colours and lighting. Given direct physiological response, or can influence people through that this study is directed mostly at the effects that these envi- psychological reactions. The latter process may be cognitive ronmental stimuli have on our mood, we will first give a brief or emotional in nature. For example, exposure to a cold room outline of how mood subconsciously influences our behavi- may cause you to start shivering, but it may also improve your our, and what the effects are. For example: one might expect concentration and performance of a specific task. Physiological that being in a good mood is always preferable. However, if and psychological responses are sometimes strongly intercon- our mood is too positive we are less critical, and more easily nected. For this report, we will use the following definition of convinced by poor arguments. Then we will look at the specific physical environmental stimuli: effects of music, noise, smells, colours, lighting, temperature, floors, walls, furniture, accessories and interior. No two people Physical environmental stimuli form part of the working associate exactly the same things with colour, music or furni- environment and can be subdivided into atmospheric, ture, which means that a room will influence everybody dif- architectural or interior design elements; are pure stimulus ferently. However, evolutionary psychology seems to provide objects (i.e. non-interactional); and influence our behaviour indications that some of the effects of physical environmental to a greater or lesser degree through the mediating effects of stimuli can be generalised. The final section of the introduction psychological processes. will address this aspect. The purpose of this study is to examine how a range of physical environmental stimuli affect psychological processes, and therefore our behaviour. With reference to LEF future center, we are particularly interested in the effects on specific psychological processes, such as thinking creatively. Although the amount of research in this area is still quite small, the research that has been conducted does enable us to formulate some theories and possibly explain the observed effects. LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 15 of 36 Future centers The physical environment is a core concept of future centers: The first future center was conceived by Leif Edvins- it supplies the physical, virtual and mental surroundings. son, who developed Skandia for a Swedish insurance Although they are called future centers, the environment does company in 1997. Since that time, many more have not necessarily have to be futuristic. In these spaces, thought been built in both the public and the private sector. and action are combined to produce the desired results. They Future centers are generally described as facilitatory are viewed as ‘innovation spaces’, or spaces within an organi- working environments that use pro-active, collabo- sation used to support creativity and innovation. Despite the rative and systematic methods to help prepare an interest in future centers on the part of companies, organi- organisation for the future. They are used to generate sations and governments, little is known about the influence knowledge and put it to use, to develop innovations that physical environments can have on these processes. The and to bring various groups of people together. They literature does indicate, however, that the environment has a can be roughly categorised into commercial future large impact on people’s well-being and mood, and that being centers, public-sector future centers (developed by a in good spirits has a positive effect on creativity and innova- public organisation such as a ministry or other gover- tion (see Mood & Behaviour). There are also indications that nment authority to channel future developments at a a good fit between the environment and the creative process national level) and regional future centers. forms part of a successful formula. Teresa Amabile from the Harvard Business School also provides some indications of which design features an environment needs in order to pro- A future center is made up of many interconnected elements. mote creativity: freedom, challenge, resources (e.g. informa- The interaction between individuals (e.g. intellect, skills, tion, facilities), a leader, co-workers, recognition and feedback, personality) and groups (e.g. size, heterogeneity/homogeneity) unity and cooperation, and ‘fans’ of creativity. As barriers, she produces new and innovative ideas. However, aspects such mentions time pressures, evaluation (e.g. the threat thereof, as the relevant field (e.g. theoretical/practical, reductionistic/ or negativity), the status quo (i.e. avoiding risks) and political holistic), task-specific variables (e.g. simple/complex, routine/ problems (e.g. competition). However, specific literature on new), the organisation initiating the project (e.g. culture, which elements produce creativity and innovation (and when) leadership) and the environment in which the organisation is not available. It seems as though organisations develop operates (worldwide/local, booming/shrinking economy) these spaces based purely on intuition and instinct – which is also play an important role (see Figure 1). Lastly, we will look not necessarily a bad thing. more specifically at the physical environment (e.g. atmosphere and architecture). The physical space forms the foundation The physical environment and creativity for the perceived space, the purpose of which is to stimulate psychological processes. The perceived space is the subjective However, there are researchers who have tried to identify representation of the same physical, objectively perceivable links between the physical environment and stages in the space. This project will look at the qualitative characteristics creative process. For example, Tore Kristensen proposes that of a space (e.g. atmosphere), as opposed to the quantitative the creative process consists of various linear stages, each of characteristics (e.g. the number of people per minute who can which requires a different physical environment: the prepa- pass through a revolving door). ration stage, the incubation stage, the insight stage, and the elaboration and evaluation stage [3]. During the preparation Page 16 of 36 stage, data and information are provided for the process. However, Udo-Ernst Haner from the University of Stuttgart Frameworks are exchanged, and common goals are set so suggests that we may contest the linear nature of this model, that everybody is on the same page. The space must therefore as though the creative process always follows this sequence facilitate the exchange, recording and organisation of informa- [4]. Nobel prize winners often describe their discoveries as a tion. Some possible ideas include flip charts, computers and chaotic and complex process, in which they are pulled back large tables where ideas can be discussed. The incubation and forth between the stages named above. According to phase is a mostly personal one. One way to allow incubation Haner, a distinction needs to be made between convergent to take place is to carry out a different, irrelevant task, or and divergent creative processes. Convergent thought can be simply to relax. The process of solving the problem, however, described as thought focused on a single answer, whereas di- continues subconsciously. If people remain in the same room, vergent thought is aimed at several points, creating conflicting the information from the preparation stage can serve as a ideas, paradoxes, ambiguity, doubt and therefore new insights. trigger (i.e. a ‘prime’). Some people like to be alone, others look During the preparation and elaboration/evaluation stages for company. Space must therefore be available for people to of the creative process it is better to think in a convergent, talk, or to sit by themselves. During the insight stage, people focused manner; divergence is considered more fitting during will hopefully experience a ‘eureka moment’. People need to the incubation and insight stages. Haner has also examined be able to sit together, where it is possible to present ideas. the influence of the environment on individual and group During the elaboration and evaluation stage, the results are work. Individuals are the basis of creativity, but sometimes examined and assessed. Here, the space must be conducive to it is better to work in teams. A working space must therefore focused and detailed analysis. Kristensen also believes that it support both groups and individuals, as well as convergence is possible to distinguish between four creative sub-processes and divergence. that are all strongly interrelated: creation of value, scaffolding, imagination and materialisation. Creation of value is most James Moultrie and fellow researchers (including those above) important during the first phase: setting the objectives that have attempted to develop a framework for structuring match those of the organisation and that map out the path research into innovative spaces such as future centers (see for the entire process. Scaffolding is important during the Figure 6) [5]. incubation phase, when the creative process takes place within the context of space, instruments, people and information. Or in other words: when cognitive processes are influenced by the environment in which they occur. Once we enter the insight phase, imagination becomes important – the representation in our mind of something that does not yet exist. This is the mediating process between existing knowledge, and knowledge that has been integrated into new knowledge. In the final phase, ideas are materialised. It is a known fact that we are able to remember things better if we try to remember them in the same room where we learned them. It is therefore imperative to write down or sketch budding ideas straight away, before leaving the space and forgetting the idea. LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 17 of 36 • • • • • • • • Strategic goals Symbolic goals Efficiency Effectiveness Teamwork Customer input Cultural change Capabilities • Intended link with innovation process • Intended creative activities • Potential users & facilitators • Available resourche & constraints • Intended events Strategic intent • • • • • • • • Geographic location Scale Real vs virtual Flexibility Design values & imagery IT resources Data & information Modelling & visualisation resources • Constraints • Evolution Proces of creation Physical space Evaluation • Supporting innovation • Supporting design • Supporting creativity • Enabling teamwork • Actual users & facilitators • Actual events Proces of use • Archievement of strategic intent • Qualitative & quantitative evidence Realised intent Evaluation Strategic & operational context Figure 6: Transitional Framework of Innovation Spaces (from Moultrie et for an inspiring location for people to meet and search for creative al., 2007). ideas, solutions to problems, and scenario planning. Based on these needs, a vision document was drawn up listing the intended This model is particularly useful in the development, use, goals and use of the future center. During the creation process, modification and assessment of LEF future center, as it describes a metaphor for the set goals was sought (in this case, the Dutch the entire innovation process in relation to the physical space. It East India Company’s ship Batavia) and rooms were designed shows how the strategic intent can be made concrete through a with various functionalities. The users of these rooms believed physical space. The product of this process is the realised intent. that learning was a process of interaction between people. In Testing this product against the physical space and the strategic relation to the process of using the rooms, they were therefore intent gives us new knowledge on what effect the physical space free to do as they pleased. The need also arose for advice and/or has had. This produces a learning cycle that should result in adjus- process facilitation. Lastly, the results were evaluated – Was the tments and changes. strategic intent achieved? Did the rooms give rise to inspiration, interaction, information exchange and innovations? And do the Remco ven der Lugt and his fellow researchers from the Delft Uni- physical spaces assist the processes they were meant to support? versity of Technology used this model in an in-depth case study of If people do not communicate with each other during lunch the future center of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, because everybody is sitting at long tables, then something needs called ‘The Wharf’ (De Werf) [6]. It shows how the model works. In to change. This learning cycle means that The Wharf is continually terms of strategic intent, the Tax Authority had developed a need changed and adapted. Page 18 of 36 One of the few studies into the effects of physical stimuli the incubation stage [8]. It seems that creative ideas often on creativity was conducted by McCoy and Evans [7]. They emerge during periods when we are not actively thinking showed test subjects various pictures of classrooms, waiting about the problem, but when we leave it alone. Then, rooms, libraries, offices, living rooms, hallways, restaurants, following a period of subconscious thought, the creative sports facilities and shopping environments. The photo- idea suddenly appears: ‘Eureka!’ This is often explained by graphs were then all laid before the participants, who were taking a ‘fresh look’ at a problem, or setting it aside tem- asked: ’If you had to solve a specific problem and needed to porarily and then viewing it from a different perspective. come up with lots of new ideas, where would you most likely This explanation implies that subconscious processes do go?’ The test subjects believed that complex and detai- not play a role; the problem is solved because the conscious led spaces (e.g. containing books, lamps, carpets and art), mind does something else for a while. However, the term wooden floors or walls, and nature (e.g. plants, natural stone, ‘incubation’ suggests more the influence of the subcon- a view) would increase the potential for creativity – imagine scious, an active contribution to the creative process. an old shed or a skiing hut. Nature therefore seems very Following Haner’s reasoning, the conscious mind should important (see ‘A Day on the Savannah’). They also recog- work more convergently and the subconscious mind more nised the importance of windows: not only do windows draw divergently, making it more creative. In a series of three nature inside, but they also create a feeling of autonomy experiments, Dijksterhuis demonstrates that subconscious and control over the environment. People feel trapped in a processes do not simply wait on the creative sidelines. room without windows; there is no possibility for change, In the experiments the test subjects had to think actively such as drawing the curtains. Views also create diversion and about the solution to a problem for three minutes, or the prompt unconventional thoughts. Furniture also seems to problem was presented to them but after three minutes have a stimulating effect given that it emanates comfort, but they had to complete a different task. This meant that they more importantly because it also provides the opportunity to were unable to think consciously about the solution to the engage in social interactions such as cooperation. It is well- problem. In the first experiment the test subjects had to known that social support, encouragement and cooperation name as many different types of pasta as they could; five promote creativity. On the other hand, cold colours and examples were given, all of which ended with an ‘i’ (i.e. an synthetically manufactured materials such as concrete and implicit rule). When they had worked on the problem con- metal have a negative effect: imagine the interior of a dull sciously, they gave more names that ended in ‘i’, while the meeting room. In a second study they had people create pa- group that had thought subconsciously about the problem per collages in a room that either was or was not expected to gave more names that ended in something else. The latter encourage creativity. It turned out that people in the creative group was therefore more creative, and did not think as space did indeed express themselves in the collages in more much in terms of the rule that all names had to end in an ‘i’. interesting, unconventional and clever ways. In a second experiment, they had to name cities and towns. Test subjects who had thought subconsciously about the We have seen that the creative process consists of various problem named more small, relatively unknown towns. In stages, and that the environment can offer support to the the third experiment, subconscious thought led to more creative process during these stages. Ap Dijksterhuis and creative and unconventional ideas for what you could do Teun Meurs have examined which psychological process with a brick. Divergent thought and subconscious processes lies at the basis of creativity, and more specifically during therefore seem to play an important part in creativity. LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 19 of 36 Subconscious Processes Mimicry However, subconscious processes play an important part in our day-to-day lives. A significant part of our Imitative behaviour behaviour is completely independent of conscious When we are enjoying a glass of wine on the couch in the processes. Our environment also has a large sub- evening and we see that the person we are with has his/ conscious impact on us. Nonetheless, people such as her legs crossed, we often imitate this behaviour without consumers are often viewed as deliberate decision- thinking about it. And when we see two people being all makers. When we go to a shop and wish to make a lovey-dovey in a restaurant, they are often sitting in exactly purchase, we believe that we consider things properly the same position. We subconsciously imitate what we see – before making a decision. Often, however, we do but why? Seeing somebody with their legs crossed activates not [9]. In his book, American psychologist Robert the same representation of the behaviour in our minds as Cialdini talks about ‘click-zoom’ responses [10], or if we had crossed our own legs. By doing what others do, the fact that certain environmental stimuli have a we understand what they do. Even just the activation of a direct impact on our behaviour. For example: we see representation like this is enough to stimulate our muscles a shop sign that says ‘while stocks last’, which tells us into adopting the same behaviour. As the example shows, that now is the only time we can make the purchase this behaviour can be activated through perception, but also (click), whereupon we place the product in our trolley by thought, e.g. if you think about sitting properly. The third almost automatically (zoom). Then we get home and way of activating this type of representation is by making a ask ourselves why on earth we bought that red wine deliberate decision, such as if you reason with yourself that when we only drink rosé. Much of our behaviour is it would be better to sit a little differently. The first two of subconscious, and not exclusively the result of well- these options clearly show that a major part of our behaviour considered planning. stems from subconscious processes, and is independent of conscious processes [11]. We can assume that there are many factors in a range of As mentioned above, we understand our social partners environments that influence our behaviour, subconsciously better when we imitate them. One could say that imitation or otherwise. Here we will look more specifically at subcon- ensures that we interact with each other correctly. The fact scious influences. After all, it does not seem reasonable to that imitation is important to us is demonstrated by the fact think that visitors to the living room/fireplace preset con- that we like people more when they imitate us. Rick van Baa- sciously perceive everything in the environment, and during ren found a fun way to demonstrate the effects of imitative group discussions continually make a deliberate decision to behaviour [12]. Waitresses in a restaurant were instructed to behave in an open and informal manner. The facilitator may repeat customers’ orders back to them exactly (or not to do point this out at the start of the discussion; however, if the so). Tips were higher whenever the order was repeated ver- presets are doing their job properly the environment should batim, and when the order was not repeated they dropped, stimulate the participants subconsciously. To understand even falling below the average amount that they normally the workings of this process, we will take a more in-depth received. It also works the other way around – the more we look at two lines of research, referred to here for conveni- like someone, the more we imitate them. This explains why ence as ‘mimicry’ and ‘goal-oriented behaviour’. couples in love often sit or stand the same way. Page 20 of 36 Advanced imitation center, this means that priming people with certain goals, It is not only other people’s actual behaviour that influences stereotypes or characteristics would make them more likely to our own behaviour through imitation, but also the associati- exhibit a desired behaviour, such as creativity. ons that we have with others. Seeing a man in a suit step into an expensive car will activate a representation in our minds People can be primed in ways other than simply exposing of the stereotypical businessman, after which we then ‘see’ a them to words. Ron Holland and his colleagues demonstrated businessman, as it were. Other representations of the stereo- that when test subjects sat in a room that smelled of fresh cle- type can then also become activated, causing us to ‘see’ that aning products, they were less messy when eating a traditional he is busy and eats in expensive restaurants. Dutch beschuit (a very crumbly, toast-like biscuit). Environmental variables (such as scents) can therefore also be used to American researcher John Bargh designed a clever experiment activate certain representations and trigger certain behaviours. to study the effects of this phenomenon [13]. He speculated The above shows that the relationship between perception that even just supplying words that describe such a stereotype and behaviour is very strong. At a subconscious level we adapt can activate a representation (called ‘priming’), which will our behaviour to the environment in which we find ourselves. then influence behaviour. He exposed test subjects to words Designs for creative spaces often assume that the space must associated with the elderly (e.g. bingo, grey, old, etc.). When represent some sort of metaphor for our cognition; that what leaving the building, the test subjects needed to walk some we perceive has comparable effects on our cognition. As long distance to the lift, and the time it took them to do so was as the room is playful enough, then our thoughts will also measured. It turned out that people who had been exposed be playful and creative. Although this assumption was often to words related to the stereotype took longer to get to the lift based on intuition, it does seem to contain a grain of truth. than people who had not been exposed to the same words. In other words, people exhibited behaviour (i.e. walking slowly) Goal-oriented behaviour that correlated to the activated stereotype. We have just looked at why we imitate relatively simple perWe can also take things one step further, because in addition ceived behaviour. We have also seen that we sometimes also to behaviour, cognitive processes can also be imitated under imitate behaviour that we do not actually see, but derive from the influence of the environment. During an experiment, test our assumptions and associations. Things that we derive from subjects needed to write down as many words as possible stereotypes, for example, automatically lead to corresponding that they associated with professors, in order to activate the behaviour. intelligence stereotype [14]. Then, in a seemingly unrelated As well as imitation, striving to achieve goals can also lead to au- task, they had to answer 42 general questions from the game tomatic, subconscious behaviour. Activating a goal leads to the ‘Trivial Pursuit’. Participants who had been primed with intel- setting of an objective, which can in turn lead to the behaviour ligence answered more questions correctly than test subjects required to achieve the goal. Seeing your boss, for example, can who had not. A previous experiment had demonstrated the activate the goal to perform well, which makes you work harder opposite effect: that thinking of football hooligans led to without you even realising it. poorer performance. People can be made to be brutal, polite, helpful, cooperative, competitive, aggressive, neat, sloppy, One study relevant to LEF future center, conducted by Utrecht fast, slow – and the list goes on [11]. In terms of LEF future psychologist Henk Aarts in collaboration with Ap Dijksterhuis LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 21 of 36 [15], shows that environments are able to influence behaviour. by how they think significant others behave in similar In an initial experiment, they had a group of test subjects look situations. From the participants’ perspective, the facilita- at an image of a library. They were told to inspect it thoroughly, tor (or boss, manager, etc.) could function as this type of and also informed that they would be visiting the library later. significant other. It is therefore important that this person A third group was also shown the same picture, but received communicates the desired behaviour. Visitors may not no further instructions. Test subjects who had a goal (i.e. automatically make the association between the surroun- going to the library) and had been shown a picture proved to dings and the desired behaviour. However, it is still possible respond more quickly to words relating to silence. A second to emphasise what the desired behaviour is. experiment demonstrated that showing a picture of a library not only influences our cognition, but also our behaviour. Thirdly, it has been shown that people (thankfully!) do Test subjects who were asked to read words aloud spoke not need a lot of experience with the situation in order to more softly after having seen the picture of the library. This pick up what the desired behaviour is. People therefore is because the situation reminds us of what the norm (or the do not need to have learned through experience that the goal) is in that specific situation. This occurs subconsciously work area/creative preset is intended for creative thought. and unintentionally; in other words, no instructions need to be However, the more that people associate an environment given. In a third experiment people were asked to eat a traditi- with desired behaviour (e.g. through experience), the more onal Dutch beschuit. People who had seen a picture of a fancy their behaviour is influenced. The more frequently people restaurant more often wiped away the crumbs that inevitably have been exposed to the work area/creative preset and fall when eating this crumbly, toast-like biscuit. have had creative ideas there, the stronger the association becomes between the preset and creative thought. This allows us to make three relevant observations. The subconscious and other effects of the surroundings on our behaviour are stronger if exposure to the environment is goal-oriented. We are more receptive to the influence of the environment if we use it as it is intended. People studying in the library are quieter than people who just need to walk through it to get to the other side of the building. In the living room/fireplace preset, you will be more open if that is your goal; more so than if you just need to give somebody a status update. The questionnaire answered by the facilitators showed that the four most-used presets are used roughly for four different purposes. Aside from the fact that the facilitators’ descriptions all correspond to each other, they also correspond to the purpose of the preset as described in the moodbook. Regarding this initial observation, it is important to note that the facilitators are aware of the purpose for which a preset ought to be used, and that everybody agrees on this point. Secondly, people allow their behaviour to be influenced Page 22 of 36 Mood and Behaviour single-cell organisms through to animals and people. The choice Approach and avoidance motivation to either approach or avoid something has always been an important adaptive decision in our evolutionary history. Research The research described above clearly shows that the has shown that we directly evaluate most (if not all) stimuli in environment does affect us subconsciously. However, our environment in terms of positivity/negativity. This system is given that this is recent research into cognitive psy- also represented in our bodies in various ways, such as in the re- chology, the terminology and explanatory paradigms flexes from the spinal cord, and in cortical/subcortical processes. do not always correspond exactly to (possibly older) research into consumer and environmental psychology. Affect As stated in the definition, psychological responses can be either cognitive or emotional in nature. However, As stated above, we evaluate all of the stimuli around us. The the influence of environmental stimuli within these response to these evaluations can be termed briefly an ‘affec- disciplines in particular is under-researched, and the tive’ response (i.e. mood-related), and is very fast and automatic effects are usually explained using the regulating – notice how many feelings you experience upon hearing the function of mood, and not so much cognition. Mood is word ‘darling’ or ‘fighting’. We never see just a house, we see ei- also used to explain aspects such as intuition, instinct ther a beautiful or an ugly house. The same Bob Zajonc exposed or subconscious processes. For example, in 1980 Bob test subjects to images of happy or angry faces for either 4 mil- Zajonc posited that mood is primary, i.e. that it is activa- liseconds or 1 second. After seeing the images, they were shown ted before cognition and does not need it. This will be Chinese characters and had to say what they thought of them. It discussed further below. However, we do need to keep turned out that not being given the chance to consciously per- in mind that the underlying idea remains the same: we ceive the faces (i.e. the 4ms-group) influenced how pretty the are often unaware of the effects that the surroundings test subjects found the Chinese characters. Subjects who had have on our behaviour. been able to consciously perceive the faces corrected for their emotions. These subtle feelings activate representations in our minds: if they are pleasant, we become motivated to reproduce Put simply, a stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model is often them. If the representations are unpleasant, they motivate us assumed, in which the elements of a space lead to an evaluation to avoid the associated feelings. If you have ever burned your and then to a response. Although behaviour can stem from fingers on the stove, your subsequent approach to the stove many sources, the approach and avoidance paradigm is often will evoke negative feelings and representations, the purpose of used as an explanatory model for behaviour [16]. Approach which is to keep you from burning your fingers again. motivation can be created by something positive that is not present, or by the desire to retain something positive that is Here, behaviour as a function of mood is an associative process. present. In the same manner, avoidance can be generated by If you always took pink medicine as a child, and therefore lear- the desire to keep a negative thing at bay, or to distance oneself ned to associate pink with illness, it is not advisable to paint your from something negative that has appeared. This instigates room pink when you are older. If you do, you may experience a psychological response, which then may or may not be a constant feeling of unpleasantness in the room (i.e. an avoi- converted into behaviour. Approach and avoidance motivation dance motivation), though you may not realise why. However, is fundamental to behaviour [17], and can be observed from behaviour can also stem from a cognitive associative process. LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 23 of 36 Seeing a painting of the sea can serve as a reminder, and trigger mood, we often use standard rules (i.e. heuristics), but when you to book a holiday. However, it can also call up positive emo- in a less happy mood we process the information at a deeper tions. The relationship between these two associative processes level. Good arguments are therefore particularly important is complex. What is more, no two people associate exactly the when we are in a bad mood, whereas the number of arguments same things with colour, music or furniture, which means that (even though they may be bad ones) is more important when a room will influence everybody differently. For example, one we are in a good mood. In short, when we are in a good mood person may associate red mostly with danger, and another we process information more superficially; we use standard with love and companionship. Everybody has individual ‘place rules, make decisions quickly and avoid rigorous thought memories’, which are supposed to influence the furnishings of processes. The advantage of this is that we are often more a room. It is important to find out which environmental stimuli open-minded, creative, constructive and flexible. By contrast, a are the key to creating a successful environment. negative frame of mind will lead to systematic, meticulous and intensive processing of information. This is in accordance with Research into the influence of shopping environments on the convergent and divergent thought described earlier. These our behaviour often describes the results in terms of positive observations can be logically explained if we see affect as a and negative affect, and research into affective responses to means of making decisions, or ‘mood as information’. If it is true environmental stimuli concentrates mainly on positive affect. that different situations encourage different moods, then mood Often the underlying idea is that people should always strive for can be used as a fast and valid indicator of the situation that one a positive affect. Despite the fact that we may strive to achieve a is in. When we are in a bad mood (which often means that we positive affect, it is nonetheless important to realise that positive are in a problematic situation), we become motivated to process and negative affect have different effects within the reper- our surroundings more systematically. When it is ‘business as toire. For example, a negative mood will not necessarily have a usual’, we can rely on traditional knowledge that we already negative effect on performance. German researchers Herbert have (i.e. knowledge-driven, top-down), but when the situation Bless and Klaus Fiedler propose that a good mood supplies the becomes problematic we prefer to rely on the information that energy and self-confidence required to demonstrate spontane- is available (i.e. information-driven, bottom-up). ous, self-selected and risky behaviour (i.e. assimilation) [18]. This can affect our behaviour in a variety of ways. A less happy mood Now that we have seen how mood can have a regulating ef- leads to ordinary behaviour that conforms with the norms and fect on our behaviour, we can look at the effects that various is determined by external and social rules (i.e. accommodation). atmospherics have thereon. For example, happy people exhibit more impolite behaviour and are less reserved, but at the same time they perceive the same communication as more polite than people in a less happy mood. They also produce more uncommon associations and take more risks in negotiations; in other words, they stick less strictly to rules and strategies. People in a good mood think at a more abstract level (i.e. animals, elections, opinions) whereas people in a less happy mood think at a more specific level (i.e. my sister’s hamster, the Obama election, being in favour of euthanasia). When processing information while we are in a good Page 24 of 36 Atmospherics Music pitches (which are seen as sadder), loud music as more lively In our society, music and sounds are frequently used in areas and soft as more calming. such as film, therapy and marketing, often in the belief that they elicit emotions and can influence or trigger behavi- Mozart makes you smarter ours. Patrik Julin and Daniel Västfjäll argue that music can An article published by the authoritative Nature magazine de- influence us in various ways [19]. Here we will examine two monstrated that listening to Mozart temporarily increased peo- subconscious processes, as participants do not usually listen ple’s spatial intelligence IQ by 8 or 9 points. This subsequently consciously to music during LEF sessions. led to absurd government funding for CDs of classical music for Firstly, music can have a subconscious effect on us though a the parents of young children! Two Canadian researchers took repetitive process whereby we start to associate music with this issue and set to work [20]: they had test subjects listen to certain positive and negative memories. This explains why both Mozart and Albinoni, and once again observed the same it is always so nice to hear you and your partner’s song, for effect. But they also looked at the extent of psychological and example. This process is subconscious, and is even hinde- physical activation or emotion (i.e. arousal) brought about by red by conscious attention. It explains why we sometimes the music, and whether it put people in a positive or negative like music even though the quality may be poor, or why sad mood. It turned out that Mozart scored higher on both arousal music can make us feel happy. This effect brought about by and mood, leading to a temporary good feeling and therefore music is therefore extremely personal (i.e. every listener has higher performance on the spatial intelligence task. A subse- a different past), and is not concerned with the music itself, quent study demonstrated this effect in multiple areas, such but with the associations linked to the music. as creativity and within other cultures. Nor does it need to be classical music – familiar music works even better. Sometimes, however, we listen to a song that we have never heard before, and yet it still produces associations. The lis- Music in a shopping environment tener perceives the expression in the music and imitates this Some studies have examined the influence of music on com- expression in his/her mind. This can make us do things such mercial businesses such as restaurants and shops [21]. The as subconsciously engage our muscles, or feel rushed. You positive feeling elicited by Mozart not only leads to enhanced may sometimes listen to music in a traffic jam and realise performance (relevant in work situations), but also to appro- that you are singing along with a contorted face, then quickly ach motivation, which is relevant to these types of businesses. look around to see whether any other drivers saw you. This Whenever a good feeling is created by music, bank customers can be explained by the fact that music contains patterns prove to be more willing to start a conversation with the bank that resemble speech. Our minds respond to them through teller. In restaurants too, people talk more readily when music imitation to try to understand what the music is ‘saying’, just puts them in a good mood, and they also come back more as we imitate behaviour to understand what other people often. People are also willing to wait longer for someone if there are doing. We then sometimes subconsciously distort our is music playing. Music therefore seems to stimulate approach faces, or start to sing along. The good thing about music is motivation. that it can do much more than the human voice in terms of speed, intensity and timbre. Faster music is seen as being Music can also subconsciously prime customers (i.e. expose more cheerful, rhythm as more serious than static music, them to a stimulus) if it matches a certain product or environ- higher pitches as happier and more stimulating that lower ment. Shopkeepers who play top-40 songs instead of classical LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 25 of 36 music will sell less wine. Those who play French music sell sound of an air conditioner. The types of sound we are refer- more French wine, and playing more German music will sell ring to here are soft environmental noises (such as speech) at German wine. Slower music causes people to shop more around 65dB. The disturbing effects of noise are subconscious slowly (and therefore spend more), and also eat more slowly – we cannot control them – but they can have far-reaching (and spend more money on alcoholic refreshments). If cus- consequences. Fifteen per cent of all accidents in the British tomers believe that a certain type of music belongs to a place air force are caused by distraction, and it is the most com- such as a restaurant, positive business successes will result, monly named source of irritation in the workplace. The most such as higher consumption, more spending, a more positive disruptive background noises are those with frequent and fast response to the atmosphere, and customers who stay longer. variation in pitch and frequency. The match between the music and the product or environment becomes more important as the number of people We often have the wrong idea of how we should tackle a involved increases – the music is therefore more important background noise problem. Increasing the intensity is hardly in a car dealership than at a snack counter. Loud music makes bothersome at all – so asking somebody to keep their voice people shop faster, increasing the number of items sold per down will not help. The disturbing effect can be eliminated minute. The total amount sold, however, remains the same. through ‘acoustic masking’, so that we can no longer distin- The atmosphere is even perceived differently under the guish between the different levels of sound. More distraction influence of different musical styles. will therefore occur in a room with little resonance (i.e. the peaks and troughs remain the same). A child will be able to Music also seems to bring about purely cognitive effects. People concentrate more on what the teacher is saying if everybody who listen to familiar music are less stimulated by their environ- is whispering than if only two children are whispering to each ment. They spend less time shopping, yet they believe that they other. It is sometimes therefore a good idea to add back- have actually spent more time shopping or waiting in line. This ground noise. A second method is to clearly distinguish the may be because we remember the songs that we have heard, levels of sound; it is better to provide an important warning giving us the feeling that we have already spent a long time in to a pilot in a manner different to the way the normal flight the queue. It is therefore better to play unfamiliar music if the information is given. aim is to keep people in a store for longer than they originally intended. Tasks that involve remembering things have proven to be very susceptible to the influence of background noise. Being Music is also often used for relaxation, e.g. during therapy. Pre- presented with a task that involves determining the meaning ference, familiarity and experience with the music often prove of something is also (though a little less) sensitive to distrac- to be even more important factors for achieving relaxation tion, but only when the background noise is also meaningful than the type of music itself, such as ‘easy-listening’ music. This (as opposed to irrelevant speech or no speech). Tasks based on means that some people can even relax to the loud music of strict rules are not affected by noise. Metallica. In general, people believe that they are less sensitive to sound Noise than they actually are, although women are quicker to admit Although music can of course be very beautiful, we sometimes their sensitivity. It has also been shown that intellectuals are also find it extremely annoying, just like people talking or the less sensitive to distraction, but more sensitive when working Page 26 of 36 at their best. Lastly, introverted people are more distracted by ched the product that people were exposed to (i.e. sweets or noise than extroverted people. flowers), the participants generated more self-reference, drew more conclusions and sought out diversity. This was explained Sound, however, is not always irrelevant and bothersome. If by the researchers by arguing that the test subjects were using you are cycling along a narrow street and you hear the appro- the peripheral (i.e. divergent, creative) route to process infor- aching rumbling of an enormous truck, you move to the side. mation. Do you remember that people in a good mood are For traders, the sound on the floor has always been a predictor less analytical? In another experiment, 90% of women bought for changing market conditions. Irrelevant sounds, then, can the orange-scented nylon stockings, while only 10% bought activate certain associations that influence our behaviour. the perfume-free stockings. The women thought that the nice-smelling stockings were better quality – they were using Eliminating environmental noise has produced positive effects heuristics. More recently, 22 out of 35 test subjects thought in health care; however, the introduction of distracting positive that Nike shoes looked better in a perfumed changing room sounds (such as music) has produced ambiguous results. than in a non-perfumed changing room. In the healthcare Playing ocean sounds made people sleep more, but music sector, perfuming a dentist’s waiting room with the smell of during blood donation resulted in either very positive or very oranges created a better atmosphere (only among women), negative evaluations of the environment reduced tension and increased calmness. Smells Smells must fit not only the product, but also the music. Research into smells has concentrated primarily on environ- Whenever stimulating music is played in combination with sti- mental or atmospheric smells, i.e. smells not emanating from mulating smells (e.g. grapefruit), consumers are more satisfied a specific source [23], with a focus on how pleasant, stimu- with their shopping experience, demonstrate more approach lating and intense a smell is. The relationship between smell behaviour, and make more impulse buys. and mood seemingly originates from the limbic system in our brains. This system is a group of structures responsible for How is it possible that smells influence our behaviour? One both emotions and the processing of olfactory information – a explanation is sought, once again, in the effect that smells strong link between these two has therefore been suggested have on our mood. Another explanation is that smells affect by researchers. Although it is difficult for us to name smells, cognitive processes. An experiment carried out in a casino in we do have strong approach/avoidance responses to certain Las Vegas showed that scent affects the amount of money that smells, demonstrated by the universal aversion to the smell people put into gambling machines. It was suggested that the of decomposition. These extreme situations aside, it turns smells evoke nostalgic memories and associations, improving out not to matter whether a smell is found to be neutral or people’s moods. pleasant, nor how strong the smell is. Whenever any kind of scent was released into a shopping area, people thought they Colours had spent less time in the store than they actually had (just as Colours have always intrigued people, and they therefore play with music) and the shop was more positively evaluated. In an important part in cognition and behaviour. People were terms of behaviour, it seems to be important for the smell to conducting research into the physiological effects of colour as fit the product. One experiment exposed test subjects to the early as the 1970s. It has been shown that red colours have smell of either chocolate or flowers. Whenever the smell mat- an inherently arousing and stimulating effect on our minds – LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 27 of 36 blood pressure and heart rate increase, and participants blinked when the parts were coloured blue, and more practical when more often. Blue, on the other hand, produces a calming effect. the parts were coloured red (in contrast to the study by McCoy However, acquired associations with colour (such as other and Evans). people, places or objects) are also important. Two Canadian Lastly, the researchers demonstrated that we are not aware of researchers recently studied the influence of colours on test the influence that colours have on us. They told the test subjects subjects’ performance of certain tasks, such as creative thinking that they would have to carry out a task requiring either accuracy and accuracy [24]. They argued that colours affect us mainly or creativity, and that they could choose either blue or red as a through acquired associations: the colour red, for example, can background colour. Test subjects chose blue in both cases, des- activate a strong association with danger, subconsciously influ- pite the fact that red would have been better for accuracy. encing our behaviour. Contemporary linguistic metaphors also reflect this phenomenon – take the ‘black market’, ‘green with Based on this experiment, we can state that different colours are envy’ and ‘rose-coloured glasses’, for example. The researchers beneficial depending on the task being performed. Whenever a suggested that red was often associated with danger, mistakes task requires accuracy or directed thought (e.g. reaching a deci- and obedience. Blue, on the other hand, was often associated sion), red (or another colour that elicits an avoidance response) with openness, rest and peace. The dangerous colour red could may be suitable. However, whenever a task requires creativity, therefore elicit an avoidance response, whereas the inviting co- openness and imagination (e.g. brainstorming, introductions) lour blue creates an approach motivation. Red and blue can also blue (or another colour that elicits an approach response) may call up other associations: red is linked with passion and power, be useful. and blue is linked with peacefulness and calm, for example. In Similarly, research into the influence of shopping environments addition to evoking a range of associations, colours also seem has also focused largely on the colours red (and yellow) and blue to elicit different associations in different cultures. In France, (and green). Consumers were subconsciously attracted to red for example, green is the colour of envy and jealousy, whereas colours, but found these environments unpleasant, tense and in Germany, yellow has those associations. Blue and red are at less attractive than shops with cooler colours. Both colours had opposite ends of the visible spectrum (at 400nm and 700nm an equally stimulating effect. Because people liked blue more respectively). and were therefore in a more positive mood, they made more (virtual) purchases, delayed purchases less, and the urge to shop An experiment was conducted in which test subjects were asked and to search for things (i.e. approach motivation) was higher. to remember words. Both groups were able to remember the same number of words. However, the people who saw the Lighting words on a red screen made significantly fewer errors than Sleep and weight disorders are common in Scandinavia, where those who had seen the words on a blue screen: they wanted to the winter days are short and the summer days are long. This is avoid the words. When the groups were asked to come up with attributed to the effect that light has on our body. The eyes are different uses for a brick, they both had the same number of not only used to see with; they are also connected to nerves that ideas but the people in the blue group showed more creativity regulate other processes in our bodies. The biological clock is the and thought of more creative uses. Colours therefore influenced most important of these, in which cortisol (a stress hormone) the quality of the answers. This effect has also been demonstra- and melatonin (a sleeping hormone) act to help us stay alert ted in other areas: when test subjects were asked to construct or to become sleepy. Our body clock is particularly sensitive to a toy car from various parts, the car turned out more creative colours from the blue spectrum. For example, cortisol raises Page 28 of 36 levels of glucose in the bloodstream, giving us more energy and have a positive effect. There are also differences between men stimulating our immune system. In the workplace, where our and women. Women seem to respond more strongly to very exposure to daylight is on average 40-200 times less than it is cool or light colours: their mood worsened in the presence of outdoors, it is possible to imitate the natural daily rhythm. Acti- lighter colours, and remained neutral when exposed to warm vity can be boosted in the morning by using cooler colours (i.e. colours. Men responded in the opposite manner. A neutral or from the blue spectrum) at high strength (i.e. 1000 lux), which positive mood should to lead to the making of rash or heuristic then decreases to 500 lux in combination with warmer colours decisions, and a negative mood to well-considered decisions. (i.e. the red spectrum) until around lunchtime. After lunch, coo- Differences were also observed between 25 and 65-year-olds. ler colours and high intensity are once again used to stimulate activity. Increasing light intensity in the workplace by 300-2000 The physiological and psychological effects of colour seem to be lux increases productivity by 20% [25]. quite contradictory. Physiologically, blue results in greater alertness, yet psychologically, dimmed warm colours improve our When decorating a room’s interior, there is often very little con- mood and therefore also our performance. It could be that the sideration for the lighting. The type of light (artificial vs. natural), physiological effects are based on evolutionary developments the colour, temperature, intensity, bulb type (e.g. LED), and style (i.e. performance during the day), whereas the psychological ef- (e.g. direct vs. indirect), the shape and structure of the room, fects could be attributed to associations (i.e. the dark, candle-lit objects in the room, and general lighting by the various light days at Christmas time are always so cosy). sources are all aspects that influence how a space is perceived and experienced. Indirect light from the ceiling at a low intensity Much research has been carried out in the field of health psycho- (320 lux) creates a pleasant, relaxed and intimate atmosphere. logy on the influence of daylight on patients. It is an undeniable Indirect light from the walls at high intensity (500 lux) is suitable fact that daylight can have positive effects on recovery, although for creating a sense of order and space, as well as an atmosphere not necessarily for all patients. For example, mortality is higher of clarity (here, direct light from the ceiling will also work) [26]. in darker rooms, and people in a light room are less stressed, in less pain, take less medication and are released sooner. Lighting can, of course, affect us by means of priming and evoking various memories. And just as we saw with music, there are Air quality researchers who say that the combination of arousal and mood Most research into air quality has come from the field of occu- is important. Studies on lighting mainly try to explain the effects pational and organisational psychology. A range of calculations using the relationship between lighting and mood; it is this have shown that improving air quality is cost-effective if health mood that then influences our behaviour. We are put in a good and productivity benefits are included in the calculation [27]. mood whenever the colour and intensity of the light pleases Research into temperature shows that the performance of of- us, which allows us to perform more effectively. And given that fice duties drops once the temperature exceeds 23-24 degrees familiarity puts us in a more positive mood, lighting conditions Celsius. Productivity increases up to around 21-22 degrees, that we are frequently exposed to have a major influence on our and has almost no effect on performance between 21 and 24 behaviour. However, precisely which colours and intensity create degrees. Productivity at 15 and 30 degrees is around 90% of the a positive mood is not yet clear, and results are contradictory. It maximum; temperature can therefore have a great effect on would seem that it is primarily our associations with light that our behaviour if we realise that we are then performing at 10% determine our mood, with warm lighting usually seeming to below our ability. LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 29 of 36 On a related note, research has also been conducted into ven- by Ulrich is that we spent a great deal of our evolutionary past in tilation, or the deliberate supply of outside air into a building. It a natural environment, more specifically a savannah. Surroun- has been shown that introducing up to 45L/s of external air per dings that resemble a natural environment like this are therefore person has a positive effect on performance. Supplying more less threatening. Other indications of this include the aversion external air after this point will have a less pronounced effect we have to sitting with our back to a door, and the fact that most on performance. Performance increases by 2%-3.5% up to people sleep upstairs – this makes us feel safe. We like to sit in 10L/s; by 1%-2% between 10-20L/s, and by 0.5%-1% between spaces where the ceiling is lower and the light dimmed, as this 20-40L/s. Performance increases significantly between 6.6 and provides us with a secure shelter. We also like to have a view so 15L/s per person. Performance has often been measured using that we can keep a good eye on our surroundings. Patterns on typical office work, but also other types such as creative thought. floors and walls must not become too complex, or the visibility of approaching danger will be reduced. A day on the savannah When we absorb a space, we can do one of two things: we can Evolutionary psychology has been the main source of know- first take an active interest in the environment, such as going out ledge for explaining the effects of floors, walls, furniture and and investigating, or we can try to understand the space from accessories. It has been suggested, for example, that there a distance. The first approach is related to processes such as are designs of elements that have the same influence on creative thought and brainstorming, while the second is related everybody because they are ingrained in the oldest parts of to problem-solving. A complex and mysterious space causes our brains [28]. Natural objects and shapes have often been a us to take an investigative approach, by putting the spotlight source of inspiration for designs. Recent research shows that on strange objects on the wall, architectural whimsies, photos, these nature-based shapes assist our emotional and cognitive videos, blind spots, curving hallways, or inaccessible or clearly functioning. Our brains evolved in order to respond correctly to visible objects. The second attitude that we can adopt is one in dangers or opportunities that were present in the natural sur- which we try to understand the environment when it is coherent roundings of our ancestors. These responses are fast, automatic and legible, such as open, or even secure, surroundings. These and subconscious, causing us to either like our surroundings or feelings can be evoked by creating an open space with a high not and resulting in approach or avoidance behaviour. We had ceiling, wide views, elevation, lots of light, a balcony, etc. A to respond so quickly because wasting time and energy reduced feeling of security can be created through a low ceiling, a small our chances of survival. The amygdala seems to play an impor- room without windows and thick soundproofed walls. Research tant part in this process, by secreting the stress hormone cortisol in this area remains rather tentative. Although this evolutionary and activating our autonomic nervous system. approach is still far from explaining all of our responses to our surroundings, we can still keep it in mind. The founder of this model, Roger Ulrich, published an article in Science magazine on the recovery of patients who had undergo- Design principles ne gall-bladder surgery. Half of the patients had a view of a tree, the other half of a wall. Patients who could see the tree reco- Paul Hekkert, professor of industrial design at the Delft Uni- vered sooner, had fewer complaints and required fewer painkil- versity of technology, uses over-arching principles based in lers and less care. Natural environments cause our cortisol levels evolution to explain our perception of beauty; he believes that to drop and enable us to rest properly. The explanation offered these principles hold for all of our senses (i.e. they are cross- Page 30 of 36 modal) [29]. First of all there is the principle of maximum effect of adventurous behaviour is particularly important for children at minimum cost. We wish to work as efficiently as possible, when growing up. It has been shown that we like products that quickly and with a minimum of effort. For example, we find a possess enough typical features, yet are still a little innovative. visual pattern beautiful if it is simple and yet contains a lot of The iPhone would not have been a success 10 years ago, becau- information, such as a caricature. It is for the same reason that se it would have been too forward-looking. This also explains we value conjunctive ambiguity but not disjunctive ambiguity. why a remix of a well-known song often ends up so high in the An example of disjunctive ambiguity is the well-known image in charts, such as ‘A little less conversation’ by Junkie XL. which we can see either a duck or a rabbit, but not both simultaneously. An example of conjunctive ambiguity is a bookshelf on A fourth important aspect is the congruence among sensory wheels that is, at the same time, also a dividing wall. Lastly, we inputs. We prefer environments that are unambiguous in often use metaphors to express ourselves in an economic and purpose, affect and intensity, and that do not give off mixed efficient manner. A simple reference by a product to something messages. We are confused by a fancy restaurant playing loud else allows us to add a lot of information to the product. For music, or a teapot without a handle (i.e. form follows function). example, the bowed-down shape of a Senseo machine can be It is therefore important for all sensory messages to be congru- perceived as a humble butler in attendance. ent with the intended overall experience. If the intention is to surprise, then it is actually a good idea to make an exception In the world around us we are bombarded with information, to this rule – for example, designing a chair that looks hard but which is why we easily perceive relationships. Our senses must feels soft when you sit in it. create order from chaos; Hekkert has therefore named the Surprise effects are easy to create using the physical stimuli second principle ‘unity in diversity’. Some researchers argue that named below. However, the precise effect of surprise on crea- listening to music is nothing more than the perception of regula- tivity is not known. Is it a good idea to take people out of their rities, such as rhythms and patterns. We enjoy establishing links comfort zone and possibly negatively affect their mood, or is it and we feel rewarded when we do, such as when completing a better to stimulate people with complex and surprising environ- puzzle. It could therefore also be that only people with a trained ments, as shown by the research of McCoy en Evans (see also ear (i.e. who can easily identify the relationships and links) can Nadler & Luckner, 1991)? appreciate a certain piece of music. Perhaps the piece is too new for people with an untrained ear, which is related to the third Floors and walls principle. Floors and floor coverings help to make clear what the purpose of a space is, to show where to walk and present the nature of The third principle, called ‘most advanced, yet acceptable’ the space. The colour and texture of the floor covering must cor- (MAYA), is related. The ‘preference for prototype’ theory has respond to the purpose of the space. Floor coverings in a store been rigorously tested, and has shown that we prefer the most exude warmth, and also suggest the sale of items from a higher average example from any given category, such as PDAs. In price range. From an evolutionary perspective we can say that many cases we have been exposed to it often, and are therefore complex and new patterns stimulate us, but in general we prefer familiar with it. For example, if we produce an average of ten simple patterns. A complex environment makes it more difficult faces, the resulting face is valued more than the other faces. to detect danger. We also prefer small patterns to larger ones, Conversely, people have always been attracted to the new and which require a lot of inspection. the unknown, to avoid overgratification and boredom. This type LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 31 of 36 The evolutionary approach says that the best thing to do is associations or to remember things. A teddy bear is made using to integrate elements of nature into spaces, such as plants or soft materials to make it seem huggable, and a car with leather imitations of nature (e.g. flower ornaments, nature posters). upholstery to emanate luxury. Another way is to imitate the mathematical relationships that occur in nature. A fractal is a geometric figure that is self-similar, Gestalt psychologists believe that we perceive a product as a i.e. it is made out of parts that are more or less the same as the whole. A car is therefore perceived as a car, and not as a col- figure itself. The most well-known example is that of a fern. lection of parts such as tyres, headlights and a steering wheel. Waves, flames and clouds can all be duplicated using fractals. If the shape requires more in-depth processing, then we also A fractal pattern on the wall or floor stimulates creativity and look at the individual parts. Consumers try to understand what mental activity. a product is by looking at the similarity of an object to product categories and examples. Porsche, for example, created surprise The colours on the walls and floors have a strong effect on how with the Cayenne SUV – a sports car built on the chassis of an a room is perceived. A wall with warm, dark colours seems to SUV. The MAYA principle states that as consumers we like it be closer, whereas a wall with cool, light colours seems further when we cannot categorise a product straight away, when it is away. The same principle can be applied to floors and ceilings. In just a little different and surprising; however, if it becomes too this way we can create atmospheres of security or openness, in difficult it creates only frustration. which we try to understand situations and think in a problemsolving way. We can also create a mysterious atmosphere, in Furthermore, contrast influences the way in which we process a which we embark on investigation. piece of furniture or an accessory. An object that contrasts with the environment also attracts attention because it surprises Contrasting effects can also be created using walls and floors. us, such as if it is very large or rich in detail. It contrasts with the A piece of furniture in a warm, dark colour will look bigger in a environment if it is placed in an odd location as well. light-coloured room. Textured walls will also make any colour We can also simply fall in love with the design of the product; seem darker through the interplay of shadows. Smooth shiny it then gives us positive feelings. Wherever the literature men- or reflective walls will make a room seem larger. We expect to tions furniture and accessories, it usually concerns aesthetics. see darker colours on the ground, medium colours on the wall Although in Greek antiquity this word referred to sensory per- and lighter colours on the ceiling. Departing from this norm can ception, nowadays we think more in terms of sensory fulfilment. create surprising effects, but also stress [30]. Things need to look beautiful, smell good or taste nice. Aesthetic responses are formed based on the intrinsic elements of a Furniture, accessories and design product that create involvement and generate attention. A good The form of furniture and accessories in an environment can design will generate more positive than negative responses. evoke a range of psychological responses from visitors, including cognitive and emotional responses [31]. Designers often choose Lastly, the allocation of furniture and accessories influences how certain shapes in order to encourage people to think about the we behave in an environment, whether we engage in interacti- product in a certain way. Just as with floors and walls, the shape on, and with whom. Research has shown that creativity requires must correspond to the purpose of the space. If done properly, face-to-face communication, and that the frequency of interac- the shape will therefore create certain expectations regarding tions is also a significant factor. These types of possibilities can the characteristics of the product, or cause us to make certain be ‘built-in’, such as perceived or actual closeness (i.e. accom- Page 32 of 36 modating people in a large/cluttered or small/open space), accessibility (e.g. encouraging people to stand or sit) and visual contact (e.g. sitting at a round table, or in groups at long tables). However, this can also cause people to lose their privacy and comfort, which we sometimes need during a creative process. A grain of salt The above analysis clearly shows that atmospherics influence consumer behaviour. But what happens, for example, if we very much like a piece of music (i.e. positive mood) but it is too loud (i.e. too much stimulus)? We need to expand our knowledge not only at the micro but also at the macro level. For what will happen if we listen to loud music (i.e. lots of stimulus) in a room with dimmed lighting (i.e. little stimulus) or warm lighting (i.e. positive mood)? Until now research has isolated the effects of environmental stimuli, meaning that we do not know which elements influence us the most. Secondly, little research has been done into segmentation. For example, we know that women are quicker to admit to being sensitive to noise, and that intellectuals are in principle less sensitive. But when we walk along a shopping street we see clear differences between shops for men, women and young people. It would therefore seem that managers still continually alter their shopping environments in order to influence their customers, without knowing exactly what effect the changes will have. LEF: the Recipe for Success Page 33 of 36 References 1. Bitner, M.J., “Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”. The Journal of Marketing, 1992. 56(2): p. 57-71. 2. Dijkstra, K., M. Pieterse, and A. 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