भारतीय कपास �नयम इं�डया �ल�मटे ड ( भारत सरकार का उपक्र) कपास भवन, प् लट नं. 3ए, सेक् र-10, सीबीडी बेलापुर, नवी मुंबई – 400 614 �वंडोज 8 और एमएस ऑ�फस 2013 के �लए पेपर लाइस�स क� खर�द के �लए �न�वदा नो�टस भारतीय कपास �नग् इं डया ट ट्टे ड, उन फमरस/संस् थ से दो बोल� प्रणाल�म्ुहरबंद �न�वदाएं ो्ं� त कर रह� है जो माइक्रोसॉफ्ट इं� प्राइवे ट �ल�मट के अ�धकृत पाटर ्नस/�वतरक है तथा िजनका मुख् यलय/शा. का./ सहायता कायार्लयठाणे/्ुंबई/नवी ्ुंबई म� है । अहर्ता के मापदंड �नम् नस ु ार है । 1. �वक्ता के पास माइक्रोसॉफ्ट इं� प्राइवे ट �ल�मट के अ�धकृत पाटर ्नस / �वतरक होना जरूर� है तथा उनके पास वैध �नमार्त प्रा�धकरण फा (MAF) भारतीय कपास �नगम �ल�मटे ड, नवी मुंबई के नाम पर जार� प्रमाण पत्र होनाआक है । 2. �वकेता का ठाणे / ्ुंबई/ नवी ्ुंबई म� मुख् यलय/शाखा कायार य /सहायता कायार य होना चा�हए । �वक्रेता दो बोलपध् �त म� 75,000/- (पचहत् र हजार रूपय) के ई.एम.डी/�डमांड ड्रा/पे आडर्र “�द भारतीय कपास �नग् इं डया ट ट्टे ड” को मंब ु ई पर दे य, �लफाफे पर “ �वंडोज 8 और एमएस ऑ�फस 2013 के �लए पेपर लाइस�स क� खर�द के �लए �न�वदा नो�टस” �लखकर, उप महा प्रबंध(स.ू प्.) को संबो�धत कर, उपय्क् पते पर छट� मंिजल पर रखे गऐ “सूचना प्रौद्यो�” ट� डर बॉक् म� �द. 24/03/2015 अप. ुर 3.00 बजे तक पहुंच जाने चा�हए तथा तकनीक� �बड उसी �दन अप. 4.00 बजे �न�वदाकतार्ओ के सम् ख खोले जाएंगे । �नयम एवं शत�, कायर् �े, तथा तकनीक� �बड तथा �वत् तस �बड के फाम�ट्स हमारे तथा गव् नर्म�ट�न�वदा पोटर के वेबसाईट पर उपलब् है । उप महा प्रबंध(सूचना प्रौद्यो�) 1/9 THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. (A Government of India Undertaking) ‘Kapas Bhavan’, Plot Mumbai No.3-A, Sector 10, CBD-Belapur, Navi 400 614 Tel No: +91-22-27579217, Fax No: +91-22- 27576030, 27579219 TENDER NOTICE FOR PURCHASE OF PAPER LICENSE FOR WINDOWS 8 AND FOR MSOFFICE 2013 The Cotton Corporation of India Limited invites Sealed Tenders in two bid system from the firms/companies, who are authorized partners / Distributors for the Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd. and have Head Quarter/Branch Office/Support Office located in Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane. The eligibility criteria are as under: 1) The Vendor must be Authorized Partner/Distributor of M/s. Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd. and should hold a valid Manufacturer Authorization Form (MAF) issued in the name of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Navi Mumbai. 2) Vendor must have a Head Quarter/Branch Office/Support Office located in Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane. The Vendors may submit sealed tenders in the prescribed format, in two bid system alongwith the EMD of Rs.75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand only) by way of Demand Draft / Pay Order favouring “The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd.”, payable at Mumbai superscribing the envelope "Tender for Purchase of Paper License for WINDOWS 8 and MS-OFFICE 2013 " addressed to Dy.Gen.Manager (Info.Tech.) at the above-mentioned address should be dropped in “Information th Technology” tender Box placed at 6 Floor latest by 24/03/2015 upto 15.00 hrs and the Technical Bid-I will be opened on 24/03/2015 at 16.00 hrs in presence of the tenderer who remain present at the time of opening. The detail terms and conditions, Scope of work and formats for technical and financial bids are available on our website and Govt. Tender Portal Dy. Gen. Manager (Information Technology) 2/9 Scope of work The vendor is required to supply the Paper License for WINDOWS 8 - Operating System and MS-OFFICE 2013 AND at Head Office, Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai. The details of the same are as under:A) Technical Specifications for Software : Sr. No. Part Number Particulars Qty 1 FQC-08189 Paper license for Windows 8.1 Professional e-License 138 Paper license for Ms-office 2013 Standard e-License 54 ( Item Name - WinPro 8.1 SNGL Upgrd OLP C ) 2 021-10266 ( Item Name - OfficeStd 2013 INC OLP D Gov ) Terms & Conditions: 1. The quoted price should be inclusive of all applicable taxes, freight, transportation and delivery of Paper license at site etc. 2. The Original Copy of Manufacturer Authorization Form (MAF) issued in the name of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Navi Mumbai from M/s. Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd. must be attached along with the tender. 3. The payment will be made within two weeks time through ECS, after delivery of Paper license as per the Work order at site. 4. All the rights are reserved with the Corporation for rejection and acceptance of the quotation, the decision of the Corporation will be final and should be acceptable by both the parties. Drop your sealed tenders in the “Information Technology” tender box placed at 6th floor of our office at CBD Belapur, Navi-Mumbai on or before 24/03/2015 upto 15.00 hrs. The same will be opened on the same day at 16.00 hrs in presence of the representatives of the tenderers, who wish to remain present at time of opening. In case of a Query, please contact the undersigned. Dy. Gen. Manager (Information Technology) 3/9 TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF PAPER LICENSE FOR WINDOWS 8 and MS-OFFICE 2013 TECHNICAL BID: I (SPECIFICATIONS) 1) Whether the vendor has a Support Office in Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane : Yes No i) Name of the Organisation/Firm ii) Year of Establishment iii) Contact person iv) Address of the Registered Office. v) Address of office at Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/ Thane. (with Phone Nos., Fax Nos. & Email ID) 2) Whether Proprietorship, Partnership firm or Company. : Please enclose self certified copies of documents, proof such as certificate of incorporation, Partnership deed etc.: 3) Whether Authorized Partner/Distributor of M/s. Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd. and holding a valid Manufacturer Authorization Form (MAF) issued in the name of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Navi Mumbai. Yes No If yes, please enclose self certified copy of certificate. 5) Whether the Earnest Money Deposit for an amount of Rs.75,000/- (Rupees Seventy Five Thousand Only) has been submitted alongwith this Technical Bid-I by way of Demand Draft or Pay Order in favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. Payable at Mumbai. 6) PAN No 7) Sales Tax Registration Number 8) Service Tax Registration Number 9) Details of Bank Account Name of the Bank Account No. and type MICR No. Signature of the Tenderer Name of the Tenderer Address & Seal Telephone No. : Yes No If yes , Details : Draft / Pay order No.: Date : Amount : Bank’s Name : : : : : : : : : 4/9 TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF PAPER LICENSE FOR WINDOWS 8 and MS-OFFICE 2013 FINANCIAL BID : II Total Amt. (INR) (PRICE QUOTATIONS) Sr. No. 1 Particulars A. Cost (Per Unit) Total Amt. (INR) (INR) Windows 8 Operating System (Part Number : FQC-08189 ) Only Paper License i.e. without Media Kit (As per specification mentioned in the tender notice under Scope of Work) B. Taxes (if any) Please Specify __________________________ 2 Total (1) (A + B) A. MS-Office 2013 Standard (Part Number : 021-10266 ) (Word/ Excel/Powerpoint) Only Paper License i.e. without Media Kit (As per specification mentioned in the tender notice under Scope of Work) B. Taxes (if any) Please Specify ___________________________ Gross Total (1+2) Gross Total mentioned above will be the basis for deciding L-1 Signature of the Tenderer : Name of the Tenderer : Address & Seal : Telephone No. : 5/9 Tender Submission : (1) Tenderer should submit the tender in the “Information Technology” tender box placed at 6th Floor, KAPAS BHAVAN, 6th Floor, Plot 3/A, Sector 10, CBD Belapur, Navi-Mumbai – 400 614 addressed to Dy. General Manager (Info. Tech.), THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. on or before due date and time, as under : Envelope A : Sealed Envelope “A” marked as “Technical Bid-I” on the envelope should contain Technical Bid-I alongwith EMD D.D./Pay Order & other related documents except financial bid. Envelope B : Sealed Envelope “B” marked as “Financial Bid-II” on the envelope should contain Financial Bid-II (Price Quotations). Envelope C : Sealed Envelope C should contain Envelope “A” and Envelope “B” duly superscribing "TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF PAPER LICENSE FOR WINDOWS 8 and MS-OFFICE 2013 ". Note : Each envelope should contain the name and address of the Vender. (2) I/We hereby declare that I/We have downloaded the tender documents from the Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. website / and printed the same. I/We have verified the contents of the printed documents from the website and there is neither any addition nor any deletion nor any alteration to the content of the tender documents. (3) I/We declare that the information/tender form downloaded is original and in the event of this being different from the original tender documents, my tender form may be rejected by the Corporation including forfeiture of Earnest Money. (4) Date of opening of Technical Bid-I, 24/03/2015 at 16.00 hrs. in the presence of tenderers, who may remain present. (5) Financial Bid-II for price quotations shall be opened in respect of those tenderers, who qualify Technical Bid-I for specifications and other requirements. (6) The tender should be signed by the person having necessary authorization. (7) Tenders containing false, incomplete and/or inadequate information are liable to be rejected. (8) The Corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any/all tender without assigning any reason thereof. Signature of the Tenderer : Name of the Tenderer : Address & Seal : Telephone No. : 6/9 Other Terms CCI invites the vendors’ attention to the following terms and conditions, which underline this tender : 1. Contract with the Vendor CCI would enter into a contract with the vendor who will be responsible to supply the Paper License for Microsoft WINDOWS 8 and MS-OFFICE 2013 which will be delivered at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400614. 2. Proposal Process Management CCI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to revise the tender, to request one or more re-submissions or clarifications from one or more vendors, or to cancel the process in part or whole. Additionally, CCI reserves the right to alter the specifications, in part or whole, during the Tender process, and without re-issuing the Tender. All claims for functional/technical delivery made by the vendors in their responses to the tender shall be assumed as deliverable within the quoted financials. Vendors shall be entirely responsible for their own costs and expenses that are incurred while participating in the Tender and contract negotiation processes. 3. Date of Bid Expiration Due to the nature of the evaluation process, and approval activities that may occur, proposals must be valid for a minimum of 90 days from the last date of proposal submission. The Corporation reserves the right to ask the vendors for extension of bid validity. 4. Bidder Authorisation to Bid Responses submitted by vendors to this Tender represent a firm offer to contract on the terms and conditions described in the vendors’ response. The proposal must be signed by an official duly authorised to bid. A Authorisation Letter in this regard must be attached with the tender. 5. Proposal Ownership The proposal and all supporting documentation submitted by the vendors shall become the property of CCI. 6. Effective date of start of contract The effective date of start of contract will as per the work order by the corporation. 7/9 7. Sub let/Outsource The vendor will not be allowed to sub let/outsource the contract to any other party. 8. Penalty If the vender will not be able to deliver the items i.e. Paper License For Windows 8 and Ms-Office 2013 within 30 days time, then penalty will be imposed as under: a. Deduction of 0.50% of total value of the contract for per week delay or part thereof. Subject to maximum deduction of 10% of the total value of the contract. 9. Time for completion of the Contract The Time limit for supply of materials i.e. Software Paper License For Windows 8 and Ms-Office 2013 will be 30 days effective from the date of work order. 10. Financial Bid In Financial Bid – II, Cost of Software (Paper License For Windows 8 and MsOffice 2013) and taxes if any be given separately in the prescribed format. Wherever options are given, the bid is liable to be rejected. 11. Payment Terms The Payment terms of the Microsoft Window 8 & Ms-Office 2013 Work Order will be as under: After successful delivery of Paper License 100% For Windows 8 and Ms-Office 2013 The payment will be made through Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) for which vendor has to provide MICR No. and details of Bank Account to CCI. 12. Refund of EMD The EMD amount for venders other than to whom the work awarded will be refunded within 15 days after opening of financial bid. However, the EMD amount of the vender to whom work is awarded will be refunded after successful supply of software paper license. NOTE: “Corporation/CCI” wherever appears in above document means “The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd.” 8/9 CHECK-LIST FOR PREPARING THE TENDER DOCUMENT (Paper License For Windows 8 and Ms-Office 2013) Sr. No. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Particulars Yes/No Whether, the Technical Bid-I each column has been filled, sealed and signed in specified format ? Whether, Authorized Partner Authorized Partner/Distributor of M/s. Microsoft India Pvt. Ltd. and holding valid Manufacturer Authorization Form (MAF) issued in the name of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Navi Mumbai duly self certified copy attached with Technical Bid-I ? Whether the tenderer has Support Office at Navi Mumbai/Mumbai/Thane. The certificate containing Office addresses alongwith Contact Person and telephone nos. is attached with Technical Bid-I ? Whether properitorship, partnership firm or company ? The self certified copy of documentary proof such as certificate of incorporation, partnership deed etc. attached with Technical Bid-I ? Whether the EMD of Rs.75,000/- by the way of Demand Draft/Pay Order in favour of “The Cotton Corporation of India Limited” attached with Technical Bid-I ? Whether the tenderer has PAN number and Service Tax Number and Sales Tax registration no. and it is mentioned on Technical Bid-I ? Whether, the Bank Details and MICR details mentioned on Technical Bid-I ? Whether the Technical Bid – I alongwith necessary documents/certificates has been stapled properly and page no. has been put on each paper ? Whether, the Financial Bid-II has been filled, sealed and signed in specified format ? Whether the quoted price in Financial Bid-II is inclusive of all applicable taxes like VAT, Service Tax etc. ? Whether envelope A marked as Technical Bid-I on the envelope contains Technical Bid-I alongwith certificates/documents & EMD ? Whether envelope B marked as Financial Bid-II on the envelope contains Financial Bid-II ? Whether envelope C contains Envelope A & Envelope B duly superscribing “TENDER FOR PURCHASE OF PAPER LICENSE FOR Windows 8 and Ms-Office 2013” Whether the Tender Documents are signed by the Authorized Representative? 9/9
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