registration form Name __________________________ Address ________________________ _______________________________ Email __________________________ Phone _________________________ Please advise any dietary requirements ________________________________ ________________________________ Registration fee: $50.00 Payment method: Cheque enclosed Direct deposit Direct deposits can be made to Infant Jesus Church BSB: 086.006 Account 668606029 Emeritus Bishop David Walker was Bishop of Broken Bay diocese from 1996 until his retirement in 2013. A prominent speaker, Bishop David has published extensively on faith renewal, spirituality, mysticism, formation of clergy and Church leadership. Amongst many positions held, Bishop David has most recently served as Chair of the Australian Catholic Bishops Commission for Church Ministry and was a Member of the Bishops Commission for Health and Community Services. Fr. Gregory Burke, Ocd is from Sydney. He has ministered as a Carmelite priest in every state of Australia and a number of countries overseas. Greg studied Carmelite spirituality at the Washington Theological Union and the International Centre for Teresian and Sanjuanist Spirituality in Avila, Spain. Greg has a special interest in St Teresa and contemporary issues in spirituality Dr. Michelle Jones is the Director of the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation in the Archdiocese of Perth. Her areas of interest include Spirituality, Christology, Trinitarian Theology and Scripture. Michelle has a Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome; her thesis was on Carmelite spirituality. Sr. Jacqueline Jones is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition. She is a practicing Registered Counselling Psychologist with a background in General Nursing and has a Masters Degree in Spirituality through the University of Malta. Apart from her work here in WA, Jacqueline has presented workshops in various countries. Her workshops have significant value for those interested in understanding themselves and the link between the spiritual self and the human growth. Teresa 2015: a woman for our times A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd May Infant Jesus Parish 47 Wellington Road, Morley Keynote speakers: Bishop David Walker Fr. Greg Burke, OCD Registration essential: (08) 92415221 or Please use your surname as the payee information. (08) 92768500 programme friday 1st 6.00pm: Registration A taste of Spain: wine, cheese and chorizo 7.00pm: Welcome Keynote address: Fr. Greg Burke “Teresa’s conversion: connecting her story to the historical context” 8.30pm: Supper programme sunday 3rd 10.00am: Welcome & Morning Prayer 10.30am: Keynote Address: Fr. Greg Burke “Teresa the founder: the crisis of the Church and women” 11.30am: Morning Tea 12.00pm: Keynote Address: Bishop David Walker “Teresa: The Seven Mansions” Teresa is a person wrapped not so much in silence as in mystery. Beautiful, talented, outgoing, adaptable, affectionate, courageous, enthusiastic, she was totally human. Like Jesus, she was a mystery of paradoxes: wise yet practical; intelligent, yet much in tune with her experience; a mystic, yet an energetic reformer. 1.15pm: Festive Lunch (provided) 9.00pm: Close 2.15pm: DVD presentation – No Greater Love saturday 2nd 4.00pm: Panel Discussion 8.00am: Morning Prayer (in the church – optional) 4.45pm: Afternoon Tea 8.30am: Mass (in the church) 6.00pm: Mass celebrated by Bishop David Walker 9.00am: Registration / tea and coffee Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) Her writings, especially The Way of Perfection and The Interior Castle have helped generations of believers. 5.00pm: Holy Hour (in church) 9.30am: Keynote Address: Bishop David Walker “Teresa’s teaching on prayer” 10.30am: Morning Tea 11.00am: Keynote Address: Bishop David Walker “Teresa’s teaching on the prerequisites for a prayerful life” 12.00pm: Lunch (provided) 1.00pm: Workshop 1 2.30pm: Afternoon Tea 3.00pm: Workshop 2 4.30pm: Prayer and close. WORKSHOP TOPICS Fr. Greg Burke Teresa in the 21st century: reading her today Dr. Michelle Jones Teresa and the mystery of mysticism Sr. Jacqueline Jones Teresa’s castle and the human journey “However quietly we speak, God is so near that He will hear us. We need no wings to go in search of God, but have only to find a place where we can be alone and look upon him present within us.”
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