Featuring critically acclaimed chef Noel McMeel the Local FOOD DIRECTORY A directory of local food producers from Tyrone, Fermanagh, and Londonderry, Northern Ireland produced by Flavour of Tyrone on behalf of the Western Regional Tourism Partnership. the Local FOOD DIRECTORY On the Carleton Trail, Knockmary Forest, Augher County Tyrone Page Contents 04 & 05 the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Contents Introduction 06 Foreword 08 Seasonal Food 10 Northern Irish Food 12 Northern Irish Bread 14 Bread Recipes 18 Breads & Cakes 20 Dairy Produce 32 Delicatessens, Drinks, Jams, Preserves, Hampers & Ready Meals 42 Fruit & Vegetable Recipes 48 Fruit & Vegetable 50 Meat & Fish Recipes 56 Meat & Fish 60 Game & Poultry Recipes 70 Game & Poultry 74 Organic Farming 78 Cookery Schools 86 Some images supplied courtesy of NITB the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Introduction 06 & 07 Welcome to your Local Food Directory - the home of good food. Let us introduce you to your local food pioneers. Experts in their field, offering you only the best of locally cultivated, locally nurtured and locally sourced produce. From the shores of Lough Neagh to the Fermanagh border the wilds of this region bear many varied delights. So travel with us through our surrounding land – a journey sure to exercise the senses and excite the palate. Noel McMeel Along the way critically acclaimed chef Noel McMeel will be tempting our taste buds with a host of mouthwatering menus, built around local produce available on your doorstep. Noel has cooked for President Clinton, Her Majesty The Queen and other members of the Royal Family, Paul McCartney, Elton John, Ringo Starr, Gabriel Byrne, George Martin, Eric Clapton, Jools Holland, Chrissie Hynde, Twiggy, Pink Floyd singerguitarist David Gilmour and actor Steve Buscemi. An Ambassador of Irish food in America Noel cooks there regularly. He has cooked at the prestigious James Beard Foundation Dinner in New York City five times and has recently returned from Los Angeles where he judged the International Hotel and Restaurant Awards. Noel has worked in some of the most prestigious and well respected restaurants in the world, including The Watergate Hotel in Washington DC, Le Cirque in New York City, and Chez Panisse in San Francisco. However it is clear to see that Noel’s roots lie firmly in Northern Ireland, growing up on a traditional farm in County Antrim. As Executive Head Chef at Lough Erne Golf Resort in County Fermanagh, Noel has created menus that speak with the essence of natural freshness, focused on local ingredients. So why not join us on our culinary journey. The local food revolution has begun and it is set to be deliciously divine. the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Foreword 08 & 09 One of the joys of cooking is shopping, and there is nothing I like more than to talk to local food producers - butchers or fishmongers, bakers or vegetable growers about their food, and what they recommend. It is what they have on offer that shapes my menus. That is why I am delighted to introduce you to the ‘Local Food Directory’ this booklet will tell you the best places to buy local food on your doorstep. Luckily you don’t need to be a chef or have an enormous budget to buy the best because there are wonderful farmers markets, farm shops, delis and local butchers, grocers and fishmongers all over the region; and the best are listed in this fabulous producer’s directory which will take pride of place on my kitchen bookshelf; and I hope it will on yours too. Crab and Prawn Cake with pickled beetroot couscous and mild curry cream I believe that it is our duty to support our food economy here in Northern Ireland and “buy local” as much as we possibly can. Local food is important to our economy, our country and your community, as well as globally helping to stop unnecessary pollution but apart from these significant facts - local food is fresh. There is something very exciting about buying your potatoes from the man who planted the seed or your meat from the man who raised the calf. It brings me joy to see people using them and the growing trend for supporting and buying Northern Irish. Local food producers are passionate about what they do, and they want you to enjoy the food they sell you. They have great knowledge about their food products, what it works well with, when to eat it, and how to cook it. And, what makes me really excited is that this is information they want to share with you through this booklet. By eating natural, high quality & locally produced food-we are helping to sustain and protect our nations countryside and wildlife, as well as our lives. Growing herbs on your windowsill, keeping a small vegetable garden, supporting your local farmer and their markets and shops is a great way to help your community thrive as well as lessen our carbon footprint upon the earth. With all the talk of climate change, and global warming it is wonderful to see that people are making small changes in how they shop for their food. Enjoy, Happy Cooking! Noel McMeel www.noelmcmeel.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Seasonal Food 10 & 11 The seasons bring balance to our lives and soul to our food. Eating food out of season is like wearing a dress that doesn’t fit - it is ugly and it is wrong. The seasons bring us comfort food the whole year round. Warming roasted root vegetables or chunky soups, feed us both inside and out in the long cold months of winter, whilst lamb and minted peas, lift our spirits in the Spring. Eating in season brings vitality to our lives and sparkles to our tastebuds. The seasons ensure comes from, what season it grows in; watching the cows in the fields, the hens in the yard, and the deer in the park allows us to start to understand our ingredients and nature, properly. We can feel the balance and taste the difference; there is a reason why air-freight strawberries in January taste wrong, in fact they don’t have any taste at all, the same goes for chickens that never see the light of day, or pork that has been treated with so many chemicals and had so much water added to it. Food should always be eaten in season, it should be as natural and fresh as possible, and it should always be bought from local producers. If our food is fresh then we are going to enjoy the explosions of flavour that nature offers us and our skills in the kitchen enhance already transcendent produce into something sublime. we have comfort food all year round. When food is in season it will be at its best and it will also be at its cheapest because there is a glut of it. Nature has perfect rhythms and these should run in parallel with the rhythms of the food you cook and eat. When you buy food it should be as fresh as possible - to me this means from the field to the plate with as little interference as possible in between. Seeing where our food Taste – this is key to everything we put in our mouths if something does not taste right, it can cause all manners of maladies both in our bodies and constitution. It is wonderful to see people across the country rejecting food that does not taste right that has been altered or fiddled with. Taste is sensual it is one of our most powerful senses and immediately transports us to the world of our memories. Therefore it follows that the food we eat should allow us to build memories. More and more people are returning to the kitchen and that is why I think a directory like this one is invaluable to every kitchen because it allows us to learn where we can buy food that supports local producers, and helps to sustain our economy. But what is really exciting is that more children and young people are taking an interest in food than ever before. The kitchen is a classroom that focuses on the relationship between food and life. Teaching your child to cook, means you give them one of the best gifts of their life. I hope we are moving towards a time where we don’t eat on the run, where we savour our food, support and praise the farmers that created it, and enjoy the community created by eating around a table. And, for me there is no other way to do this, but with seasonal, local produce! Noel McMeel www.noelmcmeel.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Northern Irish Food 12 & 13 Northern Ireland creates some of the world’s tastiest produce; with glorious flavours crafted by talented producers, and enhanced by our mild climate. Food and climate are closely linked in Northern Ireland. Abundant rainfall gives the country its luscious green pastures, which are essential for good dairy production, succulent meat, poultry, black and white puddings, pork, game and lamb and our fields of golden Agriculture and food manufacturing have always been integral to Northern Ireland’s economy and the backbone of our culture. There has always been a degree of sturdiness to Northern Irish cuisine that has emerged from the turbulent and hungry centuries of our past. Today’s Northern Irish food culture draws from our history but is inspired by the fabulous producers we have. These producers are people with a passion for what they do, and I believe that that enthusiasm carries over into their produce. I am of a generation of Irish Chefs that have had the opportunity to travel and cook extensively across the world. From my travels and especially from my time working for my Food Hero Alice Watters in California; I learnt that a Chef is only as good as their raw ingredients. Cooking abroad has inspired me to be creative with our native produce; always using the freshest local seasonal produce, treating it as simply as possible and serving it so as to ensure the taste of the food represents the beauty of the ingredients. wheat and grains are the basis for our world famous breads. Clear rushing rivers and leisurely lakes provide a wealth of fish; like eels, trout, pollock, pike, and salmon; whilst our roaring waves and rich coastline provides: hake, herrings, scallops, cod, plaice, mackerel, squid, prawns, oysters, and lobsters. The sea also provides us with some of our native ingredients like Dulse, and Carragheen Moss. Today my fellow chefs and I take great pride in our national dishes, our local produce and are honoured to have the provenance of dishes on our menus. Northern Irish food is possibly the best food in the world and is renowned across the globe for its purity of taste. I love nothing better than to take some of our indigenious ingredients and work them creatively into my dishes; like my Yellowman and Dulse Icecream which is perfect with Apple Crumble made from the finest Armagh apples. Or you might enjoy my Queen Prawns wrapped with Katafia pastry and Carragheen Moss, then again you might prefer my Kettyle Aberdeen Angus Fillet of Beef with champ, slow-roasted mushroom, cabbage and bacon, served with a rosemary and whiskey gravy, or perhaps you would like my Smoked eel mousse with boxty pancakes, horseradish and mustard grain cream, and fresh herb salad, or my Warm seared pigeon and caramelised red onion tarts with fresh salad leaves and wild garlic dressing. All of these dishes combine traditional Northern Irish specialities in an innovative, simple and fresh way that give taste explosions when eaten. Northern Ireland’s cuisine is fresh, creative and full of taste. Our farm shops, farmers markets, local grocers, butchers, fishmongers and bakers offer a gastronomic adventure in shopping and the opportunity to support local businesses, and people with a passion for what they do. I would encourage you to support your local producers; and buy the best – seasonal, local Northern Irish produce for all your cookery needs. Noel McMeel www.noelmcmeel.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Northern Irish Bread 14 & 15 Most of Northern Ireland’s traditional dishes have their roots in potatoes and bread. The simple traditional recipes for soda farls, wheaten and potato breads, pancakes and Belfast baps have survived during the onslaught of fusion cuisine and imitation European breads. Robert Ditty, the owner of Ditty’s Home Bakery, Castledawson, told me, ‘The ethnic breads of Northern Ireland are what my customers want, Belfast baps, sodas and wheatens fly off my shelves and I am happy to supply The development of leavened bread is commonly believed to have been developed in ancient Egypt during the 17th century BC, although the wheat capable of producing it was rare. The grain did not become commonplace in Ancient Greece until 4th century BC. Pliny the Elder wrote about the Gauls and the Iberians using foam skimmed from beer to produce, ‘a lighter kind of bread than other peoples.’ A type of yeast was developed in the ancient world by allowing wine and wheat to ferment. Using a starter was the most common form of leavening and the result was ‘sourdough’, which is enjoying a renaissance in bakeries world-wide. them. My breads are the real McCoy! Baked freshly each day with buttermilk, without artificial ingredients, just the way they should be.’ Bread has its roots in the Neolithic era and the first breads were cooked versions of grain-pastes, some of which are still eaten today - the Scottish oatcake, the Mexican tortilla and Indian chapati. These basic flatbreads formed the diets of many early civilisations, the 12th century BC Egyptians ate a flat bread called ‘ta’ and the Sumerians a barley flat cake. There has always been a wide variety of breads available. In antiquity, Athenaeus wrote about honey & oil bread, loaves covered in poppy seeds and griddle cakes. Diphilus noted the health benefits of bread made of wheat in comparison to that of barley. For generations, white bread was considered the privy of the rich, while the poor ate brown bread. Now this thinking has been reversed. Originally bread would have been baked over an open fire either on a griddle, in a clay oven at the side of an open fire or in a ‘bastable oven’, (a cauldron with three legs and a lid, which was suspended on chains over a peat fire). Soda bread is indigenous to Ireland and its climate. Created in the 1840s when bicarbonate of soda was introduced to Ireland, the bread was baked on a griddle hung over a peat fire. The climate of Northern Ireland hindered the growth of hard wheat, which created a flour that rose easily without the assistance of yeast. The bread can be made with white or brown flour, with raisins, or as they do in Co Armagh, packed full of apples. Soda bread takes two major forms, the farl and cake. It is more likely in the North to see the farls for sale, whereas in the South the cake is more popular. Rolled thinly for ease of baking, the bread was traditionally cut into quarters, with a cross cut into the bread before baking. According to superstition this was to rid the bread of demons and let it rise – consequently it became known as lucky bread. It is a quick bread to make because it is not kneaded. Various forms of this bread are widely available in local bakeries, markets and supermarkets. It is also used as the base in Northern Irish pizza and of course as an essential part of that Northern Irish favourite, ‘the Ulster Fry’. It is delicious taken quickly from the oven and eaten hot, smothered in butter or with a little garlic added. Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Northern Irish Bread 16 & 17 still enjoy tremendous popularity among the people of Northern Ireland and are known to sell out quickly. Pancakes are a derivative of the French crépe or ‘drop scone’, but are fatter and noticeably browner in colour. They too form part of the Ulster Fry. Veda bread is a malted bread and although it was invented in Gleneagles in Scotland, Northern Ireland is the only place were the bread is still baked and enjoys province-wide popularity. Although it is a sweet bread, veda is often eaten toasted with butter and cheese. Barmbrack (sometimes spelled ‘barnbrack’) is a yeasted raisin bread. The name comes probably from Gaelic, ‘bairin breac’, which means little speckled cake, although perhaps also derived from ‘barm’, an old word for yeast. Since the Sixteenth century the potato has formed the basis of the Northern Irish diet. So it should come as no surprise that the enterprising Northern Irish began to use mashed potato leftovers, to make another form of bread – potato bread. Commonly referred to in different parts of the country as ‘fadge’, ‘potato cake’ or ‘farls and slims’, it is an unleavened bread in which the potato replaces a major portion of the wheatflour. It too traditionally found its baking arena on a hot griddle over an open fire. Apple potato fritters are an interesting use of the bread – where it is wrapped, like pastry, around an apple filling. Potato bread also forms an essential part of the Ulster Fry, but it is also lovely eaten hot with butter and jam. Although perhaps not exclusively a Northern Irish bread, pancakes traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday, as the household prepared for lent, The bread is always eaten sliced and thickly spread with butter. Traditionally eaten on the Island of Ireland at Hallowe’en -each member of the family gets a slice. The bread is baked with a piece of rag, a coin and a ring. If you were to get the rag then your financial future is doubtful. If you get the coin then you can look forward to a prosperous year. Getting the ring is a sure sign of impending romance or continued happiness. Bread is a truly universal food. In Northern Ireland it is definitely part of the culture. Whether it is bought in one of the wealth of delightful home bakeries – or made at home, bread is served at every meal in a traditional Northern Ireland house. The great thing about the Northern Irish bread is that is has survived all the food fads intact and unadulterated - of course many talented chefs have adapted it to flow with the times, but in its original form it remains, comfort food at its best. the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Bread Recipes 18 & 19 Method Preheat oven 200ºC. Sieve the flour into a bowl with the salt and bread soda. Rub in the butter. Stir in the oats and sunflower seeds. Add the buttermilk a little at a time - the mixture should be quite wet. Mix in well. Divide into two non stick medium sized loaf tins. Bake in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Turn out of the tins and return to the oven for a further 10 minutes. Leave to cool on a wire rack. 2. Oaten Black Treacle Bread Makes 1 round 1 kg porridge oats 500g plain flour 3 tsp baking powder 3 tsp salt 3 tbsp black treacle 3 tbsp of melted butter 2 pts buttermilk Bread Recipes 1. Wheaten Bread 2. Oaten Black Treacle Bread 3. Boxty Potato Bread Pancakes 1. Wheaten Bread Makes 2 small loaves 500g coarse ground wholemeal flour 225g porridge oats 4 tbsp sunflower seeds 2 tsp bread soda 2 tsp salt 25g salted butter 600ml buttermilk Method Combine all the dry ingredients and mix well, then add the treacle and melted butter and finally the buttermilk to make a dough. Do not over-mix. The dough should be moulded into a flat circular shape about ¾ inch thick, scored to make 4 quarters or farls and cooked on a floured griddle pan until golden and makes a hollow sound when tapped. Alternatively you can treat them as scones and bake in a moderately hot oven for 15 or 20 minutes. 3. Boxty Potato Bread Pancakes Makes 8 small boxty pancakes 125g raw peeled potato (a floury variety such as Dunbar Standard or Maris Piper) 125g mashed potato, made from 200g floury potatoes, peeled and cooked 125g plain flour, plus extra for dusting ½ tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt large knob of salted butter, melted and cooled a little milk if necessary Makes 8 small boxty pancakes Method Method Grate the raw potato into a bowl. Turn out onto a cloth and wring over a bowl, catching the liquid - this will separate into a clear fluid with starch at the bottom. Pour off and discard the fluid, then scrape out the starch and mix it with the grated and mashed potatoes. Sift the dry ingredients and mix into the potatoes with the melted butter, adding a little milk if necessary to make a pliable dough. Knead lightly on a floured surface. Divide into four and form flat round cakes. With the back of a knife, mark each pancake into quarters without cutting right through. Heat a large griddle or heavy frying pan until hot. Dust with flour, then place a pancake marked-side down on the pan. Cook over a medium heat for 3-5 minutes until browned. Turn the pancake over and repeat on the other side. Serve warm. Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Breads & Cakes 20 & 21 Breads & Cakes County Tyrone The Fluffy Meringue Established in 2004 our bakery specialises in the making of meringue nests and pavlova bases. We believe in sourcing local ingredients and use no artificial preservatives in our produce. We supply to the retail, the hospitality trade and large private parties. Our produce can be found locally in Newell Stores, Dungannon; O’Doherty’s, Enniskillen and McAnerney’s, Armagh and as far south as Fallon & Byrne in Dublin and west as Market 57 in Westport. Linda’s Bakery We at Linda’s Bakery specialise in traditional home-baked cakes, traybakes and breads. Our cakes are baked using local free range eggs and no added preservatives or colourings; varieties include boiled cakes, apple fruit cakes, chocolate, coffee etc. Produce is sold at Tyrone Farmers Market, Dungannon on 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month and also at the Linen Green, Moygashel on the 2nd Saturday of every month. Produce can also be made to order. Manager: Catherine Finnegan Address: 50 Tullybroom Road Clogher Co Tyrone BT76 0XS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8554 9439 Mob: 077 6848 6211 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Linda Haydock Address: 53 Tartlaghan Road Bush Dungannon Co Tyrone BT71 6QR Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8772 5251 Mullaghmore Home Bakery Wholesale suppliers of fresh homemade bakery goods including scones, pastries, cakes, homemade desserts, birthday cakes etc. Mullaghmore Home Bakery supply retailers in Omagh, Ballygawley, Strabane, Enniskillen, Irvinestown, Beragh, Castlederg, Drumquin, Fintona, Tempo, Fivemiletown, Dromore, Kesh, Ederney, Aughnacloy, Moy, Greencastle and Newtownstewart. The Encore Cake An Roll Making cakes to order for all occasions, with the homemade taste and professional finish. No cake too small or large and all tastes catered for – Including moist Chocolate, Madeira, Carrot, Plain or Chocolate Victoria Sandwich or even Malteser and biscuit. Gluten free cakes are also available on request. Proprietor: John Corrigan Address: Unit 6 Gortrush Industrial Estate Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 5EJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8224 1558 Fax: (028) 8225 9721 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Karen Rennie Address: 15a Campsie Road Omagh Co Tyrone BT79 0AE Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8225 9766 Web: www.encorecakes.co.uk Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Breads & Cakes 22 & 23 The Corner Cake Shop Based in Cookstown, Co Tyrone. The Corner Cake shop delivers a wide range of delicious, fresh bread across an ever expanding territory, right here in Northern Ireland. Why are more people turning to Corner Cakes? Perhaps it’s because our fresh cream éclairs are delivered daily, maybe it’s because our sodas are deliciously moist, but most probably it’s because, in an age where technology is everywhere, all our bread is still baked by hand the traditional way. The Bakery - Camphill Community Clanabogan Handmade biscuits and breads, handmade in a bakery providing supported work for adults with learning disabilities. Our bread range includes speciality breads such as yeast-free, gluten-free and wheat-free. Open Monday to Friday 9.30am-12 noon & 2.30pm – 5.30pm Produce also available from Omagh Farmers Market 3rd Saturday. Manager: Roberta Wright Address: Unit 1 Ballyreagh Industrial Park Cookstown Co Tyrone BT80 9AR Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8676 5355 Fax: (028) 8676 7923 Email: [email protected] Bakery Team Leader: Alfons Rohwerder Address: 15 Drudgeon Road Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 1 TJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8225 6106 Fax: (028) 8225 6123 Email: [email protected] Web: www.camphillclanabogan.com McColgan’s Foodhall Manager: Majella McDermott Our family owned bakery, butchery, deli and hot food outlet is situated in Strabane town centre. All products are produced fresh on the premises daily using only the finest ingredients. Choose from our wide selection of breads, cakes, pastries, sandwiches and meat products. You will not be disappointed! Address: 59-61 Main Street Strabane Co Tyrone BT82 8AU Joan Boyd’s Homebakes You are sure to find something to appeal to every taste from light and crunchy to sweet and surprising. Decadently delicious. Described as the ‘Ultimate Traybake’, Joan Boyd, the brain behind the tantalising delicacies claims that her secret is that she is not afraid to be creative. Joan’s tray-bakes are devilishly tempting and created using only the highest quality ingredients. Refusing to compromise on quality or taste, Joan sources local and natural produce and insists on the finest chocolate. Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7138 3031 Fax: (028) 7138 3031 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Joan Boyd Address: 75 Grogey Road Fivemiletown Co Tyrone BT75 OMS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8952 1943 Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Breads & Cakes 24 & 25 County Fermanagh Leslie’s Home Bakery Leslie’s Home Bakery and Coffee Lounge specialises in home baking, lunch specials, hot pies, cakes, wheaten bread not to mention many delectable delights made to make your mouth water. All baked on the premises. Open Monday to Saturday: 8am – 6pm Unlicensed Proprietor: Leslie Wilkin Address: 10 Church Street Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 7EJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6632 4902 Fax: (028) 6632 4902 Email: [email protected] Viola’s Contemporary Cakes & Cookies Proprietor: Viola Dono Viola produces cakes, cookies and desserts for those with a sweet tooth. Specialising in handmade Irish Boiled Fruit Cakes you are sure to find something sweet to tempt you. Address: 46 Ardgart Road Mullaghmeen , Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT94 2HE Cherry Tree Home Bakery We at the Cherry Tree Home Bakery produce a wide variety of traditional and contemporary breads, cakes and pastries. We specialise in bespoke cakes for any occasion and have an extensive range of hot and cold ‘food to go’. Our products are available across Fermanagh and Tyrone. Proprietor: Glen & Ashley Charles Address: 107 – 109 Main Street Lisnaskea Co Fermanagh BT92 0JD Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6772 1571 Fax: (028) 6772 1571 Email: [email protected] Web: www.wheresmywheaten.com Contact Details: Tel: 07592 744879 Email: [email protected] Eileen’s Cakes Kesh Home Bakery We at Kesh Home Bakery supply bread and confectionary, as wholesale supply to supermarkets across Fermanagh and Tyrone. Catering for all palates and customer needs. Proprietor: Ernie & Linda Thompson Address: 27 Main Street Kesh, Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT93 1TF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6863 1698 Specialising in traditional and modern wedding cakes we will make your cake entirely to order. We also create birthday, christening and anniversary cakes to complete your special occasion. Fresh apple and rhubarb tarts also available from O’Doherty’s Butchers, Enniskillen; Gary Irvine, Maguiresbridge and J.A. Graham, Lisbellaw. Proprietor: Eileen Hall Address: 48 Abbey Road Killycramph Lisnaskea Co Fermanagh BT92 0NF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8953 1643 Email: [email protected] Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Breads & Cakes 26 & 27 Graydon’s Sweet Temptations Ltd We at Graydons produce traditional handmade Irish wheaten bread, soda bread, treacle bread, scones and Armagh bramley apple tarts. We also offer a superb range of delicious cakes, pastries and traybakes and are famous for our speciality boxty. Our products are available in selected outlets in Fermanagh and Tyrone. Simply Beautiful Cakes Wedding and celebration cakes which look beautiful and taste wonderful. Designs range from simple & elegant to romantic and sensational! We use only the finest ingredients and free range eggs in rich fruit cake, Madeira, yummy chocolate cake, toffee mallow biscuit cake and many more. Your cake will be ‘Simply Beautiful’! Lakeland Bakery Lakeland Bakery are well known for our wide range of freshly baked products. We proudly supply our range of baked goods to Mother Nature’s Products, Jan de Vries Breads, Health Shops, Dunnes Stores, and Jolly Sandwich Enniskillen. Director: Eric Graydon Address: 20 Boyhill Road Maguiresbridge, Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT94 4LL Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8953 1772 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Olga Rogers Address: Benmore House Churchill Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT93 6AZ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6864 1450 Mob: 07753 936666 Email: [email protected] Web: www.simplybeautifulcakes.co.uk Director: Roy Johnston Address: 67 Mullaghmeen Road Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 4GH Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6632 3342 Fax: (028) 6632 3362 Email: [email protected] County Londonderry Voila Foods Voila Foods – a fresh new concept! We serve unique, delicious high quality food in a modern hygienic environment, backed up by an excellent customer service. We blend traditional style recipes with modern gourmet and French themes. Crepes can be a snack, entrée, main course or dessert folded to size to either take out or dine in. Being low in fat, catering for certain dietary needs and fillable with any manner of delicious fillings, there is always something to suit your guests whatever their food preference. Our versatile products suit both indoor and outdoor events, perfect for any occasion. Why not add style and culture to your event? Proprietor: Rena Duffy Address: 7 St Columba’s Walk Greysteel Co Londonderry BT47 3TS Contact Details: Tel: 07907759959 Email: [email protected] Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Breads & Cakes 28 & 29 Ditty’s Bakery Ditty’s Home Bakery is a thriving third-generation bakery based in Castledawson specialising in breads local to Northern Ireland. Breads range from wheaten and sodas to griddlebaked fluffy soda farls and earthy potato farls. We also produce sweet and savoury biscuits such as lemon shortbread, dulse and celery biscuits and traditional oatcakes. Recently we have extended our range to offer cheese oatcakes made with Gubbeen Irish farmhouse cheese, smoked Irish oatcakes and walnut oatties. Our products can be found in prestigious delis and stores throughout Ireland and Genesis Breads Genesis Breads was launched in 1998 by the McErlain Family, who celebrate 40 years in business in 2008. Over the years the bakery has maintained its reputation for quality handcrafted products made with time, care and attention. We pride ourselves in creating products which are difficult but different - such as the unique Wee Soda’s, Big Slice Wheaten and award winning Honey and Yoghurt Wheaten. Available in all supermarkets across the Province, you can also find the family home bakery in Meadowlane Shopping Centre, Magherafelt, where a range of tray-bakes and cakes are on offer. the UK. Bespoke hampers and cakes can be ordered directly from the bakery. Proprietor: Robert Ditty Address: 44 Main Street Castledawson Co Londonderry BT45 8AB Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7946 8243 Fax: (028) 7946 8967 Email: [email protected] Web: www.dittysbakery.com Manager: Liesa Johnston Address: 31 Aughrim Road Magherafelt Co Londonderry BT45 6BB Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7963 2465 Fax: (028) 7963 4207 Email: [email protected] Web: www.genesiscrafty.com Alistair’s Bakery Freshly baked bread and pastries available daily, sold on the premises and various other stores throughout the Mid-Ulster area. We also have a wide selection of cakes, desserts and fresh cream products to tempt the tastebuds. JC Stewart Foodhall Ltd JC Stewart Foodhall has a century long tradition of commitment to buying and selling local produce. We take pride in stocking the produce of over a dozen local bakers and pie-makers as well as the best of local hams, bacon, pork, beef and cheese. Good food closer to home. Manageress: Christina Stewart Address: 9-11 High Street Moneymore Co Londonderry BT45 7PB Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8674 8156 Fax: (028) 8674 8119 Proprietor: Paul Stewart Address: 1 Union Road Magherafelt Co Londonderry BT45 5DF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7930 2930 Fax: (028) 7963 2010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jcstewart.co.uk the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Lough Navar, County Fermanagh the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Dairy Produce 32 & 33 Introduction Welcome to a land of time honoured dairy tradition. World renowned for our lush pastures and creamy crop our local producers deliver excellence time and time again. Practices handed down through families across the years now sit side by side with a drive to cultivate innovation whilst delivering a service that is truly bespoke. The region supplys the freshest of cows milk, buttermilk, cream and goats milk to the surrounding area. Creameries produce luxury cheeses such as Ballybrie, Ballyoak and Ballyblue – worthy of any cheeseboard. While artisan industries deliver ice-cream that will melt any palate. Turn the page and join us on the farm – wellies optional. Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Dairy Produce 34 & 35 Dairy Produce County Tyrone Fivemiletown Creamery Set in the heart of County Tyrone’s Clogher Valley, Fivemiletown Creamery is a small farmer owned co-operative which is renowned for producing some of the finest hand-made cheeses available. Celebrating 110 years in business this year, Fivemiletown Creamery has a long tradition of winning top awards for it’s produce. Collecting the first award in 1912, Fivemiletown Creamery now averages an impressive 10 awards every year for its much sought after cheese. Springwell Sheep Products Springwell Sheep Products make medium-soft cheese in 3 flavours, plain, chive and red pepper. Our products are free from additives & preservatives and suitable for vegetarians. Our range is available to buy at Londonderry, Coleraine and Cavan monthly Farmers’ Markets and can also be mail-ordered from our home address. Business Development Executive: Ciara Hynds Address: 14 Ballylurgan Road Fivemiletown Co Tyrone BT75 0RX Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8952 1209 Fax: (028) 8952 1863 Email: [email protected] Web: www.fivemiletown.com Proprietor: Linda Gourley Address: 40 Spring Road Meaghey Castlederg Co Tyrone BT81 7NY Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8166 2289 Fax: (028) 8166 2289 Mob: 077 5325 0226 The Grove Dairy The Grove Dairy is a farm processing dairy supplying farm fresh pasteurised milk products, buttermilk and cream. We deliver to Castlederg, Strabane, Londonderry, Limavady, Cookstown and Omagh Districts. We are sure you agree – The Grove Dairy truly is the cream of the crop. Cloon Goat Farm Cloon Goat Farm are producers of goat’s milk. We supply the liquid Goat’s Milk market as well as Cooleeney Farmhouse Cheese Makers in Co Tipperary. Our liquid milk is available throughout Northern Ireland in all large retailers. Our most recent innovative product has been our ice cream made wholly from goat’s milk from our farm. This is available in Tesco and in Sainsbury’s. Proprietor: Jack & Hazel Mitchell Address: 39 Kilclean Road Castlederg, Co Tyrone BT81 7EF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8167 1249 Fax: (028) 8167 1720 Email: [email protected] Partner: James Milligan Address: 10 Lisnacloon Road Castlederg, Co Tyrone BT81 7UF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8167 0604 Fax: (028) 8167 0604 Email: [email protected] Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Dairy Produce 36 & 37 Augher Co-op Agri & Dairy Society Ltd Augher Co-op Agri and Dairy Society Ltd produce cheddar cheese, half fat cheese and a range of cottage cheese. A delight to the palate our cheese complements any meal and will enhance any cheeseboard. Dale Farm Ltd Dromona Cheese is the number one locally produced cheddar and has been made from 100% Northern Irish cow’s milk in Dunman Bridge, Cookstown, Co Tyrone for the last 30 years and is sold to over 35 countries world wide. General Manager: Jim Finlay Address: 9 Crossowen Road Augher , Co Tyrone BT77 0BA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8554 8214 Fax: (028) 8554 8651 Customer Services: Dale Farm Ltd Address: Dale Farm Ltd 15 Dargan Road Belfast BT3 9LS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 9037 2200 Fax: (028) 9037 2211 Website: www.dalefarm.co.uk Strathroy Dairy Ltd Strathroy Dairy Ltd process and deliver the full range of milk and cream products, including fresh wholemilk, semi-skimmed and skimmed in a variety of sizes. Ayrshires premium milk, organic and 1% milk are also available within the range as well as buttermilk and the only locally sourced goat’s milk in the market. Recently we launched fresh whipping cream in a re-sealable jar, keeping the cream fresher for longer. Leckpatrick Foods Leckpatrick Foods manufacture a wide range of long life dairy products including custards, ice cream, milkshake mixes and dairy creams. Commercial Manager: Eamon Lynch Address: Shergrim Omagh Co Tyrone, BT79 7JD Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8224 0948 Fax: (028) 8224 6280 Email: [email protected] Web: www.strathroydairy.com Sales & Business Development Manager: John Crawford Address: 19 Tamlaght Road Omagh, Co Tyrone BT78 5AW Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8225 6007 Fax: (028) 8225 0718 Web: www.leckpartrickfoods.com Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Dairy Produce 38 & 39 County Londonderry Mullin Ice Cream Ltd Customer Services: Mullin Ice Cream Ltd We at Mullins make our ‘homemade’ style ice cream using dairy milk and cream from Jersey cows combined with natural fruit flavours to offer customers a little local luxury. Address: 19/21 The Diamond, Kilrea Coleraine Co Londonderry BT57 5QQ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 2954 0003 Fax: (028) 2954 1253 Email: [email protected] Web: mullins-icecream.com Braemar Farm Ice Cream Braemar Farm Ice Cream was established in May 2006. It is a family business managed by Ruth Pollock BSc (Hons) Food Technology. The farm consists of 110 milking cows and is situated in the hills of the Castlerock countryside overlooking Mussenden Temple and across the sea to Scotland. It is our aim to have content, healthy cows producing optimum quality milk. We use fresh milk straight from the parlour to produce delicious Ice Cream in our purpose built unit on the farm. We use Italian equipment to ensure our products are made the Artisan way. We use the finest fruits to produce a mouth watering range of Fruit Sorbets, sourcing ingredients locally. Come and visit the farm and see the cows being milked in our viewing gallery while enjoying a scrumptious ice cream. Proprietor: Ruth Pollock Address: Braemar Farm 67 Altikeeragh Road Castlerock Co Londonderry BT51 4ST Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7084 8331 Mob: 07799 471199 Fax: (028) 7084 8331 Email: [email protected] Website: www.braemarfarmicecream.co.uk Morelli’s Ice Cream Irelands famous Italian Ice Cream is available through retail outlets in Portrush, Portstewart, Coleraine, Newcastle and Belfast. These are only the main stores, but look out for smaller suppliers in many towns within the six counties. Morelli’s produce over 100 flavours of ice-cream and sorbet. Sales & Marketing: Daniela Morelli Address: Unit 27 Sperrin Business Park Ballycastle Road Coleraine Co Londonderry BT52 2DH Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7035 7155 Fax: (028) 7035 7055 Email: [email protected] Web: www.ices.uk.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Beaghmore Stone Circles, Sperrins the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Delicatessens, Drinks, Jams, Preserves, Hampers & Ready Meals 42 & 43 Introduction When it is something that little bit special that you crave, you can rest assured you will find a boutique company hidden within our land. Home-grown skills, nurtured traditions and natural ingredients are the regions recipe for success. These delis, drinks, jams, preserves, prepared meals and hampers will make your mouth water in anticipation. Offering everything from award winning Smashing Pumpkin jam to refreshing spring water, creamy coleslaw and intensely roasted coffee beans it is clear to see that this is an area rich in naturally tempting tastes. To journey across this region is not only to exercise the palate, but indeed the senses. Page 44 & 45 Delicatessens, Drinks, Jams, Preserves, Hampers & Ready Meals County Tyrone Jordan’s Homemade Jams We are a small family run business. Our jams can be found in a number of shops, supermarkets and markets within the province. Where possible our jams are made from fruit produced locally ensuring the freshest of fruit, bursting with flavour… Naturally. Tyrone Springs Tyrone Springs was founded in 2005, we are based in Donemana in County Tyrone. We offer a comprehensive range of water coolers for the home and office. We also supply various sizes of bottled water, both in plastic & glass, to restaurants, hotels, shops, gyms, cafes and schools. All delivered directly to your door. Now that is refreshing. the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Delicatessens, Drinks, Jams, Preserves, Hampers & Ready Meals Galfee’s Food Select Galfee’s prepare, cook and package an extensive range of quality food from sandwiches to ready made meals. We deliver our products to many different outlets throughout the north and south of Ireland including garage forecourts, restaurants and shops. Proprietor: Margaret Jordan We also offer an outside catering service for corporate and family events. Address: 104 Syerla Road Dungannon Co Tyrone BT71 7ET Rocwell Mineral Water Contact Details: Tel: (028) 3754 8340 Sales: Julie Foley Address: Lupin Avenue Donemana Co Tyrone BT82 0PG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7139 7100 Fax: (028) 7139 7155 Email: [email protected] Web: www.tyronesprings.com Producers, manufacturers & suppliers of natural mineral water products under Rocwell brand and own label brands. Offering both a water cooler service and consumer bottled water range. Founded by the Quinn family in 1989 the Rocwell Natural Mineral Water source was the first in Northern Ireland to obtain “Natural Mineral Water Status” under the stringent EU and Irish Directives and the UK and NI Mineral Water Regulations. Universal Foods Universal Foods make a range of fresh sauces, coleslaw, potato salad, garlic baguettes and toasties on our premises. Supplying both retail and catering sectors, including hot food bars, hotels and restaurants, Universal Foods cater for all tastes. All products are available in Spar, Mace, Costcutter, DayToday, Dunnes Stores and Asda not to mention a host of local independent shops. Director: Jacqui Gallagher Address: Unit 28-31 Orchard Road Industrial Estate Strabane Co Tyrone BT82 9JT Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7188 6618 Fax: (028) 7188 2832 Email: [email protected] Web: www.galfees.com Sales Manager: Sharilene Loughran Address: 38 Limehill Road Pomeroy Co Tyrone BT70 2RX Contact Details: Tel: 028 8775 8306 Fax: 028 8775 9509 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rocwellwater.com Partner: Anthony Lavery Address: Ardboe Business Park Kilmascally Road Ardboe, Dungannon Co Tyrone, BT71 5BJ Contact Details: Tel: 028 867 62955 Fax 028 867 36380 Email : [email protected] Page 46 & 47 County Londonderry Norman Hunter and Son Norman Hunter and Son is a multiaward winning traditional Butchers/ Delicatessen providing Northern Ireland Quality Assured meat to a discerning client base. In addition we also offer local and international cheeses, homemade salads and ready meals, biscuits and cakes and a range of chutneys and preserves. Time to treat the taste buds. Upperlands Coffee Company Upperlands Coffee Company are a family business engaged in roasting and blending speciality and gourmet coffees. We source green coffee beans from around the world, these high quality beans are then hand roasted and blended here in Upperlands to achieve our own signature flavours. We supply local retailers, hotels and coffee shops. Country Cuisine NI Ltd. Country Cuisine NI are producers of delicious creamy coleslaw and luxurious potato salad, made from a unique recipe. We produce quality products made from the best of locally sourced ingredients. An ideal accompaniment for any dish. the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Delicatessens, Drinks, Jams, Preserves, Hampers & Ready Meals County Fermanagh Proprietor: Ian Hunter Address: 53-55 Main Street Limavady Co Londonderry BT49 0EP Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7776 2665 Fax: (028) 7776 7774 Proprietor: John Henderson Address: 57 Culnady Road Upperlands Co Londonderry BT46 5TN Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7954 9771 Email: [email protected] Web: www.upperlandscoffeecompany.com Director: Philip & Tracy Wilson Address: 3 Ballydermot Lane Bellaghy Co Londonderry BT45 8LG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7938 6308 Fax: (028) 7938 6612 Baskets of Ireland Baskets of Ireland produce an exciting range of gourmet food hampers. We have scoured the island of Ireland seeking out small artisan food producers, committed to creating products of the highest quality and have compiled these items into a superb range of gift hampers suitable for any occasion. Shazzam Shazzam produce enchanting chutneys and magical jams. They combine interesting and unusual ingredients to produce our award winning preserves known for their quality and taste. Shazzam have won three great taste gold awards for their smashing pumpkin chutney, banoffee jam and figgy rhubarb jam. Available from delis and tourist attractions nationwide. Erin Grove Preserves JAM! – JUST LIKE IT USED TO BE! Erin Grove’s preserves, chutneys and marmalades have been inspired by a desire to recreate the traditional homemade flavours which have been lost in so many of today’s over-processed foods. Using only traditional methods and the finest ingredients, we produce an outstanding range of products. Proprietor: Jayne Paget Address: Lissan Garvery, Ennisikillen Co Fermanagh BT74 4PF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6632 8206 Email: [email protected] Web: www.basketsofireland.com Proprietor: Suzanne Livingstone Address: Leighan Monea Co Fermanagh BT93 6GY Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6864 1948 Email: [email protected] Web: www.shazzamdesign.com Proprietor: Jayne Paget Address: Lissan Garvery, Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 4PF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6632 8206 Email: [email protected] Website: www.eringrove.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Fruit & Vegetable Recipes 48 & 49 Fruit & Vegetable Recipes 1. Warm Goat’s Cheese Tart With Caramelised Red Onion And Baby Salad 2. Sticky Toffee Pudding With Banana 1 medium egg yolk mixed with 1 tsp water 4 slices goat’s cheese 10ml olive oil 4 small handfuls of mixed salad leaves Salt & pepper For the Basil dressing 100g young basil leaves 1 clove garlic 4 tbsp olive oil Juice of ½ orange Juice of ½ lemon 1. Warm Goat’s Cheese Tart With Caramelised Red Onion And Baby Salad Ingredients 25g salted butter 25g light soft brown sugar 2 red onions, sliced into half rings 75ml red wine 75ml red wine vinegar 1 star anise ½ x 375g sheet ready rolled puff pastry Method 1. In a saucepan, melt the butter and sugar over a medium heat for 3-5 minutes until brown and caramelised. 2. Add the onions, wine, vinegar, and star anise. Put on the lid and leave to reduce for 15-20 minutes. 3. On a floured surface, lay out the pastry and brush with egg wash. Mark wavy lines across the pastry with a fork, then cut into 10cm squares and press a 5cm pastry cutter into the middle of a square, spooning in the cooled onions. Remove the cutter. 4. Bake the pastry squares for 10-15 minutes until golden brown at 160°C. 5. Remove and leave to cool. Increase the oven temperature to 200°C. 6. Make the basil dressing by plunging the leaves and one garlic clove into boiling salted water for 1-2 seconds, then refresh in iced water and squeeze out. 7. Blend to a purée with the oil, orange and lemon juices, pass through a sieve and set aside. 8. Reheat the onion tarts for a few minutes. 9. Place a slice of goat’s cheese on top of each, arrange the salad leaves alongside, drizzle with basil dressing and serve immediately. 2. Sticky Toffee Pudding With Bananas Ingredients 75g/3oz Old Bananas 150g/5oz dates, stones removed, chopped 250ml/9fl oz hot water 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda 60g/2¼ oz butter, softened 60g/2¼ oz caster sugar 2 free-range eggs 150g/5oz self-raising flour For the toffee sauce 200g/7oz butter 400g/14oz brown sugar vanilla pod, split 250ml/9fl oz double cream Method 1. Preheat the oven to 180C/370F/Gas 4. 2. Mix the dates & Bananas, bicarbonate of soda and the water together in a bowl and leave to soak for ten minutes. 3. In a clean bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until light & fluffy. 4. Still stirring the butter mixture, gradually add the eggs, making sure they are well mixed in. 5. Still stirring, gradually add the flour, then add the date mixture. 6. Pour the mixture into a 20cm/8in square cake tin. Place into the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes, or until cooked through. 7. To make the sauce, melt the butter in a thick bottomed pan over a medium heat. 8. Add the brown sugar, vanilla pod and cream and stir well. Simmer for five minutes. 9. To serve, spoon out a portion of the pudding onto a plate and pour over the hot toffee sauce Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Fruit & Vegetables 50 & 51 Sampak Fresh Produce Fruit & Vegetables At Sampak Fresh Produce we cater for all needs. Our range includes prepared vegetables, peeled potatoes and fresh chilled chips. Fresh produce selected for quality and prepared for your convenience. County Tyrone Castlefresh Foods Ltd We are a locally based food company producing fresh prepared food for the hotel and catering industry. We are based in Castlederg and are strategically located for deliveries to Tyrone and all the neighbouring counties. Vegetables can be produced, batoned, diced, sliced or shredded ready for the pot. Hey Pesto Salads We at Hey Pesto Salads specialise in organically grown salad leaves, oriental and heirloom vegetables and herbs grown year round. In order to ensure the freshest product for our clients we endeavour to deliver on day of harvest to restaurants and homes. Fresh to your door. Hey Pesto! Sales Manager: Derek Torrens Address: Unit 12 Castlederg Enterprise Co 1 Drumquin Road Castlederg Co Tyrone BT81 7PX Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8167 1515 Fax: (028) 8167 8595 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Anthony Quinn Address: 1 Ackinduff Road Cabra Dungannon Co Tyrone BT70 3AP Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8776 1827 Email: [email protected] Website: www.welovegreens.com High Holm Farm Produce High Holm Farm Produce is renowned for quality and the freshest of flavour. Our potatoes and vegetables are available at local farmers’ markets. Time to taste the best. Omagh 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. Enniskillen 2nd Saturday of each month Strabane last Saturday of each month. Summer Garden Summer Garden produces a wide range of salads, stuffing and dressings using local ingredients with a focus on fresh and healthy food. You can find our products in Dunnes Stores, Supervalu and selected shops across the province including our depot in Dungannon. Why not let every day be a summer’s day Summer Garden. Proprietor: Sam McGirr Address: Unit 9 Castlederg Enterprise Centre 1 Drumquin Road Castlederg Co Tyrone, BT81 7PX Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8167 9969 Fax: (028) 8167 9969 Proprietor: William Moore Address: 31 Coolaghy Road Ardstraw Omagh Co Tyrone, BT71 4LG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8166 2088 Fax: (028) 8166 2676 Proprietors: Bridie Donaghy / Lewy McNeece Address: Unit 26 Dungannon Enterprise Centre Oaks Road Dungannon Co Tyrone, BT71 6JT Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8775 2177 Fax: (028) 8772 2226 Email: [email protected] Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Fruit & Vegetables 52 & 53 Hughes Mushrooms Hughes mushrooms is one of the UK’s premier and most innovative mushroom marketing companies. Hughes supply and distribute a full mushroom range throughout Ireland and mainland UK to customers which include major retailers such as Sainsbury UK, Musgrave NI, SQ Ireland alongside food service, wholesale and processing companies. Farm Fresh Vegetables Ian is well known for his array of fresh grown vegetables and fruit providing part of a healthy, nutritious diet. With many years experience Ian knows how to grow a supreme crop. A true treat for the taste buds. To experience fresh fruit and vegetables visit the farmers’ market, Tesco car park Dungannon, 1st & 3rd Saturday of each month. Quinfresh Our vegetables are sourced from a co-operative of local growers. The supply chain is then continued on from our factory to local shops, supermarkets and restaurants within Mid Ulster and the Greater Belfast area. We cater for both the prepared and the wholesale sectors. Loughshore Veg Ltd Operations Manager: Laura Hanthorn Address: 118 Trewmount Road Dungannon Co Tyrone BT71 7EF Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8778 4298 Fax: (028) 8778 4998 Email: [email protected] Web: www.hughesmushrooms.com Proprietor: Ian Brownlee Address: 141 Collegelands Road Moy Co Tyrone , BT71 6SW Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8778 4786 Fax: (028) 8778 4786 Mob: 078 1044 0390 Manageress: Elaine Quinn Address: 89 Ballynakelly Road Dungannon Co Tyrone , BT71 6HD Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8774 7691 Fax: (028) 8774 0705 Email: [email protected] Directors: Ursula / Oliver Cushnahan As growers and processors of fresh vegetables we supply local shops with retail packs such as soup, shredded cabbage, diced root vegetables etc. Our range also extends to catering sized packs in order to ensure convenience for all customers. Address: 21 Kanes Road Dungannon Co Tyrone , BT71 4QY McCormack (Potato) Ltd Director: Barry McCormack McCormack Ltd is a family run business with over 30 years in the field. Importing and exporting as quality potato merchants we prepare potatoes for pre-packing and chipping. Whether you boil, fry or roast, our potatoes are sure not to disappoint. Address: 25 Aughanling Road Dungannon Co Tyrone , BT71 6SR Greenaways Farm Produce We at Greenaways grow a variety of vegetables and potatoes. These are washed, graded and packed on our own premises before being distributed throughout a variety of shops and wholesale outlets across the province. Striving at all times to provide the freshest of produce for our customers. Green by name – green by nature. Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8774 0408 Fax: (028) 8774 6838 Email: [email protected] Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8778 4429 Fax: (028) 8778 4234 Email: [email protected] Partner: Ron Greenaway Address: 67 Annaghbeg Road Tamnamore Dungannon Co Tyrone BT71 6HY Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8772 2748 Fax: (028) 8775 2929 Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Fruit & Vegetables 54 & 55 Good4U Food Awards Winner 2007 & 2008. Delivering seeds, shoots and pulses washed and ready to eat. Sourced for freshness, flavour and health based properties - boosting the immune system, digestive system and promoting a healthy heart. Including washed brocco shoots and ready to eat, alfalfa shoots, lentil and bean shoots & a range of roasted seeds. Taste Gold Winner Award 08 for our new Smart Shoots Drink, “Wheatgrass, Apple and Lime Juice” County Londonderry Production Manager: Rhonda Montgomery Address: 45 Tullywiggan Road Cookstown Co Tyrone BT80 8SG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8676 6287 Fax: (028) 8676 9622 Email: [email protected] Web: www.good4u.co.uk County Fermanagh Karuna’s Kitchens Karuna’s Kitchen specialises in world vegetarian foods i.e. no meat, fish or eggs. While we are lacto-vegetarian, we also include several vegan preparations. Almost half of our range is wheat & gluten free. We have been in operation for about 8 years and started off making chutneys, pickles and some Indian savouries & finger foods such as samosas & koftas. Proprietor: Karuna Ryan Address: 14 Birch Grove Teemore Derrylin Co Fermanagh BT92 9QT Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6774 8819 Mob: 07828 555 708 Email: [email protected] Foylepac Ltd Director: Daniel Payne We at Foylepac produce vegetables for wholesale distribution and also process vegetables for retail and catering businesses. Our produce is grown locally and we deliver our produce all over the North and South of Ireland. Address: 355 Seacoast Road Limavady Co Londonderry BT49 0LD Foyle Chipping Company Director: Liam Rigney Foyle Chipping Company is an established family owned partnership that specialises in prepared potatoes, chips and vegetables. The company has been in business for 25 years and was originally set up as a supplier of fresh cut chips to local fish and chip shops in Derry City but has expanded its range to include frozen and chilled goods, fresh poultry products, fresh fruit and vegetables. We pride ourselves in providing the customer with a quality product and excellent friendly service. Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7775 0237 Fax: (028) 7775 0511 Email: [email protected] Address: Unit 9 Rathmore Business Park Creggan Derry City Co Londonderry BT48 3LA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7127 1483 Fax: (028) 7136 0188 Email: [email protected] McLaughlins Fruit & Veg (Seasonharvest) Manager: Kienan McLaughlin Seasonharvest is a family business situated in Claudy, just outside Derry. We cover a wide area across N Ireland. We supply restaurants, hotels, delis, shops, schools etc. Our product ranges from all types of whole and prepared fruit & veg. Address: 613 Barnailt Road Claudy Co Londonderry BT47 4EA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7133 8478 Fax: (028) 7133 8878 Email: [email protected] Web: www.seasonharvest.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Meat & Fish Recipes 56 & 57 Meat & Fish Recipes 1. Kettyle Aberdeen Angus Fillet of Beef with traditional champ, slowroasted mushroom, cabbage and bacon, served with a rosemary and whiskey gravy 2. Smoked eel mousse with boxty pancakes, horseradish and mustard grain cream and fresh herb salad 3. Crab and Prawn Cake with pickled beetroot, couscous and mild curried cream black cracked pepper sea salt Champ 4 large potatoes, preferably Maris Piper, peeled and washed 100ml pouring cream 4 spring onions, chopped 50g salted butter Cabbage and bacon 1 tightly packed, medium savoy cabbage 4 rashers of back bacon, rinds removed and cut into lardons Steaks 6 fillet steaks, each about 200g a little rapeseed oil 300ml Irish stout salt and pepper Gravy 350ml Irish whiskey 3 tbsp redcurrant jelly sprig each of rosemary and thyme 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped 1. Kettyle Aberdeen Angus Fillet of Beef with traditional champ, slowroasted mushroom, cabbage and bacon, served with a rosemary and whiskey gravy Serves 6 Slow roasted mushrooms 50ml rapeseed oil 4 garlic cloves, crushed leaves of 1 rosemary sprig, finely chopped leaves of 3 thyme sprigs, finely chopped 6 flat cap mushrooms, stems removed and caps peeled Method 1. Preheat the oven to 130ºC. 2. Prepare the mushrooms. 3. Mix together the oil, garlic, rosemary and thyme. 4. Put the mushrooms gill-side up on a non-stick baking tray, pour over the oil, and season with sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Roast for 1 hour. 5. Cook the potatoes in a saucepan of boiling salted water for about 20 minutes until soft, then drain and mash until all lumps are eliminated. Bring the cream and spring onions to the boil in a separate pan, add to the mash, and beat until smooth. 6. Season and add the butter; set aside in a warm place. Wash the cabbage and cut into 6 or 8 wedges. 7. Discard the thickest part of the core, but leave a little to help hold the leaves together. 8. Heat a frying pan until very hot and fry the lardons until crisp. Add the cabbage and mix with bacon, then reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook slowly for 5-10 minutes. 9. Season and set aside in a warm place. 10. Remove the mushrooms from the oven and keep warm. Increase the oven temperature to 200ºC and place a baking tray inside to heat up. Season the steaks all over. 11. Heat a heavy frying pan until red hot, and add a little oil to the pan. Place the steaks in the pan and sear all over (top, bottom and sides), then transfer to the hot tray and finish cooking in the oven. 12. Allow 4-5 minutes, for medium rare meat. 13. Make the gravy while the steaks are in the oven. 14. Deglaze the steak juices in the frying pan with the stout, then boil to reduce by about three-quarters. 15. Add the whiskey, redcurrant jelly, rosemary, thyme and garlic and simmer for 5 minutes. 16. Strain and season, then keep hot. 17. Remove the steak from the oven and leave to rest for a few minutes. To serve, put a mushroom in the middle of each plate, top with cabbage and bacon, then the steaks. 18. Finish by spooning a quenelle of champ on the beef, and drizzle a small amount of gravy around the plate. Serve immediately, with the remaining gravy in a jug. Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Meat & Fish 58 & 59 2. Smoked eel mousse with boxty pancakes, horseradish and mustard grain cream and fresh herb salad Serves 4 500g raw fresh eel fillets, skinned 1 medium egg white olive oil 125ml chilled double cream 250g smoked eel fillets, preferably Lough Neagh, diced small handful each of fresh coriander, basil, chervil, and rocket leaves salt and pepper Boxty Pancakes 125g raw peeled potato (a floury variety such as Dunbar Standard or Maris Piper) 125g mashed potato, made from 200g floury potatoes, peeled and cooked 125g plain flour, plus extra for dusting 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt large knob of salted butter, melted and cooled, a little milk if necessary Horseradish & Mustard Grain Cream 300ml whipping cream 1 tsp freshly grated horseradish 1 tsp wholegrain mustard, a little milk if necessary Makes 8 small boxty pancakes Method 1 Make the smoked eel mousse. Check the fresh eel for any stray bones or skin, then work the flesh to a fine purée in a blender. Add the egg white and a pinch of salt, purée again, then press the mixture through a very fine sieve into a bowl, checking again that there are no bones. Place the bowl over a bowl of ice, and chill in the fridge for 10-15 minutes. 2 Preheat the oven to 150°C/gas 2. Lightly brush four 7.5-10cm nonstick moulds with olive oil. (Or use oiled ramekins lined with discs of non-stick baking parchment.) 3 Remove the purée from the fridge and mix in the cream with a rubber spatula. Do this very slowly or the mixture may curdle. Fold in the smoked eel, season, and spoon into the moulds. Cover the moulds and stand them in a roasting tin, then pour in enough warm water to come halfway up their sides. Bake au bain marie for 8 minutes, or until a knife inserted in the centre comes out clean. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. 4 Make the boxty pancakes. Grate the raw potato into a bowl. Turn out onto a cloth and wring over a bowl, catching the liquid. This will separate into a clear fluid with starch at the bottom. Pour off and discard the fluid, then scrape out the starch and mix it with the grated and mashed potatoes. Sift the dry ingredients and mix into the potatoes with the melted butter, adding a little milk if necessary to make a pliable dough. Knead lightly on a floured surface. Divide into four and form flat round cakes that are about 1cm larger than the moulds used for the eel mousse. With the back of a knife, mark each pancake into quarters without cutting right through. 5 Heat a large griddle or heavy frying pan until hot. Dust with flour, then place a pancake marked-side down on the pan. Cook over a medium heat for 3-5 minutes until browned. Turn the pancake over and repeat on the other side. 6 Meanwhile, make the horseradish cream. Whip the cream until it holds a peak, then fold in the horseradish, mustard, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix the salad leaves together, and season with sea salt and small drop of olive oil. 7 To serve, put a pancake, markedside up, on each plate, and unmould an eel mousse onto it. Serve immediately, garnished with the salad and quenelles of 3. Crab and Prawn Cake with pickled beetroot, couscous and mild curried cream (see image page 8) 400g white crab meat 200g fresh local cooked prawns 100ml single cream 1 tsp coriander juice and zest of 2 lemons salt & pepper 120g beetroot precooked peeled and diced 200g cream cheese 1 tbsp curry powder 160ml crème fraîche 2 tbsp hazelnut oil 2 tbsp curry oil 1 tbsp beetroot oil 1 tbsp basil oil 6 sprigs of coriander 200g couscous 100ml vegetable stock 2 tbsp fresh chopped chives Method 1.Flake the crabmeat and chopped cooked prawns into a bowl and discard any bone. 2.Mix with the cream, coriander and lemon zest. Season well and chill. 3.Mix the curry powder with the crème fraiche and cream cheese, season and leave to chill. 4.Heat the stock to 75ºC, pour over the couscous and leave for 5 -10 minutes, stir and season. 5.Now you will have to build layers. In a 4-inch cutter, add a dessert spoonful of couscous to the mould and level with a spoon. 6.Add 1 tsp diced beetroot on top of the couscous and level with a spoon. 7.Add the crab meat and the prawns on top of the diced beetroot and couscous, and level with a spoon. 8.Add the curried cream on top of the crab mix and smooth off with a palette knife. 9.Drizzle the oils around the plate and sprinkle with some fine fresh chives and coriander sprigs. Serve. Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Meat & Fish 60 & 61 Clogher Valley Meats Meat & Fish Producers of pork, lamb, beef, and poultry we believe in offering our customers only the finest cuts and selection of local products sourced from neighbouring farms in the Clogher Valley area. Available from our retail shop in Clogher we also have a home bakery and delicatessen in store. County Tyrone Dunbia Dunbia is an established leading supplier of top quality beef and lamb products to local, national and international retail, commercial and food service markets. From our headquarter at Granville Industrial Estate in Co Tyrone we pride ourselves in supplying the best Farm Quality Assured Northern Irish beef and lamb to our local customers - produced to their exact specifications. Grampian Country Pork Cookstown is Northern Ireland’s best loved sausage and bacon brand, with products available across the province. Our range also includes, ready to cook items, barbecue products, fresh pork and cooked ham. All of which uses only the finest cuts of local pork. Proprietor: Kieran Meehan Address: 27 Main Street Clogher, Co Tyrone BT76 0AA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8554 8365 Email: [email protected] Sales Director: Michael Doran Address: Granville Industrial Estate Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT70 1NJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8772 3350 Fax: (028) 8772 1810 Email: [email protected] Web: www.dunbia.com Marketing Manager: Colin Glennon Address: 70 Molesworth Road Cookstown, Co Tyrone BT80 8PJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8676 3321 Fax: (028) 8676 8524 Web: www.gcfg.com Treanor Traditional Meats Ltd Treanor Traditional Meats was established in the late 1990s as producers of fresh and cooked meats. We supply retail outlets and wholesalers throughout Northern Ireland. Our raw materials are sourced locally and our main business is the preparation of fresh and cured pork for the retail market. Our motto - “large enough to cope and small enough to care”. Crocan Meats Crocan Meats provides top quality beef to the individual customer as well as the retail and catering trade. All our beef is sourced from a selected group of local farms. These farms produce beef to our requirements under strict environmental and welfare conditions. The farms are all within a 15 mile radius of the business. Beef is matured for a minimum of 21 days and then packed to the customers requirements. To us freshness of cut and quality of approach is key at every stage. Manager Director: Paula McKenna Address: Old Barrack Yard Aughnacloy Co Tyrone BT69 6AA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8555 7449 Fax: (028) 8555 7449 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Padraig Kelly Address: Unit 3 Milestone Centre Carrickmore Co Tyrone Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8076 1273 Fax: (028) 8076 1273 Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Meat & Fish 62 & 63 Seskinore Farm Meats Our on-farm butchery business processes beef, lamb, pork & poultry sourced from local farms. Our beef is traditionally matured for 28 days in a carefully controlled environment for a melt in the mouth succulent flavour. Bacon and hams are traditionally hand cured and a wide range of speciality sausages and burgers are also available. Farm shop: Wed – Sat 10am – 5pm (Wed, Thurs and Sat) Late opening Friday to 8pm. Farmers Food Markets: Please phone for more details. McWhinneys Gourmet Sausages & Burgers We’ve been making sausages for over 115 years and selling them through our shop on the corner of the Square, Comber. We make a range of established and traditional recipe sausages together with new and improved recipes that offer healthier eating for adults and children and greater taste discovery. Proprietor: Roger Latimer Address: Seskinore Farm Meats 131 Carnalea Road Seskinore Omagh, Co Tyrone BT78 2PP Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8284 0724 Mobile: 07724 152835 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Michael McWhinneys Address: Unit 8, FBIC (CAFRE) 45 Tullywiggin Road, Cookstown Co Tyrone, BT80 8SG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 82 83 1046 Email:[email protected] Web: www.mcwhinneys.com County Fermanagh Flynn’s Fine Foods Flynn’s Fine Foods manufacture and distribute the finest pork, bacon, chicken, lamb, beef and cooked meats to retail and catering outlets across Ireland. We supply Spar, Vivo, Mace, Londis, Gala, Centra, Supervalu with the finest meats. Tenderlean Meats Ltd Our locally sourced beef, lamb, pork and poultry products offer the highest quality of cuts. An extensive variety of added value products are also on hand for convenience of the customer, most notably the new La Pizza range. These product ranges are available through our butcher shops in Enniskillen, Derrylin and our Farm Shop on site. We also offer a delivery service nationwide for shops, restaurants and hotels. Kettyle Irish Foods Located in Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh, Kettyle Irish Foods is passionate about its integrity towards sourcing and only selects the very best beef and lamb locally. We believe quality meat starts with excellent husbandry. We produce meat that is matured with care to its optimum condition and skilfully butchered. Our products can be found in Marks & Spencer’s, Dunnes Stores and numerous restaurants throughout Ireland. Director: Micheal Flynns L A Richardson & Sons Address: Roslea Enterprise Centre Roslea, Co Fermanagh, BT92 7FH With thirty-three years of knowledge of retail trading in Lisnaskea our butchers have combined the traditions of the past with modern convenience that our clients deserve. All animals come from our family farm and are retailed in our wide range of exciting food ideas. Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6775 1379 Fax: (028) 6775 1005 Email: [email protected] Web: www.flynnsfinefoods.com Marketing Manager: Martin Maguire Address: Derrylea Derrylin Co Fermanagh BT92 9QR Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6774 8040 Fax: (028) 6774 8044 Email: [email protected] Web: www.tenderlean.com Director: Maurice Kettyle Address: Manderwood Business Park Lisnaskea Co Fermanagh BT92 0FS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6772 3777 Fax: (028) 6772 3888 Email: [email protected] Web: www.kettyleirishfoods.com Proprietor: Clive Richardson Address: 184 Main Street Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh BT92 0JE Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6772 1263 Web: www.homeproducedmeats.co.uk Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Meat & Fish 64 & 65 County Fermanagh O’Doherty’s Fine Meats O’Dohertys have been in the forefront of the meat trade for over forty years. We have gained an enviable reputation for fine meat products throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom having won numerous National Awards. Three times winner of “Best Steakburger in Ireland” and “Best Super Beef Sausage in the UK” Proprietor: Pat O’Doherty Address: Belmore Street Enniskillen Co Fermanagh BT74 6AA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6632 2152 Email: [email protected] Web: www.blackbacon.com County Londonderry Causeway Prime Causeway Prime is much more than just another brand; it represents a commitment by Lynas to provide local product (beef, pork, lamb) throughout Northern Ireland. All our premium meat is carefully selected and prepared by our highly experienced butcher team, and all products can be traced back to the farm. Lean And Easy Lamb Ltd We at Lean And Easy Lamb Ltd. provide a range of bone-in and boneless cuts of lamb for both the retail and catering trade. A specialist in processing lamb using purely local cuts. Currently we supply Tesco NI as well as butchers throughout the province including the McAtamneys chain and leading restaurants including the Rankin Group. Manager: Jon Neely Address: Loughanhill Industrial Estate Gateside Road, Coleraine Co Londonderry BT52 2NR Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7035 0600 Fax: (028) 7035 7340 Email: [email protected] Website: www.lynasfoodservice.co.uk Director: Ian Mark Address: 25 Mettican Road Garvagh Co Londonderry BT51 5HS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 2955 7117 Fax: (028) 2955 7118 Email: [email protected] North West Pork Products Ltd We supply a full range of meat products including beef, pork, lamb and poultry. These are available at our 3 retail outlets at Campsie, Milltown Meats, Drumahoe, Co Derry and Newton Meats, Greystone Road, Limavady. All beef products are sourced within Northern Ireland and can be delivered via our temperature controlled vans across the North West area. William Gallagher Food Processors Ltd Proprietor: Adrian McLean Address: 26 Courtauld Way Campsie Industrial Estate Eglinton Co Londonderry BT47 3FN Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7181 1212 Fax: (028) 7181 1647 Email: [email protected] Director: Gregory O’Doherty We produce and supply quality beef, lamb, pork, poultry and their associated products to both the retail and catering trade. Our produce can be purchased at 32 William Street or delivered to caterers for further use. Address: 32 William Street Londonderry Co Londonderry BT48 6ET O’Kane Meats Proprietor: Michael & Kieran O’Kane Farm Quality Assured lamb and beef sourced from farms across the province. We sell pork, chicken, duck, and turkey alongside a mouth-watering range of homemade pies, stirfries, deli items, salads and veg. Our mission statement is “To give the BEST quality and variety of meat to our customers with the highest standards of hygiene and service.” Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7136 3883/ 7137 3723 Fax: (028) 7137 2700 Email: [email protected] Address: 69 Main Street Claudy Co Londonderry BT47 4HB Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7133 8944 Fax: (028) 7133 7884 Email: [email protected] Website: www.okanemeats.com Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Meat & Fish 66 & 67 County Tyrone Glenrossan Fish Products We at Glenrossan Fish Products are local suppliers of fresh and frozen fish for the catering industry. Our clients include restaurants, hotels and food outlets. EEC factory approved. Quibros Fish Exports Proprietor: Winnie McDermott Address: 50 Aughaboy Road Omagh, Co Tyrone BT79 7QS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8077 1335 Fax: (028) 8077 1335 Email: [email protected] Quibros supply freshwater fish including, Lough Pollan, Wild Brown Trout, Perch, Bream and Roach. Specialist in freshwater fish, our range is selected on quality and taste. Available from our factory at 59 Anneeter Road, Coagh. Manager: John Quinn Address: 59 Anneeter Road Coagh , Cookstown Co Tyrone BT80 0HZ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8673 7469 Fax: (028) 8673 6326 Email: [email protected] County Fermangah Casey’s Salmon Ltd Welcome to Casey’s Salmon Ltd. We have a full range of fresh fish available, catering for all our customers needs. Please call for further details. Proprietor: Eileen Casey Address: 10 Barrack Street Strabane Co Tyrone BT82 8HG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7138 2622 Fax: (028) 7138 2622 Email: [email protected] Donegal Shellfish We supply frozen shellfish products to fish wholesalers and the restaurant trade. Our products consist principally of frozen shellfish processed in Belleek, Co Fermanagh. Our range includes mussels stuffed with garlic butter, frozen cooked mussels in shells, frozen scallops on half shell and oysters in butter and wine. Proprietor: Pat Lally Address: Units 8-9 Craft Village Belleek Co Fermanagh BT93 3FX Contact Details: Tel: (00353) 71985 2112 Email: [email protected] Web: www.donegalshellfish.co.uk County Londonderry McElroy Fish Exports McElroy Fish Exports was established 25 years ago. We are suppliers of all freshwater fish, trout, perch, pollen, eel and salmon. McElroy Fish export all over the UK and Europe and are renowned for freshness and range of fish. Proprietor: Joe McElroy Donegal Prime Fish Ltd Address: 57A Killycanavan Road Ardboe Cookstown Co Tyrone BT71 5BP We at Donegal Prime Fish are fish processors and a salmon smokery. To complement our wide range of seafood and gold award winning smoked salmon, we also supply nonfish products to hotels, restaurants, catering and takeaway. These include fresh and frozen chicken products, chilled chips, burgers and many other items. Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8673 7150 Fax: (028) 8673 7155 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Dorothy Ryan Address: Beraghmore Road, Skeogh Industrial Park Galliagh, Derry City BT48 8SE Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7135 0059 Fax: (028) 7135 8090 Email: [email protected] Web: www.donegalprimefish.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Nightfall on the City Londonderry the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Game & Poultry Recipes 70 & 71 Game & Poultry Recipes 1. Carpaccio of Cured Vension with horseradish, chives and roasted walnut cream 2. Pan-fried duck with five-spice powder, lentil casserole and caramelised onions 3. Organic Arkhill Chicken Breast, Tyrone potato cake, wild Northern Irish mushrooms and herb jus 1 tsp grated orange zest 1 tsp grated lemon zest salt and freshly ground black pepper For the roasted walnut cream 8 walnuts, shells removed 300ml/½ pint whipping cream 1 tsp freshly grated horseradish 1 tsp wholegrain mustard 5 chives, finely chopped For the garnish olive oil and few chives 1. Carpaccio of Cured Vension with horseradish, chives and roasted walnut cream Ingredients 1 boneless loin of venison, about 1kg/2lb 4oz rapeseed oil 150g/5½oz sea salt 10 juniper berries, very finely crushed 3 star anise, very finely crushed 1 tbsp cracked black pepper 1 sprig rosemary, leaves only, very finely chopped 2 sprigs thyme, leaves only, very finely chopped 1 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed Method 1. Heat a heavy pan until very hot, then sear the venison in a little oil over a high heat until lightly browned on all sides. This should take about three minutes. Remove from the pan. 2. Mix together the sea salt, juniper berries, star anise, black pepper, rosemary, thyme, coriander seeds, and orange and lemon zest on a baking tray, then spread out in a 3mm-thick layer. 3. Roll the warm venison in the spice mixture, making sure it is well coated all over. Wrap tightly in cling film and leave at room temperature for about two hours for the flavours to penetrate the meat, then freeze for at least four hours until solid. 4. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/ Gas 4. 5. For the roasted walnut cream, spread the walnuts out on a baking tray and roast for five minutes. Using a tea towel, rub off the excess skin while the nuts are warm, then chop the nuts roughly and leave to cool. Whip the cream until it holds soft peaks when the whisk is removed. Mix in the walnuts, horseradish, mustard and chives. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Keep in a covered bowl in the fridge until serving time. 6. To serve, unwrap the venison and slice very finely on a meat slicer or with a very sharp knife. Arrange the slices in a semi-circle on each of four plates and glaze with a little olive oil. Spoon the roasted walnut cream in the middle and garnish with chives. 2. Pan-fried duck with five-spice powder, lentil casserole and caramelised onions For the pan-fried duck 1 duck breast dash olive oil 1 orange, zest only ½ tsp five-spice powder salt and freshly ground black pepper For the lentil casserole 1 tbsp olive oil 1 white onion, peeled, finely sliced 150g/5½oz Puy lentils, rinsed 300ml/½ pint water ½ tsp five-spice powder salt & freshly ground black pepper squeeze orange juice For the honey and orange sauce 2 oranges 1 star anise 1 tbsp honey For the caramelised onions 30g/1oz butter 4 tbsp caster sugar 1 red onion, peeled, finely sliced 2 tsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp red wine vinegar To serve small bunch fresh coriander leaves Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Game & Poultry 72 & 73 Method 1.Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/ Gas 6. 2.Score the skin of the duck breast with a sharp knife. Rub with the olive oil, orange zest and fivespice powder, then season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. 3.Heat an ovenproof frying pan until hot, add the duck skin-side down and fry for 4-5 minutes or until the skin is golden-brown and slightly crisp. Turn the duck breast over and place the pan in the preheated oven and cook for six minutes or until the duck breast is cooked but still slightly pink in the middle. Remove from the oven and leave to rest, covered with foil, for five minutes. 4.For the lentil casserole, heat the olive oil in a sauté pan, add the white onions and fry over a gentle heat until the onions have softened but are not coloured. Add the lentils, water, five-spice powder, salt and freshly ground black pepper and a squeeze of orange juice, and stir well. Bring to the boil and then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 15 minutes. Stir frequently, topping up with water if it gets too dry and the lentils are still tough. 5.For the honey and orange sauce, squeeze the juice of one orange into a saucepan and add the star anise and honey. Bring to the boil and then reduce the heat to simmer gently for five minutes. Peel and segment the other orange (removing all the pith) and add to the sauce. Cook gently for 1-2 minutes and then set aside to cool slightly. 6.For the caramelised onions, heat the butter and sugar in a saucepan over a low heat until the sugar crystals have melted. Add the red onions and fry over a very low heat for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until softened and caramelised. Add the balsamic and red wine vinegar, turn up the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Check the seasoning and then set aside to cool slightly. 7.To serve, place the lentils on a serving plate, top with the caramelised red onion and then place the duck on top. Pour the orange and honey sauce over the top and garnish with coriander leaves. 3. Organic Arkhill Chicken Breast, Tyrone potato cake, wild Northern Irish mushrooms and herb jus Serves 6 6x 200g organic chicken supremes 600g potato (grated) 300g mixed wild mushrooms 30g thyme (chopped) 600ml of port (reduced by ½) 200g butter 200ml readymade light chicken gravy/jus freshly ground salt & white pepper Method (chicken) 1. Melt 50g of butter in a frying pan until it begins to froth. 2. Add the chicken supreme (skinside down), continue to cook for 2 minutes. 3. Place the chicken in the oven and cook for 20-30 minutes or until cooked through. Method (potato cake) 1. Squeeze the grated potato dry. 2. Roughly shape into a disc. 3. Heat 50g of butter in a frying pan before placing the potato cake in it. 4. Fry on both sides until the potato is golden brown in colour on both sides and is soft in the centre. 5. Using a 6” pastry cutter, cut out a disc from the middle of the potato cake, and keep warm in an oven until needed. Method (thyme jus) 1. Place the port in a saucepan over a fierce heat and let it reduce by half. 2. When reduced, add 1tbsp of thyme leaves, then add the hot chicken gravy. 3. Keep warm to let the flavours infuse. 4. With the remaining butter, gently sauté the mixed wild mushrooms, season with freshly ground salt and white pepper to taste and keep warm. 5. To serve the dish, place the potato cake in the centre of the plate then top with the cooked chicken supreme. 6. Neatly arrange the wild mushrooms around the chicken, and drizzle the thyme jus over the wild mushrooms. 7. Serve immediately. Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Game & Poultry 74 & 75 Game & Poultry County Tyrone Abercorn Estates Baronscourt Estate, the home of the Duke of Abercorn since 1612, is a name synonymous with the provision of high quality venison and assorted game produced under the highest welfare standards. Venison and pheasant are readily available from our game department. Please contact the estate office for more information. Skea Egg Farms Ltd Skea Egg Farms Ltd is a producer and packer of eggs. The business started in the early 1970’s and has always been a family run business. We produce and pack Organic, Free Range (including Omega 3), Barn and Cage eggs, which are produced in NI, mainly on mixed livestock farms. We currently supply Marks & Spencer; Tesco; Sainsburys; Asda; Co-Op; & Supervalu / Centra. Agent: Robert Scott Address: Baronscourt Estate Office Baronscourt, Newtownstewart Omagh, Co Tyrone BT78 4EZ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8166 1683 Fax: (028) 8166 2029 Email: [email protected] Web: www.barons-court.com County Fermanagh Ready Egg Products Ltd We at Ready Egg Products Ltd have it cracked! We offer our customers high quality egg products including liquid whole egg, liquid egg white, liquid egg yolk, hard boiled eggs and powdered egg. With Ready Egg Products you’ll be ready for anything. Sales Director: Steve Hayes Address: 146 Pomeroy Road, Donaghmore. Dungannon Co. Tyrone. BT70 2TY Contact Details: Tel: (028) 87761252 Fax: (028) 87767049 Email: [email protected] Sydare Eggs Welcome to Sydare Eggs. We produce and supply farm fresh eggs to the retail and catering trade. We are driven to deliver the freshest of produce for our clients. Whether you choose to boil, fry or poach them we are sure you’ll agree Sydare Eggs have to be tasted to be believed. Director: Charles Crawford Address: Manor Waterhouse Farm Lisnaskea Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh BT92 0BN Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6772 1345 Fax: (028) 6772 1655 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Joe Maguire Address: Sydare Ballinamallard Co Fermanagh, BT94 2GX Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6638 8315 Tel: 0777 595 3747 Fax: (028) 6638 8112 the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Moyola River, Castledawson Page Organic Farming 78 & 79 Introduction the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Isn’t it time we all went back to nature? Smallholdings, family businesses, bespoke industries and farming cooperatives within our region are embracing their natural approach. These food pioneers are delivering a range of products that are not only free from chemical contaminants but full of natural flavour. These leaders of the organic revolution offer the consumer the finest produce from organic eggs to milk, seasonal fruit and vegetables. Not to mention organic meats such as succulent Aberdeen Angus beef, lamb, duck, geese, rare breed saddleback pigs and tail-birds. Our loamy soil, temperate climate and skilled farming techniques ensure that this is a region bursting with organic goodness. A taste of the good life… naturally! Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Organic Farming 80 & 81 Emerald Organics Organic Farming County Tyrone Cloughbane Farm Shop Cloughbane Farm Shop sell beef and lamb produced on our own farm alongside local pork, chicken, and turkey. The beef is dry hung for 28 days to ensure maximum taste and tenderness. A real farm shop on a real farm where customers can see the high welfare standard of the animals. In recent years we have been awarded UK Farm Shop of the Year and runner up in 2007 and selected as a Gary Rhodes good food hero. Camowen Green Organic Farm Camowen Green is run along environmentally friendly lines. Organic potatoes and a wide range of seasonal vegetables are produced on the farm, as well as Aberdeen Angus Organic Beef. Also available in the farm shop is a range of organic meats, fruit, groceries and dairy produce. The farm has been winner of the soil association “Loraine Award” and in 2008 won 1st prize in “Nature for Farming Award” RSPB/ NI. The shop is situated on the B158 halfway between Omagh and Beragh at Leap Bridge and the farm is nearby on the Camowen Road. Partner: Lorna Robinson Address: 160 Tanderagee Road Dungannon Co Tyrone BT70 3HS Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8775 8246 Fax: (028) 8775 8787 Email: [email protected] Web: www.cloughbanefarm.co.uk We sell Organic Milk, both whole and semiskimmed branded under The Organic Dairy. We pride ourselves in supplying high quality organic produce for the customers’ enjoyment. Our range can be found across the province in most Centra, Supervalu, Costcutter and Spar stores. Organic Doorstep We at the Organic Doorstep supply organic milk, buttermilk, cream, eggs, yoghurt, fruit, vegetables and dried fruit. Our aim is to offer the customer a wide range of products for the organic lifestyle market. Naturally natural. Proprietor: Hamilton G Kee Address: 42 Camowen Road Omagh Co Tyrone BT79 0HA Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8224 2171 Mob: 07713 444496 Fax: (028) 8224 2171 Email: [email protected] Director: Roy McCracken Address: 75 Tullyrush Road Omagh Co Tyrone BT78 1RJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8284 0340 Fax: (028) 8284 1592 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: Glenn Huey Address: 125 Strabane Road Castlederg Co Tyrone BT81 7JD Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8167 9989 Fax: (028) 8167 9820 Email: [email protected] Web: www.organicdoorstep.net County Londonderry Sperrin Organic Wholefoods Sperrin Organic Wholefoods has been registered as an organic farm since 2000 with the Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association. Produce grown on the farm is supplied to households via a weekly box delivery scheme. A typical box of produce includes: potatoes, carrots, onions, garden peas, salad bag, tomatoes, scallions and turnip. The areas we deliver to include Park, Claudy, Derry City and Limavady. Proprietor: George MacDonald Address: 24 Gorse Road Dring Claudy Co Londonderry BT47 4HY Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7133 8462 Page the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Organic Farming 82 & 83 Arkhill Farm Our range offers the customer organic eggs, pork, lamb, seasonal turkeys and chicken. North West Organics attend Causeway Speciality Market, Coleraine and our products can also be purchased in Derry City the 1st Saturday of every month. Arkhill Farm – The natural approach. Totally Organic We at Totally Organic grow and harvest a variety of vegetables, including 8 varieties of potatoes within our smallholding. We also rear rarebreed saddleback pigs and organic tailbirds. Totally Organic by name – totally organic by nature. We can be found trading every Saturday at St George’s Market, Belfast. Organic Certification: Soil Association North West Organic Co-Op We are a Co-Operative of organic farmers who market and distribute their members produce. We supply organic fruit, vegetables, bacon, sausages, chicken, beef and lamb. In addition we also provide bread and a range of local produce through our web site and home delivery service. Proprietor: Paul Craig Address: 25 Drumcroone Road Garvagh Co Londonderry BT81 4EB Contact Details: Tel: (028) 2955 7920 Moss-Brook Farm Shop Moss-Brook Farm Shop offers the discerning customer a range of bespoke products direct from our farm. Our range includes dry-cure bacon, speciality sausages and hand-cured gammon. Must be tasted to be believed. Proprietor: Brian Wallace Maydown Farm Shop Address: Culdrum Organic Farm 31a Ballylintagh Road Aghadowey Coleraine Co Londonderry BT51 3SP We at Maydown Farm Shop sell quality home-grown potatoes, fresh local vegetables, eggs, breads, quality preserves, jams and delicacies. Our aim is to encourage customers to buy local fresh produce and support local businesses. Open from June - Febuary . Contact Details: Tel: 077646 38356 Email: [email protected] Customer Service Manager: Daniel McAllister Address: 2 Foreglen Road Killaloo Claudy Co Londonderry BT47 3TP Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7133 7950 Fax: (028) 7133 7956 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nworganic.com Mullan’s Organic Farm Genuine family farm – organic since 1998. Our traditional beef and lamb farm also offers our customers organic eggs, chicken, geese, duck and black turkey (seasonal). Our produce has recently been featured on UTV’s Fabulous Food Adventure. We trade at St Georges Market on a Friday and Saturday and our Farm Shop will be open soon. We are a member of North West Organics Co-Op and trade at Derry City Farmers’ Market. Proprietor: Trevor & Irene Barclay Address: 6 Durnascallon Lane Desertmartin Magherafelt Co Londonderry BT45 5LZ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7963 3454 Fax: (028) 7963 3454 Email: mossbrookbaconboys @utvinternet.co.uk Proprietor: Kathy Craig Address: 53 Clooney Road Co Londonderry BT47 6TL Contact Details: Tel: 07736410129 Email: [email protected] Proprietor: PJ Mullan Address: 84 Ringsend Road Limavady Co Londonderry BT49 0QJ Contact Details: Tel: 07912 262331 Email: [email protected] Web: www.mullansorganicfarm.com the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page 84 & 85 Cookery Schools County Tyrone Grange Lodge Country House Cook with Norah Brown: Join Norah Brown MBE, one of Rick Stein’s Food Heroes in her kitchen at Grange Lodge and see first hand how entertaining it is to cook family food. The individually arranged morning and afternoon programmes help reflect where to find local produce and the best way of using seasonal ingredients. Proprietors: Norah & Ralph Brown Address: 7 Grange Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT71 7EJ Contact Details: Tel: (028) 8778 4212 Fax: (028) 87784313 Email: stay@ grangelodgecountryhouse.com Web: www. grangelodgecountryhouse.com County Fermanagh The Belle Isle School of Cookery Chef and Manager: Liz Moore Discover the delights of creating modern cuisine in a foodie’s paradise. You will be introduced to some of Ireland’s most innovative and exciting ideas in a relaxed atmosphere, with expert tuition, using top-quality seasonal Irish produce. Our hands-on courses and demonstrations will ensure that you leave with the confidence to cook with style and flair in your own home. Address: Belle Isle Estate LisbellawCounty Fermanagh BT94 5HG Contact Details: Tel: (028) 6638 7231 Fax: (028) 6638 7261 Email: [email protected] Web: www.irishcookeryschool.com County Londonderry “I hope we are moving towards a time where we don’t eat on the run, where we savour our food, support and praise the farmers that created it, and enjoy the community created by eating around a table. And, for me there is no other way to do this, but with seasonal, local produce!” Noel McMeel My Little Kitchen Cookery School Proprietor: Nuala Ford My Little Kitchen Cookery School is an exciting venue where you will be taken on a journey through the Mediterranean, Asia, France, Italy and the Middle East and beyond by a passionate and innovative Chef who has over 20 years experience in the restaurant and catering industry. It is ideal for anyone who wants to create restaurant quality food for friends and family at home. Address: 162 Gortgare Road Greysteel Co Londonderry BT47 3DB Contact Details: Tel: (028) 7181 3712 Email: [email protected] Web: www.mylk.co.uk the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Page Proud Sponsor of the Local Food Directory 86 & 87 “We at Independent Catering Services consider it a great honour to be able to help promote ‘The Local Food Directory’ through financial sponsorship. As a company we believe whole heartily in supporting the local business community and in particular the food sector. This is a wonderful opportunity for all involved. We wish this publication every success!” Mark Windebank Managing Director Independent Catering Services Address: ICS Springhill Road Carnbane Industrial Estate Newry BT35 6EF Contact Details: Tel: 028 3083 4080 Fax: 028 3083 2891 Email: [email protected] www.icsni.co.uk You set the menu We set the standard A celebration of Local Food Produce the Local FOOD DIRECTORY Flavour of Tyrone Tel: 028 8776 7259 Sperrins Tourism Ltd Tel: 028 8674 7700 Derry Visitor and Convention Bureau Tel: 028 7126 7284 Magherafelt Tourist Information Centre Tel: 028 796 31510 www.derryvisitor.com Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism Tel 028 6632 3110 www.fermanaghlakelands.com www.sperrinstourism.com www.magherafelt.gov.uk Care has been taken to ensure that all information is correct at time of going to print. No responsibility can be accepted for omission or error. Fermanagh District Council This project has been part funded by the International Fund for Ireland through financial assistance administered by the Northern Ireland Tourist Board. A DESIGN ETHOS CREATION T. +44 [28] 91 275 002 www.flavouroftyrone.com
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