課 程 概 覽 PROSPECTUS 全日制面授課程 Full-time Face-to-face Programmes 2015 年入學 • 2015 Admission 知識為槳 奔向夢想 Pace your Race for Knowledge • Sprint to your Dreams EDUCATION LANGUAGES BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SOCIAL SCIENCES ARTS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 目錄 Contents 簡介 Introduction 校長的話 2 Message from the President 香港公開大學簡介 4 About the OUHK 校園設施 5 Facilities offered 學生活動 6 Student activities 殘疾或有特別學習需要的學生 6 Students with disabilities or special educational needs 畢業生分享 7 Sharing from our graduates 全日制面授本科課程 Full-time Face-to-face Undergraduate Programmes 課程特色 9 Programme characteristics 申請入學 10 Application for admission 全日制本科課程講座 11 Admission seminars for full-time undergraduate programmes 入學資格和學術資格 12 Entry requirements and exit points 學費 14 Tuition fees 學費資助 16 Financial assistance 獎學金 16 Scholarships 2015/2016 年度所開辦的課程 17 Programmes on offer for 2015/2016 課程簡介 19 Programme descriptions 報名及查詢 68 Application and enquiries 全日制面授深造課程 Full-time Face-to-face Postgraduate Programmes (Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration) 碩士課程(全日制面授模式) Master’s Programmes (Full-time Face-to-face Mode) 69 校長的話 在此,首先歡迎你成為大學的一分子。 香港公開大學於 1989 年由香港政府創辦,設有五個學院,分別是人 文社會科學院、李兆基商業管理學院、科技學院、教育及語文學院 和李嘉誠專業進修學院。我們所開辦的學科和課程分別採用面授、 遙距、混合及網上模式教學。今天我們的全日制學生人數已多達 8,000 人,而修讀遙距及網上課程的學生更逾 11,000 人。 大學於 2001 年開辦首個全日制面授課程,並於 2007 年,通過「大 學聯合招生辦法」,招收學生入讀全日制學士學位課程。迄今,大學 已提供多項不同類型的課程,而當中超過 40 個為全日制學士課程。 自銀禧學院啟用以來,大學更開辦了文化創意、檢測認證及醫療服 務課程,額外提供 2,400 個全日制課程學位。尤其令人振奮的是, 大學在政府推出的「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」中獲選,成為 其中一所受資助大學,我們所開辦的其中四個課程可以取得資助名 額。 大學擁有多個校舍,包括位於何文田的校舍本部、鄰近的銀禧學院 以及葵興教學中心。公開大學的教學資源豐富,設施完備,包括供 個人和小組使用的研習空間、實驗室,以及各種康體設施,讓學生 擁有理想舒適的校園環境。 為了豐富學生的校園生活,大學為學生提供多種不同類型的學生服 務,包括遊歷團、學生交流計劃、獎學金及學費資助、學生活動及 組織、學生支援、就業服務及輔導服務等等。 香港公開大學所頒授的學士學位及其他學歷,與香港政府資助的其 他大學享有同等地位,在海外及本地均得到認可,這些學歷無論用 於就業或升學,均具有很高的認受性。此外,本校開辦的許多課程 也獲多個專業團體認可。 對本校來說,現在是令人振奮的時刻,因為大學正邁向一個新的里 程。我們目前所開辦的課程更多元化、範疇更廣泛,讓學生能在本 地及海外保持競爭優勢。 我祝願你學業進步,事事順利! 校長 黄玉山教授 2 Message from the President As the President of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK), I am extremely pleased to welcome you to the OUHK. Established in 1989 by the Hong Kong Government, OUHK altogether has five schools, namely the School of Arts & Social Sciences, Lee Shau Kee School of Business & Administration, School of Education & Languages, School of Science & Technology and the Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional & Continuing Education. We now offer programmes and courses in several different modes: face-to-face mode, distance learning mode, blended learning mode and e-learning mode. Today we have almost 8,000 full-time face-to-face students and over 11,000 distance learning and e-learning students. The University began offering full-time face-to-face programmes in 2001. We have been included in the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) since 2007. We now offer a greater range of programmes than ever, with over 40 full-time programmes mostly at undergraduate level. Since the establishment of our Jubilee College we have been offering an additional 2,400 places for our full-time programmes in cultural and creative arts, testing and certification and medical services. We are pleased to be offering four of those programmes as part of the Government’s ‘Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors’ (SSSDP), for which we were selected as one of the participating institutions. The OUHK has multiple campuses, including the main campus and the Jubilee College in Ho Man Tin and the Kwai Hing Learning Centre. You will find a wide range of resources, space for individual and group study, laboratories, and student facilities at the University. To enrich the campus life of students, we have been providing student support services, including study tours, student exchange programmes, scholarships and financial assistance, support for student activities and societies, career services, counselling services, etc. OUHK degrees and other qualifications are equal to those of all other universities established by the Hong Kong Government, and are recognized both in Hong Kong and overseas for employment and higher studies purposes, as well as being respected by employers. Many of our programmes are recognized by professional bodies. In short, now is a great time to study at the OUHK. It offers you a range of full-time face-to-face programmes that will allow you to stay competitive in the international and local marketplaces. I wish you every success in your endeavours! Professor Yuk-Shan Wong, BBS, JP President 3 香港公開大學簡介 About the OUHK 香港公開大學於 1989 年由香港政府創辦,以“有教無 The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) was established by the Government in 1989. With the mission of providing Education for All, the OUHK started out as a provider of distance education. In order to more completely realize its mission, the University extended its services by offering its first full-time face-to-face Associate Degree programme in 2001. This was followed by full-time Bachelor’s Degree programmes in 2003. The University has also joined the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) since 2007. 類”為辦學宗旨。大學早期以開放入學模式提供遙距教 育,其後於 2001 年開辦第一個全日制面授副學士課程, 進一步貫徹有教無類的宗旨。於 2003 年,大學又推出多 個全日制學士學位課程;並於 2007 年參加「聯合招生辦 法」。 本校設有四個學院,分別是人文社會科學院、李兆基商業 管理學院、科技學院和教育及語文學院。學院所開辦的課 程十分多元化,涵蓋多個不同範疇,例如社會科學、人文 學科、創意藝術、商業管理、電腦學、工程、護理、檢測 認證、統計分析、應用科學、教育和語文等等。大部分課 程都採用英語教學,惟個別課程會以中文為教學語言。公 開大學的全日制課程主要由全職教員任教,這些教員大部 分擁有博士學位,積極從事研究並發表論著,而且教學經 驗豐富。本校開辦的課程都經過嚴謹的質量評審。 2014 年《施政報告》內公布了一系列措施以增加本地學 生接受資助高等教育機會。教育局亦會由 2015/16 學年 起推行「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」,為三屆學生提 供資助,香港公開大學獲選為其中一所「資助計劃」參與 院校,並將會在檢測和認證、護理及創意工業範疇內提供 四項指定課程。在資助計劃下,合資格學生如入讀香港公 開大學的「資助計劃」內的課程,每年將可以獲發港幣 70,000 元的資助。詳情請瀏覽「指定專業/界別課程資 助計劃」網站 www.cspe.edu.hk/SSSDP。 目前,在本校修讀全日制課程的學生約有 7,800 人。為了 配合不斷擴展的全日制課程,大學於何文田忠孝街設立公 開大學銀禧學院,開辦文化創意、檢測認證及醫療服務課 程,額外提供 2,400 個全日制課程學位。 The University’s four Schools — Arts and Social Sciences, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration, Science and Technology, and Education and Languages — offer a range of programmes to choose from, including, among others, social sciences, humanities, creative arts, business administration, computing, engineering, nursing, testing and certification, statistical analysis, applied science, education and languages. Most programmes are taught in English though programmes in the Chinese medium are also available. Our full-time programmes are primarily taught by the University’s full-time academics, most of whom hold Doctoral Degrees and are active in research and publishing, as well as having many years of teaching experience. All of our programmes go through stringent quality assurance mechanisms. In the 2014 Policy Address, a series of initiatives have been announced to broaden the opportunities for local students to receive higher education. The Education Bureau has recently introduced the ‘Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP)’ for three cohorts of students, starting from the 2015/16 academic year. The OUHK, selected as one of the participating institutions, will offer four designated programmes in the disciplines of testing and certification, health care and the creative industries. Under the subsidy scheme, qualified students of the OUHK will receive HK$70,000 worth of yearly subsidies if they are admitted to one of these programmes. For details, please visit the website: www.cspe.edu.hk/SSSDP. Currently, there are around 7,800 students taking programmes on a full-time basis at the OUHK. To cope with the continued growth of our full-time programmes, the OUHK has established the Jubilee College on Chung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin. The OUHK Jubilee College will offer an additional 2,400 places for full-time programmes in cultural and creative arts, testing and certification and medical services. 4 校園設施 有良好的學習環境,才可以孕育出優秀的學生。公開大學 致力為學生提供全面的教學服務及學習設施,讓他們得到 充分的支援,並鼓勵學生參與不同的課外活動,以增廣見 聞。 教學設施 公開大學位於何文田校舍及銀禧學院設有全 面的教學設施,包括圖書館、電腦和科學實驗室、臨床護 理教學中心、檢測認證實驗室、文化創意工作室及實驗 室、語言實驗室、自修室、學生休息室、康樂設施、餐廳 等等。 網上學習支援 本校設置了電子圖書館,館藏豐富, 並曾獲國際獎項。電子圖書館藏有豐富的資料庫、全文電 子期刊、電子書等,可供同學 24 小時使用。面授課程的 學生,可以使用“網上學習系統”,使學習更為豐富多姿。 課餘學習及社區服務 學生有機會參加由大學教職 員帶領的海外交流團,部分學生過往曾到內地的商業機構 進行暑期實習,也曾參與多項社區服務。 Facilities offered The OUHK believes that successful learning depends on an effective learning environment. It strives to provide academic services and facilities that give students the support they need, and extracurricular opportunities that offer students the enrichment they deserve. Facilities — The campuses in Ho Man Tin and Jubilee College offer comprehensive teaching facilities. There are libraries, computer and science laboratories, a clinical nursing education centre, testing and certification laboratories, cultural and creative arts studios and laboratories, a language laboratory, study facilities, student common rooms, recreational facilities and a cafeteria. Online learning support — The OUHK’s award-winning Electronic Library gives students round-the-clock access to an extensive collection of databases, and full-text e-journals and e-books. Face-to-face teaching is also enriched by the Online Learning Environment (OLE). Community service and learning outside the classroom — Academic staff regularly lead exchange study tours to various places. OUHK students have participated in mainland business internships, community service and other programmes. 5 學生活動 香港公開大學一向鼓勵學生舉辦學生活動以充實校園生活 及拓寬個人視野,並透過大學的學生事務委員會及學生事 務處為學生團體提供所需的支援及協助。除公開大學學生 會外,現時共有 40 多個學生團體獲大學認可成立及接受 資助。學生可參與不同類型的活動,如體育活動、學術講 座及文化藝術等項目。 殘疾或有特別學習需要的學生 本校為有特別學習需要的學生提供支援及協助。服務包括 外借特殊學習中心學習器材及特別考試安排等。同學可於 指定限期向學生事務處提出申請,大學亦建議同學於遞交 入學申請時列出其殘疾或特別學習需要的情況,以便大學 為同學提供適當服務。大學會盡量按情況安排所需服務; 然而,某些服務也許礙於資源所限或其他原因而無法提 供。如學生未有於申請時說明其殘疾情況或特別學習需 要,則有可能基於學科要求而未能完成課程 / 科目。 雖然本校為殘疾或有特別學習需要的學生作出若干靈活的 服務安排,協助同學順利修讀大學課程,但大學必須強調 所採用的學業成績計算方法與一般學生並無分別。 Student activities The University encourages students to organize studentrelated activities to enrich their campus life and to broaden their horizons. To support the development of such activities, the University provides financial and other support to studentrelated activities through the Committee on Student Affairs (CSA) and the Student Affairs Office (SAO). In addition to the OUHK Students’ Union, there are currently over 40 Student Societies that have been granted OUHK recognition and have been supported by University funding. Students are encouraged to participate in a diverse range of activities, including sports, academic seminars and cultural programmes. Students with disabilities or special educational needs The University provides services to students with special educational needs. The services include special aids on loan at the Disabled Students Centre and special examination arrangements. Students have to apply for the services via the Student Affairs Office before the stipulated deadline and should indicate the type of disabilities or special educational needs in the application/registration form to facilitate the University in providing the appropriate services for them. However, it may not always be possible to do so if there are insufficient resources, or if there are other constraints. If the applicants do not indicate their disabilities or special educational needs in their applications, they might not be able to complete the course due to the compulsory requirements of the programme/course. While the OUHK allows some flexibility in terms of arrangements for students with disabilities or special educational needs, they will be assessed by the same academic performance measures as other OUHK students. 6 畢業生分享 Sharing from our graduates Year of graduation: 2011 畢業年份:2011 崔佩琦 英語教學榮譽教育學士及英語研 Year of graduation: 2012 究榮譽學士 畢業年份:2012 Olivia Chui Pui-kei 吳子瑜 Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours 創意寫作與電影藝術榮譽文學士 Ng Tsz Yu, Billy Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts 熱心參與課外活動的崔佩琦,於 2008 年擔任大學學生會 自小喜歡看電影的吳子瑜,小學時期已視楊千嬅為偶像, 幹事,並曾出席立法會有關語言微調的會議,代表學生發 從不錯過她的每一張唱片、每一齣電影、每一場演唱會, 言。2009 年,她到中國中央電視台實習一個月,負責編 亦收藏不少有關她的報導。儘管如此,這並沒有影響子瑜 輯、翻譯及剪接等工作。及後 , 她在警察學院擔任研究助 以有距離的評論者身份,用「明星學」理論去解讀及分析 理,調查及分析警員的普通話訓練需要。多采多姿的大學 他偶像在電影文本的各種符碼運作,甚至結合楊氏在電影 生活不但擴闊了佩琦的視野,更讓她學懂了待人接物的技 與日常生活(新聞形象)的互動關連。 巧。她希望將來能為人師表,培育出擁有良好的品格及自 吳子瑜以「用明星工具觀看楊千嬅電影中的『方麗娟』到 我價值的學生。佩琦計劃將來在香港中文大學修讀「性別 『余春嬌』的角色形象」,作為畢業論文的題目,今年將取 研究文學碩士」課程。 得創意寫作與電影藝術榮譽文學士學位。 Olivia Chui Pui-kei actively participated in extra-curricular activities during her university days, and even represented fellow students as a committee member of the Students Union in 2008 to make a speech before the Legislative Council on fine-tuning of the medium of instruction. In 2009, she worked as an editorial intern at China Central Television for one month. Later she worked as a research assistant at the Police College where she investigated and analysed police officers’ Putonghua training needs. These valuable experiences have all broadened her horizons and developed her interpersonal skills. After graduation, Olivia plans to study a Master’s Degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong before becoming a teacher, determined to support her students’ development into positive, responsible individuals with high self-esteem. 在四年的大學生活中,子瑜涉獵創意媒體中的不同範疇, 包括各類型的文學文本與電影藝術的創作、評論與研究; 廣告及電台廣播的拍攝與製作、字幕與劇本翻譯等。子瑜 漸漸對電影研究有著自己獨特的想法,更愛上用文字去表 達自己的見解,他時有作品在香港電影評論學會網頁及突 破出版的《Breakazine》發表。 子瑜於 2012 年畢業並於香港中文大學修讀「跨文化研究 碩士」課程,加深對不同文化形態的認識,積極裝備自己。 Billy has been a devoted fan of Miriam Yeung since childhood, never missing an album, film or concert, and obsessively collecting media clippings. Despite this enthusiasm, in his final thesis Billy employed objective star studies theories to examine the codes used in Miriam’s films, and took a broader perspective on the dynamic relationship between her images in films and media images of her daily life. Specifically, Billy examined the images projected by Miriam’s characters in the films Love Undercover I & II, Love in a Puff and its sequel Love in the Buff. During his studies Billy explored many facets of creative media, ranging from production to research and criticism. He gradually developed his own views on film study, as well as a passion for writing, and his reviews have been published on the Hong Kong Film Critics Society website and in Breakazine magazine, published by the youth organization Breakthrough. Billy graduated in 2012 and is now pursuing a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong to better equip himself for the future and to gain a deeper understanding of various cultural forms. 7 Year of graduation: 2012 Year of graduation: 2012 畢業年份:2012 畢業年份:2012 胡景龍 卓敏慧 銀行及財務學工商管理學士 護理學榮譽學士 ( 普通科 ) Wu King Lung, Alan Cheuk Man Wai, Manny Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care 卓敏慧在中六時希望成為護士,但經聯招獲派的卻是電機 胡景龍五年前完成高級程度會考後,入讀香港理工大學的 工程學高級文憑課程。入學兩個多月後,敏慧無法跟上課 土木工程學高級文憑課程。在學期間,景龍發覺自己志不 程進度,碰巧祖父患病住院,令她重燃當護士的心願。為 在此,於是完成兩年課程後,報讀香港公開大學的銀行及 了達成理想,敏慧積極裝備自己,報讀急救課程之外,又 財務學工商管理學士課程,於 2012 年畢業。 重溫人類生物學學科資料,最後順利獲公開大學取錄,入 讀「護理學榮譽學士 ( 普通科 )」課程,於 2012 年畢業。 餘時一起溫習,師生關係亦十分密切。他特別喜歡與老師 四年的學習生活讓敏慧對護士工作有更深刻的體會,明白 的互動討論,除可解答他學習上遇到的問題,給予寶貴的 護士最多時間接觸到病人,往往比醫生更了解病人的需 意見及鼓勵外,更啟發了他定下事業目標。景龍學業成績 要。敏慧難忘一位患上產後抑鬱症的婦人,她對身邊的人 優異,每個學期均獲得學科優異生獎,他更獲頒香港特別 不瞅不睬,又不肯進食及休息。敏慧耐心與她傾談,並嘗 行政區政府專上教育獎學金。他亦曾參與學院舉辦的師友 試餵食及禱告,最終打動了她,不久婦人便痊癒出院。另 計劃,以師長身分協助一年級新生適應大學生活。景龍還 一令敏慧難忘的事是在三年級暑假時成功捐贈骨髓。敏慧 有另一專長,擁有鋼琴及小提琴深造造詣的他,課餘會兼 回想當時戰戰兢兢的向家人進行游說,後獲得家人的支 職教授小提琴,賺取學費。 持,她很感恩可以身體力行,為別人帶來新生命。 畢業後 , 景龍遠赴英國修讀與國際金融相關的碩士課程, 敏慧於 2012 年開始在醫院工作,並計劃將來修讀碩士課 並希望畢業後能留在當地發展,考取財務分析師 (CFA) 專 程,尋求更專業的發展。 業資格。 Manny was first admitted to a Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering programme under JUPAS. After just two months, she knew Engineering was not for her. Around the same time, she visited her grandfather in hospital, which inspired her to pursue nursing. Manny enrolled in a first-aid course and reviewed human biology in preparation for her study before her admission to the OUHK’s Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care programme, which she graduated from in 2012. Alan completed a Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University before realizing that his true desire was a career in finance. He then enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance programme at the OUHK, graduating in 2012. During her studies, she came to realize that nurses are often better able to tell the needs of patients than doctors due to nurses’ more frequent contact with patients, which Manny discovered through personally comforting a woman suffering from postnatal depression. In her third year of study she decided to donate bone marrow. She was grateful for the opportunity to save a life. Manny has been working in a hospital since 2012, and plans to study a Master's Degree to continue her professional development. 8 景龍表示,公開大學的學習氣氛很濃厚,同學之間會在課 At the OUHK, Alan and his peers often spent time studying together outside of class, and he appreciated the close relationship and dynamic discussions with his tutors, who not only helped him understand his coursework, but also helped him to identify his career goals. Through his dedication to his studies, he received prizes every term and won a scholarship under the HKSAR Government’s Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme in 2012. Alan has just entered a Master’s Degree programme in International Finance in the UK and plans to stay in the UK to qualify as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). 課程特色 Programme characteristics 多元化課程 公開大學多年前已開辦四年全日制學士 Diverse range of programmes The OUHK has for a long time been offering four-year full-time Bachelor’s Degree programmes. We are fully committed to and prepared for the 3-3-4 New Academic Structure that was implemented in 2012. Under the new curriculum, students will pursue a major area of study complemented by General Education as well as outside-discipline courses. In this way, their educational experience at the OUHK will be well-balanced — with a broad foundation and strong in-depth coverage of their chosen area of specialization — to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing 學位課程,並早已全力投入規劃工作,為 2012 年推行的 「三三四」新學制,作好充分準備。在新學制下,公開大 學的本科生需要修讀主修科目,輔以通識教育科目以及非 專科科目,藉而獲得全面均衡的學習經驗。學生不但掌握 寬廣的基礎知識,且對所修讀的專科具有深入的了解,日 後處身瞬息萬變的世界中,將能 自如地應付各種挑戰。 主修科目 Major courses up to 75% 公開大學開辦的各項課程,質素 world. 與靈活性兼備,適合不同教育程 度及學歷背景的學生修讀。 非專科科目 Outside-discipline courses 6.3%–12.5% 質 素 保 證 機 制 公 開 大 學 獲 English language enhancement courses 6.3% 香港政府賦予自我評審課程的資 格。本校設有嚴謹的質素保證機 制,學生必須達到認可的學術水 平方可畢業。 專門課題科目 Purpose-designed General Education courses 12.5% 英語科目 通識教育 至少佔25% General Educaton at least 25% The OUHK’s programmes provide a combination of flexibility and quality that makes them attractive to prospective students with a variety of educational backgrounds and previous qualifications. 公開大學四年制榮譽學士學位課程的學分組合 Quality assurance The OUHK has been granted selfaccrediting status by the Hong Kong Government. All of our programmes go through stringent quality assurance mechanisms, and exit standards are strictly controlled. Distribution of credits in the 4-year Bachelor's Degree with Honours 學歷廣泛認可 公開大學由香 港政府創辦,所頒授的學位與本地以及一些海外大學的學 歷一樣,得到本地和海外院校、機構廣泛認可。 課程師資優良 本校的全日制面授課程主要由全職教 員任教,當中大部分擁有博士學歷,教學經驗豐富。 Recognized qualifications The OUHK was established by the Hong Kong Government. Its qualifications are widely recognized by educational institutions and employers in Hong Kong and overseas. High-quality academic staff The full-time programmes are mainly taught by the University’s full-time staff, the majority of whom hold Doctoral Degrees and have extensive teaching experience. 9 申請入學 Application for admission 全日制面授課程會於每年的九月開課。課程設有兩輪申請 日期。申請人必須於下列日期前遞交申請 *: The term will start in September. There are two admission rounds. Applications must be submitted before the following dates*: • 第一輪:2015 年 3 月 13 日(二、三年級入學) • 1st round: 13 March 2015 (year 2, year 3 entry) 2015 年 3 月 27 日(一年級入學) • 第二輪:2015 年 8 月 12 日(各年級入學) 新生必須遞交一份填妥的“全日制本科課程”表格,申請 人亦可於網上辦理入學申請手續。 申請一般以先到先得形式處理。因此,申請人應盡早提交 申請。 * 備註: 1 海外及內地申請人如須申請學生簽證來港就讀,必須於 2015 年 5 月 29 日或之前提交申請表。 2 申請人如欲報讀李兆基商業管理學院之課程為首選課程,則必須經 網上遞交申請。 直接申請入讀「指定專業/界別課程資助計 劃」下的課程 「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」下的課程主要通過「大 學聯合招生辦法」( 聯招 ) 分配學額。如經聯招各輪遴選 收生後仍有餘額,院校可直接錄取非應屆聯招的本地學 生,但人數不會超過各指定課程的 10% 資助學額。 如有剩餘學額,大學會於 2015 年 8 月 29 日上午 10 時後 於公開大學網站公佈各資助課程的餘額數目及有關申請安 排。有關申請需於 8 月 31 日下午 5 時前在網上遞交,逾 期申請將不獲考慮。 申請資格 申請人應 • 為本地申請人 ; • 為非應屆聯招申請人 ; • 符合一般入學要求及個別課程的入學要求。 10 27 March 2015 (year 1 entry) • 2nd round: 12 August 2015 (all year entries) New applicants must complete and submit a ‘Full-time undergraduate Programmes’ application form, or they can submit the application online. Applications will normally be processed on a first-come, first-served basis; therefore students should submit their applications early. *Note: 1 Overseas and mainland applicants who need to apply for a student visa to study in Hong Kong should submit the applications on or before 29 May 2015. 2 Applicants who apply for programmes offered by the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration as their first choice should submit the application online. Direct Application to SSSDP Programmes The intake places of programmes under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) are mainly allocated through the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS). Should there be unfilled intake places after all admission rounds of JUPAS, the SSSDP participating institution will admit local non-JUPAS applicants via direct admission of no more than 10% of the subsidised places of each selected programme. The number of unfilled intake places for each SSSDP programme, if available, and details of the application arrangement will be announced via OUHK website after 10:00am, 29 August 2015. Applications should be submitted online by the deadline at 5:00pm, 31 August 2015. Late applications will not be considered. Eligibility for SSSDP Application Applicants should • be a local applicant; • be a non-JUPAS applicant; • meet general admission requirements and programme specific entrance requirements (if any). 報讀本校課程及對「指定專業 / 界別課程資助計劃」課程 有興趣者(如有剩餘學額) 本地非應屆聯招申請人可在申請表上同時填上你對「指定 專業 / 界別課程資助計劃」課程的報讀意向。「指定專業 / 界別課程資助計劃」課程如經聯招各輪遴選收生後仍有餘 額,申請將與其他報讀相關課程的非應屆聯招申請人一併 考慮。你並不需另交申請。 如有任何查詢,可致電 2768 8650 聯絡全日制課程辦公 室。 Applicants who apply for OUHK’s programmes and are also interested in SSSDP programmes (if unfilled intake places are available) Non-JUPAS local applicants can indicate on the application form their interest against the SSSDP programmes when they submit their application forms. If unfilled intake places are available after all admission rounds of JUPAS, you may be considered for admission to the SSSDP programmes together with all other non-JUPAS applicants. No separate application is required. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the Full-time Programmes Office at 2768 8650. 全日制本科課程講座 *^ Admission seminars for full-time undergraduate programmes*^ 日期(暫定)Date (Tentative): 2 March 2015;16 July 2015 大學每年會舉辦全日制本科課程講座。有關詳細資料(日期,時間,地點,參與課程),請留意本校網頁上之公 布。當日活動:課程簡介、選科諮詢、即場報名(需呈交學歷證明)、入學面試(部分課程) The University organizes yearly admission seminars for its full-time undergraduate programmes. For details (date, time, venue, participating programmes), please visit the OUHK website (www.ouhk.edu.hk). Activities:Programme information, information service for course selection, on-the-spot enrolment (with academic proofs), on-the-spot interview (for selected programmes) * 課程講座主要以粵語進行。 The admission seminars will be conducted mainly in Cantonese. ^ 課程講座不適用於下列與職業訓練局 SHAPE 合辦之課程:BSCHEEF3/BSCHBCF3/BSCHBHF3 The admission seminars are not applicable to the following top-up programmes offered jointly with VTC SHAPE: BSCHEEF3/BSCHBCF3/BSCHBHF3 11 Entry requirements and exit points 入學資格和學術資格 課程的一般修讀途徑 頒 授 的 學 術 資 格 Exit points General study paths of undergraduate programmes Year 入學途徑 Entry points 持有相關範疇的副學士學位或高級文憑或同等學歷 Associate Degree / Higher Diploma holders in a related discipline or equivalent 持有任何範疇的副學士學位或高級文憑或同等學歷 Associate Degree / Higher Diploma holders in any discipline or equivalent 符合一年級入學申請資格 Applicants who meet the Year-1 entry requirements Year Year 1. 申請人沒有參加應屆「大學聯合招生辦法」並有意報 讀一年級的榮譽學士學位課程。 2. 申請人如欲報讀一年級的高級文憑課程。 3. 申請人如欲報讀二年級/三年級的學士學位及榮譽學 士學位課程。 3 三年級 榮譽學士學位 Bachelor's Degree with Honours 學士學位 Bachelor's Degree 2二年級 1 一年級 以下申請人可經直接申請途徑遞交申請: 注意: 上述入學途徑和頒授的學術資格並非適用於所有課程。 Note: The entry and exit points are not applicable to all programmes. The following applicants should apply through direct application: 1. applicants who have not joined JUPAS and who wish to apply for year 1 entry to Honours Degree programmes. 2. applicants who wish to apply for year 1 entry to Higher Diploma programmes. 3. applicants who wish to apply for year 2 / year 3 entry to Honours Degree and ordinary Degree programmes. 4. 申請人持有非本地學歷。 4. applicants with non-local qualifications. 一年級入學 Year 1 Entry 報讀一年級的榮譽學士學位課程: For Year 1 entry to Bachelor‘s Degree with Honours programmes: • 申請人於香港中學文憑試中,必須在中國語文及英國 語文科取得 3 級或以上成績,以及在數學、通識教育 科及一科選修科目取得 2 級或以上成績(或同等程度)。 (經聯招入學的一年級榮譽學士學位課程〔標註有 * 之課程,見第 17 頁〕,只 供非聯招申請人直接向大學報讀。) • 申請人如持有非香港中學文憑試之本地學歷,必須: - 完成認可副學士或高級文憑課程之第一年學業;或 1 - 於香港高級程度考試中,在中國語文及文化 和英語 運用科目上取得 E 級或以上成績,並在兩科高考/ 一科高考和兩科高補/四科高補科目取得 E 級或以 上成績(或同等程度)。 • 申請人如持有非本地學歷,必須: - 於普通教育文憑高級程度考試(GCE A-Level)或國 際高考(International A-Level)中,在兩科高考/ 2 一科高考及兩科高補科目取得 E 級或以上成績 ;或 12 Year 4 四年級 • Applicants with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) qualifications are required to obtain Level 3 or above in Chinese and English, as well as Level 2 or above in Mathematics, Liberal Studies and an elective subject (or equivalent). (Honours Degree programmes with Year 1 admission via JUPAS [i.e. programmes marked with an asterisk *, see p. 17] are open only to non-JUPAS applicants via direct application.) • Applicants with local qualifications other than HKDSE are required to: – complete Year 1 study of a recognized Associate Degree or Higher Diploma programme; or – obtain Grade E or above in AS Chinese Language & Culture1 and Use of English, and 2 AL / 1 AL plus 2 AS / 4 AS subjects in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (or equivalent). • Applicants with non-local qualifications are required to obtain: – Grade E or above in 2 AL / 1 AL plus 2 AS subjects2 in the General Certificate of Education (GCE) A-Level / International A-Level; or - 在 IB 國際預科文憑課程中取得總成績 24 分或以上; 或 - 其他同等海外學歷(由大學審批); 及符合大學英語水平的要求。3 二年級入學 4 申請人須持有任何範疇的副學士或高級文憑(或同等學 – an overall minimum score of 24 in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma; or – other equivalent overseas qualifications (as determined by the University). AND all applicants are required to meet the appropriate English language requirements3. Year 2 Entry4 歷)。 Applicants are required to have obtained an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma (or equivalent) in any discipline. 三年級入學 4 Year 3 Entry4 申請人須持有相關範疇的副學士或高級文憑(或同等學 Applicants are required to have obtained an Associate Degree or Higher Diploma (or equivalent) in a related discipline. 歷)。 註釋: Entry to specific programmes may involve additional requirements. Please refer to the specific descriptions in the ‘Programme Descriptions’ section of this booklet. 1. 其他與中國語文及文化科等同的學歷: Explanatory Notes: 個別課程可能有額外的要求,請留意相關課程簡介。 • 在普通教育文憑高級程度(GCE A-Level/AS-Level) /香港高級程度考試中國文學/香港高級程度考試 1. Equivalent qualifications for AS Chinese Language & Culture are: 中國語文及文學科目中,取得 E 級或以上成績;或 • Grade E or above in GCE (AL/AS) / HKALE Chinese Literature / HKALE Chinese Language & Literature; or • 在普通教育文憑普通程度(GCE O-Level)/普通中 • Grade C or above in GCE (O-Level) / GCSE / IGCSE; or 學教育文憑考試(GCSE)/國際普通中學教育文憑 • Grade E or above in a language other than Chinese or English in HKCEE. In this case, applicants must have a pass in an additional AL / AS subject to substitute for AS Chinese Language & Culture. 考試(IGCSE)中,取得 C 級或以上成績;或 • 在香港中學會考中,其中一科語文科目(中國語文 及英國語文除外)達 E 級或以上。此外,申請人須 在此科目以外的另一科高考/高補中取得 E 級或以 上成績。 2. 一 般 情 況 下, 中 國 語 文 及 英 國 語 文 科 不 可 視 作 符 合 此 項 要 求 之 科 目。 但 如 申 請 入 讀 英 語 研 究 榮 譽 學 士 (BLSEHJ1)或英語教學榮譽教育學士及英語研究榮譽 學士(BEDELSEHJ1)課程,英國語文科則可視作符合 此項要求之科目。 3. 申請人必須符合以下英語水平的要求: • 在托福考試(TOFEL)中取得 550 分(試卷/ PBT) / 80 分(網上/ IBT)/ 213 分(電腦/ CBT)或 以上;或 • 在國際英語測試(IELTS)中取得總成績 5.5 分或以 上;或 • 在 GCE(AL/AS)中取得 E 級或以上成績;或 • 在 GCSE / IGCSE / GCE 普通程度(O-Level)中, 英語科取得 C 級或以上成績;或 • 在 SAT Reasoning Test 的文章(essay)部分中取得 8 分或以上;或 • 其他同等學歷(由大學審批)。 4.只適用於個別課程。 2. English Language and Chinese Language subjects shall not be counted as the subjects for meeting this requirement, except in the cases of the Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours (BLSEHJ1), Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours (BEDELSEHJ1) programmes, for which English Language subjects will be counted. 3. Applicants are required to fulfil the English language requirement as follows: • A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 550 for the paper-based test, 80 for the Internetbased test, or 213 for the computer-based test; or • An overall Band Score of 5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or • Grade E or above in GCE (AL/AS); or • Grade C or above in GCSE / IGCSE / GCE O-Level English; or • Grade 4 or above in English in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma; or • Essay score of 8 or above on the SAT Reasoning Test; or • Relevant equivalent qualifications as determined by the University 4. For certain programmes only. 13 學費 Tuition fees 學生需於每個學期就所修讀的科目繳付學費,全日制學士 Tuition fees, which are collected for each term, are charged according to the number of credits for the courses taken by the student. A student will normally take 40 credits in an academic year. 學位及高級文憑課程的學費按所修讀科目的學分計算。一 般而言,學生每學年會修讀 40 個學分。 學生需繳付的學費按實際選修的科目而定,以下列出的課 程全年學費僅供參考。由 2015/16 學年開始,大學以學 費鎖定機制收取全日制本科課程之學費。即本學年入學的 新生,往後每學分所收取之學費金額與第一年入學相同。 學生需按學期繳交學費。大學或會先收取定額學費,然後 於學生更改科目時段過後,按所修讀的科目調整實際需要 繳交的學費。在收到本校的錄取通知後,學生需先繳交按 金或全學期的定額學費。所有已繳費用不會退還及不得轉 移作其他用途。 The amount payable will vary depending on the courses taken by the student. The estimated annual tuition fees for the programmes given in the table below are for reference only. OUHK adopts a lock-in system for the tuition fees of all full-time undergraduate programmes in which the tuition fees per credit for students admitted in 2015/16 will remain the same throughout the duration of their studies at OUHK. Fees are paid on a per course basis every term. A flat fee will be charged first and adjusted later according to the courses actually enrolled. Upon acceptance of an offer, students will be required to pay a deposit or the tentative flat fee for the whole term. All fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable. Estimated annual tuition fees in 2015/16(HK$)*# 2015/16 全年學費約為(港幣)*# Credits (total) 總學分 Undergraduate programmes 學士學位課程 Year 1 entry 一年級入學 4-year double Honours degree programme 四年制榮譽雙學士學位課程 (200 credits 學分 ) 60,060–90,120 4-year Honours degree programme 四年制榮譽學士學位課程 (170 credits 學分 ) 60,060–67,590 4-year Honours degree programme 四年制榮譽學士學位課程 (160 credits 學分 ) 60,060 5-year Honours degree programme 五年制榮譽學士學位課程 (BNHGJ1, BNHMJ1) (200 credits 學分 )+ 4-year Honours degree programme 四年制榮譽學士學位課程 (BSCHTCJ1) (170 credits 學分 )+ 111,800 90,000 Year 2 entry 二年級入學 4-year Honours degree programme 四年制榮譽學士學位課程 (130/125/120/100 credits 學分 ) 60,060–90,120 Year 3 entry 三年級入學 4-year degree / Honours degree programme 四年制學士/榮譽學士學位課程 (85/80 credits 學分 ) 60,060/67,590 3-year degree programme 三年制學士學位課程 (40 credits 學分 ) 60,060 2-year top-up Honours degree programme 兩年制銜接榮譽學士學位課程 (85/80 credits 學分 ) 60,060/67,590 1.5-year top-up Honours degree programme 一年半制銜接榮譽學士學位課程 (85/80 credits 學分 ) – BSCHEEF3 85,610 – BSCHBHF3 90,120 – BSCHBCF3 97,630 1-year top-up degree programme 一年制銜接學士學位課程 (40 credits 學分 ) 60,060 Higher Diploma programme 高級文憑課程 2-year programme 二年制課程 (90 credits 學分 ) 注意事項: * 部分科目要求學生進行實習工作,學生或需另繳付實習/實驗費用。 # 備註: • 上列收費僅供參考。學生每年需繳交的學費取決於所修科目的學 分。 • 非本地學生需繳付較高的學費。大學現正檢討非本地學生的學 費,新學費會於 2015 年初公布,請留意大學網站。 + 如有意報讀「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」課程,請參閱第 15 頁。 14 72,900 Important note: * For some courses, students are required to undertake practical work. A practicum fee or laboratory fee may be charged as appropriate. # Remarks: • The estimated tuition fees for 2015/16 listed above are for reference only. The tuition fee payable for each academic year will be determined by the no. of credits of the courses taken. • Non-local students will be charged at a higher rate. The University is reviewing the tuition fees for non-local students. New rate of fee will be announced in early 2015. Please visit our website for details. + If you are interested in the related programmes under ‘Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors’ (SSSDP), please refer to the next table. 「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」課程 Programmes under ‘Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors’ (SSSDP) Programme title (Programme code) 課程名稱 ( 課程編號 ) Estimated annual tuition fees in 2015/16 (HK$)*#+ Annual subsidy 2015/16 全年學費約(港幣)*#+ amount (HKD) 每年資助金額(港幣) Original fees Fees after deduction 原需繳付學費 扣除資助金額後學費 Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects 動畫及視覺特效榮譽藝術學士 (SU14) 70,000 90,000 20,000 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care 護理學榮譽學士(普通科)(SU40) 70,000 111,800 41,800 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care 護理學榮譽學士(精神科)(SU50) 70,000 111,800 41,800 Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification 檢測和認證榮譽理學士 (SU60) 70,000 90,000 20,000 注意事項: * 部分科目要求學生進行實習工作,學生或需另繳付實習/實驗費用。 # 備註: • 上列收費僅供參考。學生每年需繳交的學費取決於所修科目的學 分。 • 非本地學生需繳付較高的學費。大學現正檢討非本地學生的學 費,新學費會於 2015 年 3 月下旬公布,請留意大學網站。 + 資助金只在有關課程的正常修業期內發放,而學生的學習進程需符 合有關課程的要求。 Important note: * For some courses, students are required to undertake practical work. A practicum fee or laboratory fee may be charged as appropriate. # Remarks: • The estimated tuition fees for 2015/16 listed above are for reference only. The tuition fee payable for each academic year will be determined by the no. of credits of the courses taken. • Non-local students will be charged at a higher rate. The University is reviewing the tuition fees for non-local students. New rate of fee will be announced in mid March 2015. Please visit our website for details. + The subsidy is tenable for the normal duration of the study programme concerned and is subject to the students‘s satisfactory fulfilment for progression in the study programme. 15 學費資助 Financial assistance 公開大學全日制課程的學生可申請下列由政府設立的資 Students of the OUHK’s full-time programmes may apply for the following Government financial assistance schemes administered by the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA). For details, please contact SFAA directly (FASP: 2152 9000 / NLSPS: 2150 6222/ 24-hour hotline: 2802 2345), or visit their website at http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/. 助計劃,該類計劃由政府學生資助辦事處統籌。如欲查 詢詳情,請致電學生資助辦事處(專上學生資助計劃: 2152 9000 /專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃:2150 6222 / 24 小時查詢熱線:2802 2345),或瀏覽該辦事處網頁 http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/。 • 專 上 學 生 資 助 計 劃 — 提 供 學 費 助 學 金( 上 限 為 HK$71,580)*, 用 以 支 付 學 習 支 出 的 助 學 金( 上 限 為 HK$4,940)* 及 應 付 生 活 開 支 的 貸 款( 上 限 為 HK$42,520)*。 • 專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃—提供貸款以支付應 繳學費(上限為全年應繳學費)。 • 持 續 進 修 基 金 — 本 校 許 多 科 目 已 納 入 由 香 港 政 府 設 立 的 持 續 進 修 基 金 資 助 名 單 之 內。 申 請 人 須 修 讀 完 成 基 金 名 單 上 的 科 目, 並 獲 得 持 續 進 修 基 金 指 定之最低成績(請注意:該基金要求之最低成績與校 內評定之及格成績未必一致),可獲發還有關課程費 用 的 80% 或 上 限 一 萬 港 元( 以 數 額 較 小 者 為 準 )。 最新的受資助科目一覽表載於學生資助辦事處網頁: http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/cef/。 申 請 人 亦 可 致 電 基 金 熱線:3142 2277(24 小時)查詢詳情。 此 外, 學 生 也 可 以 申 請 由 永 隆 銀 行 向 公 開 大 學 MasterCard 持 有 人 提 供 的 6 個 月 或 10 個 月 的「 學 費 免息分期計劃」。詳情可向永隆銀行查詢(電話:2928 6668)或瀏覽 http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/oumastercard。 * 適用於 2014/15 學年 獎學金 大學設有多項由商業機構、團體和私人捐助的獎學金以獎 • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP). The assistance will be in the form of tuition fees grant (up to HK$71,580)*, academic expenses grant (up to HK$4,940)* and living expenses loan (up to HK$42,520)*. • Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS). Loans are available to cover the tuition fees payable (up to annual tuition fee payable for the course under application). • Continuing Education Fund (CEF). Many of our courses have been approved as reimbursable courses under the CEF set up by the Hong Kong Government. To be eligible for consideration of fee reimbursement, the applicant must have completed the CEF-approved course in compliance with CEF regulations, having passed it at the threshold prescribed by the Office of the CEF, which may not be the same as the University’s pass threshold set for the course. Having satisfied the above and all other requirements of the Office of the CEF, which it may prescribe from time to time, eligible applicants will be reimbursed 80% of their fees, subject to a maximum sum of HK$10,000 (whichever is the lesser) on successful completion of a reimbursable course. For the latest list of CEF-approved courses, you can visit http://www.sfaa.gov.hk/cef/. Applicants can also call the CEF hotline at 3142 2277 (24 hours). In addition, students who are OUHK MasterCard holders can apply for the Wing Lung Bank’s six-month or tenmonth Interest Free Tuition Loan (IFTL) to pay for their tuition fees. Enquiries can be made to the Wing Lung Bank (2928 6668) or you can refer to http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ oumastercard. * Applicable for 2014/15 academic year 勵學業成績優異的學生。大學會於每學年通過甄選提名, 頒授獎學金予學業成績優異的學生。 在 2013/14 年度的「香港特別行政區政府專上教育獎學 金」中,超過 280 名本校學生獲得總值超過港幣六百萬 元的獎項或獎學金。 Scholarships A number of scholarships donated by various benefactors of the University are awarded to students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement at the OUHK. They are normally awarded through nominations on the basis of academic merits. In the HKSAR Government’s Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Schemes (2013/14), more than 280 of our students received awards or scholarships, totalling over HK$6 million. 16 課程簡介載於第 19—67 頁 See pp. 19–67 for programme descriptions 2015/2016 年度所開辦的課程 Programmes on offer for 2015/2016 查閱課程資料,請瀏覽本校網頁 For programme details, please visit our website www.ouhk.edu.hk 課程名稱 Programme Title 課程編號 Programme Code Year 1 Entry Year 2 Entry Year 3 Entry 李兆基商業管理學院 Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting BBAHACCTJ1* BBAHACCTJ2 BBAHACCTJ3 Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Management BBAHMGTJ1* BBAHMGTJ2 BBAHMGTJ3 Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business and Marketing BBAHGBMJ1* BBAHGBMJ2 BBAHGBMJ3 Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Corporate Governance BBAHCGJ1* Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Intelligence and Analytics BBAHBIAJ1* Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance BBAHFJ1* Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance BBABFF3 Bachelor of Business Administration in Corporate Administration BBACAF3 Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management BBAHRMF3 Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business BBAIBF3 Bachelor of Business Administration in Management BBAMGTF3 Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing BBAMKTGF3 BBACBCF3 中國商業工商管理學士 Bachelor of Hospitality Management BHMF3 人文社會科學院 School of Arts and Social Sciences Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology BSSCHPJ1* Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Applied Economics BSSCHECJ1* Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Politics and Public Administration BSSCHPAJ1* Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Applied Social Studies BSSCHJ1* Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese BAHCLLJ1* BAHCLLJ2 BAHCLLJ3 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts BAHCWFAJ1* Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation BAHLTJ1* BAHLTJ2 BAHLTJ3 Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art BFAHPDAJ1* Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design BAHCAMDJ1* Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English and Comparative Literature BAHECLJ1* 教育及語文學院 School of Education and Languages Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching & double BEDELSEHJ1* Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours (double degree) degree 頁數 Page(s) Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies) 科技學院 School of Science and Technology Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology Bachelor of Science with Honours in Web Technologies ^ Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronic and Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Engineering Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing Science (Food) Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing Science (Environmental Protection) Bachelor of Science with Honours in Statistical Analysis Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Energy and Environment) + Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Biology and Chemistry) + Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Beauty and Health) + 護理學高級文憑# 49, 50 51 BLSEHJ1* BLSHACLSJ1* BLSEHJ2 BCOMPHITJ1* BCOMPHITJ2 BENGHECEJ1* BNHGJ1* BNHMJ1* BSCHTCJ1* BSCHTCJ2 HDNSF1 BCOMPHITJ3 BSCHWTF3 BSCHCEF3## BSCHTCJ3 BSCHTSFF3 BSCHTSEPF3 BSCHSAF3 BSCHEEF3 BSCHBCF3 BSCHBHF3 19, 25, 28 20, 26, 29 21, 27, 30 22 23 24 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39, 40, 40 41 42, 43, 43 45 46 47 48 52, 53, 54 55 56 57 58 58 59, 60, 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 註: ^ 與明愛專上學院合辦的課程。 + 與職業訓練局合辦的課程。 # 所有申請人先循 HDNSF1 報讀護理學高級文憑課程,其後可選修普通科或精神科課程。 ## 有待大學審批。 * 已通過「2015 年度聯合招生辦法」提交入學申請者,不得再經直接申請辦法報讀榮譽 學士學位課程(一年級入學)。 Key: ^ Joint programme with Caritas Institute of Higher Education. + Joint programmes with the Vocational Training Council (VTC). # Students admitted to HDNSF1 will have to choose the specialization in either general health nursing or mental health nursing. ## Subject to approval by the University. * Applicants who have already applied through the 2015 JUPAS scheme are NOT eligible to apply for the Honours Degree programmes (Year 1 entry) through direct application. 關於課程簡介(第 19–67 頁)的注意事項: 1 在“課程結構”一欄列出的科目是否開辦,由有關學院決定。 “持續進修基金”資助名單下的科目。名單上的科目會陸續增加。 2 Notes for the programme descriptions (pp. 19–67): 1 The offering of courses listed within each ‘Programme structure’ is at the discretion of the respective Schools. 2 Reimbursable courses under the CEF. There may be more courses approved for reimbursement under the Fund. 17 「指定專業 / 界別課程資助計劃」課程(2015/2016 年度) Programmes under ’Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors‘ (2015/2016) 課程名稱 Programme Title 人文社會科學院 School of Arts and Social Sciences Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects 科技學院 School of Science and Technology Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification 註:已通過「2015 年度聯合招生辦法」提交入學申請者 , 不得再經直接申請報讀以上課程。 關於課程簡介(第 19–67 頁)的注意事項: 1 2 18 在“課程結構”一欄列出的科目是否開辦,由有關學院決定。 “持續進修基金”資助名單下的科目。名單上的科目會陸續增加。 課程編號 Programme Code Year 1 Entry 頁數 Page(s) SU14 44 SU40 SU50 SU60 58 58 59 Note: Applicants who have already applied through the 2015 JUPAS scheme are NOT eligible to apply for the above programmes through direct application. Notes for the programme descriptions (pp. 19–67): 1 The offering of courses listed within each ‘Programme structure’ is at the discretion of the respective Schools. Reimbursable courses under the CEF. There may be more courses approved for 2 reimbursement under the Fund. Year 1 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting Programme code: BBAHACCTJ1 JUPAS code: 9220 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) This programme develops students’ professional competencies, and broadens their knowledge of accounting and related disciplines. Students will be introduced to financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, law and accounting information systems. Graduates can seek employment as professional accountants or in related fields. The programme is being accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the CPA Australia (CPAA). Graduates are eligible to register with HKICPA's Qualification Programme or claim exemptions from examinations of ACCA or CPAA. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 4 years (8 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf Core courses • Business Computing Applications • Business Statistics • English and Communication for Business I • Business Law I • Principles and Practices of Management • Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Year 2 courses Core courses • Introduction to Marketing • English and Communication for Business II • Introduction to Accounting I • Introduction to Accounting II • Introduction to Macroeconomics • Introduction to Microeconomics Year 3 courses Core courses • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Accounting Information Systems • Business Issues and Ethics • Company Accounting I • Company Accounting II • Company Law I • Management and Cost Accounting Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration 課程簡介 Programme structure Year 4 courses Concentration courses • Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I • Advanced Management Accounting • Auditing I • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities • Taxation I Concentration elective courses • Auditing II • Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II • Financial Decision Making • Global Issues in Management • Taxation II General Education courses In addition to the courses above, students have to take 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses offered by other Schools. 19 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Year 1 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Management Programme code: BBAHMGTJ1 JUPAS code: 9230 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) This programme aims to provide a broad-based education in concepts, theories and practices of business management for those who wish to understand the universality of business management and enjoy enhanced career opportunities in a wide range of business enterprises. The programme offers students the opportunity to specialize in some of the key areas of business management such as human resource management, international business management, marketing, and supply chain management. It is further designed to equip students with the sound analytical skills needed to respond to a changing environment, as well as interpersonal and business management skills to ensure that theories are put into practice. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 4 years (8 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf Core courses • Business Computing Applications • Business Statistics • English and Communication for Business I • Introduction to Marketing • Principles and Practices of Management • Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Year 2 courses Core courses • Business Law I • English and Communication for Business II • Introduction to Accounting I • Introduction to Accounting II • Introduction to Macroeconomics • Introduction to Microeconomics Year 3 courses Core courses • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Consumer Behaviour • Marketing Communications • Services Marketing Concentration elective courses • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Training and Development Year 4 courses Concentration courses • International Marketing • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities • Marketing Research • Strategic Marketing Concentration elective courses • Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach • Strategic Human Resource Management Issues • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Global Issues in Management • Labour Relations and Law General Education courses In addition to the courses above, students have to take 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses offered by other Schools. 20 Year 1 courses Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business and Marketing Programme code:BBAHGBMJ1 JUPAS code: 9240 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry ) The programme is designed to provide quality education in theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in various aspects of marketing and global business so as to facilitate graduates to pursue a career in marketing, international trade and/or multinational corporations. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 4 years (8 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf Core courses • Business Computing Applications • Business Statistics • English and Communications for Business I • Introduction to Marketing • Principles and Practices of Management • Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Year 2 courses Core courses • Business Law I • English and Communications for Business II • Introduction to Accounting I • Introduction to Accounting II • Introduction to Macroeconomics • Introduction to Microeconomics Year 3 courses Core course • Introduction to Financial Management Concentration courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Consumer Behaviour • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Marketing Communications • Marketing Research • Services Marketing Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Programme structure Year 4 courses Core course • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Brand Management • Global Issues in Management • International Marketing • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Concentration elective courses • Strategic Marketing • Managing in Organizations General Education courses In addition to the courses above, students have to take 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses offered by other Schools. 21 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Year 1 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Corporate Governance Programme code: BBAHCGJ1 JUPAS code: 9250 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) This programme aims to provide broad, high quality education and practical knowledge and skills for those who wish to pursue a career in corporate administration and company secretaryship. On completion of the programme, students should be able to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in the professional practice of corporate administration and company secretaryship and a full range of theories underpinning good governance of business and non-business entities. Students can also obtain recognition from relevant professional bodies. Graduates of the BBA (Hons) in Corporate Governance programme are eligible for exemptions from all four subjects of the Professional Programme Part One of the International Qualifying Scheme of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 4 years (8 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 22 Core courses • Business Computing Applications • Business Law I • Business Statistics • English and Communications for Business I • Principles and Practices of Management • Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Year 2 courses Core courses • English and Communications for Business II • Introduction to Accounting I • Introduction to Accounting II • Introduction to Marketing • IIntroduction to Macroeconomics • IIntroduction to Microeconomics Year 3 courses Core course • Introduction to Financial Management Concentration courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Company Law I • Company Law II • Financial Accounting • Management and Cost Accounting Concentration elective courses • Labour Relations and Law • Theory and Design of Organizations Year 4 courses Core course • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice I • Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice II • Financial Decision Making • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities • Taxation I • Corporate Governance General Education courses In addition to the courses above, students have to take 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses offered by other Schools. Year 1 courses Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Intelligence and Analytics Programme Code: BBAHBIAJ1 JUPAS code: 9260 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) This programme is intended for students who wish to pursue careers in data management, business intelligence, data analysis, business analysis, etc. It aims to equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in data warehousing, big data management, business intelligence and business analytics technologies and techniques that are needed for enterprises to capitalize on all data resources and make better business decisions. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 4 years (8 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf Core courses • Business Computing Applications • Business Statistics • English and Communications for Business I • Introduction to Marketing • Principles and Practices of Management • Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Year 2 courses Core courses • Business Law I • English and Communications for Business II • Introduction to Accounting I • Introduction to Accounting II • Introduction to Macroeconomics • Introduction to Microeconomics Year 3 courses Core course • Introduction to Financial Management Concentration courses • Applied Econometrics and Financial Forecasting • Applied Multivariate Techniques for Business • Business Issues and Ethics • Business Programming • Database Management • Electronic Business Management • Marketing Research Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Programme structure Year 4 courses Core course • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics • Data Warehousing and Big Data Platform • Decision Support and Simulation Systems • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities • Social Media and Mobile Business Applications Concentration elective courses • Brand Management • Consumer Behaviour • Financial Decision Making • Management and Cost Accounting General Education courses In addition to the courses above, students have to take 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses offered by other Schools. 23 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Year 1 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance Programme Code: BBAHFJ1 JUPAS code: 9270 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) The Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Finance is a 4-year programme. It aims to develop students’ practical and theoretical knowledge and skills in key areas of finance so as to enable graduates to pursue a career in the modern financial industry. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 4 years (8 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf Core courses • Business Computing Applications • Business Law I • Business Statistics • English and Communications for Business I • Principles and Practices of Management • Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Year 2 courses Core courses • English and Communications for Business II • Introduction to Accounting I • Introduction to Accounting II • Introduction to Macroeconomics • Introduction to Marketing • Introduction to Microeconomics Year 3 courses Core courses • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Banking Systems • Business Issues and Ethics • Contemporary Banking Services • Financial Decision Making • Financial Markets • Investment Management Year 4 courses Concentration courses • Derivative and Risk Management • Financial Institution Management • International Financial Management • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Concentration elective courses • Company Accounting I • Tax and Estate Planning for Personal Finance • Applied Econometrics and Financial Forecasting General Education courses In addition to the courses above, students have to take 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses offered by other Schools. 24 Courses of Summer Bridging Term Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting Programme code: BBAHACCTJ2 Total credits: 100 (Year 2 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in a non-business related discipline (or equivalent) This programme aims at developing students‘ professional competencies in accounting and related disciplines. Students will be exposed to intermediate and advanced courses in financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, law and accounting information systems. Graduates can seek employment as professional accountants or in related fields. The programme is being accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the CPA Australia (CPAA). Graduates are eligible to register with HKICPA's Qualification Programme or claim exemptions from examinations of ACCA or CPAA. • • • • Introduction to Accounting I Introduction to Accounting II Principles and Practices of Management Business Law I Year 3 courses Core courses • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Accounting Information Systems • Business Issues and Ethics • Company Accounting I • Company Accounting II • Company Law I • Management and Cost Accounting Year 4 courses Specialization courses • Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I • Advanced Management Accounting • Auditing I • Taxation I • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Business elective courses • Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II • Taxation II • Auditing II • Financial Decision Making • Global Issues in Management Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Programme structure Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 2 years (5 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 25 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Courses of Summer Bridging Term • Introduction to Accounting I • Business Law I • Principles and Practices of Management Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Management Programme code: BBAHMGTJ2 Total credits: 100 (Year 2 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in a non-business related discipline (or equivalent) This programme is designed to provide quality education in theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in various aspects of management for those who wish to pursue or advance their careers in business. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 2 years (5 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 26 Year 3 courses Core courses • Introduction to Financial Management • Introduction to Marketing Specialization courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Consumer Behaviour • Marketing Communications • Services Marketing • Strategic Marketing Business elective courses • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Training and Development Year 4 courses Core course • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Marketing Research • International Marketing • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Business elective courses • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Global Issues in Management • Labour Relations and Law • Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach • Strategic Human Resource Management Issues Courses of Summer Bridging Term • Principles and Practices of Management • Business Law I • Introduction to Accounting I Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business and Marketing Programme code:BBAHGBMJ2 Total credits: 100 (Year 2 entry ) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in a non-business related discipline (or equivalent) The programme is designed to provide quality education in theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in various aspects of marketing and global business so as to facilitate graduates to pursue a career in marketing, international trade and/or multinational corporations. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 2 years (5 terms) Year 3 courses Core courses • Introduction to Marketing • Introduction to Financial Management Concentration courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Consumer Behaviour • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Marketing Communications • Marketing Research • Services Marketing Year 4 courses Core course • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Brand Management • Global Issues in Management • International Marketing • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities • Introduction to Financial Management Concentration elective courses • Strategic Marketing • Managing in Organizations Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Programme structure For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 27 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Year 3 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting Programme code: BBAHACCTJ3 Total credits: 85 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in business or a business-related discipline (or equivalent) This programme aims at developing students‘ professional competencies in accounting and related disciplines. Students will be exposed to intermediate and advanced courses in financial accounting, management accounting, taxation, auditing, law and accounting information systems. Graduates can seek employment as professional accountants or in related fields. The programme is being accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the CPA Australia (CPAA). Graduates are eligible to register with HKICPA's Qualification Programme or claim exemptions from examinations of ACCA or CPAA. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 2 years (4 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 28 Core courses • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy • Business Law I Specialization courses • Accounting Information Systems • Business Issues and Ethics • Company Accounting I • Company Accounting II • Company Law I • Management and Cost Accounting Year 4 courses Specialization courses • Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis I • Advanced Management Accounting • Auditing I • Taxation I • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Business elective courses • Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis II • Taxation II • Auditing II • Financial Decision Making • Global Issues in Management Year 3 courses Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Business Management Programme code: BBAHMGTJ3 Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) Core course • Introduction to Marketing Specialization courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Consumer Behaviour • Marketing Communications • Services Marketing • Strategic Marketing Business elective courses • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Training and Development Year 4 courses For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in business or a business-related discipline (or equivalent) This programme is designed to provide quality education in theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in various aspects of management for those who wish to pursue or advance their careers in business. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Core course • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Marketing Research • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities • International Marketing Business elective courses • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Global Issues in Management • Labour Relations and Law • Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach • Strategic Human Resource Management Issues Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Programme structure Normal study duration: 2 years (4 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 29 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Year 3 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business and Marketing Programme Code: BBAHGBMJ3 Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in business or a business related discipline (or equivalent) The programme is designed to provide quality education in theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in various aspects of marketing and global business so as to facilitate graduates to pursue a career in marketing, international trade and/or multinational corporations. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 2 years (4 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 30 Core courses • Introduction to Marketing Concentration courses • Business Issues and Ethics • Consumer Behaviour • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Marketing Communications • Marketing Research • Services Marketing Year 4 courses Core courses • Management Policy and Strategy Concentration courses • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Brand Management • Global Issues in Management • International Marketing • Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Concentration elective courses • Strategic Marketing • Managing in Organizations (Year 3 entry) Bachelor of Business Administration Total credits: 40 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in business or a business-related discipline (or equivalent) The OUHK’s suite of business administration programmes provide our students with up-to-date practical skills and theoretical knowledge in business management. The courses are specially designed to suit the business environment in Hong Kong and the Greater China region. They enable students to broaden their perspectives and to prepare for their careers in business. Professional recognition Our business programmes are recognized by a number of professional institutions. A range of exemptions have been granted to our students after they fulfill the requirements of relevant programmes. These professional institutions include: • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) • Association of International Accountants (AIA) • CPA Australia (CPAA) • Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) • Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS) • Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong (IFPHK) • Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) • Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM) For the most recent information about the exemptions and recognition granted by these professional institutions, please contact the relevant professional institutions, or refer to: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ bacollaboration The programme includes basic and advanced courses which cover fundamental to more specialized knowledge of banking and finance. These courses aim to equip students with the essential skills to be banking or financial analysts. The comprehensive design of the curriculum nurtures students’ global perspectives to meet the challenges of globalization. Core courses* • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Banking Systems • Company Accounting I • Financial Decision Making • Financial Markets • International Financial Management • Investment Management Bachelor of Business Administration in Corporate Administration Programme code: BBACAF3 Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Finance Programme code: BBABFF3 (Year 3 entry) This programme equips students with practical knowledge and skills in business management, corporation administration, and secretarial practice. The degree is suitable for those who aspire to be corporate administrators or company secretaries, and those who are interested in management positions in commerce, statutory boards and government departments. Core courses* • Introduction to Financial Management • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Company Law I • Company Law II • Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice I • Corporate Administration and Secretarial Practice II • International Business Environment • International Business Management *Note: The information of core courses are for reference only, and is subject to changes made by the University. Please visit the above programme website for the most up-to-date programme structures. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 1 year (2 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 31 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management Programme code: BBAHRMF3 (Year 3 entry) Programme descriptions This programme aims to help students understand the theoretical aspects of human resource management and apply them to the employee relations, training and development in real-life settings. Core courses* • Introduction to Marketing • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Labour Relations and Law • Theory and Design of Organizations • Managing in Organizations • Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach • Strategic Human Resource Management Issues • Training and Development Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business Programme code: BBAIBF3 (Year 3 entry) This programme introduces students to various aspects of global business operations. Students learn to recognize and understand the forces that drive international corporations, and the different means that these corporations employ to accomplish their global objectives. Core courses* • Introduction to Marketing • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Asia Pacific Issues in Management • Global Issues in Management • International Business Environment • International Business Management • International Marketing • Strategic Marketing Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Programme code: BBAMGTF3 (Year 3 entry) This programme has a broad coverage in the key areas of management and gives students the opportunity to specialize in at least one of the following functional areas: human resource management, international business, marketing, and logistics and supply chain management. Graduates will enjoy enhanced career opportunities in a wide range of businesses. Core courses* • Introduction to Marketing • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Consumer Behaviour • International Business Environment • International Business Management • Marketing Communications • Services Marketing • Training and Development Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Programme code: BBAMKTGF3 (Year 3 entry) This programme introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of marketing, including marketing management, consumer behaviour, promotions management, services marketing, marketing strategy and marketing research. Core courses* • Introduction to Marketing • Management Policy and Strategy Specialization courses • Consumer Behaviour • International Marketing • Strategic Marketing • Marketing Communications • Marketing Research • Services Marketing *Note: The information of core courses are for reference only, and is subject to changes made by the University. Please visit the above programme website for the most up-to-date programme structures. 32 必修科目 • 財務管理導論 • 管理政策與策略 中國商業工商管理學士 課程編號:BBACBCF3 總學分:40 ( 三年級入學 ) 專修科目 • 中國市場學(一) • 中國市場學(二) • 華人企業專題(一) • 華人企業專題(二) • 國際商業管理學(一) 供持有副學士學位或高級文憑(或同等學 歷)的人士申請 本課程特別注重會計、財務、市場管理及工商管理知 識,讓學員對中國的經濟、法制以及營商環境有深入 的了解。學員修畢課程後,會深諳管理之道,能與內 地的僱員、客戶、供應商及政府機關維持良好的關 係,令業務得以在內地順利開展,成為僱主所器重的 • 國際商業管理學(二) Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration 課程結構 中國商貿企業管理人才。 教學語言:中文(粵語) 一般修讀年期:1年(2個學期) 查詢詳情: 李兆基商業管理學院 電話:2768 6940 電郵:[email protected] 課程網頁:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 33 課程簡介 李兆基商業管理學院 Programme structure Core courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Hospitality Management Programme code: BHMF3 Total credits: 40 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) The Bachelor of Hospitality Management programme is a one-year top-up degree programme for those who have a Higher Diploma or an Associate Degree in Hospitality or Tourism Management or a related area, or equivalent qualification. This programme is designed to provide high quality education in theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in various aspects of hospitality management for those who wish to pursue or further advance their careers in hospitality management. Students are expected to have already acquired relevant technical and vocational training up to the Higher Diploma or Associate Degree level before starting this top-up degree programme at the OUHK. The degree programme will focus on the delivery of contemporary theories and practices in hospitality management. Building on the technical and vocational training in hotel and tourism areas obtained during students’ prior studies, this top-up Bachelor Degree programme is designed to: • strengthen students’ knowledge of general management in hotel and tourism areas; and • provide students with sound professional knowledge in various disciplines of management studies. Language of instruction: English (supplemented by Cantonese as necessary) Normal study duration: 1 year (2 terms) For more information: Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Tel.: 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/baf 34 • • • • • • • • Advanced Hotel Management Advanced Tourism Management Consumer Behaviour Event Management International Business Environment Management Policy and Strategy Services Marketing Theme Park Management Programme structure Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Psychology Programme code: BSSCHPJ1 JUPAS code: 9001 (Year 1 entry) The psychology curriculum guides students to develop expertise and skills in the study of human behaviour. Specifically, the curriculum aims to equip students with an in-depth knowledge of psychology and its place among the social sciences, to arouse students’ interest in the exploration of human behaviour and experience, to familiarize students with the process of conducting and evaluating psychological research, and to extend and apply what they have learnt to their own daily lives. Furthermore, upon successful completion of the psychology curriculum, students should have developed the aptitude and abilities necessary to pursue postgraduate, professional studies. After the completion of the first year of studies, students who find a mismatch between the chosen major and their aptitude/interest can apply to switch to another desired social sciences major, subject to the required academic achievement and available quota. Applications will be processed in May/June. Language of instruction: English For more information: Full-time Social Sciences Programme team: Tel: 2768 6457 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ftss Year 1 courses Core courses • ECON A121F Foundation of Social Sciences: Economics (5 credits) • ENGL A101F University English Writing Skills (5 credits) • POLS A122F Foundation of Social Sciences: Political Science (5 credits) • PSYC A124F Foundation of Social Sciences: Psychology (5 credits) • SOCI A123F Foundation of Social Sciences: Sociology (5 credits) Elective courses One of the following: (5 credits) • ENGL A203F Hitchcock Films • ENGL A204F Modern British and American Drama • ENGL A231F English Literature in the Modern World Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 2 courses School of Arts and Social Sciences Total credits: 160 During the four years of study, students will need to complete 160 credits of courses, comprising 20 credits of purposedesigned General Education courses; 10 credits of English language enhancement courses; 10 credits of basic social research methods; 20 credits of foundation level social sciences courses; and 100 credits of required and elective major courses. Core courses • PSYC A221F Introductory Psychology (5 credits) • STAT A221F Statistics (5 credits) • STAT A222F Qualitative Research Methods (5 credits) Elective courses One of the following: (5 credits) • ECON A231F Introduction to Microeconomics • POLS A221F Introductory Comparative Politics Two of the following: (2 x 5 credits) • ECON A232F Introduction to Macroeconomics • PUAD A222F Introduction to Public Administration • SOCI A221F Social Problems and Social Issues Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 3 courses Core courses • PSYC A321F Social Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A322F Life-Span Developmental Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A323F Biological Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A325F Abnormal Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A326F Clinical Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A328F Consumer Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A331F Research Methods in Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A332F History and Systems of Psychology (5 credits) Year 4 courses Core courses • PSYC A320F Personality Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A324F Cognitive Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A329F Industrial-Organizational Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A330F Learning and Motivation (5 credits) • PSYC A333F Current Issues in Psychology (5 credits) • PSYC A421F Psychology Honours Thesis (10 credits) Elective courses One 5-credit higher level Social Sciences course (5 credits) 35 課程簡介 人文社會科學院 Programme structure Programme descriptions Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Applied Economics Programme code: BSSCHECJ1 JUPAS code: 9002 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) The economics curriculum aims to equip students with a solid foundation in economics with an applied orientation so that they can serve at the managerial/ administrative level in commerce, industry, education and the financial sectors as well as government agencies. On successful completion of the programme, the graduates are expected to be able to (a) demonstrate broad knowledge in economics, (b) apply economic theories to analyse real world situations and problems, (c) apply relevant methodology and quantitative skills in economics analysis, and (d) think analytically and critically about economics and related issues. After the completion of the first year studies, students who find a mismatch between the chosen major and their aptitude/interest can apply to switch to other desired social sciences major, subject to the required academic achievement and available quota. Applications will be processed in May/June. Language of instruction: English For more information: Full-time Social Sciences Programme team: Tel: 2768 6457 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ftss During the four years of study, students will need to complete 160 credits of courses, comprising 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses; 10 credits of English language enhancement courses; 10 credits of basic social research methods; 20 credits of foundation level social sciences courses; and 100 credits of required and elective major courses. Year 1 courses Core courses • ECON A121F Foundation of Social Sciences: Economics (5 credits) • ENGL A101F University English Writing Skills (5 credits) • POLS A122F Foundation of Social Sciences: Political Science (5 credits) • PSYC A124F Foundation of Social Sciences: Psychology (5 credits) • SOCI A123F Foundation of Social Sciences: Sociology (5 credits) Elective courses One of the following: (5 credits) • ENGL A203F Hitchcock Films • ENGL A204F Modern British and American Drama • ENGL A231F English Literature in the Modern World Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 2 courses Core courses • ECON A231F Introduction to Microeconomics (5 credits) • ECON A232F Introduction to Macroeconomic (5 credits) • ECON A233F Mathematics for Economics (5 credits) • STAT A221F Statistics (5 credits) Elective courses One of the following: (5 credits) • POLS A221F Introductory Comparative Politics • PSYC A221F Introductory Psychology One of the following: (5 credits) • PUAD A222F Introduction to Public Administration • SOCI A221F Social Problems and Social Issues Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 3 courses Core courses • ECON A311F Intermediate Microeconomics (5 credits) • ECON A312F Intermediate Macroeconomics (5 credits) • ECON A313F Introductory Econometrics (5 credits) • ECON A314F Econometrics and Forecasting (5 credits) • ECON A323F Industrial Organization (5 credits) • ECON A324F Global Political Economy (5 credits) • ECON A328F International Economics (5 credits) • STAT A222F Qualitative Research Methods (5 credits) Year 4 courses 36 Core courses • ECON A321F Economic System of Hong Kong (5 credits) • ECON A322F Applied Economics in Public Policy Analysis (5 credits) • ECON A325F Money, Banking and Financial Markets (5 credits) • ECON A326F Chinese Economy (5 credits) • ECON A327F Labour Economics (5 credits) Elective courses Three 5-credit higher level Social Sciences courses (3 x 5 credits) Programme structure Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Politics and Public Administration Programme code: BSSCHPAJ1 JUPAS code: 9003 (Year 1 entry) The politics and public administration curriculum guides students to develop knowledge and skills in the study of political science and public administration. Specifically, the curriculum aims to equip students with an indepth knowledge of politics and public administration; to arouse their interest in studying global and public problems and issues pertinent to the management of the government; to familiarize them with the knowledge and skills of conducting research within the discipline; and to analyse public problems of the world and their society. After the completion of the first year studies, students who find a mismatch between the chosen major and their aptitude/interest can apply to switch to other desired social sciences major, subject to the required academic achievement and available quota. Applications will be processed in May/June. Language of instruction: English For more information: Full-time Social Sciences Programme team: Tel: 2768 6457 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ftss Year 1 courses Core courses • ECON A121F Foundation of Social Sciences: Economics (5 credits) • ENGL A101F University English Writing Skills (5 credits) • POLS A122F Foundation of Social Sciences: Political Science (5 credits) • PSYC A124F Foundation of Social Sciences: Psychology (5 credits) • SOCI A123F Foundation of Social Sciences: Sociology (5 credits) Elective courses One of the followings: (5 credits) • ENGL A203F Hitchcock Films • ENGL A204F Modern British and American Drama • ENGL A231F English Literature in the Modern World Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 2 courses Core courses • POLS A221F Introductory Comparative Politics (5 credits) • PUAD A222F Introduction to Public Administration (5 credits) • STAT A221F Statistics (5 credits) • STAT A222F Qualitative Research Methods (5 credits) Elective courses Two of the followings: (2 x 5 credits) • ECON A231F Introduction to Microeconomics • ECON A232F Introduction to Macroeconomics • PSYC A221F Introductory Psychology • SOCI A221F Social Problems and Social Issues Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) School of Arts and Social Sciences Total credits: 160 During the four years of study, students will need to complete 160 credits of courses, comprising 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses; 10 credits of English language enhancement courses; 10 credits of basic social research methods; 20 credits of foundation level social sciences courses; and 100 credits of required and elective major courses. Year 3 courses Core courses • ECON A324F Global Political Economy (5 credits) • POLS A323F Hong Kong Government and Politics (5 credits) • POLS A325F Selected Topics in Contemporary Hong Kong Politics (5 credits) • POLS A326F Theories of International Relations (5 credits) • PUAD A322F Public Sector Management (5 credits) • SOCI A323F Social Policy and Social Administration (5 credits) Elective courses Two 5-credit higher level Social Sciences courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 4 courses Core courses • ECON A321F Economic System of Hong Kong (5 credits) • ECON A322F Applied Economics in Public Policy Analysis (5 credits) • POLS A322F Contemporary Chinese Politics (5 credits) • POLS A324F Chinese Foreign Policy (5 credits) • POLS A327F Studying Politics Through Films (5 credits) • PUAD A323F Public Policy Studies (5 credits) • SOCI A325F Understanding Chinese Society (5 credits) Elective courses One 5-credit higher level Social Sciences courses (5 credits) 37 課程簡介 人文社會科學院 Programme structure Programme descriptions Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Applied Social Studies Programme code: BSSCHJ1 JUPAS code: 9004 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) The applied social studies curriculum guides students to develop an all-round understanding of social life and organizations based on an intellectual foundation in sociology. Through studying topics of contemporary relevance such as social institutions and issues in Hong Kong and Mainland China, tourism, globalization, crime and punishment, social administration and social policy, students are trained to be analytical and reflective thinkers with greater social and cultural awareness. Courses with an applied dimension from psychology, economics and politics are included for a more integrated perspective on society. After the completion of the first year studies, students who find a mismatch between the chosen major and their aptitude/interest can apply to switch to other desired social sciences major, subject to the required academic achievement and available quota. Applications will be processed in May/June. Language of instruction: English For more information: Full-time Social Sciences Programme team: Tel: 2768 6457 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ftss During the four years of study, students will need to complete 160 credits of courses, comprising 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses; 10 credits of English language enhancement courses; 10 credits of basic social research methods; 20 credits of foundation level social sciences courses; and 100 credits of required and elective major courses. Year 1 courses Core courses • ECON A121F Foundation of Social Sciences: Economics (5 credits) • ENGL A101F University English Writing Skills (5 credits) • POLS A122F Foundation of Social Sciences: Political Science (5 credits) • PSYC A124F Foundation of Social Sciences: Psychology (5 credits) • SOCI A123F Foundation of Social Sciences: Sociology (5 credits) Elective courses One of the following: (5 credits) • ENGL A203F Hitchcock Films • ENGL A204F Modern British and American Drama • ENGL A231F English Literature in the Modern World Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 2 courses Core courses • SOCI A221F Social Problems and Social Issues (5 credits) • STAT A221F Statistics (5 credits) • STAT A222F Qualitative Research Methods (5 credits) Elective courses One of the following: (5 credits) • ECON A232F Introduction to Macroeconomics • PUAD A222F Introduction to Public Administration Two of the following: (2 x 5 credits) • ECON A231F Introduction to Microeconomics • POLS A221F Introductory Comparative Politics • PSYC A221F Introductory Psychology Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses (2 x 5 credits) Year 3 courses Core courses • ECON A324F Global Political Economy (5 credits) • PUAD A322F Public Sector Management (5 credits) • SOCI A321F Tourism and Society (5 credits) • SOCI A323F Social Policy and Social Administration (5 credits) • SOCI A327F Globalization and Social Life (5 credits) • SOCI A329F Crime Control and Punishment in Society (5 credits) • SOCI A330F Masters of Social Thought (5 credits) Elective course One 5-credit higher level Social Sciences courses (5 credits) Year 4 courses Core courses • ECON A321F Economic System of Hong Kong (5 credits) • POLS A327F Studying Politics Through Films (5 credits) • PSYC A321F Social Psychology (5 credits) • SOCI A320F Hong Kong Society (5 credits) • SOCI A322F Media, Culture and Society (5 credits) • SOCI A325F Understanding Chinese Society (5 credits) • SOCI A328F Perspectives and Issues on Crime (5 credits) Elective course One 5-credit higher level Social Sciences courses (5 credits) 38 課程結構 一年級科目 • 應用文 • 語文通論 中文榮譽文學士 • 中國文學導論 • 中國文化導論 課程編號: BAHCLLJ1 聯招編號 : 9011 • 普通話 總學分:160 • 中文傳意 二年級科目 三及四年級科目 • 歷代散文 • 多媒體寫作 • 現當代文學 文學的訓練,培養文學創作及欣賞的興趣,以及提高 • 詩詞選 個人的語文能力。 • 中國文獻目錄學 • 中國文學批評 • 新聞與廣告 人文社會科學院提供全日制榮譽學士(160學分)程 度的中國語言及文學課程,務求使學員能通過語言及 學員將接受中國語言及文學的基礎訓練,包括傳意技 巧、普通話、古典文學、現當代文學和中國文化的研 習。畢業生可從事新聞、廣告、編輯和教學方面的工 作。此外,由於學員對語文和文學有較平衡的掌握, 通識教育科目 學員需要修讀 20 學分之通識教育科目 ( 專門課題科目 )。 School of Arts and Social Sciences ( 一年級入學 ) 日後亦能在博雅的基礎上再選擇從事專門的發展與研 究。 本課程獲教育局通過,為「認可主修語文科目的學位 課程」。 教學語言:中文(粵語) 查詢詳情: 黃自鴻博士 電話:2768 5718 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9011 39 課程簡介 人文社會科學院 課程結構 二年級科目 Programme descriptions 中文榮譽文學士 • 普通話 • 中文傳意 三及四年級科目 • 歷代散文 • 多媒體寫作 總學分:120/80 • 現當代文學 ( 二、三年級入學 ) • 詩詞選 • 中國文獻目錄學 • 中國文學批評 • 新聞與廣告 課程編號: BAHCLLJ2/BAHCLLJ3 供持有副學士學位或高級文憑(或同等學 歷)的人士申請 人文社會科學院提供全日制榮譽學士程度的中國語言 及文學課程,務求使學員能通過語言及文學的訓練, 培養文學創作及欣賞的興趣,以及提高個人的語文能 力。 學員將接受中國語言及文學的基礎訓練,包括古典文 學、現當代文學和中國文化的研習。畢業生可從事新 聞、廣告、編輯和教學方面的工作。此外,由於學員 對語文和文學有較平衡的掌握,日後亦能在博雅的基 礎上再選擇從事專門的發展與研究。 本課程獲教育局通過,為「認可主修語文科目的學位 課程」。 教學語言:中文(粵語) 查詢詳情: 黃自鴻博士 電話:2768 5718 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/bahcllf 40 通識教育科目 二年級入學學員需要修讀 10 學分之通識教育科目 ( 專門課題科 目 )。 課程結構 一年級科目 創意寫作與電影藝術榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Writing and Film Arts 總學分:160 ( 一年級入學 ) 創意的培訓,不單是一種興趣的發展,還是一門專業 的學問。在經濟急遽變化的年代,以有限資源,開拓 無限的創作空間,提升優質生活的品味,甚至造就財 富商機是創意時代的新趨勢。香港一向是亞洲的創意 中心,政府早在2002年開始提出創意工業,2007年 益殷切。 本課程以創意媒體寫作與製作為主,涉獵電影跨媒體 的藝術領域,課程內容包括小說寫作、散文寫作、 電影劇本、電影理論、短片拍攝與製作等知識;同 時跨越不同傳播媒介的訓練,例如廣告、電台廣 播、話劇、人物訪問等。本課程先後頒授「榮譽 教授」予蜚聲國際的王家衛導演及香港現代文學家 劉以鬯先生,協力推動藝術教育,為新時代培育新 人才。 就業前景: 創意行業:小說創作人、電影電視編導、廣告設計、 記者編輯、填詞人等。 雙語媒體工作:雜誌編輯、雙語傳媒工作。 升學:在電影、文學、新聞傳播學等範疇的基礎上選 擇適當的專門研究,尋求學術上更高的發展。 電影藝術概論 寫作概論 世界電影 戲劇文類 媒體製作技巧 二年級科目 • • • • • 文學寫作與視覺文化 華語電影藝術與文化 電影後期製作藝術 創意寫作坊 美術指導與佈景設計概論 三年級科目 • • • • • • 電影大師研究 小說創作與欣賞 電影編劇 電影理論 電影與文學 錄像攝製工作坊:劇情短片 四年級科目 施政報告中更把西九龍文娛藝術區列為十大基建項目 之一,本地社會或國內市場未來對創意人才的需求日 • • • • • • • • • • • 錄像攝製工作坊:廣告 錄像攝製工作坊:電視 廣播劇創作 電影、音樂與歌詞 名著選讀 專題研習:電影短片劇本 / 小說寫作 / 電影研究 / 短 片製作 School of Arts and Social Sciences 課程編號:BAHCWFAJ1 聯招編號:9012 (註:部分科目會收取實驗室費。) 選修及通識教育科目 修讀創意寫作與電影藝術榮譽文學士課程的學生,必須完成 160 學分。除以上必修科目(120 學分)外,學生需要修讀 40 學分其他科目,包括 20 學分之通識教育科目(專門課題科 目)、10學分之英語科目及10學分之選修科目(非專科科目)。 教學語言:中文(粵語)及英文 查詢詳情: 課程主任:譚國根教授 羅展鳳女士(副課程主任) 電話:3120 2493 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9012 http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/~sasswww/ca/ 榮譽教授:王家衛教授、劉以鬯教授。 課程顧問:羅卡先生、舒明先生、黃愛玲女士。 (本課程部分攝製器材及設備,由香港賽馬會贊助。) 人文社會科學院院長 譚國根教授及兩位榮 譽博士許鞍華博士與 鍾景輝博士。 41 課程簡介 人文社會科學院 課程結構 一年級科目 下列所有科目: • 應用文 # Programme descriptions • 語文通論 # 語言研究與翻譯榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation • Introduction to English-Chinese Translation ( 英漢翻譯導論 ) • Introduction to Chinese-English Translation ( 漢英翻譯導論 ) • Presentation Skills ( 表達技巧 )# • University English Writing Skills ( 大學英語寫作技巧 )# 課程編號:BAHLTJ1 聯招編號:9013 總學分:160 # ( 一年級入學 ) 中西文化薈萃的香港對語言和翻譯人才需求甚殷。有 二年級科目 • Language Structure and Translation ( 語言結構與翻譯 ) • Contrastive Linguistics and Translation ( 語言對比與翻譯 ) 見及此,本校開辦語言與翻譯課程,旨在提供相關的 • The Structure of Modern English: Words and Sentences ( 現代英語結構:語法與句法 ) 訓練,培養優秀的人才。課程注重中英文的基本知 • The Structure of Modern English: Sounds and Meaning ( 現代英語結構:聲音與意義 ) 識,並加強翻譯原理和實踐的訓練。 三年級科目 本課程幫助學員提升兩文三語的能力,改善表達的技 巧,並培訓學員掌握多方面的專業翻譯能力(包括法 其中兩科 下列所有科目: • Study of Translation Texts ( 譯文研究 ) 律、商業、公共行政、傳播媒介),鞏固學員探討翻 • Fundamentals of Interpreting ( 傳譯基礎 ) 譯過程中涉及語言和文化課題的能力,並且培訓學員 • Translation for the Media ( 傳媒翻譯 ) 翻譯長篇專題習作,進一步磨練翻譯技巧。 • Translation of Public Administration Texts ( 公共行政翻譯 ) 學員如修畢語言與翻譯榮譽文學士,並完成相關的師 • English Grammar Analysis ( 英語語法分析 ) • English Grammar and Usage ( 英語語法與運用 ) 資培訓,則具資格向教育統籌局申請豁免教師語文能 • Introduction to Sociolinguistics ( 社會語言學導論 ) 力要求(英文科)。 • Sociolinguistic Issues in Hong Kong ( 香港社會及語言 ) 四年級科目 教學語言:中文(粵語)及英文 查詢詳情: V • Translation for Business ( 商業翻譯 ) • Translation for Legal Texts ( 法律翻譯 ) • Language and Translation Project ( 語言及翻譯專題研究 ) 課程主任:李深紅博士 • Semantics ( 語義學 ) 電話:2768 5907 • Pragmatics ( 語用學 ) 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9013 • Cultural Issues and Translation ( 翻譯文化探討 ) • Literature and Translation ( 文學與翻譯 ) 選修及通識教育科目 Electives in ‘outside-discipline’ courses (20 credits) ( 非專科 科目 ) Electives in ‘purpose-designed General Education courses’ (20 credits) ( 專門課題科目 ) 42 課程結構 二年級科目 必修科目 • The Structure of Modern English: Words and Sentences ( 現代英語結構 : 詞法與句法 ) • The Structure of Modern English: Sounds and Meaning ( 現代英語結構 : 聲音與意義 ) • Language Structure and Translation ( 語言結構與翻譯 ) • Contrastive Linguistics and Translation ( 語言對比與翻譯 ) 語言研究與翻譯榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Language Studies and Translation 課程編號:BAHLTJ2/BAHLTJ3 選修及通識教育科目 ( 二 / 三年級入學 ) Electives in ‘outside-discipline’ courses (10 credits) ( 非專科科目 ) Electives in ‘purpose-designed General Education courses’ (10 供持有副學士學位或高級文憑(或同等學 歷)的人士申請 credits) ( 專門課題科目 ) 三年級科目 必修科目 • Study of Translation Texts ( 譯文研究 ) 中西文化薈萃的香港對語言和翻譯人才需求甚殷。有 見及此,本校開辦語言與翻譯課程,旨在提供相關的 訓練,培養優秀的人才。課程注重中英文的基本知 • Fundamentals of Interpreting ( 傳譯基礎 ) • Translation for the Media ( 傳媒翻譯 ) • Translation of Public Administration Texts ( 公共行政翻譯 ) 識,並加強翻譯原理和實踐的訓練。 • English Grammar Analysis ( 英語語法分析 ) 本課程幫助學員提升兩文三語的能力,改善表達的技 • English Grammar and Usage ( 英語語法與運用 ) 巧,並培訓學員掌握多方面的專業翻譯能力(包括法 • Introduction to Sociolinguistics ( 社會語言學導論 ) • Sociolinguistic Issues in Hong Kong ( 香港社會及語言 ) 律、商業、公共行政、傳播媒介),鞏固學員探討翻 四年級科目 譯過程中涉及語言和文化課題的能力,並且培訓學員 翻譯長篇專題習作,進一步磨練翻譯技巧。 必修科目 • Translation for Business ( 商業翻譯 ) 學員如修畢語言與翻譯榮譽文學士,並完成相關的師 • Translation for Legal Texts ( 法律翻譯 ) 資培訓,則具資格向教育統籌局申請豁免教師語文能 力要求(英文科)。 本課程於2014學年提供兩個入學途徑:二年級及三 年級。本課程不設副學士學歷。 School of Arts and Social Sciences 總學分:120/80 • Language and Translation Project ( 語言及翻譯專題研究 ) • Semantics ( 語義學 ) • Pragmatics ( 語用學 ) • Cultural Issues and Translation ( 翻譯文化探討 ) • Literature and Translation ( 文學與翻譯 ) 教學語言:中文(粵語)及英文 查詢詳情: 課程主任:李深紅博士 電話:2768 5907 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/bahltf 43 課程簡介 人文社會科學院 Programme structure Year 1 core courses Programme descriptions 動畫及視覺特效榮譽藝術學士 Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects Programme code: SU14 (SSSDP ) JUPAS code: SU14 (SSSDP ) # # Total credits: 160 This four-year full-time programme provides students with an in-depth, holistic education which serves both to cultivate their creativity and to provide them with the practical skills necessary to achieve technical mastery of the arts in animation and digital visual effects. The goal of this programme is to prepare students for advanced work in the creative industries. There are seven areas of focus within the programme: world arts and aesthetics, drawing and painting, 2D/ 3D animation, character animation, media production, creative storytelling and digital visual effects. Students will be assessed continuously on the quality of their assignments, projects, essays, reports, presentations and/or examinations. There are special facilities for this programme — a drawing studio, two new computer animation laboratories and one animation studio. Students in this programme can also access other facilities, such as the film editing lab and sound studios. The graduates of this programme will have a broad range of employment opportunities in many creative fields, such as film, TV, post-production houses, advertising, game and Web design, and art education. Language of instruction: English and Cantonese For more information: Programme Leader: Mr David Yip Tel.: 3120 2497 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/SSSDP/su14 # SSSDP: Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/ Sectors SSSDP website: www.cspe.edu.hk/SSSDP • • • • • History of Animation and Visual Effects Studio Art I: Drawing and Life Drawing Introduction to Film Art Studio Art II: Painting Alternative Animation Year 2 core courses (Year 1 entry) To master the arts and crafts of digital animation and visual effects is to master the ability to realize the endless possibilities of one’s creative imagination. 44 • • • • • • Animation Principles Workshop Character and Graphic Design Storytelling for Animators World Art Media Production Skills Pre-visualization Year 3 core courses • Animation Production • Character Animation • Digital Visual Effects and Compositing Year 4 core courses • • • • • • Animation Project Concept of Art Direction and Set Design Particles and Procedural Effects Motion Graphics Cinematic Sound Design Film, Music and Lyrics General Education courses In addition to the 120 credits of compulsory core courses listed above, students must also complete 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses, 10 credits of English language enhancement courses, and 10 credits of outside-discipline courses. Further studies Opportunities for postgraduate studies in animation arts and related fields are available in Hong Kong and abroad. Programme structure Year 1 courses 電影設計及攝影數碼藝術榮譽藝術 學士 Programme code: BFAHPDAJ1 JUPAS code: 9015 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) This four-year full-time programme offers an education in cinematic design and photographic digital art with a particular emphasis on the development of creativity and a personal signature style. Students will be nurtured in an environment that exposes them to new ideas. The development of a personal artistic vision is central to the curriculum, which puts equal emphasis on the acquisition of skills. Specifically, the programme aims to provide students with an in-depth education and training in the artistic practices of photography and digital imaging technology as they relate to visual communication and media practices. Courses in this programme will cover various aspects of the aesthetics and technological development of cinematic design and photographic imaging, ranging from traditional film-based techniques to modern digital reproduction using projection and architectural-scale gallery prints. Graduates of this programme will find employment opportunities in local media and creative industries, such as: – – – – – – – Year 2 courses Core courses • History of Photograph 攝影全史 • Concepts of Art Direction and Set Design 美術指導與佈景設計概論 • Photography and Visual Culture 攝影與視覺文化 • Principles of Design 設計理論 • World Art 世界美術 Elective courses • Classic American Films • English and Popular Song Lyrics • English in Media and Popular Culture • Hitchcock Films • Personal Development in the Knowledge Society • Fundamentals of Marketing • Fundamentals of Business Management Year 3 courses Core courses • Digital Darkroom and Retouching Techniques 數碼黑房及照片修飾技術 • Communicative Photography 傳訊攝影 • Museum Studies 博物館學 • Photojournalism 新聞攝影學 • Advertising and Publication Design 廣告製作與出版 • Multi Camera Studio Production Workshop 多攝影機攝製工作坊 Elective courses • Cinematic Sound Design 電影聲效設計 • Foundation in Chinese History and Literature 中國人文學科基礎課程:中國文學史 • Classical Chinese Shi Poetry詩選 • Classical Chinese Ci Poetry詞選 • Selected Topics in Modern Chinese Literature 中國現代文學專題 • Selected Topics in Contemporary Chinese Literature 中國當代文學專題 • Chinese Society Year 4 courses film and television newspapers and magazines photography studios public relations and advertising art and design houses online media channels interpretative documentation – social, heritage, historical events – alternative video and photography production – museum and visual art curators Core courses • Cinematography and Photographic Design 電影攝影設計 • Fine Art Photography 藝術攝影 • Digital Video Production Workshop: Short Film 錄像攝製工作坊: 劇情短片 • World Cinema 世界電影 • Aesthetics of Photographic Art 攝影美學研究 • Expanded Imaging 新類型影像系統 • Photography Project I 攝影專題研習 I / II Elective courses Nil Language of instruction: English and Cantonese In addition to the 120 credits of compulsory core courses listed above, students must also complete 20 credits of purposedesigned General Education courses, 10 credits of English language enhancement courses, and 10 credits of outside-discipline courses. For more information: Co-Programme Leader: Mr Fung Bing-fai Tel.: 3120 2489 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9015 School of Arts and Social Sciences Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Cinematic Design and Photographic Digital Art Core courses • Foundation of Photography I / II 攝影基礎 I / II • Introduction to Film Art 電影藝術概論 • Studio Art 1: Drawing and Life Drawing 美術工作室 I: 素描與寫生 • Media Production Skills 媒體製作技巧 Elective courses • Classic American Films • English and Popular Song Lyrics • English in Media and Popular Culture • Hitchcock Films • Investment Fundamentals • Mathematics in Daily Life • Society and Interpersonal Relationships General Education courses Further studies Graduates are eligible for admission to various postgraduate programmes in local and overseas universities in the fields of art, curatorship, culture, media, communication and design. 45 課程簡介 人文社會科學院 Programme structure Year 1 core courses Programme descriptions 創意廣告及媒體設計榮譽文學學士 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Creative Advertising and Media Design Programme code: BAHCAMDJ1 JUPAS code: 9016 Total credits: 160 More specifically, the programme aims to provide students with a critical framework to cope with the everdeveloping media and the endless new possibilities in modern advertising design. Throughout their four years of study, students will acquire knowledge and technical skills in different aspects of media production, which will pave the way for them to become producers and project managers in the industry. Particular emphasis will be given to the creative use of media technology and the aesthetics of design in media content development as they relate to advertising strategies. Students in this programme will receive an education that prepares them to be creative within a globalized, multicultural context. Graduates of this programme will find employment opportunities in various aspects of the local media and creative industries, such as: – – – – – – – – – advertising agencies newspapers and magazines public relations and event management television channels art and design houses online media channels museum and art administration festival offices art education Language of instruction: English and Cantonese For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Sunny Lam Sui-kwong Tel: 3120 2488 Email: [email protected] Co-Programme Leader: Mr Dan Ip Hiu-tan Tel.: 3120 2491 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9016 • • • • • Introduction to Advertising Media Principles and Practices of the Media Studio Art I: Drawing and Life Drawing Media Production Skills Copywriting Workshop Year 2 core courses • • • • • History of Advertising Design Concept of Art Direction and Set Design Cinematic Sound Design Branding and Visual Identity Advertising and Publication Design Year 3 core courses (Year 1 entry ) This four-year full-time programme provides students with an in-depth education and professional training in the field of new media advertising. 46 • • • • • • Media and Advertising Writing New Media Culture Advertising for Digital Media Photography and Visual Culture Multi Camera Studio Production Workshop Web Design and Interactive Media Year 4 core courses • • • • • • • • Museum Studies Exhibition Design and Production Video Production Workshop: E-Advertising Film, Music and Lyrics Media Law, Policy and Ethics Cultural Identities and Advertising Media Project I Media Project II General Education courses In addition to the 120 credits of compulsory core courses listed above, students must also complete 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses, 10 credits of English language enhancement courses, and 10 credits of outside-discipline courses. Further studies Opportunities for postgraduate studies in communication, journalism, media management and related fields are available in Hong Kong and abroad. Programme structure Year 1 core courses Bachelor of Arts with Honours in English and Comparative Literature Programme code: BAHECLJ1 JUPAS code: 9017 (Year 1 entry) This four-year full-time programme is designed to give students broad and comprehensive training in the cultural formation of the English language and its literature in the modern and globalized era. The programme includes a wide range of courses on the various genres of literary texts and art forms in English from different historical and cultural backgrounds. The programme intends to equip students in Hong Kong with critical thinking skills. It will introduce analytical frameworks through the study of literature, culture, film and mass media. The programme is organized in such a way that it will enhance students’ critical ability and cultural awareness, thus preparing them for complex jobs involving sophistication in cultural critique. This degree programme is approved by the Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government: Asian Writings in English Classic American Films English and Popular Song Lyrics Folktales and Children’s Literature in English Introduction to English Drama and Poetry Introduction to English Fiction Year 2 core courses • • • • • • Hitchcock Films Modern British and American Drama Practical Literary Criticism Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature I Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature II World Englishes and Globalization Year 3 core courses • • • • • • English-language Media and Pop Culture English Literature in the Modern World Shakespeare Special Topic(s) in British and American Short Stories Topic(s) in Chinese-Western Comparative Literature Topic(s) in Chinese-Western Literary Theory and Poetics Year 4 core courses • • • • • • Chinese Literature in English Translation Critical Approaches to Literature I Critical Approaches to Literature II European Literature in English Translation Major Authors in English Literature I Major Authors in English Literature II School of Arts and Social Sciences Total credits: 160 • • • • • • Elective and General Education courses In addition to the 120 credits of compulsory core courses listed above, students must also complete 20 credits of purposedesigned General Education courses and 20 credits of outsidediscipline courses. (a) as a recognized English language major degree programme included on the SCOLAR list; (b) as an English language major degree for meeting the Language Proficiency Requirement for teachers of English (also known as the English Language Benchmark Test); and (c) as a programme accepted for grants under the Professional Development Incentive Grant Scheme for Language Teachers. Language of instruction: English For more information: Full-time English and Comparative Literature Programme Team: Tel: 2768 6703 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9017 47 課程簡介 教育及語文學院 Programme structure Year 1 core courses (with summer sessions) Programme descriptions Bachelor of Education with Honours in English Language Teaching and Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours Programme code:BEDELSEHJ1 double JUPAS code: 9530 degree Total credits: 200 (Year 1 entry) This is a full-time programme leading to the award of two honours degrees. By extending study into the summer vacation of years 1 and 3, students will be able to obtain the two degrees within four years. This double degree programme aims to develop a good understanding of the structure, use and learning of the English language, and the sound professional knowledge and skills required of an English language teacher. With these degrees, graduates will be recognized by the Education Bureau as having a language (English) major degree and teacher qualification. By holding the double degree, graduates will be fully qualified English language teachers in Hong Kong and be exempted from the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English. Graduates will also be eligible to take up general administrative and executive work in the civil service, non-government organizations, business or industry sectors and other positions for university graduates if they do not intend to be teachers. (Students whose mother tongue is not Chinese or whose secondary school education was completed overseas or in International Schools do not need to meet the Chinese language requirement.) Local and non-local secondary school graduates who meet the requirements of the Education Bureau (EDB) can apply for the ‘Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers’ set up by the EDB. Please check website for details, http://www.edb.gov.hk/index. aspx?nodeID=7746&langno=1. Language of instruction: English (except for purposedesigned General Education courses which could be in either English or Cantonese) For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Thomas Tang Tel.: 2768 5803 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9530 48 • • • • • • • Effective Use of English I and II The Structure of Modern English Information Technology for Learning Learning and Teaching in a School Context Child and Adolescent Development Psychology of Learning and Teaching Curriculum Theory, Design and Assessment Year 2 core courses • • • • • • English for Effective Communication: Reading and Writing English for Effective Communication: Listening and Speaking Semantics Pragmatics Sociolinguistics English Grammar in Context Year 3 core courses (with summer sessions) • • • • • • • Words of English Skills in Teaching English* Teaching English in Schools Inclusive Education Education and Society IT for Teaching Preparing for IELTS Year 4 core courses • • • • The Art of English Drama as a Communicative Art Professional Issues for School Teachers* Discourse Analysis General Education courses In addition to the compulsory courses, students have to take 10 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses. * Students on these courses will undertake 6 weeks of fulltime teaching practice in primary/secondary schools in Years 3 and 4. Also, in the summer of Year 2, an overseas immersion programme (to be paid for by students) in an English-speaking country will be arranged. Programme structure Year 1 courses Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours Programme code: BLSEHJ1 JUPAS code: 9540 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) The degree is recognized by the Education Bureau as a language major degree (English) and those who also complete a teacher’s qualification (majoring in English language teaching) after graduation will be fully qualified to become English language teachers in Hong Kong and will be exempted from the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English. Graduates of the programme will also be eligible to take up general administrative and executive work in the civil service, non-government organizations, business or industry sectors and other positions for university graduates. 1 Students whose mother tongue is not Chinese or whose secondary school education was completed overseas or in international schools do not need to meet the Chinese language requirement. 2 Local and non-local secondary school graduates who meet the requirements of the Education Bureau (EDB) can apply for the ‘Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers’ set up by the EDB. Please check website for details, http://www.edb.gov.hk/index. aspx?nodeID=7746&langno=1. Language of instruction: English (For purpose-designed General Education and outside-discipline credits, students may take courses in English or Cantonese medium.) Year 2 courses Core courses • English for Effective Communication II: Reading & Writing • English for Effective Communication II: Listening & Speaking • English Grammar in Context • Introduction to Sociolinguistics • Sociolinguistics Issues in Hong Kong Elective courses General Education • Two 5-credit purpose-designed General Education courses Year 3 courses Core courses • Preparing for IELTS • Worlds of English • Semantics • Pragmatics Elective courses Outside-discipline courses • Child and Adolescent Development or • Education and Society School of Education and Languages The Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours programme aims to develop in its graduates a high level of English proficiency and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the English language. Core courses • Effective Use of English I and II • Information Technology for Learning • The Structure of Modern English Elective courses General Education • Two 5-credit General Education courses Outside-discipline courses • Child and Adolescent Development or • A Foundation Course in Putonghua Year 4 courses Core courses • The Art of English • Discourse Analysis • Stylistics • Drama as a Communicative Art Elective courses Outside-discipline courses • Child and Adolescent Development or • Education and Society or • One 5-credit Chinese Language or Social Science course For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Danny Leung Chung-hong Tel.: 2768 5812 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9540 49 課程簡介 教育及語文學院 Programme structure Year 2 Programme descriptions Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours Programme code: BLSEHJ2 Total credits: 120 (Year 2 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) The Bachelor of English Language Studies with Honours programme aims to develop in its graduates a high level of English proficiency and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the English language. The degree is recognized by the Education Bureau as a language major degree (English) and those who also complete a teacher’s qualification (majoring in English language teaching) after graduation will be fully qualified to become English language teachers in Hong Kong and will be exempted from the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English. Graduates of the programme will also be eligible to take up general administrative and executive work in the civil service, non-government organizations, business or industry sectors and other positions for university graduates. Local and non-local secondary school graduates who meet the requirements of the Education Bureau (EDB) can apply for the ‘Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers’ set up by the EDB. Please check website for details, http://www.edb.gov.hk/index. aspx?nodeID=7746&langno=1. Language of instruction: English (For purpose-designed General Education and outside-discipline credits, students may take courses in English or Cantonese medium.) For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Danny Leung Chung-hong Tel.: 2768 5812 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9540 50 Core courses • English for Effective Communication II: Reading and Writing • English for Effective Communication II: Listening and Speaking • English Grammar in Context • Sociolinguistics Year 3 Core courses • Worlds of English • Semantics • Pragmatics • Preparing for IELTS Year 4 Core courses • The Art of English • Drama as a Communicative Art • Discourse Analysis • Stylistics General Education courses In addition to the compulsory courses, students are also required to complete: • 10 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses; and • 10 credits of outside-disciplines courses as designated by the School. 課程結構 一年級科目 必修科目 語言研究榮譽學士(應用中國語言) Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies) 課程編號: BLSHACLSJ1 聯招編號 : 9550 總學分:160 ( 一年級入學 ) • 現代漢語導論 • 中國語文(一) • 基礎普通話 • 資訊科技與學習 • Effective Use of English I 選修科目 • 通識教育科目 ( 專門課題科目 ) • 非專科科目 二年級科目 必修科目 • 語言習得及發展 • 語言、文化和社會 • 敍事藝術:小說與戲劇 員達到高水平的中國語文能力,建立穩固的中文應用 • 商業中文傳意 知識及相關語言學理論,其範圍涵蓋現代漢語語音、 • 中國語文(二) 詞彙、句法、篇章、修辭,語言學習與習得,語言與 • 普通話運用 語言研究榮譽學士﹝應用中國語言﹞課程旨在培養學 社會、文化,語言與文學,語言與心理,文言文,以 選修科目 及中國語文在不同工作情境中的應用。 學員畢業後,可把所學專業知識運用於相關職業及工 作領域中,例如教育、出版、媒體、創意工業,以及 政府或非政府、商業機構中與中文相關的工作。 本課程為教育局認可的“主修語文學位課程”。教育 局對中文科教師的入職要求有二,包括擁有: 一、主修語文﹝即中文﹞學位; 二、主修語文﹝即中文﹞教育相關學歷。 本課程符合上述第一項要求。 教學語言:中文(粵語/普通話) 查詢詳情: 楊若薇博士 電話:2768 5815 • 通識教育科目 ( 專門課題科目 ) 三年級科目 必修科目 • 語言與學習 • 語言與心理 • 兒童發展與兒童文學 • 文學語言與發展 • 教學專業語言 • 現代漢語:漢字、詞匯、語法 • 高級普通話 School of Education and Languages 四年級科目 必修科目 • 漢語篇章 • 漢語詞義與應用修辭 • 文言詞匯和語法 • 中文編輯 • 戲劇:應用藝術 • 中國語言專題研究 選修科目 • 非專科科目 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/9550 51 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure Programme descriptions Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology Core courses Programme code: BCOMPHITJ1 JUPAS code: 9717 Total credits: 160 (Year 1 entry) The four-year Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology programme aims to equip students with competencies in core computing areas. This programme accepts JUPAS applicants as well as students with an alternative qualification equivalent to the HKDSE such as the IB. The programme is designed and coordinated by the Computing Programme Team of the School of Science and Technology. The Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology programme also offers Year 2 and Year 3 entry to holders of a recognized higher diploma or associated degree. Please refer to pages 45 and 46. Computing is an exciting and growing field in the age of the knowledge economy. Hong Kong’s computing and information technology sector is among the most advanced and competent in the world. Computing professionals make many contributions in fields such as banking, finance, logistics, trading, and retailing. The programme comprises a suite of core courses that develop all-round knowledge of essential computing theories and practices. Final year students will enhance their advanced technical skills through courses in some current areas of specialization and a research/development project. Students of the programme are encouraged to participate in contests, training, seminars, and student society activities. The experience and knowledge gained will sharpen their competitiveness in the workplace. Computing graduates are highly sought-after in Hong Kong. Graduates of this programme are prepared for a broad range of employment in the computing and information technology sector, including software engineers, programmers, system analysts, and information technology officers. Graduates are also equipped to work as computing specialists in the commercial realm. Language of instruction: English For more information: Computing Programme Team hotline: Tel: 2768 5904 Fax: 2789 1170 Email: [email protected] Programme Leader: Dr Andrew Lui Programme website: http://comp.ouhk.edu.hk 52 Students are required to complete 160 credits during the 4 years study period: 80 credits are core computing courses; 40 credits are project and elective courses in Internet Technology; 10 credits are outside-discipline courses; 20 credits are purpose-designed General Education courses; and the rest are English language enhancement courses. • Information and Communication Technology • Computer Programming, Data Structures, and Problem Solving • Java Fundamentals and User Interface Design • Discrete Structures • Relational Databases • Java Application Development and Theories of Programming Languages • Software Engineering and Project Management • Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Elective and project courses • • • • • • • Concurrent and Network Programming Parallel and Distributed Systems Digital Multimedia Game Development on Mobile Devices Web Applications: Design and Development Other Elective Courses Computing Project or Software System Development Project Programme structure Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology Programme code: BCOMPHITJ2 Students are required to complete 125 credits during the three-year study period (Year 2 to Year 4 levels): 70 credits are core computing courses; 40 credits are project and elective courses in Internet Technology; 5 credits are outside-discipline courses, and the remaining 10 credits are English language enhancement courses. There is no early exit option at ordinary degree level. Core courses Total credits: 125 (Year 2 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in any discipline The programme is designed and coordinated by the Computing Programme Team of the School of Science and Technology. For details of the Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology programme (BCOMPHITJ1), please refer to the relevant page. Language of instruction: English For more information: Computing Programme Team hotline: Tel: 2768 5904 Fax: 2789 1170 Email: [email protected] Programme Leader: Dr Andrew Lui Programme website: http://comp.ouhk.edu.hk Elective and project courses • • • • • • • Concurrent and Network Programming Parallel and Distributed Systems Digital Multimedia Game Development on Mobile Devices Web Applications: Design and Development Other Elective Courses Computing Project or Software System Development Project School of Science and Technology This programme provides a pathway for entering into Year 2 of the four-year Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology programme (BCOMPHITJ1). Holders of a recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in any discipline may apply to this programme in order to be exempted from Year 1 courses. • Computer Programming, Data Structures, and Problem Solving • Java Fundamentals and User Interface Design • Discrete Structures • Relational Databases • Java Application Development and Theories of Programming Languages • Software Engineering and Project Management • Computer Architecture and Operating Systems 53 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure Programme descriptions Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology Programme code: BCOMPHITJ3 Total credits: 85 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in Computing This programme provides a pathway for entering into Year 3 of the four-year Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology programme (BCOMPHITJ1). Holders of a recognized Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in computing or a related area may apply to this programme in order to be exempted from Year 1 and 2 courses. The programme is designed and coordinated by the Computing Programme Team of the School of Science and Technology. For details of the Bachelor of Computing with Honours in Internet Technology programme (BCOMPHITJ1), please refer to the relevant page. Language of instruction: English For more information: Computing Programme Team hotline: Tel: 2768 5904 Fax: 2789 1170 Email: [email protected] Programme Leader: Dr Andrew Lui Programme website: http://comp.ouhk.edu.hk 54 Students are required to complete 85 credits during the 2 years study period (at year 3 and year 4 levels): 40 credits are core computing courses; 40 credits are project and elective courses in Internet Technology and the remaining 5 credits are English language enhancement courses. There is no early exit option at ordinary degree level. Core courses • Relational Databases • Java Application Development and Theories of Programming Languages • Software Engineering and Project Management • Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Elective and project courses • • • • • • • Concurrent and Network Programming Parallel and Distributed Systems Digital Multimedia Game Development on Mobile Devices Web Applications: Design and Development Other Elective Courses Computing Project or Software System Development Project Programme structure Year 3 courses • • • • • • • Bachelor of Science with Honours in Web Technologies Programme code: BSCHWTF3 Specialization courses/Elective courses for Honours Year Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma and Associate Degree (or equivalent) in Computing Having an interactive Web presence is usually an essential part of business strategy. This programme aims to equip students with the specialized knowledge and techniques required to develop Web-based information systems and other similar systems. Courses include core computing topics such as software engineering and database systems, and specialized topics in Web technologies. • Web 2.0 Technologies • Digital Multimedia • Game Development on Mobile Devices • Concurrent and Network Programming • Parallel and Distributed Systems • 3D Graphics and Animation • Data Mining • Software System Development Project School of Science and Technology The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Web Technologies programme is a two-year top-up degree programme for graduates of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in a computing related area. This programme is jointly offered by the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) and the Caritas Institute of Higher Education (CIHE), Hong Kong. The degree is awarded by the Open University of Hong Kong. Students attend classes in the CIHE Tseung Kwan O campus (around three days per week) and the OUHK Homantin campus. The programme provides an early exit option to graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree on completion of all Year 3 courses. Relational Databases Software Engineering Java Application Development Web Applications: Design and Development Web Usability, Internationalization and Social Issues Technical Communication Server Side Technologies & Cloud Computing Computing and information technology graduates are highly sought-after in Hong Kong. Graduates of this programme are prepared for employment in the information technology field, and in particular the design and implementation of web-based information systems. Graduates are also equipped to work as Webbased system developers in the commercial realm. Language of instruction: English For more information: Computing Programme Team hotline: Tel: 2768 5904 Fax: 2789 1170 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Dr Vanessa Ng Programme website: http://comp.ouhk.edu.hk 55 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure Year 1 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electronic and Computer Engineering Programme code: BENGHECEJ1 JUPAS code:9720 Total credits: 170 (Year 1 entry) This four-year honours degree programme aims to equip students with the academic knowledge necessary for a professional engineer in the fields of electronic engineering and computer engineering. It provides a challenging programme for students who aspire to become leaders in the technological world, and who wish to contribute to the development of electronic, computer and communication systems in the everchanging knowledge-based economy. The core courses in the first two years cover a wide variety of subjects in electronic engineering and computer engineering. In Year 3 and 4, students will select areas of specialization based on their own personal and career interests. The specialization courses cover a wide range of subjects, including mobile and wireless networks, digital signal processing, biomedical engineering technologies, digital multimedia and software engineering. Apart from these technical subjects, students will also study several peripheral subjects essential to their future employment as professional engineers. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Angus Wong Tel: 2768 6824 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Dr Kevin Hung Tel: 2768 6865 Email: [email protected] Programme Website: http://sct.ouhk.edu.hk/engsc/ 56 Core courses • Introduction to Computer Engineering • Basic Sciences for Engineers • Basic Electronics • Integrated Project • Engineering Mathematics Year 2 courses Core courses • Electronic Circuit Design • Introduction of Computer Programming • Computer Organization and Microprocessors • Signals and Systems • Data Structures and Problem Solving • Engineering Mathematics Year 3 / Year 4 courses Core courses (Year 3) • Advanced Computer Design • Communication Systems • Computer Networking • Engineering Professional Practice • Operating Systems Core course (Year 4) • Electronic and Computer Engineering Project Elective courses for Years 3 and 4 • Digital Communication • Routing and switching technologies • Mobile Application Development • Digital Signal Processing • Biomedical Instrumentation and Sensors • Biomedical Informatics • Wireless Networks • Software Engineering and Project Management • Multimedia Technologies • Computer and Network Security General Education courses In addition to the compulsory core courses listed above, students must also complete 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses and 10 credits of English language enhancement courses throughout the four years. Practicum While many of the major courses already include laboratory experiments and hands-on exercises, students will spend the first summer in a workshop in order to undergo industrial training. Industrial attachment, whereby a student will work as a trainee at a company, takes place in the third summer of the programme. This practicum exposes students to a real environment in the industry so that they can preview of an engineering career. Programme structure Year 3 courses Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Engineering Programme code: BSCHCEF3* Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) This programme covers the software and hardware that make up a computer system, with courses in specialized areas focusing on computer systems design, multimedia processing and computer networking. Graduates of this programme are equipped with comprehensive knowledge in the design and implementation of the systems and components that make up a computer system. Potential employers include computer product development companies, system solutions companies, and IT departments of large companies or organizations. Premier Employers include Bank of China, Cathay Pacific, Foxconn, HP, Huawei, PCCW and Smartone. Others have chosen to further their studies in local and international universities. Computer Architecture (5 credits) Operating Systems (5 credits) Computer Networking (5 credits) Routing and switching technologies (5 credits) Advanced Computer Design (5 credits) Mobile Application Development (5 credits) Digital Signal Processing (5 credits) Multimedia Technologies (5 credits) Year 4 courses • • • • • • Quality Management for Science and Technology (5 credits) Engineering Professional Practice (5 credits) Communication Systems (5 credits) Digital Communications (5 credits) Software Engineering & Project Management (10 credits) Electronic and Computer Engineering Project (10 credits) * The offering of this programme is subject to approval by the University. School of Science and Technology The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Engineering is a two-year programme for graduates of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in computer engineering or related areas. Students are required to complete 80 credits. The programme provides an early exit option to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree on completion of all courses, including Year 3 courses. • • • • • • • • Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Angus Wong Tel: 2768 6824 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Mr Bruce Tong Tel: 2768 6803 Email: [email protected] Programme Website: http://sct.ouhk.edu.hk/engsc/ 57 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure During the five years of study, students will need to complete 160 credits from theoretical courses and 40 credits from practicum courses. Core courses (both programmes) Programme descriptions Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care Programme code: BNHGJ1 SU40 (SSSDP ) JUPAS code:9740 SU40 (SSSDP ) # # Total credits: 200 Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care Programme code: BNHMJ1 SU50 (SSSDP ) JUPAS code: 9750 SU50 (SSSDP ) # • • • • • • • • • • • • • 中醫及另類醫療護理學 • Effective Use of English I • English for Effective communication II: Reading and Writing • 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses Core courses (General Health Care programme) # Total credits: 200 (Year 1 entry) These two programmes are five-year honours degree programmes designed to provide a challenge to people who have an interest in practising in the health care field and have a vision of providing high quality nursing care. The Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care programme aims to equip students with the essential knowledge and skills to become competent Registered Nurses (General) in Hong Kong and practise in aspects of general nursing. The Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care programme aims to equip students with the essential knowledge and skills to become competent Registered Nurses (Psychiatric) in Hong Kong and practise in aspect of mental nursing. Language of instruction: English For more information: Contact Person: Dr Tam Chun Wai Tel: 2768 6887 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/bnhf # SSSDP: Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/ Sectors SSSDP website: www.cspe.edu.hk/SSSDP 58 Human Anatomy and Physiology Fundamental Nursing Practice Sociology for nurses: Principles and Application Psychology for nurses: Principles and Application Behavioural and Social Sciences for Nurses Health Assessment Health Promotion Nursing Research Professional Nursing Practice Nursing Management Primary Health Care Nursing Project • • • • Nursing Therapeutics (General Health Care) I, II, III Specialty Nursing (General Health Care) Integrated Nursing (General Health Care) Clinical Practicum (General Health Care) I, II, III, IV, V Core courses (Mental Health Care programme) • • • • Nursing Therapeutics (Mental Health Care) I, II, III Specialty Nursing (Mental Health Care) Integrated Nursing (Mental Health Care) Clinical Practicum (Mental Health Care) I, II, III, IV, V Note: The programmes are designed according to the requirements set by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong for the training of Registered Nurse. The programmes have gained professional accreditation. Graduates can register as Registered Nurse and practise in Hong Kong. Programme structure Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification Programme code: BSCHTCJ1 SU60 (SSSDP ) JUPAS code:9760 SU60 (SSSDP ) # Students are required to complete 170 credits during the four-year study period: 95 credits of core courses; 25 credits of specialization courses; 10 credits of practicum courses; 10 credits of General Mathematics and IT courses; 10 credits of English language enhancement courses; and 20 credits of purpose-designed General Education courses. Year 1 courses Core courses • Algebra & Calculus • Laboratory Safety & Good Laboratory Practice • Probability & Distribution • University Science Year 2 courses # Total credits: 170 (Year 1 entry) The testing and certification industry has been identified by the Hong Kong government as one of the key economic areas where Hong Kong has good potential for strategic development. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr George Lau Tel: 3120 2688 Fax: 2406 2376 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://tc.ouhk.edu.hk Year 3 courses Core courses • Quality Management for Science & Technology • Measurement Uncertainty & Test Method Development • Conformity Assessment & Laboratory Accreditation • Industrial Placement Specialization core courses Electrical & Electronics • Electronic Circuit Design • Electrical Safety & Energy Efficiency • Selected Electrical & Electronic Testing & Certification Standards Physical & Mechanical • Physical & Mechanical Behaviour of Materials • Principles of Physical & Mechanical Testing • Selected Physical & Mechanical Testing & Certification Standards Chemical & Microbiological • Analytical Chemistry for Product Testing • Microbiology & Toxicology • Selected Chemical & Microbiological Testing & Certification Standards School of Science and Technology The Honours Degree in Testing and Certification is a four-year programme that is designed specifically for the needs of the testing and certification industry. The programme helps students to gain comprehensive knowledge of the field and aims to produce graduates who are qualified to work as testing and certification professionals. In addition to the compulsory core courses, students in Year 3 and 4 are required to take courses in one of three specialization areas: electrical and electronic, physical and mechanical, and chemical and microbiological. Moreover, students will also experience a real working environment in the testing and certification industry through their practical training and participation in industrial placements. Graduates of this programme will be prepared not only for employment in the testing and certification industry, but also for further study in testing and certification, engineering, applied sciences or other related areas. Core courses • Basic Electronics • Introduction to Material Science • Basic Biochemistry & Microbiology • Metrology & Calibration • Statistical Analysis for Testing & Certification • Analytical Instruments • Principles of Product Design & Manufacturing Process Management • Guided Industrial Training Year 4 courses Core courses • Management Systems for Inspection & Certification Bodies • Safety & Reliability for Science & Technology • Professional Practice & Ethics • Audit, Inspection & Certification • Testing & Certification Project Specialization core courses Electrical & Electronics • Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement & Control • Electrical & Electronic Testing & Certification in Practice Physical & Mechanical • Materials Characterization & Testing • Physical & Mechanical Testing & Certification in Practice Chemical & Microbiological • Chemical & Microbiological Analytical Techniques • Chemical & Microbiological Testing & Certification in Practice Industrial training and placement The programme offers industrial training and placement for students during the Summer Term of Year 2 and Year 3 respectively. Both training placements provide students with relevant work experience and hands-on training in the industry. Moreover, students will get the opportunity to network within the Testing and Certification industry and to gain real-world insight into how the industry works. # SSSDP: Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors SSSDP website: www.cspe.edu.hk/SSSDP 59 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure Year 2 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification Programme code: BSCHTCJ2/BSCHTCJ3 Total credits: 130/85 (Year 2/Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) The Honours Degree in Testing and Certification is a four-year programme that is designed specifically for the needs of the testing and certification industry. In addition to the compulsory core courses, students in Year 3 and 4 are required to take specialization courses in one of three areas: electrical and electronic, physical and mechanical, and chemical and microbiological. Students will also experience a real working environment in the testing and certification industry through their practical training and industrial placements. Graduates of this programme will be prepared not only for employment in the testing and certification industry, but also for further study in testing and certification, engineering, applied sciences or other related areas. Applicants are invited to apply via direct application for admission to Year 2 or Year 3 for September 2015. The requirement for Year 2 entry will be a recognized Higher Diploma, Associate Degree, or equivalent, in Science or Engineering disciplines. The requirement for Year 3 entry will be a recognized Higher Diploma, Associate Degree, or equivalent, in Testing and Certification, or a related discipline. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr George Lau Tel.: 3120 2688 Fax: 2406 2376 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://tc.ouhk.edu.hk Core courses • Basic Electronics • Introduction to Material Science • Basic Biochemistry & Microbiology • Metrology & Calibration • Statistical Analysis for Testing & Certification • Analytical Instruments • Principles of Product Design & Manufacturing Process Management • Guided Industrial Training Year 3 courses Core courses • Quality Management for Science & Technology • Measurement Uncertainty & Test Method Development • Conformity Assessment & Laboratory Accreditation • Industrial Placement Specialization core courses Electrical & Electronics • Electronic Circuit Design • Electrical Safety & Energy Efficiency • Selected Electrical & Electronic Testing & Certification Standards Physical & Mechanical • Physical & Mechanical Behaviour of Materials • Principles of Physical & Mechanical Testing • Selected Physical & Mechanical Testing & Certification Standards Chemical & Microbiological • Analytical Chemistry for Product Testing • Microbiology & Toxicology • Selected Chemical & Microbiological Testing & Certification Standards Year 4 courses Core courses • Management Systems for Inspection & Certification Bodies • Safety & Reliability for Science & Technology • Professional Practice & Ethics • Audit, Inspection & Certification • Testing & Certification Project Specialization core courses Electrical & Electronics • Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement & Control • Electrical & Electronic Testing & Certification in Practice Physical & Mechanical • Materials Characterization & Testing • Physical & Mechanical Testing & Certification in Practice Chemical & Microbiological • Chemical & Microbiological Analytical Techniques • Chemical & Microbiological Testing & Certification in Practice Industrial training and placement Students entering directly into Year 3 are required to take industrial training and placement, TC S290F (Guided Industrial Training) and TC S390F (Industrial Placement) in their Year 3 during the summer term. However, they may have exemption for TC S290F if they have previously successfully completed a recognized industrial training (or attachment) during their studies as part of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree programme. 60 Programme structure Students are required to complete 85 credits during the two-year study period. Year 3 courses Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing Science (Food) Programme code: BSCHTSFF3 Total credits: 85 (Year 3 entry) • • • • • • • • • English Language Enhancement Quality Management for Science & Technology Measurement Uncertainty & Test Method Development Analytical Chemistry for Product Testing Biochemical & DNA Technologies Microbiology & Toxicology Conformity Assessment & Laboratory Accreditation Food Analysis Principles of Good Manufacturing Practice Year 4 courses For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) Applicants are invited to apply via direct application for admission to Year 3 for September 2015. Applicants with a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in related disciplines will be considered. School of Science and Technology ‘Food’ is one of the six selected industries identified by the Government with potential demand for testing and certification services and good development potential. The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing Science (Food) is a two-year full-time face-to-face top-up degree programme that is specially design for Higher Diploma or Associate Degree graduates who are keen to work in the food testing and certification industry. The programme covers essential and comprehensive knowledge of food safety, food testing and certification. Graduates of this programme will not only have the competence to embark on a career in relevant food industries, but are also well qualified for further study in testing and certification, food sciences or other related disciplines. • Management Systems for Inspection & Certification Bodies • Food Safety Management System: Audit & Certification • Selected Topics in Food Safety • Safety & Reliability for Science & Technology • Professional Practice & Ethics • Emerging Technologies in Food Testing & Authentication • Food Testing Science Project Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr George Lau Tel: 3120 2688 Fax: 2406 2376 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Dr Fred Lee Tel: 3120 2690 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://tc.ouhk.edu.hk 61 科技學院 課程簡介 Programme structure Students are required to complete 85 credits during the two-year study period. Year 3 courses Programme descriptions Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing Science (Environmental Protection) Programme code: BSCHTSEPF3 Total credits: 85 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) ‘Environmental Protection’ is one of the six selected industries identified by the Government that with potential demand for testing and certification services and good development potential. The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing Science (Environmental Protection) is a two-year full-time face-to-face top-up degree programme that is specially design for Higher Diploma or Associate Degree graduate who is keen to work in the environmental testing and certification industry. The programme covers essential and comprehensive knowledge of environmental testing and certification. Graduates of this programme will not only have the competence to embark on a career in relevant environmental industries, but also well qualified for further study in testing and certification, environmental sciences or other related disciplines. Applicants are invited to apply via direct application for admission to Year 3 for September 2015. Applicants with a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) in related disciplines will be considered. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr George Lau Tel: 2768 6845 Fax: 2406 2376 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Dr Fred Lee Tel: 3120 2690 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://tc.ouhk.edu.hk 62 • • • • • • • • • English Language Enhancement Quality Management for Science & Technology Measurement Uncertainty & Test Method Development Analytical Chemistry for Product Testing Biochemical & DNA Technologies Microbiology & Toxicology Conformity Assessment & Laboratory Accreditation Greenhouse Gas Validation & Certification Product Environmental, Health & Safety Standards Year 4 courses • Management Systems for Inspection & Certification Bodies • Management Systems & Audit for Energy & Environment • Environmental Pollution & Global Climate Changes • Safety & Reliability for Science & Technology • Professional Practice & Ethics • Environmental Testing & Certification in Practice • Environmental Protection Testing Science Project Programme structure Year 3 courses Students must complete 40 credits as follows: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Statistical Analysis Programme code: BSCHSAF3 Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) The programme aims to provide university-level training to students to enable them to develop an understanding of statistical analysis; quantitative skills; financial data management and mathematics for risk measurement. Students in this pogramme are equipped with comprehensive training in using statistical softwares SAS and SPSS. Graduates will have the competence for employment in statistics analysis, investment, marketing research, government and education. Specialization course (complete any 5 credits) • Java Programming Fundamentals (5 credits) • Quantitative Research Methods (5 credits) In addition to fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree as stated above, students must complete the following courses worth 40 credits: Year 4 courses Core courses (35 credits) • Applied Probability Models for Investment (5 credits) • Mathematical Methods for Finance (5 credits) • Quality Management for Science and Technology (5 credits) • Quantitative Models for Financial Risk (5 credits) • Decision Analysis (5 credits) • Statistical Computing Project (5 credits) • Research Project in Quantitative Analysis (5 credits) Elective course (complete any 5 credits) • Statistical Methods for Data Mining (5 credits) • Quantitative Methods for Optimization (5 credits) • Life Contingencies (5 credits) School of Science and Technology The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Statistical Analysis is a top-up degree programme for holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in relevant disciplines of business, statistics, decision science and engineering, or those with equivalent qualifications at Higher Diploma or Associate Degree level. Students will need to complete 80 credits for the top-up programme at honours level. Students have the option of an early exit at Bachelor’s Degree level on completion of courses worth 40 credits. Core courses (35 credits) • Finite Mathematics for Business (5 credits) • Statistical Methods for Investment (5 credits) • Time Series Analysis with Applications (5 credits) • Design and Analysis of Experiments (5 credits) • Multivariate Statistical Analysis (5 credits) • Statistical Methods for Economics and Finance (5 credits) • English enhancement course (5 credits) Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr Anita Wong Tel: 2768 6810 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Dr Douglas Ng Tel: 2768 6880 Email: [email protected] Programme website: http://math.ouhk.edu.hk Fax: 2789 1170 Email: [email protected] 63 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure Year 3 courses (Bachelor’s Degree) Students must complete 40 credits as follows: Programme descriptions Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Energy and Environment) Programme code: BSCHEEF3 Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry ) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) • BIOL S301F Conservation and Biodiversity (5 credits) • CHEM S306FAdvanced Environmental Analysis (5 credits) • ENVR S307F Environmental Pollution and Global Climate Changes (5 credits) • ENVR S308F Design and Management for Green Buildings and Facilities (5 credits)* • ENVR S311F Energy Resources and Sustainable Energy Strategies (5 credits) • ENVR S328F Advances in Environmental Impact Assessment (5 credits) • SCI S330F Scientific Research Methods (5 credits) • TC S319F Quality Management for Science and Technology (5 credits) Year 4 courses (Bachelor with Honours Degree) The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Energy and Environment) is a top-up degree programme for holders of a Higher Diploma in various disciplines of applied science awarded by the IVE, or those with equivalent qualifications. Students will need to complete 80 credits for the top-up programme at honours level and they can do this in four terms. Students have the option of an early exit at Bachelor’s Degree level on completion of courses worth 40 credits. In addition to fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree as stated above, students must complete the following courses worth 40 credits: • ENVR S403F Applications of Biology and Chemistry in Environmental Studies (10 credits) • ENVR S412F Management Systems and Audit for Energy and Environment (5 credits)* • SCI S410F Research Project in Applied Science (10 credits) • SCI S411F Environmental Health and Safety (10 credits) • TC S409F Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology (5 credits) The programme aims to provide university-level training to students to enable them to develop an understanding of the theories, practices, research methods and skills and quality management in energy and environment management. Graduates of this programme will have the competence to serve as green managers, assistant green managers, environmental inspectors or environmental supervisors in relevant professions. These are joint programmes with the School for Higher and Professional Education of the Vocational Training Council (VTC–SHAPE). There are separate admission procedures for applicants from IVE and Associate Degree students. For details, please refer to the programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ftp → Direct Application → Year 3 Entry; and the updated information on the Applied Science website: http://sct.ouhk.edu.hk/applsci/ * The course title is subject to change. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr C W Chan Tel: 2768 6813 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Ms Priscilia Yu Tel: 2768 5878 Email: [email protected] 64 Programme structure Year 3 courses (Bachelor’s Degree) Students must complete 40 credits as follows: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Biology and Chemistry) Programme code: BSCHBCF3 Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) The programme aims to provide undergraduate training to students to enable them to understand the theories of contemporary chemical and biological sciences, practices and experimentation in scientific principles, quality assurance in analyses, and hands-on experiences in research in applied science areas. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr C W Chan Tel: 2768 6813 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Ms Priscilia Yu Tel: 2768 5878 Email: [email protected] • • • • BIOL S301F Conservation and Biodiversity (5 credits) BIOL S302F Animal and Plant Physiology (5 credits) BIOL S303F Molecular and Microbiology (5 credits) CHEM S304FBio-medical Chemistry and Synthetic Methods (5 credits) CHEM S305FContemporary Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (5 credits) CHEM S306FAdvanced Environmental Analysis (5 credits) SCI S330F Scientific Research Methods (5 credits) TC S319F Quality Management for Science and Technology (5 credits) Year 4 courses (Bachelor with Honours Degree) In addition to fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree as stated above, students must complete the following courses worth 40 credits: (a) 15 credits of courses: • SCI S410F Research Project in Applied Science (10 credits) • TC S409F Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology (5 credits) (b) at least 25 credits from courses: • BIOL S401F Contemporary Biology Development (5 credits) • CHEM S402FContemporary Chemistry Development (5 credits) • CHEM S405FAdvances in Organic Synthesis (5 credits) • ENVR S403F Applications of Biology and Chemistry in Environmental Studies (10 credits) • SCI S404F Advanced Topics in Food and Health Sciences (5 credits) These are joint programmes with the School for Higher and Professional Education of the Vocational Training Council (VTC–SHAPE). There are separate admission procedures for applicants from IVE and Associate Degree students. For details, please refer to the programme website: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ftp → Direct Application → Year 3 Entry; and the updated information on the Applied Science website: http://sct.ouhk.edu.hk/applsci/ School of Science and Technology The Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Biology and Chemistry) is a top-up degree programme for holders of a Higher Diploma in various disciplines of applied science awarded by the IVE, or those of equivalent qualifications. Students will need to complete 80 credits for the top-up programme at honours level and they can do it in four terms. Students have the option of an early exit at Bachelor’s Degree level on completion of courses worth 40 credits. • • • • 65 課程簡介 科技學院 Programme structure Year 3 courses (Bachelor’s Degree) Students must complete 40 credits as follows: Programme descriptions Bachelor of Science with Honours in Applied Science (Beauty and Health) Programme code: BSCHBHF3 Total credits: 80 (Year 3 entry) For holders of a Higher Diploma or Associate Degree (or equivalent) This is a top-up honours degree programme for holders of the Higher Diploma in Applied Sciences. Students will need to study four terms, for the award of the degree at Honours level. The Bachelor of Science in Applied Science (Beauty and Health) aims to provide university-level exposure to students to enable them to develop an understanding of the theories, practices, quality assurance and research methodologies in Beauty and Health. The honours programme aims to develop students’ knowledge, skills, professional ethics and academic challenges on top of what they attained in the ordinary degree. Students will be trained to take up academic surveys, research and independently write reports, and given the potential to progress into postgraduate-level studies. Language of instruction: English For more information: Programme Leader: Dr C W Chan Tel: 2768 6813 Email: [email protected] Programme Coordinator: Ms Priscilia Yu Tel: 2768 5878 Email: [email protected] 66 • SCI S321F Hygiene and Beauty (5 credits) • SCI S322F Pollution and Public Health (5 credits) • SCI S323F Applied Human Physiology in Beauty and Health (5 credits) • SCI S324F Applied Biochemistry in Beauty and Health (5 credits) • SCI S325F Advanced Theories in Beauty and Health (5 credits) • SCI S326F Science and Business Ethics in Beauty and Health (5 credits) • SCI S330F Scientific Research Methods (5 credits) • TC S319F Quality Management for Science and Technology (5 credits) Year 4 courses (Bachelor with Honours Degree) In addition to fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor’s Degree as stated above, students must complete the following courses worth 40 credits: • SCI S404F Advanced Topics in Food and Health Sciences (5 credits) • SCI S410F Research Project in Applied Science (10 credits) • SCI S411F Environmental Health and Safety (10 credits) • SCI S417F Instruments and Modern Technologies in Beauty and Health (10 credits) • TC S409F Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology (5 credits) These are joint programme with the School for Higher and Professional Education of the Vocational Training Council (VTC–SHAPE). There are separate admission procedures for applicants from IVE and Associate Degree students. For details, please refer to the programme website: http://www. ouhk.edu.hk/ftp → Direct Application → Year 3 Entry; and the updated information on the Applied Science website: http://sct.ouhk.edu.hk/applsci/ 課程結構 必修科目 • 護理實務概論(一)至(二) • 人類生物科學 • 健康促進 • 保健語言及傳訊 Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies (General Health Care) • 綜合保健教育 課程編號:HDNSF1 • 臨床護理學(普通科)(一)至(三) 總學分:90 • 臨床實習(一)至(三) 普通科護理學高級文憑 專修科目(普通科) 專修科目(精神科) 精神科護理學高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Nursing Studies (Mental Health Care) • 臨床護理學(精神科)(一)至(三) • 臨床實習(一)至(三) 課程編號:HDNSF1 總學分:90 ( 一年級入學 ) 隨着社會人口老化,醫護服務由醫院發展至社區, 社會對登記護士的需求持續增加,香港公開大學於 2010年開辦了普通科護理學高級文憑和精神科護理 學高級文憑兩個課程,為有志投身護理工作的人士, 提供多一條進修途徑。課程是透過教授專業的護理知 識和技巧,培育學員成為登記護士(普通科或精神 科) #。本課程屬於全日制,修讀年期為兩年,學員 需修畢整個課程,方能畢業並取得高級文憑學歷。 入學條件: School of Science and Technology # 註: 本課程分為普通科護理學高級文憑和精神科護理學高級文憑兩個 課程,選修不同課程的學員,需要完成不同的學科以取得高級文 憑和專業護士資格。 申請人必須持有下列香港文憑考試的學歷,或完成副 學士先修課程,或同等程度。 • 英國語文科:2級或以上 • 中國語文科:2級或以上 • 數學科:2級或以上 • 另外兩科屬於甲類或乙類的科目:2級或以上 教學語言:中文(粵語) 查詢詳情: 聯絡人:談振偉博士 電話:2768 6887 電郵:[email protected] 課程網址:http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/~sctwww/ nursing/HDNSF_01/ 本課程是依據香港護士管理局對登記護士訓練課程的 要求而編寫,已獲得香港護士管理局認可。完成本課 程的學員可以向香港護士管理局申請「登記護士」的 專業資格,並可以在香港執業。 67 報名及查詢 Application and enquiries 如有查詢,請聯絡本校: For enquiries, please contact: 1 諮詢中心 九龍何文田牧愛街 30 號 電話:2711 2100 傳真:2715 0760 電郵:info@ ouhk.edu.hk 1 OUHK Information Centre 30 Good Shepherd Street Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel.: 2711 2100 Fax: 2715 0760 Email: [email protected] 辦公時間: 星期一至五 上午九時至下午七時三十分 星期六 上午九時至下午五時三十分 星期日 中午十二時至下午五時三十分 (公眾假期休息) 2 教務處全日制課程辦公室 (全日制課程入學組) 九龍何文田忠孝街 81 號 銀禧學院 E 座地下 E0005 室 電話:2768 8650 傳真:2406 2155 電郵:[email protected] 辦公時間: 星期一至五 上午九時至下午一時 下午二時至五時四十分 (星期六、日及公眾假期休息) 或瀏覽本校網頁:www.ouhk.edu.hk 網 上 入 學 申 請 Online application: 68 Office hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 7:30 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Sunday: 12:00 noon – 5:30 pm (Closed on Public Holidays) 2 Full-time Programmes Office, Registry (Admission — Full-time Programmes) E0005, G/F, Block E, Jubilee College, 81 Chung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2768 8650 Fax: 2406 2155 Email: [email protected] Office hours: Monday to Friday:9:00 am – 1:00 pm 2:00 pm – 5:40 pm (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) OR visit our website: www.ouhk.edu.hk www.ouhk.edu.hk Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Master’s Programmes (Full-time Face-to-face Mode) 碩士課程(全日制面授模式) General Information Entry Requirements Please note that there are separate application procedures for the postgraduate programmes. Applicants to the master’s programmes must satisfy the following entry requirement: Application a. a degree (or equivalent) in business or a businessrelated area from a tertiary institution recognized by the University for the purpose; Please complete the Application Form (which can be downloaded from http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/ba) and submit to the Full-time Programmes Office, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration by mail/email/in person to: OR For applicants who apply for MBAF, they may also enter the programme if he/she has: 8/F, Block A, The Open University of Hong Kong 30 Good Shepherd Street Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2768 6940 Email: [email protected] Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm c. a post-secondary qualification at Qualifications Framework Level 4 (or equivalent) from a tertiary institution recognized by the University for the purpose, plus at least ten years of supervisory/managerial experience. Enquiries For applicants who apply for MBAF, MHRMF and MPAF, they may also enter the programme through Pathway 1 if he/she meets the following entry requirement: d. a recognized Master’s degree in business or a related area (or its equivalent). Language of Instruction The language of instruction for all courses of the master’s programmes is English. Mode of Study The courses in the master’s programmes will be taught through a face-to-face mode. The programmes will accept new students in the September term. Duration of Study The minimum study duration for full-time students of the master’s programmes is 1 year. Note: For enquiries, please contact: 1. Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration 8/F, Block A 30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2768 6940 Fax: 2391 9095 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ouhk.edu.hk/ba Full-time Face-to-face Mode Master’s Programmes b. a degree (or equivalent) in a non-business area from a tertiary institution recognized by the University for the purpose, plus three years of supervisory/managerial experience. 2. Admission Office, Registry A0511, 30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2768 6601-3 Fax: 2761 3935 Email: [email protected] 3. OUHK Information Centre 30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 2711 2100 Fax: 2715 0760 Email: [email protected] The minimum study duration for part-time students of the master’s programmes is 2 years. Overseas Summer Programme (Optional) Students of the master’s programmes may have a chance to participate in an overseas summer programme which would be held in UK/Europe during summer at their own cost. 69 碩士課程 李兆基商業管理學院 Master of Corporate Governance (MCGF) The programme is designed to equip students to meet the challenges of the ever-changing complexities of the business world by integrating theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the curriculum. In order to stimulate creative thinking, the sharing of ideas and collaboration, the programme emphasizes interaction among participants. This programme aims to provide practical knowledge and skills for those who wish to pursue or further advance their careers as corporate administrators and company secretaries. It is also designed to develop students into well-rounded corporate leaders who excel in effective planning and implementation of corporate policies and strategies, while ensuring compliance to a good standard of corporate governance. Master’s Programmes Master of Business Administration (MBAF) On successful completion of the degree, students should be able to demonstrate a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of business and management theories, practice and strategies, and apply these to managing business and non-business entities. Programme Structure of MBAF Students pursuing this programme must successfully complete the 60 credits from designated courses as follows: Course Title Credits Core Course (10 credits) Strategy 10 Elective Courses (50 credits) Professional Recognition of MCGF* Graduates of the MCGF programme are entitled to full exemption from the International Qualifying Scheme Examinations of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (www.hkics.org.hk) and Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (United Kingdom) (www.icsa.org.uk). Accounting for Corporations 5 Advanced Business Field Studies 10 Advanced Information Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategy 10 Programme Structure of MCGF Corporate Law 5 Students pursuing this programme must successfully complete the 60 credits from designated courses as follows: Finance for Corporations 5 International Marketing Strategy 10 Issues in Corporate Governance 10 Managing Knowledge 10 Strategic Human Resource Management 10 Strategic Management Accounting 5 Tax Framework 5 Students pursuing the MBAF programme through Pathway 1 must complete the 10-credit core course and 30 credits of elective courses. (For details of Pathway 1, please refer to the Entry Requirements.) 70 On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical, practical, comparative and international dimensions of corporate administration and company secretarial practices in changing business and regulatory contexts, evaluate the various theories underpinning good corporate governance, and to offer financial and legal advice on the conduct of business. Course Title Credits Core Courses (40 credits) Accounting for Corporations 5 Corporate Administration and Secretaryship 10 Corporate Law 5 Finance for Corporations 5 Issues in Corporate Governance 10 Tax Framework 5 Elective Courses (20 credits) Advanced Business Field Studies 10 Advanced Information Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategy 10 International Marketing Strategy 10 Strategy 10 Master of Professional Accounting (MPAF) Graduates of the MPAF programme are entitled to the exemption of up to nine papers of the examinations organized by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). For further information, please visit the ACCA’s Hong Kong website at hongkong.accaglobal.com. Programme Structure of MPAF Students pursuing this programme must successfully complete the 60 credits from designated courses as follows: Course Title Credits Core Courses (40 credits) This programme is designed to develop students’ professional competencies in accounting and finance. It provides knowledge of the underlying principles and concepts relating to accounting and finance, and equips students with skills and judgement in application in a range of business contexts and situations. An early exit is provided that, on completion of the core courses, students can choose to exit the programme with an award of Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (PDPA). Professional Recognition of MPAF* OUHK’s Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting (PDPA) is a Conversion Programme recognized by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). On successful completion of the MPAF programme, graduates will satisfy the pre-entry educational requirement for registration as students of the HKICPA. For further information, please visit the HKICPA’s website at www. hkicpa.org.hk. 5 Accounting Information Systems: A Managerial Perspective 5 Audit Theory and Practice 5 Corporate Law 5 Finance for Corporations 5 Financial Reporting Environment 5 Strategic Management Accounting 5 Tax Framework 5 Elective Courses (20 credits) Advanced Business Field Studies 10 Advanced Information Systems and Electronic Commerce Strategy 10 International Marketing Strategy 10 Strategic Human Resource Management 10 Strategy 10 Students pursuing the MPAF programme through Pathway 1 must complete 40 credits of the core courses. (For details of Pathway 1, please refer to the Entry Requirements.) ------------------------------------------------------* Note: The information on professional recognition is for reference only. All information is subject to changes made by the professional associations. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm the exemptions and recognition with the relevant professional associations. Full-time Face-to-face Mode Master’s Programmes On successful completion of the programme, students should have an in-depth knowledge of current development in accounting and demonstrate the capability of handling complex accounting and finance issues in the ever changing business environment. They should be able to advance their career in pursuing senior management and executive positions. Accounting for Corporations 71 碩士課程 李兆基商業管理學院 Master of Human Resource Management (MHRMF) Students pursuing this programme must successfully complete the 60 credits from designated courses as follows: Course Title Credits Master’s Programmes Core Courses (40 credits) Human Resource Management in China 10 Issues in Human Resource Management 10 Managing Knowledge 10 Strategic Human Resource Management 10 Elective Courses (20 credits) This programme aims to provide students with both advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in human resource management, with a strategic orientation. In a highly globalised world fuelling an ever rising level of competition, a good understanding of strategic human resource management theories and practices is paramount not only for human resource specialists but also general managers to make informed corporate decisions in achieving sustainable competitive advantage in organisations. On successful completion of the programme, students should be able to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical, practical, comparative and international dimensions of strategic human resource management in a changing context, evaluate the various models and theories covered, and make strategic choices as to what relevant knowledge should be adopted and applied to organisations. 72 Programme Structure of MHRMF Accounting for Corporations 5 Advanced Business Field Studies 10 International Marketing Strategy 10 Issues in Corporate Governance 10 Strategic Management Accounting 5 Strategy 10 Students pursuing the MHRMF programme through Pathway 1 must complete 40 credits of the core courses. (For details of Pathway 1, please refer to the Entry Requirements.) 香港公開大學 The Open University of Hong Kong 查詢Enquiries: 2711 2100, 2768 8650 www.ouhk.edu.hk
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