Correct answers are ticked in green. PHY - Y GS-2014 (Physics) TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH WrittenTestinPHYSICSͲDecember8,2013 Duration:Threehours(3hours) om Name:_______________________________________________Ref.Code:____________ .c Pleasereadallinstructionscarefullybeforeyouattemptthequestions. Please fillͲin details about name, reference code etc. on the question paper and answer sheet. The Answer Sheet is machineͲreadable. Read the instructions given on the reverse of the answer sheet beforeyoustartfillingitup.UseonlyHBpencilstofillͲintheanswersheet. 2. Indicate yourANSWERON THE ANSWER SHEETbyblackening the appropriate circlefor eachquestion. Donotmarkmorethanonecircleforanyquestion:thiswillbetreatedasawronganswer. 3. This test consists of three parts, Section A, Section B and Section C. You must answer questions accordingtotheinstructionsbelow: Candidatesapplyingfor MustAnswer ShouldNotAttempt IntegratedPh.D. SectionAandSectionB SectionC Ph.D. SectionAandSectionC SectionB pr of es si on al 1. am The test contains multiple choiceͲtype questions. Only ONE of the options given at the end of each questioniscorrect.SectionAcontains25questions,SectionBandSectionCcontain15questionseach. Asaroughguideline,thetimespentonquestionsinSectionAshouldbeabout5minuteseach;questions inSectionBandCshouldtakeabout8minuteseach.Obviously,somequestionsmaytakealittleless timewhileothersmayrequirealittlemore. w w 4. w .p ay Markingshallbeasfollows: (i) Iftheansweriscorrect: +3marks Ͳ1mark (ii) Iftheanswerisincorrect: 0marks (III) Iftheanswerisnotattempted: (iv) Ifmorethanoneboxismarked: 0marks Notethatnegativemarkingasindicatedabovewillbeapplicable. 5. WeadviseyoutofirstmarkthecorrectanswersontheQUESTIONPAPERandthentoTRANSFERtheseto theANSWERSHEETonlywhenyouaresureofyourchoice. 6. Roughworkmaybedoneonblankpagesofthequestionpaper.Ifneeded,youmayaskforextrarough sheetsfromanInvigilator. 7. Useofcalculatorsispermitted.CalculatorwhichplotsgraphsisNOTallowed.MultipleͲusedevicessuch ascellphones,smartphonesetc.,CANNOTbeusedforthispurpose. 8. DoNOTaskforclariĮcationsfromtheinvigilatorsregardingthequestions.Theyhavebeeninstructednot torespondtoanysuchinquiriesfromcandidates.Incaseacorrection/clariĮcationisdeemednecessary, theinvigilator(s)willannounceitpublicly. 9. Listofusefulphysicalconstantsisgivenonthenextpage. USEFUL CONSTANTS Symbol Name/Definition Value ͵ ൈ ͳͲ଼ m s-1 ܿ speed of light in vacuum reduced Planck constant (ൌ ݄Ȁʹߨ) ͳǤͲͶ ൈ ͳͲିଷସ J s ܩே gravitational constant Ǥ ൈ ͳͲିଵଵ m3 kg-1 s-2 ߝ permittivity of free space ͺǤͺͷ ൈ ͳͲିଵଶ F m-1 ߤ permeability of free space ݁ electron charge (magnitude) ͳǤ ൈ ͳͲିଵଽ C electron mass ͻǤͳ ൈ ͳͲିଷଵ kg om ݉ Ͷߨ ൈ ͳͲି N A-2 ൌ ͲǤͷ MeV/c Bohr radius 0.51 Å ionisation potential of H atom 13.6 eV .c ܽ 2 Avogadro number ǤͲʹ͵ ൈ ͳͲଶଷ mol-1 ݇ Boltzmann constant ͳǤ͵ͺ ൈ ͳͲିଶଷ J K-1 al ܰ ͺǤ͵ͳ J mol-1 K-1 1.67 si ܴ ൌ ܰ ݇ gas constant ߛ ൌ ܥ Ȁܥ ratio of specific heats: monatomic gas on ൌ ͺǤʹ ൈ ͳͲିହ eV K-1 1.40 es diatomic gas Stefan-Boltzmann constant ߙ fine structure constant (ൌ ݁ ଶ ȀͶߨߝ ܿ) ݃ acceleration due to gravity ܴா radius of the Earth ܴௌ ݉ radius of the Sun pr ǤͶ ൈ ͳͲଷ Km ൈ ͳͲହ Km ͳǤ ൈ ͳͲିଶ kg am neutron mass (ൎ ʹͲͲͲ ݉ ) w .p ͳǤ ൈ ͳͲ ିଶ ܿ 2 UNIT CONVERSIONS Value mean distance of Earth from Sun ͳǤͷ ൈ ͳͲଽ km ͳǤ ൈ ͳͲିଶ kg ൌ ͻ͵ͳǤͷ MeV/c 1 eV 2 kg ൌ ͻ͵ͻǤ MeV/c 1 a.m.u. atomic mass unit w w 9.8 m s-2 ൌ ͻ͵ͺǤʹ MeV/c Symbol Name/Definition 1 A.U. 1/137 proton mass (ൎ ʹͲͲͲ ݉ ) ay ݉ ͷǤ ൈ ͳͲି଼ W m-2 K-4 of ߪ electron Volt 2 ͳǤ ൈ ͳͲିଵଽ J conversion constant ͵Ǥͳ ൈ ͳͲିଶ J m-1 ൌ ͲǤͳͻ͵ GeV fm 1T Tesla 1 bar mean atmospheric pressure at 00 C ͳͲସ gauss 1 ͳǤͲͳ ൈ ͳͲହ Pa (= N m-2) GS-2014-Y (Physics) Section A TobeattemptedbyALLcandidates. om 1. The directed beam from a small but powerful searchlight placed on the ground tracks a small plane flying horizontally at a fixed height ݄ above the ground with a uniform velocity ݒ, as shown in the figure below. al .c ݒ on ݄ es si ߱ of If the searchlight starts rotating with an instantaneous angular velocity ߱ at time ݐൌ Ͳ when the plane was directly overhead, then at a later time ݐ, its instantaneous angular velocity ߱ሺݐሻ is given by pr ߱ (a) ͳ ߱ଶ ݐଶ am ߱ ͳ ߱ ݐ ߱ (d) ͳ െ ߱ ݐ ଵ߱ଶ ݐଶ ଶ w .p ay (c) (b) ߱ ሺെ߱ ݐሻ 2. The Conservation Principles for energy, linear momentum and angular momentum arise from the necessity that w w (a) the laws of physics should not involve infinite quantities. (b) internal forces on a body should cancel out, by Newton’s (third) law of action and reaction. (c) the laws of physics should be independent of the state of rest or motion of the observer. (d) physical measurements should be independent of the origin and orientation of the coordinate system. 2 A uniform ladder of length ʹ ܮand mass ݉ leans against a wall in a vertical plane at an angle ߠ to the horizontal. The floor is rough, having a coefficient of static friction ߤ. A person of mass ܯstands on the ladder at a distance ܦfrom its base (see figure). If the wall is frictionless, the maximum distance ʹܮ ߠ ( ܦ୫ୟ୶ ) up the ladder that the person can reach before the ladder slips is (c) ቄʹߤ ቀͳ ݉ ߠ ܯ ݉ (d) ʹߤ ܮቀͳ ቁ ߠ ܯ (b) ݉ ݉ ቁ ߠ െ ቅ ܮ ܯ ܯ ʹߤܮ .c ߤߠ ܮ ߤ al (a) ܦ om 3. (c) ࡹற ൌ ࡺ si (b) ሼࡹǡ ࡺሽ ൌ Ͳ (d) ࡹற ൌ ࡺିଵ es (a) ሾࡹǡ ࡺሿ ൌ Ͳ on 4. The product ࡹࡺ of two Hermitian matrices ࡹ and ࡺ is anti-Hermitian. It follows that pr of 5. A student is asked to find a series approximation for the function ݂ሺݔሻin the domain െͳ ݔ ͳ , as indicated by the thick line in the figure below. ଶ ଷ w .p ay am ݂ሺݔሻ ͳ ݔ ͳ Ͳ െͳ w w The student represents the function by a sum of three terms ݂ሺݔሻ ൎ ܽ ܽଵ ߨݔ ߨݔ ܽଶ ʹ ʹ Which of the following would be the best choices for the coefficients ܽ , ܽଵ and ܽଶ ? ͳ ͵ (a) ܽ ൌ െ ǡ ܽଵ ൌ Ͳǡ ܽଶ ൌ െͳ (c) ʹ ʹ ܽ ൌ ǡ ܽଵ ൌ െ ǡ ܽଶ ൌ Ͳ ͵ ͵ (b) ܽ ൌ ʹ ʹ ǡ ܽଵ ൌ Ͳǡ ܽଶ ൌ െ ͵ ͵ ͳ ͵ (d) ܽ ൌ ͳ ǡ ܽଵ ൌ െ ǡ ܽଶ ൌ Ͳ 3 6. The probability function for a variable ݔwhich assumes only positive values is ݔ ݂ሺݔሻ ൌ ݔቀെ ቁ O where O Ͳ. The ratio ۄݔۃȀݔො , where ݔො is the most probable value and ۄݔۃis the mean value of the variable ݔ, is (b) ͳ (c) O ͳO ͳെO (d) ʹ A B es si on al 7. A solid spherical conductor has a conical hole made at one end, ending in a point B, and a small conical projection of the same shape and size at the opposite side, ending in a point A. A cross-section through the centre of the conductor is shown in the figure on the right. .c om (a) ͳ of If, now, a positive charge ܳ is transferred to the sphere, then the charge density at A will be more than the charge density at B. (b) the charge density at B will be more than the charge density at A. (c) the charge density at A will be the same as the charge density at B. (d) the charge density at both A and B will be undefined. w .p ay am pr (a) w w 8. Solving Poisson’s equation ଶ ߮ ൌ െߩ Ȁߝ for the electrostatic potential ߮ሺݔറሻ in a region with a constant charge density ߩ , two students find different answers, viz. ߮ଵ ሺݔറሻ ൌ െ ߩ ݔଶ ߩ ݕଶ ߮ଶ ሺݔറሻ ൌ െ ʹߝ ʹߝ The reason why these different solutions are both correct is because (a) space is isotropic and hence ݔand ݕare physically equivalent. (b) the boundary conditions are different in the two cases. (c) we can add solutions of Laplace’s equation to both ߮ଵ ሺݔറሻ and ߮ଶ ሺݔറሻ . (d) the electrostatic energy is infinite for a constant charge density. 4 9. A short solenoid with ݊ turns per unit length has diameter ܦand length ܮൌ ͺܦȀͳͷ , as shown in the figure, and it carries a constant current ܫ. P ଶ ܪൌ ଷܦ The magnetic field ܤat a point P on the axis of the solenoid at a distance ܪൌ ʹܦȀ͵ from its near end (see figure) is ܦ Ͷ ߤ ݊ܫ ͳ͵ (b) ʹͶ ߤ ݊ܫ ͳͷ (c) Ͷ ߤ ݊ܫ ͷ (d) ͳͳʹ ߤ ݊ܫ ͷ on (a) om ] .c ൌ ݔሺͳ ݔ ଶ ሻିଵȀଶ al [use ݔ݀ ሺͳ ݔ ଶ ሻିଷȀଶ ଼ ܮൌ ଵହܦ si 10. A particle moving in one dimension has the un-normalised wave function ݔଶ ቇ es ߰ሺݔሻ ൌ ݔቆെ Oଶ O ሺെͳሻ pr O ଶቇ (b) ଶ O ଶ െʹ O (d) zero ay (c) O ቆെ ݔଶ am (a) of where O is a real constant. The expectation value of its momentum is ۄۃൌ ͳ ܸሺݔሻ ൌ ݇ ݔଶ െ ݁ݔܧ ʹ w w w .p 11. A particle of mass ݉ and charge ݁ is in the ground state of a onedimensional harmonic oscillator potential in the presence of a uniform external electric field ܧ. The total potential felt by the particle is If the electric field is suddenly switched off, then the particle will (a) make a transition to any harmonic oscillator state with ݔൌ െ݁ܧȀ݇ as origin without emitting any photon. (b) make a transition to any harmonic oscillator state with ݔൌ Ͳ as origin and absorb a photon. (c) settle into the harmonic oscillator ground state with ݔൌ Ͳ as origin after absorbing a photon. (d) oscillate back and forth with initial amplitude ݁ܧȀ݇ , emitting multiple photons as it does so. 5 12. Consider the Hamiltonian ܪൌ ݂ ߪറ ή ݔറ Here ݔറ is the position vector, ݂ is a constant and ߪറ ൌ ൫ߪ௫ ǡ ߪ௬ ǡ ߪ௭ ൯ , where ߪ௫ ǡ ߪ௬ ǡ ߪ௭ are the three Pauli matrices. The energy eigenvalues are ݂ ቀඥ ݔଶ ݕଶ േ ݖቁ (b) േ݂ඥ ݔଶ ݕଶ ݖଶ (c) േ݂ሺ ݔ ݕ ݖሻ (d) ݂ሺ ݔേ ݅ݕሻ om (a) .c 13. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes the cycle ACBA shown in the ܸdiagram below. A ଶ es si on ଵ al B of C ܸଶ pr ܸଵ ܸ ܸଷ am One of the curved lines in the cycle represents an isothermal change at temperature ܶ, while the other represents an adiabatic change. The net heat gained by the gas in this cycle is w .p ay (a) െଶ ሺܸଷ െ ܸଶ ሻ ܴܶ (c) ܸଷ ܸଵ ଵିఊ െଶ ሺܸଷ െ ܸଶ ሻ ߛܴܶ൫ܸଶ ଵିఊ െ ܸଵ ൯ ܸଶ ܸଵ (b) െଶ ሺܸଷ െ ܸଶ ሻ ܴܶ (d) ሺଵ ܸଵ െ ଶ ܸଶ ሻ െ ܴܶ ܸଷ ܸଵ w w 14. An ideal gas at a temperature ܶ is enclosed in a rigid container whose walls are initially at temperature ܶଵ , where ܶଵ ൏ ܶ. The walls are covered on the outside with perfect thermal insulation and the system is allowed to come to equilibrium. The pressure exerted by the gas on the walls of the container (a) remains constant throughout. (b) is lower at the initial stage than at the final stage. (c) is higher at the initial stage than at the final stage. (d) is the same at the initial and final stages. 6 15. Consider the CO molecule as a system of two point particles which has both translational and rotational degrees of freedom. Using classical statistical mechanics, the molar specific heat ܥ of CO gas is given in terms of the Boltzmann constant ݇ by ͷ ݇ ʹ (c) (b) ʹ݇ ͵ ݇ ʹ ͳ ݇ ʹ (d) 16. In the laboratory frame, two observers A and B are moving along the sides of an equilateral triangle with equal speeds ܿȀʹ, as shown in the figure. A ܿȀʹ .c ܿȀʹ The speed of Bas measured by Awill be ͵ξ͵ (c) ܿ ξͷ ܿ ͵ al Ͷ ξͳ͵ ܿ (d) si (b) B on (a) ξ͵ ܿ ʹ om (a) pr of es 17. Two telescopes X and Y have identical objective lenses, but the single-lens eyepiece of X is converging whereas the single-lens eyepiece of Y is diverging. If the magnification ܯof these two telescopes for objects at infinity is the same, the lengths ܮ and ܮ of the two telescopes (length of a telescope is defined as the distance between the objective lens and the eyepiece) must be in the ratio ʹ ܯ ͳ ʹ ܯെ ͳ (b) ʹ ܯെ ͳ ܯͳ (c) ܯെͳ ܯͳ (d) ܯͳ ܯെͳ ay (a) am ܮ Τܮ ൌ w .p 18. A lens can be constructed using a flat circular glass plate whose refractive index ݊ varies radially, i.e. ݊ ൌ ݊ሺݎሻ, where ݎis the radial distance from the centre of the plate. In order to make a convex lens by this method ݊ሺݎሻ should vary (in terms of positive constants ݊ሺͲሻ and ߙ) as w w (a) ݊ሺͲሻ െ ߙȀ ݎଶ (b) ݊ሺͲሻ െ ߙ ݎଶ (c) ݊ሺͲሻ െ ߙݎ (d) ݊ሺͲሻ െ ߙȀݎ 19. A solid sample has the property that, when cooled below a certain temperature, it expels any small applied magnetic field from within the material. Which of the following best describes this sample in the cooled state? (a) Ferromagnet (b) Anti-ferromagnet (c) (d) Paramagnet Diamagnet 7 20. A beam of atoms moving in a certain direction can be slowed down if they absorb photons from a laser beam moving in the opposite direction and subsequently spontaneously emit photons isotropically. For a beam of Sodium atoms (mass number ܣൌ ʹ͵) with speed 600 ms-1, if a laser beam of wavelength 589 nm is used, the number of such absorption and emission cycles needed to bring a Sodium atom to rest would be approximately ʹǤͳ ൈ ͳͲସ (b) ͳǤ͵ ൈ ͳͲସ (c) ʹǤͳ ൈ ͳͲଷ (d) ͳǤ͵ ൈ ͳͲହ om (a) ݖ am pr of screen ݀ S es si on al .c 21. In a laboratory, the double-slit experiment is performed with free nonrelativistic electrons, each having energy ܧ, emitted from a source S (see figure below). The screen consists of a uniform sheet of charge-sensitive pixels of size ݎ. If the slit-screen distance is ݖand the spacing between slits is ݀ , which of the following restrictions on the electron energy ܧshould be satisfied so that the fringes can be distinctly observed? ͳ ݄ ݖଶ ܧ ൬ ൰ (a) ʹ݉ ݀ݎ ay ܧ ܿ ൬ ݄ݖ ൰ ݀ݎ ͳ ݄ ݖଶ ൬ ൰ ʹ݉ ݀ݎ (d) ܧ ܿ ൬ ݄ݖ ൰ ݀ݎ w .p (c) (b) ܧ w w 22. An alpha particle of energy ܧis shot towards a gold nucleus ( ଵଽ ଽ ). At distances much larger than the nuclear size ܴே , the dominant force is the Coulomb repulsion, but at distances comparable to the nuclear size the dominant force is the strong nuclear attraction. These combine to form a potential barrier of height ܸ . If ܧ൏ ܸ , the probability that the alpha particle will fuse with the gold nucleus can be written (in terms of a dimensionless positive constant ݇ ) as (a) zero (b) ݇ ൬ͳ െ ܧ ൰ ܸ (c) ൬െ 8 ܸ݇ ൰ ܧ (d) ݇ܧ ඥ݇ ଶ ܧଶ ܸଶ om 23. Consider the following circuit. (a) .c Which of the graphs given below is a correct representation of ܸ୭୳୲ ? al on es si Vout Vout (b) time (t) (d) Vout am Vout pr of (c) time (t) time (t) ay time (t) w .p 24. In the following circuit, the resistance ଶ is doubled. w w It follows that the current through ଶ (a) is halved. (b) is doubled. (c) (d) remains the same. is quadrupled. 9 25. A control circuit needs to be designed to save on power consumption by an air-conditioning unit A in a windowless room with a single door. The room is fitted with the following devices: 1. a temperature sensor T, which is enabled ( ൌ ͳ ) whenever the temperature falls below a pre-set value; 2. a humidity sensor H, which is enabled ( ൌ ͳ) whenever the humidity falls below a certain pre-set value; om 3. a sensor D on the door, which is triggered ( ൌ ͳ) whenever the door opens. (b) D D T pr A w w w .p ay am H 10 si A H D T of (d) T on H A T (c) D es (a) al .c Which of the following logical circuits will turn the air-conditioning unit off ( ൌ Ͳ) whenever the door is opened or when both temperature and humidity are below their pre-set values? H A GS-2014-Y (Physics) Section B TobeattemptedonlybycandidatesforIntegratedPh.D.programme. (Candidates for Ph.D. programme will get NO credit for attempting this section.) om ʹ݄݇ ݉ଶ ݃ ൰ ൬െ ݉ ʹ݇ (b) ʹ݄݇ ݉ଶ ݃ ݉ ʹ݇ (c) ʹ݄݇ ݉ଶ ݃ ൰ൠ ൜ͳ െ ൬െ ݉ ʹ݇ (d) ʹ݄݇ ݉ଶ ݃ ൰ൠ ൜ͳ ൬െ ݉ ʹ݇ on al .c (a) A weight ܹ is suspended from a rigid support by a hard spring with stiffness constant ܭ. The spring is enclosed in a hard plastic sleeve, which prevents horizontal motion, but allows vertical oscillations (see figure). A simple pendulum of length κ with a bob of mass ݉ (݉݃ ) ܹ اis suspended from the weight ܹ and is set oscillating in a horizontal line with a small amplitude. After some time has passed, the weight ܹ is observed to be oscillating up and down with a large amplitude (but not hitting the sleeve). am pr of es 27. A body of mass ݉ falls from rest at a height ݄ under gravity (acceleration due to gravity ݃) through a dense medium which provides a resistive force ܨൌ െ݇ ݒଶ , where ݇ is a constant and ݒis the speed. It will hit the ground with a kinetic energy si 26. (a) ܹ ʹκ w .p ܭൌ ay It follows that the stiffness constant ܭmust be (b) ܭൌ ʹܹ κ (c) ܭൌ ܭ ܹ κ ݉ Ͷܹ κ (d) ܭൌ ܹ κ w w 28. In spherical polar coordinates ݎറ ൌ ሺݎǡ ߠǡ ߮ሻ the delta function ߜሺݎറଵ െ ݎറଶ ሻ can be written as (a) ͳ ߜሺݎଵ െ ݎଶ ሻߜሺ ߠଵ െ ߠଶ ሻ ߜሺ߮ଵ െ ߮ଶ ሻ ݎଵଶ (b) ͳ ߜሺݎଵ െ ݎଶ ሻߜሺߠଵ െߠଶ ሻ ߜሺ߮ଵ െ ߮ଶ ሻ ݎଵଶ ߠଵ (c) ͳ ߜሺݎଵ െ ݎଶ ሻߜሺ ߠଵ െ ߠଶ ሻ ߜሺ߮ଵ െ ߮ଶ ሻ ȁݎറଵ െ ݎറଶ ȁଶ (d) ߜሺݎଵ െ ݎଶ ሻ ߜሺߠଵ െߠଶ ሻߜሺ߮ଵ െ ߮ଶ ሻ 11 ݖ 29. An electric dipole is constructed by fixing two circular charged rings, each of radius ܽ, with an insulating contact (see figure). One of these rings has total charge ܳ and the other has total ܳ charge Ȃ ܳ . If the charge is distributed uniformly along each ring, the dipole moment about the point of contact will be െܳ ܳܽ ݖƸ ߨ ʹܳܽݖƸ (b) (c) ͶߨܳܽݖƸ (d) zero om (a) (a) on al .c 30. A spherical conductor, carrying a total charge ܳ , spins uniformly and very rapidly about an axis coinciding with one of its diameters. In the diagrams given below, the equilibrium charge density on its surface is represented by the thickness of the shaded region. Which of these diagrams is correct? pr of es si (b) (d) w w w .p ay am (c) 31. A rigid rotator is in a quantum state described by the wavefunction ߰ሺߠǡ ߮ሻ ൌ ඨ ͵ ߠ ߮ Ͷߨ where ߠ and ߮ are the usual polar angles. If two successive measurements of ܮ௭ are made on this rotator, the probability that the second measurement will yield the value is (a) negligible (b) ͲǤʹͷ (c) ͲǤ͵͵ 12 (d) ͲǤͷ 32. A particle in the ʹ ݏstate of hydrogen has the wave function ߰ଶ௦ ሺݎሻ ൌ ݎ ݎ ͳ ଷȀଶ ൰ ൬ʹ െ ൰ ൬െ ൰ ܽ ʹܽ Ͷξʹߨ ܽ ͳ ൬ where ݎis the radial coordinate w.r.t. the nucleus as origin and ܽ is the Bohr radius. The probability ܲ of finding the electron somewhere inside a sphere of radius Oܽ centred at the nucleus, is best described by the graph om (b) (a) ܲ O (c) (d) O si on al .c ܲ es ܲ am pr of ܲ O O w .p ay 33. A thermally-insulated container of volume ܸ is divided into two equal halves by a non-permeable partition. A real gas with equation of state ܾ ଷ ቆ ܽଶ ቇ ൌ ܴ݊ܶ ܸଷ w w where ܽ and ܾ are constants, is confined to one of these halves at a temperature ܶ . The partition is now removed suddenly and the gas is allowed to expand to fill the entire container. The final temperature of the gas, in terms of its specific heat ܥ , will be ͵ܽଶ (a) ܶ ʹܥ ܸଶ ʹܽଶ (b) ܶ െ ͵ܥ ܸଶ ͵ܽଶ (c) ܶ െ ʹܥ ܸଶ ʹܽଶ (d) ܶ ͵ܥ ܸଶ 13 .c om ble to offe er two mod dels of he eat-conserv ving windo ows, as 34. A manufactturer is ab de escribed below. b (c) ͳ Ͷ of (b) ͳ (d) ͳ ͳ am pr (a a) Ͷ es si on al Window A is a simplle pane off glass, 4 mm thick W k. Window w B, on the other hand, consiists of two extremely y thin pane es of glass,, separated d by an airr gap of 2 mm, as shown s in the figure above. If the therm mal conduc ctivity of glass g is -1 -1 -1 -1 kn nown to be b 0.8 Wm m K and that of airr is 0.025 Wm K , then the ratio of heat flow ܳ through Window A to the hea at flow ܳ through W Window B is i given y by ܳ ൌ ܳ ay 35. In n a low te emperature experim ment, the resistance r of a sens sor is use ed as a th hermomete er. In order to have better b sens sitivity in the t range 100 mK to o 1.0 K, w which mate erial would d make the e best sens sor? (a a) pure se emiconduc ctor (b) p-n juncttion (c c) (d) metal w w w .p insulator 36. For a pure germaniu um semiconductor co ooled in liiquid nitro ogen, the average a ଵଶ 3 ensity of conduction c n electrons is about ݊ ൌ ͳͲ pe er cm . At this temperature de th he electron n and ho ole mobilitties are equal e and have the e common n value ଷ ߤ ൌ ͷǤͲ ൈ ͳͲ Ͳ cm2 V-1s-1. If a po otential of 100 V is applied a acrross a 1 cm m cube off this coole ed germanium sample, the currrent obserrved can be estimate ed as (a a) 80 PA (c c) 16 mA A (b) 16 A (d) 160 mA 14 37. A glass plate P (refractive index ݊ ൌ ͳǤͷͶ) is coated with a dielectric material C with the refractive index ݊ ൌ ͳǤ. In order to have enhanced reflection from this coated glass for near-normal incident light of wavelength O, the thickness of the coating material C must be (a) even multiples of OΤʹ݊ odd multiples of OΤͶ݊ even multiples of OΤͶ݊ (d) integral multiples of OΤͶ݊ om (c) (b) es si on al .c 38. In the following circuit, the AC source is an ideal voltage source. What is the amplitude of the steady state current through the inductor at resonance? (a) zero pr ܸ ඥ ܥΤሺܴଶ ܥ ʹܮሻ of (b) ܸ Τܴ (d) ܸ ඥ ܥΤܮ am (c) w .p ay 39. A standard radioactive source is known to decay by emission of ߛ rays. The source is provided to a student in a thick sealed capsule of unbreakable plastic and she is asked to find out the half-life. Which of the following would be the most useful advice to the student? Mount the source in front of a gamma ray detector and count the number of photons detected in one hour. (b) Mount the source in front of a gamma ray detector and count the number of photons detected in a specific time interval. Repeat this experiment at different times and note how the count changes. (c) Measure the mass of the source at different times with an accurate balance having a least count of 1 mg. Plot these values on a curve and fit it with an exponential decay law. (d) The half-life cannot be measured because the initial concentration of the source is not given. w w (a) 15 40. Cosmic ray muons generated at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere decay according to the radioactive decay law ͲǤͻ͵ݐ ቇ ܶଵȀଶ where ܰሺݐሻ is the number of muons at time ݐ, and ܶଵȀଶ ൌ ͳǤͷʹPs is the proper ܰሺݐሻ ൌ ܰሺͲሻ ቆെ om half-life of the muon. Immediately after generation, most of these muons shoot down towards the Earth’s surface. Some of these muons decay on the way, but their interaction with the atmosphere is negligible. (d) 232 al (c) 839 on (b) 983 w w w .p ay am pr of es si (a) 539 .c An observer on the top of a mountain of height 2.0 km above mean sea level detects muons with the speed ͲǤͻͺܿ over a period of time and counts 1000 muons. The number of muons of the same speed detected by an observer at mean sea level in the same period of time would be 16 GS-2014-Y (Physics) Section C TobeattemptedonlybycandidatesforPh.D.programme. (Candidates for Integrated Ph.D. programme will get NO credit for attempting this section.) න ݀ݔ Ͷ ݔସ .c ஶ om 41. The integral evaluates to ߨ ͺ (c) 42. The solution of the integral equation (d) es ௫ ݂ሺݔሻ ൌ ݔെ න ݂݀ ݐሺݐሻ of pr has the graphical form (b) w .p ay am (a) w w (c) (d) 17 ߨ Ͷ al ߨ ʹ on (b) si (a) ߨ 43. Assume that the Earth is a uniform sphere of radius ܴ, rotating about its axis with a uniform angular velocity ߱ . A rocket is launched from the Equator in a direction due North. If it keeps on flying at a uniform speed ݒ (neglecting air resistance), the highest latitude that can be achieved is ܴ߱ ߨ െ ሺߨ െ ʹሻ ݒ ʹ (b) ߨ ʹܴ߱ ൬ͳ െ ൰ ʹ ݒ (c) ܴ߱ ߨ െ ሺߨ ʹሻ ݒ ʹ (d) ߨ ʹ .c om (a) 44. A particle P of mass ݉ moves under the influence of a central potential, ݇ ͵ ݎଷ si where ݇ is a positive constant on ܸሺݎሻ ൌ െ al centred at the origin O, of the form P es ݑ of pr O ܾ If the particle P comes in from infinity with initial velocity ݑand impact ଵȀ (b) ൬ ay ʹ݇ ଶ (a) ቆ ቇ ݉ଶ ݑସ am parameter ܾ (see figure), then the largest value of ܾ for which the particle gets captured by the potential is ଵȀ w .p ͵݇ ଶ ቆ ଶ ସቇ ݉ ݑ (d) ൬ ʹ݇ ͵݉ݑ ଵȀଷ ൰ w w (c) ݇ ଵȀଷ ൰ ͵݉ݑ 45. The instantaneous electric and magnetic fields created at a distance ݎby a point source at the origin are given by ܧሬറ ൌ ݐ߱ ܣ ݐ߱ ܤ ሬറ ൌ ߠܪ ߮ො ʹߨߝ ݎ ߤ ݎ where ߱ǡ ܣǡ ܤare constants, and the unit vectors ൫ݎƸ ǡ ߠ ǡ ߮ ො൯ form an orthonormal set. The time-averaged power radiated by the source is (a) ߱ߝ ܤܣ ߤ (b) ܿ ଶ ܤܣ (c) 18 ܿଷ ܤܣ ʹߨ (d) ʹߨ߱ ܿ ܤܣ 46. A particle is confined to a one-dimensional box of length ܮ. If a vanishingly thin but strongly repulsive partition is introduced in the exact centre of the box, and the particle is allowed to come to its ground state, then the probability density for finding the particle will appear as (b) (c) (d) am pr of es si on al .c om (a) w .p ay 47. A spin-2 nucleus absorbs a spin-½ electron and is then observed to decay to a stable nucleus in two stages, recoiling against an emitted invisible particle in the first stage and against an emitted spin-1 photons in the second stage. If the stable nucleus is spinless, then the set of all possible spin values of the invisible particle is (a) ሼͳΤʹ ǡ ͵Τʹ ǡ ͷΤʹ ǡ Ȁʹሽ w w (b) ሼ͵Τʹ ǡ Ȁʹሽ (c) (d) ሼͳΤʹ ǡ ͷΤʹሽ ሼͳΤʹ ǡ ͵Τʹ ǡ ͷȀʹሽ 48. A gas of photons is enclosed in a container of fixed volume at an absolute temperature ܶ. Noting that the photon is a massless particle (i.e., its energy and momentum are related by ܧൌ ) ܿ, the number of photons in the container will vary as (a) ܶ ଷ (b) ܶ (c) ܶ ଶ 19 (d) ܶ ସ 49. In a Stern-Gerlach experiment with spin-½ particles, the beam is found to form two spots on the screen, one directly above the other. The experimenter now makes a hole in the screen at the position of the upper spot. The particles that go through this hole are then passed through another SternGerlach apparatus but with its magnets rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise about the axis of the beam direction. Which of the following shows what happens on the second screen? (b) .c om (a) (c) al of es si on (d) pr 50. The ground state electronic configuration for a carbon atom is ሺͳݏሻଶ ሺʹݏሻଶ ሺʹሻଶ . am The first excited state of this atom would be achieved by transition of an electron from the ʹ ݏorbital to the ʹ orbital. (b) transition of an electron from the ʹ orbital to the ͵ ݏorbital. (c) transition of an electron from the ʹ ݏorbital to the ͵ ݏorbital. (d) re-alignment of the electron spins within the ʹ orbital. w .p ay (a) w w 51. Which of the following statement best explains why the specific heat of electrons in metals is much smaller than that expected in a non-interacting (free) electron gas model? (a) The mass of electron is much smaller than that of the ions in the crystal. (b) Electrons in a metal cannot be modelled as non-interacting. (c) Electron spin can take only two different values. (d) The Pauli exclusion principle restricts the number of electrons which can absorb thermal energy. 20 52. In a beta decay experiment, an electromagnet M and a detector D are used to measure the energy of electrons (ߚ ି ), as shown in the figure. S om M al .c D es si on The detector D is capable of detecting either electrons ሺߚ ି ሻ or positrons ሺߚ ା ሻ. Now the ߚ ି source is replaced with a ߚ ା source, and we would like to measure the energy of the positrons (ߚ ା ) using the same setup. Which of the following is correct? of (a) There is no way to do this with the given set up, since ߚ ା will have to be converted into ߚ ି , which is obviously not possible. pr (b) This can be done trivially, without changing anything, since the detector D can detect either ߚ ି or ߚ ା . am (c) This can be done quite easily, if the polarity of current in the coils of the electromagnet is reversed. w .p ay (d) This cannot be done since the magnet does not have a symmetric shape. w w 53. It is well-known that the energy of the Sun arises from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei (protons) inside the core of the Sun. This takes place through several mechanisms, each resulting in emission of energy. Which of the following reactions is NOT possible during the proton fusion inside the Sun? (a) ଵ ଵ ଵଵ ՜ ଶଶ (b) ଵ ଵ ଵଵ ଵଵ ଵଵ ՜ ସଶ ʹ݁ ା (c) ଶ ଵ ଵଵ ՜ ଷଶ (d) ଵ ଵ ଵଵ ՜ ଶଵ ݁ ା ߥ 21 54. A group of alien astronomers far away from the solar system tries to find out if the Sun (visible to them as a small yellow star) has planets orbiting around it. The method they use is to look for wobbles in the motion of the Sun induced by the planet(s) revolving around it (if any). To detect this motion, they build a high-resolution spectrometer which can measure the Doppler shift in frequency of a 600 nm line in the solar spectrum with an accuracy of 1 in ͳͲ . .c om Given that the Sun has a mass ʹ ൈ ͳͲଷ kg and that Earth (mass ൈ ͳͲଶସ kg, orbital velocity ͵ ൈ ͳͲସ ms-1) and Jupiter (mass ʹ ൈ ͳͲଶ kg, orbital velocity ͳǤͷ ൈ ͳͲସ ms-1) are two typical planets, one could predict that the experiments conducted by the aliens would find al (a) no evidence for any planets orbiting the Sun. on (b) evidence for the planet Jupiter, but not for the planet Earth. (c) evidence for both the planets Earth and Jupiter. es si (d) evidence for planets, but will not be able to tell how many. pr of 55. The interaction strength of the recently-discovered Higgs boson (mass approximately 125 GeV/ ܿ ଶ ) with any other elementary particle is proportional to the mass of that particle. Which of the following decay processes will have the greatest probability? am (a) Higgs boson decaying to a neutrino-antineutrino pair. (b) Higgs boson decaying to an electron and a positron. ay (c) Higgs boson decaying to a bottom quark + a bottom anti-quark. w w w .p (d) Higgs boson decaying to a top quark + a top anti-quark. 22 w w w .p ay am pr of es si on al .c om DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET 23
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