dominique coleman PROFILE An energetic and imaginative young web designer who is able to work well with others in creating aesthetically pleasing websites. Dominique has an awareness to reduce clutter and focus on the user experience. As an emerging web designer she is looking for an entry level position with an exciting company that wants to attract motivated people. EXPERIENCE WEB DESIGNER E-COMMERCE INTERN DASH M A RC H 2 0 1 5 - P RE S E N T Assist the Web Coordinator in many tasks including but not limited to retouching and editing photos, setting up and executing photoshoots, creating web descriptions, etc. EXPERTISE Perform SEO and ecommerce marketing Effectively communicate via telephone and email to all parties FREELANCE WEB DESIGNER U SER IN TER FAC E LAYOU T DESI G N I N FO AR CHITECT UR E CO N TEN T MANAG E ME NT F R ONT EN D DE SI G N M A S S A G E B Y J E S S I C AD R IANNA A U G U S T 2 0 1 4 - P RE S E N T Assist client in brainstorming ideas for the overall look and feel of the website Per client request, work with Squarespace to manipulate the pages to satisfy client needs Maintain current information by making necessary design content changes RETOUCHING INTERN 88 Phases M A RC H 2 0 1 4 - M A Y 2 0 1 4 TECH SKILLS Utilize Photoshop to retouch digital pictures. Learning specific techniques to remove blemishes, whiten teetch, adjust background color, etc. Work with a digital drawing pad and a stylus pen for better accurancy Name and maintain digital asset file/structure organization BOOTSTR AP SQU AR ESPACE E D U C AT I O N t h e a r t i n s t i t u t e o f c a l i f o r n i a - h o l ly w o o d HTML/CMS w e b d e s i gn & i n t e r act i v e me d i a , a .s. - e xpe ct e d gr a d u at i on ma r ch 2 015 SANTA MONCIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE GE N E R A L E D U CA T I ON CR E D I T S - JU LY 2 01 1 PS/AI/ID 213.400.3236 [email protected]
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