conected - MoskiArt

Amitai Ben David
Itamar Gilboa
In my work I try to create coherent images that
Born in Tel Aviv in 1973, Itamar Gilboa is a
reflect the diverse, and sometimes conflicting,
multi-disciplinary artist who lives and works in
Amsterdam. In 2005, he graduated from the Gerrit cultural influences that have formed me as a person and an artist: I was born in 1966 in Israel, to a
Rietveld Academy, a leading art academy in AmDutch mother and a Yemenite father. At the age
sterdam. Gilboa’s work has been exhibited at the
of nineteen I moved to the Netherlands, where
Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam, the Tel
I graduated, in 1990, from the Den Bosch Royal
Aviv Museum of Art, the Contemporary Tel Aviv
Academy of Fine Arts. Upon my graduation I lived
Gallery, Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam, Dutch
Design Week in Eindhoven and Jerwood Space in and worked both in Israel (Zefad & Tel Aviv) and in
the Netherlands (Rotterdam & Amsterdam).
London. In 2012, he held a prestigious residency
In 1996 I received a research stipend from the
at the Red Gate Gallery in Beijing, China.
Japanese Ministry of Education that took me to
Itamar Gilboa has always been inspired by the
Japan, where I spent nearly eight years complepower of numbers and the influence of scienc. His
ting my Fine Arts Master and Doctoral studies at
works, based upon his own experiences living in
Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
Israel as well as in the Netherlands, are the result
In 2004 I returned to Europe. I have spent extensiof thorough research and data collection. The
ve periods living and creating in the Netherlands,
body of work resulting from this research-based
Switzerland and Spain. I am currently living with
approach is consistent yet diverse. Gilboa’s styles
my wife and two children in Amsterdam.
and aesthetics are wide-ranging, working in
mediums including sculpture, video, drawing and
Amos van Gelder
Amos’s Art that spans over 30 years of intensive
studies and work is part of some respective private
collections in The Netherlands, Israel , U.S.A and
more. Amos does not belong to a group, a stream or
a school, his work is authentic, original and highly
esthetic, a pleasure to the eyes and most inspiring.
Anneke Steetzel ceo. TerWerk.
Amos’ ontological inquiry began 1992 when he,
by that time a conceptual artist, decided to investigate the relationship between space and language, and used for space the word itself. The signifier
and the signified collapsed in this way into each
other, revealing by subsequent permutations of
the signifier deeper layers of the symbolical order
in which our lives are embedded.
Agmon van der Veen
In het werk van Agmon van der Veen onderkent
men een typisch naoorlogse vrijheidsdrang in
expressieve vormentaal met een uitgesproken
zeggingskracht. In zijn thematiek zijn twee
onderwerpen prominent aanwezig: portretten en
zogenoemde ‘witte landschappen’. De portretten verbeelden vaak de immense dramatiek, die
mensen met zich mee kunnen dragen.
Van een totaal andere wereld lijken de witte
woestijnlandschappen, waarin het wit zorgt voor
een gedempte stilte, waarmee een verlangen
naar die schoonheid zowel wordt toegedekt als
geopenbaard. Met Agmon van der Veen heeft
Almere een kunstenaar van internationale allure,
die zich nog steeds internationaal manifesteert.
Donca Vianu psychiatrist – psychotherapist.
Drs. Christine van Stralen
zondag 12 april 2015
Bottelaarpassage 67, Almere Stad
Itamar Gilboa
Amitai Ben David
Amos van Gelder
Agmon van der Veen
De feestelijke opening vindt plaats op zondag 12 april 2015
om 19 uur met openingswoord door
beeldend kunstenaar dr. Maarten van der Heijden
en muzikale bijdrage door pianiste Mirjam Tsoukernik.
Bottelaarpassage 67, Almere Stad