the most recent newsletter

One Spirit in Christ
20 March 2015
“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
From the Principal’s Desk...
One of the most difficult parts of 21st century life for schools is the constant busyness and expectations that
are placed upon them.
This shows in the different roles that staff have in a school. As parents we tend to see a school in terms of
what happens to our child. Each day our school has about 650 people in it, each with a different set of
expectations of what they want out of their time here. Then each of those people has come to school with a
range of abilities and life experiences.
We are finding that the role in society of schools is blurring. Once education was about the result at the end
of Year 10 or 12 and what you did with it. Many students took up work or apprenticeships after Year 10.
The schools we have today are staffed with Counsellors, Youth Support Officers, Social and Emotional
Co-ordinators, Career and Vocational Guidance persons, Community Liaison workers and specialised staff to
work with a range of students. Vaccinations take place at schools, various groups visit to talk on Cyber bullying
or stranger danger and there is constant stream of requests to see and speak to students.
In the last 3 weeks we have had 377 students attend Peninsula Sport Trials. The job done by the Sport’s
Department has been incredible given they have to be on the road by 7am or earlier to get to many of the
In the day to day busyness we still need to find the time for teaching and that is our core job.
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority released the 2014 Year 12 Outcomes recently and can
be accessed from the web address below. To get the full details you click on the school’s name.
4063 5300
If your child is sick/absent
please phone/email before 9am
on the day of absence.
Help us to know where your child is
for his/her safety.
Address? Email?
Phone Numbers?
Medical Information?
Legal Information?
Related Persons’ Information
Please advise Front Office in writing or
via email: [email protected]
From the Principal’s Desk … cont...
“The 2014 Year 12 Outcomes report has been published on the QCAA website: It shows student achievement on a school by school basis using a
range of measures.”
When the results of Innisfail State College and Tully State High are compared to Good Counsel the following is
evident. These comparisons can be verified at the web site.
Year 12 students
OP eligible students
OP results between 1 and 10
% students with Universities offer
VET Cert 111 completed
School based apprenticeship
GCC 96
GCC 68
GCC 36
GCC 98
GCC 31
ISC 109
ISC 38
ISC 11
ISC 100
ISC 19
TSH 96
TSH 43
TSH 14
TSH 98
TSH 13
TSH 15
These figures show that the College offers very good options for OP and non OP pathways for students. In the
OP area the College results show that in OP 1 to 10 range there is a very significant gap between the College,
Tully and Innisfail State College. Our university take up of courses is larger given the number of OP students at
the College. We also have a larger number of students completing Cert 111 courses than the other schools.
The information from QCAA is put together independently of the College and what it does show is that we are
the leader in the area with Year 12 results, regardless of what is said. The point is, that a comment without
data is usually wrong.
What the data says is that Good Counsel College offers an excellent education and we do plenty of other
things in the social and emotional learning area to help our students become free and moral people in a
complex world.
Our application to join the Marist Schools of Australia has been sent and we remain committed to the 5
characteristics of the Marists into the future. They are:
Family Spirit
Love of Work
In the way of Mary
Our College has many faiths. It is in the Catholic nature to accept that the way of getting to God may take
many paths. Ghandi spoke of a bicycle wheel where God was in the centre and the spokes were the many
ways of getting there.
I travelled through Russia when it was a communist country. One conversation I had with a fellow in a town in
central Siberia still resonates. He said “we are born, have children and then die without a reason for it
With faith we have a reason. To live our lives as Jesus said to.
Paul Keenan
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From the Principal’s Desk … cont...
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Mission Matters ...
Great things happen when people are connected with One Spirit In
LENT—As we journey through Lent we are reminded of the grace which is abundantly
blessed upon us. Lent is not only a time of forgiveness and repentance, but is a time of
Archbishop Coleridge in his Lenten message for 2015, reminds us of the importance in our
lives of spending time together as family. Lent is not just a time to focus on sin and
repentance but also a time to renew our faith in the one who alone can give us the
discerning eye that truly knows what is sin and what is grace, what is life and what is death.
It’s also a time to renew our faith in the family and to find ways of deepening the experience of family. Might one of the
disciplines of Lent be a renewal of family prayer in a way that respects the rhythms of family life now? Another of those
disciplines might be a renewed focus on the family meal, again respecting the rhythms and pressures of life at a time when it’s
not always easy to gather the family around one table.
I invite every family in the Archdiocese to think of how, through these days till Easter, you might pray together as a family and
share a meal together as a family. These are simple things but they are moments of grace; and they would be a real
contribution as the whole Church journeys along the road that leads from one session of the Synod to the next and along the
road that leads from Ash Wednesday to Easter.
I leave you with the words of St Paul: “Kneeling before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its
name, I pray that according to the riches of his glory God may grant that you be made strong in your inmost being with power
through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith” (Ephesians 3:14-16).
+ Mark Coleridge; Ash Wednesday 2015
Archbishop Coleridge’s Weekly Lenten Reflections can be found on:
PROJECT COMPASSION—This year Project Compassion focuses on the ways in which Caritas partners empower communities to
establish sustainable food sources and develop income streams for life. It throws a spotlight on global food issues and how
Caritas Australia is empowering the world’s poorest people to establish sustainable food sources for life.
Students and staff under the direction of the Good counsel College SRC Mission Committee will be actively involved in Project
Compassion activities throughout Lent.
Donations to Project Compassion can be made by visiting:
Each week during Lent, a different story of hope is shared, in relation to how fundraising assists those in need.
4th Week of Lent
Project Compassion: Sarita from Nepal
Sharing food for
Mother of three, Sarita, could barely grow enough food for her family on her tiny farm plot. In
2007, she joined a program, run by Caritas Nepal, that gave a community group the training
and support they needed to start a fish-raising business. Thanks to their hard work, Sarita and
the group now have a thriving enterprise and a life-long source of food and income.
Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps people in rural Nepal create a life-long
source of food and income to benefit entire communities. 1800 024 413
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Mission Matters ...
5th Week of Lent
Project Compassion: Cristian from Peru
food for life
Cristian’s community in rural Peru has always lived a traditional life, with simple diets
and crops dependent on rainfall. Until recently, 33-year-old Cristian had to travel one
kilometre to access running water.
With the help of Caritas Huacho, Cristian and 14 other young farmers have introduced
running water and irrigation to their remote Andean village. They now grow and harvest
a wide variety of high-value, sustainable crops, which provide them all with a secure
income and a wide variety of food.
Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps farmers in Peru secure a food source
and income that benefits their families and communities for life. 1800 024 413
YEAR 12 RETREAT—Week 6 of term saw the Year 12 students and a Retreat group of Teachers travel to Genazzano for the Year
12 Retreat. What a beautiful week of relationships and Spirituality this turned out to be. Year 12 Parents and carers should be
very proud of the fine young people that are maturing in our Year 12 cohort. It was a pleasure for all staff concerned to
accompany these student’s for this time of spiritual growth and reflection. We were blessed to also be joined by Miss Sally
McIniry Regional Coordinator of Marist Youth Ministry, who delivered sessions on Strong Young Women, Youth Faith and
Future Directions.
Students participated in activities ranging from hand making of Reflection Journals, to Team Challenges to Liturgy preparation,
swimming, and sessions on Happiness, Goals, Self, Forgiveness, Relaxation and Futures. It is anticipated that the sessions run
on Year 12 Retreat will support student’s progress throughout their Year 12 studies. Beautiful memories were certainly made
on this exceptional Retreat opportunity.
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Mission Matters ...
Parents and friends are invited to attend along with Good Counsel College
students the Stations of the Cross Liturgy, which will be held at 1.30 pm on
Thursday, 2ND April 2015 in the Champagnat Centre. This is an important
event in the life of Good Counsel College, and acknowledges the respect we as
a Catholic School place in commemorating the suffering and death that Jesus
endured for our salvation.
Student participation in this Liturgy is a significant component of this
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Mission Matters ...
TIMOR LESTE AND CHINA TRIPS—Planning is well under way for both the Timor Leste Immersion and the China Language Study
Tour, with flights to be booked shortly. For students planning to participate in either of these trips, deposit payments deadline
is the 25th MARCH 2015. Please contact Julie Nicolau in the Accounts Department, to organise payment.
PASSPORTS—If you are requiring assistance in applying for a Passport for any of the College overseas study tours offered
(including Japan) in 2015, a meeting will be held in the D Block Board Room on Wednesday 25/03/15 at 6pm. R.S.V.P. Mrs
Withnall on [email protected], if you are planning to attend. This meeting will only run if there is a need.
God’s Richest Blessings to you all.
May God Always Hold You Safely In The Palm Of His Hand.
Debra Withnall
Deputy Principal—Mission
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Student Matters ...
People interact with each other in many work environments throughout the world. In schools, adults interact with the added
component of the responsibility and priority of educating kids. That's the job of a teacher, who is a qualified professional and is
therefore appropriately remunerated.
Without doubt, the academic education of these children is paramount, however the social and emotional development of all
children is crucial for their success in life also. Many people play a vital role in the child's life as they work to enhance these
capabilities. Teachers are but one part of this life education puzzle, definitely a major part but only one none the less.
Consider the value though of maybe three or four extra adults in the life of a child who have a significant influence over this
development, and in the context of a Catholic perspective. Catholic in terms of care, support, listening, advice, prayer,
nurturing, concern for well being, interest, discipline, manners, respect .........and the list goes on. Our kids are so fortunate to
be in an environment where this happens daily at Good Counsel College.
We cannot underestimate the positive collective whole approach that kids experience each day at school. We can also not
ignore when some of these days are not great for kids. When the National Day for Anti Bullying is recognised, which I
addressed in my last newsletter item, and which the College acknowledges and supports today, we are reminded of those kids
who need our extra support and care. Wearing NDAB wristbands are a reminder this week for the staff and students to reflect
upon this a little further.
The Prime Minister speaks about this today when he makes an announcement on behalf of teachers expressing their support
for kids who are being bullied. We are there as teachers to support our kids in our community and we take this responsibility
seriously. The extra, added efforts from all staff at our school are to be acknowledged and praised as they work daily to
support our children. The extra efforts from kids, who are the bystanders that stand up for others being bullied, is to be
acknowledged and praised also.
I wish to thank all in our school community for their tremendous care given.
Mrs Amanda Webb
Deputy Principal - Administration/Pastoral
Curriculum ...
As the end of the term approaches (very rapidly) all students are reminded that this is the time to really focus on their core
‘job’ – being a student and doing their best at their studies.
End of term exams commence next week and exam timetables were distributed today to all students in hard copy. The timetables are also available on the College website.
No Good Counsel College student has “no homework” at the moment! There is always something that could be revised,
re-read or practised. Parents are asked to support their children by ensuring that they have a quiet, comfortable study area
and by helping minimise disturbances during the next fortnight. If your child has a part-time job, it would be wise to limit the
number of shifts that are covered between now and the end of the term.
We look forward to a productive two weeks ahead, followed by a well-earned rest during the Easter holidays.
AnnMarie Arnold
Deputy Principal—Curriculum.
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“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
Counsellor’s Corner ...
Setting Rules / Expectations and Consequences for Teenagers
Many parents and other adult authority figures struggle with the sometimes difficult task of effectively managing teenage
behaviour/s. Teenagers tend to place a high value on the concept of fairness. They respect and respond to parents, teachers,
and other authority figures that they perceive as being fair. Teenagers don’t respond as well to those who they feel do not
understand them and treat them unfairly. One of the ways to avoid being perceived as unfair and instead as being a fair and
just person is to establish the rules and the consequences for behavior at the same time.
For example, most parents have a multitude of rules and regulations around the house. For example: "Come home by
11:00pm." "After you use the bathroom pick up the wet towels off the floor." ”No going out with friends on week nights”."
Parents are usually good at specifying what they want or at setting rules. Their expectations are stated clearly but,
unfortunately, many wait until the rule is broken before deciding what the consequence will be. For example, if a child is told
to be home by 11:00 and shows up at 11:30, the parent then decides what is going to happen - whether he/she will be
grounded for a week, or is not allowed out the next night. This method of announcing the consequence after the rule is broken
is viewed as unfair by teenagers and should be avoided.
Several things happen when we announce the consequences after the rule is broken:
Firstly, in this situation, the child does not feel responsible for what has happened to them nor do they feel in control of the
consequences of their behavior. As a result, the child does not develop responsibility nor does he/she feel that they can
influence what happens to them.
Also, if we wait until the adolescent breaks the rule to decide the punishment or consequence, the teenager is likely to
develop anger toward the parent because h/she feels that the parent is responsible for the bad thing (the consequence) that
has happened to him. Since many teenagers already have some underlying anger, doing something that will produce more
resentment is not usually helpful.
Rules and Consequences Should Be Stated at the Same Time
in setting rules, parents (and other authority figures) should avoid stating only the expectation. It is important to spell out both
the rule and the consequence at the same time and before the rule is broken
The above diagram indicates the way effective rules should be set. You should explain to the child "Here is what I want you to
do. This (Consequence A) will happen if you do it that way, and this (Consequence B) will happen if you do it the other way." By
using this method, you allow the child to decide for himself what is going to happen to him/her.
By stating the rules and the consequences at the same time, you put the responsibility for what happens to the teenager
squarely on them. This approach should eliminate nagging or power struggles. The teenager is in control of the consequences
of their behavior and determines whether good or bad things happen to them.
Consequences are the most important tool in changing behavior, and the method just described is the most effective way to
use them. It may not be possible to employ this technique all of the time, but you should use it whenever you can.
Rules and Consequences Have to Be Specific
Teenagers often do exactly what you tell them and usually have their own definitions of words. You should try to be as specific
as possible when stating rules or behavioral expectations. If you say, "I want you to go to your room and clean it," you need to
define what you mean by clean. "Put the dirty clothes in the basket, the books back on the shelf, and the rubbish and paper
that are on the floor in the bin. Don't put anything under or on your bed."
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“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
Counsellor’s Corner ...
If the expectations are stated in too general or unclear words - for example: "I want you to do better at school." or "Be nice to
your sister." What do “do better" and "be nice" mean? They can mean different things to different people. To the teenager,
improving in school might mean getting all D's instead of E’s, and being nice to his sister might mean that he hits her less times
a day. The parent (or authority figure) needs to define the expectations specifically, for example doing better in school as
obtaining C’s, and being nice to the sister as not hitting her at all. When later you and the teenager talk if the expectations are
not specific enough, you may have a difference of opinion. The teenager feels that he/she has fulfilled the expectation/s, but
the parent (or authority figure) disagrees. So again, this is a situation where the teenager thinks they have been unfairly
The same thing happens when parents state the consequences in too general or vague terms. "If you do that again, you're
going to get it." What does "going to get it" mean to the teenager? Probably not very much.
Expectations/rules and consequences, when stated must be very specific and spell out what is meant. Do not assume that the
teenager "knows." Both the authority figure and teenager need to have the same idea of what is expected and what the
consequences will be. If the teenager is unsure, then they are likely to feel confused, resentful, or think they have been treated
(With acknowledgement for ideas used to the website below: From Keys to Parenting Your Teenager by Don
Fontenelle, Ph.D. Copyright � 2000 by Barron's Educational Series, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by arrangement with Barron's
Educational Series, Inc.)
Theresa Brosnan - School Counsellor
Ph.40 635300 / Email: [email protected]
From the Accounts Office ...
Term 1 Parent Account Statements have now been issued. If you have not received your statement yet, either via
email or post, please contact the Accounts Office on 4063 5330 so your details can be checked/updated and a
statement issued.
For families not on a payment plan, Term 1 2015 fees and levies are due for payment by 16th March.
If you are paying your account periodically (weekly/fortnightly/monthly) on a payment plan, please check that your
payments will cover all charges for the year, and adjust accordingly. BPAY details and EFT Details are listed on
statements and Direct Debit forms are available from the Accounts Office, if you wish to set-up a plan through
Good Counsel College.
Please Note: Discounts apply to tuition fees for families with more than one child attending Catholic schools in the
Diocese of Cairns. Please check that your Family Discount is correct - it will be listed on your statement as
‘Discount Tuition Fees - Years xx,xx,xx’. It is the parent’s responsibility to advise the College of this information to
receive the discount.
If you have any queries or wish to discuss your account, please do not hesitate to give me a call or email me on
[email protected] or make an appointment to see the College Principal.
Mrs Julie Nicolau
Administration Officer – Accounts
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“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
V.E.T and Careers ...
Bruce Dawe National Poetry Prize
The Bruce Dawe National Poetry Prize is a competition run by the University of Southern Queensland and is open to all
Australian citizens or Permanent Residents. Entrants can enter up to 5 poems with a fee of $6 per poem. The prize is $2500.
Entries close Friday 29th May.
A Career in Radiation Oncology
Students interested in a career in radiation oncology or those exploring their options can use this site to gain better insight
into the field of radiation oncology and what the job entails. Students are able to read career stories and learn how to start a
career in this field.
Careers in the Sign and Graphic Design Industry
This website focuses on the range of careers in the Sign and Graphic Design Industry. It includes a list of available
apprenticeships by state, career guidance, more detail about the Sign and Graphic Design Industry.
&Contact: [email protected] or (02) 9868 1577
Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards
This poetry competition for school aged students is now open and closes 30th June. The optional theme for 2015 is ‘the open
Google Science Fair 2015
The Google Science Fair is an online science competition that invites people aged 13-18 to submit and conduct their own
experiments. Prizes include overseas trips, scholarships and more. Submission deadline is Tuesday 19 th May. https://
Hobsons Course Finder: Year 12 Survival Tips
Mind the Gap
Mind the Gap bridges the gap between school and the real world by empowering youth with an understanding of the
Australian tax system. The short and flexible online course can be completed at school or home, and offers teenagers a chance
to learn practical life lessons through fun and engaging animation. It covers such topics as tax returns and assessments, PAYG
summaries, withholding tax and tax agents. It is now open nationally to all high school year groups, but is
free to year 12 cohorts across the country for 2015.
Myfuture: Information for Parents
If you are a parent wanting to understand what led your child to make their choice and to find out how you can support their
decision, Myfuture's information for parents may help you. Visit the website
OC Tours
OC Tours runs school tours, small group & personalized tours, and volunteer programs in rural Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.
Their volunteer program places students in teaching projects in rural schools, and is intended for school leavers interested in
volunteering during their gap year.
The Pinnacle Foundation Scholarships
The Pinnacle Foundation provides scholarships to LGBTIQ youth who are studying in their final year of secondary school or at a
higher education institution in Australia. Applications close 1st October for studies the following year.
Contact: [email protected] or 02 9990 4708
The School for Excellence: Getting the Most Out of the Time Spent at School
This article discusses some ways for students to make the most of their time at school so that they can spend less time on
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“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
V.E.T. and Careers ...
Youth off the Streets 2015 Scholarship Program
Nominations for the Program close Fri 3rd April Provides financial support for young people who need help to pursue their talents.
The scholarship is valued at $6,000 and can be used in any education or training course. http://
Career Expo’s & Open Days 2015
Whilst we do not take students to Career Expo’s, parents are welcome to take students to either Cairns or Townsville to help
them gain clarity of career choices.
21st May Cairns Career Expo
25th July- ACU Open Day
26th July- QUT Open Day, Garden Point Campus
31st July-Bond Scholarship Application closes
2nd August- UQ St Lucia Open Day
USQ Fraser Coast Open Day
8th August- JMC Academy Open Day
SAE National Open Day
9th August- CQU Bundaberg Open Day
USC Imaginarium Open Day
USQ Ipswich Open Day
10th August Townsville Career Expo
15th August- CQU Mackay Open Day
16th August- UQ Gatton Open Day
USQ Toowoomba Open Day
QUT Caboolture Open Day
20th August- CQU Brisbane Open Day
22nd August- CHC Open Day
23rd August- CQU Rockhampton Open Day
JCU Cairns Open Day
USQ Springfield Open Day
30th August- JCU Townsville Open Day
Find a tertiary course anywhere in Australia
The following websites can help you search for tertiary level courses at institutions (including public universities, TAFE
institutes and private institutions) throughout Australia.
My University - This site has course and university search functions. For each university, you can
find information on the number of students and the number of graduates employed. The site also has a function that allows
you to compare universities and courses.
Hobsons Course Finder - On this site you can search for courses, institutions,
careers and scholarships. You can also compare these options through the university ratings section on the site. The site has a
useful section for school leavers at
myfuture (click on ‘I want to find a course’ on the home page) - This is Australia’s career information service. Information about occupations, courses, career decision-making, job seeking skills and much more is available
on this website.
Love everything about flying? – Check out the Australian Youth Aerospace Forum (AYAF)
AYAF is an annual five-day conference for students in Years 11 and 12 who are interested in investigating careers and pathways
in the aerospace industry (e.g. Aerospace engineering, Aerospace trades, Military aerospace and Pilot Training). In 2015 the
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“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
V.E.T. and Careers ...
AYAF will be run during the mid-year school holidays from 29 June – 3 July 2015. It will
be hosted at The University of Queensland, with day trips to other universities and
industry locations. Applications open on the 29 March, with an early bird cost of
$199. Early bird applications close on the 29 April. The standard application cost is
$249, which will close on the 29 May 2015. This cost includes all meals, accommodation
and activities for the week. A subsidy can be organised for students travelling long
distances. The full details will be available shortly at
The Queensland Junior Physics Olympiad (JPhO)
JPhO is a University of Queensland (UQ) five-day physics program for Year 10 students
interested in science and mathematics. It will be held from 29 June – 3 July 2015. If you
would like to increase your knowledge of physics through problem solving activities and
participation in forums with UQ researchers, find out more at http:// Applications close on 1 May 2015
Best wishes for the final assessments and exams of the term,
Mrs Marcelle Foster—VET & Careers Coordinator
Tutoring / Homework Help ...
Where : C4
Where : C5
Monday & Wednesday
3.10pm to 4.00pm
3.10pm to 4.00pm
Free Maths Tuition at the College is now available for all
Free English Tuition at the College is now available for all
Any parents or carers who wish to have their children attend
tuition are encouraged to email :
Any parents or carers who wish to have their children attend
tuition are encouraged to email :
Mr Tom Neilson [email protected] , or
Mr Jamaal Sugars [email protected]
Dr Alison Clifton [email protected], or
Please note that alternative travel home arrangements for
students attending tuition will need to be arranged by
parents or carers.
Page 13
Please note that alternative travel home arrangements for
students attending tuition will need to be arranged by
parents or carers.
“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
History Excursion ...
On Wednesday the 4th, March, 2015, two history classes went on an excursion,
visiting the Innisfail Historical Museum and the Shire Hall remembrance boards.
The trip was extra exciting and had higher importance than it usually would, as it
was the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli Landing. Our classes are learning about
WW1; soldiers, war tactics, living styles, conditions and war history of Australia.
The visit helped to expand our knowledge of WW1 and we gathered information
that was useful for our history exam.
We were able to learn more about our Australian war
history, and the way war changed life for families who
continued to stay in their country. From old equipment
to clothing used in the daily life back then we saw and
learned it all. After taking notes and examining war
pieces, equipment and learning about ways life at war
and home was lived we walked to the Shire Hall, where
we then saw the remembrance boards. We were excited to recognise some of the family
names as we knew our families helped to participate in this life changing event. We
wrote the familiar names down, returned to school and later researched the names, on
The Australian National Archives Website, for the documents of families who attended
Good Counsel College. The trip was great; next time we would just like cooler weather!!
Written by: Jessica Bignall, Jasmine Rudd, Tyarne Stanley
The Arts ...
The Arts: Our goal for a Solid Online Presence.
Keeping up-to-date with the latest school news and information can be difficult at times. There are many sources
covering a wide range of topics which all fight for your attention. As teachers we want you to have access to the
current happenings in our classes and across our departments.
In an effort to achieve this, The Arts faculty strives to deliver a constant stream of real-time
information that is readily available to the Good Counsel College community. We want to share
with you the amazing experiences from our classrooms. As parents and guardians, any insight into
your child’s contributions in the classroom is a valuable asset.
So here’s how you can follow The Arts, Good Counsel College:
Thanks for your ongoing support of The Arts!
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“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
S.E.L ...
One lesson a week all Year 7 and 8 students have an SEL class. We commenced the year with a four week
block aimed at assisting the transition into Secondary College. Students participated in Circle Work with an emphasis on
‘Getting to know each other’, and we addressed any questions or concerns regarding where to go or who to see. Students
became aware of the wonderful amount of extra-curricular activities that are available to them and many have taken the
opportunity to join the various lunchtime, sporting and cultural programs that are available. The Circle framework provided a
wonderful opportunity for students to share information about themselves and to develop a positive rapport within each core
The next unit addressed study skills and provided tips to deal with the pressure of homework and assessment. The demands
are slightly different between Year 7 and 8 so we tailored our discussions to suit each year group. The importance of using the
College Diary correctly was discussed and the benefits of developing good study habits. Students received a booklet on how to
use their study time effectively which addressed setting up a good study space, time management and writing a study time
We are about to commence our ‘Friends’ Program for each of the two Year Levels. This week the Year 7 students commenced
the ‘Friends for Life’ and next week the Year 8 students will commence ‘My Friends Youth’. Each week they will be given a
small homework task that involves discussions
SHINE (Tuesday lunchtimes for both Year 7 and 8 girls):
Each session has an identified outcome and some topics covered within the program include:
So far we have discussed hand and skin care, hair care and we the Year 12 girls have been demonstrating various hair styles
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S.E.L ...
that the girls can wear. We also have an emphasis on promoting a positive self-esteem and appreciating the special gifts each
girl has. I have a wonderful team of Year 12 ladies that are working closely with the Year 7 and 8 girls and they have been
excellent mentors and role models.
STRENGTH (Thursday lunchtimes for Year 8 boys and Friday lunchtimes Year 7 boys)
Initially, we are focussing on building relationships and during each session will have Senior students present to work with the
boys and assist with the program. Key aims/activities for this term include:
Making new friends
Fitness - Touch completion and gym sessions
Develop team work skills - board and card games
Challenge activities
A very big thanks to Tazmon McRobbie and Matthew Verri who are running the program with me.
STUDY SKILLS AND TIME MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE – Students can be assisted individually or in small groups if they need
support in keeping up with the demands of homework or assignments. Individual study timetables can be written based on
their personal requirements.
SEL SKILLS – Students can be assisted individually or in small groups to work on issues including – developing healthy
relationships, anger management.
DEALING WITH STRESS – Students can be provided with some tools to assist if dealing with stress including - relaxation
techniques, meditation.
If you would like your son or daughter involved in any of these programs please ask them to come and chat to me or you can
contact me directly via email.
Mrs Jacinta Goodes
SEL Middle Pastoral Leader
Page 16
“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
District Touch News...
District Touch Trials
On the 9th of March the Innisfail District touch trials were again held at the Wangan Sports fields. Good
Counsel College entered a strong contingent of teams including both open boys and girl’s teams as well an
under 15 boys’ team and 2 under 15 girls’ teams. All teams performed admirably throughout the carnival
coming away with several wins but it was the under 15 boys’ team that stole the show winning the
competition with an unblemished record of 3 wins from 3 games. Overall the day was a great success for GCC with a number of
students being selected for representative honours to represent the district at peninsula trials in the weeks to come.
Congratulations to:
Under 15 female players: Maddie Crema, Halle Mifsud, Brooke Champion, Tyler Savage (shadow).
Under 15 male players: Jarrett Subloo, William Kenny, Callum Galea, Patrick Davey.
Open female players: Zazzee Abraham, Chelsea De Angeli, Rebecca O’Connor (shadow).
Open male players: Ashton Galea, Ryan Bennett, Jayden Walker-Epong (shadow).
Mr Jacob Vecchio
PE Teacher
Netball News...
Netball District Trials 2015
The district netball trials were held Friday night the 27th at Innisfail State College following our swimming carnival held
during the same day. Good Counsel College had a record number of students try out for the school teams and this year
we entered two open and two under 15 teams. The two open teams won all their pool matches and played each other in
the grand final. Excellent skills were shown by both teams and the following open girls were selected in the district team:
 Chyra Zecchinati, Emily Boevink, Brittany Fahey, Abbey Hurney, Gabrielle Holder, Sarah Baldi, Phoebe Hooker and
Keely Jones.
GCC was very strong in the under 15 category wining the competition with their year 9/10 team who were undefeated
throughout the tournament. A year 7/8 emerging team was also entered this year and they exceeded expectations by
winning a game and proving they will be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come. The following players were
selected to play in the district team at the Peninsula trials on the 6th February:
 U15: Halle Mifsud, Abby Webb, Jade Maley, Rayesha Swain, Sky Maley and Kate Boevink.
Netball Peninsula Trials
The Peninsula trials were held at Innisfail State College on the 6th March with the Innisfail district teams playing 3 games
during the day. The following girls from the opens’ team were selected in the peninsula team to play later in the year at
 Chyra Zecchinati, Emily Boevink, Keely Jones and Sarah Baldi (shadow).
Page 17
“All of you are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.” 1 Corinth. 12:27
Sport Calendar ...
AFL (peninsula trials)
Under 12
AFL (pen. trials)
Under 16yrs females
25/3. 9am to 12pm
Touch (pen. trials)
Open males & females
26/3. @ Aeroglen touch fields
Basketball (pen. trials)
Open males & females
27/3. @ Cns Basketball stadium
Netball (pen. trials)
Under 12
27 & 28/3.
Rugby League (pen. trials)
Under 12
28 to 31/3.
Kate Thomson
Curriculum Middle Leader - Physical Education
Ph: 07 4063 5325 / [email protected]
Did You Know ...
A single second of video tape contains about 22 megabytes of data, the very rough equivalent of about thirty copies of a 200 page book.
Pollen never deteriorates. It is one of the few natural substances that lasts indefinitely.
Rubberbands last longer when refrigerated.
Rudyard Kipling refused to write with anything other than black ink.
The are six fictional characters that have stars on Hollywood's 'Walk of Fame'.
The first product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum!
The word taxi is spelled the same in English, German, French, Swedish and Portuguese.
Page 18
One Spirit in Christ
Whats On …
Aust Football (Boys 10-12 yrs)
L Galea
L Gilbert
M Crowley
T Drockman
L Kirwan
C Mayers
C Barnes
Exams Yr 7-12
T Livingstone
M Zahra
Exams Yr 7 –12
Neball (Girls 10-12 yrs)
J Grima
L Calleja
B Inverno
Exams Yr 7—12
Vinnies Breakfast Club
Rugby League (10-12 yrs)
B Ghidella
C Htichings
K Berquist
Exams Yr 7 –12
Vinnies Breakfast Club
A Scarpignato
M Leonardi
No Assembly
Exams Yr 7—12
Vinnies Breakfast Club
J Smith
Easter Liturgy
J Gillis
J Spry
M Burns
Uniform Shop Times
8.00am – 9.30am
For all other times, please see
Tuckshop ladies to arrange a
time, or phone through your
orders at your leisure, between
9.00am and 2.00pm
If you have any queries or suggestions,
please give us a call (4063 5321).
Heather & Raquel
We’re on the web:
2015 Term Dates
Term 1
Start : Year 7, 8 & 12 – Tuesday 27 January
Start : Whole School – Wednesday 28 January
Finish : Thurs 2 April
Term 2
Start : Monday 20 April
Finish : Friday 26 June
Term 3
Start : Monday 13 July
Finish : Friday 18 September
Term 4
Start : Tuesday 6 October
Finish : Year 12—Wednesday 18 November
Year 12 Graduation— Friday 20 November
Finish : Years 7-11 Friday 27 November
PO Box 839
Phone: 07 4063 5300
Fax: 07 4061 4659
E-mail: [email protected]
Faithful to the Mission of the Church, Good Counsel College educates students to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge
to live as free and moral people in a complex world. Within our community we encourage by word and example,
a sensitivity to diversity, the growth of spirituality, a sense of self worth and respect for others,
and the striving to give of one’s best.