The Team The Team Oleg Gianni I’m an astronomer at the SKA SA project. I used radio astronomy to observe the first galaxies, to understand the evolution of massive clusters of galaxies and magnetic fields in the Universe. [email protected] Josh Working as an astronomer at the SKA Africa I used modern (radio) telescopes to study the physics of galaxies. Telescopes like MeerKAT or the SKA enable us to observe the cool gas, a very important ingredient in galaxies. [email protected] Lerato I work in classification of true sources against fake sources. This will provide great scientific exploitation of astronomical data. I studied Physics, Maths and Astrophysics. I’m currently doing my MSc in Radio Astronomy [email protected] Kshitij For my PhD, I made images of very faint radio emission in sources beyond our galaxy- and studied their interactions with their environs. Nowadays I tinker with radio imaging and calibration techniques which we hope will give us a clearer view of our Universe. [email protected] Jonathan I am interested in calibration and high performance computing. I have a BSc in Physics and Applied Mathematics. An Honour in Physics and Electronics and MSc in Physics. I have just started my PhD. [email protected] Theophilius I work on intensity mapping experiments which is very significant for upcoming telescopes such as MeerKat. I studied Maths and Computer. I am currently a PhD student at Rhodes. [email protected] Ulrich I am working on the variability of radio sources. That is sources that appear differently between observations. My method will allow Astronomers to understand what causes these variations. [email protected] Liju I work with the Precision Array to Probe the Epoch of Reionization (EOR), an experiment dedicated towards the detection of the redshifted hyperfine Hydrogen 21 cm line from the EOR. [email protected] I’m the SKA Research Chair at RATT. I studied mathematics and did a lot of software, but eventually found radio astronomy much tastier. I’m mainly interested in new recipes for calibration and imaging of radio data. [email protected] The Team Justin As SKA SA Associate Director for Science and Engineering I have to ensure that the MeerKAT telescope achieves its science objectives. I also work closely with the international SKA and dabble in the CBASS project. [email protected] Griffin Following the group fundamental tenet of Vade, et vade in domum magnum my work is focused on how to wield the black magic that is interferometry to help proper scientists discover how our Universe functions. [email protected] Sphesihle I try to make pretty images of the sky using radio telescopes. This is not always a straightforward task due to various instrumental and atmospheric. I did a BSc in computational physics, and I am pursuing a PhD in astronomy. [email protected] Ridhima PhD student at Rhodes University. Basically, I look back in time, trying to unveil the radiations emitted from the first generation stars, known as the Epoch of Reionization. [email protected] Trienko I am interested in the calibration of radio data. With better data we can do better science. Inadequate calibration can create ghost sources in your image that don’t exist. I did my PhD in Computer Engineering. [email protected] Alexander I am working on Fringe Fitting Calibration of the wide VLBA stations. Both Fourier transform and Least-square global fringe method will be applied. I have an MPhil in Computational Nuclear Science and Engineering. [email protected] Roger I am a radio astronomer primarily focussed on supermassive black holes. I am particularly interested finding pairs of black holes in a close orbit as these are predicted to generate gravitational waves. [email protected] Kelachukwu My research involves modelling the antenna primary beam from measurement which will take into account all distortion effects. I am a PhD student. [email protected] Tariq I have just started working on myMaster in Astrophysics which aims to tie together the first proposed imaging runs of black holes, simulations of what we think these black holes look like and cutting edge reduction software. [email protected] Arun The SKA is going to be the largest Big Data factory of the future which is expected to generate one Exabyte data per day. No human will be able to look at all this data. I train computers to imitate human wisdom to sift through the data searching for nuggets of gold and make new discoveries. [email protected] Marcellin I am a PhD student at Rhodes, I used Mathematics to reduce and accelerate radio data on computer memory and processors respectively. Hopefully, my method will potentially be used for the future SKA. [email protected] Modhurita After my MSc in Physics I did a PhD in Astronomy. I worked on gravitational lensing – we can see massive objects in the universe bend light like a lens would. Now I am developing new calibration techniques. [email protected] Ermias My PhD research focuses on wide-field surveys of galaxies in continuum and the HI lines with data obtained from the KAT-7 and the SKA precursor (MeerKAT). I studied physics and completed my MSc in radio astronomy [email protected] For any further information, visit the websites: onomycentre/
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